Commit c454b896 authored by Jean Weisbuch's avatar Jean Weisbuch Committed by Anel Husakovic

MDEV-4476: mytop tracker

- Added dynamic column width fro `user` and `db` columns
- Added option `%` to hide the progress
- Follow up changes from Ubuntu
- Take `INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST` into account to determine
  progress of the `actual stage`
- Indentation fixes

Closes #215
parent c99470b3
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: mytop,v 1.91 2012/01/18 16:49:12 mgrennan Exp $
# $Id: mytop,v 1.99-maria6 2019/10/22 14:53:51 jweisbuch Exp $
......@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ mytop - display MariaDB server performance info like `top'
use 5.005;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use Socket;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use File::Basename;
$main::VERSION = "1.91a";
my $path_for_script= dirname($0);
$main::VERSION = "1.99-maria6";
my $path_for_script = dirname($0);
$| = 1;
$0 = 'mytop';
my $WIN = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
......@@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ sub cmd_q;
my %config = (
batchmode => 0,
color => 1,
db => 'test',
db => '',
database => '',
delay => 5,
filter_user => qr/.?/,
filter_db => qr/.?/,
......@@ -86,18 +88,22 @@ my %config = (
help => 0,
host => 'localhost',
idle => 1,
long => 120,
long => 120,
long_nums => 0,
mode => 'top',
prompt => 0,
pass => '',
password => '',
port => 3306,
resolve => 0,
slow => 10, # slow query time
slow => 10, ## slow query time
socket => '',
sort => 1, # default or reverse sort ("s")
sort => 1, ## default or reverse sort ("s")
user => 'root',
fullqueries => 0
fullqueries => 0, ## shows untruncated queries
usercol_width => 8, ## User column width
dbcol_width => 9, ## DB column width
hide_progress => 0 ## hide the "%" column when available
my %qcache = (); ## The query cache--used for full query info support.
......@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ my $CLEAR = $WIN ? '': `clear`;
my $RM_RESET = 0;
my $RM_NOBLKRD = 3; ## using 4 traps Ctrl-C :-(
# Add options from .my.cnf first
## Add options from .my.cnf first
my $my_print_defaults;
if (!defined($my_print_defaults=my_which("my_print_defaults")))
......@@ -135,18 +141,21 @@ if (-e $config)
while (<CFG>)
next if /^\s*$/; ## skip blanks
next if /^\s*#/; ## skip comments
next if /^\s*($|#)/; ## skip blanks and comments
if (/(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*\S)/)
if (/(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*\S)/)
$config{lc $1} = $2 if exists $config{lc $1};
close CFG;
## map database/password onto db/pass
## short version gets precedence for historical reasons
$config{'db'} = $config{'database'} unless $config{'db'};
$config{'pass'} = $config{'password'} unless $config{'pass'};
## Command-line args.
......@@ -169,12 +178,15 @@ GetOptions(
"idle|i!" => \$config{idle},
"resolve|r!" => \$config{resolve},
"prompt!" => \$config{prompt},
"long=i" => \$config{long},
"long=i" => \$config{long},
"long_nums!" => \$config{long_nums},
"mode|m=s" => \$config{mode},
"slow=i" => \$config{slow},
"slow=i" => \$config{slow},
"sort=s" => \$config{sort},
"fullqueries|L!" => \$config{fullqueries}
"fullqueries|L!" => \$config{fullqueries},
"usercol_width=i" => \$config{usercol_width},
"dbcol_width=i" => \$config{dbcol_width},
"hide_progress|a!" => \$config{hide_progress}
## User may have put the port with the host.
......@@ -258,15 +270,15 @@ if (not ref $dbh)
my $Error = <<EODIE
Cannot connect to MariaDB server. Please check the:
* database you specified "$config{db}" (default is "test")
* database you specified "$config{db}" (default is "")
* username you specified "$config{user}" (default is "root")
* password you specified "$config{pass}" (default is "")
* hostname you specified "$config{host}" (default is "localhost")
* port you specified "$config{port}" (default is 3306)
* socket you specified "$config{socket}" (default is "")
The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop
config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop or
~/.my.cnf config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
Here's the exact error from DBI. It might help you debug:
......@@ -285,25 +297,26 @@ ReadMode($RM_RESET) unless $config{batchmode};
my $db_version;
my $db_release;
my $server="MySQL";
my $server = "MySQL";
my $have_query_cache;
my @variables = Hashes("show variables");
my @variables = Hashes("SHOW VARIABLES");
foreach (@variables)
if ($_->{Variable_name} eq "version")
$db_version = $_->{Value};
$db_version =~ /(\d+)/;
$db_release= $1;
$server="MariaDB" if ($db_version =~ /maria/i);
$db_version =~ /^(\d+)/;
$db_release = $1;
$server = "MariaDB" if ($db_version =~ /maria/i);
# Get the version number only
$db_version = $1 if($db_version =~ m/(.*?)-/);
if ($_->{Variable_name} eq "have_query_cache")
# if ($_->{Value} eq 'YES')
if ($_->{Value} eq 'YES' or $_->{Value} eq 'DEMAND') #
if ($_->{Value} ne 'NO')
$have_query_cache = 1;
......@@ -315,6 +328,34 @@ foreach (@variables)
my ($has_is_processlist, $has_time_ms, $has_progress);
$has_is_processlist = $has_time_ms = $has_progress = 0;
## Check if the server has the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST table
## for backward compatibility
$has_is_processlist = Execute("SELECT /*mytop*/ 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'information_schema' AND
if ($has_is_processlist == 1)
## Check if the server has the TIME_MS column on the I_S.PROCESSLIST table
## If it is the case, it will fetch the query time with decimal precision
## for queries that has been running for less than 10k seconds
$has_time_ms = Execute("SELECT /*mytop*/ 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'information_schema' AND
COLUMN_NAME = 'TIME_MS';")->rows;
if ($has_time_ms == 1)
## Check if the server has the STAGE column on the I_S.PROCESSLIST
## table (MariaDB) to retreive query completion informations
$has_progress = Execute("SELECT /*mytop*/ 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'information_schema' AND
COLUMN_NAME = 'STAGE';")->rows;
## The main loop
......@@ -362,6 +403,7 @@ while (1)
last if $config{batchmode};
print "InnoDB Status [hit t to exit this mode or q to exit the application]\n";
$key = ReadKey($config{delay});
next unless $key;
......@@ -379,9 +421,9 @@ while (1)
if ($key eq '!')
Execute("stop slave");
Execute("set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1");
Execute("start slave");
Execute("STOP /*mytop*/ SLAVE;");
Execute("SET /*mytop*/ GLOBAL sql_slave_skip_counter=1");
Execute("START /*mytop*/ SLAVE");
# t - top
......@@ -419,7 +461,7 @@ while (1)
$config{mode} = 'qps';
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
print "Queries Per Second [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
print "Queries Per Second [hit t to exit this mode or q to exit the application]\n";
......@@ -429,7 +471,7 @@ while (1)
$config{mode} = 'cmd';
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
print "Command Summary [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
print "Command Summary\n";
......@@ -437,14 +479,14 @@ while (1)
if ($key eq 'C')
if ( $HAS_COLOR )
## s - seconds of delay
......@@ -457,8 +499,8 @@ while (1)
if ($key eq 'S')
## R - resolve hostnames
......@@ -524,12 +566,12 @@ while (1)
if ($key eq 'E')
my($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
print "Error is: $data->{Last_Error}\n";
my ($data) = Hashes('SHOW /*mytop*/ SLAVE STATUS');
print "Error is: $data->{Last_Error}\n";
print RED(), "-- paused. press any key to resume --", RESET();
## F - remove all filters
......@@ -579,7 +621,7 @@ while (1)
$config{mode} = 'innodb';
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
print "InnoDB Status [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
print "InnoDB Status\n";
......@@ -624,7 +666,7 @@ while (1)
if ($id =~ /^\d+$/)
Execute("KILL $id");
Execute("KILL /*mytop*/ $id");
......@@ -651,7 +693,7 @@ while (1)
for my $pid (keys %ucache)
next unless $ucache{$pid} eq $user;
Execute("KILL $pid");
Execute("KILL /*mytop*/ $pid");
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2);
......@@ -707,7 +749,7 @@ while (1)
if ($key =~ /r/)
Execute("FLUSH STATUS");
Execute("FLUSH /*mytop*/ STATUS");
print RED(), "-- counters reset --", RESET();
sleep 1;
......@@ -741,7 +783,7 @@ while (1)
# Switch to show status mode
## M - switch to SHOW STATUS mode
if ($key eq 'M')
......@@ -766,6 +808,69 @@ while (1)
## w - change columns width for the "User" and "Database" columns
if ($key eq 'w')
print RED(), "Width for the 'User' column (the actual value is ".
$config{usercol_width}."): ";
my $readWidth = ReadLine(0);
if (defined($readWidth) && $readWidth ne "")
if ($readWidth > 4 && $readWidth < 60)
$config{usercol_width} = $readWidth;
print RED(), "-- Invalid value ($readWidth), the previous value".
"has been kept, press a key to resume --";
print RESET(), RED(), "Width for the 'DB' column (the actual value is ".
$config{dbcol_width}."): ", RESET();
$readWidth = ReadLine(0);
if (defined($readWidth) && $readWidth ne "")
if ($readWidth > 2 && $readWidth < 60)
$config{dbcol_width} = $readWidth
print RED(), "-- Invalid value ($readWidth), the previous value".
"has been kept, press a key to resume --", RESET();
undef $readWidth;
## a - progress column toggle (the column is only displayed
## if progress informations are available from the processlist)
if ($key eq 'a')
if ($config{hide_progress})
$config{hide_progress} = 0;
print RED(), "-- progress display ON --", RESET();
sleep 1;
$config{hide_progress} = 1;
print RED(), "-- progress display OFF --", RESET();
sleep 1;
ReadMode($RM_RESET) unless $config{batchmode};
......@@ -817,14 +922,14 @@ sub GetData()
if ($config{header})
my @recs = "";
if ( $db_release > 4 )
@recs = Hashes("show global status");
@recs = Hashes("show status");
if ($db_release > 4)
@recs = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ GLOBAL STATUS");
@recs = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ STATUS");
## if the server died or we lost connectivity
if (not @recs)
......@@ -851,11 +956,10 @@ sub GetData()
# Set some status that may not exist in all versions
$STATUS{Handler_tmp_write}= 0;
$STATUS{Handler_tmp_update}= 0;
$STATUS{Rows_tmp_read}= 0;
# Set some status that may not exist in all versions
$STATUS{Handler_tmp_write} = 0;
$STATUS{Handler_tmp_update} = 0;
$STATUS{Rows_tmp_read} = 0;
foreach my $ref (@recs)
......@@ -886,7 +990,7 @@ sub GetData()
## | Qcache_free_blocks | 2 |
## | Qcache_total_blocks | 168 |
## +-------------------------+----------+
## Query Cache info for => Ver. 5.0
## mysql> show status like 'qcache%';
......@@ -919,10 +1023,15 @@ sub GetData()
open L, "</proc/loadavg";
my $l = <L>;
close L;
chomp $l;
my $l;
if (-e "/proc/loadavg")
## To avoid warnings if the OS is not Linux
open (my $fh, "<", "/proc/loadavg");
## Only the first 3 values are interresting
$l = join(" ", (split /\s+/, <$fh>)[0..2]);
close $fh;
$last_time = $now_time;
......@@ -947,19 +1056,18 @@ sub GetData()
my $current_time = sprintf "[%02d:%02d:%02d]", $t[2], $t[1], $t[0];
my $host_width = 50;
my $host_width = length("$server $db_version on $config{host}");
my $up_width = $width - $host_width - 1;
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
print RESET();
printf "%-.${host_width}s %${up_width}s\n",
"$server on $config{host} ($db_version)",
"up $uptime $current_time";
# "load $l up $uptime $current_time";
"$server $db_version on $config{host}",
defined($l) ? "load ($l) up $uptime $current_time" : "up $uptime $current_time";
printf " Queries: %-6s qps: %4.0f Slow: %7s Se/In/Up/De(%%): %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
printf " Queries: %-7s qps: %4.0f Slow: %7s Se/In/Up/De(%%): %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
make_short( $STATUS{Questions} ), # q total
$STATUS{Questions} / $STATUS{Uptime}, # qps, average
make_short( $STATUS{Slow_queries} ), # slow
......@@ -975,10 +1083,11 @@ sub GetData()
if ($t_delta)
my $q_diff = ( $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} );
# print("q_diff: $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} / $t_delta = $q_diff\n");
# print("q_diff: $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} / $t_delta = $q_diff\n");
printf(" Sorts: %6.0f qps now: %4.0f Slow qps: %3.1f Threads: %4.0f (%4.0f/%4.0f) %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
( $STATUS{Sort_rows} - $OLD_STATUS{Sort_rows} ) / $t_delta,
printf(" Sorts: %5.0f qps now: %4.0f Slow qps: %3.1f Threads: %4.0f (%4.0f/%4.0f) %02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f/%02.0f\n",
( $STATUS{Sort_rows} - $OLD_STATUS{Sort_rows} ) / $t_delta,
( $STATUS{Questions} - $OLD_STATUS{Questions} ) / $t_delta,
( # slow now (qps)
($STATUS{Slow_queries} ) ?
......@@ -1013,7 +1122,7 @@ sub GetData()
($t_delta) ? ($STATUS{Qcache_hits} - $OLD_STATUS{Qcache_hits}) / $t_delta : 0, # Hits Now
my($Ratio) = 100 * ($STATUS{Qcache_hits}) / ($STATUS{Qcache_hits} + $STATUS{Com_select} );
my ($Ratio) = 100 * ($STATUS{Qcache_hits}) / ($STATUS{Qcache_hits} + $STATUS{Com_select} );
print YELLOW() if ($Ratio < 80.0);
......@@ -1027,7 +1136,7 @@ sub GetData()
print " Ratio now: ";
my($Ratio_now) = ($t_delta) ? # ratio now
my ($Ratio_now) = ($t_delta) ? # ratio now
100 * ($STATUS{Qcache_hits} - $OLD_STATUS{Qcache_hits} ) /
( ($STATUS{Com_select} + $STATUS{Qcache_hits} -
($OLD_STATUS{Qcache_hits} + $OLD_STATUS{Com_select})
......@@ -1044,11 +1153,11 @@ sub GetData()
print RESET();
if ($t_delta)
my $rows_read;
if (defined($STATUS{Rows_read}))
......@@ -1057,37 +1166,36 @@ sub GetData()
$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd}+$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd_next} -
($STATUS{Handler_read_first} + $STATUS{Handler_read_key} +
$STATUS{Handler_read_next} + $STATUS{Handler_read_prev} +
$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd} + $STATUS{Handler_read_rnd_next} -
$OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_first} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_key} -
$OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_next} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_prev} -
$OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_rnd} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_read_rnd_next});
printf(" Handler: (R/W/U/D) %5d/%5d/%5d/%5d Tmp: R/W/U: %5d/%5d/%5d\n",
($STATUS{Handler_write} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_write}) /
($STATUS{Handler_update} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_update}) /
($STATUS{Handler_delete} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_delete}) /
($STATUS{Rows_tmp_read} - $OLD_STATUS{Rows_tmp_read}) /
($STATUS{Handler_tmp_update} -
printf(" Handler: (R/W/U/D) %5d/%5d/%5d/%5d Tmp: R/W/U: %5d/%5d/%5d\n",
($STATUS{Handler_write} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_write}) /
($STATUS{Handler_update} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_update}) /
($STATUS{Handler_delete} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_delete}) /
($STATUS{Rows_tmp_read} - $OLD_STATUS{Rows_tmp_read}) /
($STATUS{Handler_tmp_update} -
print "\n";
printf(" ISAM Key Efficiency: %2.1f%% Bps in/out: %5s/%5s ",
printf(" MyISAM Key Cache Efficiency: %2.1f%% Bps in/out: %5s/%5s ",
make_short($STATUS{Bytes_received} / $STATUS{Uptime} ),
make_short($STATUS{Bytes_sent} / $STATUS{Uptime}));
......@@ -1099,49 +1207,52 @@ sub GetData()
my($data) = Hashes('show global variables like "read_only"');
my ($data) = Hashes('SHOW /*mytop*/ GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "read_only"');
if ($data->{Value} ne "OFF")
print RED() if ($HAS_COLOR) ;
print " ReadOnly";
($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
if (defined($data->{Master_Host}))
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print " Replication ";
print "Master:$data->{Master_Host} ";
print "IO:$data->{Slave_IO_Running} ";
print "SQL:$data->{Slave_SQL_Running} ";
print RESET() if ($HAS_COLOR);
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print "Delay: $data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} sec.";
} else {
my $free = $width - 45;
my $Err = substr $data->{Last_Error},0 ,$free;
printf(" ERR: %-${free}s", $Err) if ( $Err ne "" );
print WHITE() if ($HAS_COLOR);
print "\n";
print "\n";
($data) = Hashes('SHOW /*mytop*/ SLAVE STATUS');
if (defined($data->{Master_Host}))
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print " Replication ";
print "IO:$data->{Slave_IO_Running} ";
print "SQL:$data->{Slave_SQL_Running} ";
print RESET() if ($HAS_COLOR);
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print "Delay: $data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} sec.";
my $free = $width - 45;
my $Err = substr $data->{Last_Error},0 ,$free;
printf(" ERR: %-${free}s", $Err) if ($Err ne "");
print WHITE() if ($HAS_COLOR);
print "\n";
print "\n";
if (not $config{batchmode} and not $config{header})
......@@ -1154,33 +1265,109 @@ sub GetData()
## Threads
my @sz = (9, 8, 15, 9, 6, 5, 6, 8);
my $proc_cmd; ## Query used to fetch the processlist
my $time_format = "6d";
if ($has_is_processlist == 1)
if ($has_time_ms == 1)
$time_format = "6.6s";
if ($has_progress == 1)
## To have a computed value of "Progress" like the
## "SHOW PROCESSLIST" one, the Progress column of the query
## must be replaced by :
## "CASE WHEN Max_Stage < 2 THEN Progress ELSE
## (Stage-1)/Max_Stage*100+Progress/Max_Stage END AS Progress"
$proc_cmd = "SELECT /*mytop*/ Id, User, Host, db, Command,
ROUND(TIME_MS/1000, 1) END AS Time,
State, Info, Progress, Stage, Max_Stage
$proc_cmd = "SELECT /*mytop*/ Id, User, Host, db, Command,
ROUND(TIME_MS/1000, 1) END AS Time,
$proc_cmd = "SELECT /*mytop*/ Id, User, Host, db, Command, Time,
$proc_cmd = "SHOW /*mytop*/ FULL PROCESSLIST;";
## Minimal width values for columns with a dynamic width
if ($config{usercol_width} < 4) { $config{usercol_width} = 4; }
if ($config{dbcol_width} < 2) { $config{dbcol_width} = 2; }
my @sz = (9, $config{usercol_width}, 15, $config{dbcol_width}, 6, 6, 8);
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress}) { push @sz, 5; };
my $used = scalar(@sz) + Sum(@sz);
my $state= $width <= 80 ? 6 : int(min(6+($width-80)/3, 15));
## If the terminal width <= 80, the state column will have a width of 6
## chars else it will be between 6 and 15 depending on the terminal width
my $state = $width <= 80 ? 6 : int(min(6+($width-80)/3, 15));
## $free = The number of chars between the beginning of the "Query"
## column and the end of the line
my $free = $width - $used - ($state - 6);
my $format= "%9s %8s %15s %9s %6s %5s %6s %${state}s %-.${free}s\n";
my $format2;
my $format= "%9s %$config{usercol_width}s %15s %$config{dbcol_width}s %6s ";
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress}) { $format .= "%5s "; }
$format .= "%6s %${state}s %-.${free}s\n";
my $format2 = "%9d %$config{usercol_width}.$config{usercol_width}s %15.15s %$config{dbcol_width}.$config{dbcol_width}s %${time_format} ";
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress}) { $format2 .= "%5.1f "; }
$format2 .= "%6.6s %${state}.${state}s ";
if ($config{fullqueries})
$format2 = "%9d %8.8s %15.15s %9.9s %6d %5.1f %6.6s %${state}.${state}s %-${free}s\n";
} else {
$format2 = "%9d %8.8s %15.15s %9.9s %6d %5.1f %6.6s %${state}.${state}s %-${free}.${free}s\n";
$format2 .= "%-${free}s\n";
$format2 .= "%-${free}.${free}s\n";
print BOLD() if ($HAS_COLOR);
printf $format,
'Id','User','Host/IP','DB','Time', '%', 'Cmd', 'State', 'Query';
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress})
printf $format,
'Id','User','Host/IP','DB','Time', '%', 'Cmd', 'State', 'Query';
printf $format,
'Id','User','Host/IP','DB','Time', 'Cmd', 'State', 'Query';
print RESET() if ($HAS_COLOR);
## Id User Host DB
printf $format,
'--','----','-------','--','----', '-', '---', '-----', '----------';
## Id User Host DB
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress})
printf $format,
'--','----','-------','--','----', '-', '---', '-----', '----------';
printf $format,
'--','----','-------','--','----', '---', '-----', '----------';
$lines_left -= 2;
my $proc_cmd = "show full processlist";
my @data = Hashes($proc_cmd);
foreach my $thread (@data)
......@@ -1208,9 +1395,12 @@ sub GetData()
if ($is_ip and $config{resolve})
$thread->{Host} =~ s/:\d+$//;
# my $host = $thread->{Host};
my $host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($thread->{Host}), AF_INET);
# $host =~ s/^([^.]+).*/$1/;
my $host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($thread->{Host}), AF_INET);
if ($host)
## Only the hostname part of the DNS is kept
$host =~ s/^([^.]+).*/$1/;
$thread->{Host} = $host;
......@@ -1223,35 +1413,49 @@ sub GetData()
$thread->{User} ||= '';
$thread->{Command} ||= '';
$thread->{Host} ||= '';
$thread->{State} ||= "";
$thread->{Progress} ||= 0;
$thread->{State} ||= "";
$thread->{Progress} ||= 0;
## alter double hyphen comments so they don't break
## the query when newlines are removed -
$thread->{Info} =~ s~\s--(.*)$~ /* $1 */ ~mg;
## Alter double hyphen comments so they don't break
## the query when newlines are removed -
$thread->{Info} =~ s~\s--(.*)$~ /* $1 */ ~mg;
## Normalize spaces -- mostly disabled for now. This can
## break EXPLAIN if you try to explain a mangled query. It
## may be re-enabled later as an option.
## leading space removal
## Replace newlines and carriage returns with a space
$thread->{Info} =~ tr/\n\r/ /;
## Leading space removal
$thread->{Info} =~ s/^\s*//;
if (1)
## remove newlines and carriage returns
$thread->{Info} =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
## Strip non printing control symbols
$thread->{Info} =~ tr/[[:cntrl:]]//;
## collpase whitespace
$thread->{Info} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
## Collpase whitespace
$thread->{Info} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
## stow it in the cache
## Trailing space removal
$thread->{Info} =~ s/\s$//;
## Put the first letter of the query uppercase for a better readability
## with long State strings
$thread->{Info} = ucfirst $thread->{Info};
## Stow it in the cache
$qcache{$thread->{Id}} = $thread->{Info};
$dbcache{$thread->{Id}} = $thread->{db};
$ucache{$thread->{Id}} = $thread->{User};
## If Progress information is available and a multi-stage query is
## running, the actual stage and the total number of stages of the
## thread are shown at the beginning of the State column
if ($has_progress == 1 && $thread->{Max_Stage} && $thread->{Max_Stage} > 1)
$thread->{State} = $thread->{Stage}."/".
$thread->{Max_Stage}." ".$thread->{State};
## Sort by idle time (closest thing to CPU usage I can think of).
......@@ -1269,8 +1473,8 @@ sub GetData()
foreach my $thread (@sorted)
# Check to see if we can skip out. We skip out if we know the
# given line doesn't match.
## Check to see if we can skip out.
## We skip out if we know the given line doesn't match.
next if (($thread->{Command} eq "Sleep")
......@@ -1289,7 +1493,7 @@ sub GetData()
next if ($thread->{Host} !~ $config{filter_host});
next if ($thread->{State} !~ $config{filter_state});
# Otherwise, print.
## Otherwise, print.
my $smInfo;
......@@ -1298,7 +1502,13 @@ sub GetData()
if ($config{fullqueries})
$smInfo = $thread->{Info};
} else {
if (length($smInfo) > $free)
$lines_left -= int((length($smInfo) - $free)/$width) + 1;
$smInfo = substr $thread->{Info}, 0, $free;
......@@ -1311,25 +1521,37 @@ sub GetData()
$smInfo = "";
if ($lines_left < 0)
print WHITE(), "-- Truncated query list -- ";
print YELLOW() if $thread->{Command} eq 'Query';
print WHITE() if $thread->{Command} eq 'Sleep';
print GREEN() if $thread->{Command} eq 'Connect';
print BOLD() if $thread->{Time} > $config{slow};
print MAGENTA() if $thread->{Time} > $config{long};
print BOLD() if $thread->{Time} > $config{slow};
print MAGENTA() if $thread->{Time} > $config{long};
printf $format2,
$thread->{Id}, $thread->{User}, $thread->{Host}, $thread->{db},
$thread->{Time}, $thread->{Progress}, $thread->{Command}, $thread->{State}, $smInfo;
if ($has_progress == 1 && !$config{hide_progress})
printf $format2,
$thread->{Id}, $thread->{User}, $thread->{Host}, $thread->{db},
$thread->{Time}, $thread->{Progress}, $thread->{Command},
$thread->{State}, $smInfo;
printf $format2,
$thread->{Id}, $thread->{User}, $thread->{Host}, $thread->{db},
$thread->{Time}, $thread->{Command}, $thread->{State}, $smInfo;
print RESET() if $HAS_COLOR;
last if $lines_left == 0;
......@@ -1340,7 +1562,7 @@ my $questions;
sub GetQPS()
my($data) = Hashes('SHOW STATUS LIKE "Questions"');
my ($data) = Hashes('SHOW /*mytop*/ STATUS LIKE "Questions"');
my $num = $data->{Value};
if (not defined $questions) ## first time?
......@@ -1356,12 +1578,6 @@ sub GetQPS()
sub GetQcacheSummary()
sub GetInnoDBStatus()
if (not $config{pager})
......@@ -1372,7 +1588,7 @@ sub GetInnoDBStatus()
my @data = Hashes("SHOW INNODB STATUS");
my @data = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ ENGINE INNODB STATUS");
open P, "|$config{pager}" or die "$!";
print keys %{$data[0]};
......@@ -1401,8 +1617,8 @@ sub GetCmdSummary()
$width = 80;
# Variable_name and Value pairs come back...
my @data = Hashes("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Com_%'");
## Variable_name and Value pairs come back...
my @data = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ STATUS LIKE 'Com\\_%'");
my %cmd_data;
my %cmd_delta;
my %cmd_pct;
......@@ -1473,7 +1689,7 @@ sub GetShowVariables()
my @rows = Hashes("SHOW VARIABLES");
my @rows = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ VARIABLES");
open P, "|$config{pager}" or die "$!";
......@@ -1492,7 +1708,7 @@ sub GetShowVariables()
sub GetShowStatus()
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
my @rows = Hashes("SHOW STATUS");
my @rows = Hashes("SHOW /*mytop*/ STATUS");
printf "%32s %10s %10s Toggle idle with 'i'\n", 'Counter', 'Total', 'Change';
printf "%32s %10s %10s\n", '-------', '-----', '------';
......@@ -1524,7 +1740,7 @@ sub GetShowStatus()
if (not $config{idle} and $value == $old)
# filter unchanging stats, maybe
## filter unchanging stats, maybe
print RESET();
......@@ -1571,7 +1787,7 @@ sub Explain($)
my $sql = $qcache{$id};
my $db = $dbcache{$id};
Execute("USE $db");
Execute("USE /*mytop*/ $db");
my @info = Hashes("EXPLAIN $sql");
print $CLEAR;
print "EXPLAIN $sql:\n\n";
......@@ -1605,7 +1821,7 @@ sub StringOrRegex($)
chomp $input;
if (defined $input)
# regex, strip /.../ and use via qr//
## regex, strip /.../ and use via qr//
if ($input =~ m{^/} and $input =~ m{/$})
$input =~ s{^/}{} if $config{filter_user};
......@@ -1614,13 +1830,13 @@ sub StringOrRegex($)
# reset to match anything
## reset to match anything
elsif ($input eq '')
$input = qr/.*/;
# string, build a simple regex
## string, build a simple regex
$input = '^' . $input . '$';
......@@ -1628,7 +1844,7 @@ sub StringOrRegex($)
# reset to match anything
## reset to match anything
$input = qr/.*/;
......@@ -1701,29 +1917,28 @@ sub cmd_q
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
sub PrintHelp()
my $help = qq[
Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\${RESET}>
with updates by Mark Grennan <${YELLOW}mark\${RESET}>
my $help = qq[Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\${RESET}>
with updates by Mark Grennan <${YELLOW}mark\${RESET}> and Jean Weisbuch <${YELLOW}jean\${RESET}>
? - display this screen
# - toggle short/long numbers (not yet implemented)
# - debug mode (toggle)
c - command summary view (based on Com_* counters)
C - turn color on and off
d - show only a specific database
e - explain the query that a thread is running
E - display current replication error
f - show full query info for a given thread
F - unFilter the dispaly
F - unfilter the display
h - show only a specifc host's connections
H - toggle the mytop header
i - toggle the display of idle (sleeping) threads
......@@ -1738,15 +1953,17 @@ Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\@Zaw
r - reset the status counters (via FLUSH STATUS on your server)
R - change reverse IP lookup
s - change the delay between screen updates
S - change slow quiery hightlighting
S - change slow query hightlighting
t - switch to thread view (default)
u - show only a specific user
V - show variables
: - enter a command (not yet implemented)
! - Skip an error that has stopped replications (at your own risk)
L - show full queries (do not strip to terminal width)
w - adjust the User and DB columns width
a - toggle the progress column
Base version from ${GREEN}${RESET}
Base version from ${GREEN}${RESET}
This version comes as part of the ${GREEN}MariaDB${RESET} distribution.
......@@ -1782,7 +1999,6 @@ sub make_short($)
## Run a query and return the records has an array of hashes.
sub Hashes($)
......@@ -1792,11 +2008,11 @@ sub Hashes($)
if (my $sth = Execute($sql))
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
print "record\n" if $debug;
push @records, $ref;
push @records, $ref;
return @records;
......@@ -1806,6 +2022,9 @@ sub Hashes($)
sub Execute($)
my $sql = shift;
$sql =~ s/\n/ /sg;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
if (not $sth) { ReadMode($RM_RESET); die $DBI::errstr; }
......@@ -1827,7 +2046,7 @@ sub Execute($)
#### my_which is used, because we can't assume that every system has the
#### which -command. my_which can take only one argument at a time.
#### which command. my_which can take only one argument at a time.
#### Return values: requested system command with the first found path,
#### or undefined, if not found.
......@@ -1839,8 +2058,7 @@ sub my_which
return $command if (-f $command && -x $command);
# Check first if this is a source distribution, then if this binary
# distribution and last in the path
## Check first if this is a source distribution, then if this binary distribution and last in the path
push @paths, "./extra";
push @paths, $path_for_script;
......@@ -1862,12 +2080,12 @@ B<mytop> [options]
Base version from B<>.
Base version from B<>.
This version comes as part of the B<MariaDB> distribution. See B<>.
And older (the original) version B<mytop> is available from it B<might> also be on CPAN as it B<might> also be on CPAN as
......@@ -1952,13 +2170,14 @@ The B<mytop> display screen is really broken into two parts. The top 4
lines (header) contain summary information about your MariaDB
server. For example, you might see something like:
MariaDB on localhost (10.0.13-log) up 1+11:13:00 [23:29:11]
Queries: 19.3M qps: 160 Slow: 1.0 Se/In/Up/De(%): 00/80/03/17
qps now: 219 Slow qps: 0.0 Threads: 1 ( 1/ 16) 00/74/00/25
Key Efficiency: 99.3% Bps in/out: 30.5k/162.8 Now in/out: 32.7k/ 3.3k
MariaDB 10.5.0 on localhost load (3.89 3.86 3.91) up 7+23:56:31 [16:33:01]
Queries: 353.4M qps: 531 Slow: 4.5k Se/In/Up/De(%): 87/02/02/00
Sorts: 2390 qps now: 651 Slow qps: 0.0 Threads: 11 ( 1/ 13) 88/01/03/00
Handler: (R/W/U/D) 82138/ 5884/ 20/ 1 Tmp: R/W/U: 13623/29501/ 79
MyISAM Key Cache Efficiency: 99.9% Bps in/out: 157.4k/ 2.2M Now in/out: 554.8k/ 2.6M
The first line identifies the hostname of the server (localhost) and
the version of MariaDB it is running. The right had side shows the
the version of MariaDB it is running. The right hand side shows the
uptime of the MariaDB server process in days+hours:minutes:seconds
format (much like FreeBSD's top) as well as the current time.
......@@ -1975,7 +2194,7 @@ And the fourth line displays key buffer efficiency (how often keys are
read from the buffer rather than disk) and the number of bytes that
MariaDB has sent and received, both over all and in the last cycle.
You can toggle the header by hitting B<h> when running B<mytop>.
You can toggle the header by hitting B<H> when running B<mytop>.
The second part of the display lists as many threads as can fit on
screen. By default they are sorted according to their idle time (least
......@@ -2017,46 +2236,49 @@ have two dashes `--'. Short arguments only have one '-'.
=item B<-u> or B<-user> username
=item B<-u> or B<--user> username
Username to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: ``root''.
Username to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: ``B<root>''.
=item B<-p> or B<-pass> or B<-password> password
=item B<-p> or B<--pass> or B<--password> I<password>
Password to use when logging in to the MariaDB server. Default: none.
=item B<-h> or B<--host> hostname[:port]
WARNING: This is insecure as the password is visible for anyone.
See B<--prompt> instead!
=item B<-h> or B<--host> I<hostname>[B<:>I<port>]
Hostname of the MariaDB server. The hostname may be followed by an
option port number. Note that the port is specified separate from the
host when using a config file. Default: ``localhost''.
host when using a config file. Default: ``B<localhost>''.
=item B<--port> or B<-P> port
=item B<--port> or B<-P> I<port>
If you're running MariaDB on a non-standard port, use this to specify
the port number. Default: 3306.
the port number. Default: B<3306>.
=item B<-s> or B<--delay> seconds
=item B<-s> or B<--delay> I<seconds>
How long between display refreshes. Default: 5
How long between display refreshes. Default: B<5>
=item B<-d> or B<--db> or B<--database> database
=item B<-d> or B<--db> or B<--database> I<database>
Use if you'd like B<mytop> to connect to a specific database by
default. Default: ``test''.
default. Default: none.
=item B<-b> or B<--batch> or B<--batchmode>
In batch mode, mytop runs only once, does not clear the screen, and
places no limit on the number of lines it will print. This is suitable
for running periodically (perhaps from cron) to capture the
for running periodically (perhaps from B<cron>) to capture the
information into a file for later viewing. You might use batch mode in
a CGI script to occasionally display your MariaDB server status on the
Default: unset.
=item B<-S> or B<--socket> /path/to/socket
=item B<-S> or B<--socket> I</path/to/socket>
If you're running B<mytop> on the same host as MariaDB, you may wish to
have it use the MariaDB socket directly rather than a standard TCP/IP
......@@ -2071,7 +2293,7 @@ Default: none.
=item B<--header> or B<--noheader>
Sepcify if you want the header to display or not. You can toggle this
Specify if you want the header to display or not. You can toggle this
with the B<h> key while B<mytop> is running.
Default: header.
......@@ -2097,7 +2319,7 @@ Default: idle.
Specify if you want to be prompted to type in your database password.
This provides a little bit more security since it not only prevents
the password from viewable in a process list, but also doesn't require
the password to be stored in plain text in your ~/.mytop config file.
the password to be stored in plain text in your C<~/.mytop> config file.
You will B<only> be prompted if a password has not been specified in
your config file or through another command line option.
......@@ -2111,6 +2333,27 @@ with hostnames but toggling this option.
Default: noresolve
=item B<--long> or B<--nolong>
For large numbers print all digits (e.g. 10.000) instead of using a more
compact approximation (e.g. 10.0k).
Default: nolong.
=item B<-m> or B<--mode> I<mode>
Specify initial mode B<qps>(queries/second), B<top>(overview),
B<cmd>(command summary), B<innodb>(InnoDB status) or B<status>().
Default: B<top>
=item B<--sort> or B<--nosort>
Reverse sort order from ascending to descending using Idle time.
Default: nosort.
Command-line arguments will always take precedence over config file
......@@ -2205,7 +2448,7 @@ running queries appear at the top of the list.
=item B<I>
Switch to InnoDB Status mode. The output of "SHOW INNODB STATUS" will
Switch to InnoDB Status mode. The output of "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" will
be displayed every cycle. In a future version, this may actually
summarize that data rather than producing raw output.
......@@ -2259,8 +2502,8 @@ Show only threads owned by a giver user.
The B<s> key has a command-line counterpart: B<-s>.
The B<h> key has two command-line counterparts: B<-header> and
The B<h> key has two command-line counterparts: B<--header> and
=head1 BUGS
......@@ -2318,7 +2561,7 @@ my job.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Please check the MySQL manual if you're not sure where some of the
Please check the MariaDB manual if you're not sure where some of the
output of B<mytop> is coming from.
......@@ -2333,9 +2576,18 @@ Many thanks go to these fine folks:
=Item Jean Weisbuch
=item Jean Weisbuch (
Added --fullqueries and --sort options, dynamic user and database columns
width, reading of .my.cnf, state/progress column that can be disabled
dynamically (when available) and various small fixes.
Added --fullqueries and reading of .my.cnf
=item Michael "Monty" Widenius <>
Fixed a couple of minor bugs that gave warnings on startup.
Added support for MariaDB (show MariaDB at top and % done).
Cut long server version names to display width.
Made 'State' length dynamic.
=item Mark Grennan (
......@@ -2352,7 +2604,7 @@ Suggested the idle/noidle stuff.
=item Jan Willamowius (
Mirnor bug report. Documentation fixes.
Minor bug report. Documentation fixes.
=item Alex Osipov (
......@@ -2402,7 +2654,7 @@ Make the --idle command-line argument negatable.
=item Axel Schwenke <>
Noticed the inccorect formula for query cache hit percentages in
Noticed the incorrect formula for query cache hit percentages in
version 1.2.
=item Steven Roussey <>
......@@ -2410,27 +2662,20 @@ version 1.2.
Supplied a patch to help filter binary junk in queries so that
terminals don't freak out.
=item jon r. luini <>
=item Jon R. Luini <>
Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<-prompt> support. Sean
Leach <> submitted a similar patch.
Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<--prompt> support.
Sean Leach <> submitted a similar patch.
=item Yogish Baliga <>
Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<-resolve> support.
Supplied a patch that formed the basis for C<--resolve> support.
=item Per Andreas Buer <>
Supplied an excellent patch to tidy up the top display. This includes
showing most values in short form, such as 10k rather than 10000.
=item Michael "Monty" Widenius <>
Fixed a couple of minor bugs that gave warnings on startup.
Added support for MariaDB (show MariaDB at top and % done).
Cut long server version names to display width.
Made 'State' length dynamic.
See the Changes file on the B<mytop> distribution page for more
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