diff --git a/.bzrignore b/.bzrignore
index 10388d79013d063e2a24842a093c317f570a3beb..80079b02026aacdf33bd00f2e5ba341fb2ed00d2 100644
--- a/.bzrignore
+++ b/.bzrignore
@@ -940,3 +940,6 @@ ndbcluster-1186/ndb_3_out.log
diff --git a/libmysqld/Makefile.am b/libmysqld/Makefile.am
index 75a5ef7ff916b64524ea9755384fb85da7fe39ea..ba30a41c32b3cf4cfcfd6f75ba5fafa2cc924b01 100644
--- a/libmysqld/Makefile.am
+++ b/libmysqld/Makefile.am
 			-DDATADIR="\"$(MYSQLDATAdir)\"" \
 INCLUDES=		@MT_INCLUDES@ @bdb_includes@ -I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-			-I$(top_srcdir)/sql -I$(top_srcdir)/regex \
+			-I$(top_srcdir)/sql -I$(top_srcdir)/sql/examples -I$(top_srcdir)/regex \
 			$(openssl_includes) @ZLIB_INCLUDES@
 noinst_LIBRARIES =	libmysqld_int.a
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ SUBDIRS =		. examples
 libmysqld_sources=	libmysqld.c lib_sql.cc emb_qcache.cc
 libmysqlsources =	errmsg.c get_password.c libmysql.c client.c pack.c \
+sqlexamplessources =	ha_example.cc ha_archive.cc ha_tina.cc
 noinst_HEADERS =	embedded_priv.h emb_qcache.h
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ sqlsources = derror.cc field.cc field_conv.cc strfunc.cc filesort.cc \
 	unireg.cc uniques.cc stacktrace.c sql_union.cc hash_filo.cc \
 	spatial.cc gstream.cc sql_help.cc tztime.cc
-libmysqld_int_a_SOURCES= $(libmysqld_sources) $(libmysqlsources) $(sqlsources)
+libmysqld_int_a_SOURCES= $(libmysqld_sources) $(libmysqlsources) $(sqlsources) $(sqlexamplessources)
 # automake misses these
@@ -123,12 +124,16 @@ link_sources:
 	    rm -f $(srcdir)/$$f; \
 	    @LN_CP_F@ $(srcdir)/../libmysql/$$f $(srcdir)/$$f; \
 	  done; \
+	  for f in $(sqlexamplessources); do \
+	    rm -f $(srcdir)/$$f; \
+	    @LN_CP_F@ $(srcdir)/../sql/examples/$$f $(srcdir)/$$f; \
+	  done; \
 	  rm -f $(srcdir)/client_settings.h; \
 	  @LN_CP_F@ $(srcdir)/../libmysql/client_settings.h $(srcdir)/client_settings.h;
-	rm -f `echo $(sqlsources) $(libmysqlsources) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"` \
+	rm -f `echo $(sqlsources) $(libmysqlsources) $(sqlexamplessources) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"` \
 	       $(top_srcdir)/linked_libmysqld_sources; \
 	rm -f client_settings.h
diff --git a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
index 27eae89922c1f4faa41e9b5daf0dc240c0f483bc..09d3511fec81035c95549b3e2b5b1d8102ee98d7 100644
--- a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
+++ b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.sh
@@ -1387,13 +1387,18 @@ run_testcase ()
  # script soon anyway so it is not worth it spending the time
  if [ "x$USE_EMBEDDED_SERVER" = "x1" -a -z "$DO_TEST" ] ; then
    for t in \
+        "alter_table" \
 	"bdb-deadlock" \
 	"connect" \
+        "ctype_latin1_de" \
+        "ctype_ucs" \
 	"flush_block_commit" \
 	"grant2" \
 	"grant_cache" \
 	"grant" \
 	"init_connect" \
+	"init_file" \
+        "innodb" \
 	"innodb-deadlock" \
 	"innodb-lock" \
 	"mix_innodb_myisam_binlog" \
@@ -1401,10 +1406,12 @@ run_testcase ()
 	"mysqlbinlog" \
 	"mysqldump" \
 	"mysql_protocols" \
+        "packet" \
 	"ps_1general" \
 	"rename" \
 	"show_check" \
         "system_mysql_db_fix" \
+        "timezone2" \
 	"user_var" \
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ctype_big5.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ctype_big5.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b9fcbccbe0a2ecd4dcd9d1fb9f35de71f5e7268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ctype_big5.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+drop table if exists t1;
+SET @test_character_set= 'big5';
+SET @test_collation= 'big5_chinese_ci';
+SET @safe_character_set_server= @@character_set_server;
+SET @safe_collation_server= @@collation_server;
+SET character_set_server= @test_character_set;
+SET collation_server= @test_collation;
+USE d1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10), KEY(c));
+Field	Type	Collation	Null	Key	Default	Extra	Privileges	Comment
+c	char(10)	big5_chinese_ci	YES	MUL	NULL			
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaa'),('aaaa'),('aaaaa');
+SELECT c as want3results FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE 'aaa%';
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(15), KEY c1 (c1(2)));
+Field	Type	Collation	Null	Key	Default	Extra	Privileges	Comment
+c1	varchar(15)	big5_chinese_ci	YES	MUL	NULL			
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('location'),('loberge'),('lotre'),('boabab');
+SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'l%';
+SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'lo%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'loc%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'loca%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locat%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locati%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locatio%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'location%';
+USE test;
+SET character_set_server= @safe_character_set_server;
+SET collation_server= @safe_collation_server;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ctype_recoding.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ctype_recoding.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27425a69872e9a30e70ea94b135b7bb9ed8bd94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ctype_recoding.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 粤绿擅�, t1, t2;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET cp1251) SELECT _koi8r'幸下�' AS a;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` char(10) character set cp1251 default NULL
+DROP TABLE t1, t2;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (description text character set cp1250 NOT NULL);
+INSERT INTO t1 (description) VALUES (_latin2'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde');
+SELECT description FROM t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a TEXT CHARACTER SET cp1251) SELECT _koi8r'幸下�' AS a;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` text character set cp1251
+DROP TABLE t1, t2;
+邢膛 CHAR(32) CHARACTER SET koi8r NOT NULL COMMENT "讼屯盼粤疑� 邢萄"
+) COMMENT "讼屯盼粤疑� 粤绿擅�";
+Table	Create Table
+粤绿擅�	CREATE TABLE `粤绿擅羆 (
+  `邢膛` char(32) character set koi8r NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '讼屯盼粤疑� 邢萄'
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+邢膛	char(32)				
+Table	Create Table
+蜞犭桷�	CREATE TABLE `蜞犭桷郹 (
+  `镱脲` char(32) character set koi8r NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '觐祆屙蜞痂� 镱�'
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+镱脲	char(32)				
+Table	Create Table
+褌邪斜谢懈褑邪	CREATE TABLE `褌邪斜谢懈褑邪` (
+  `锌芯谢械` char(32) character set koi8r NOT NULL default '' COMMENT '泻芯屑屑械薪褌邪褉懈泄 锌芯谢褟'
+) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='泻芯屑屑械薪褌邪褉懈泄 褌邪斜谢懈褑褘'
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+锌芯谢械	char(32)				
+INSERT INTO t1 (t) VALUES ('x');
+SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(_latin1'x') = t;
+USE 耘釉;
+SET NAMES koi8r;
+SELECT hex('耘釉');
+SET character_set_connection=cp1251;
+SELECT hex('耘釉');
+USE test;
+SET NAMES binary;
+CREATE TABLE `褌械褋褌` (`褌械褋褌` int);
+Table	Create Table
+褌械褋褌	CREATE TABLE `褌械褋褌` (
+  `褌械褋褌` int(11) default NULL
+SET NAMES utf8;
+Table	Create Table
+褌械褋褌	CREATE TABLE `褌械褋褌` (
+  `褌械褋褌` int(11) default NULL
+DROP TABLE `褌械褋褌`;
+SET NAMES binary;
+SET character_set_connection=utf8;
+SELECT '褌械褋褌' as s;
+SET NAMES utf8;
+SET character_set_connection=binary;
+SELECT '褌械褋褌' as s;
+SET NAMES latin1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (`鋊 CHAR(128) DEFAULT '�', `�1` ENUM('�1','�2') DEFAULT '�2');
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `鋊 char(128) default '�',
+  `�1` enum('�1','�2') default '�2'
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+�	char(128)	YES		�	
+�1	enum('�1','�2')	YES		�2	
+SET NAMES binary;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `盲` char(128) default '盲',
+  `盲1` enum('盲1','盲2') default '盲2'
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+盲	char(128)	YES		盲	
+盲1	enum('盲1','盲2')	YES		盲2	
+SET NAMES binary;
+CREATE TABLE `good刑先蟕 (a int);
+ERROR HY000: Invalid utf8 character string: '刑先�'
+SET NAMES utf8;
+CREATE TABLE `good刑先蟕 (a int);
+ERROR HY000: Invalid utf8 character string: '刑先蟕 (a int)'
+set names latin1;
+create table t1 (a char(10) character set koi8r, b text character set koi8r);
+insert into t1 values ('test','test');
+insert into t1 values ('拭账','拭账');
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'a' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'b' at row 1
+drop table t1;
+set names koi8r;
+create table t1 (a char(10) character set cp1251);
+insert into t1 values (_koi8r'琢友');
+select * from t1 where a=_koi8r'琢友';
+select * from t1 where a=concat(_koi8r'琢友');
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (koi8r_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
+select * from t1 where a=_latin1'琢友';
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
+drop table t1;
+set names latin1;
+set names koi8r;
+create table t1 (c1 char(10) character set cp1251);
+insert into t1 values ('�');
+select c1 from t1 where c1 between '�' and '�';
+select ifnull(c1,'�'), ifnull(null,c1) from t1;
+ifnull(c1,'褗')	ifnull(null,c1)
+�	�
+select if(1,c1,'�'), if(0,c1,'�') from t1;
+if(1,c1,'袞')	if(0,c1,'袞')
+�	�
+select coalesce('�',c1), coalesce(null,c1) from t1;
+coalesce('袞',c1)	coalesce(null,c1)
+�	�
+select least(c1,'�'), greatest(c1,'�') from t1;
+least(c1,'袞')	greatest(c1,'袞')
+�	�
+select locate(c1,'�'), locate('�',c1) from t1;
+locate(c1,'褗')	locate('褗',c1)
+1	1
+select field(c1,'�'),field('�',c1) from t1;
+field(c1,'褗')	field('褗',c1)
+1	1
+select concat(c1,'�'), concat('�',c1) from t1;
+concat(c1,'袞')	concat('袞',c1)
+喏	鲞
+select concat_ws(c1,'�','�'), concat_ws('�',c1,'�') from t1;
+concat_ws(c1,'袞','褗')	concat_ws('袞',c1,'褗')
+鲞�	喏�
+select replace(c1,'�','�'), replace('�',c1,'�') from t1;
+replace(c1,'褗','袞')	replace('褗',c1,'袞')
+�	�
+select substring_index(c1,'鲻哌',2) from t1;
+select elt(1,c1,'�'),elt(1,'�',c1) from t1;
+elt(1,c1,'袞')	elt(1,'袞',c1)
+�	�
+select make_set(3,c1,'�'), make_set(3,'�',c1) from t1;
+make_set(3,c1,'袞')	make_set(3,'袞',c1)
+�,�	�,�
+select insert(c1,1,2,'�'),insert('�',1,2,c1) from t1;
+insert(c1,1,2,'袞')	insert('袞',1,2,c1)
+�	�
+select trim(c1 from '�'),trim('�' from c1) from t1;
+trim(c1 from '褗')	trim('褗' from c1)
+select lpad(c1,3,'�'), lpad('�',3,c1) from t1;
+lpad(c1,3,'袞')	lpad('袞',3,c1)
+鲻�	哌�
+select rpad(c1,3,'�'), rpad('�',3,c1) from t1;
+rpad(c1,3,'袞')	rpad('袞',3,c1)
+喏�	鲞�
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ctype_uca.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ctype_uca.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f86376def6be37432afcedfc4797899e4753cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ctype_uca.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,2377 @@
+set names utf8;
+set collation_connection=utf8_unicode_ci;
+select 'a' = 'a', 'a' = 'a ', 'a ' = 'a';
+'a' = 'a'	'a' = 'a '	'a ' = 'a'
+1	1	1
+select 'a\t' = 'a' , 'a\t' < 'a' , 'a\t' > 'a';
+'a\t' = 'a'	'a\t' < 'a'	'a\t' > 'a'
+0	1	0
+select 'a\t' = 'a ', 'a\t' < 'a ', 'a\t' > 'a ';
+'a\t' = 'a '	'a\t' < 'a '	'a\t' > 'a '
+0	1	0
+select 'a' = 'a\t', 'a' < 'a\t', 'a' > 'a\t';
+'a' = 'a\t'	'a' < 'a\t'	'a' > 'a\t'
+0	0	1
+select 'a ' = 'a\t', 'a ' < 'a\t', 'a ' > 'a\t';
+'a ' = 'a\t'	'a ' < 'a\t'	'a ' > 'a\t'
+0	0	1
+select 'a  a' > 'a', 'a  \t' < 'a';
+'a  a' > 'a'	'a  \t' < 'a'
+1	1
+select 'c' like '\_' as want0;
+c char(20) NOT NULL
+INSERT INTO t VALUES ('a'),('ab'),('aba');
+create table t1 (c1 char(10) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin);
+insert into t1 values ('A'),('a');
+insert into t1 values ('B'),('b');
+insert into t1 values ('C'),('c');
+insert into t1 values ('D'),('d');
+insert into t1 values ('E'),('e');
+insert into t1 values ('F'),('f');
+insert into t1 values ('G'),('g');
+insert into t1 values ('H'),('h');
+insert into t1 values ('I'),('i');
+insert into t1 values ('J'),('j');
+insert into t1 values ('K'),('k');
+insert into t1 values ('L'),('l');
+insert into t1 values ('M'),('m');
+insert into t1 values ('N'),('n');
+insert into t1 values ('O'),('o');
+insert into t1 values ('P'),('p');
+insert into t1 values ('Q'),('q');
+insert into t1 values ('R'),('r');
+insert into t1 values ('S'),('s');
+insert into t1 values ('T'),('t');
+insert into t1 values ('U'),('u');
+insert into t1 values ('V'),('v');
+insert into t1 values ('W'),('w');
+insert into t1 values ('X'),('x');
+insert into t1 values ('Y'),('y');
+insert into t1 values ('Z'),('z');
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e0),(_ucs2 0x00c0);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e1),(_ucs2 0x00c1);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e2),(_ucs2 0x00c2);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e3),(_ucs2 0x00c3);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e4),(_ucs2 0x00c4);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e5),(_ucs2 0x00c5);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e6),(_ucs2 0x00c6);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e7),(_ucs2 0x00c7);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e8),(_ucs2 0x00c8);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00e9),(_ucs2 0x00c9);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ea),(_ucs2 0x00ca);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00eb),(_ucs2 0x00cb);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ec),(_ucs2 0x00cc);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ed),(_ucs2 0x00cd);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ee),(_ucs2 0x00ce);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ef),(_ucs2 0x00cf);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f0),(_ucs2 0x00d0);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f1),(_ucs2 0x00d1);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f2),(_ucs2 0x00d2);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f3),(_ucs2 0x00d3);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f4),(_ucs2 0x00d4);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f5),(_ucs2 0x00d5);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f6),(_ucs2 0x00d6);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f7),(_ucs2 0x00d7);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f8),(_ucs2 0x00d8);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00f9),(_ucs2 0x00d9);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00fa),(_ucs2 0x00da);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00fb),(_ucs2 0x00db);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00fc),(_ucs2 0x00dc);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00fd),(_ucs2 0x00dd);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00fe),(_ucs2 0x00de);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x00ff),(_ucs2 0x00df);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0100),(_ucs2 0x0101),(_ucs2 0x0102),(_ucs2 0x0103);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0104),(_ucs2 0x0105),(_ucs2 0x0106),(_ucs2 0x0107);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0108),(_ucs2 0x0109),(_ucs2 0x010a),(_ucs2 0x010b);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x010c),(_ucs2 0x010d),(_ucs2 0x010e),(_ucs2 0x010f);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0110),(_ucs2 0x0111),(_ucs2 0x0112),(_ucs2 0x0113);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0114),(_ucs2 0x0115),(_ucs2 0x0116),(_ucs2 0x0117);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0118),(_ucs2 0x0119),(_ucs2 0x011a),(_ucs2 0x011b);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x011c),(_ucs2 0x011d),(_ucs2 0x011e),(_ucs2 0x011f);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0120),(_ucs2 0x0121),(_ucs2 0x0122),(_ucs2 0x0123);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0124),(_ucs2 0x0125),(_ucs2 0x0126),(_ucs2 0x0127);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0128),(_ucs2 0x0129),(_ucs2 0x012a),(_ucs2 0x012b);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x012c),(_ucs2 0x012d),(_ucs2 0x012e),(_ucs2 0x012f);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0130),(_ucs2 0x0131),(_ucs2 0x0132),(_ucs2 0x0133);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0134),(_ucs2 0x0135),(_ucs2 0x0136),(_ucs2 0x0137);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0138),(_ucs2 0x0139),(_ucs2 0x013a),(_ucs2 0x013b);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x013c),(_ucs2 0x013d),(_ucs2 0x013e),(_ucs2 0x013f);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0140),(_ucs2 0x0141),(_ucs2 0x0142),(_ucs2 0x0143);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0144),(_ucs2 0x0145),(_ucs2 0x0146),(_ucs2 0x0147);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0148),(_ucs2 0x0149),(_ucs2 0x014a),(_ucs2 0x014b);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x014c),(_ucs2 0x014d),(_ucs2 0x014e),(_ucs2 0x014f);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0150),(_ucs2 0x0151),(_ucs2 0x0152),(_ucs2 0x0153);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0154),(_ucs2 0x0155),(_ucs2 0x0156),(_ucs2 0x0157);
+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x0158),(_ucs2 0x0159),(_ucs2 0x015a),(_ucs2 0x015b);
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+insert into t1 values (_ucs2 0x01fc),(_ucs2 0x01fd),(_ucs2 0x01fe),(_ucs2 0x01ff);
+insert into t1 values ('AA'),('Aa'),('aa'),('aA');
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+insert into t1 values ('DZ'),('Dz'),('dz'),('dZ');
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+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_unicode_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_icelandic_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_latvian_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_romanian_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_slovenian_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_polish_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_estonian_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_spanish_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_swedish_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_turkish_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_czech_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_danish_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_lithuanian_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_slovak_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_spanish2_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+select group_concat(c1 order by c1) from t1 group by c1 collate utf8_roman_ci;
+group_concat(c1 order by c1)
+drop table t1;
+SET NAMES utf8;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c varchar(255) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_general_ci, INDEX (c));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C03C903B403B11F770308 USING utf8));
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C0025 USING utf8)
+COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C03C903B4 USING utf8));
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C0025 USING utf8)
+COLLATE utf8_general_ci ORDER BY c;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c varchar(255) NOT NULL COLLATE ucs2_unicode_ci, INDEX (c));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (_ucs2 0x039C03C903B403B11F770308);
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE _ucs2 0x039C0025 COLLATE ucs2_unicode_ci;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (_ucs2 0x039C03C903B4);
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE _ucs2 0x039C0025
+COLLATE ucs2_unicode_ci ORDER BY c;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c varchar(255) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, INDEX (c));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C03C903B403B11F770308 USING utf8));
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C0025 USING utf8) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C03C903B4 USING utf8));
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE CONVERT(_ucs2 0x039C0025 USING utf8)
+COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ORDER BY c;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x0041004100410627 USING utf8));
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+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06270634 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06220645062F0647 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06A906270631064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x067E0631062F0627062E062A0647 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x063906440645064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x0627062F0628064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062D062F0651 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x064606280648062F060C USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06480644064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x063906480636060C USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06340627064A062F USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x064506470645 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062A0631 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06220646060C USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06470645063306310634 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06A90627064606480646 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062E0627064606480627062F06AF064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06AF06310645064A USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06280648062C0648062F USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062206480631062F USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062F0648 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06A90627064506440627064B USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x064A06A9062F064A06AF0631 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x062F064406280633062A0647 USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06280648062F0646062F USING utf8));
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CONVERT(_ucs2 0x06450647064506270646 USING utf8));
+SELECT HEX(CONVERT(col1 USING ucs2)) FROM t1 ORDER BY col1 COLLATE utf8_persian_ci, col1 COLLATE utf8_bin;
+HEX(CONVERT(col1 USING ucs2))
+SET @test_character_set= 'utf8';
+SET @test_collation= 'utf8_swedish_ci';
+SET @safe_character_set_server= @@character_set_server;
+SET @safe_collation_server= @@collation_server;
+SET character_set_server= @test_character_set;
+SET collation_server= @test_collation;
+USE d1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10), KEY(c));
+Field	Type	Collation	Null	Key	Default	Extra	Privileges	Comment
+c	char(10)	utf8_swedish_ci	YES	MUL	NULL			
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaa'),('aaaa'),('aaaaa');
+SELECT c as want3results FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE 'aaa%';
+CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(15), KEY c1 (c1(2)));
+Field	Type	Collation	Null	Key	Default	Extra	Privileges	Comment
+c1	varchar(15)	utf8_swedish_ci	YES	MUL	NULL			
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('location'),('loberge'),('lotre'),('boabab');
+SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'l%';
+SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'lo%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'loc%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'loca%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locat%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locati%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'locatio%';
+SELECT c1 as want1result  from t1 where c1 like 'location%';
+USE test;
+SET character_set_server= @safe_character_set_server;
+SET collation_server= @safe_collation_server;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/func_test.result.es b/mysql-test/r/func_test.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..380f96835d0f5a044d8638c2a28beb4156b96f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/func_test.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+drop table if exists t1,t2;
+select 0=0,1>0,1>=1,1<0,1<=0,1!=0,strcmp("abc","abcd"),strcmp("b","a"),strcmp("a","a") ;
+0=0	1>0	1>=1	1<0	1<=0	1!=0	strcmp("abc","abcd")	strcmp("b","a")	strcmp("a","a")
+1	1	1	0	0	1	-1	1	0
+select "a"<"b","a"<="b","b">="a","b">"a","a"="A","a"<>"b";
+"a"<"b"	"a"<="b"	"b">="a"	"b">"a"	"a"="A"	"a"<>"b"
+1	1	1	1	1	1
+select "a "="A", "A "="a", "a  " <= "A b";
+"a "="A"	"A "="a"	"a  " <= "A b"
+1	1	1
+select "abc" like "a%", "abc" not like "%d%", "a%" like "a\%","abc%" like "a%\%","abcd" like "a%b_%d", "a" like "%%a","abcde" like "a%_e","abc" like "abc%";
+"abc" like "a%"	"abc" not like "%d%"	"a%" like "a\%"	"abc%" like "a%\%"	"abcd" like "a%b_%d"	"a" like "%%a"	"abcde" like "a%_e"	"abc" like "abc%"
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
+select "a" like "%%b","a" like "%%ab","ab" like "a\%", "ab" like "_", "ab" like "ab_", "abc" like "%_d", "abc" like "abc%d";
+"a" like "%%b"	"a" like "%%ab"	"ab" like "a\%"	"ab" like "_"	"ab" like "ab_"	"abc" like "%_d"	"abc" like "abc%d"
+0	0	0	0	0	0	0
+select '?' like '|%', '?' like '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' like '|%', '%' like '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' like '%';
+'?' like '|%'	'?' like '|%' ESCAPE '|'	'%' like '|%'	'%' like '|%' ESCAPE '|'	'%' like '%'
+0	0	0	1	1
+select 'abc' like '%c','abcabc' like '%c',  "ab" like "", "ab" like "a", "ab" like "ab";
+'abc' like '%c'	'abcabc' like '%c'	"ab" like ""	"ab" like "a"	"ab" like "ab"
+1	1	0	0	1
+select "Det h鋜 鋜 svenska" regexp "h[[:alpha:]]+r", "aba" regexp "^(a|b)*$";
+"Det h盲r 盲r svenska" regexp "h[[:alpha:]]+r"	"aba" regexp "^(a|b)*$"
+1	1
+select "aba" regexp concat("^","a");
+"aba" regexp concat("^","a")
+select !0,NOT 0=1,!(0=0),1 AND 1,1 && 0,0 OR 1,1 || NULL, 1=1 or 1=1 and 1=0;
+!0	NOT 0=1	!(0=0)	1 AND 1	1 && 0	0 OR 1	1 || NULL	1=1 or 1=1 and 1=0
+1	1	0	1	0	1	1	1
+select 2 between 1 and 3, "monty" between "max" and "my",2=2 and "monty" between "max" and "my" and 3=3;
+2 between 1 and 3	"monty" between "max" and "my"	2=2 and "monty" between "max" and "my" and 3=3
+1	1	1
+select 'b' between 'a' and 'c', 'B' between 'a' and 'c';
+'b' between 'a' and 'c'	'B' between 'a' and 'c'
+1	1
+select 2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1),"monty" in ("david","monty","allan"), 1.2 in (1.4,1.2,1.0);
+2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1)	"monty" in ("david","monty","allan")	1.2 in (1.4,1.2,1.0)
+1	1	1
+select -1.49 or -1.49,0.6 or 0.6;
+-1.49 or -1.49	0.6 or 0.6
+1	1
+select 3 ^ 11, 1 ^ 1, 1 ^ 0, 1 ^ NULL, NULL ^ 1;
+3 ^ 11	1 ^ 1	1 ^ 0	1 ^ NULL	NULL ^ 1
+8	0	1	NULL	NULL
+explain extended select 3 ^ 11, 1 ^ 1, 1 ^ 0, 1 ^ NULL, NULL ^ 1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+Note	1003	select (3 ^ 11) AS `3 ^ 11`,(1 ^ 1) AS `1 ^ 1`,(1 ^ 0) AS `1 ^ 0`,(1 ^ NULL) AS `1 ^ NULL`,(NULL ^ 1) AS `NULL ^ 1`
+select 1 XOR 1, 1 XOR 0, 0 XOR 1, 0 XOR 0, NULL XOR 1, 1 XOR NULL, 0 XOR NULL;
+select 1 like 2 xor 2 like 1;
+1 like 2 xor 2 like 1
+select 10 % 7, 10 mod 7, 10 div 3;
+10 % 7	10 mod 7	10 div 3
+3	3	3
+explain extended select 10 % 7, 10 mod 7, 10 div 3;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+Note	1003	select (10 % 7) AS `10 % 7`,(10 % 7) AS `10 mod 7`,(10 DIV 3) AS `10 div 3`
+select (1 << 64)-1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 2;
+(1 << 64)-1	((1 << 64)-1) DIV 1	((1 << 64)-1) DIV 2
+18446744073709551615	18446744073709551615	9223372036854775807
+explain extended select (1 << 64)-1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 2;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+Note	1003	select ((1 << 64) - 1) AS `(1 << 64)-1`,(((1 << 64) - 1) DIV 1) AS `((1 << 64)-1) DIV 1`,(((1 << 64) - 1) DIV 2) AS `((1 << 64)-1) DIV 2`
+create table t1 (a int);
+insert t1 values (1);
+select * from t1 where 1 xor 1;
+explain extended select * from t1 where 1 xor 1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables
+Note	1003	select test.t1.a AS `a` from test.t1 where (1 xor 1)
+select - a from t1;
+- a
+explain extended select - a from t1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+Note	1003	select -(test.t1.a) AS `- a` from test.t1
+drop table t1;
+select 5 between 0 and 10 between 0 and 1,(5 between 0 and 10) between 0 and 1;
+5 between 0 and 10 between 0 and 1	(5 between 0 and 10) between 0 and 1
+0	1
+select 1 and 2 between 2 and 10, 2 between 2 and 10 and 1;
+1 and 2 between 2 and 10	2 between 2 and 10 and 1
+1	1
+select 1 and 0 or 2, 2 or 1 and 0;
+1 and 0 or 2	2 or 1 and 0
+1	1
+select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci;
+_koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci
+explain extended select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+Note	1003	select (_koi8r'a' = (_koi8r'A' collate _latin1'koi8r_general_ci')) AS `_koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci`
+select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin;
+_koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci = _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci = _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin = _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin = _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci;
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_bin,EXPLICIT) and (koi8r_general_ci,EXPLICIT) for operation '='
+select _koi8r'a' = _latin1'A';
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A');
+strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A')
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci);
+strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci)
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin);
+strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin)
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci, _koi8r'A');
+strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci, _koi8r'A')
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin, _koi8r'A');
+strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin, _koi8r'A')
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci, _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin);
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_general_ci,EXPLICIT) and (koi8r_bin,EXPLICIT) for operation 'strcmp'
+select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _latin1'A');
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'strcmp'
+select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci;
+_koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci
+select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin;
+_koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci LIKE _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci LIKE _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin LIKE _koi8r'A';
+_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin LIKE _koi8r'A'
+select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin;
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_general_ci,EXPLICIT) and (koi8r_bin,EXPLICIT) for operation 'like'
+select _koi8r'a' LIKE _latin1'A';
+ERROR HY000: Illegal mix of collations (koi8r_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
+CREATE TABLE t1 (   faq_group_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   faq_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   title varchar(240) default NULL,   keywords text,   description longblob,   solution longblob,   status tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',   access_id smallint(6) default NULL,   lang_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',   created datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   updated datetime default NULL,   last_access datetime default NULL,   last_notify datetime default NULL,   solved_count int(11) NOT NULL default '0',   static_solved int(11) default NULL,   solved_1 int(11) default NULL,   solved_2 int(11) default NULL,   solved_3 int(11) default NULL,   solved_4 int(11) default NULL,   solved_5 int(11) default NULL,   expires datetime default NULL,   notes text,   assigned_to smallint(6) default NULL,   assigned_group smallint(6) default NULL,   last_edited_by smallint(6) default NULL,   orig_ref_no varchar(15) binary default NULL,   c$fundstate smallint(6) default NULL,   c$contributor smallint(6) default NULL,   UNIQUE KEY t1$faq_id (faq_id),   KEY t1$group_id$faq_id (faq_group_id,faq_id),   KEY t1$c$fundstate (c$fundstate) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (82,82,'How to use the DynaVox Usage Counts Feature','usages count, number, corner, white, box, button','<as-html>\r\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td width=\"3%\">�</td>\r\n    <td width=\"97%\">\r\n       <h3><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000000\">How \r\n        To</font><!-- #BeginEditable \"CS_troubleshoot_question\" --><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" color=\"#000099\"><font color=\"#000000\">: \r\n        Display or Hide the Usage Counts to find out how many times each button is being selected. </font></font><!-- #EndEditable --></h3>\r\n    </td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n</table>','<as-html>\r\n <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\r\n  <tr>\r\n    <td width=\"3%\">�</td>\r\n    \r\n<td width=\"97%\"><!-- #BeginEditable \"CS_troubleshoot_answer\" --> \r\n      \r\n<p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">1. Select \r\n  the <i>On/Setup</i> button to access the DynaVox Setup Menu.<br>\r\n  2. Select <b>Button Features.</b><br>\r\n  3. Below the <b>OK</b> button is the <b>Usage Counts</b> button.<br>\r\n  a. If it says \"Hidden\" then the Usage Counts will not be displayed.<br>\r\n  b. If it says \"Displayed\" then the Usage Counts will be shown.<br>\r\n        c. Select the <b>Usage Counts</b> Option Ring once and it will toggle \r\n        to the alternative option.<br>\r\n  4. Once the correct setting has been chosen, select <b>OK</b> to leave the <i>Button \r\n  Features</i> menu.<br>\r\n  5. Select <b>OK</b> out of the <i>Setup</i> menu and return to the communication \r\n  page.</font></p>\r\n      <p><font color=\"#000000\" face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">For \r\n        further information on <i>Usage Counts,</i> see the <i>Button Features \r\n        Menu Entry</i> in the DynaVox/DynaMyte Reference Manual.</font></p>\r\n<!-- #EndEditable --></td>\r\n  </tr>\r\n</table>',4,1,1,'2001-11-16 16:43:34','2002-11-25 12:09:43','2003-07-24 01:04:48',NULL,11,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+CREATE TABLE t2 (  access_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',   name varchar(20) binary default NULL,   rank smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',   KEY t2$access_id (access_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'Everyone',2),(2,'Help',3),(3,'Customer Support',1);
+SELECT f_acc.rank, a1.rank, a2.rank  FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t1 f1 ON  (f1.access_id=1 AND f1.faq_group_id = t1.faq_group_id) LEFT JOIN t2 a1 ON (a1.access_id =  f1.access_id) LEFT JOIN t1 f2 ON (f2.access_id=3 AND  f2.faq_group_id = t1.faq_group_id) LEFT  JOIN t2 a2 ON (a2.access_id = f2.access_id), t2 f_acc WHERE LEAST(a1.rank,a2.rank) =  f_acc.rank;
+rank	rank	rank
+2	2	NULL
+DROP TABLE t1,t2;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (d varchar(6), k int);
+select 1197.90 mod 50;
+1197.90 mod 50
+select 5.1 mod 3, 5.1 mod -3, -5.1 mod 3, -5.1 mod -3;
+5.1 mod 3	5.1 mod -3	-5.1 mod 3	-5.1 mod -3
+2.1	2.1	-2.1	-2.1
+select 5 mod 3, 5 mod -3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3;
+5 mod 3	5 mod -3	-5 mod 3	-5 mod -3
+2	2	-2	-2
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/innodb.result.es b/mysql-test/r/innodb.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..602a034bc1613f404094b4879c30ab3a7f3af068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/innodb.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,1653 @@
+drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+drop database if exists mysqltest;
+create table t1 (id int unsigned not null auto_increment, code tinyint unsigned not null, name char(20) not null, primary key (id), key (code), unique (name)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 (code, name) values (1, 'Tim'), (1, 'Monty'), (2, 'David'), (2, 'Erik'), (3, 'Sasha'), (3, 'Jeremy'), (4, 'Matt');
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+1	1	Tim
+2	1	Monty
+3	2	David
+4	2	Erik
+5	3	Sasha
+6	3	Jeremy
+7	4	Matt
+update ignore t1 set id = 8, name = 'Sinisa' where id < 3;
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+2	1	Monty
+3	2	David
+4	2	Erik
+5	3	Sasha
+6	3	Jeremy
+7	4	Matt
+8	1	Sinisa
+update ignore t1 set id = id + 10, name = 'Ralph' where id < 4;
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+3	2	David
+4	2	Erik
+5	3	Sasha
+6	3	Jeremy
+7	4	Matt
+8	1	Sinisa
+12	1	Ralph
+drop table t1;
+id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+parent_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+level tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+KEY parent_id (parent_id),
+KEY level (level)
+) engine=innodb;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0,0),(3,1,1),(4,1,1),(8,2,2),(9,2,2),(17,3,2),(22,4,2),(24,4,2),(28,5,2),(29,5,2),(30,5,2),(31,6,2),(32,6,2),(33,6,2),(203,7,2),(202,7,2),(20,3,2),(157,0,0),(193,5,2),(40,7,2),(2,1,1),(15,2,2),(6,1,1),(34,6,2),(35,6,2),(16,3,2),(7,1,1),(36,7,2),(18,3,2),(26,5,2),(27,5,2),(183,4,2),(38,7,2),(25,5,2),(37,7,2),(21,4,2),(19,3,2),(5,1,1),(179,5,2);
+update t1 set parent_id=parent_id+100;
+select * from t1 where parent_id=102;
+id	parent_id	level
+8	102	2
+9	102	2
+15	102	2
+update t1 set id=id+1000;
+update t1 set id=1024 where id=1009;
+Got one of the listed errors
+select * from t1;
+id	parent_id	level
+1001	100	0
+1002	101	1
+1003	101	1
+1004	101	1
+1005	101	1
+1006	101	1
+1007	101	1
+1008	102	2
+1009	102	2
+1015	102	2
+1016	103	2
+1017	103	2
+1018	103	2
+1019	103	2
+1020	103	2
+1021	104	2
+1022	104	2
+1024	104	2
+1025	105	2
+1026	105	2
+1027	105	2
+1028	105	2
+1029	105	2
+1030	105	2
+1031	106	2
+1032	106	2
+1033	106	2
+1034	106	2
+1035	106	2
+1036	107	2
+1037	107	2
+1038	107	2
+1040	107	2
+1157	100	0
+1179	105	2
+1183	104	2
+1193	105	2
+1202	107	2
+1203	107	2
+update ignore t1 set id=id+1;
+select * from t1;
+id	parent_id	level
+1001	100	0
+1002	101	1
+1003	101	1
+1004	101	1
+1005	101	1
+1006	101	1
+1007	101	1
+1008	102	2
+1010	102	2
+1015	102	2
+1016	103	2
+1017	103	2
+1018	103	2
+1019	103	2
+1020	103	2
+1021	104	2
+1023	104	2
+1024	104	2
+1025	105	2
+1026	105	2
+1027	105	2
+1028	105	2
+1029	105	2
+1030	105	2
+1031	106	2
+1032	106	2
+1033	106	2
+1034	106	2
+1035	106	2
+1036	107	2
+1037	107	2
+1039	107	2
+1041	107	2
+1158	100	0
+1180	105	2
+1184	104	2
+1194	105	2
+1202	107	2
+1204	107	2
+update ignore t1 set id=1023 where id=1010;
+select * from t1 where parent_id=102;
+id	parent_id	level
+1008	102	2
+1010	102	2
+1015	102	2
+explain select level from t1 where level=1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	level	level	1	const	#	Using where; Using index
+explain select level,id from t1 where level=1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	level	level	1	const	#	Using where; Using index
+explain select level,id,parent_id from t1 where level=1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	level	level	1	const	#	Using where
+select level,id from t1 where level=1;
+level	id
+1	1002
+1	1003
+1	1004
+1	1005
+1	1006
+1	1007
+select level,id,parent_id from t1 where level=1;
+level	id	parent_id
+1	1002	101
+1	1003	101
+1	1004	101
+1	1005	101
+1	1006	101
+1	1007	101
+optimize table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	optimize	status	OK
+show keys from t1;
+Table	Non_unique	Key_name	Seq_in_index	Column_name	Collation	Cardinality	Sub_part	Packed	Null	Index_type	Comment
+t1	1	parent_id	1	parent_id	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+t1	1	level	1	level	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+drop table t1;
+gesuchnr int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+benutzer_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+PRIMARY KEY (gesuchnr,benutzer_id)
+) engine=innodb;
+replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (2,1);
+replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1);
+replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1);
+select * from t1;
+gesuchnr	benutzer_id
+1	1
+2	1
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1), (2);
+optimize table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	optimize	status	OK
+delete from t1 where a = 1;
+select * from t1;
+check table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	check	status	OK
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int,b varchar(20)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1,""), (2,"testing");
+delete from t1 where a = 1;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+2	testing
+create index skr on t1 (a);
+insert into t1 values (3,""), (4,"testing");
+analyze table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	analyze	status	OK
+show keys from t1;
+Table	Non_unique	Key_name	Seq_in_index	Column_name	Collation	Cardinality	Sub_part	Packed	Null	Index_type	Comment
+t1	1	skr	1	a	A	#	NULL	NULL	YES	BTREE	
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int,b varchar(20),key(a)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1,""), (2,"testing");
+select * from t1 where a = 1;
+a	b
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (n int not null primary key) engine=innodb;
+set autocommit=0;
+insert into t1 values (4);
+select n, "after rollback" from t1;
+n	after rollback
+insert into t1 values (4);
+select n, "after commit" from t1;
+n	after commit
+4	after commit
+insert into t1 values (5);
+insert into t1 values (4);
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
+select n, "after commit" from t1;
+n	after commit
+4	after commit
+5	after commit
+set autocommit=1;
+insert into t1 values (6);
+insert into t1 values (4);
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
+select n from t1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (n int not null primary key) engine=innodb;
+start transaction;
+insert into t1 values (4);
+flush tables with read lock;
+unlock tables;
+select * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 ( id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, nom varchar(64)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values(1,'hamdouni');
+select id as afterbegin_id,nom as afterbegin_nom from t1;
+afterbegin_id	afterbegin_nom
+1	hamdouni
+select id as afterrollback_id,nom as afterrollback_nom from t1;
+afterrollback_id	afterrollback_nom
+set autocommit=0;
+insert into t1 values(2,'mysql');
+select id as afterautocommit0_id,nom as afterautocommit0_nom from t1;
+afterautocommit0_id	afterautocommit0_nom
+2	mysql
+select id as afterrollback_id,nom as afterrollback_nom from t1;
+afterrollback_id	afterrollback_nom
+set autocommit=1;
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (id char(8) not null primary key, val int not null) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values ('pippo', 12);
+insert into t1 values ('pippo', 12);
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'pippo' for key 1
+delete from t1;
+delete from t1 where id = 'pippo';
+select * from t1;
+id	val
+insert into t1 values ('pippo', 12);
+set autocommit=0;
+delete from t1;
+select * from t1;
+id	val
+pippo	12
+delete from t1;
+select * from t1;
+id	val
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a integer) engine=innodb;
+start transaction;
+rename table t1 to t2;
+create table t1 (b integer) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1);
+drop table t1;
+rename table t2 to t1;
+drop table t1;
+set autocommit=1;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'Jochen');
+select * from t1;
+1	Jochen
+drop table t1;
+set autocommit=0;
+INSERT INTO t1  SET _userid='marc@anyware.co.uk';
+SELECT _userid FROM t1 WHERE _userid='marc@anyware.co.uk';
+drop table t1;
+set autocommit=1;
+user_id int(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+name varchar(100),
+phone varchar(100),
+ref_email varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+detail varchar(200),
+PRIMARY KEY (user_id,ref_email)
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10292,'sanjeev','29153373','sansh777@hotmail.com','xxx'),(10292,'shirish','2333604','shirish@yahoo.com','ddsds'),(10292,'sonali','323232','sonali@bolly.com','filmstar');
+select * from t1 where user_id=10292;
+user_id	name	phone	ref_email	detail
+10292	sanjeev	29153373	sansh777@hotmail.com	xxx
+10292	shirish	2333604	shirish@yahoo.com	ddsds
+10292	sonali	323232	sonali@bolly.com	filmstar
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10291,'sanjeev','29153373','sansh777@hotmail.com','xxx'),(10293,'shirish','2333604','shirish@yahoo.com','ddsds');
+select * from t1 where user_id=10292;
+user_id	name	phone	ref_email	detail
+10292	sanjeev	29153373	sansh777@hotmail.com	xxx
+10292	shirish	2333604	shirish@yahoo.com	ddsds
+10292	sonali	323232	sonali@bolly.com	filmstar
+select * from t1 where user_id>=10292;
+user_id	name	phone	ref_email	detail
+10292	sanjeev	29153373	sansh777@hotmail.com	xxx
+10292	shirish	2333604	shirish@yahoo.com	ddsds
+10292	sonali	323232	sonali@bolly.com	filmstar
+10293	shirish	2333604	shirish@yahoo.com	ddsds
+select * from t1 where user_id>10292;
+user_id	name	phone	ref_email	detail
+10293	shirish	2333604	shirish@yahoo.com	ddsds
+select * from t1 where user_id<10292;
+user_id	name	phone	ref_email	detail
+10291	sanjeev	29153373	sansh777@hotmail.com	xxx
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null, b int not null,c int not null,
+key(a),primary key(a,b), unique(c),key(a),unique(b));
+show index from t1;
+Table	Non_unique	Key_name	Seq_in_index	Column_name	Collation	Cardinality	Sub_part	Packed	Null	Index_type	Comment
+t1	0	c	1	c	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+t1	0	b	1	b	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+t1	1	a	1	a	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+t1	1	a_2	1	a	A	#	NULL	NULL		BTREE	
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (col1 int not null, col2 char(4) not null, primary key(col1));
+alter table t1 engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values ('1','1'),('5','2'),('2','3'),('3','4'),('4','4');
+select * from t1;
+col1	col2
+1	1
+2	3
+3	4
+4	4
+5	2
+update t1 set col2='7' where col1='4';
+select * from t1;
+col1	col2
+1	1
+2	3
+3	4
+4	7
+5	2
+alter table t1 add co3 int not null;
+select * from t1;
+col1	col2	co3
+1	1	0
+2	3	0
+3	4	0
+4	7	0
+5	2	0
+update t1 set col2='9' where col1='2';
+select * from t1;
+col1	col2	co3
+1	1	0
+2	9	0
+3	4	0
+4	7	0
+5	2	0
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int not null , b int, primary key (a)) engine = innodb;
+create table t2 (a int not null , b int, primary key (a)) engine = myisam;
+insert into t1 VALUES (1,3) , (2,3), (3,3);
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+1	3
+2	3
+3	3
+insert into t2 select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+a	b
+1	3
+2	3
+3	3
+delete from t1 where b = 3;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+insert into t1 select * from t2;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+1	3
+2	3
+3	3
+select * from t2;
+a	b
+1	3
+2	3
+3	3
+drop table t1,t2;
+id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ggid varchar(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+email varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+passwd varchar(32) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+UNIQUE ggid (ggid)
+) ENGINE=innodb;
+insert into t1 (ggid,passwd) values ('test1','xxx');
+insert into t1 (ggid,passwd) values ('test2','yyy');
+insert into t1 (ggid,passwd) values ('test2','this will fail');
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'test2' for key 2
+insert into t1 (ggid,id) values ('this will fail',1);
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
+select * from t1 where ggid='test1';
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+1	test1		xxx
+select * from t1 where passwd='xxx';
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+1	test1		xxx
+select * from t1 where id=2;
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+2	test2		yyy
+replace into t1 (ggid,id) values ('this will work',1);
+replace into t1 (ggid,passwd) values ('test2','this will work');
+update t1 set id=100,ggid='test2' where id=1;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'test2' for key 2
+select * from t1;
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+1	this will work		
+3	test2		this will work
+select * from t1 where id=1;
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+1	this will work		
+select * from t1 where id=999;
+id	ggid	email	passwd
+drop table t1;
+user_name varchar(12),
+password text,
+subscribed char(1),
+user_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+quota bigint(20),
+weight double,
+access_date date,
+access_time time,
+approved datetime,
+dummy_primary_key int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+PRIMARY KEY (dummy_primary_key)
+) ENGINE=innodb;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('user_0','somepassword','N',0,0,0,'2000-09-07','23:06:59','2000-09-07 23:06:59',1);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('user_1','somepassword','Y',1,1,1,'2000-09-07','23:06:59','2000-09-07 23:06:59',2);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('user_2','somepassword','N',2,2,1.4142135623731,'2000-09-07','23:06:59','2000-09-07 23:06:59',3);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('user_3','somepassword','Y',3,3,1.7320508075689,'2000-09-07','23:06:59','2000-09-07 23:06:59',4);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('user_4','somepassword','N',4,4,2,'2000-09-07','23:06:59','2000-09-07 23:06:59',5);
+select  user_name, password , subscribed, user_id, quota, weight, access_date, access_time, approved, dummy_primary_key from t1 order by user_name;
+user_name	password	subscribed	user_id	quota	weight	access_date	access_time	approved	dummy_primary_key
+user_0	somepassword	N	0	0	0	2000-09-07	23:06:59	2000-09-07 23:06:59	1
+user_1	somepassword	Y	1	1	1	2000-09-07	23:06:59	2000-09-07 23:06:59	2
+user_2	somepassword	N	2	2	1.4142135623731	2000-09-07	23:06:59	2000-09-07 23:06:59	3
+user_3	somepassword	Y	3	3	1.7320508075689	2000-09-07	23:06:59	2000-09-07 23:06:59	4
+user_4	somepassword	N	4	4	2	2000-09-07	23:06:59	2000-09-07 23:06:59	5
+drop table t1;
+id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+parent_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+level tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
+KEY (id),
+KEY parent_id (parent_id),
+KEY level (level)
+) engine=innodb;
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0,0),(3,1,1),(4,1,1),(8,2,2),(9,2,2),(17,3,2),(22,4,2),(24,4,2),(28,5,2),(29,5,2),(30,5,2),(31,6,2),(32,6,2),(33,6,2),(203,7,2),(202,7,2),(20,3,2),(157,0,0),(193,5,2),(40,7,2),(2,1,1),(15,2,2),(6,1,1),(34,6,2),(35,6,2),(16,3,2),(7,1,1),(36,7,2),(18,3,2),(26,5,2),(27,5,2),(183,4,2),(38,7,2),(25,5,2),(37,7,2),(21,4,2),(19,3,2),(5,1,1);
+INSERT INTO t1 values (179,5,2);
+update t1 set parent_id=parent_id+100;
+select * from t1 where parent_id=102;
+id	parent_id	level
+8	102	2
+9	102	2
+15	102	2
+update t1 set id=id+1000;
+update t1 set id=1024 where id=1009;
+select * from t1;
+id	parent_id	level
+1001	100	0
+1003	101	1
+1004	101	1
+1008	102	2
+1024	102	2
+1017	103	2
+1022	104	2
+1024	104	2
+1028	105	2
+1029	105	2
+1030	105	2
+1031	106	2
+1032	106	2
+1033	106	2
+1203	107	2
+1202	107	2
+1020	103	2
+1157	100	0
+1193	105	2
+1040	107	2
+1002	101	1
+1015	102	2
+1006	101	1
+1034	106	2
+1035	106	2
+1016	103	2
+1007	101	1
+1036	107	2
+1018	103	2
+1026	105	2
+1027	105	2
+1183	104	2
+1038	107	2
+1025	105	2
+1037	107	2
+1021	104	2
+1019	103	2
+1005	101	1
+1179	105	2
+update ignore t1 set id=id+1;
+select * from t1;
+id	parent_id	level
+1002	100	0
+1004	101	1
+1005	101	1
+1009	102	2
+1025	102	2
+1018	103	2
+1023	104	2
+1025	104	2
+1029	105	2
+1030	105	2
+1031	105	2
+1032	106	2
+1033	106	2
+1034	106	2
+1204	107	2
+1203	107	2
+1021	103	2
+1158	100	0
+1194	105	2
+1041	107	2
+1003	101	1
+1016	102	2
+1007	101	1
+1035	106	2
+1036	106	2
+1017	103	2
+1008	101	1
+1037	107	2
+1019	103	2
+1027	105	2
+1028	105	2
+1184	104	2
+1039	107	2
+1026	105	2
+1038	107	2
+1022	104	2
+1020	103	2
+1006	101	1
+1180	105	2
+update ignore t1 set id=1023 where id=1010;
+select * from t1 where parent_id=102;
+id	parent_id	level
+1009	102	2
+1025	102	2
+1016	102	2
+explain select level from t1 where level=1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ref	level	level	1	const	#	Using where; Using index
+select level,id from t1 where level=1;
+level	id
+1	1004
+1	1005
+1	1003
+1	1007
+1	1008
+1	1006
+select level,id,parent_id from t1 where level=1;
+level	id	parent_id
+1	1004	101
+1	1005	101
+1	1003	101
+1	1007	101
+1	1008	101
+1	1006	101
+select level,id from t1 where level=1 order by id;
+level	id
+1	1003
+1	1004
+1	1005
+1	1006
+1	1007
+1	1008
+delete from t1 where level=1;
+select * from t1;
+id	parent_id	level
+1002	100	0
+1009	102	2
+1025	102	2
+1018	103	2
+1023	104	2
+1025	104	2
+1029	105	2
+1030	105	2
+1031	105	2
+1032	106	2
+1033	106	2
+1034	106	2
+1204	107	2
+1203	107	2
+1021	103	2
+1158	100	0
+1194	105	2
+1041	107	2
+1016	102	2
+1035	106	2
+1036	106	2
+1017	103	2
+1037	107	2
+1019	103	2
+1027	105	2
+1028	105	2
+1184	104	2
+1039	107	2
+1026	105	2
+1038	107	2
+1022	104	2
+1020	103	2
+1180	105	2
+drop table t1;
+sca_code char(6) NOT NULL,
+cat_code char(6) NOT NULL,
+sca_desc varchar(50),
+lan_code char(2) NOT NULL,
+sca_pic varchar(100),
+sca_sdesc varchar(50),
+sca_sch_desc varchar(16),
+PRIMARY KEY (sca_code, cat_code, lan_code),
+INDEX sca_pic (sca_pic)
+) engine = innodb ;
+INSERT INTO t1 ( sca_code, cat_code, sca_desc, lan_code, sca_pic, sca_sdesc, sca_sch_desc) VALUES ( 'PD', 'J', 'PENDANT', 'EN', NULL, NULL, 'PENDANT'),( 'RI', 'J', 'RING', 'EN', NULL, NULL, 'RING'),( 'QQ', 'N', 'RING', 'EN', 'not null', NULL, 'RING');
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_code = 'PD';
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_code <= 'PD';
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_pic is null;
+alter table t1 drop index sca_pic, add index sca_pic (cat_code, sca_pic);
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_code='PD' and sca_pic is null;
+select count(*) from t1 where cat_code='E';
+alter table t1 drop index sca_pic, add index (sca_pic, cat_code);
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_code='PD' and sca_pic is null;
+select count(*) from t1 where sca_pic >= 'n';
+select sca_pic from t1 where sca_pic is null;
+update t1 set sca_pic="test" where sca_pic is null;
+delete from t1 where sca_code='pd';
+drop table t1;
+set @a:=now();
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null, b timestamp not null, primary key (a)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 (a) values(1),(2),(3);
+select t1.a from t1 natural join t1 as t2 where t1.b >= @a order by t1.a;
+update t1 set a=5 where a=1;
+select a from t1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a varchar(100) not null, primary key(a), b int not null) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values("hello",1),("world",2);
+select * from t1 order by b desc;
+a	b
+world	2
+hello	1
+optimize table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	optimize	status	OK
+show keys from t1;
+Table	Non_unique	Key_name	Seq_in_index	Column_name	Collation	Cardinality	Sub_part	Packed	Null	Index_type	Comment
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (i int, j int ) ENGINE=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1,2);
+select * from t1 where i=1 and j=2;
+i	j
+1	2
+create index ax1 on t1 (i,j);
+select * from t1 where i=1 and j=2;
+i	j
+1	2
+drop table t1;
+a int3 unsigned NOT NULL,
+b int1 unsigned NOT NULL,
+UNIQUE (a, b)
+) ENGINE = innodb;
+SELECT MIN(B),MAX(b) FROM t1 WHERE t1.a = 1;
+MIN(B)	MAX(b)
+1	1
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a int unsigned NOT NULL) engine=innodb;
+create table t1 (a int  primary key,b int, c int, d int, e int, f int, g int, h int, i int, j int, k int, l int, m int, n int, o int, p int, q int, r int, s int, t int, u int, v int, w int, x int, y int, z int, a1 int, a2 int, a3 int, a4 int, a5 int, a6 int, a7 int, a8 int, a9 int, b1 int, b2 int, b3 int, b4 int, b5 int, b6 int) engine = innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
+explain select * from t1 where a > 0 and a < 50;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	range	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	NULL	#	Using where
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (id int NOT NULL,id2 int NOT NULL,id3 int NOT NULL,dummy1 char(30),primary key (id,id2),index index_id3 (id3)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (0,0,0,'ABCDEFGHIJ'),(2,2,2,'BCDEFGHIJK'),(1,1,1,'CDEFGHIJKL');
+insert into t1 values (99,1,2,'D'),(1,1,2,'D');
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1
+select id from t1;
+select id from t1;
+create table t1 (id int NOT NULL,id2 int NOT NULL,id3 int NOT NULL,dummy1 char(30),primary key (id,id2),index index_id3 (id3)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (0,0,0,'ABCDEFGHIJ'),(2,2,2,'BCDEFGHIJK'),(1,1,1,'CDEFGHIJKL');
+insert into t1 values (99,1,2,'D'),(1,1,2,'D');
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1
+select id from t1;
+insert ignore into t1 values (100,1,2,'D'),(1,1,99,'D');
+select id,id3 from t1;
+id	id3
+0	0
+1	1
+2	2
+100	2
+create table t1 (a char(20), unique (a(5))) engine=innodb;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a char(20), index (a(5))) engine=innodb;
+show create table t1;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `a` char(20) default NULL,
+  KEY `a` (`a`(5))
+drop table t1;
+create temporary table t1 (a int not null auto_increment, primary key(a)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (NULL),(NULL),(NULL);
+delete from t1 where a=3;
+insert into t1 values (NULL);
+select * from t1;
+alter table t1 add b int;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+drop table t1;
+create table t1
+id int auto_increment primary key,
+name varchar(32) not null,
+value text not null,
+uid int not null,
+unique key(name,uid)
+) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one','one value',101),
+(2,'two','two value',102),(3,'three','three value',103);
+set insert_id=5;
+replace into t1 (value,name,uid) values ('other value','two',102);
+delete from t1 where uid=102;
+set insert_id=5;
+replace into t1 (value,name,uid) values ('other value','two',102);
+set insert_id=6;
+replace into t1 (value,name,uid) values ('other value','two',102);
+select * from t1;
+id	name	value	uid
+1	one	one value	101
+3	three	three value	103
+6	two	other value	102
+drop table t1;
+create database mysqltest;
+create table mysqltest.t1 (a int not null) engine= innodb;
+insert into mysqltest.t1 values(1);
+create table mysqltest.t2 (a int not null) engine= myisam;
+insert into mysqltest.t2 values(1);
+create table mysqltest.t3 (a int not null) engine= heap;
+insert into mysqltest.t3 values(1);
+drop database mysqltest;
+show tables from mysqltest;
+Got one of the listed errors
+set autocommit=0;
+create table t1 (a int not null) engine= innodb;
+insert into t1 values(1),(2);
+truncate table t1;
+ERROR HY000: Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction
+truncate table t1;
+select * from t1;
+insert into t1 values(1),(2);
+delete from t1;
+select * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+set autocommit=1;
+create table t1 (a int not null) engine= innodb;
+insert into t1 values(1),(2);
+truncate table t1;
+insert into t1 values(1),(2);
+select * from t1;
+truncate table t1;
+insert into t1 values(1),(2);
+delete from t1;
+select * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int not null, b int not null, c int not null, primary key (a),key(b)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values (3,3,3),(1,1,1),(2,2,2),(4,4,4);
+explain select * from t1 order by a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+explain select * from t1 order by b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	index	NULL	b	4	NULL	#	
+explain select * from t1 order by c;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ALL	NULL	NULL	NULL	NULL	#	Using filesort
+explain select a from t1 order by a;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	index	NULL	PRIMARY	4	NULL	#	Using index
+explain select b from t1 order by b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	index	NULL	b	4	NULL	#	Using index
+explain select a,b from t1 order by b;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	index	NULL	b	4	NULL	#	Using index
+explain select a,b from t1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	index	NULL	b	4	NULL	#	Using index
+explain select a,b,c from t1;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (t int not null default 1, key (t)) engine=innodb;
+desc t1;
+Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+t	int(11)		MUL	1	
+drop table t1;
+number bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
+cname char(15) NOT NULL default '',
+carrier_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+privacy tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+last_mod_date timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
+last_mod_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+last_app_date timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
+last_app_id smallint(6) default '-1',
+version smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+assigned_scps int(11) default '0',
+status tinyint(4) default '0'
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4077711111,'SeanWheeler',90,2,20020111112846,500,00000000000000,-1,2,3,1);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9197722223,'berry',90,3,20020111112809,500,20020102114532,501,4,10,0);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (650,'San Francisco',0,0,20011227111336,342,00000000000000,-1,1,24,1);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (302467,'Sue\'s Subshop',90,3,20020109113241,500,20020102115111,501,7,24,0);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6014911113,'SudzCarwash',520,1,20020102115234,500,20020102115259,501,33,32768,0);
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (333,'tubs',99,2,20020109113440,501,20020109113440,500,3,10,0);
+number bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
+cname char(15) NOT NULL default '',
+carrier_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+privacy tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+last_mod_date timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
+last_mod_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+last_app_date timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
+last_app_id smallint(6) default '-1',
+version smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+assigned_scps int(11) default '0',
+status tinyint(4) default '0'
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4077711111,'SeanWheeler',0,2,20020111112853,500,00000000000000,-1,2,3,1);
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (9197722223,'berry',90,3,20020111112818,500,20020102114532,501,4,10,0);
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (650,'San Francisco',90,0,20020109113158,342,00000000000000,-1,1,24,1);
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (333,'tubs',99,2,20020109113453,501,20020109113453,500,3,10,0);
+select * from t1;
+number	cname	carrier_id	privacy	last_mod_date	last_mod_id	last_app_date	last_app_id	version	assigned_scps	status
+4077711111	SeanWheeler	90	2	2002-01-11 11:28:46	500	0000-00-00 00:00:00	-1	2	3	1
+9197722223	berry	90	3	2002-01-11 11:28:09	500	2002-01-02 11:45:32	501	4	10	0
+650	San Francisco	0	0	2001-12-27 11:13:36	342	0000-00-00 00:00:00	-1	1	24	1
+302467	Sue's Subshop	90	3	2002-01-09 11:32:41	500	2002-01-02 11:51:11	501	7	24	0
+6014911113	SudzCarwash	520	1	2002-01-02 11:52:34	500	2002-01-02 11:52:59	501	33	32768	0
+333	tubs	99	2	2002-01-09 11:34:40	501	2002-01-09 11:34:40	500	3	10	0
+select * from t2;
+number	cname	carrier_id	privacy	last_mod_date	last_mod_id	last_app_date	last_app_id	version	assigned_scps	status
+4077711111	SeanWheeler	0	2	2002-01-11 11:28:53	500	0000-00-00 00:00:00	-1	2	3	1
+9197722223	berry	90	3	2002-01-11 11:28:18	500	2002-01-02 11:45:32	501	4	10	0
+650	San Francisco	90	0	2002-01-09 11:31:58	342	0000-00-00 00:00:00	-1	1	24	1
+333	tubs	99	2	2002-01-09 11:34:53	501	2002-01-09 11:34:53	500	3	10	0
+delete t1, t2 from t1 left join t2 on t1.number=t2.number where (t1.carrier_id=90 and t1.number=t2.number) or (t2.carrier_id=90 and t1.number=t2.number) or  (t1.carrier_id=90 and t2.number is null);
+select * from t1;
+number	cname	carrier_id	privacy	last_mod_date	last_mod_id	last_app_date	last_app_id	version	assigned_scps	status
+6014911113	SudzCarwash	520	1	2002-01-02 11:52:34	500	2002-01-02 11:52:59	501	33	32768	0
+333	tubs	99	2	2002-01-09 11:34:40	501	2002-01-09 11:34:40	500	3	10	0
+select * from t2;
+number	cname	carrier_id	privacy	last_mod_date	last_mod_id	last_app_date	last_app_id	version	assigned_scps	status
+333	tubs	99	2	2002-01-09 11:34:53	501	2002-01-09 11:34:53	500	3	10	0
+select * from t2;
+number	cname	carrier_id	privacy	last_mod_date	last_mod_id	last_app_date	last_app_id	version	assigned_scps	status
+333	tubs	99	2	2002-01-09 11:34:53	501	2002-01-09 11:34:53	500	3	10	0
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (id int unsigned not null auto_increment, code tinyint unsigned not null, name char(20) not null, primary key (id), key (code), unique (name)) engine=innodb;
+SELECT @@tx_isolation,@@global.tx_isolation;
+@@tx_isolation	@@global.tx_isolation
+insert into t1 (code, name) values (1, 'Tim'), (1, 'Monty'), (2, 'David');
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+1	1	Tim
+2	1	Monty
+3	2	David
+insert into t1 (code, name) values (2, 'Erik'), (3, 'Sasha');
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+1	1	Tim
+2	1	Monty
+3	2	David
+4	2	Erik
+5	3	Sasha
+insert into t1 (code, name) values (3, 'Jeremy'), (4, 'Matt');
+select id, code, name from t1 order by id;
+id	code	name
+1	1	Tim
+2	1	Monty
+3	2	David
+4	2	Erik
+5	3	Sasha
+6	3	Jeremy
+7	4	Matt
+create table t1 (n int(10), d int(10)) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 (n int(10), d int(10)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values(1,1),(1,2);
+insert into t2 values(1,10),(2,20);
+UPDATE t1,t2 SET t1.d=t2.d,t2.d=30 WHERE t1.n=t2.n;
+select * from t1;
+n	d
+1	10
+1	10
+select * from t2;
+n	d
+1	30
+2	20
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (a int, b int) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values(20,null);
+select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on
+b	ifnull(t2.b,"this is null")
+NULL	this is null
+select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on
+t2.b=t3.a order by 1;
+b	ifnull(t2.b,"this is null")
+NULL	this is null
+insert into t1 values(10,null);
+select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on
+t2.b=t3.a order by 1;
+b	ifnull(t2.b,"this is null")
+NULL	this is null
+NULL	this is null
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a varchar(10) not null) engine=myisam;
+create table t2 (b varchar(10) not null unique) engine=innodb;
+select t1.a from t1,t2 where t1.a=t2.b;
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (a int not null, b int, primary key (a)) engine = innodb;
+create table t2 (a int not null, b int, primary key (a)) engine = innodb;
+insert into t1 values (10, 20);
+insert into t2 values (10, 20);
+update t1, t2 set t1.b = 150, t2.b = t1.b where t2.a = t1.a and t1.a = 10;
+drop table t1,t2;
+insert into t1 set id=1;
+insert into t2 set id=1, t1_id=1;
+delete t1,t2 from t1,t2 where t1.id=t2.t1_id;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+id	t1_id
+drop table t2,t1;
+CREATE TABLE t2(id  INT PRIMARY KEY, t1_id INT, INDEX par_ind (t1_id)  ) ENGINE=INNODB;
+SELECT * from t1;
+UPDATE t1,t2 SET t1.id=t1.id+1, t2.t1_id=t1.id+1;
+SELECT * from t1;
+UPDATE t1,t2 SET t1.id=t1.id+1 where t1.id!=t2.id;
+SELECT * from t1;
+DROP TABLE t1,t2;
+set autocommit=0;
+INSERT INTO t3 VALUES("my-test-1", "my-test-2");
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("this-key", "will disappear");
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES("this-key", "will also disappear");
+DELETE FROM t3 WHERE id1="my-test-1";
+id	value
+this-key	will disappear
+id	value
+this-key	will also disappear
+id1	id2
+id	value
+id	value
+id1	id2
+my-test-1	my-test-2
+id1	id2
+my-test-1	my-test-2
+set autocommit=1;
+DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null primary key, b int not null, unique (b)) engine=innodb;
+INSERT INTO t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9);
+UPDATE t1 set a=a+100 where b between 2 and 3 and a < 1000;
+SELECT * from t1;
+a	b
+1	1
+102	2
+103	3
+4	4
+5	5
+6	6
+7	7
+8	8
+9	9
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null primary key, b int not null, key (b)) engine=innodb;
+CREATE TABLE t2 (a int not null primary key, b int not null, key (b)) engine=innodb;
+INSERT INTO t1 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9),(10,10),(11,11),(12,12);
+INSERT INTO t2 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9);
+update t1,t2 set t1.a=t1.a+100;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+101	1
+102	2
+103	3
+104	4
+105	5
+106	6
+107	7
+108	8
+109	9
+110	10
+111	11
+112	12
+update t1,t2 set t1.a=t1.a+100 where t1.a=101;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+201	1
+102	2
+103	3
+104	4
+105	5
+106	6
+107	7
+108	8
+109	9
+110	10
+111	11
+112	12
+update t1,t2 set t1.b=t1.b+10 where t1.b=2;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+201	1
+103	3
+104	4
+105	5
+106	6
+107	7
+108	8
+109	9
+110	10
+111	11
+102	12
+112	12
+update t1,t2 set t1.b=t1.b+2,t2.b=t1.b+10 where t1.b between 3 and 5 and t1.a=t2.a+100;
+select * from t1;
+a	b
+201	1
+103	5
+104	6
+106	6
+105	7
+107	7
+108	8
+109	9
+110	10
+111	11
+102	12
+112	12
+select * from t2;
+a	b
+1	1
+2	2
+6	6
+7	7
+8	8
+9	9
+3	13
+4	14
+5	15
+drop table t1,t2;
+INSERT INTO t1 ( B_ID ) VALUES ( 1 );
+Warning	1196	Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back
+drop table  t1,t2;
+create table t1  ( pk         int primary key,    parent     int not null,    child      int not null,       index (parent)  ) engine = innodb;
+insert into t1 values   (1,0,4),  (2,1,3),  (3,2,1),  (4,1,2);
+select distinct  parent,child   from t1   order by parent;
+parent	child
+0	4
+1	2
+1	3
+2	1
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment primary key, b int, c int, key(c)) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 (a int not null auto_increment primary key, b int);
+insert into t1 (b) values (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null);
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (b) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+insert into t2 (a) select b from t1;
+insert into t1 (a) select b from t2;
+select count(*) from t1;
+explain select * from t1 where c between 1 and 10000;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	range	c	c	5	NULL	#	Using where
+update t1 set c=a;
+explain select * from t1 where c between 1 and 10000;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ALL	c	NULL	NULL	NULL	#	Using where
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (id int primary key auto_increment, fk int, index index_fk (fk)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 (id) values (null),(null),(null),(null),(null);
+update t1 set fk=69 where fk is null order by id limit 1;
+SELECT * from t1;
+id	fk
+1	69
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int not null, b int not null, key (a));
+insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3);
+SET @tmp=0;
+update t1 set b=(@tmp:=@tmp+1) order by a;
+update t1 set b=99 where a=1 order by b asc limit 1;
+update t1 set b=100 where a=1 order by b desc limit 2;
+update t1 set a=a+10+b where a=1 order by b;
+select * from t1 order by a,b;
+a	b
+2	4
+2	5
+2	6
+3	7
+3	8
+3	9
+3	10
+3	11
+3	12
+13	2
+111	100
+111	100
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 ( c char(8) not null ) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values ('0'),('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('5'),('6'),('7'),('8'),('9');
+insert into t1 values ('A'),('B'),('C'),('D'),('E'),('F');
+alter table t1 add b char(8) not null;
+alter table t1 add a char(8) not null;
+alter table t1 add primary key (a,b,c);
+update t1 set a=c, b=c;
+create table t2 (c char(8) not null, b char(8) not null, a char(8) not null, primary key(a,b,c)) engine=innodb;
+insert into t2 select * from t1;
+delete t1,t2 from t2,t1 where t1.a<'B' and t2.b=t1.b;
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (a integer auto_increment primary key) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 (a) values (NULL),(NULL);
+truncate table t1;
+insert into t1 (a) values (NULL),(NULL);
+SELECT * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+drop table t2,t1;
+create table `t1` (`id` int( 11 ) not null  ,primary key ( `id` )) engine = innodb;
+insert into `t1`values ( 1 ) ;
+create table `t2` (`id` int( 11 ) not null default '0',unique key `id` ( `id` ) ,constraint `t1_id_fk` foreign key ( `id` ) references `t1` (`id` )) engine = innodb;
+insert into `t2`values ( 1 ) ;
+create table `t3` (`id` int( 11 ) not null default '0',key `id` ( `id` ) ,constraint `t2_id_fk` foreign key ( `id` ) references `t2` (`id` )) engine = innodb;
+insert into `t3`values ( 1 ) ;
+delete t3,t2,t1 from t1,t2,t3 where t1.id =1 and t2.id = t1.id and t3.id = t2.id;
+ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
+update t1,t2,t3 set t3.id=5, t2.id=6, t1.id=7  where t1.id =1 and t2.id = t1.id and t3.id = t2.id;
+ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
+update t3 set  t3.id=7  where t1.id =1 and t2.id = t1.id and t3.id = t2.id;
+ERROR 42S02: Unknown table 't1' in where clause
+drop table t3,t2,t1;
+create table t1(
+id int primary key,
+pid int,
+foreign key(pid) references t1(id) on delete cascade) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values(0,0),(1,0),(2,1),(3,2),(4,3),(5,4),(6,5),(7,6),
+delete from t1 where id=0;
+ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
+delete from t1 where id=15;
+delete from t1 where id=0;
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (col1 int(1))ENGINE=InnoDB;
+CREATE TABLE t2 (col1 int(1),stamp TIMESTAMP,INDEX stamp_idx
+insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3);
+insert into t2 values (1, 20020204130000),(2, 20020204130000),(4,20020204310000 ),(5,20020204230000);
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'stamp' at row 3
+SELECT col1 FROM t1 UNION SELECT col1 FROM t2 WHERE stamp <
+'20020204120000' GROUP BY col1;
+drop table t1,t2;
+`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+`id_object` int(10) unsigned default '0',
+`id_version` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
+label varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
+`description` text,
+PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
+KEY `id_object` (`id_object`),
+KEY `id_version` (`id_version`)
+INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("6", "3382", "9", "Test", NULL), ("7", "102", "5", "Le Pekin (Test)", NULL),("584", "1794", "4", "Test de resto", NULL),("837", "1822", "6", "Test 3", NULL),("1119", "3524", "1", "Societe Test", NULL),("1122", "3525", "1", "Fournisseur Test", NULL);
+`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+`id_version` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
+PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
+KEY `id_version` (`id_version`)
+INSERT INTO t2 VALUES("3524", "1"),("3525", "1"),("1794", "4"),("102", "5"),("1822", "6"),("3382", "9");
+SELECT t2.id, t1.label FROM t2 INNER JOIN
+(SELECT t1.id_object as id_object FROM t1 WHERE t1.label LIKE '%test%') AS lbl 
+ON (t2.id = lbl.id_object) INNER JOIN t1 ON (t2.id = t1.id_object);
+id	label
+3382	Test
+102	Le Pekin (Test)
+1794	Test de resto
+1822	Test 3
+3524	Societe Test
+3525	Fournisseur Test
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (c1 char(5) unique not null, c2 int, stamp timestamp) engine=innodb;
+select * from t1;
+c1	c2	stamp
+replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2)  values ( "text1","11"),( "text2","12");
+select * from t1;
+c1	c2	stamp
+text1	11	2004-12-01 13:23:14
+text2	12	2004-12-01 13:23:14
+replace delayed into t1 (c1, c2)  values ( "text1","12"),( "text2","13"),( "text3","14", "a" ),( "text4","15", "b" );
+ERROR 21S01: Column count doesn't match value count at row 3
+select * from t1;
+c1	c2	stamp
+text1	11	2004-12-01 13:23:14
+text2	12	2004-12-01 13:23:14
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int, b varchar(200), c text not null) checksum=1 engine=myisam;
+create table t2 (a int, b varchar(200), c text not null) checksum=0 engine=innodb;
+create table t3 (a int, b varchar(200), c text not null) checksum=1 engine=innodb;
+insert t1 values (1, "aaa", "bbb"), (NULL, "", "ccccc"), (0, NULL, "");
+insert t2 select * from t1;
+insert t3 select * from t1;
+checksum table t1, t2, t3, t4 quick;
+Table	Checksum
+test.t1	968604391
+test.t2	NULL
+test.t3	NULL
+test.t4	NULL
+checksum table t1, t2, t3, t4;
+Table	Checksum
+test.t1	968604391
+test.t2	968604391
+test.t3	968604391
+test.t4	NULL
+checksum table t1, t2, t3, t4 extended;
+Table	Checksum
+test.t1	968604391
+test.t2	968604391
+test.t3	968604391
+test.t4	NULL
+drop table t1,t2,t3;
+create table t1 (id int,  name char(10) not null,  name2 char(10) not null) engine=innodb;
+insert into t1 values(1,'first','fff'),(2,'second','sss'),(3,'third','ttt');
+select name2 from t1  union all  select name from t1 union all select id from t1;
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 like t1;
+drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, unique (id,id2)) engine=innodb;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, constraint t1_id_fk foreign key ( id ) references t1 (id)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t1;
+Table	Create Table
+t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`)
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `t1_id_fk` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+create index id on t2 (id);
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `id` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+create index id2 on t2 (id);
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `id` (`id`),
+  KEY `id2` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop index id2 on t2;
+drop index id on t2;
+Got one of the listed errors
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `id` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id,id2) references t1 (id,id2)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `t1_id_fk` (`id`,`id2`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`, `id2`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`, `id2`)
+create unique index id on t2 (id,id2);
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`, `id2`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`, `id2`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, unique (id,id2),constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id2,id) references t1 (id,id2)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`),
+  KEY `t1_id_fk` (`id2`,`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id2`, `id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`, `id2`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, unique (id,id2), constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id) references t1 (id)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, unique (id,id2),constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id2,id) references t1 (id,id2)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`),
+  KEY `t1_id_fk` (`id2`,`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id2`, `id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`, `id2`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null auto_increment, id2 int(11) not null, constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id) references t1 (id), primary key (id), index (id,id2)) engine = innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
+  KEY `id` (`id`,`id2`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null auto_increment, id2 int(11) not null, constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id) references t1 (id)) engine= innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `t1_id_fk` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+alter table t2 add index id_test (id), add index id_test2 (id,id2);
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `id2` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  KEY `id_test` (`id`),
+  KEY `id_test2` (`id`,`id2`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t1_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (id int(11) not null, id2 int(11) not null, constraint t1_id_fk foreign key (id2,id) references t1 (id)) engine = innodb;
+ERROR HY000: Can't create table '/home/hf/work/mysql-4.1.clean/mysql-test/var/master-data/test/t2.frm' (errno: 150)
+create table t2 (a int auto_increment primary key, b int, index(b), foreign key (b) references t1(id), unique(b)) engine=innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `b` int(11) default NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY  (`a`),
+  UNIQUE KEY `b_2` (`b`),
+  KEY `b` (`b`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t2_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`b`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2;
+create table t2 (a int auto_increment primary key, b int, foreign key (b) references t1(id), foreign key (b) references t1(id), unique(b)) engine=innodb;
+show create table t2;
+Table	Create Table
+t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
+  `a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `b` int(11) default NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY  (`a`),
+  UNIQUE KEY `b` (`b`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t2_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`b`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`),
+  CONSTRAINT `t2_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`b`) REFERENCES `t1` (`id`)
+drop table t2, t1;
+show status like "binlog_cache_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_use	24
+show status like "binlog_cache_disk_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_disk_use	0
+create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb;
+show status like "binlog_cache_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_use	25
+show status like "binlog_cache_disk_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_disk_use	1
+delete from t1;
+show status like "binlog_cache_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_use	26
+show status like "binlog_cache_disk_use";
+Variable_name	Value
+Binlog_cache_disk_use	1
+drop table t1;
+create table t1 (c char(10), index (c,c)) engine=innodb;
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c'
+create table t1 (c1 char(10), c2 char(10), index (c1,c2,c1)) engine=innodb;
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+create table t1 (c1 char(10), c2 char(10), index (c1,c1,c2)) engine=innodb;
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+create table t1 (c1 char(10), c2 char(10), index (c2,c1,c1)) engine=innodb;
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+create table t1 (c1 char(10), c2 char(10)) engine=innodb;
+alter table t1 add key (c1,c1);
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+alter table t1 add key (c2,c1,c1);
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+alter table t1 add key (c1,c2,c1);
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+alter table t1 add key (c1,c1,c2);
+ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'c1'
+drop table t1;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/myisam-blob.result.es b/mysql-test/r/myisam-blob.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4031b9cfd1c4bc1d179f55ffebda7ad0db2df2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/myisam-blob.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+drop table if exists t1;
+UPDATE t1 set data=repeat('a',18*1024*1024);
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+select length(data) from t1;
+delete from t1 where left(data,1)='a';
+check table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	check	status	OK
+truncate table t1;
+INSERT INTO t1 (data) VALUES (repeat('a',1*1024*1024));
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+INSERT INTO t1 (data) VALUES (repeat('b',16*1024*1024-1024));
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+delete from t1 where left(data,1)='b';
+check table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	check	status	OK
+UPDATE t1 set data=repeat('c',17*1024*1024);
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+check table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	check	status	OK
+delete from t1 where left(data,1)='c';
+check table t1;
+Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
+test.t1	check	status	OK
+INSERT INTO t1 set data=repeat('a',18*1024*1024);
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+select length(data) from t1;
+alter table t1 modify data blob;
+select length(data) from t1;
+drop table t1;
+CREATE TABLE t1 (data BLOB) ENGINE=myisam;
+UPDATE t1 set data=repeat('a',18*1024*1024);
+Warning	1301	Result of repeat() was larger than max_allowed_packet (24) - truncated
+select length(data) from t1;
+drop table t1;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f17b4cdcd0b277779b901c04f21668297611a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,3130 @@
+use test;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	252	255	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	252	255	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	252	65535	4	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	252	65535	4	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	252	16777215	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	252	16777215	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (s varchar(25), fulltext(s))
+insert into t2 values ('Gravedigger'), ('Greed'),('Hollow Dogs') ;
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select s from t2 where match (s) against (?) ' ;
+set @arg00='Dogs' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+Hollow Dogs
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT s FROM t2
+where match (s) against (concat(?,''digger'')) ';
+set @arg00='Grave' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL) ;
+set @duplicate='duplicate ' ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @5=5 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a < 5 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+insert into t1 select a + @1000, concat(@duplicate,b) from t1
+where a < @5 ;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 select a + ?, concat(?,b) from t1
+where a < ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @duplicate, @5;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @float=1.00;
+set @five='five' ;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 like t1 ;
+insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select @duplicate, sum(first.a) from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a <> @5 and second.b = first.b
+and second.b <> @five
+group by second.b
+having sum(second.a) > @2
+select b, a + @100 from t1
+where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+@1)+CAST(@float AS signed),b 
+from t1);
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+delete from t2 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select ?, sum(first.a)
+  from t1 first, t1 second 
+  where first.a <> ? and second.b = first.b and second.b <> ?
+  group by second.b
+  having sum(second.a) > ?
+select b, a + ? from t1
+  where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+?)+CAST(? AS signed),b 
+                 from t1 ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @duplicate, @5, @five, @2, @100, @1, @float ;
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+drop table t2;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00
+53	5	53	53	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00
+54	5	54	54	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00
+57	6	57	57	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t9;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9386f18a4dfed579e43758c0e3e5e3026bdca2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,3113 @@
+use test;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'InnoDB'  ;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'InnoDB'  ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	252	255	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	252	255	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	252	65535	4	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	252	65535	4	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	252	16777215	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	252	16777215	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'InnoDB'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+ENGINE= 'InnoDB'  ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL) ;
+set @duplicate='duplicate ' ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @5=5 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a < 5 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+insert into t1 select a + @1000, concat(@duplicate,b) from t1
+where a < @5 ;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 select a + ?, concat(?,b) from t1
+where a < ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @duplicate, @5;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @float=1.00;
+set @five='five' ;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 like t1 ;
+insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select @duplicate, sum(first.a) from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a <> @5 and second.b = first.b
+and second.b <> @five
+group by second.b
+having sum(second.a) > @2
+select b, a + @100 from t1
+where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+@1)+CAST(@float AS signed),b 
+from t1);
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+delete from t2 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select ?, sum(first.a)
+  from t1 first, t1 second 
+  where first.a <> ? and second.b = first.b and second.b <> ?
+  group by second.b
+  having sum(second.a) > ?
+select b, a + ? from t1
+  where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+?)+CAST(? AS signed),b 
+                 from t1 ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @duplicate, @5, @five, @2, @100, @1, @float ;
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+drop table t2;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00
+53	5	53	53	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00
+54	5	54	54	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00
+57	6	57	57	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t9;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcd9c52b4f9a6c497ff484b5bfc156f1023030fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,3114 @@
+use test;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'HEAP'  ;
+drop table if exists t9;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 char(100), c24 char(100),
+c25 char(100), c26 char(100), c27 char(100), c28 char(100),
+c29 char(100), c30 char(100), c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'HEAP'  ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	253	100	8	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	253	100	8	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	253	100	4	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	253	100	4	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	253	100	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	253	100	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	253	100	8	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	253	100	8	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'HEAP'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL) ;
+set @duplicate='duplicate ' ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @5=5 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a < 5 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+insert into t1 select a + @1000, concat(@duplicate,b) from t1
+where a < @5 ;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 select a + ?, concat(?,b) from t1
+where a < ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @duplicate, @5;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @float=1.00;
+set @five='five' ;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 like t1 ;
+insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select @duplicate, sum(first.a) from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a <> @5 and second.b = first.b
+and second.b <> @five
+group by second.b
+having sum(second.a) > @2
+select b, a + @100 from t1
+where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+@1)+CAST(@float AS signed),b 
+from t1);
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+delete from t2 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select ?, sum(first.a)
+  from t1 first, t1 second 
+  where first.a <> ? and second.b = first.b and second.b <> ?
+  group by second.b
+  having sum(second.a) > ?
+select b, a + ? from t1
+  where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+?)+CAST(? AS signed),b 
+                 from t1 ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @duplicate, @5, @five, @2, @100, @1, @float ;
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+drop table t2;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52
+53	5	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53
+54	5	54	54	54	54	54	54	54	54	54	54
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56	56	56	56	56	56	56	56
+57	6	57	57	57	57	57	57	57	57	57	57
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t9;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_5merge.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ps_5merge.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f05be1b4d926f721366685c138f8e154a7025e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_5merge.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,6064 @@
+use test;
+drop table if exists t1, t1_1, t1_2,
+t9, t9_1, t9_2;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+rename table t1 to t1_1, t9 to t9_1 ;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+rename table t1 to t1_2, t9 to t9_2 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t1_1,t1_2)
+create table t9
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+)  ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t9_1,t9_2)
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	252	255	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	252	255	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	252	65535	4	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	252	65535	4	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	252	16777215	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	252	16777215	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00
+53	5	53	53	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00
+54	5	54	54	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00
+57	6	57	57	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t1_1,t1_2)
+create table t9
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+)  ENGINE = MERGE UNION=(t9_1,t9_2)
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	252	255	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	252	255	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	252	65535	4	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	252	65535	4	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	252	16777215	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	252	16777215	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'MYISAM'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00
+53	5	53	53	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00
+54	5	54	54	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00
+57	6	57	57	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t1_1, t1_2, 
+t9_1, t9_2, t9;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result.es b/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result.es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b7f7e23bbf84fe54ea4c823b9ef3214518a602b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result.es
@@ -0,0 +1,3113 @@
+use test;
+drop table if exists t1, t9 ;
+create table t1
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'BDB'  ;
+create table t9 
+c1  tinyint, c2  smallint, c3  mediumint, c4  int,
+c5  integer, c6  bigint, c7  float, c8  double,
+c9  double precision, c10 real, c11 decimal(7, 4), c12 numeric(8, 4),
+c13 date, c14 datetime, c15 timestamp(14), c16 time,
+c17 year, c18 bit, c19 bool, c20 char,
+c21 char(10), c22 varchar(30), c23 tinyblob, c24 tinytext,
+c25 blob, c26 text, c27 mediumblob, c28 mediumtext,
+c29 longblob, c30 longtext, c31 enum('one', 'two', 'three'),
+c32 set('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'),
+primary key(c1)
+) engine = 'BDB'  ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+------ simple select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t9 order by c1 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t9	t9	c1	c1	1	4	1	N	49155	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c2	c2	2	6	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c3	c3	9	9	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c4	c4	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c5	c5	3	11	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c6	c6	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c7	c7	4	12	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c8	c8	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c9	c9	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c10	c10	5	22	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c11	c11	0	9	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c12	c12	0	10	6	Y	32768	4	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c13	c13	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c14	c14	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c15	c15	7	19	19	N	1249	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c16	c16	11	8	8	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c17	c17	13	4	4	Y	32864	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c18	c18	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c19	c19	1	1	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c20	c20	254	1	1	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c21	c21	253	10	10	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c22	c22	253	30	30	Y	0	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c23	c23	252	255	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c24	c24	252	255	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c25	c25	252	65535	4	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c26	c26	252	65535	4	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c27	c27	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c28	c28	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c29	c29	252	16777215	8	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t9	t9	c30	c30	252	16777215	8	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c31	c31	254	5	3	Y	256	0	8
+def	test	t9	t9	c32	c32	254	24	7	Y	2048	0	8
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+set @arg00='SELECT' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' ? a from t1 where a=1 ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a from t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+1	one
+set @arg00='lion' ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+lion	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+lion	one
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select @arg00, b from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	b
+NULL	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, b from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+?	b
+NULL	one
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select b, a - @arg00 from t1 where a=1 ;
+b	a - @arg00
+one	0
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b, a - ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+b	a - ?
+one	0
+set @arg00=null ;
+select @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select @arg00 + 1 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? + 1 as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select 1 + @arg00 as my_col ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 + ? as my_col';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select substr(@arg00,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(?,1,2) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=3 ;
+select substr('MySQL',@arg00,5) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',?,5) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select substr('MySQL',1,@arg00) from t1 where a=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select substr(''MySQL'',1,?) from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select a , concat(@arg00,b) from t1 order by a;
+a	concat(@arg00,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(?,b) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(?,b)
+1	MySQLone
+2	MySQLtwo
+3	MySQLthree
+4	MySQLfour
+select a , concat(b,@arg00) from t1 order by a ;
+a	concat(b,@arg00)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a , concat(b,?) from t1 order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	concat(b,?)
+1	oneMySQL
+2	twoMySQL
+3	threeMySQL
+4	fourMySQL
+set @arg00='MySQL' ;
+select group_concat(@arg00,b order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(@arg00,b order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(?,b order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(?,b order by a)
+select group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a) from t1 
+group by 'a' ;
+group_concat(b,@arg00 order by a)
+prepare stmt1 from ' select group_concat(b,? order by a) from t1
+group by ''a'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+group_concat(b,? order by a)
+set @arg00='first' ;
+set @arg01='second' ;
+set @arg02=NULL;
+select @arg00, @arg01 from t1 where a=1 ;
+@arg00	@arg01
+first	second
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ?, ? from t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+first	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg01 ;
+?	?
+NULL	second
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+first	NULL
+execute stmt1 using @arg02, @arg02 ;
+?	?
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5 (id1 int(11) not null default '0',
+value2 varchar(100), value1 varchar(100)) ;
+insert into t5 values (1,'hh','hh'),(2,'hh','hh'),
+(1,'ii','ii'),(2,'ii','ii') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select id1,value1 from t5 where id1=? or value1=? order by id1,value1 ' ;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='hh' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+id1	value1
+1	hh
+1	ii
+2	hh
+drop table t5 ;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+create table t5(session_id  char(9) not null) ;
+insert into t5 values ('abc') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select * from t5
+where ?=''1111'' and session_id = ''abc'' ' ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='1111' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t5 ;
+set @arg00='FROM' ;
+select a @arg00 t1 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 t1 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a ? t1 where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? t1 where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='t1' ;
+select a from @arg00 where a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 where a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from ? where a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? where a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00='WHERE' ;
+select a from t1 @arg00 a=1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 a=1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a from t1 ? a=1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? a=1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=1000 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=@arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=4 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(@arg00) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=sqrt(?) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=2 ;
+set @arg01=3 ;
+select a FROM t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg01) order by a;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a in (?,?) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00= 'one' ;
+set @arg01= 'two' ;
+set @arg02= 'five' ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b in (?,?,?) order by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select b FROM t1 where b like ? ';
+set @arg00='two' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='tw%' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00='%wo' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00=null ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c5 = NULL ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 > NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 < NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 < ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 = NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 = ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select c5 from t9 where c5 <=> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+set @arg00='>' ;
+select a FROM t1 where a @arg00 1 ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@arg00 1' at line 1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a ? 1 ' ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? 1' at line 1
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL group by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> @arg00 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL having b <> ? order by a ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b FROM t1 where a is not NULL
+AND b is not NULL order by a - ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a,b from t1 order by 2 ;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+order by ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+4	four
+1	one
+3	three
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column '?' in 'order clause'
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1 order by a
+limit 1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a,b from t1
+limit ? ';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 2
+set @arg00='b' ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select sum(a), @arg00 from t1 where a > @arg01
+and b is not null group by substr(b,@arg02)
+having sum(a) <> @arg03 ;
+sum(a)	@arg00
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a), ? from t1 where a > ?
+and b is not null group by substr(b,?)
+having sum(a) <> ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+sum(a)	?
+3	b
+1	b
+4	b
+------ join tests ------
+select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a = second.a order by a1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a as a1, second.a as a2 
+        from t1 first, t1 second
+        where first.a = second.a order by a1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a1	a2
+1	1
+2	2
+3	3
+4	4
+set @arg00='ABC';
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02='one';
+select first.a, @arg00, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+where @arg01 = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = @arg02
+order by second.a, first.a;
+a	@arg00	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+prepare stmt1 from ' select first.a, ?, second.a FROM t1 first, t1 second
+                    where ? = first.b or first.a = second.a or second.b = ?
+                    order by second.a, first.a';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02;
+a	?	a
+1	ABC	1
+2	ABC	1
+3	ABC	1
+4	ABC	1
+2	ABC	2
+2	ABC	3
+3	ABC	3
+2	ABC	4
+4	ABC	4
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1 ;
+set @query1= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query2= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query3= 'SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query4= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query5= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query6= 'SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query7= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query8= 'SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a ' ;
+set @query9= 'SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a ' ;
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query9  ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural right join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query8 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 right join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query7 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query6 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural left join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query5 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 left join t1 on(t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query4 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 using(a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query3 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 natural join t1 order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query2 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+the join statement is:
+SELECT * FROM t2 join t1 on (t1.a=t2.a) order by t2.a 
+prepare stmt1 from @query1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b	a	b
+1	one	1	one
+2	two	2	two
+3	three	3	three
+4	four	4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+------ subquery tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = 'two' ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ''two'') and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = @arg00 ) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = ? ) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=3 ;
+set @arg01='three' ;
+select a,b FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select 3, 'three');
+a	b
+3	three
+select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select @arg00,@arg01);
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where (a,b) in (select ?, ?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where b = @arg03 ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where b = ? ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) order by a ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT a as ccc from t1 where a+1=
+                           (SELECT 1+ccc from t1 where ccc+1=a+1 and a=1) ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+deallocate prepare stmt1 ;
+set @arg00='two' ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b ) and b=@arg00 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where b = outer_table.b) and b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where a = @arg00 and b = outer_table.b) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where a = ? and b = outer_table.b) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2 ;
+select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = @arg00 and a=2) and b='two' ;
+a	b
+2	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   a = (select a from t1 where outer_table.a = ? and a=2) and b=''two'' ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01='two' ;
+set @arg02=2 ;
+set @arg03='two' ;
+select a, @arg00, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+b=@arg01 and a = (select @arg02 from t1 where outer_table.b = @arg03
+and outer_table.a=a ) ;
+a	@arg00	b
+2	1	two
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ?, b FROM t1 outer_table where
+   b=? and a = (select ? from t1 where outer_table.b = ? 
+                   and outer_table.a=a ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+a	?	b
+2	1	two
+set @arg00=1 ;
+set @arg01=0 ;
+select a, @arg00 
+from ( select a - @arg00 as a from t1 where a=@arg00 ) as t2
+where a=@arg01;
+a	@arg00
+0	1
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, ? 
+                    from ( select a - ? as a from t1 where a=? ) as t2
+                    where a=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg01 ;
+a	?
+0	1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a in (select a from t2) from t1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a in (select a from t2)
+drop table if exists t5, t6, t7 ;
+create table t5 (a int , b int) ;
+create table t6 like t5 ;
+create table t7 like t5 ;
+insert into t5 values (0, 100), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 7),
+(2, -1), (3, 10) ;
+insert into t6 values (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1) ;
+insert into t7 values (3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1) ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a, (select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1) from t7 ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+execute stmt1 ;
+a	(select count(distinct t5.b) as sum from t5, t6
+                     where t5.a=t6.a and t6.b > 0 and t5.a <= t7.b
+                     group by t5.a order by sum limit 1)
+3	1
+2	2
+1	2
+drop table t5, t6, t7 ;
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 as select * from t9;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1 + c12 + 0.0) FROM t2 
+    where (t9.c2 - 0e-3) = t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select 1.0e+0 from t2 
+           where t2.c3 * 9.0000000000 = t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5 * 4 in (select c6 + 0.3e+1 from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7 - 4, c8 - 4) in (select c9 + 4.0, c10 + 40e-1 from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x = c25 ' ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @stmt= ' SELECT
+   (SELECT SUM(c1+c12+?) FROM t2 where (t9.c2-?)=t2.c2
+    GROUP BY t9.c15 LIMIT 1) as scalar_s,
+   exists (select ? from t2 
+           where t2.c3*?=t9.c4) as exists_s,
+   c5*? in (select c6+? from t2) as in_s,
+   (c7-?, c8-?) in (select c9+?, c10+? from t2) as in_row_s
+FROM t9,
+(select c25 x, c32 y from t2) tt WHERE x =c25 ' ;
+set @arg00= 0.0 ;
+set @arg01= 0e-3 ;
+set @arg02= 1.0e+0 ;
+set @arg03= 9.0000000000 ;
+set @arg04= 4 ;
+set @arg05= 0.3e+1 ;
+set @arg06= 4 ;
+set @arg07= 4 ;
+set @arg08= 4.0 ;
+set @arg09= 40e-1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+set @stmt= concat('explain ',@stmt);
+prepare stmt1 from @stmt ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06,
+@arg07, @arg08, @arg09 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+select 1 < (select a from t1) ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 < (select a from t1) ' ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+ERROR 21000: Subquery returns more than 1 row
+select 1 as my_col ;
+------ union tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select a FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union all
+                     select a FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1, 2 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT 1, 2 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT * from t1 union SELECT 1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+prepare stmt1 from ' SELECT 1 union SELECT * from t1 ' ;
+ERROR 21000: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select 1 FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select 1 FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1
+union distinct
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=1;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=1
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=1 ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? 
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+set @arg00='a' ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+set @arg02='a' ;
+set @arg03=2 ;
+select @arg00 FROM t1 where a=@arg01
+union distinct
+select @arg02 FROM t1 where a=@arg03;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select ? FROM t1 where a=?
+                     union distinct
+                     select ? FROM t1 where a=? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03;
+set @arg00=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, 1 from t1
+group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+sum(a) + 200	?
+210	1
+204	1
+201	1
+203	1
+202	1
+set @Oporto='Oporto' ;
+set @Lisboa='Lisboa' ;
+set @0=0 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @3=3 ;
+set @4=4 ;
+select @Oporto,@Lisboa,@0,@1,@2,@3,@4 ;
+@Oporto	@Lisboa	@0	@1	@2	@3	@4
+Oporto	Lisboa	0	1	2	3	4
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @Lisboa;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+201	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+201	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+202	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b ;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @Lisboa, @2;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+202	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+203	Lisboa
+select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, @Oporto as the_town from t1
+where a > @1
+group by b
+having avg(a) > @2
+union distinct
+select sum(a) + 200, @Lisboa from t1
+where a > @2
+group by b 
+having avg(a) > @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+prepare stmt1 from ' select sum(a) + 200 as the_sum, ? as the_town from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ?
+                     union distinct
+                     select sum(a) + 200, ? from t1
+                     where a > ?
+                     group by b
+                     having avg(a) > ? ';
+execute stmt1 using @Oporto, @1, @2, @Lisboa, @2, @3;
+the_sum	the_town
+204	Oporto
+203	Oporto
+204	Lisboa
+------ explain select tests ------
+prepare stmt1 from ' explain select * from t9 ' ;
+execute stmt1;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					id	8	3	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					select_type	253	19	6	N	1	31	33
+def					table	253	64	2	N	1	31	33
+def					type	253	10	3	N	1	31	33
+def					possible_keys	253	4096	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key	253	64	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					key_len	8	3	0	Y	32800	0	8
+def					ref	253	1024	0	Y	0	31	33
+def					rows	8	10	1	N	32801	0	8
+def					Extra	253	255	0	N	1	31	33
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+------ delete tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+execute stmt1;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL);
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'delete from t1 where b=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL ;
+a	b
+set @arg00='one';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b=@arg00;
+a	b
+prepare stmt1 from 'truncate table t1' ;
+ERROR HY000: This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
+------ update tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''a=two'' where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	a=two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=? where a=2' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+set @arg00='two';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=2;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=2;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=NULL where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+update t1 set b='two' where a=@arg00;
+set @arg00=2000;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+set @arg00=2;
+set @arg01=22;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where a=?' ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg01;
+a	b
+22	two
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select a,b from t1 where a=@arg00;
+a	b
+2	two
+set @arg00=NULL;
+set @arg01=2;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+Warning	1263	Data truncated; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'a' at row 1
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+0	two
+1	one
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=0;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+set @arg00=23;
+set @arg01='two';
+set @arg02=2;
+set @arg03='two';
+set @arg04=2;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 as select a,b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+create table t2
+a int, b varchar(30),
+primary key(a)
+) engine = 'BDB'  ;
+insert into t2(a,b) select a, b from t1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+23	two
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set a=? where b=?
+                    and a not in (select ? from t2
+                              where b = ? or a = ?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg04, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg00 ;
+affected rows: 1
+info: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+drop table t2 ;
+set @arg00=1;
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit 1';
+execute stmt1 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = 'bla' ;
+a	b
+2	bla
+prepare stmt1 from 'update t1 set b=''bla''
+where a=2
+limit ?';
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 3
+------ insert tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(5, ''five'' )';
+execute stmt1;
+select a,b from t1 where a = 5;
+a	b
+5	five
+set @arg00='six' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(6, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg00;
+a	b
+6	six
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '6' for key 1
+set @arg00=NULL ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(0, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00;
+select a,b from t1 where b is NULL;
+a	b
+set @arg00=8 ;
+set @arg01='eight' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?, ? )';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where b = @arg01;
+a	b
+8	eight
+set @NULL= null ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @NULL ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+execute stmt1 using @NULL, @arg00 ;
+ERROR 23000: Column 'a' cannot be null
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg00 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	abc
+10002	abc
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @NULL ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	NULL
+10002	NULL
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 10 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 9 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 8 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 7 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 6 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 5 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 4 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 3 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 2 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+set @arg01= 10000 + 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg01, @arg01 ;
+select * from t1 where a > 10000 order by a ;
+a	b
+10001	10001
+10002	10002
+10003	10003
+10004	10004
+10005	10005
+10006	10006
+10007	10007
+10008	10008
+10009	10009
+10010	10010
+delete from t1 where a > 10000 ;
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01='8-1' ;
+set @arg02=82 ;
+set @arg03='8-2' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01, @arg02, @arg03 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a in (@arg00,@arg02) ;
+a	b
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=9 ;
+set @arg01='nine' ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=? ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a = @arg00 ;
+a	b
+9	nine
+set @arg00=6 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from 'insert into t1 set a=?, b=''sechs''
+                    on duplicate key update a=a + ?, b=concat(b,''modified'') ';
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+select * from t1 order by a;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+5	five
+7	sixmodified
+8	eight
+9	nine
+81	8-1
+82	8-2
+set @arg00=81 ;
+set @arg01=1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg01;
+ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '82' for key 1
+drop table if exists t2 ;
+create table t2 (id int auto_increment primary key) 
+prepare stmt1 from ' select last_insert_id() ' ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+insert into t2 values (NULL) ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+drop table t2 ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @x1000_2="x1000_2" ;
+set @x1000_3="x1000_3" ;
+set @x1000="x1000" ;
+set @1100=1100 ;
+set @x1100="x1100" ;
+set @100=100 ;
+set @updated="updated" ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+insert into t1 values(@1000,@x1000_2),(@1000,@x1000_3)
+on duplicate key update a = a + @100, b = concat(b,@updated) ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 values(?,?),(?,?)
+               on duplicate key update a = a + ?, b = concat(b,?) ';
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1000, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	x1000_3
+1100	x1000_1updated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+insert into t1 values(1000,'x1000_1') ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @x1000_2, @1100, @x1000_3, @100, @updated ;
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1200	x1000_1updatedupdated
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' replace into t1 (a,b) select 100, ''hundred'' ';
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+execute stmt1;
+------ multi table tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t1(a,b) values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+insert into t9 (c1,c21)
+values (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three') ;
+prepare stmt_delete from " delete t1, t9 
+  from t1, t9 where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.b='updated' ";
+prepare stmt_update from " update t1, t9 
+  set t1.b='updated', t9.c21='updated'
+  where t1.a=t9.c1 and t1.a=? ";
+prepare stmt_select1 from " select a, b from t1 order by a" ;
+prepare stmt_select2 from " select c1, c21 from t9 order by c1" ;
+set @arg00= 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+2	two
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+2	two
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+3	three
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+3	three
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+execute stmt_update using @arg00 ;
+execute stmt_delete ;
+execute stmt_select1 ;
+a	b
+execute stmt_select2 ;
+c1	c21
+set @arg00= @arg00 + 1 ;
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t1 values(0,NULL) ;
+set @duplicate='duplicate ' ;
+set @1000=1000 ;
+set @5=5 ;
+select a,b from t1 where a < 5 order by a ;
+a	b
+1	one
+2	two
+3	three
+4	four
+insert into t1 select a + @1000, concat(@duplicate,b) from t1
+where a < @5 ;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t1 select a + ?, concat(?,b) from t1
+where a < ? ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @1000, @duplicate, @5;
+affected rows: 5
+info: Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
+a	b
+1000	NULL
+1001	duplicate one
+1002	duplicate two
+1003	duplicate three
+1004	duplicate four
+delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @float=1.00;
+set @five='five' ;
+drop table if exists t2;
+create table t2 like t1 ;
+insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select @duplicate, sum(first.a) from t1 first, t1 second
+where first.a <> @5 and second.b = first.b
+and second.b <> @five
+group by second.b
+having sum(second.a) > @2
+select b, a + @100 from t1
+where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+@1)+CAST(@float AS signed),b 
+from t1);
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+delete from t2 ;
+prepare stmt1 from ' insert into t2 (b,a) 
+select ?, sum(first.a)
+  from t1 first, t1 second 
+  where first.a <> ? and second.b = first.b and second.b <> ?
+  group by second.b
+  having sum(second.a) > ?
+select b, a + ? from t1
+  where (a,b) in ( select sqrt(a+?)+CAST(? AS signed),b 
+                 from t1 ) ' ;
+execute stmt1 using @duplicate, @5, @five, @2, @100, @1, @float ;
+affected rows: 3
+info: Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
+select a,b from t2 order by a ;
+a	b
+3	duplicate
+4	duplicate
+103	three
+drop table t2;
+drop table if exists t5 ;
+set @arg01= 8;
+set @arg02= 8.0;
+set @arg03= 80.00000000000e-1;
+set @arg04= 'abc' ;
+set @arg05= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg06= '1991-08-05' ;
+set @arg07= CAST('1991-08-05' as date);
+set @arg08= '1991-08-05 01:01:01' ;
+set @arg09= CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+set @arg10= unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg11= YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01');
+set @arg12= 8 ;
+set @arg12= NULL ;
+set @arg13= 8.0 ;
+set @arg13= NULL ;
+set @arg14= 'abc';
+set @arg14= NULL ;
+set @arg15= CAST('abc' as binary) ;
+set @arg15= NULL ;
+create table t5 as select
+8                           as const01, @arg01 as param01,
+8.0                         as const02, @arg02 as param02,
+80.00000000000e-1           as const03, @arg03 as param03,
+'abc'                       as const04, @arg04 as param04,
+CAST('abc' as binary)       as const05, @arg05 as param05,
+'1991-08-05'                as const06, @arg06 as param06,
+CAST('1991-08-05' as date)  as const07, @arg07 as param07,
+'1991-08-05 01:01:01'       as const08, @arg08 as param08,
+CAST('1991-08-05 01:01:01'  as datetime) as const09, @arg09 as param09,
+unix_timestamp('1991-01-01 01:01:01')    as const10, @arg10 as param10,
+YEAR('1991-01-01 01:01:01') as const11, @arg11 as param11, 
+NULL                        as const12, @arg12 as param12,
+@arg13 as param13,
+@arg14 as param14,
+@arg15 as param15;
+show create table t5 ;
+Table	Create Table
+t5	CREATE TABLE `t5` (
+  `const01` bigint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param01` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const02` double(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
+  `param02` double default NULL,
+  `const03` double NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param03` double default NULL,
+  `const04` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param04` longtext,
+  `const05` binary(3) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param05` longblob,
+  `const06` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param06` longtext,
+  `const07` date default NULL,
+  `param07` longblob,
+  `const08` varchar(19) NOT NULL default '',
+  `param08` longtext,
+  `const09` datetime default NULL,
+  `param09` longblob,
+  `const10` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `param10` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const11` int(4) default NULL,
+  `param11` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `const12` binary(0) default NULL,
+  `param12` bigint(20) default NULL,
+  `param13` double default NULL,
+  `param14` longtext,
+  `param15` longblob
+select * from t5 ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def	test	t5	t5	const01	const01	8	1	1	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param01	param01	8	20	1	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const02	const02	5	3	3	N	32769	1	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param02	param02	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const03	const03	5	23	1	N	32769	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param03	param03	5	20	1	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const04	const04	254	3	3	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param04	param04	252	16777215	3	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const05	const05	254	3	3	N	129	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param05	param05	252	16777215	3	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const06	const06	253	10	10	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param06	param06	252	16777215	10	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const07	const07	10	10	10	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param07	param07	252	16777215	10	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const08	const08	253	19	19	N	1	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param08	param08	252	16777215	19	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	const09	const09	12	19	19	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param09	param09	252	16777215	19	Y	144	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const10	const10	3	10	9	N	32769	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param10	param10	8	20	9	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const11	const11	3	4	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param11	param11	8	20	4	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	const12	const12	254	0	0	Y	128	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param12	param12	8	20	0	Y	32768	0	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param13	param13	5	20	0	Y	32768	31	63
+def	test	t5	t5	param14	param14	252	16777215	0	Y	16	0	8
+def	test	t5	t5	param15	param15	252	16777215	0	Y	144	0	63
+const01	8
+param01	8
+const02	8.0
+param02	8
+const03	8
+param03	8
+const04	abc
+param04	abc
+const05	abc
+param05	abc
+const06	1991-08-05
+param06	1991-08-05
+const07	1991-08-05
+param07	1991-08-05
+const08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param08	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+param09	1991-08-05 01:01:01
+const10	662680861
+param10	662680861
+const11	1991
+param11	1991
+const12	NULL
+param12	NULL
+param13	NULL
+param14	NULL
+param15	NULL
+drop table t5 ;
+------ data type conversion tests ------
+delete from t1 ;
+insert into t1 values (1,'one');
+insert into t1 values (2,'two');
+insert into t1 values (3,'three');
+insert into t1 values (4,'four');
+commit ;
+delete from t9 ;
+insert into t9
+set c1= 1, c2= 1, c3= 1, c4= 1, c5= 1, c6= 1, c7= 1, c8= 1, c9= 1,
+c10= 1, c11= 1, c12 = 1,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=true, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='one', c32= 'monday';
+insert into t9
+set c1= 9, c2= 9, c3= 9, c4= 9, c5= 9, c6= 9, c7= 9, c8= 9, c9= 9,
+c10= 9, c11= 9, c12 = 9,
+c13= '2004-02-29', c14= '2004-02-29 11:11:11', c15= '2004-02-29 11:11:11',
+c16= '11:11:11', c17= '2004',
+c18= 1, c19=false, c20= 'a', c21= '123456789a', 
+c22= '123456789a123456789b123456789c', c23= 'tinyblob', c24= 'tinytext',
+c25= 'blob', c26= 'text', c27= 'mediumblob', c28= 'mediumtext',
+c29= 'longblob', c30= 'longtext', c31='two', c32= 'tuesday';
+commit ;
+insert into t9 set c1= 0, c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select * from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c11	c12	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17	c18	c19	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30	c31	c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9.0000	9.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	0	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	two	tuesday
+------ select @parameter:= column ------
+prepare full_info from "select @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04,
+       @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+       @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12,
+       @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+       @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20,
+       @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+       @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28,
+       @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32" ;
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+@arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+@arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+@arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+@arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+@arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+@arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+@arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select 
+       @arg01:=  c1, @arg02:=  c2, @arg03:=  c3, @arg04:=  c4,
+       @arg05:=  c5, @arg06:=  c6, @arg07:=  c7, @arg08:=  c8,
+       @arg09:=  c9, @arg10:= c10, @arg11:= c11, @arg12:= c12,
+       @arg13:= c13, @arg14:= c14, @arg15:= c15, @arg16:= c16,
+       @arg17:= c17, @arg18:= c18, @arg19:= c19, @arg20:= c20,
+       @arg21:= c21, @arg22:= c22, @arg23:= c23, @arg24:= c24,
+       @arg25:= c25, @arg26:= c26, @arg27:= c27, @arg28:= c28,
+       @arg29:= c29, @arg30:= c30, @arg31:= c31, @arg32:= c32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1.0000	1.0000	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+@arg01:=  c1	@arg02:=  c2	@arg03:=  c3	@arg04:=  c4	@arg05:=  c5	@arg06:=  c6	@arg07:=  c7	@arg08:=  c8	@arg09:=  c9	@arg10:= c10	@arg11:= c11	@arg12:= c12	@arg13:= c13	@arg14:= c14	@arg15:= c15	@arg16:= c16	@arg17:= c17	@arg18:= c18	@arg19:= c19	@arg20:= c20	@arg21:= c21	@arg22:= c22	@arg23:= c23	@arg24:= c24	@arg25:= c25	@arg26:= c26	@arg27:= c27	@arg28:= c28	@arg29:= c29	@arg30:= c30	@arg31:= c31	@arg32:= c32
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select ? := c1 from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':= c1 from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+------ select column, .. into @parm,.. ------
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 1 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+@arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+@arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+@arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= 0 ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12,
+       c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24,
+       c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32
+into @arg01, @arg02, @arg03, @arg04, @arg05, @arg06, @arg07, @arg08,
+     @arg09, @arg10, @arg11, @arg12, @arg13, @arg14, @arg15, @arg16,
+     @arg17, @arg18, @arg19, @arg20, @arg21, @arg22, @arg23, @arg24,
+     @arg25, @arg26, @arg27, @arg28, @arg29, @arg30, @arg31, @arg32
+from t9 where c1= ?" ;
+set @my_key= 1 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	1	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	30	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	4	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	4	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	10	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	10	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	8	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	8	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	3	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	6	Y	128	31	63
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	2004-02-29	2004-02-29 11:11:11	2004-02-29 11:11:11	11:11:11	2004	1	1	a	123456789a	123456789a123456789b123456789c	tinyblob	tinytext	blob	text	mediumblob	mediumtext	longblob	longtext	one	monday
+set @my_key= 0 ;
+execute stmt1 using @my_key ;
+execute full_info ;
+Catalog	Database	Table	Table_alias	Column	Column_alias	Name	Type	Length	Max length	Is_null	Flags	Decimals	Charsetnr
+def					@arg01	254	20	1	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg02	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg03	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg04	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg05	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg06	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg07	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg08	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg09	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg10	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg11	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg12	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg13	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg14	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg15	254	8192	19	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg16	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg17	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg18	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg19	254	20	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg20	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg21	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg22	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg23	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg24	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg25	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg26	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg27	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg28	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg29	254	8192	0	Y	128	31	63
+def					@arg30	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg31	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+def					@arg32	254	8192	0	Y	0	31	8
+@arg01	@arg02	@arg03	@arg04	@arg05	@arg06	@arg07	@arg08	@arg09	@arg10	@arg11	@arg12	@arg13	@arg14	@arg15	@arg16	@arg17	@arg18	@arg19	@arg20	@arg21	@arg22	@arg23	@arg24	@arg25	@arg26	@arg27	@arg28	@arg29	@arg30	@arg31	@arg32
+prepare stmt1 from "select c1 into ? from t9 where c1= 1" ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '? from t9 where c1= 1' at line 1
+-- insert into numeric columns --
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ) ;
+set @arg00= 21 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 23;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0,
+30.0, 30.0, 30.0 ) ;
+set @arg00= 31.0 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0, 32.0,
+    32.0, 32.0, 32.0 )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= 33.0;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  (  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40', '40',
+'40', '40', '40' ) ;
+set @arg00= '41' ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42', '42',
+    '42', '42', '42' )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '43';
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), 
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary),
+CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary), CAST('50' as binary) ) ;
+set @arg00= CAST('51' as binary) ;
+insert into t9 
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), 
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary),
+  CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary), CAST('52' as binary) )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('53' as binary) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9 
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 2 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 61, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt1 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+    NULL, NULL, NULL )" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 63, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 8.0 ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 71, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 73, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 'abc' ;
+set @arg00= NULL ;
+insert into t9
+( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+( 81, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ) ;
+prepare stmt2 from "insert into t9
+  ( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+  ( 83, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ;
+execute stmt2 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c2	c3	c4	c5	c6	c7	c8	c9	c10	c12
+20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20.0000
+21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21.0000
+22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22.0000
+23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23.0000
+30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30.0000
+31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31.0000
+32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32.0000
+33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33.0000
+40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40.0000
+41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41.0000
+42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42.0000
+43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43.0000
+50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50	50.0000
+51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51.0000
+52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52	52.0000
+53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53	53.0000
+-- select .. where numeric column = .. --
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c2= 20 and c3= 20 and c4= 20 and c5= 20 and c6= 20 and c7= 20
+  and c8= 20 and c9= 20 and c10= 20 and c12= 20 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20.0 and c2= 20.0 and c3= 20.0 and c4= 20.0 and c5= 20.0 and c6= 20.0
+  and c7= 20.0 and c8= 20.0 and c9= 20.0 and c10= 20.0 and c12= 20.0 ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20';
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= '20' and c2= '20' and c3= '20' and c4= '20' and c5= '20' and c6= '20'
+  and c7= '20' and c8= '20' and c9= '20' and c10= '20' and c12= '20' ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+c12= CAST('20' as binary);
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= CAST('20' as binary) and c2= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c3= CAST('20' as binary) and c4= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c5= CAST('20' as binary) and c6= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c7= CAST('20' as binary) and c8= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c9= CAST('20' as binary) and c10= CAST('20' as binary) and 
+      c12= CAST('20' as binary) ";
+execute stmt1 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= @arg00 and c2= @arg00 and c3= @arg00 and c4= @arg00 and c5= @arg00 
+and c6= @arg00 and c7= @arg00 and c8= @arg00 and c9= @arg00 and c10= @arg00
+and c12= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= ? and c2= ? and c3= ? and c4= ? and c5= ? 
+  and c6= ? and c7= ? and c8= ? and c9= ? and c10= ?
+  and c12= ? ";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- some numeric overflow experiments --
+prepare my_insert from "insert into t9 
+   ( c21, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12 )
+   ( 'O',  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,  ?,   ?,   ? )" ;
+prepare my_select from "select c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c12
+from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+prepare my_delete from "delete from t9 where c21 = 'O' ";
+set @arg00= 9223372036854775807 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '9223372036854775807' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	9.22337e+18
+c8	9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -9223372036854775808 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-9223372036854775808' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-9.22337e+18
+c8	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c9	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c10	-9.22337203685478e+18
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= 1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	127
+c2	32767
+c3	8388607
+c4	2147483647
+c5	2147483647
+c6	9223372036854775807
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	1
+c2	1
+c3	1
+c4	1
+c5	1
+c6	1
+c7	3.40282e+38
+c8	1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	99999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= -1.11111111111111111111e+50 ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-128
+c2	-32768
+c3	-8388608
+c4	-2147483648
+c5	-2147483648
+c6	-9223372036854775808
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+set @arg00= '-1.11111111111111111111e+50' ;
+execute my_insert using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00,
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c1' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c2' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c3' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c4' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c5' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c6' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c7' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c12' at row 1
+execute my_select ;
+c1	-1
+c2	-1
+c3	-1
+c4	-1
+c5	-1
+c6	-1
+c7	-3.40282e+38
+c8	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c9	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c10	-1.11111111111111e+50
+c12	-9999.9999
+execute my_delete ;
+-- insert into string columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
+select c1, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30
+from t9 where c1 >= 20
+order by c1 ;
+c1	c20	c21	c22	c23	c24	c25	c26	c27	c28	c29	c30
+20	2	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
+21	2	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21	21
+22	2	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22	22
+23	2	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23	23
+30	3	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30	30
+31	3	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31	31
+32	3	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32	32
+33	3	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33	33
+40	4	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40	40
+41	4	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41	41
+42	4	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42	42
+43	4	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43	43
+50	5	50	50	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00	50.00
+51	5	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51	51
+52	5	52	52	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00	52.00
+53	5	53	53	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00	53.00
+54	5	54	54	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00	54.00
+55	5	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55	55
+56	6	56	56	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00	56.00
+57	6	57	57	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00	57.00
+-- select .. where string column = .. --
+set @arg00= '20';
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr('20',1+length(c20)))= '20' and c21= '20' and
+  c22= '20' and c23= '20' and c24= '20' and c25= '20' and c26= '20' and
+  c27= '20' and c28= '20' and c29= '20' and c30= '20'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('20' as binary);
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+= CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+c30= CAST('20' as binary) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20))) = @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and
+c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(CAST('20' as binary),1+length(c20)))
+                 = CAST('20' as binary) and c21= CAST('20' as binary)
+  and c22= CAST('20' as binary) and c23= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c24= CAST('20' as binary) and c25= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c26= CAST('20' as binary) and c27= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c28= CAST('20' as binary) and c29= CAST('20' as binary) and
+  c30= CAST('20' as binary)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20))) = ? and c21= ? and
+  c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and
+  c29= ? and c30= ?";
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20,1+length(c20)))= 20 and c21= 20 and
+  c22= 20 and c23= 20 and c24= 20 and c25= 20 and c26= 20 and
+  c27= 20 and c28= 20 and c29= 20 and c30= 20" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 20.0;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(@arg00,1+length(c20)))= @arg00 and
+c21= @arg00 and c22= @arg00 and c23= @arg00 and c25= @arg00 and
+c26= @arg00 and c27= @arg00 and c28= @arg00 and c29= @arg00 and c30= @arg00;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(20.0,1+length(c20)))= 20.0 and c21= 20.0 and
+  c22= 20.0 and c23= 20.0 and c24= 20.0 and c25= 20.0 and c26= 20.0 and
+  c27= 20.0 and c28= 20.0 and c29= 20.0 and c30= 20.0" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and concat(c20,substr(?,1+length(c20)))= ? and
+  c21= ? and c22= ? and c23= ? and c25= ? and
+  c26= ? and c27= ? and c28= ? and c29= ? and c30= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, 
+@arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+delete from t9 ;
+-- insert into date/time columns --
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c13' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c14' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c15' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c16' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Data truncated; out of range for column 'c17' at row 1
+select c1, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17 from t9 order by c1 ;
+c1	c13	c14	c15	c16	c17
+20	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+21	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+22	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+23	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+30	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+31	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+32	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+33	1991-01-01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	1991-01-01 01:01:01	01:01:01	1991
+40	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+41	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+42	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+43	0000-00-00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+50	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+51	0010-00-00	0010-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+52	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+53	2001-00-00	2001-00-00 00:00:00	0000-00-00 00:00:00	838:59:59	0000
+60	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+61	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+62	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+63	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+71	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+73	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+81	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+83	NULL	NULL	1991-01-01 01:01:01	NULL	NULL
+-- select .. where date/time column = .. --
+set @arg00= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c14= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c15= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and c16= '1991-01-01 01:01:01' and
+  c17= '1991-01-01 01:01:01'" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= @arg00 and c14= @arg00 and c15= @arg00 and c16= @arg00
+and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c14= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c15= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c16= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime) and
+  c17= CAST('1991-01-01 01:01:01' as datetime)" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c13= ? and c14= ? and c15= ? and c16= ? and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00, @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= @arg00 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and c17= 1991" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and c17= ?" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+set @arg00= 1.991e+3 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01 ;
+select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - @arg00) < 0.01 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9 
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - 1.991e+3) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 ;
+prepare stmt1 from "select 'true' as found from t9
+where c1= 20 and abs(c17 - ?) < 0.01" ;
+execute stmt1 using @arg00 ;
+drop table t1, t9;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/query_cache.result.es b/mysql-test/r/query_cache.result.es
index 218e4e1ae2acd84e6df472ae2ff874a1e3f40b82..1e16354d87dee0bed1c5886612324f98b0611413 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/query_cache.result.es
+++ b/mysql-test/r/query_cache.result.es
@@ -791,6 +791,19 @@ Qcache_queries_in_cache	1
 unlock table;
 drop table t1,t2;
 set query_cache_wlock_invalidate=default;
+insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3);
+select * from t1;
+create temporary table t1 (a int not null auto_increment
+primary key);
+select * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+drop table t1;
 SET NAMES koi8r;
 CREATE TABLE t1 (a char(1) character set koi8r);
 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (_koi8r'�'),(_koi8r'�');
@@ -901,6 +914,8 @@ set group_concat_max_len=10;
 select group_concat(a) FROM t1 group by b;
+Warning	1260	1 line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
 set group_concat_max_len=1024;
 select group_concat(a) FROM t1 group by b;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/select.result.es b/mysql-test/r/select.result.es
index 2ff58372d6d3ec34344fd64cfcf701fde5500dc2..da761ebb822601badcf44e34b5095fe540cad65d 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/select.result.es
+++ b/mysql-test/r/select.result.es
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
+drop table if exists t1_1,t1_2,t9_1,t9_2;
 Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
 Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
@@ -2056,6 +2057,10 @@ t2	1	fld3	1	fld3	A	NULL	NULL	NULL		BTREE
 drop table t4, t3, t2, t1;
 DO 1;
 DO benchmark(100,1+1),1,1;
+do default;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
+do foobar;
+ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'foobar' in 'field list'
 id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 pseudo varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',
@@ -2348,6 +2353,27 @@ select * from t2,t3 where t2.s = t3.s;
 s	s
 two		two	
 drop table t1, t2, t3;
+create table t1 (a integer,  b integer, index(a), index(b));
+create table t2 (c integer,  d integer, index(c), index(d));
+insert into t1 values (1,2), (2,2), (3,2), (4,2);
+insert into t2 values (1,3), (2,3), (3,4), (4,4);
+explain select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d in (4);
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t2	ref	c,d	d	5	const	2	Using where
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ALL	a	NULL	NULL	NULL	3	Using where
+select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d in (4);
+a	b	c	d
+3	2	3	4
+4	2	4	4
+explain select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d = 4;
+id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+1	SIMPLE	t2	ref	c,d	d	5	const	2	Using where
+1	SIMPLE	t1	ALL	a	NULL	NULL	NULL	3	Using where
+select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d = 4;
+a	b	c	d
+3	2	3	4
+4	2	4	4
+drop table t1, t2;
 i int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 c char(10) NOT NULL default '',
@@ -2360,7 +2386,4 @@ INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,'c');
 id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 1	SIMPLE	t1	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index
-id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
-1	SIMPLE	t1	const	PRIMARY	PRIMARY	4	const	1	Using index
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/type_blob.result.es b/mysql-test/r/type_blob.result.es
index 84d02b4a4b41d7310d66d731ec99a60538c07d61..a510eee8f389c5992f55549617aa38773097a53f 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/type_blob.result.es
+++ b/mysql-test/r/type_blob.result.es
@@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ id	txt
 1	Chevy
 drop table t1;
-CREATE TABLE t1 ( i int(11) NOT NULL default '0',    c text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (i), KEY (c(1),c(1)));
-INSERT t1 VALUES (1,''),(2,''),(3,'asdfh'),(4,'');
+CREATE TABLE t1 ( i int(11) NOT NULL default '0',    c text NOT NULL, d varchar(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ', PRIMARY KEY  (i), KEY (c(1),d));
+INSERT t1 (i, c) VALUES (1,''),(2,''),(3,'asdfh'),(4,'');
 select max(i) from t1 where c = '';
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/type_float.result.es b/mysql-test/r/type_float.result.es
index 411817bbfefb355d7d27d35484124e669cc88690..4bfe644d7fb13d4fa54db5f429796708aa9dc643 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/type_float.result.es
+++ b/mysql-test/r/type_float.result.es
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ select * from t1;
 f1	f2
 10	10
 100000	100000
-1.23457e+09	1234567890
+1.23457e+9	1234567890
 1e+10	10000000000
 1e+15	1e+15
 1e+20	1e+20
 3.40282e+38	1e+50
 3.40282e+38	1e+150
 -10	-10
-1e-05	1e-05
+1e-5	1e-5
 1e-10	1e-10
 1e-15	1e-15
 1e-20	1e-20
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ t1	CREATE TABLE `t1` (
 drop table t1;
 create table t1 (c20 char);
 insert into t1 values (5000.0);
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'c20' at row 1
 drop table t1;
 create table t1 (f float(54));
 ERROR 42000: Incorrect column specifier for column 'f'
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/bdb-deadlock.tminus b/mysql-test/t/bdb-deadlock.tminus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d86403fcffcfe3c8e30adcd3b7ec331b8f0c1695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/t/bdb-deadlock.tminus
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# This test doesn't work with the embedded version as this code
+# assumes that one query is running while we are doing queries on
+# a second connection.
+# This would work if mysqltest run would be threaded and handle each
+# connection in a separate thread.
+#-- source include/not_embedded.inc
+-- source include/have_bdb.inc
+connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
+connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
+drop table if exists t1,t2;
+connection con1;
+create table t1 (id integer, x integer) engine=BDB;
+create table t2 (id integer, x integer) engine=BDB;
+insert into t1 values(0, 0);
+insert into t2 values(0, 0);
+set autocommit=0;
+update t1 set x = 1 where id = 0;
+connection con2;
+set autocommit=0;
+update t2 set x = 1 where id = 0;
+# The following query should hang because con1 is locking the page
+select x from t1 where id = 0;
+connection con1;
+# This should generate a deadlock as we are trying to access a locked row
+select x from t2 where id = 0;
+connection con2;
+--error 1213
+connection con1;
+connection con2;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+connection con1;
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+drop table t1,t2;
diff --git a/sql/sql_prepare.cc b/sql/sql_prepare.cc
index a790e6fe9d8dc224a9200b61bd5310378aa527bd..637bb48b2cfbb06064204351a6ace2d43ef2a04e 100644
--- a/sql/sql_prepare.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_prepare.cc
@@ -427,8 +427,17 @@ static void set_param_date(Item_param *param, uchar **pos, ulong len)
 void set_param_time(Item_param *param, uchar **pos, ulong len)
-  MYSQL_TIME *to= (MYSQL_TIME*)*pos;
-  param->set_time(to, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME,
+  MYSQL_TIME tm= *((MYSQL_TIME*)*pos);
+  tm.hour+= tm.day * 24;
+  tm.day= tm.year= tm.month= 0;
+  if (tm.hour > 838)
+  {
+    /* TODO: add warning 'Data truncated' here */
+    tm.hour= 838;
+    tm.minute= 59;
+    tm.second= 59;
+  }
+  param->set_time(&tm, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME,
diff --git a/tests/client_test.c b/tests/client_test.c
index 35990a521a49284b584a1eb854896f49aedc4f98..a7fadbd3033165330bb22cf1ad6eee112bf86fac 100644
--- a/tests/client_test.c
+++ b/tests/client_test.c
@@ -683,7 +683,9 @@ static void verify_prepare_field(MYSQL_RES *result,
     as utf8. Field length is calculated as number of characters * maximum
     number of bytes a character can occupy.
   DIE_UNLESS(field->length == length * cs->mbmaxlen);
   if (def)
     DIE_UNLESS(strcmp(field->def, def) == 0);