Commit cb6e8883 authored by Otto Kekäläinen's avatar Otto Kekäläinen

Deb: Fix brittle line numbers with simple paragraph detection

After this there will be no need to maintain line numbers, as the
extent of the sed deletion will automatically be until next empty line.
parent 26c7b4f3
......@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
if [[ $TRAVIS ]]
# On Travis-CI, the log must stay under 4MB so make the build less verbose
sed -i -e '/Add support for verbose builds/,+2d' debian/rules
sed -i -e '/Add support for verbose builds/,/^$/d' debian/rules
# Don't include test suite package on Travis-CI to make the build time shorter
sed '/Package: mariadb-test-data/,+28d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-test$/,+38d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-test-data/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-test$/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
# Don't build the test package at all to save time and disk space
sed 's|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/mysql-test|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=false|' -i debian/rules
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ GCCVERSION=$(gcc -dumpfullversion -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g
if ! apt-cache madison libcrack2-dev | grep 'libcrack2-dev *| *2\.9' >/dev/null 2>&1
sed '/libcrack2-dev/d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-cracklib/,+9d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-cracklib/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
# If libpcre3-dev (>= 2:8.35-3.2~) is not available (before Debian Jessie or Ubuntu Wily)
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ fi
# x86 32 bit.
if [[ $GCCVERSION -lt 40800 ]] || [[ $(arch) =~ i[346]86 ]] || [[ $TRAVIS ]]
sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb/,+15d' -i debian/control
sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb/,/^$/d' -i debian/control
# AWS SDK requires c++11 -capable compiler.
......@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ fi
# Mroonga, TokuDB never built on Travis CI anyway, see build flags above
if [[ $TRAVIS ]]
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-tokudb/,+19d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga/,+17d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-spider/,+18d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph/,+16d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-tokudb/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-spider/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph/,/^$/d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/usr\/lib\/mysql\/plugin\/" debian/mariadb-server-10.4.install
sed -i -e "/Package: libmariadbd-dev/,+19d" debian/control
sed -i -e "/Package: libmariadbd-dev/,/^$/d" debian/control
# Adjust changelog, add new version
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