Commit ce4149fc authored by Sergei Petrunia's avatar Sergei Petrunia

Post-merge fixes: make rocksdb.use_direct_reads_writes pass

parent 0fad97a9
call mtr.add_suppression("rocksdb");
call mtr.add_suppression("Aborting");
# This shows that RocksDB plugin is loaded:
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
Checking direct reads
FOUND 1 /enable both use_direct_reads/ in use_direct_reads_writes.err
Checking direct writes
FOUND 1 /enable both use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction/ in use_direct_reads_writes.err
Checking rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
FOUND 1 /rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit needs to be/ in use_direct_reads_writes.err
Validate flush_log settings when direct writes is enabled
set global rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0;
set global rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit' can't be set to the value of '1'
set global rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2;
ERROR 42000: Variable 'rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit' can't be set to the value of '2'
call mtr.add_suppression("rocksdb");
call mtr.add_suppression("Aborting");
# This shows that RocksDB plugin is loaded:
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
# Check that ROCKSDB plugin is not loaded:
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
# Check that MyRocks has printed an error message into server error log:
FOUND 1 /enable both use_direct_reads/ in mysqld.1.err
# Now, restart the server back with regular settings
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
# Now, repeat the same with another set of invalid arguments
# Check that ROCKSDB plugin is not loaded:
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
FOUND 1 /enable both use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction/ in mysqld.1.err
# Now, restart the server back with regular settings
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
plugin_name plugin_type
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_nam
--source include/
--remove_file $LOG
select plugin_name, plugin_type from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='RocksDB';
# Verify invalid direct-writes and --rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit combination at startup fails
--echo Checking rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
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