Commit d50415ce authored by unknown's avatar unknown

  Wrap long lines,
  New test - date_format_inresult (returns which date
  format dbms uses in the result set)
  New tests:
    -date_format_ISO_with_date (checks if DBMS supports 
          YYYY-MM-DD or DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' formats)
    -date_format_EUR_with_date (the same but 'DD.MM.YYYY' 
    -date_format_USA_with_date ( the same but 'MM/DD/YYYY' format)

  Wrap long lines,
  New test - date_format_inresult (returns which date
  format dbms uses in the result set)
  New tests:
    -date_format_ISO_with_date (checks if DBMS supports 
          YYYY-MM-DD or DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' formats)
    -date_format_EUR_with_date (the same but 'DD.MM.YYYY' 
    -date_format_USA_with_date ( the same but 'MM/DD/YYYY' format)
parent b99dc409
......@@ -64,11 +64,16 @@ $limits{'operating_system'}= machine();
$prompts{'operating_system'}='crash-me tested on';
GetOptions("Information","help","server=s","debug","user=s","password=s","database=s","restart","force","quick","log-all-queries","comment=s","host=s","fix-limit-file","dir=s","db-start-cmd=s","sleep=s","suffix=s","batch-mode","config-file=s","log-queries-to-file=s","check-server") || usage();
|| usage();
usage() if ($opt_help || $opt_Information);
$opt_suffix = '-'.$opt_suffix if (length($opt_suffix) != 0);
$opt_config_file = "$pwd/$opt_dir/$opt_server$opt_suffix.cfg" if (length($opt_config_file) == 0);
$opt_config_file = "$pwd/$opt_dir/$opt_server$opt_suffix.cfg"
if (length($opt_config_file) == 0);
$log_prefix=' ###'; # prefix for log lines in result file
......@@ -121,7 +126,8 @@ if (length($opt_comment))
if (length($opt_log_queries_to_file))
open(LOG,">$opt_log_queries_to_file") || die "Can't open file $opt_log_queries_to_file\n";
open(LOG,">$opt_log_queries_to_file") ||
die "Can't open file $opt_log_queries_to_file\n";
......@@ -172,11 +178,13 @@ $prompt="drop table require cascade/restrict";
$dbh->do("drop table crash_me");
$dbh->do("drop table crash_me cascade");
if (!safe_query_l('drop_requires_cascade',["create table crash_me (a integer not null)",
if (!safe_query_l('drop_requires_cascade',
["create table crash_me (a integer not null)",
"drop table crash_me"]))
$dbh->do("drop table crash_me cascade");
if (safe_query_l('drop_requires_cascade',["create table crash_me (a integer not null)",
if (safe_query_l('drop_requires_cascade',
["create table crash_me (a integer not null)",
"drop table crash_me cascade"]))
......@@ -201,10 +209,13 @@ $dbh->do("drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
$dbh->do("drop table crash_q1 $drop_attr");
$prompt="Tables without primary key";
if (!safe_query_l('no_primary_key',["create table crash_me (a integer not null,b char(10) not null)",
if (!safe_query_l('no_primary_key',
["create table crash_me (a integer not null,b char(10) not null)",
"insert into crash_me (a,b) values (1,'a')"]))
if (!safe_query_l('no_primary_key',["create table crash_me (a integer not null,b char(10) not null, primary key (a))",
if (!safe_query_l('no_primary_key',
["create table crash_me (a integer not null,b char(10) not null".
", primary key (a))",
"insert into crash_me (a,b) values (1,'a')"]))
die "Can't create table 'crash_me' with one record: $DBI::errstr\n";
......@@ -328,8 +339,10 @@ try_and_report("LIMIT number of rows","select_limit",
"select * from crash_me limit 1"],
["with TOP",
"select TOP 1 * from crash_me"]);
report("SELECT with LIMIT #,#","select_limit2", "select * from crash_me limit 1,1");
report("SELECT with LIMIT # OFFSET #","select_limit3", "select * from crash_me limit 1 offset 1");
report("SELECT with LIMIT #,#","select_limit2",
"select * from crash_me limit 1,1");
report("SELECT with LIMIT # OFFSET #",
"select_limit3", "select * from crash_me limit 1 offset 1");
# The following alter table commands MUST be kept together!
if ($dbh->do("create table crash_q (a integer, b integer,c1 CHAR(10))"))
......@@ -351,7 +364,8 @@ if ($dbh->do("create table crash_q (a integer, b integer,c1 CHAR(10))"))
"alter table crash_q alter b set default 10");
report_one("Alter table drop column",'alter_drop_col',
[["alter table crash_q drop column b","yes"],
["alter table crash_q drop column b restrict","with restrict/cascade"]]);
["alter table crash_q drop column b restrict",
"with restrict/cascade"]]);
report("Alter table rename table",'alter_rename_table',
"alter table crash_q rename to crash_q1");
......@@ -379,7 +393,8 @@ if ($dbh->do("create table crash_q (a integer, b integer,c1 CHAR(10))") &&
"alter table crash_q add constraint c2 check(a > b)");
report_one("Alter table drop constraint",'alter_drop_constraint',
[["alter table crash_q drop constraint c2","yes"],
["alter table crash_q drop constraint c2 restrict","with restrict/cascade"]]);
["alter table crash_q drop constraint c2 restrict",
"with restrict/cascade"]]);
report("Alter table add unique",'alter_add_unique',
"alter table crash_q add constraint u1 unique(c1)");
try_and_report("Alter table drop unique",'alter_drop_unique',
......@@ -395,7 +410,8 @@ if ($dbh->do("create table crash_q (a integer, b integer,c1 CHAR(10))") &&
["with add primary key",
"alter table crash_q1 add primary key(c1)"]);
report("Alter table add foreign key",'alter_add_foreign_key',
"alter table crash_q add constraint f1 foreign key(c1) references crash_q1(c1)");
"alter table crash_q add constraint f1 foreign key(c1)",
" references crash_q1(c1)");
try_and_report("Alter table drop foreign key",'alter_drop_foreign_key',
["with drop constraint",
"alter table crash_q drop constraint f1"],
......@@ -426,9 +442,11 @@ check_and_report("Group on column with null values",'group_by_null',
if (!defined($limits{'having'}))
{ # Complicated because of postgreSQL
if (!safe_query_result_l("having","select a from crash_me group by a having a > 0",1,0))
if (!safe_query_result_l("having",
"select a from crash_me group by a having a > 0",1,0))
if (!safe_query_result_l("having","select a from crash_me group by a having a < 0",
if (!safe_query_result_l("having",
"select a from crash_me group by a having a < 0",
{ save_config_data("having","error",$prompt); }
......@@ -516,7 +534,8 @@ else
if ($i == 0)
print "Can't connect to server: $DBI::errstr. Please start it and try again\n";
print "Can't connect to server: $DBI::errstr.".
" Please start it and try again\n";
exit 1;
......@@ -549,7 +568,9 @@ if (!defined($limits{'query_size'}))
for ($i=$first ; $i < $end ; $i*=2)
last if (!safe_query($query . (" " x ($i - length($query)-length($end_query) -1)) . "$select$end_query"));
last if (!safe_query($query .
(" " x ($i - length($query)-length($end_query) -1))
. "$select$end_query"));
save_config_data("restart",$i,"") if ($opt_restart);
......@@ -599,7 +620,8 @@ check_reserved_words($dbh);
"interval month",
"interval day", "interval day to hour", "interval day to minute",
"interval day to second",
"interval hour", "interval hour to minute", "interval hour to second",
"interval hour", "interval hour to minute",
"interval hour to second",
"interval minute", "interval minute to second",
"interval second",
"national character varying(20)",
......@@ -664,6 +686,7 @@ foreach $types (@types)
# Test some type limits
check_and_report("Remembers end space in char()","remember_end_space",
["create table crash_q (a char(10))",
"insert into crash_q values('hello ')"],
......@@ -679,55 +702,6 @@ check_and_report("Remembers end space in varchar()",
["drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
'hello ',6);
check_and_report("Supports 0000-00-00 dates","date_zero",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('0000-00-00')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 0001-01-01 dates","date_one",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values (DATE '0001-01-01')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 9999-12-31 dates","date_last",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values (DATE '9999-12-31')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 'infinity dates","date_infinity",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('infinity')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
if (!defined($limits{'date_with_YY'}))
check_and_report("Supports YY-MM-DD dates","date_with_YY",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('98-03-03')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
if ($limits{'date_with_YY'} eq "yes")
check_and_report("Supports YY-MM-DD 2000 compilant dates",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('10-03-03')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
if (($limits{'type_extra_float(2_arg)'} eq "yes" ||
$limits{'type_sql_decimal(2_arg)'} eq "yes") &&
......@@ -775,13 +749,17 @@ if (($limits{'type_extra_float(2_arg)'} eq "yes" ||
try_and_report("Type for row id", "rowid",
"create table crash_q (a rowid)","drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a rowid)",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a int not null auto_increment, primary key(a))","drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a int not null auto_increment".
", primary key(a))","drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a oid, primary key(a))","drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a oid, primary key(a))",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
"create table crash_q (a serial, primary key(a))","drop table crash_q $drop_attr"]);
"create table crash_q (a serial, primary key(a))",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr"]);
try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
......@@ -798,21 +776,26 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
(["+, -, * and /","+","5*3-4/2+1",14,0],
["ANSI SQL SUBSTRING","substring","substring('abcd' from 2 for 2)","bc",1],
["searched CASE","searched_case","case when 1 > 2 then 'false' when 2 > 1 then 'true' end", "true",1],
["simple CASE","simple_case","case 2 when 1 then 'false' when 2 then 'true' end", "true",1],
["searched CASE","searched_case",
"case when 1 > 2 then 'false' when 2 > 1 then 'true' end", "true",1],
["simple CASE","simple_case",
"case 2 when 1 then 'false' when 2 then 'true' end", "true",1],
["CAST","cast","CAST(1 as CHAR)","1",1],
["EXTRACT","extract_sql","extract(minute from timestamp '2000-02-23 18:43:12.987')",43,0],
"extract(minute from timestamp '2000-02-23 18:43:12.987')",43,0],
["NULLIF with strings","nullif_string","NULLIF(NULLIF('first','second'),'first')",undef(),4],
["NULLIF with strings","nullif_string",
["NULLIF with numbers","nullif_num","NULLIF(NULLIF(1,2),1)",undef(),4],
["POSITION","position","position('ll' in 'hello')",3,0],
......@@ -869,14 +852,6 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["NOW","now","now()",0,2], # Any value is acceptable
["DAYNAME","dayname","dayname(DATE '1997-02-01')","",2],
["MONTH","month","month(DATE '1997-02-01')","",2],
["MONTHNAME","monthname","monthname(DATE '1997-02-01')","",2],
["DAYOFMONTH","dayofmonth","dayofmonth(DATE '1997-02-01')",1,0],
["DAYOFWEEK","dayofweek","dayofweek(DATE '1997-02-01')",7,0],
["DAYOFYEAR","dayofyear","dayofyear(DATE '1997-02-01')",32,0],
["QUARTER","quarter","quarter(DATE '1997-02-01')",1,0],
["YEAR","year","year(DATE '1997-02-01')",1997,0],
["ANSI HOUR","hour_time","hour(TIME '12:13:14')",12,0],
......@@ -886,7 +861,8 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
"timestampadd(SQL_TSI_SECOND,1,'1997-01-01 00:00:00')",
"1997-01-01 00:00:01",1],
"timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND,'1997-01-01 00:00:02', '1997-01-01 00:00:01')","1",0],
"timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND,'1997-01-01 00:00:02',".
" '1997-01-01 00:00:01')","1",0],
......@@ -902,7 +878,6 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["<> in SELECT","<>","1<>1","0",0],
["~* (case insensitive compare)","~*","'hi' ~* 'HI'",1,$logical_value],
["ADD_MONTHS","add_months","add_months('1997-01-01',1)","1997-02-01",0], # oracle the date plus n months
["AND and OR in SELECT","and_or","1=1 AND 2=2",$logical_value,0],
["AND as '&&'",'&&',"1=1 && 2=2",$logical_value,0],
["ASCII_CHAR", "ascii_char", "ASCII_CHAR(65)","A",1],
......@@ -916,40 +891,38 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["CONCAT(list)","concat_list", "concat('a','b','c','d')","abcd",1],
["COSH","cosh","cosh(0)","1",0], # oracle hyperbolic cosine of n.
["DATEADD","dateadd","dateadd(day,3,'Nov 30 1997')",0,2],
["DATEDIFF","datediff","datediff(month,'Oct 21 1997','Nov 30 1997')",0,2],
["DATENAME","datename","datename(month,'Nov 30 1997')",0,2],
["DATEPART","datepart","datepart(month,'July 20 1997')",0,2],
["DATE_FORMAT","date_format", "date_format('1997-01-02 03:04:05','M W D Y y m d h i s w')", 0,2],
["GREATEST","greatest","greatest('HARRY','HARRIOT','HAROLD')","HARRY",1], # oracle
["IF","if", "if(5,6,7)",6,0],
["IN on numbers in SELECT","in_num","2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1)",$logical_value,0],
["IN on strings in SELECT","in_str","'monty' in ('david','monty','allan')", $logical_value,0],
["INITCAP","initcap","initcap('the soap')","The Soap",1], # oracle Returns char, with the first letter of each word in uppercase
["INITCAP","initcap","initcap('the soap')","The Soap",1],
# oracle Returns char, with the first letter of each word in uppercase
["INSTR (Oracle syntax)", "instr_oracle", "INSTR('CORPORATE FLOOR','OR',3,2)" ,"14",0], # oracle instring
["INSTRB", "instrb", "INSTRB('CORPORATE FLOOR','OR',5,2)" ,"27",0], # oracle instring in bytes
["INSTRB", "instrb", "INSTRB('CORPORATE FLOOR','OR',5,2)" ,"27",0],
# oracle instring in bytes
["LAST_DAY","last_day","last_day('1997-04-01')","1997-04-30",0], # oracle last day of month of date
["LEAST","least","least('HARRY','HARRIOT','HAROLD')","HAROLD",1], # oracle
["LENGTHB","lengthb","lengthb('CANDIDE')","14",0], # oracle length in bytes
["LIKE ESCAPE in SELECT","like_escape","'%' like 'a%' escape 'a'",$logical_value,0],
# oracle
# oracle length in bytes
["LIKE ESCAPE in SELECT","like_escape",
"'%' like 'a%' escape 'a'",$logical_value,0],
["LIKE in SELECT","like","'a' like 'a%'",$logical_value,0],
["LN","ln","ln(95)","4.55387689",0], # oracle natural logarithm of n
# oracle natural logarithm of n
["LOCATE as INSTR","instr","instr('hello','ll')",3,0],
["LOG(m,n)","log(m_n)","log(10,100)","2",0], # oracle logarithm, base m, of n
["LOGN","logn","logn(2)","0.693147",0], # informix
# oracle logarithm, base m, of n
# informix
["MDY","mdy","mdy(7,1,1998)","1998-07-01",0], # informix
["MOD as %","%","10%7","3",0],
["MONTHS_BETWEEN","months_between","months_between('1997-02-02','1997-01-01')","1.03225806",0], # oracle number of months between 2 dates
["NOT BETWEEN in SELECT","not_between","5 not between 4 and 6",0,0],
["NOT LIKE in SELECT","not_like","'a' not like 'a%'",0,0],
["NOT as '!' in SELECT","!","! 1",0,0],
......@@ -959,10 +932,9 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["PASTE", "paste", "paste('ABCDEFG',3,2,'1234')","AB1234EFG",1],
["RANGE","range","range(a)","0.0",0], # informix range(a) = max(a) - min(a)
# informix range(a) = max(a) - min(a)
["REGEXP in SELECT","regexp","'a' regexp '^(a|b)*\$'",$logical_value,0],
......@@ -974,23 +946,26 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["SUBSTRB", "substrb", "SUBSTRB('ABCDEFG',5,4.2)" ,"CD",1], # oracle substring with bytes
["SUBSTRB", "substrb", "SUBSTRB('ABCDEFG',5,4.2)" ,"CD",1],
# oracle substring with bytes
["SUBSTRING as MID","mid","mid('hello',3,2)","ll",1],
["SUBSTRING_INDEX","substring_index","substring_index('','.',-2)", "",1],
"substring_index('','.',-2)", "",1],
["TANH","tanh","tanh(1)","0.462117157",0], # oracle hyperbolic tangent of n
# oracle hyperbolic tangent of n
["TO_DAYS","to_days","to_days(DATE '1996-01-01')",729024,0],
["TRIM; Many char extension","trim_many_char","trim(':!' FROM ':abc!')","abc",3],
["TRIM; Substring extension","trim_substring","trim('cb' FROM 'abccb')","abc",3],
["TRIM; Many char extension",
"trim_many_char","trim(':!' FROM ':abc!')","abc",3],
["TRIM; Substring extension",
"trim_substring","trim('cb' FROM 'abccb')","abc",3],
["TRUNC","trunc","trunc(18.18,-1)",10,0], # oracle
["UID","uid","uid",0,2], # oracle uid from user
["USERENV","userenv","userenv",0,2], # oracle user enviroment
["WEEKDAY","weekday","weekday(DATE '1997-11-29')",5,0],
["automatic num->string convert","auto_num2string","concat('a',2)","a2",1],
["automatic string->num convert","auto_string2num","'1'+2",3,0],
["concatenation with +","concat_as_+","'abc' + 'def'","abcdef",1],
......@@ -1000,8 +975,8 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["RFILL (3 arg)",'rfill3arg',"rfill('abcd','.',6)",'abcd..',1],
["RPAD (4 arg)",'rpad4arg',"rpad('abcd',2,'+-',8)",'abcd+-+-',1],
["LPAD (4 arg)",'rpad4arg',"lpad('abcd',2,'+-',8)",'+-+-abcd',1],
["SAPDB compatible TRIM (1 arg)",'trim1arg',"trim(' abcd ')",'abcd',1],
["SAPDB compatible TRIM (2 arg)",'trim2arg',"trim('..abcd..','.')",'abcd',1],
["TRIM (1 arg)",'trim1arg',"trim(' abcd ')",'abcd',1],
["TRIM (2 arg)",'trim2arg',"trim('..abcd..','.')",'abcd',1],
["LTRIM (2 arg)",'ltrim2arg',"ltrim('..abcd..','.')",'abcd..',1],
["RTRIM (2 arg)",'rtrim2arg',"rtrim('..abcd..','.')",'..abcd',1],
["EXPAND",'expand2arg',"expand('abcd',6)",'abcd ',0],
......@@ -1015,34 +990,24 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["DATEDIFF (2 arg)",'datediff2arg',"DATEDIFF('20021204','20021201')",'3',0], # sapdb
["DAYOFWEEK with sapdb internal date as arg",'dayofweek_sapdb',"DAYOFWEEK('19630816')",'5',0],
["DAYOFMONTH with sapdb internal date as arg",'dayofmonth_sapdb',"dayofmonth('19630816')",'16',0],
["DAYOFYEAR with sapdb internal date as arg",'dayofyear_sapdb',"DAYOFYEAR('19630816')",'228',0],
["DAYNAME with sapdb internal date as arg",'dayname_sapdb',"DAYNAME('19630816')",'Friday',0],
["MONTHNAME with sapdb internal date as arg",'monthname_sapdb',"MONTHNAME('19630816')",'August',0],
["YEAR with sapdb internal date as arg",'year_sapdb',"YEAR('20021201')",'2002',0],
["MONTH with sapdb internal date as arg",'month_sapdb',"MONTH('20021201')",'12',0],
["HOUR with sapdb internal time as arg",'hour_sapdb',"HOUR('00200212')",20,0],
["MINUTE with sapdb internal time as arg",'minute_sapdb',"MINUTE('00200212')",2,0],
["SECOND with sapdb internal time as arg",'second_sapdb',"SECOND('00200212')",12,0],
["HOUR with sapdb internal time as arg",
["MINUTE with sapdb internal time as arg",
["SECOND with sapdb internal time as arg",
["CHAR (conversation date)",'char_date',"CHAR(DATE('19630816'),EUR)",'16.08.1963',0],
["CHR (any type to string)",'chr_str',"CHR(67)",'67',0],
......@@ -1068,7 +1033,8 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["BIT_OR", 'bit_or', "bit_or(a)",1,0],
["COUNT(DISTINCT expr,expr,...)","count_distinct_list","count(distinct a,b)",1,0],
["COUNT(DISTINCT expr,expr,...)",
"count_distinct_list","count(distinct a,b)",1,0],
......@@ -1084,13 +1050,16 @@ try_and_report("Automatic row id", "automatic_rowid",
["IN on numbers","in_num","2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1)",1,0],
["LIKE ESCAPE","like_escape","b like '%' escape 'a'",1,0],
["LIKE","like","b like 'a%'",1,0],
["MATCH UNIQUE","match_unique","1 match unique (select a from crash_me)",1,0],
["MATCH UNIQUE","match_unique",
"1 match unique (select a from crash_me)",1,0],
["MATCH","match","1 match (select a from crash_me)",1,0],
["MATCHES","matches","b matcjhes 'a*'",1,0],
["NOT BETWEEN","not_between","7 not between 4 and 6",1,0],
["NOT EXISTS","not_exists","not exists (select * from crash_me where a = 2)",1,0],
["NOT EXISTS","not_exists",
"not exists (select * from crash_me where a = 2)",1,0],
["NOT LIKE","not_like","b not like 'b%'",1,0],
["NOT UNIQUE","not_unique","not unique (select * from crash_me where a = 2)",1,0],
["NOT UNIQUE","not_unique",
"not unique (select * from crash_me where a = 2)",1,0],
["UNIQUE","unique","unique (select * from crash_me)",1,0],
......@@ -1207,7 +1176,8 @@ if ($limits{'functions'} eq 'yes')
"select $tmp $end_query",[], undef(),4);
$prompt="Need to cast NULL for arithmetic";
add_log("Need_cast_for_null"," Check if numeric_null ($numeric_null) is 'NULL'");
" Check if numeric_null ($numeric_null) is 'NULL'");
($numeric_null eq "NULL") ? "no" : "yes",
......@@ -1232,7 +1202,8 @@ else
$resultat = 'no'
} else # Ok, now check if it really works
$error=safe_query_l('func_extra_noround', [ "create table crash_me_nr (a int)",
["create table crash_me_nr (a int)",
"insert into crash_me_nr values(noround(10.2))",
"drop table crash_me_nr $drop_attr"]);
if ($error eq 1) {
......@@ -1250,13 +1221,169 @@ check_parenthesis("func_sql_","SESSION_USER");
if ($limits{'type_sql_date'} eq 'yes')
{ #
# Checking the format of date in result.
safe_query("drop table crash_me_d $drop_attr");
assert("create table crash_me_d (a date)");
# find the example of date
my $dateexample;
if ($limits{'func_extra_sysdate'} eq 'yes') {
$dateexample=' sysdate() ';
elsif ($limits{'func_sql_current_date'} eq 'yes') {
elsif ($limits{'func_odbc_curdate'} eq 'yes') {
elsif ($limits{'func_extra_getdate'} eq 'yes') {
elsif ($limits{'func_odbc_now'} eq 'yes') {
} else {
#try to guess
$dateexample="DATE '1963-08-16'";
} ;
my $key = 'date_format_inresult';
my $prompt = "Date format in result";
if (! safe_query_l('date_format_inresult',
"insert into crash_me_d values($dateexample) "))
die "Cannot insert date ($dateexample):".$last_error;
my $sth= $dbh->prepare("select a from crash_me_d");
add_log('date_format_inresult',"< select a from crash_me_d");
$_= $sth->fetchrow_array;
add_log('date_format_inresult',"> $_");
safe_query_l($key,"delete from crash_me_d");
if (/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/){ save_config_data($key,"iso",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}/){ save_config_data($key,"short iso",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}/){ save_config_data($key,"euro",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/){ save_config_data($key,"short euro",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/){ save_config_data($key,"usa",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}/){ save_config_data($key,"short usa",$prompt);}
elsif (/\d*/){ save_config_data($key,"YYYYMMDD",$prompt);}
else { save_config_data($key,"unknown",$prompt);};
check_and_report("Supports YYYY-MM-DD (ISO) format","date_format_ISO",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values ('1963-08-16')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' (ISO) format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values (DATE '1963-08-16')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports DD.MM.YYYY (EUR) format","date_format_EUR",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values ('16.08.1963')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports DATE 'DD.MM.YYYY' (EUR) format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values (DATE '16.08.1963')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports YYYYMMDD format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values ('19630816')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports DATE 'YYYYMMDD' format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values (DATE '19630816')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports MM/DD/YYYY format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values ('08/16/1963')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports DATE 'MM/DD/YYYY' format",
[ "insert into crash_me_d(a) values (DATE '08/16/1963')"],
"select a from crash_me_d",
["delete from crash_me_d"],
check_and_report("Supports 0000-00-00 dates","date_zero",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values (".make_date(0,0,0).")"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 0001-01-01 dates","date_one",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values (".make_date(1,1,1).")"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 9999-12-31 dates","date_last",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values (".make_date(9999,12,31).")"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
check_and_report("Supports 'infinity dates","date_infinity",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('infinity')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
if (!defined($limits{'date_with_YY'}))
check_and_report("Supports YY-MM-DD dates","date_with_YY",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('98-03-03')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
if ($limits{'date_with_YY'} eq "yes")
check_and_report("Supports YY-MM-DD 2000 compilant dates",
["create table crash_me2 (a date not null)",
"insert into crash_me2 values ('10-03-03')"],
"select a from crash_me2",
["drop table crash_me2 $drop_attr"],
# Test: WEEK()
my $resultat="no";
my $error;
print "WEEK:";
$error = safe_query_result_l('func_odbc_week',"select week(DATE '1997-02-01') $end_query",5,0);
$error = safe_query_result_l('func_odbc_week',
"select week(".make_date(1997,2,1).") $end_query",5,0);
# actually this query must return 4 or 5 in the $last_result,
# $error can be 1 (not supported at all) , -1 ( probably USA weeks)
# and 0 - EURO weeks
......@@ -1265,15 +1392,111 @@ check_parenthesis("func_sql_","USER");
$resultat = 'USA';
} else {
add_log('func_odbc_week'," must return 4 or 5, but $last_result");
" must return 4 or 5, but $last_result");
} elsif ($error == 0) {
$resultat = 'EURO';
print " $resultat\n";
save_config_data('func_odbc_week',$resultat,"WEEK $explain");
my $insert_query ='insert into crash_me_d values('.
foreach $fn ( (
$prompt='Function '.$fn->[0];
add_log($key,"< ".$insert_query);
[],"select ".$fn->[2]." from crash_me_d",[],
safe_query(['delete from crash_me_d',
'insert into crash_me_d values('.make_date(1963,8,16).')']);
foreach $fn ((
["MDY","mdy","mdy(7,1,1998)","make_date_r(1998,07,01)",0], # informix
"datediff(month,'Oct 21 1997','Nov 30 1997')",0,2],
["DATENAME","datename","datename(month,'Nov 30 1997')",0,2],
["DATEPART","datepart","datepart(month,'July 20 1997')",0,2],
"date_format('1997-01-02 03:04:05','M W D Y y m d h i s w')", 0,2],
"1.03225806",0], # oracle number of months between 2 dates
["DATEDIFF (2 arg)",'datediff2arg',
# table crash_me_d must contain record with 1963-08-16 (for CHAR)
["CHAR (conversation date)",'char_date',
# oracle the date plus n months
# oracle last day of month of date
$prompt='Function '.$fn->[0];
my $qry="select ".$fn->[2]." from crash_me_d";
while( $qry =~ /^(.*)make_date\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)(.*)$/)
my $dt= &make_date($2,$3,$4);
my $result=$fn->[3];
while( $result =~ /^(.*)make_date_r\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)(.*)$/)
my $dt= &make_date_r($2,$3,$4);
safe_query("drop table crash_me_d $drop_attr");
report("LIKE on numbers","like_with_number",
"create table crash_q (a int,b int)",
"insert into crash_q values(10,10)",
......@@ -1328,7 +1551,8 @@ if (!defined($limits{'multi_table_update'}))
check_and_report("Update with many tables","multi_table_update",
["create table crash_q (a integer,b char(10))",
"insert into crash_q values(1,'c')",
"update crash_q,crash_me set crash_q.b=crash_me.b where crash_q.a=crash_me.a"],
"update crash_q,crash_me set crash_q.b=crash_me.b ".
"where crash_q.a=crash_me.a"],
"select b from crash_q",
["drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
......@@ -1345,7 +1569,8 @@ report("DELETE FROM table1,table2...","multi_table_delete",
check_and_report("Update with sub select","select_table_update",
["create table crash_q (a integer,b char(10))",
"insert into crash_q values(1,'c')",
"update crash_q set b= (select b from crash_me where crash_q.a = crash_me.a)"],
"update crash_q set b= ".
"(select b from crash_me where crash_q.a = crash_me.a)"],
"select b from crash_q",
["drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
......@@ -1615,25 +1840,31 @@ safe_query("drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
# test of different join types
assert("create table crash_me2 (a integer not null,b char(10) not null, c1 integer)");
assert("create table crash_me2 (a integer not null,b char(10) not null,".
" c1 integer)");
assert("insert into crash_me2 (a,b,c1) values (1,'b',1)");
assert("create table crash_me3 (a integer not null,b char(10) not null)");
assert("insert into crash_me3 (a,b) values (1,'b')");
report("inner join","inner_join",
"select crash_me.a from crash_me inner join crash_me2 ON crash_me.a=crash_me2.a");
"select crash_me.a from crash_me inner join crash_me2 ON ".
report("left outer join","left_outer_join",
"select crash_me.a from crash_me left join crash_me2 ON crash_me.a=crash_me2.a");
"select crash_me.a from crash_me left join crash_me2 ON ".
report("natural left outer join","natural_left_outer_join",
"select c1 from crash_me natural left join crash_me2");
report("left outer join using","left_outer_join_using",
"select c1 from crash_me left join crash_me2 using (a)");
report("left outer join odbc style","odbc_left_outer_join",
"select crash_me.a from { oj crash_me left outer join crash_me2 ON crash_me.a=crash_me2.a }");
"select crash_me.a from { oj crash_me left outer join crash_me2 ON".
" crash_me.a=crash_me2.a }");
report("right outer join","right_outer_join",
"select crash_me.a from crash_me right join crash_me2 ON crash_me.a=crash_me2.a");
"select crash_me.a from crash_me right join crash_me2 ON ".
report("full outer join","full_outer_join",
"select crash_me.a from crash_me full join crash_me2 ON crash_me.a=crash_me2.a");
"select crash_me.a from crash_me full join crash_me2 ON "."
report("cross join (same as from a,b)","cross_join",
"select crash_me.a from crash_me cross join crash_me3");
report("natural join","natural_join",
......@@ -1687,7 +1918,8 @@ assert("drop table crash_me3 $drop_attr");
if (report("subqueries","subqueries",
"select a from crash_me where crash_me.a in (select max(a) from crash_me)"))
"select a from crash_me where crash_me.a in ".
"(select max(a) from crash_me)"))
$tmp=new query_repeat([],"select a from crash_me","","",
" where a in (select a from crash_me",")",
......@@ -1765,7 +1997,8 @@ report("views","views",
# 1) check if foreign keys are supported
safe_query_l('foreign_key',create_table("crash_me_qf",["a integer not null"],
["primary key (a)"]));
$error = safe_query_l('foreign_key', create_table("crash_me_qf2",["a integer not null",
$error = safe_query_l('foreign_key',
create_table("crash_me_qf2",["a integer not null",
"foreign key (a) references crash_me_qf (a)"], []));
if ($error eq 1) # OK -- syntax is supported
......@@ -1773,7 +2006,8 @@ report("views","views",
$resultat = 'error';
# now check if foreign key really works
safe_query_l('foreign_key', "insert into crash_me_qf values (1)");
if (safe_query_l('foreign_key', "insert into crash_me_qf2 values (2)") eq 1) {
if (safe_query_l('foreign_key', "insert into crash_me_qf2 values (2)") eq 1)
$resultat = 'syntax only';
} else {
$resultat = 'yes';
......@@ -1782,13 +2016,15 @@ report("views","views",
} else {
$resultat = "no";
safe_query_l('foreign_key', "drop table crash_me_qf2 $drop_attr","drop table crash_me_qf $drop_attr");
"drop table crash_me_qf2 $drop_attr","drop table crash_me_qf $drop_attr");
print "$resultat\n";
save_config_data('foreign_key',$resultat,"foreign keys");
report("Create SCHEMA","create_schema",
"create schema crash_schema create table crash_q (a int) create table crash_q2(b int)",
"create schema crash_schema create table crash_q (a int) ".
"create table crash_q2(b int)",
"drop schema crash_schema cascade");
if ($limits{'foreign_key'} eq 'yes')
......@@ -1796,7 +2032,10 @@ if ($limits{'foreign_key'} eq 'yes')
if ($limits{'create_schema'} eq 'yes')
report("Circular foreign keys","foreign_key_circular",
"create schema crash_schema create table crash_q (a int primary key, b int, foreign key (b) references crash_q2(a)) create table crash_q2(a int, b int, primary key(a), foreign key (b) references crash_q(a))",
"create schema crash_schema create table crash_q ".
"(a int primary key, b int, foreign key (b) references ".
"crash_q2(a)) create table crash_q2(a int, b int, ".
"primary key(a), foreign key (b) references crash_q(a))",
"drop schema crash_schema cascade");
......@@ -1824,35 +2063,47 @@ report("NULL constraint (SyBase style)","constraint_null",
report("Triggers (ANSI SQL)","psm_trigger",
"create table crash_q (a int ,b int)",
"create trigger crash_trigger after insert on crash_q referencing new table as new_a when (localtime > time '18:00:00') begin atomic end",
"create trigger crash_trigger after insert on crash_q referencing ".
"new table as new_a when (localtime > time '18:00:00') ".
"begin atomic end",
"insert into crash_q values(1,2)",
"drop trigger crash_trigger",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("PSM procedures (ANSI SQL)","psm_procedures",
"create table crash_q (a int,b int)",
"create procedure crash_proc(in a1 int, in b1 int) language sql modifies sql data begin declare c1 int; set c1 = a1 + b1; insert into crash_q(a,b) values (a1,c1); end",
"create procedure crash_proc(in a1 int, in b1 int) language ".
"sql modifies sql data begin declare c1 int; set c1 = a1 + b1;".
" insert into crash_q(a,b) values (a1,c1); end",
"call crash_proc(1,10)",
"drop procedure crash_proc",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("PSM modules (ANSI SQL)","psm_modules",
"create table crash_q (a int,b int)",
"create module crash_m declare procedure crash_proc(in a1 int, in b1 int) language sql modifies sql data begin declare c1 int; set c1 = a1 + b1; insert into crash_q(a,b) values (a1,c1); end; declare procedure crash_proc2(INOUT a int, in b int) contains sql set a = b + 10; end module",
"create module crash_m declare procedure ".
"crash_proc(in a1 int, in b1 int) language sql modifies sql ".
"data begin declare c1 int; set c1 = a1 + b1; ".
"insert into crash_q(a,b) values (a1,c1); end; ".
"declare procedure crash_proc2(INOUT a int, in b int) ".
"contains sql set a = b + 10; end module",
"call crash_proc(1,10)",
"drop module crash_m cascade",
"drop table crash_q cascade $drop_attr");
report("PSM functions (ANSI SQL)","psm_functions",
"create table crash_q (a int)",
"create function crash_func(in a1 int, in b1 int) returns int language sql deterministic contains sql begin return a1 * b1; end",
"create function crash_func(in a1 int, in b1 int) returns int".
" language sql deterministic contains sql ".
" begin return a1 * b1; end",
"insert into crash_q values(crash_func(2,4))",
"select a,crash_func(a,2) from crash_q",
"drop function crash_func cascade",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("Domains (ANSI SQL)","domains",
"create domain crash_d as varchar(10) default 'Empty' check (value <> 'abcd')",
"create domain crash_d as varchar(10) default 'Empty' ".
"check (value <> 'abcd')",
"create table crash_q(a crash_d, b int)",
"insert into crash_q(a,b) values('xyz',10)",
"insert into crash_q(b) values(10)",
......@@ -2028,7 +2279,8 @@ if ($limits{'unique_in_create'} eq 'yes')
find_limit("index parts","max_index_parts",
new query_table("create table crash_q ($key_definitions,unique (q0",
new query_table("create table crash_q ".
"($key_definitions,unique (q0",
["insert into crash_q ($key_fields) values ($key_values)"],
"select q0 from crash_q",1,
......@@ -2036,7 +2288,8 @@ if ($limits{'unique_in_create'} eq 'yes')
find_limit("max index part length","max_index_part_length",
new query_many(["create table crash_q (q char(%d) not null,unique(q))",
new query_many(["create table crash_q (q char(%d) not null,".
"insert into crash_q (q) values ('%s')"],
"select q from crash_q","%s",
["drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
......@@ -2045,7 +2298,8 @@ if ($limits{'unique_in_create'} eq 'yes')
if ($limits{'type_sql_varchar(1_arg)'} eq 'yes')
find_limit("index varchar part length","max_index_varchar_part_length",
new query_many(["create table crash_q (q varchar(%d) not null,unique(q))",
new query_many(["create table crash_q (q varchar(%d) not null,".
"insert into crash_q (q) values ('%s')"],
"select q from crash_q","%s",
["drop table crash_q $drop_attr"],
......@@ -2059,7 +2313,9 @@ if ($limits{'create_index'} ne 'no')
if ($limits{'create_index'} eq 'ignored' ||
$limits{'unique_in_create'} eq 'yes')
{ # This should be true
add_log('max_index'," max_unique_index=$limits{'max_unique_index'} ,so max_index must be same");
" max_unique_index=$limits{'max_unique_index'} ,".
"so max_index must be same");
save_config_data('max_index',$limits{'max_unique_index'},"max index");
print "indexes: $limits{'max_index'}\n";
......@@ -2070,7 +2326,8 @@ if ($limits{'create_index'} ne 'no')
safe_query_l('max_index',"create table crash_q ($key_definitions)");
for ($i=1; $i <= min($limits{'max_columns'},$max_keys) ; $i++)
last if (!safe_query_l('max_index',"create index crash_q$i on crash_q (q$i)"));
last if (!safe_query_l('max_index',
"create index crash_q$i on crash_q (q$i)"));
save_config_data('max_index',$i == $max_keys ? $max_keys : $i,
"max index");
......@@ -2086,10 +2343,12 @@ if ($limits{'create_index'} ne 'no')
print "indexs: $limits{'max_index'}\n";
if (!defined($limits{'max_unique_index'}))
safe_query_l('max_unique_index',"create table crash_q ($key_definitions)");
"create table crash_q ($key_definitions)");
for ($i=0; $i < min($limits{'max_columns'},$max_keys) ; $i++)
last if (!safe_query_l('max_unique_index',"create unique index crash_q$i on crash_q (q$i)"));
last if (!safe_query_l('max_unique_index',
"create unique index crash_q$i on crash_q (q$i)"));
save_config_data('max_unique_index',$i == $max_keys ? $max_keys : $i,
"max unique index");
......@@ -2105,7 +2364,8 @@ if ($limits{'create_index'} ne 'no')
print "unique indexes: $limits{'max_unique_index'}\n";
if (!defined($limits{'max_index_parts'}))
safe_query_l('max_index_parts',"create table crash_q ($key_definitions)");
"create table crash_q ($key_definitions)");
$end_drop =~ s/%i/crash_q1%d/;
$end_drop =~ s/%t/crash_q/;
......@@ -2186,23 +2446,29 @@ if (!defined($limits{$key}))
print "$prompt=";
if (!safe_query_l($key,$server->create("crash_me_a",["a decimal(10,2)","b decimal(10,2)"])))
if (!safe_query_l($key,$server->create("crash_me_a",
["a decimal(10,2)","b decimal(10,2)"])))
print DBI->errstr();
die "Can't create table 'crash_me_a' $DBI::errstr\n";
if (!safe_query_l($key,["insert into crash_me_a (a,b) values (11.4,18.9)"]))
if (!safe_query_l($key,
["insert into crash_me_a (a,b) values (11.4,18.9)"]))
die "Can't insert into table 'crash_me_a' a record: $DBI::errstr\n";
$arithmetic_safe = 'no';
$arithmetic_safe = 'yes'
if ( (safe_query_result_l($key,'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b=30.3',1,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 = 0',1,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 < 0',0,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 > 0',0,0) == 0) );
if ( (safe_query_result_l($key,
'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b=30.3',1,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,
'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 = 0',1,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,
'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 < 0',0,0) == 0)
and (safe_query_result_l($key,
'select count(*) from crash_me_a where a+b-30.3 > 0',0,0) == 0));
print "$arithmetic_safe\n";
assert("drop table crash_me_a $drop_attr");
......@@ -2263,6 +2529,9 @@ if (!defined($limits{$key}))
assert("drop table crash_me_n $drop_attr");
# End of test
......@@ -2361,6 +2630,46 @@ sub check_constraint {
print "$res\n";
sub make_date_r {
my $year=shift;
my $month=shift;
my $day=shift;
$_ = $limits{'date_format_inresult'};
return sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d", ($year%100),$month,$day if (/^short iso$/);
return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", $year,$month,$day if (/^iso/);
return sprintf "%02d.%02d.%02d", $day,$month,($year%100) if (/^short euro/);
return sprintf "%02d.%02d.%04d", $day,$month,$year if (/^euro/);
return sprintf "%02d/%02d/%02d", $month,$day,($year%100) if (/^short usa/);
return sprintf "%02d/%02d/%04d", $month,$day,$year if (/^usa/);
return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", $year,$month,$day if (/^YYYYMMDD/);
sub make_date {
my $year=shift;
my $month=shift;
my $day=shift;
return sprintf "'%04d-%02d-%02d'", $year,$month,$day
if ($limits{'date_format_ISO'} eq yes);
return sprintf "DATE '%04d-%02d-%02d'", $year,$month,$day
if ($limits{'date_format_ISO_with_date'} eq yes);
return sprintf "'%02d.%02d.%04d'", $day,$month,$year
if ($limits{'date_format_EUR'} eq 'yes');
return sprintf "DATE '%02d.%02d.%04d'", $day,$month,$year
if ($limits{'date_format_EUR_with_date'} eq 'yes');
return sprintf "'%02d/%02d/%04d'", $month,$day,$year
if ($limits{'date_format_USA'} eq 'yes');
return sprintf "DATE '%02d/%02d/%04d'", $month,$day,$year
if ($limits{'date_format_USA_with_date'} eq 'yes');
return sprintf "'%04d%02d%02d'", $year,$month,$day
if ($limits{'date_format_YYYYMMDD'} eq 'yes');
return sprintf "DATE '%04d%02d%02d'", $year,$month,$day
if ($limits{'date_format_YYYYMMDD_with_date'} eq 'yes');
sub usage
print <<EOF;
......@@ -2439,11 +2748,13 @@ $0 takes the following options:
--server='server name' (Default $opt_server)
Run the test on the given server.
Known servers names are: Access, Adabas, AdabasD, Empress, Oracle, Informix, DB2, Mimer, mSQL, MS-SQL, MySQL, Pg, Solid or Sybase.
Known servers names are: Access, Adabas, AdabasD, Empress, Oracle,
Informix, DB2, Mimer, mSQL, MS-SQL, MySQL, Pg, Solid or Sybase.
For others $0 can\'t report the server version.
--suffix='suffix' (Default '')
Add suffix to the output filename. For instance if you run crash-me like "crash-me --suffix="myisam",
Add suffix to the output filename. For instance if you run crash-me like
"crash-me --suffix="myisam",
then output filename will look "mysql-myisam.cfg".
......@@ -2607,11 +2918,13 @@ sub safe_connect
$dbh->{LongReadLen}= 16000000; # Set max retrieval buffer
return $dbh;
print "Error: $DBI::errstr; $server->{'data_source'} - '$opt_user' - '$opt_password'\n";
print "Error: $DBI::errstr; $server->{'data_source'} ".
" - '$opt_user' - '$opt_password'\n";
print "I got the above error when connecting to $opt_server\n";
if (defined($object) && defined($object->{'limit'}))
print "This check was done with limit: $object->{'limit'}.\nNext check will be done with a smaller limit!\n";
print "This check was done with limit: $object->{'limit'}.".
"\nNext check will be done with a smaller limit!\n";
save_config_data('crash_me_safe','no',"crash me safe");
......@@ -2692,7 +3005,8 @@ sub print_query
# Do one or many queries. Return 1 if all was ok
# Note that all rows are executed (to ensure that we execute drop table commands)
# Note that all rows are executed
# (to ensure that we execute drop table commands)
sub safe_query_l {
......@@ -2716,7 +3030,8 @@ sub safe_query
foreach $query (@$queries)
printf "query1: %-80.80s ...(%d - %d)\n",$query,length($query),$retry_limit if ($opt_log_all_queries);
printf "query1: %-80.80s ...(%d - %d)\n",$query,
length($query),$retry_limit if ($opt_log_all_queries);
print LOG "$query;\n" if ($opt_log);
$safe_query_log .= "< $query\n";
if (length($query) > $query_size)
......@@ -2983,7 +3298,6 @@ sub check_reserved_words
"create table crash_me10 ($keyword int not null)",
"drop table crash_me10 $drop_attr"
print "$prompt: ",$limits{$config},"\n";
......@@ -3367,7 +3681,8 @@ sub safe_query_result
(abs($row->[0]) + abs($answer))) > 0.01)
$safe_query_result_log .= "We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
elsif ($result_type == 1) # Compare where end space may differ
......@@ -3376,7 +3691,8 @@ sub safe_query_result
if ($row->[0] ne $answer)
$safe_query_result_log .= "We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
} ;
elsif ($result_type == 3) # This should be a exact match
......@@ -3384,7 +3700,8 @@ sub safe_query_result
if ($row->[0] ne $answer)
$result= -1;
$safe_query_result_log .= "we expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
elsif ($result_type == 4) # If results should be NULL
......@@ -3392,7 +3709,8 @@ sub safe_query_result
if (defined($row->[0]))
$result= -1;
$safe_query_result_log .= "We expected NULL but got '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"We expected NULL but got '$last_result' \n";
elsif ($result_type == 5) # Result should have given prefix
......@@ -3401,14 +3719,16 @@ sub safe_query_result
substr($row->[0],1,length($answer)) ne $answer)
$result= -1 ;
$safe_query_result_log .= "result must have prefix '$answer', but '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"Result must have prefix '$answer', but '$last_result' \n";
elsif ($result_type == 6) # Exact match but ignore errors
if ($row->[0] ne $answer)
{ $result= 1;
$safe_query_result_log .= "We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
$safe_query_result_log .=
"We expected '$answer' but got '$last_result' \n";
} ;
elsif ($result_type == 7) # Compare against array of numbers
......@@ -3459,8 +3779,9 @@ sub safe_query_result
# Find limit using binary search. This is a weighed binary search that
# will prefere lower limits to get the server to crash as few times as possible
# will prefere lower limits to get the server to crash as
# few times as possible
sub find_limit()
......@@ -3505,7 +3826,8 @@ sub find_limit()
if (!limit_query($query,1)) # This must work
print "\nMaybe fatal error: Can't check '$prompt' for limit=1\nerror: $last_error\n";
print "\nMaybe fatal error: Can't check '$prompt' for limit=1\n".
"error: $last_error\n";
return "error";
......@@ -3652,7 +3974,6 @@ sub save_config_data
unless ( ($last_line_was_empty eq 1)
&& ($line =~ /^\s+$/) );
$last_line_was_empty= ($line =~ /^\s+$/)?1:0;
if (($opt_restart && $limits{'operating_system'} =~ /windows/i) ||
......@@ -3684,7 +4005,8 @@ sub save_all_config_data
select STDOUT;
delete $limits{'restart'};
print CONFIG_FILE "#This file is automaticly generated by crash-me $version\n\n";
"#This file is automaticly generated by crash-me $version\n\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %limits)
......@@ -3694,11 +4016,9 @@ sub save_all_config_data
my $last_line_was_empty=0;
foreach $line (split /\n/, $log{$key})
print CONFIG_FILE " ###$line\n"
unless ( ($last_line_was_empty eq 1)
&& ($line =~ /^\s+$/) );
$last_line_was_empty= ($line =~ /^\s+$/)?1:0;
print CONFIG_FILE " ###$line\n" unless
( ($last_line_was_empty eq 1) && ($line =~ /^\s*$/));
$last_line_was_empty= ($line =~ /^\s*$/)?1:0;
......@@ -4267,7 +4587,8 @@ sub query
$size=1 if ($size == 0); # Avoid infinite loop errors
for ($length=$i=0; $length + $size <= $limit ; $length+=$size, $i++)
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