Commit dcc2eaeb authored by Daniel Black's avatar Daniel Black Committed by Anel

MDEV-22010: mtr search for mariadbd first

parent 778a174e
[ERROR] mysqld: Can't lock aria aria_log_control for exclusive use, error: #. Will retry for 0 seconds
[ERROR] mariadbd: Can't lock aria aria_log_control for exclusive use, error: #. Will retry for 0 seconds
[ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error.
[ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
[Warning] Could not open mysql.plugin table: "Unknown storage engine 'Aria'". Some options may be missing from the help text
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
--let $args=--table-cache=5 --max-connections=10 --log-warnings=1 --silent-startup --help --verbose
--exec $MYSQLD_CMD $args > $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqld--help2.txt 2> $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqld--help2.err
--replace_regex /\d\d\d\d-\d*-\d* *\d*:\d*:\d* \d* // /control file '.*aria_log_control'/aria_log_control/ /error: \d+/error: #/
--replace_regex /mysqld/mariadbd/ /\d\d\d\d-\d*-\d* *\d*:\d*:\d* \d* // /control file '.*aria_log_control'/aria_log_control/ /error: \d+/error: #/
--cat_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqld--help2.err
--echo #
......@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ drop user user1@localhost;
# MDEV-8491 - On shutdown, report the user and the host executed that.
FOUND 2 /mysqld(\.exe)? \(initiated by: root\[root\] @ localhost \[(::1)?\]\): Normal shutdown/ in mysqld.1.err
FOUND 3 /(mysqld|mariadbd)(\.exe)? \(initiated by: root\[root\] @ localhost \[(::1)?\]\): Normal shutdown/ in mysqld.1.err
......@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ drop user user1@localhost;
--echo # MDEV-8491 - On shutdown, report the user and the host executed that.
--echo #
--let SEARCH_FILE= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=mysqld(\.exe)? \(initiated by: root\[root\] @ localhost \[(::1)?\]\): Normal shutdown
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=(mysqld|mariadbd)(\.exe)? \(initiated by: root\[root\] @ localhost \[(::1)?\]\): Normal shutdown
--source include/
......@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ sub find_mysqld {
my ($mysqld_basedir)= $ENV{MTR_BINDIR}|| @_;
my @mysqld_names= ("mysqld", "mysqld-max-nt", "mysqld-max",
my @mysqld_names= ("mariadbd", "mysqld", "mysqld-max-nt", "mysqld-max",
if ( $opt_debug_server ){
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