Commit f1141955 authored by John Esmet's avatar John Esmet

FT-300 Fix an issue where `free' calls on blocks created during

create_from_blockpairs would crash the replay. Also fix parsing bugs.
parent 4a152ecf
......@@ -130,10 +130,11 @@ static char *trim_whitespace(char *line) {
static int64_t parse_number(char **ptr, int line_num, int base) {
*ptr = trim_whitespace(*ptr);
char *line = *ptr;
char *new_ptr;
int64_t n = strtoll(*ptr, &new_ptr, base);
ba_replay_assert(n >= 0, "malformed trace", *ptr, line_num);
int64_t n = strtoll(line, &new_ptr, base);
ba_replay_assert(n >= 0, "malformed trace", line, line_num);
*ptr = new_ptr;
return n;
......@@ -147,22 +148,25 @@ static uint64_t parse_uint64(char **ptr, int line_num) {
static string parse_token(char **ptr, int line_num) {
char *line = trim_whitespace(*ptr);
*ptr = trim_whitespace(*ptr);
char *line = *ptr;
// parse the first token, which represents the traced function
char token[64];
int r = sscanf(line, "%64s", token);
int r = sscanf(*ptr, "%64s", token);
ba_replay_assert(r == 1, "malformed trace", line, line_num);
*ptr += strlen(token);
return string(token);
static block_allocator::blockpair parse_blockpair(char **ptr, int line_num) {
char *line = trim_whitespace(*ptr);
*ptr = trim_whitespace(*ptr);
char *line = *ptr;
uint64_t offset, size;
int bytes_read;
int r = sscanf(line, "[%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "]%n", &offset, &size, &bytes_read);
ba_replay_assert(r == 3, "malformed trace", line, line_num);
ba_replay_assert(r == 2, "malformed trace", line, line_num);
*ptr += bytes_read;
return block_allocator::blockpair(offset, size);
......@@ -170,7 +174,9 @@ static block_allocator::blockpair parse_blockpair(char **ptr, int line_num) {
static char *strip_newline(char *line, bool *found) {
char *ptr = strchr(line, '\n');
if (ptr != nullptr) {
if (found != nullptr) {
*found = true;
*ptr = '\0';
return line;
......@@ -192,7 +198,7 @@ static char *read_trace_line(FILE *file) {
std::string s = ss.str();
return toku_strdup(s.c_str());
return s.size() ? toku_strdup(s.c_str()) : nullptr;
static vector<string> canonicalize_trace_from(FILE *file) {
......@@ -209,6 +215,7 @@ static vector<string> canonicalize_trace_from(FILE *file) {
// allocated offset -> allocation seq num
uint64_t allocation_seq_num = 0;
static const uint64_t ASN_NONE = (uint64_t) -1;
typedef map<uint64_t, uint64_t> offset_seq_map;
// raw allocator id -> offset_seq_map that tracks its allocations
......@@ -232,6 +239,19 @@ static vector<string> canonicalize_trace_from(FILE *file) {
allocator_ids[allocator_id] = allocator_id_seq_num;
ss << fn << ' ' << allocator_id_seq_num << ' ' << trim_whitespace(ptr) << std::endl;
// For each blockpair created by this traceline, add its offset to the offset seq map
// with asn ASN_NONE so that later canonicalizations of `free' know whether to write
// down the asn or the raw offset.
// First, read passed the reserve / alignment values.
(void) parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
(void) parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
offset_seq_map *map = &offset_to_seq_num_maps[allocator_id];
while (*trim_whitespace(ptr) != '\0') {
const block_allocator::blockpair bp = parse_blockpair(&ptr, line_num);
(*map)[bp.offset] = ASN_NONE;
} else if (allocator_ids.count(allocator_id) > 0) {
// this allocator is part of the canonical trace
uint64_t canonical_allocator_id = allocator_ids[allocator_id];
......@@ -259,8 +279,14 @@ static vector<string> canonicalize_trace_from(FILE *file) {
const uint64_t asn = (*map)[offset];
// translate `free(offset)' to `free(asn)'
ss << fn << ' ' << canonical_allocator_id << ' ' << asn << std::endl;
// if there's an asn, then a corresponding ba_trace_alloc occurred and we should
// write `free(asn)'. otherwise, the blockpair was initialized from create_from_blockpairs
// and we write the original offset.
if (asn != ASN_NONE) {
ss << "ba_trace_free_asn" << ' ' << canonical_allocator_id << ' ' << asn << std::endl;
} else {
ss << "ba_trace_free_offset" << ' ' << canonical_allocator_id << ' ' << offset << std::endl;
} else if (fn == "ba_trace_destroy") {
// Remove this allocator from both maps
......@@ -293,6 +319,7 @@ static void replay_canonicalized_trace(const vector<string> &canonicalized_trace
char *line = toku_strdup(it->c_str());
line = strip_newline(line, nullptr);
if (verbose) {
printf("playing canonical trace line #%d: %s", line_num, line);
......@@ -318,7 +345,7 @@ static void replay_canonicalized_trace(const vector<string> &canonicalized_trace
"corrupted canonical trace: bad create fn", line, line_num);
vector<block_allocator::blockpair> pairs;
while (*trim_whitespace(ptr) != '\0') {
block_allocator::blockpair bp = parse_blockpair(&ptr, line_num);
const block_allocator::blockpair bp = parse_blockpair(&ptr, line_num);
ba->create_from_blockpairs(reserve_at_beginning, alignment, &pairs[0], pairs.size());
......@@ -333,6 +360,7 @@ static void replay_canonicalized_trace(const vector<string> &canonicalized_trace
block_allocator *ba = (*allocator_map)[allocator_id];
if (fn == "ba_trace_alloc") {
// replay an `alloc' whose result will be associated with a certain asn
const uint64_t size = parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
const uint64_t heat = parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
const uint64_t asn = parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
......@@ -342,14 +370,19 @@ static void replay_canonicalized_trace(const vector<string> &canonicalized_trace
uint64_t offset;
ba->alloc_block(size, heat, &offset);
seq_num_to_offset[asn] = offset;
} else if (fn == "ba_trace_free") {
} else if (fn == "ba_trace_free_asn") {
// replay a `free' on a block whose offset is the result of an alloc with an asn
const uint64_t asn = parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
ba_replay_assert(seq_num_to_offset.count(asn) == 1,
"corrupted canonical trace: double free (asn unused)", line, line_num);
uint64_t offset = seq_num_to_offset[asn];
const uint64_t offset = seq_num_to_offset[asn];
} else if (fn == "ba_trace_free_offset") {
// replay a `free' on a block whose offset was explicitly set during a create_from_blockpairs
const uint64_t offset = parse_uint64(&ptr, line_num);
} else if (fn == "ba_trace_destroy") {
// TODO: Clean this up - we won't be able to catch no such allocator errors
// if we don't actually not the destroy. We only do it here so that the caller
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