Commit f9f6b190 authored by Aleksey Midenkov's avatar Aleksey Midenkov

Versioning test suite cleanups

Merged truncate_privilege and sysvars-notembedded into not_embedded.test
Merged partition_innodb into trx_id.test
parent c04adce8
create table t (a int) with system versioning;
set @before= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
insert into t values (1);
set @after= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
update t set a= 2;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
set system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
select * from t as nonempty;
connect subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1;
connection subcon;
select * from t as nonempty;
disconnect subcon;
connection default;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@before);
select * from t as nonempty;
connect subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1;
connection subcon;
select * from t as empty;
disconnect subcon;
connection default;
drop table t;
set global system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
set system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
# DELETE HISTORY and privileges
connect root,localhost,root,,test;
connection root;
create database mysqltest;
......@@ -31,3 +67,6 @@ GRANT DELETE HISTORY ON `mysqltest`.* TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost`
GRANT DELETE HISTORY ON `mysqltest`.`t` TO `mysqltest_1`@`localhost`
drop user mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop database mysqltest;
disconnect user1;
disconnect root;
connection default;
......@@ -551,6 +551,18 @@ t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
# MDEV-18794 Assertion `!m_innodb' failed in ha_partition::cmp_ref upon SELECT from partitioned table
create or replace table t1 (pk int auto_increment, i int, c char(1), primary key (pk), key(i))
engine=innodb with system versioning partition by key() partitions 2;
insert into t1 (i, c) values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (null, 'c'), (null, 'b');
alter table t1 drop system versioning;
replace into t1 select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i > 0 or pk = 1000 limit 1;
pk i c
1 1 a
drop table t1;
# MDEV-19175 Server crashes in ha_partition::vers_can_native upon INSERT DELAYED into versioned partitioned table
create or replace table t1 (f int) with system versioning partition by hash(f);
# MDEV-15951 system versioning by trx id doesn't work with partitioning
# currently trx_id does not support partitioning by system_time
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
ERROR HY000: `row_start` must be of type TIMESTAMP(6) for system-versioned table `t1`
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning;
alter table t1 partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
ERROR HY000: `row_start` must be of type TIMESTAMP(6) for system-versioned table `#sql-temporary`
drop table t1;
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key() (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key(a, row_start) (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by hash(a + row_end * 2) (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by range columns (a, row_start) (
partition p1 values less than (100, 100)
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
# MDEV-18794 Assertion `!m_innodb' failed in ha_partition::cmp_ref upon SELECT from partitioned table
create or replace table t1 (pk int auto_increment, i int, c char(1), primary key (pk), key(i))
engine=innodb with system versioning partition by key() partitions 2;
insert into t1 (i, c) values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (null, 'c'), (null, 'b');
alter table t1 drop system versioning;
replace into t1 select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i > 0 or pk = 1000 limit 1;
pk i c
1 1 a
drop table t1;
# End of 10.3 tests
create table t (a int) with system versioning;
set @before= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
insert into t values (1);
set @after= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
update t set a= 2;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
set system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
select * from t as nonempty;
connect subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1;
connection subcon;
select * from t as nonempty;
disconnect subcon;
connection default;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@before);
select * from t as nonempty;
connect subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1;
connection subcon;
select * from t as empty;
disconnect subcon;
connection default;
drop table t;
set global system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
set system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
......@@ -161,7 +161,78 @@ select x, row_start < row_end from t1 for system_time all;
x row_start < row_end
4 1
2 1
# MDEV-15951 system versioning by trx id doesn't work with partitioning
# currently trx_id does not support partitioning by system_time
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
ERROR HY000: `row_start` must be of type TIMESTAMP(6) for system-versioned table `t1`
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning;
alter table t1 partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
ERROR HY000: `row_start` must be of type TIMESTAMP(6) for system-versioned table `#sql-temporary`
drop table t1;
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key() (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key(a, row_start) (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by hash(a + row_end * 2) (
partition p1,
partition p2
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by range columns (a, row_start) (
partition p1 values less than (100, 100)
ERROR HY000: Transaction-precise system versioned tables do not support partitioning by ROW START or ROW END
# MDEV-16010 Too many rows with AS OF point_in_the_past_or_NULL
create or replace table t1 (
x int,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
# Can't test with embedded server
-- source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--echo #
--echo #
create table t (a int) with system versioning;
set @before= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
insert into t values (1);
set @after= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
update t set a= 2;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
set system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
select * from t as nonempty;
--connect (subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1)
--connection subcon
select * from t as nonempty;
--disconnect subcon
--connection default
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@before);
select * from t as nonempty;
--connect (subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1)
--connection subcon
select * from t as empty;
--disconnect subcon
--connection default
drop table t;
set global system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
set system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
--echo #
--echo # DELETE HISTORY and privileges
--echo #
# Save the initial number of concurrent sessions
--source include/
......@@ -39,3 +74,6 @@ show grants for mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop user mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop database mysqltest;
--disconnect user1
--disconnect root
--connection default
......@@ -498,6 +498,17 @@ partition by system_time interval column_get(column_create(7,7), 7 as int) secon
--replace_result $default_engine DEFAULT_ENGINE
show create table t1;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-18794 Assertion `!m_innodb' failed in ha_partition::cmp_ref upon SELECT from partitioned table
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (pk int auto_increment, i int, c char(1), primary key (pk), key(i))
engine=innodb with system versioning partition by key() partitions 2;
insert into t1 (i, c) values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (null, 'c'), (null, 'b');
alter table t1 drop system versioning;
replace into t1 select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i > 0 or pk = 1000 limit 1;
drop table t1;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-19175 Server crashes in ha_partition::vers_can_native upon INSERT DELAYED into versioned partitioned table
--echo #
--source include/
--source include/
--source suite/versioning/
--echo # MDEV-15951 system versioning by trx id doesn't work with partitioning
--echo # currently trx_id does not support partitioning by system_time
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning;
--replace_regex /#sql-[0-9a-f_]*/#sql-temporary/
alter table t1 partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
drop table t1;
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key() (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key(a, row_start) (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by hash(a + row_end * 2) (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by range columns (a, row_start) (
partition p1 values less than (100, 100)
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-18794 Assertion `!m_innodb' failed in ha_partition::cmp_ref upon SELECT from partitioned table
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (pk int auto_increment, i int, c char(1), primary key (pk), key(i))
engine=innodb with system versioning partition by key() partitions 2;
insert into t1 (i, c) values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (null, 'c'), (null, 'b');
alter table t1 drop system versioning;
replace into t1 select * from t1;
select * from t1 where i > 0 or pk = 1000 limit 1;
drop table t1;
--echo # End of 10.3 tests
--source suite/versioning/
source include/;
create table t (a int) with system versioning;
set @before= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
insert into t values (1);
set @after= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now(6));
update t set a= 2;
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
set system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@after);
select * from t as nonempty;
--connect (subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1)
--connection subcon
select * from t as nonempty;
--disconnect subcon
--connection default
set global system_versioning_asof= FROM_UNIXTIME(@before);
select * from t as nonempty;
--connect (subcon,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1)
--connection subcon
select * from t as empty;
--disconnect subcon
--connection default
drop table t;
set global system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
set system_versioning_asof= DEFAULT;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ if (!$TEST_VERSIONING_SO)
--skip needs test_versioning plugin
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
......@@ -155,7 +156,87 @@ update t1 set x= 4;
select x, row_start < row_end from t1 for system_time all;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-15951 system versioning by trx id doesn't work with partitioning
--echo # currently trx_id does not support partitioning by system_time
--echo #
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
create or replace table t1(
i int,
row_start bigint unsigned generated always as row start,
row_end bigint unsigned generated always as row end,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=InnoDB with system versioning;
--replace_regex /#sql-[0-9a-f_]*/#sql-temporary/
alter table t1 partition by system_time (
partition p0 history,
partition pn current
drop table t1;
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key() (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by key(a, row_start) (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by hash(a + row_end * 2) (
partition p1,
partition p2
create or replace table t (
a int primary key,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
row_end bigint unsigned as row end invisible,
period for system_time(row_start, row_end)
) engine=innodb with system versioning
partition by range columns (a, row_start) (
partition p1 values less than (100, 100)
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-16010 Too many rows with AS OF point_in_the_past_or_NULL
--echo #
create or replace table t1 (
x int,
row_start bigint unsigned as row start invisible,
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