
  Fix Yugoslavian mirror name
  Fix a couple of contributed software links
parent 2c24b6fb
......@@ -47133,8 +47133,11 @@ A Delphi Interface to MySQL, with source code. By Matthias Fichtner.
@item @uref{http://www.productivity.org/projects/tmysql/}
@code{TmySQL}, a library to use MySQL with Delphi.
@item @uref{http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/2064/mysql.html}
Delphi TDataset-component.
@item @uref{https://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/}
Zeos Library is a set of delphi native datasets and database
components for MySql, PostgreSql, Interbase, MS SQL, Oracle,
DB/2. Also it includes development tools such as Database
Explorer and Database Designer.
@item @uref{http://www.mysql.com/Downloads/Contrib/Win32/SBMySQL50Share.exe}
Delphi 5 Shareware MySQL Dataset Components.
......@@ -47327,7 +47330,7 @@ Utility from Artronic to stop MySQL on win9x.
@item @uref{http://bardo.hyperlink.cz/mysqlmon/}
A light weight GUI client for Windows.
@item @uref{http://dbtools.vila.bol.com.br/}
@item @uref{http://www.dbtools.com.br/}
Dbtools, a tool to manage MySQL databases. Currently only for Windows.
Some features:
@itemize @bullet
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ WWW (@uref{http://mysql.paco.net.ua/})
FTP (@uref{ftp://mysql.paco.net.ua/})
@image{Flags/yugoslavia} Yugoslavia [bolex.co.yu] @@
@image{Flags/yugoslavia} Yugoslavia [Open Source Network of Yugoslavia] @@
WWW (@uref{http://mysql.boa.org.yu/})
FTP (@uref{ftp://ftp.linux.org.yu/pub/MySQL/})
......@@ -395,4 +395,3 @@ FTP (@uref{ftp://ftp.is.co.za/linux/mysql/})
@end itemize
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