Commit fcde3417 authored by Eric Herman's avatar Eric Herman Committed by Vicențiu-Marian Ciorbaru

MDEV-16375 Function to normalize a json value

This patch implements JSON_NORMALIZE SQL function.
Co-authored-by: default avatarVicențiu Ciorbaru <>
parent 105e4148
set names utf8;
create table t1 (json json);
show create table t1;
Table Create Table
t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`json` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL CHECK (json_valid(`json`))
insert into t1 values
('{ }'),
('[ ]'),
('{ "foo" : "bar" }'),
('{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "whatever" }'),
('[ 1.2, 0.0, "text", 0, null, true, false ]'),
('[ "string", { "key" : "val", "a" : "b", "c" : [ 10, 9, 8, "seven", 11 ] }]'),
('{ "ăț€": "val1", "âț€":"val2" }');
select json, json_normalize(json) from t1
order by json;
json json_normalize(json)
[ ] []
[ "string", { "key" : "val", "a" : "b", "c" : [ 10, 9, 8, "seven", 11 ] }] ["string",{"a":"b","c":[1.0E1,9.0E0,8.0E0,"seven",1.1E1],"key":"val"}]
[ 1.2, 0.0, "text", 0, null, true, false ] [1.2E0,0.0E0,"text",0.0E0,null,true,false]
{ } {}
{ "foo" : "bar" } {"foo":"bar"}
{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "whatever" } {"baz":"whatever","foo":"bar"}
{ "ăț€": "val1", "âț€":"val2" } {"âț€":"val2","ăț€":"val1"}
create view v1 as (select json, json_normalize(json) norm_json from t1);
show create view v1;
View Create View character_set_client collation_connection
v1 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v1` AS (select `t1`.`json` AS `json`,json_normalize(`t1`.`json`) AS `norm_json` from `t1`) utf8mb3 utf8mb3_general_ci
select * from v1
order by json;
json norm_json
[ ] []
[ "string", { "key" : "val", "a" : "b", "c" : [ 10, 9, 8, "seven", 11 ] }] ["string",{"a":"b","c":[1.0E1,9.0E0,8.0E0,"seven",1.1E1],"key":"val"}]
[ 1.2, 0.0, "text", 0, null, true, false ] [1.2E0,0.0E0,"text",0.0E0,null,true,false]
{ } {}
{ "foo" : "bar" } {"foo":"bar"}
{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "whatever" } {"baz":"whatever","foo":"bar"}
{ "ăț€": "val1", "âț€":"val2" } {"âț€":"val2","ăț€":"val1"}
select json_normalize(NULL);
select json_normalize('{ "invalid": "no_close"');
json_normalize('{ "invalid": "no_close"')
drop table t1;
drop view v1;
create table t1 (text varchar(200) character set 'latin1');
insert into t1 values (unhex('22E522'));
create table t2 (text varchar(200) character set 'utf8mb4');
insert into t2 SELECT * FROM t1;
select t1.text, hex(t1.text) from t1;
text hex(t1.text)
"å" 22E522
select t2.text, hex(t2.text) from t2;
text hex(t2.text)
"å" 22C3A522
select t1.text
, t2.text
, replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385'))
, replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385'))
, hex(replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')))
, hex(replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')))
from t1, t2;
text text replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')) replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')) hex(replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385'))) hex(replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')))
"å" "å" "Å" "Å" 22C38522 22C38522
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
create table t1 (text varchar(1));
insert into t1 values ('0');
select concat_ws(' ', t1.text, t1.text) from t1;
concat_ws(' ', t1.text, t1.text)
0 0
select concat_ws(' ', json_normalize(t1.text), json_normalize(t1.text)) from t1;
concat_ws(' ', json_normalize(t1.text), json_normalize(t1.text))
0.0E0 0.0E0
drop table t1;
set names utf8;
create table t1 (json json);
show create table t1;
insert into t1 values
('{ }'),
('[ ]'),
('{ "foo" : "bar" }'),
('{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "whatever" }'),
('[ 1.2, 0.0, "text", 0, null, true, false ]'),
('[ "string", { "key" : "val", "a" : "b", "c" : [ 10, 9, 8, "seven", 11 ] }]'),
('{ "ăț€": "val1", "âț€":"val2" }');
select json, json_normalize(json) from t1
order by json;
create view v1 as (select json, json_normalize(json) norm_json from t1);
show create view v1;
select * from v1
order by json;
select json_normalize(NULL);
select json_normalize('{ "invalid": "no_close"');
drop table t1;
drop view v1;
create table t1 (text varchar(200) character set 'latin1');
insert into t1 values (unhex('22E522'));
create table t2 (text varchar(200) character set 'utf8mb4');
insert into t2 SELECT * FROM t1;
select t1.text, hex(t1.text) from t1;
select t2.text, hex(t2.text) from t2;
select t1.text
, t2.text
, replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385'))
, replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385'))
, hex(replace(json_normalize(t1.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')))
, hex(replace(json_normalize(t2.text), unhex('C3A5'), unhex('C385')))
from t1, t2;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
create table t1 (text varchar(1));
insert into t1 values ('0');
select concat_ws(' ', t1.text, t1.text) from t1;
select concat_ws(' ', json_normalize(t1.text), json_normalize(t1.text)) from t1;
drop table t1;
......@@ -902,6 +902,19 @@ class Create_func_isnull : public Create_func_arg1
class Create_func_json_normalize : public Create_func_arg1
virtual Item *create_1_arg(THD *thd, Item *arg1);
static Create_func_json_normalize s_singleton;
Create_func_json_normalize() {}
virtual ~Create_func_json_normalize() {}
class Create_func_json_exists : public Create_func_arg2
......@@ -3596,6 +3609,15 @@ Create_func_isnull::create_1_arg(THD *thd, Item *arg1)
return new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_isnull(thd, arg1);
Create_func_json_normalize Create_func_json_normalize::s_singleton;
Create_func_json_normalize::create_1_arg(THD *thd, Item *arg1)
return new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_json_normalize(thd, arg1);
Create_func_json_exists Create_func_json_exists::s_singleton;
......@@ -5561,6 +5583,7 @@ Native_func_registry func_array[] =
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_MERGE") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_merge)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_MERGE_PATCH") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_merge_patch)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_merge)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_NORMALIZE") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_normalize)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_QUERY") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_query)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_QUOTE") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_quote)},
{ { STRING_WITH_LEN("JSON_OBJECT") }, BUILDER(Create_func_json_object)},
......@@ -3885,3 +3885,48 @@ String* Item_func_json_objectagg::val_str(String* str)
String *Item_func_json_normalize::val_str(String *buf)
String tmp;
String *raw_json= args[0]->val_str(&tmp);
DYNAMIC_STRING normalized_json;
if (init_dynamic_string(&normalized_json, NULL, 0, 0))
null_value= 1;
return NULL;
null_value= args[0]->null_value;
if (null_value)
goto end;
if (json_normalize(&normalized_json,
raw_json->c_ptr(), raw_json->length(),
null_value= 1;
goto end;
if (buf->append(normalized_json.str, normalized_json.length))
null_value= 1;
goto end;
return null_value ? NULL : buf;
bool Item_func_json_normalize::fix_length_and_dec()
/* 0 becomes 0.0E0, thus one character becomes 5 chars */
fix_char_length_ulonglong((ulonglong) args[0]->max_char_length() * 5);
return FALSE;
......@@ -443,6 +443,24 @@ class Item_func_json_merge_patch: public Item_func_json_merge
{ return get_item_copy<Item_func_json_merge_patch>(thd, this); }
class Item_func_json_normalize: public Item_json_func
Item_func_json_normalize(THD *thd, Item *a):
Item_json_func(thd, a) {}
String *val_str(String *) override;
LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override
static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_normalize") };
return name;
bool fix_length_and_dec() override;
Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override
{ return get_item_copy<Item_func_json_normalize>(thd, this); }
class Item_func_json_length: public Item_long_func
bool check_arguments() const override
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