/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /* COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, and provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below). * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: TokuDB, Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library. Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Tokutek, Inc. DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE: The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it. PATENT MARKING NOTICE: This software is covered by US Patent No. 8,185,551. PATENT RIGHTS GRANT: "THIS IMPLEMENTATION" means the copyrightable works distributed by Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project. "PATENT CLAIMS" means the claims of patents that are owned or licensable by Tokutek, both currently or in the future; and that in the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS IMPLEMENTATION or by using or running THIS IMPLEMENTATION. "PATENT CHALLENGE" shall mean a challenge to the validity, patentability, enforceability and/or non-infringement of any of the PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS. Tokutek hereby grants to you, for the term and geographical scope of the PATENT CLAIMS, a non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, transfer, and otherwise run, modify, and propagate the contents of THIS IMPLEMENTATION, where such license applies only to the PATENT CLAIMS. This grant does not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS IMPLEMENTATION. If you or your agent or licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any rights granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT CHALLENGE, then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you under this License. */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." /* Insert a bunch of stuff */ #include <toku_portability.h> #include "tokudb_common_funcs.h" #include <toku_time.h> #include <toku_assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #if defined(HAVE_MALLOC_H) # include <malloc.h> #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_MALLOC_H) # include <sys/malloc.h> #endif #include <dlfcn.h> #if !defined(DB_PRELOCKED_WRITE) #define NO_DB_PRELOCKED #define DB_PRELOCKED_WRITE 0 #endif int verbose=1; int engine_status = 0; int which; enum { SERIAL_SPACING = 1<<6 }; enum { DEFAULT_ITEMS_TO_INSERT_PER_ITERATION = 1<<20 }; enum { DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_TRANSACTION = 1<<14 }; #define DEFAULT_N_ITEMS (1LL<<22) #define DEFAULT_N_ITERATIONS (DEFAULT_N_ITEMS/DEFAULT_ITEMS_TO_INSERT_PER_ITERATION) static void insert (long long v); #define CKERR(r) ({ int __r = r; if (__r!=0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d error %d %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __r, db_strerror(r)); assert(__r==0); }) #define CKERR2(r,rexpect) do { if (r!=rexpect) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d error %d %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r, db_strerror(r)); assert(r==rexpect); } while (0) /* default test parameters */ int keysize = sizeof (long long); int valsize = sizeof (long long); int pagesize = 0; long long cachesize = 128*1024*1024; int do_1514_point_query = 0; int dupflags = 0; int insert_multiple = 0; int num_dbs = 1; int cleaner_period = 0; int cleaner_iterations = 0; int noserial = 0; // Don't do the serial stuff int norandom = 0; // Don't do the random stuff int prelock = 0; int prelockflag = 0; int items_per_transaction = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_TRANSACTION; int items_per_iteration = DEFAULT_ITEMS_TO_INSERT_PER_ITERATION; int finish_child_first = 0; // Commit or abort child first (before doing so to the parent). No effect if child does not exist. int singlex_child = 0; // Do a single transaction, but do all work with a child int singlex = 0; // Do a single transaction int singlex_create = 0; // Create the db using the single transaction (only valid if singlex) int insert1first = 0; // insert 1 before doing the rest int check_small_rollback = 0; // verify that the rollback logs are small (only valid if singlex) int do_transactions = 0; int if_transactions_do_logging = DB_INIT_LOG; // set this to zero if we want no logging when transactions are used int do_abort = 0; int n_insertions_since_txn_began=0; int env_open_flags = DB_CREATE|DB_PRIVATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL; uint32_t put_flags = 0; double compressibility = -1; // -1 means make it very compressible. 1 means use random bits everywhere. 2 means half the bits are random. int do_append = 0; int do_checkpoint_period = 0; uint32_t checkpoint_period = 0; static const char *log_dir = NULL; static int commitflags = 0; static int redzone = 0; static int redzone_set = 0; static int do_optimize = 0; static int unique_checks = 0; static long long n_iterations = DEFAULT_N_ITERATIONS; static int use_random = 0; enum { MAX_RANDOM_C = 16000057 }; // prime-numbers.org static unsigned char random_c[MAX_RANDOM_C]; static int next_random_c; static void init_random_c(void) { int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_RANDOM_C; i++) random_c[i] = (unsigned char) random(); } static void update_random_c_index(int n) { next_random_c += n; if (next_random_c >= MAX_RANDOM_C) next_random_c = 0; } static unsigned char get_random_c(void) { update_random_c_index(1); return random_c[next_random_c]; } static int min_int(int a, int b) { return a > b ? b : a; } static void copy_random_c(unsigned char *p, int n) { while (n > 0) { int m = min_int(n, MAX_RANDOM_C-next_random_c); memcpy(p, &random_c[next_random_c], m); n -= m; p += m; update_random_c_index(m); } } static void do_prelock(DB* db, DB_TXN* txn) { if (prelock) { #if !defined(NO_DB_PRELOCKED) int r = db->pre_acquire_table_lock(db, txn); assert(r==0); #else (void) db; (void) txn; #endif } } #define STRINGIFY2(s) #s #define STRINGIFY(s) STRINGIFY2(s) const char *dbdir = "./bench." STRINGIFY(DIRSUF); /* DIRSUF is passed in as a -D argument to the compiler. */ const char *dbfilename = "bench.db"; char *dbname; DB_ENV *dbenv; enum {MAX_DBS=128}; DB *dbs[MAX_DBS]; uint32_t put_flagss[MAX_DBS]; DB_TXN *parenttid=0; DB_TXN *tid=0; DBT dest_keys[MAX_DBS]; DBT dest_vals[MAX_DBS]; #if defined(TOKUDB) static int put_multiple_generate(DB *dest_db, DB *src_db, DBT *dest_key, DBT *dest_val, const DBT *src_key, const DBT *src_val) { assert(src_db == NULL); assert(dest_db != NULL); dest_key->data = src_key->data; dest_key->size = src_key->size; dest_val->data = src_val->data; dest_val->size = src_val->size; return 0; } #endif static void benchmark_setup (void) { int r; if (!do_append) { char unlink_cmd[strlen(dbdir) + strlen("rm -rf ") + 1]; snprintf(unlink_cmd, sizeof(unlink_cmd), "rm -rf %s", dbdir); //printf("unlink_cmd=%s\n", unlink_cmd); r = system(unlink_cmd); CKERR(r); if (strcmp(dbdir, ".") != 0) { r = toku_os_mkdir(dbdir,S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH); assert(r == 0); } } r = db_env_create(&dbenv, 0); if (r!=0) fprintf(stderr, "Error on db_env_create: %s\n", db_strerror(r)); assert(r == 0); #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR <= 4 if (dbenv->set_lk_max) { r = dbenv->set_lk_max(dbenv, items_per_transaction*2); assert(r==0); } #endif #ifndef TOKUDB if (dbenv->set_lk_max_locks) { r = dbenv->set_lk_max_locks(dbenv, items_per_transaction*2); assert(r == 0); } #endif if (dbenv->set_cachesize) { r = dbenv->set_cachesize(dbenv, cachesize / (1024*1024*1024), cachesize % (1024*1024*1024), 1); if (r != 0) printf("WARNING: set_cachesize %d\n", r); } if (log_dir) { r = dbenv->set_lg_dir(dbenv, log_dir); assert(r == 0); } #if defined(TOKUDB) if (insert_multiple) { r = dbenv->set_generate_row_callback_for_put(dbenv, put_multiple_generate); CKERR(r); } #endif #if defined(TOKUDB) if (redzone_set) { r = dbenv->set_redzone(dbenv, redzone); assert(r == 0); } #endif r = dbenv->open(dbenv, dbdir, env_open_flags, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); assert(r == 0); #if defined(TOKUDB) if (do_checkpoint_period) { r = dbenv->checkpointing_set_period(dbenv, checkpoint_period); assert(r == 0); uint32_t period; r = dbenv->checkpointing_get_period(dbenv, &period); assert(r == 0 && period == checkpoint_period); } #endif #if defined(TOKUDB) if (cleaner_period) { r = dbenv->cleaner_set_period(dbenv, cleaner_period); assert(r == 0); uint32_t period; r = dbenv->cleaner_get_period(dbenv, &period); assert(r == 0 && period == (uint32_t)cleaner_period); } if (cleaner_iterations) { r = dbenv->cleaner_set_iterations(dbenv, cleaner_iterations); assert(r == 0); uint32_t iterations; r = dbenv->cleaner_get_iterations(dbenv, &iterations); assert(r == 0 && iterations == (uint32_t)cleaner_iterations); } #endif for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { r = db_create(&dbs[which], dbenv, 0); assert(r == 0); } if (do_transactions) { r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); CKERR(r); } for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; if (pagesize && db->set_pagesize) { r = db->set_pagesize(db, pagesize); assert(r == 0); } if (dupflags) { r = db->set_flags(db, dupflags); assert(r == 0); } char name[strlen(dbfilename)+10]; if (which==0) sprintf(name, "%s", dbfilename); else sprintf(name, "%s_%d", dbfilename, which); r = db->open(db, tid, name, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); if (r!=0) fprintf(stderr, "errno=%d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); assert(r == 0); } if (insert1first) { if (do_transactions) { r=tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); CKERR(r); } insert(-1); if (singlex) { r=tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); CKERR(r); } } else if (singlex && !singlex_create) { r=tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); CKERR(r); } if (do_transactions) { if (singlex) { for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; do_prelock(db, tid); } } else { r=tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; } } if (singlex_child) { parenttid = tid; tid = NULL; r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, parenttid, &tid, 0); CKERR(r); } } #if defined(TOKUDB) static void test1514(void); #endif static void benchmark_shutdown (void) { int r; #if defined(TOKUDB) if (do_1514_point_query) test1514(); #endif if (do_transactions && singlex && !insert1first && (singlex_create || prelock)) { #if defined(TOKUDB) //There should be a single 'truncate' in the rollback instead of many 'insert' entries. struct txn_stat *s; r = tid->txn_stat(tid, &s); assert(r==0); //TODO: #1125 Always do the test after performance testing is done. if (singlex_child) fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED 'small rollback' test for child txn\n"); else assert(s->rollback_raw_count < 100); // gross test, not worth investigating details toku_free(s); //system("ls -l bench.tokudb"); #endif } if (do_transactions && singlex) { if (!singlex_child || finish_child_first) { assert(tid); r = (do_abort ? tid->abort(tid) : tid->commit(tid, 0)); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; } if (singlex_child) { tid = NULL; assert(parenttid); r = (do_abort ? parenttid->abort(parenttid) : parenttid->commit(parenttid, 0)); assert(r==0); parenttid = NULL; } else assert(!parenttid); } assert(!tid); assert(!parenttid); for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; if (do_optimize) { #if defined(TOKUDB) r = db->optimize(db); assert(r == 0); #endif } r = db->close(db, 0); assert(r == 0); } if (engine_status) { print_engine_status(dbenv); typedef void (*malloc_stats_fun_t)(void); malloc_stats_fun_t malloc_stats_f = (malloc_stats_fun_t) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "malloc_stats"); if (malloc_stats_f) { malloc_stats_f(); } } r = dbenv->close(dbenv, 0); assert(r == 0); } static void long_long_to_array (unsigned char *a, int array_size, unsigned long long l) { int i; for (i=0; i<8 && i<array_size; i++) a[i] = (l>>(56-8*i))&0xff; } static DBT *fill_dbt(DBT *dbt, const void *data, int size) { memset(dbt, 0, sizeof *dbt); dbt->size = size; dbt->data = (void *) data; return dbt; } // Fill array with 0's if compressibilty==-1, otherwise fill array with data that is likely to compress by a factor of compressibility. static void fill_array (unsigned char *data, int size) { memset(data, 0, size); if (compressibility>0) { if (use_random) { int i; for (i=0; i<size/compressibility; i++) { data[i] = (unsigned char) random(); } } else { copy_random_c(data, size/compressibility); } } } static void insert (long long v) { int r; unsigned char *XMALLOC_N(keysize, kc); unsigned char *XMALLOC_N(valsize, vc); DBT kt, vt; fill_array(kc, keysize); long_long_to_array(kc, keysize, v); // Fill in the array first, then write the long long in. fill_array(vc, valsize); long_long_to_array(vc, valsize, v); fill_dbt(&kt, kc, keysize); fill_dbt(&vt, vc, valsize); if (insert_multiple) { #if defined(TOKUDB) r = dbenv->put_multiple(dbenv, NULL, tid, &kt, &vt, num_dbs, dbs, dest_keys, dest_vals, put_flagss); #else r = EINVAL; #endif if (unique_checks) assert(r == 0 || r == DB_KEYEXIST); else CKERR(r); } else { for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; r = db->put(db, tid, &kt, &vt, put_flags); if (unique_checks) assert(r == 0 || r == DB_KEYEXIST); else CKERR(r); } } if (do_transactions) { if (n_insertions_since_txn_began>=items_per_transaction && !singlex) { n_insertions_since_txn_began=0; r = tid->commit(tid, commitflags); assert(r==0); tid = NULL; r=dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); assert(r==0); for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; do_prelock(db, tid); } n_insertions_since_txn_began=0; } n_insertions_since_txn_began++; } toku_free(kc); toku_free(vc); } static void serial_insert_from (long long from) { long long i; if (do_transactions && !singlex) { int r = dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); assert(r==0); for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; do_prelock(db, tid); } } for (i=0; i<items_per_iteration; i++) { insert((from+i)*SERIAL_SPACING); } if (do_transactions && !singlex) { int r= tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid=NULL; } } static long long llrandom (void) { return (((long long)(random()))<<32) + random(); } static void random_insert_below (long long below) { long long i; if (do_transactions && !singlex) { int r = dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, 0, &tid, 0); assert(r==0); for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; do_prelock(db, tid); } } for (i=0; i<items_per_iteration; i++) { insert(llrandom()%below); } if (do_transactions && !singlex) { int r= tid->commit(tid, 0); assert(r==0); tid=NULL; } } static void biginsert (long long n_elements, struct timeval *starttime) { long long i; struct timeval t1,t2; int iteration; for (i=0, iteration=0; i<n_elements; i+=items_per_iteration, iteration++) { if (verbose) printf("%3d ", iteration); if (!noserial) { gettimeofday(&t1,0); serial_insert_from(i); gettimeofday(&t2,0); if (verbose) printf("serial %9.6fs %8.0f/s ", toku_tdiff(&t2, &t1), items_per_iteration/toku_tdiff(&t2, &t1)); fflush(stdout); } if (!norandom) { gettimeofday(&t1,0); random_insert_below((i+items_per_iteration)*SERIAL_SPACING); gettimeofday(&t2,0); if (verbose) printf("random %9.6fs %8.0f/s ", toku_tdiff(&t2, &t1), items_per_iteration/toku_tdiff(&t2, &t1)); } if (verbose) printf("cumulative %10.6fs %8.0f/s\n", toku_tdiff(&t2, starttime), (((float)items_per_iteration*(!noserial+!norandom))/toku_tdiff(&t2, starttime))*(iteration+1)); } } static int print_usage (const char *argv0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " %s [-x] [--keysize KEYSIZE] [--valsize VALSIZE] [--noserial] [--norandom] [ n_iterations ]\n", argv0); fprintf(stderr, " where\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -x do transactions (XCOUNT transactions per iteration) (default: no transactions at all)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --keysize KEYSIZE sets the key size (default 8)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --valsize VALSIZE sets the value size (default 8)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --cachesize CACHESIZE set the database cache size\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --pagesize PAGESIZE sets the database page size\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --noserial causes the serial insertions to be skipped\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --norandom causes the random insertions to be skipped\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --compressibility C creates data that should compress by about a factor C. Default C is large. C is an float.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --xcount N how many insertions per transaction (default=%d)\n", DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_TRANSACTION); fprintf(stderr, " --nosync commit with nosync\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --singlex (implies -x) Run the whole job as a single transaction. (Default don't run as a single transaction.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --singlex-child (implies -x) Run the whole job as a single transaction, do all work a child of that transaction.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --finish-child-first Commit/abort child before doing so to parent (no effect if no child).\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --singlex-create (implies --singlex) Create the file using the single transaction (Default is to use a different transaction to create.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --check_small_rollback (Only valid in --singlex mode) Verify that very little data was saved in the rollback logs.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --prelock Prelock the database.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --prelockflag Prelock the database and send the DB_PRELOCKED_WRITE flag.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --abort Abort the singlex after the transaction is over. (Requires --singlex.)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --nolog If transactions are used, then don't write the recovery log\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --log_dir LOGDIR Put the logs in LOGDIR\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --env DIR\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --periter N how many insertions per iteration (default=%d)\n", DEFAULT_ITEMS_TO_INSERT_PER_ITERATION); fprintf(stderr, " --1514 do a point query for something not there at end. See #1514. (Requires --norandom)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --append append to an existing file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --userandom use random()\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --checkpoint-period %" PRIu32 " checkpoint period\n", checkpoint_period); fprintf(stderr, " --cleaner-period %" PRIu32 " cleaner period\n", cleaner_period); fprintf(stderr, " --cleaner-iterations %" PRIu32 " cleaner iterations\n", cleaner_iterations); fprintf(stderr, " --numdbs N Insert same items into N dbs (1 to %d)\n", MAX_DBS); fprintf(stderr, " --insertmultiple Use DB_ENV->put_multiple api. Requires transactions.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --redzone N redzone in percent\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --srandom N srandom(N)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --engine_status print engine status at end of test \n"); fprintf(stderr, " n_iterations how many iterations (default %lld)\n", DEFAULT_N_ITERATIONS); return 1; } #if defined(TOKUDB) static int nothing(DBT const* UU(key), DBT const* UU(val), void* UU(extra)) { return 0; } static void test1514(void) { assert(norandom); //Otherwise we can't know the given element is missing. unsigned char kc[keysize], vc[valsize]; DBT kt; long long v = SERIAL_SPACING - 1; fill_array(kc, sizeof kc); long_long_to_array(kc, keysize, v); // Fill in the array first, then write the long long in. fill_array(vc, sizeof vc); long_long_to_array(vc, valsize, v); int r; DBC *c; struct timeval t1,t2; for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { DB *db = dbs[which]; r = db->cursor(db, tid, &c, 0); CKERR(r); gettimeofday(&t1,0); r = c->c_getf_set(c, 0, fill_dbt(&kt, kc, keysize), nothing, NULL); gettimeofday(&t2,0); CKERR2(r, DB_NOTFOUND); r = c->c_close(c); CKERR(r); } if (verbose) printf("(#1514) Single Point Query %9.6fs\n", toku_tdiff(&t2, &t1)); } #endif static int test_main (int argc, char *const argv[]) { struct timeval t1,t2,t3; long long total_n_items = DEFAULT_N_ITEMS; char *endptr; int i; for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') break; if (strcmp(arg, "-q") == 0) { verbose--; if (verbose<0) verbose=0; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-x") == 0) { do_transactions = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--noserial") == 0) { noserial=1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--norandom") == 0) { norandom=1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--insertmultiple") == 0) { insert_multiple=1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--numdbs") == 0) { num_dbs = atoi(argv[++i]); if (num_dbs <= 0 || num_dbs > MAX_DBS) { fprintf(stderr, "--numdbs needs between 1 and %d\n", MAX_DBS); return print_usage(argv[0]); } } else if (strcmp(arg, "--cleaner-period") == 0) { cleaner_period = atoi(argv[++i]); if (cleaner_period < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "--cleaner-period needs to be positive\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } } else if (strcmp(arg, "--cleaner-iterations") == 0) { cleaner_iterations = atoi(argv[++i]); if (cleaner_iterations < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "--cleaner-iterations needs to be positive\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } } else if (strcmp(arg, "--compressibility") == 0) { compressibility = atof(argv[++i]); init_random_c(); (void) get_random_c(); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--nolog") == 0) { if_transactions_do_logging = 0; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--singlex-create") == 0) { do_transactions = 1; singlex = 1; singlex_create = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--finish-child-first") == 0) { finish_child_first = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--singlex-child") == 0) { do_transactions = 1; singlex = 1; singlex_child = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--singlex") == 0) { do_transactions = 1; singlex = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--insert1first") == 0) { insert1first = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--check_small_rollback") == 0) { check_small_rollback = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--xcount") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); items_per_transaction = strtoll(argv[++i], &endptr, 10); assert(*endptr == 0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--abort") == 0) { do_abort = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--periter") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); items_per_iteration = strtoll(argv[++i], &endptr, 10); assert(*endptr == 0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--cachesize") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); cachesize = strtoll(argv[++i], &endptr, 10); assert(*endptr == 0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--keysize") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); keysize = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--valsize") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); valsize = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--pagesize") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); pagesize = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--env") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); dbdir = argv[++i]; #if defined(TOKUDB) } else if (strcmp(arg, "--1514") == 0) { do_1514_point_query=1; #endif } else if (strcmp(arg, "--prelock") == 0) { prelock=1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--prelockflag") == 0) { prelock=1; prelockflag=1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--srandom") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); srandom(atoi(argv[++i])); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--append") == 0) { do_append = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--checkpoint-period") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[9]); do_checkpoint_period = 1; checkpoint_period = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--nosync") == 0) { commitflags += DB_TXN_NOSYNC; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--userandom") == 0) { use_random = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--unique_checks") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); unique_checks = atoi(argv[++i]); if (unique_checks) put_flags = DB_NOOVERWRITE; else put_flags = 0; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--log_dir") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); log_dir = argv[++i]; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--redzone") == 0) { if (i+1 >= argc) return print_usage(argv[0]); redzone_set = 1; redzone = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--optimize") == 0) { do_optimize = 1; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--engine_status") == 0) { engine_status = 1; } else { return print_usage(argv[0]); } } if (do_transactions) { env_open_flags |= DB_INIT_TXN | if_transactions_do_logging | DB_INIT_LOCK; } if (do_transactions && prelockflag) { put_flags |= DB_PRELOCKED_WRITE; } if (i<argc) { /* if it looks like a number */ char *end; errno=0; n_iterations = strtol(argv[i], &end, 10); if (errno!=0 || *end!=0 || end==argv[i]) { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } total_n_items = items_per_iteration * n_iterations; i++; } if (i<argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Extra arguments?\n"); print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } if (verbose) { if (!noserial) printf("serial "); if (!noserial && !norandom) printf("and "); if (!norandom) printf("random "); printf("insertions of %d per batch%s\n", items_per_iteration, do_transactions ? " (with transactions)" : ""); } #if !defined TOKUDB if (insert_multiple) { fprintf(stderr, "--insert_multiple only works on the TokuDB (not BDB)\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } if (check_small_rollback) { fprintf(stderr, "--check_small_rollback only works on the TokuDB (not BDB)\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } #endif if (insert_multiple) { memset(dest_keys, 0, sizeof(dest_keys)); memset(dest_vals, 0, sizeof(dest_vals)); for (which = 0; which < num_dbs; which++) { put_flagss[i] = put_flags; } } if (check_small_rollback && !singlex) { fprintf(stderr, "--check_small_rollback requires --singlex\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } if (!do_transactions && insert_multiple) { fprintf(stderr, "--insert_multiple requires transactions\n"); return print_usage(argv[0]); } benchmark_setup(); gettimeofday(&t1,0); biginsert(total_n_items, &t1); gettimeofday(&t2,0); benchmark_shutdown(); gettimeofday(&t3,0); if (verbose) { printf("Shutdown %9.6fs\n", toku_tdiff(&t3, &t2)); printf("Total time %9.6fs for %lld insertions = %8.0f/s\n", toku_tdiff(&t3, &t1), (!noserial+!norandom)*total_n_items, (!noserial+!norandom)*total_n_items/toku_tdiff(&t3, &t1)); } return 0; }