/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#include <ndb_global.h>
#include <my_sys.h>
#include <mgmapi.h>

#include <NdbOut.hpp>
#include <Properties.hpp>
#include <socket_io.h>
#include <InputStream.hpp>

#include <debugger/EventLogger.hpp>

#include "ndb_logevent.hpp"

int ndb_mgm_listen_event_internal(NdbMgmHandle, const int filter[], int);

struct ndb_logevent_error_msg {
  enum ndb_logevent_handle_error code;
  const char *msg;

struct ndb_logevent_error_msg ndb_logevent_error_messages[]= {
  { NDB_LEH_READ_ERROR,              "Read error" },
  { NDB_LEH_MISSING_EVENT_SPECIFIER, "Missing event specifier" },
  { NDB_LEH_UNKNOWN_EVENT_VARIABLE,  "Unknown event variable" },
  { NDB_LEH_UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE,      "Unknown event type" },
  { NDB_LEH_INTERNAL_ERROR,          "Unknown internal error" },

struct ndb_logevent_handle {
  enum ndb_logevent_handle_error m_error;

extern "C"
ndb_mgm_create_logevent_handle(NdbMgmHandle mh,
			       const int filter[])
  int fd= ndb_mgm_listen_event_internal(mh, filter, 1);

  if (fd == -1)
    return 0;

  NdbLogEventHandle h=

  h->socket= fd;

  return h;

extern "C"
void ndb_mgm_destroy_logevent_handle(NdbLogEventHandle * h)
  if( !h )

  if ( *h )

  my_free((char*)* h,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
  * h = 0;

#define ROW(a,b,c,d) \
{ NDB_LE_ ## a,  b, c, 0, offsetof(struct ndb_logevent, a.d), \
  sizeof(((struct ndb_logevent *)0)->a.d) }

#define ROW_FN(a,b,c,d,e) \
{ NDB_LE_ ## a,  b, c, e, offsetof(struct ndb_logevent, a.d), \
  sizeof(((struct ndb_logevent *)0)->a.d) }

static int ref_to_node(int ref){
  return ref & 0xFFFF;

struct Ndb_logevent_body_row ndb_logevent_body[]= {

  // Connection
  ROW( Connected,           "node",          1, node),

  ROW( Disconnected,        "node",          1, node),

  ROW( CommunicationClosed, "node",          1, node),

  ROW( CommunicationOpened, "node",          1, node),

  ROW( ConnectedApiVersion, "node",          1, node),
  ROW( ConnectedApiVersion, "version",       2, version),

      /* CHECKPOINT */

  ROW( GlobalCheckpointStarted, "gci", 1, gci),

  ROW( GlobalCheckpointCompleted, "gci", 1, gci),

  ROW( LocalCheckpointStarted, "lci",         1, lci),
  ROW( LocalCheckpointStarted, "keep_gci",    2, keep_gci),
  ROW( LocalCheckpointStarted, "restore_gci", 3, restore_gci),

  ROW( LocalCheckpointCompleted, "lci", 1, lci),

  ROW( LCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci, "data", 1, data),

  ROW( LCPFragmentCompleted, "node",        1, node),
  ROW( LCPFragmentCompleted, "table_id",    2, table_id),
  ROW( LCPFragmentCompleted, "fragment_id", 3, fragment_id),

  ROW( UndoLogBlocked, "acc_count", 1, acc_count),
  ROW( UndoLogBlocked, "tup_count", 2, tup_count),

      /* STARTUP */
  ROW( NDBStartStarted, "version", 1, version),

  ROW( NDBStartCompleted, "version", 1, version),

//  ROW( STTORRYRecieved),

  ROW( StartPhaseCompleted, "phase",     1, phase),
  ROW( StartPhaseCompleted, "starttype", 2, starttype),

  ROW( CM_REGCONF, "own_id",       1, own_id),
  ROW( CM_REGCONF, "president_id", 2, president_id),
  ROW( CM_REGCONF, "dynamic_id",   3, dynamic_id),

  ROW( CM_REGREF, "own_id",   1, own_id),
  ROW( CM_REGREF, "other_id", 2, other_id),
  ROW( CM_REGREF, "cause",    3, cause),

  ROW( FIND_NEIGHBOURS, "own_id",     1, own_id),
  ROW( FIND_NEIGHBOURS, "left_id",    3, left_id),
  ROW( FIND_NEIGHBOURS, "right_id",   3, right_id),
  ROW( FIND_NEIGHBOURS, "dynamic_id", 4, dynamic_id),

  ROW( NDBStopStarted, "stoptype", 1, stoptype),

//  ROW( NDBStopAborted),

  ROW( StartREDOLog, "node",           1, node),
  ROW( StartREDOLog, "keep_gci",       2, keep_gci),
  ROW( StartREDOLog, "completed_gci",  3, completed_gci),
  ROW( StartREDOLog, "restorable_gci", 4, restorable_gci),

  ROW( StartLog, "log_part", 1, log_part),
  ROW( StartLog, "start_mb", 2, start_mb),
  ROW( StartLog, "stop_mb",  3, stop_mb),
  ROW( StartLog, "gci",      4, gci),

  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "block", 1, block),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data1", 2, data1),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data2", 3, data2),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data3", 4, data3),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data4", 5, data4),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data5", 6, data5),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data6", 7, data6),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data7", 8, data7),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data8", 9, data8),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data9", 10, data9),
  ROW( UNDORecordsExecuted, "data10", 11, data10),
      /* NODERESTART */
//  ROW( NR_CopyDict),

//  ROW( NR_CopyDistr),

  ROW( NR_CopyFragsStarted, "dest_node", 1, dest_node),

  ROW( NR_CopyFragDone, "dest_node",   1, dest_node),
  ROW( NR_CopyFragDone, "table_id",    2, table_id),
  ROW( NR_CopyFragDone, "fragment_id", 3, fragment_id),

  ROW( NR_CopyFragsCompleted, "dest_node", 1, dest_node),

  ROW( NodeFailCompleted, "block",           1, block), /* 0 = all */
  ROW( NodeFailCompleted, "failed_node",     2, failed_node),
  ROW( NodeFailCompleted, "completing_node", 3, completing_node), /* 0 = all */

  ROW( NODE_FAILREP, "failed_node",   1, failed_node),
  ROW( NODE_FAILREP, "failure_state", 2, failure_state),

	/* TODO */
//  ROW( ArbitState),

	/* TODO */
//  ROW( ArbitResult),

//  ROW( GCP_TakeoverStarted),

//  ROW( GCP_TakeoverCompleted),

//  ROW( LCP_TakeoverStarted),

  ROW( LCP_TakeoverCompleted, "state", 1, state),

      /* STATISTIC */
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "trans_count",       1, trans_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "commit_count",      2, commit_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "read_count",        3, read_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "simple_read_count", 4, simple_read_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "write_count",       5, write_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "attrinfo_count",    6, attrinfo_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "conc_op_count",     7, conc_op_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "abort_count",       8, abort_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "scan_count",        9, scan_count),
  ROW( TransReportCounters, "range_scan_count", 10, range_scan_count),

  ROW( OperationReportCounters, "ops", 1, ops),

  ROW( TableCreated, "table_id", 1, table_id),

  ROW( JobStatistic, "mean_loop_count", 1, mean_loop_count),

  ROW( SendBytesStatistic, "to_node",         1, to_node),
  ROW( SendBytesStatistic, "mean_sent_bytes", 2, mean_sent_bytes),

  ROW( ReceiveBytesStatistic, "from_node",           1, from_node),
  ROW( ReceiveBytesStatistic, "mean_received_bytes", 2, mean_received_bytes),

  ROW( MemoryUsage, "gth",          1, gth),
  ROW( MemoryUsage, "page_size_kb", 2, page_size_kb),
  ROW( MemoryUsage, "pages_used",   3, pages_used),
  ROW( MemoryUsage, "pages_total",  4, pages_total),
  ROW( MemoryUsage, "block",        5, block),

      /* ERROR */
  ROW( TransporterError, "to_node", 1, to_node),
  ROW( TransporterError, "code",    2, code),

  ROW( TransporterWarning, "to_node", 1, to_node),
  ROW( TransporterWarning, "code",    2, code),

  ROW( MissedHeartbeat, "node",  1, node),
  ROW( MissedHeartbeat, "count", 2, count),

  ROW( DeadDueToHeartbeat, "node", 1, node),

	/* TODO */
//  ROW( WarningEvent),

      /* INFO */
  ROW( SentHeartbeat, "node", 1, node),

  ROW( CreateLogBytes, "node", 1, node),

	/* TODO */
//  ROW( InfoEvent),

  // Backup
  ROW_FN( BackupStarted,    "starting_node", 1, starting_node, ref_to_node),
  ROW( BackupStarted,       "backup_id",     2, backup_id),

  ROW_FN(BackupFailedToStart,"starting_node",1, starting_node, ref_to_node),
  ROW( BackupFailedToStart, "error",         2, error),

  ROW_FN( BackupCompleted,  "starting_node", 1, starting_node, ref_to_node),
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "backup_id",     2, backup_id), 
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "start_gci",     3, start_gci),
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "stop_gci",      4, stop_gci),
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "n_bytes",       5, n_bytes),
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "n_records",     6, n_records), 
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "n_log_bytes",   7, n_log_bytes),
  ROW( BackupCompleted,     "n_log_records", 8, n_log_records),

  ROW_FN( BackupAborted,    "starting_node", 1, starting_node, ref_to_node),
  ROW( BackupAborted,       "backup_id",     2, backup_id),
  ROW( BackupAborted,       "error",         3, error),

  { NDB_LE_ILLEGAL_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 0}

struct Ndb_logevent_header_row {
  const char            *token;    // token to use for text transfer
  int                    offset;   // offset into struct ndb_logevent
  int                    size;

#define ROW2(a,b) \
{ a, offsetof(struct ndb_logevent, b), \
  sizeof(((struct ndb_logevent *)0)->b) }

struct Ndb_logevent_header_row ndb_logevent_header[]= {
  ROW2( "type",          type),
  ROW2( "time",          time),
  ROW2( "source_nodeid", source_nodeid),
  { 0, 0, 0 }

static int
insert_row(const char * pair, Properties & p){
  BaseString tmp(pair);
  tmp.trim(" \t\n\r");
  Vector<BaseString> split;
  tmp.split(split, ":=", 2);
  if(split.size() != 2)
    return -1;
  p.put(split[0].trim().c_str(), split[1].trim().c_str());

  return 0;

int memcpy_atoi(void *dst, const char *str, int sz)
  switch (sz)
  case 1:
    Int8 val= atoi(str);
    return 0;
  case 2:
    Int16 val= atoi(str);
    return 0;
  case 4:
    Int32 val= atoi(str);
    return 0;
  case 8:
    Int64 val= atoi(str);
    return 0;
    return -1;

extern "C"
int ndb_logevent_get_next(const NdbLogEventHandle h,
			  struct ndb_logevent *dst,
			  unsigned timeout_in_milliseconds)
  SocketInputStream in(h->socket, timeout_in_milliseconds);

  Properties p;
  char buf[256];

  /* header */
  while (1) {
    if (in.gets(buf,sizeof(buf)) == 0)
      h->m_error= NDB_LEH_READ_ERROR;
      return -1;
    if ( buf[0] == 0 )
      // timed out
      return 0;
    if ( strcmp("log event reply\n", buf) == 0 )
    ndbout_c("skipped: %s", buf);

  /* read name-value pairs into properties object */
  while (1)
    if (in.gets(buf,sizeof(buf)) == 0)
      h->m_error= NDB_LEH_READ_ERROR;
      return -1;
    if ( buf[0] == 0 )
      // timed out
      return 0;
    if ( buf[0] == '\n' )
    if (insert_row(buf,p))
      h->m_error= NDB_LEH_READ_ERROR;
      return -1;

  int i;
  const char *val;

  dst->type= (enum Ndb_logevent_type)-1;
  /* fill in header info from p*/
  for (i= 0; ndb_logevent_header[i].token; i++)
    if ( p.get(ndb_logevent_header[i].token, &val) == 0 )
      ndbout_c("missing: %s\n", ndb_logevent_header[i].token);
      return -1;
    if ( memcpy_atoi((char *)dst+ndb_logevent_header[i].offset, val,
		     ndb_logevent_header[i].size) )
      h->m_error= NDB_LEH_INTERNAL_ERROR;
      return -1;

  Uint32                             level;
  LogLevel::EventCategory            category;
  Logger::LoggerLevel                severity;
  EventLoggerBase::EventTextFunction text_fn;

  /* fill in rest of header info event_lookup */
  if (EventLoggerBase::event_lookup(dst->type,category,level,severity,text_fn))
    ndbout_c("unknown type: %d\n", dst->type);
    return -1;
  dst->category= (enum ndb_mgm_event_category)category;
  dst->severity= (enum ndb_mgm_event_severity)severity;
  dst->level=    level;

  /* fill in header info from p */
  for (i= 0; ndb_logevent_body[i].token; i++)
    if ( ndb_logevent_body[i].type != dst->type )
    if ( p.get(ndb_logevent_body[i].token, &val) == 0 )
      return -1;
    if ( memcpy_atoi((char *)dst+ndb_logevent_body[i].offset, val,
		     ndb_logevent_body[i].size) )
      h->m_error= NDB_LEH_INTERNAL_ERROR;
      return -1;
  return 1;

extern "C"
int ndb_logevent_get_latest_error(const NdbLogEventHandle h)
  return h->m_error;

extern "C"
const char *ndb_logevent_get_latest_error_msg(const NdbLogEventHandle h)
  for (int i= 0; ndb_logevent_error_messages[i].msg; i++)
    if (ndb_logevent_error_messages[i].code == h->m_error)
      return ndb_logevent_error_messages[i].msg;
  return "<unknown error msg>";