# Tests for PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA table io # Reveal that in case of DML on an updatable view the # base table used within the view shows up whereas # the view itself never shows up. ## To skip the test with QC enabled till BUG#14830950 is fixed. -- source include/have_QC_Disabled.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc --source ../include/table_io_setup_helper.inc let $engine_type= MyISAM; let $table_item= test.v1; --disable_warnings eval drop view if exists $table_item; drop table if exists test.no_index_tab; --enable_warnings # Start recording events update performance_schema.setup_consumers set enabled='YES'; insert into marker set a = 1; eval create table test.no_index_tab ( a varchar(255) not null, b int not null) engine = $engine_type; insert into marker set a = 1; # Make sure the proper engine is used show create table test.no_index_tab; insert into marker set a = 1; eval create view $table_item as select * from test.no_index_tab; --source ../include/table_io_basic_dml.inc eval drop view $table_item; insert into marker set a = 1; drop table test.no_index_tab; # Stop recording events + pull result --source ../include/table_io_result_helper.inc # Cleanup --source ../include/table_io_cleanup_helper.inc