/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file dict/dict0stats.cc Code used for calculating and manipulating table statistics. Created Jan 06, 2010 Vasil Dimov *******************************************************/ #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP #include "univ.i" #include "btr0btr.h" /* btr_get_size() */ #include "btr0cur.h" /* btr_estimate_number_of_different_key_vals() */ #include "dict0dict.h" /* dict_table_get_first_index(), dict_fs2utf8() */ #include "dict0mem.h" /* DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N */ #include "dict0stats.h" #include "data0type.h" /* dtype_t */ #include "db0err.h" /* dberr_t */ #include "page0page.h" /* page_align() */ #include "pars0pars.h" /* pars_info_create() */ #include "pars0types.h" /* pars_info_t */ #include "que0que.h" /* que_eval_sql() */ #include "rem0cmp.h" /* REC_MAX_N_FIELDS,cmp_rec_rec_with_match() */ #include "row0sel.h" /* sel_node_t */ #include "row0types.h" /* sel_node_t */ #include "trx0trx.h" /* trx_create() */ #include "trx0roll.h" /* trx_rollback_to_savepoint() */ #include "ut0rnd.h" /* ut_rnd_interval() */ #include "ut0ut.h" /* ut_format_name(), ut_time() */ #include <algorithm> #include <map> #include <vector> /* Sampling algorithm description @{ The algorithm is controlled by one number - N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index), let it be A, which is the number of leaf pages to analyze for a given index for each n-prefix (if the index is on 3 columns, then 3*A leaf pages will be analyzed). Let the total number of leaf pages in the table be T. Level 0 - leaf pages, level H - root. Definition: N-prefix-boring record is a record on a non-leaf page that equals the next (to the right, cross page boundaries, skipping the supremum and infimum) record on the same level when looking at the fist n-prefix columns. The last (user) record on a level is not boring (it does not match the non-existent user record to the right). We call the records boring because all the records on the page below a boring record are equal to that boring record. We avoid diving below boring records when searching for a leaf page to estimate the number of distinct records because we know that such a leaf page will have number of distinct records == 1. For each n-prefix: start from the root level and full scan subsequent lower levels until a level that contains at least A*10 distinct records is found. Lets call this level LA. As an optimization the search is canceled if it has reached level 1 (never descend to the level 0 (leaf)) and also if the next level to be scanned would contain more than A pages. The latter is because the user has asked to analyze A leaf pages and it does not make sense to scan much more than A non-leaf pages with the sole purpose of finding a good sample of A leaf pages. After finding the appropriate level LA with >A*10 distinct records (or less in the exceptions described above), divide it into groups of equal records and pick A such groups. Then pick the last record from each group. For example, let the level be: index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 record: 1,1,1,2,2,7,7,7,7,7,9 There are 4 groups of distinct records and if A=2 random ones are selected, e.g. 1,1,1 and 7,7,7,7,7, then records with indexes 2 and 9 will be selected. After selecting A records as described above, dive below them to find A leaf pages and analyze them, finding the total number of distinct records. The dive to the leaf level is performed by selecting a non-boring record from each page and diving below it. This way, a total of A leaf pages are analyzed for the given n-prefix. Let the number of different key values found in each leaf page i be Pi (i=1..A). Let N_DIFF_AVG_LEAF be (P1 + P2 + ... + PA) / A. Let the number of different key values on level LA be N_DIFF_LA. Let the total number of records on level LA be TOTAL_LA. Let R be N_DIFF_LA / TOTAL_LA, we assume this ratio is the same on the leaf level. Let the number of leaf pages be N. Then the total number of different key values on the leaf level is: N * R * N_DIFF_AVG_LEAF. See REF01 for the implementation. The above describes how to calculate the cardinality of an index. This algorithm is executed for each n-prefix of a multi-column index where n=1..n_uniq. @} */ /* names of the tables from the persistent statistics storage */ #define TABLE_STATS_NAME "mysql/innodb_table_stats" #define TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT "mysql.innodb_table_stats" #define INDEX_STATS_NAME "mysql/innodb_index_stats" #define INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT "mysql.innodb_index_stats" #ifdef UNIV_STATS_DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__) #else /* UNIV_STATS_DEBUG */ #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, ...) /* noop */ #endif /* UNIV_STATS_DEBUG */ /* Gets the number of leaf pages to sample in persistent stats estimation */ #define N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) \ static_cast<ib_uint64_t>( \ (index)->table->stats_sample_pages != 0 \ ? (index)->table->stats_sample_pages \ : srv_stats_persistent_sample_pages) /* number of distinct records on a given level that are required to stop descending to lower levels and fetch N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) records from that level */ #define N_DIFF_REQUIRED(index) (N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) * 10) /* A dynamic array where we store the boundaries of each distinct group of keys. For example if a btree level is: index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 data: b,b,b,b,b,b,g,g,j,j,j, x, y then we would store 5,7,10,11,12 in the array. */ typedef std::vector<ib_uint64_t> boundaries_t; /* This is used to arrange the index based on the index name. @return true if index_name1 is smaller than index_name2. */ struct index_cmp { bool operator()(const char* index_name1, const char* index_name2) const { return(strcmp(index_name1, index_name2) < 0); } }; typedef std::map<const char*, dict_index_t*, index_cmp> index_map_t; /*********************************************************************//** Checks whether an index should be ignored in stats manipulations: * stats fetch * stats recalc * stats save @return true if exists and all tables are ok */ UNIV_INLINE bool dict_stats_should_ignore_index( /*===========================*/ const dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index */ { return((index->type & DICT_FTS) || dict_index_is_corrupted(index) || index->to_be_dropped || *index->name == TEMP_INDEX_PREFIX); } /*********************************************************************//** Checks whether the persistent statistics storage exists and that all tables have the proper structure. @return true if exists and all tables are ok */ static bool dict_stats_persistent_storage_check( /*================================*/ bool caller_has_dict_sys_mutex) /*!< in: true if the caller owns dict_sys->mutex */ { /* definition for the table TABLE_STATS_NAME */ dict_col_meta_t table_stats_columns[] = { {"database_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 192}, {"table_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 192}, {"last_update", DATA_FIXBINARY, DATA_NOT_NULL, 4}, {"n_rows", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL | DATA_UNSIGNED, 8}, {"clustered_index_size", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL | DATA_UNSIGNED, 8}, {"sum_of_other_index_sizes", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL | DATA_UNSIGNED, 8} }; dict_table_schema_t table_stats_schema = { TABLE_STATS_NAME, UT_ARR_SIZE(table_stats_columns), table_stats_columns, 0 /* n_foreign */, 0 /* n_referenced */ }; /* definition for the table INDEX_STATS_NAME */ dict_col_meta_t index_stats_columns[] = { {"database_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 192}, {"table_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 192}, {"index_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 192}, {"last_update", DATA_FIXBINARY, DATA_NOT_NULL, 4}, {"stat_name", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 64*3}, {"stat_value", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL | DATA_UNSIGNED, 8}, {"sample_size", DATA_INT, DATA_UNSIGNED, 8}, {"stat_description", DATA_VARMYSQL, DATA_NOT_NULL, 1024*3} }; dict_table_schema_t index_stats_schema = { INDEX_STATS_NAME, UT_ARR_SIZE(index_stats_columns), index_stats_columns, 0 /* n_foreign */, 0 /* n_referenced */ }; char errstr[512]; dberr_t ret; if (!caller_has_dict_sys_mutex) { mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* first check table_stats */ ret = dict_table_schema_check(&table_stats_schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)); if (ret == DB_SUCCESS) { /* if it is ok, then check index_stats */ ret = dict_table_schema_check(&index_stats_schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)); } if (!caller_has_dict_sys_mutex) { mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Error: %s\n", errstr); return(false); } /* else */ return(true); } /** Executes a given SQL statement using the InnoDB internal SQL parser. This function will free the pinfo object. @param[in,out] pinfo pinfo to pass to que_eval_sql() must already have any literals bound to it @param[in] sql SQL string to execute @param[in,out] trx in case of NULL the function will allocate and free the trx object. If it is not NULL then it will be rolled back only in the case of error, but not freed. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ static dberr_t dict_stats_exec_sql( pars_info_t* pinfo, const char* sql, trx_t* trx) { dberr_t err; bool trx_started = false; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); if (!dict_stats_persistent_storage_check(true)) { pars_info_free(pinfo); return(DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST); } if (trx == NULL) { trx = trx_allocate_for_background(); trx_start_if_not_started(trx); trx_started = true; } err = que_eval_sql(pinfo, sql, FALSE, trx); /* pinfo is freed here */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stats_index_error", if (!trx_started) { err = DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST; trx->error_state = DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST; }); if (!trx_started && err == DB_SUCCESS) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } if (err == DB_SUCCESS) { trx_commit_for_mysql(trx); } else { trx->op_info = "rollback of internal trx on stats tables"; trx->dict_operation_lock_mode = RW_X_LATCH; trx_rollback_to_savepoint(trx, NULL); trx->dict_operation_lock_mode = 0; trx->op_info = ""; ut_a(trx->error_state == DB_SUCCESS); } if (trx_started) { trx_free_for_background(trx); } return(err); } /*********************************************************************//** Duplicate a table object and its indexes. This function creates a dummy dict_table_t object and initializes the following table and index members: dict_table_t::id (copied) dict_table_t::heap (newly created) dict_table_t::name (copied) dict_table_t::corrupted (copied) dict_table_t::indexes<> (newly created) dict_table_t::magic_n for each entry in dict_table_t::indexes, the following are initialized: (indexes that have DICT_FTS set in index->type are skipped) dict_index_t::id (copied) dict_index_t::name (copied) dict_index_t::table_name (points to the copied table name) dict_index_t::table (points to the above semi-initialized object) dict_index_t::type (copied) dict_index_t::to_be_dropped (copied) dict_index_t::online_status (copied) dict_index_t::n_uniq (copied) dict_index_t::fields[] (newly created, only first n_uniq, only fields[i].name) dict_index_t::indexes<> (newly created) dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[] (only allocated, left uninitialized) dict_index_t::stat_n_sample_sizes[] (only allocated, left uninitialized) dict_index_t::stat_n_non_null_key_vals[] (only allocated, left uninitialized) dict_index_t::magic_n The returned object should be freed with dict_stats_table_clone_free() when no longer needed. @return incomplete table object */ static dict_table_t* dict_stats_table_clone_create( /*==========================*/ const dict_table_t* table) /*!< in: table whose stats to copy */ { size_t heap_size; dict_index_t* index; /* Estimate the size needed for the table and all of its indexes */ heap_size = 0; heap_size += sizeof(dict_table_t); heap_size += strlen(table->name) + 1; for (index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { continue; } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); ulint n_uniq = dict_index_get_n_unique(index); heap_size += sizeof(dict_index_t); heap_size += strlen(index->name) + 1; heap_size += n_uniq * sizeof(index->fields[0]); for (ulint i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { heap_size += strlen(index->fields[i].name) + 1; } heap_size += n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[0]); heap_size += n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_sample_sizes[0]); heap_size += n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[0]); } /* Allocate the memory and copy the members */ mem_heap_t* heap; heap = mem_heap_create(heap_size); dict_table_t* t; t = (dict_table_t*) mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(*t)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->id, sizeof(table->id)); t->id = table->id; t->heap = heap; UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(table->name, strlen(table->name) + 1); t->name = (char*) mem_heap_strdup(heap, table->name); t->corrupted = table->corrupted; /* This private object "t" is not shared with other threads, so we do not need the stats_latch (thus we pass false below). The dict_table_stats_lock()/unlock() routines will do nothing. */ dict_table_stats_latch_create(t, false); UT_LIST_INIT(t->indexes); for (index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { continue; } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); dict_index_t* idx; idx = (dict_index_t*) mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(*idx)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&index->id, sizeof(index->id)); idx->id = index->id; UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(index->name, strlen(index->name) + 1); idx->name = (char*) mem_heap_strdup(heap, index->name); idx->table_name = t->name; idx->table = t; idx->type = index->type; idx->to_be_dropped = 0; idx->online_status = ONLINE_INDEX_COMPLETE; idx->n_uniq = index->n_uniq; idx->fields = (dict_field_t*) mem_heap_alloc( heap, idx->n_uniq * sizeof(idx->fields[0])); for (ulint i = 0; i < idx->n_uniq; i++) { UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(index->fields[i].name, strlen(index->fields[i].name) + 1); idx->fields[i].name = (char*) mem_heap_strdup( heap, index->fields[i].name); } /* hook idx into t->indexes */ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, t->indexes, idx); idx->stat_n_diff_key_vals = (ib_uint64_t*) mem_heap_alloc( heap, idx->n_uniq * sizeof(idx->stat_n_diff_key_vals[0])); idx->stat_n_sample_sizes = (ib_uint64_t*) mem_heap_alloc( heap, idx->n_uniq * sizeof(idx->stat_n_sample_sizes[0])); idx->stat_n_non_null_key_vals = (ib_uint64_t*) mem_heap_alloc( heap, idx->n_uniq * sizeof(idx->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[0])); ut_d(idx->magic_n = DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); } ut_d(t->magic_n = DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); return(t); } /*********************************************************************//** Free the resources occupied by an object returned by dict_stats_table_clone_create(). */ static void dict_stats_table_clone_free( /*========================*/ dict_table_t* t) /*!< in: dummy table object to free */ { dict_table_stats_latch_destroy(t); mem_heap_free(t->heap); } /*********************************************************************//** Write all zeros (or 1 where it makes sense) into an index statistics members. The resulting stats correspond to an empty index. The caller must own index's table stats latch in X mode (dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_X_LATCH)) */ static void dict_stats_empty_index( /*===================*/ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in/out: index */ { ut_ad(!(index->type & DICT_FTS)); ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); ulint n_uniq = index->n_uniq; for (ulint i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[i] = 0; index->stat_n_sample_sizes[i] = 1; index->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[i] = 0; } index->stat_index_size = 1; index->stat_n_leaf_pages = 1; } /*********************************************************************//** Write all zeros (or 1 where it makes sense) into a table and its indexes' statistics members. The resulting stats correspond to an empty table. */ static void dict_stats_empty_table( /*===================*/ dict_table_t* table) /*!< in/out: table */ { /* Zero the stats members */ dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_X_LATCH); table->stat_n_rows = 0; table->stat_clustered_index_size = 1; /* 1 page for each index, not counting the clustered */ table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = UT_LIST_GET_LEN(table->indexes) - 1; table->stat_modified_counter = 0; dict_index_t* index; for (index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { if (index->type & DICT_FTS) { continue; } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); dict_stats_empty_index(index); } table->stat_initialized = TRUE; dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_X_LATCH); } /*********************************************************************//** Check whether index's stats are initialized (assert if they are not). */ static void dict_stats_assert_initialized_index( /*================================*/ const dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index */ { UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT( index->stat_n_diff_key_vals, index->n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[0])); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT( index->stat_n_sample_sizes, index->n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_sample_sizes[0])); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT( index->stat_n_non_null_key_vals, index->n_uniq * sizeof(index->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[0])); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT( &index->stat_index_size, sizeof(index->stat_index_size)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT( &index->stat_n_leaf_pages, sizeof(index->stat_n_leaf_pages)); } /*********************************************************************//** Check whether table's stats are initialized (assert if they are not). */ static void dict_stats_assert_initialized( /*==========================*/ const dict_table_t* table) /*!< in: table */ { ut_a(table->stat_initialized); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stats_last_recalc, sizeof(table->stats_last_recalc)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stat_persistent, sizeof(table->stat_persistent)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stats_auto_recalc, sizeof(table->stats_auto_recalc)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stats_sample_pages, sizeof(table->stats_sample_pages)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stat_n_rows, sizeof(table->stat_n_rows)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stat_clustered_index_size, sizeof(table->stat_clustered_index_size)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes, sizeof(table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stat_modified_counter, sizeof(table->stat_modified_counter)); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&table->stats_bg_flag, sizeof(table->stats_bg_flag)); for (dict_index_t* index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { if (!dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { dict_stats_assert_initialized_index(index); } } } #define INDEX_EQ(i1, i2) \ ((i1) != NULL \ && (i2) != NULL \ && (i1)->id == (i2)->id \ && strcmp((i1)->name, (i2)->name) == 0) /*********************************************************************//** Copy table and index statistics from one table to another, including index stats. Extra indexes in src are ignored and extra indexes in dst are initialized to correspond to an empty index. */ static void dict_stats_copy( /*============*/ dict_table_t* dst, /*!< in/out: destination table */ const dict_table_t* src) /*!< in: source table */ { dst->stats_last_recalc = src->stats_last_recalc; dst->stat_n_rows = src->stat_n_rows; dst->stat_clustered_index_size = src->stat_clustered_index_size; dst->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = src->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes; dst->stat_modified_counter = src->stat_modified_counter; dict_index_t* dst_idx; dict_index_t* src_idx; for (dst_idx = dict_table_get_first_index(dst), src_idx = dict_table_get_first_index(src); dst_idx != NULL; dst_idx = dict_table_get_next_index(dst_idx), (src_idx != NULL && (src_idx = dict_table_get_next_index(src_idx)))) { if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(dst_idx)) { continue; } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(dst_idx)); if (!INDEX_EQ(src_idx, dst_idx)) { for (src_idx = dict_table_get_first_index(src); src_idx != NULL; src_idx = dict_table_get_next_index(src_idx)) { if (INDEX_EQ(src_idx, dst_idx)) { break; } } } if (!INDEX_EQ(src_idx, dst_idx)) { dict_stats_empty_index(dst_idx); continue; } ulint n_copy_el; if (dst_idx->n_uniq > src_idx->n_uniq) { n_copy_el = src_idx->n_uniq; /* Since src is smaller some elements in dst will remain untouched by the following memmove(), thus we init all of them here. */ dict_stats_empty_index(dst_idx); } else { n_copy_el = dst_idx->n_uniq; } memmove(dst_idx->stat_n_diff_key_vals, src_idx->stat_n_diff_key_vals, n_copy_el * sizeof(dst_idx->stat_n_diff_key_vals[0])); memmove(dst_idx->stat_n_sample_sizes, src_idx->stat_n_sample_sizes, n_copy_el * sizeof(dst_idx->stat_n_sample_sizes[0])); memmove(dst_idx->stat_n_non_null_key_vals, src_idx->stat_n_non_null_key_vals, n_copy_el * sizeof(dst_idx->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[0])); dst_idx->stat_index_size = src_idx->stat_index_size; dst_idx->stat_n_leaf_pages = src_idx->stat_n_leaf_pages; } dst->stat_initialized = TRUE; } /*********************************************************************//** Duplicate the stats of a table and its indexes. This function creates a dummy dict_table_t object and copies the input table's stats into it. The returned table object is not in the dictionary cache and cannot be accessed by any other threads. In addition to the members copied in dict_stats_table_clone_create() this function initializes the following: dict_table_t::stat_initialized dict_table_t::stat_persistent dict_table_t::stat_n_rows dict_table_t::stat_clustered_index_size dict_table_t::stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes dict_table_t::stat_modified_counter dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[] dict_index_t::stat_n_sample_sizes[] dict_index_t::stat_n_non_null_key_vals[] dict_index_t::stat_index_size dict_index_t::stat_n_leaf_pages The returned object should be freed with dict_stats_snapshot_free() when no longer needed. @return incomplete table object */ static dict_table_t* dict_stats_snapshot_create( /*=======================*/ dict_table_t* table) /*!< in: table whose stats to copy */ { mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_S_LATCH); dict_stats_assert_initialized(table); dict_table_t* t; t = dict_stats_table_clone_create(table); dict_stats_copy(t, table); t->stat_persistent = table->stat_persistent; t->stats_auto_recalc = table->stats_auto_recalc; t->stats_sample_pages = table->stats_sample_pages; t->stats_bg_flag = table->stats_bg_flag; dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_S_LATCH); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); return(t); } /*********************************************************************//** Free the resources occupied by an object returned by dict_stats_snapshot_create(). */ static void dict_stats_snapshot_free( /*=====================*/ dict_table_t* t) /*!< in: dummy table object to free */ { dict_stats_table_clone_free(t); } /*********************************************************************//** Calculates new estimates for index statistics. This function is relatively quick and is used to calculate transient statistics that are not saved on disk. This was the only way to calculate statistics before the Persistent Statistics feature was introduced. */ static void dict_stats_update_transient_for_index( /*==================================*/ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in/out: index */ { if (srv_force_recovery >= SRV_FORCE_NO_TRX_UNDO && (srv_force_recovery >= SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO || !dict_index_is_clust(index))) { /* If we have set a high innodb_force_recovery level, do not calculate statistics, as a badly corrupted index can cause a crash in it. Initialize some bogus index cardinality statistics, so that the data can be queried in various means, also via secondary indexes. */ dict_stats_empty_index(index); #if defined UNIV_DEBUG || defined UNIV_IBUF_DEBUG } else if (ibuf_debug && !dict_index_is_clust(index)) { dict_stats_empty_index(index); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG || UNIV_IBUF_DEBUG */ } else { mtr_t mtr; ulint size; mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr); size = btr_get_size(index, BTR_TOTAL_SIZE, &mtr); if (size != ULINT_UNDEFINED) { index->stat_index_size = size; size = btr_get_size( index, BTR_N_LEAF_PAGES, &mtr); } mtr_commit(&mtr); switch (size) { case ULINT_UNDEFINED: dict_stats_empty_index(index); return; case 0: /* The root node of the tree is a leaf */ size = 1; } index->stat_n_leaf_pages = size; btr_estimate_number_of_different_key_vals(index); } } /*********************************************************************//** Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. This function is relatively quick and is used to calculate transient statistics that are not saved on disk. This was the only way to calculate statistics before the Persistent Statistics feature was introduced. */ UNIV_INTERN void dict_stats_update_transient( /*========================*/ dict_table_t* table) /*!< in/out: table */ { dict_index_t* index; ulint sum_of_index_sizes = 0; /* Find out the sizes of the indexes and how many different values for the key they approximately have */ index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); if (dict_table_is_discarded(table)) { /* Nothing to do. */ dict_stats_empty_table(table); return; } else if (index == NULL) { /* Table definition is corrupt */ char buf[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: table %s has no indexes. " "Cannot calculate statistics.\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf))); dict_stats_empty_table(table); return; } for (; index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); if (index->type & DICT_FTS) { continue; } dict_stats_empty_index(index); if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { continue; } dict_stats_update_transient_for_index(index); sum_of_index_sizes += index->stat_index_size; } index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); table->stat_n_rows = index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[ dict_index_get_n_unique(index) - 1]; table->stat_clustered_index_size = index->stat_index_size; table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = sum_of_index_sizes - index->stat_index_size; table->stats_last_recalc = ut_time(); table->stat_modified_counter = 0; table->stat_initialized = TRUE; } /* @{ Pseudo code about the relation between the following functions let N = N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) dict_stats_analyze_index() for each n_prefix search for good enough level: dict_stats_analyze_index_level() // only called if level has <= N pages // full scan of the level in one mtr collect statistics about the given level if we are not satisfied with the level, search next lower level we have found a good enough level here dict_stats_analyze_index_for_n_prefix(that level, stats collected above) // full scan of the level in one mtr dive below some records and analyze the leaf page there: dict_stats_analyze_index_below_cur() @} */ /*********************************************************************//** Find the total number and the number of distinct keys on a given level in an index. Each of the 1..n_uniq prefixes are looked up and the results are saved in the array n_diff[0] .. n_diff[n_uniq - 1]. The total number of records on the level is saved in total_recs. Also, the index of the last record in each group of equal records is saved in n_diff_boundaries[0..n_uniq - 1], records indexing starts from the leftmost record on the level and continues cross pages boundaries, counting from 0. */ static void dict_stats_analyze_index_level( /*===========================*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ ulint level, /*!< in: level */ ib_uint64_t* n_diff, /*!< out: array for number of distinct keys for all prefixes */ ib_uint64_t* total_recs, /*!< out: total number of records */ ib_uint64_t* total_pages, /*!< out: total number of pages */ boundaries_t* n_diff_boundaries,/*!< out: boundaries of the groups of distinct keys */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */ { ulint n_uniq; mem_heap_t* heap; btr_pcur_t pcur; const page_t* page; const rec_t* rec; const rec_t* prev_rec; bool prev_rec_is_copied; byte* prev_rec_buf = NULL; ulint prev_rec_buf_size = 0; ulint* rec_offsets; ulint* prev_rec_offsets; ulint i; DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(table=%s, index=%s, level=%lu)\n", __func__, index->table->name, index->name, level); ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK)); n_uniq = dict_index_get_n_unique(index); /* elements in the n_diff array are 0..n_uniq-1 (inclusive) */ memset(n_diff, 0x0, n_uniq * sizeof(n_diff[0])); /* Allocate space for the offsets header (the allocation size at offsets[0] and the REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE bytes), and n_fields + 1, so that this will never be less than the size calculated in rec_get_offsets_func(). */ i = (REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE + 1 + 1) + index->n_fields; heap = mem_heap_create((2 * sizeof *rec_offsets) * i); rec_offsets = static_cast<ulint*>( mem_heap_alloc(heap, i * sizeof *rec_offsets)); prev_rec_offsets = static_cast<ulint*>( mem_heap_alloc(heap, i * sizeof *prev_rec_offsets)); rec_offs_set_n_alloc(rec_offsets, i); rec_offs_set_n_alloc(prev_rec_offsets, i); /* reset the dynamic arrays n_diff_boundaries[0..n_uniq-1] */ if (n_diff_boundaries != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { n_diff_boundaries[i].erase( n_diff_boundaries[i].begin(), n_diff_boundaries[i].end()); } } /* Position pcur on the leftmost record on the leftmost page on the desired level. */ btr_pcur_open_at_index_side( true, index, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF | BTR_ALREADY_S_LATCHED, &pcur, true, level, mtr); btr_pcur_move_to_next_on_page(&pcur); page = btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur); /* The page must not be empty, except when it is the root page (and the whole index is empty). */ ut_ad(btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur) || page_is_leaf(page)); ut_ad(btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur) == page_rec_get_next_const(page_get_infimum_rec(page))); /* check that we are indeed on the desired level */ ut_a(btr_page_get_level(page, mtr) == level); /* there should not be any pages on the left */ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL); /* check whether the first record on the leftmost page is marked as such, if we are on a non-leaf level */ ut_a((level == 0) == !(REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG & rec_get_info_bits( btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), page_is_comp(page)))); prev_rec = NULL; prev_rec_is_copied = false; /* no records by default */ *total_recs = 0; *total_pages = 0; /* iterate over all user records on this level and compare each two adjacent ones, even the last on page X and the fist on page X+1 */ for (; btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur); btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec(&pcur, mtr)) { ulint matched_fields = 0; ulint matched_bytes = 0; bool rec_is_last_on_page; rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); /* If rec and prev_rec are on different pages, then prev_rec must have been copied, because we hold latch only on the page where rec resides. */ if (prev_rec != NULL && page_align(rec) != page_align(prev_rec)) { ut_a(prev_rec_is_copied); } rec_is_last_on_page = page_rec_is_supremum(page_rec_get_next_const(rec)); /* increment the pages counter at the end of each page */ if (rec_is_last_on_page) { (*total_pages)++; } /* Skip delete-marked records on the leaf level. If we do not skip them, then ANALYZE quickly after DELETE could count them or not (purge may have already wiped them away) which brings non-determinism. We skip only leaf-level delete marks because delete marks on non-leaf level do not make sense. */ if (level == 0 && rec_get_deleted_flag( rec, page_is_comp(btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur)))) { if (rec_is_last_on_page && !prev_rec_is_copied && prev_rec != NULL) { /* copy prev_rec */ prev_rec_offsets = rec_get_offsets( prev_rec, index, prev_rec_offsets, n_uniq, &heap); prev_rec = rec_copy_prefix_to_buf( prev_rec, index, rec_offs_n_fields(prev_rec_offsets), &prev_rec_buf, &prev_rec_buf_size); prev_rec_is_copied = true; } continue; } rec_offsets = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, rec_offsets, n_uniq, &heap); (*total_recs)++; if (prev_rec != NULL) { prev_rec_offsets = rec_get_offsets( prev_rec, index, prev_rec_offsets, n_uniq, &heap); cmp_rec_rec_with_match(rec, prev_rec, rec_offsets, prev_rec_offsets, index, FALSE, &matched_fields, &matched_bytes); for (i = matched_fields; i < n_uniq; i++) { if (n_diff_boundaries != NULL) { /* push the index of the previous record, that is - the last one from a group of equal keys */ ib_uint64_t idx; /* the index of the current record is total_recs - 1, the index of the previous record is total_recs - 2; we know that idx is not going to become negative here because if we are in this branch then there is a previous record and thus total_recs >= 2 */ idx = *total_recs - 2; n_diff_boundaries[i].push_back(idx); } /* increment the number of different keys for n_prefix=i+1 (e.g. if i=0 then we increment for n_prefix=1 which is stored in n_diff[0]) */ n_diff[i]++; } } else { /* this is the first non-delete marked record */ for (i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { n_diff[i] = 1; } } if (rec_is_last_on_page) { /* end of a page has been reached */ /* we need to copy the record instead of assigning like prev_rec = rec; because when we traverse the records on this level at some point we will jump from one page to the next and then rec and prev_rec will be on different pages and btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec() will release the latch on the page that prev_rec is on */ prev_rec = rec_copy_prefix_to_buf( rec, index, rec_offs_n_fields(rec_offsets), &prev_rec_buf, &prev_rec_buf_size); prev_rec_is_copied = true; } else { /* still on the same page, the next call to btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec() will not jump on the next page, we can simply assign pointers instead of copying the records like above */ prev_rec = rec; prev_rec_is_copied = false; } } /* if *total_pages is left untouched then the above loop was not entered at all and there is one page in the whole tree which is empty or the loop was entered but this is level 0, contains one page and all records are delete-marked */ if (*total_pages == 0) { ut_ad(level == 0); ut_ad(*total_recs == 0); *total_pages = 1; } /* if there are records on this level and boundaries should be saved */ if (*total_recs > 0 && n_diff_boundaries != NULL) { /* remember the index of the last record on the level as the last one from the last group of equal keys; this holds for all possible prefixes */ for (i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { ib_uint64_t idx; idx = *total_recs - 1; n_diff_boundaries[i].push_back(idx); } } /* now in n_diff_boundaries[i] there are exactly n_diff[i] integers, for i=0..n_uniq-1 */ #ifdef UNIV_STATS_DEBUG for (i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): total recs: " UINT64PF ", total pages: " UINT64PF ", n_diff[%lu]: " UINT64PF "\n", __func__, *total_recs, *total_pages, i, n_diff[i]); #if 0 if (n_diff_boundaries != NULL) { ib_uint64_t j; DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): boundaries[%lu]: ", __func__, i); for (j = 0; j < n_diff[i]; j++) { ib_uint64_t idx; idx = n_diff_boundaries[i][j]; DEBUG_PRINTF(UINT64PF "=" UINT64PF ", ", j, idx); } DEBUG_PRINTF("\n"); } #endif } #endif /* UNIV_STATS_DEBUG */ /* Release the latch on the last page, because that is not done by btr_pcur_close(). This function works also for non-leaf pages. */ btr_leaf_page_release(btr_pcur_get_block(&pcur), BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, mtr); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); if (prev_rec_buf != NULL) { mem_free(prev_rec_buf); } mem_heap_free(heap); } /* aux enum for controlling the behavior of dict_stats_scan_page() @{ */ enum page_scan_method_t { COUNT_ALL_NON_BORING_AND_SKIP_DEL_MARKED,/* scan all records on the given page and count the number of distinct ones, also ignore delete marked records */ QUIT_ON_FIRST_NON_BORING/* quit when the first record that differs from its right neighbor is found */ }; /* @} */ /** Scan a page, reading records from left to right and counting the number of distinct records (looking only at the first n_prefix columns) and the number of external pages pointed by records from this page. If scan_method is QUIT_ON_FIRST_NON_BORING then the function will return as soon as it finds a record that does not match its neighbor to the right, which means that in the case of QUIT_ON_FIRST_NON_BORING the returned n_diff can either be 0 (empty page), 1 (the whole page has all keys equal) or 2 (the function found a non-boring record and returned). @param[out] out_rec record, or NULL @param[out] offsets1 rec_get_offsets() working space (must be big enough) @param[out] offsets2 rec_get_offsets() working space (must be big enough) @param[in] index index of the page @param[in] page the page to scan @param[in] n_prefix look at the first n_prefix columns @param[in] scan_method scan to the end of the page or not @param[out] n_diff number of distinct records encountered @param[out] n_external_pages if this is non-NULL then it will be set to the number of externally stored pages which were encountered @return offsets1 or offsets2 (the offsets of *out_rec), or NULL if the page is empty and does not contain user records. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint* dict_stats_scan_page( const rec_t** out_rec, ulint* offsets1, ulint* offsets2, dict_index_t* index, const page_t* page, ulint n_prefix, page_scan_method_t scan_method, ib_uint64_t* n_diff, ib_uint64_t* n_external_pages) { ulint* offsets_rec = offsets1; ulint* offsets_next_rec = offsets2; const rec_t* rec; const rec_t* next_rec; /* A dummy heap, to be passed to rec_get_offsets(). Because offsets1,offsets2 should be big enough, this memory heap should never be used. */ mem_heap_t* heap = NULL; const rec_t* (*get_next)(const rec_t*); if (scan_method == COUNT_ALL_NON_BORING_AND_SKIP_DEL_MARKED) { get_next = page_rec_get_next_non_del_marked; } else { get_next = page_rec_get_next_const; } const bool should_count_external_pages = n_external_pages != NULL; if (should_count_external_pages) { *n_external_pages = 0; } rec = get_next(page_get_infimum_rec(page)); if (page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) { /* the page is empty or contains only delete-marked records */ *n_diff = 0; *out_rec = NULL; return(NULL); } offsets_rec = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_rec, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); if (should_count_external_pages) { *n_external_pages += btr_rec_get_externally_stored_len( rec, offsets_rec); } next_rec = get_next(rec); *n_diff = 1; while (!page_rec_is_supremum(next_rec)) { ulint matched_fields = 0; ulint matched_bytes = 0; offsets_next_rec = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, index, offsets_next_rec, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); /* check whether rec != next_rec when looking at the first n_prefix fields */ cmp_rec_rec_with_match(rec, next_rec, offsets_rec, offsets_next_rec, index, FALSE, &matched_fields, &matched_bytes); if (matched_fields < n_prefix) { /* rec != next_rec, => rec is non-boring */ (*n_diff)++; if (scan_method == QUIT_ON_FIRST_NON_BORING) { goto func_exit; } } rec = next_rec; { /* Assign offsets_rec = offsets_next_rec so that offsets_rec matches with rec which was just assigned rec = next_rec above. Also need to point offsets_next_rec to the place where offsets_rec was pointing before because we have just 2 placeholders where data is actually stored: offsets_onstack1 and offsets_onstack2 and we are using them in circular fashion (offsets[_next]_rec are just pointers to those placeholders). */ ulint* offsets_tmp; offsets_tmp = offsets_rec; offsets_rec = offsets_next_rec; offsets_next_rec = offsets_tmp; } if (should_count_external_pages) { *n_external_pages += btr_rec_get_externally_stored_len( rec, offsets_rec); } next_rec = get_next(next_rec); } func_exit: /* offsets1,offsets2 should have been big enough */ ut_a(heap == NULL); *out_rec = rec; return(offsets_rec); } /** Dive below the current position of a cursor and calculate the number of distinct records on the leaf page, when looking at the fist n_prefix columns. Also calculate the number of external pages pointed by records on the leaf page. @param[in] cur cursor @param[in] n_prefix look at the first n_prefix columns when comparing records @param[out] n_diff number of distinct records @param[out] n_external_pages number of external pages @param[in,out] mtr mini-transaction @return number of distinct records on the leaf page */ static void dict_stats_analyze_index_below_cur( const btr_cur_t* cur, ulint n_prefix, ib_uint64_t* n_diff, ib_uint64_t* n_external_pages, mtr_t* mtr) { dict_index_t* index; ulint space; ulint zip_size; buf_block_t* block; ulint page_no; const page_t* page; mem_heap_t* heap; const rec_t* rec; ulint* offsets1; ulint* offsets2; ulint* offsets_rec; ulint size; index = btr_cur_get_index(cur); /* Allocate offsets for the record and the node pointer, for node pointer records. In a secondary index, the node pointer record will consist of all index fields followed by a child page number. Allocate space for the offsets header (the allocation size at offsets[0] and the REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE bytes), and n_fields + 1, so that this will never be less than the size calculated in rec_get_offsets_func(). */ size = (1 + REC_OFFS_HEADER_SIZE) + 1 + dict_index_get_n_fields(index); heap = mem_heap_create(size * (sizeof *offsets1 + sizeof *offsets2)); offsets1 = static_cast<ulint*>(mem_heap_alloc( heap, size * sizeof *offsets1)); offsets2 = static_cast<ulint*>(mem_heap_alloc( heap, size * sizeof *offsets2)); rec_offs_set_n_alloc(offsets1, size); rec_offs_set_n_alloc(offsets2, size); space = dict_index_get_space(index); zip_size = dict_table_zip_size(index->table); rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cur); offsets_rec = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets1, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(rec, offsets_rec); /* assume no external pages by default - in case we quit from this function without analyzing any leaf pages */ *n_external_pages = 0; /* descend to the leaf level on the B-tree */ for (;;) { block = buf_page_get_gen(space, zip_size, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, NULL /* no guessed block */, BUF_GET, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); if (btr_page_get_level(page, mtr) == 0) { /* leaf level */ break; } /* else */ /* search for the first non-boring record on the page */ offsets_rec = dict_stats_scan_page( &rec, offsets1, offsets2, index, page, n_prefix, QUIT_ON_FIRST_NON_BORING, n_diff, NULL); /* pages on level > 0 are not allowed to be empty */ ut_a(offsets_rec != NULL); /* if page is not empty (offsets_rec != NULL) then n_diff must be > 0, otherwise there is a bug in dict_stats_scan_page() */ ut_a(*n_diff > 0); if (*n_diff == 1) { /* page has all keys equal and the end of the page was reached by dict_stats_scan_page(), no need to descend to the leaf level */ mem_heap_free(heap); /* can't get an estimate for n_external_pages here because we do not dive to the leaf level, assume no external pages (*n_external_pages was assigned to 0 above). */ return; } /* else */ /* when we instruct dict_stats_scan_page() to quit on the first non-boring record it finds, then the returned n_diff can either be 0 (empty page), 1 (page has all keys equal) or 2 (non-boring record was found) */ ut_a(*n_diff == 2); /* we have a non-boring record in rec, descend below it */ page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(rec, offsets_rec); } /* make sure we got a leaf page as a result from the above loop */ ut_ad(btr_page_get_level(page, mtr) == 0); /* scan the leaf page and find the number of distinct keys, when looking only at the first n_prefix columns; also estimate the number of externally stored pages pointed by records on this page */ offsets_rec = dict_stats_scan_page( &rec, offsets1, offsets2, index, page, n_prefix, COUNT_ALL_NON_BORING_AND_SKIP_DEL_MARKED, n_diff, n_external_pages); #if 0 DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): n_diff below page_no=%lu: " UINT64PF "\n", __func__, page_no, n_diff); #endif mem_heap_free(heap); } /** Input data that is used to calculate dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[] for each n-columns prefix (n from 1 to n_uniq). */ struct n_diff_data_t { /** Index of the level on which the descent through the btree stopped. level 0 is the leaf level. This is >= 1 because we avoid scanning the leaf level because it may contain too many pages and doing so is useless when combined with the random dives - if we are to scan the leaf level, this means a full scan and we can simply do that instead of fiddling with picking random records higher in the tree and to dive below them. At the start of the analyzing we may decide to do full scan of the leaf level, but then this structure is not used in that code path. */ ulint level; /** Number of records on the level where the descend through the btree stopped. When we scan the btree from the root, we stop at some mid level, choose some records from it and dive below them towards a leaf page to analyze. */ ib_uint64_t n_recs_on_level; /** Number of different key values that were found on the mid level. */ ib_uint64_t n_diff_on_level; /** Number of leaf pages that are analyzed. This is also the same as the number of records that we pick from the mid level and dive below them. */ ib_uint64_t n_leaf_pages_to_analyze; /** Cumulative sum of the number of different key values that were found on all analyzed pages. */ ib_uint64_t n_diff_all_analyzed_pages; /** Cumulative sum of the number of external pages (stored outside of the btree but in the same file segment). */ ib_uint64_t n_external_pages_sum; }; /** Estimate the number of different key values in an index when looking at the first n_prefix columns. For a given level in an index select n_diff_data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze records from that level and dive below them to the corresponding leaf pages, then scan those leaf pages and save the sampling results in n_diff_data->n_diff_all_analyzed_pages. @param[in] index index @param[in] n_prefix look at first 'n_prefix' columns when comparing records @param[in] boundaries a vector that contains n_diff_data->n_diff_on_level integers each of which represents the index (on level 'level', counting from left/smallest to right/biggest from 0) of the last record from each group of distinct keys @param[in,out] n_diff_data n_diff_all_analyzed_pages and n_external_pages_sum in this structure will be set by this function. The members level, n_diff_on_level and n_leaf_pages_to_analyze must be set by the caller in advance - they are used by some calculations inside this function @param[in,out] mtr mini-transaction */ static void dict_stats_analyze_index_for_n_prefix( dict_index_t* index, ulint n_prefix, const boundaries_t* boundaries, n_diff_data_t* n_diff_data, mtr_t* mtr) { btr_pcur_t pcur; const page_t* page; ib_uint64_t rec_idx; ib_uint64_t i; #if 0 DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(table=%s, index=%s, level=%lu, n_prefix=%lu, " "n_diff_on_level=" UINT64PF ")\n", __func__, index->table->name, index->name, level, n_prefix, n_diff_data->n_diff_on_level); #endif ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK)); /* Position pcur on the leftmost record on the leftmost page on the desired level. */ btr_pcur_open_at_index_side( true, index, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF | BTR_ALREADY_S_LATCHED, &pcur, true, n_diff_data->level, mtr); btr_pcur_move_to_next_on_page(&pcur); page = btr_pcur_get_page(&pcur); const rec_t* first_rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); /* We shouldn't be scanning the leaf level. The caller of this function should have stopped the descend on level 1 or higher. */ ut_ad(n_diff_data->level > 0); ut_ad(!page_is_leaf(page)); /* The page must not be empty, except when it is the root page (and the whole index is empty). */ ut_ad(btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur)); ut_ad(first_rec == page_rec_get_next_const(page_get_infimum_rec(page))); /* check that we are indeed on the desired level */ ut_a(btr_page_get_level(page, mtr) == n_diff_data->level); /* there should not be any pages on the left */ ut_a(btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL); /* check whether the first record on the leftmost page is marked as such; we are on a non-leaf level */ ut_a(rec_get_info_bits(first_rec, page_is_comp(page)) & REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG); const ib_uint64_t last_idx_on_level = boundaries->at( static_cast<unsigned>(n_diff_data->n_diff_on_level - 1)); rec_idx = 0; n_diff_data->n_diff_all_analyzed_pages = 0; n_diff_data->n_external_pages_sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_diff_data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze; i++) { /* there are n_diff_on_level elements in 'boundaries' and we divide those elements into n_leaf_pages_to_analyze segments, for example: let n_diff_on_level=100, n_leaf_pages_to_analyze=4, then: segment i=0: [0, 24] segment i=1: [25, 49] segment i=2: [50, 74] segment i=3: [75, 99] or let n_diff_on_level=1, n_leaf_pages_to_analyze=1, then: segment i=0: [0, 0] or let n_diff_on_level=2, n_leaf_pages_to_analyze=2, then: segment i=0: [0, 0] segment i=1: [1, 1] or let n_diff_on_level=13, n_leaf_pages_to_analyze=7, then: segment i=0: [0, 0] segment i=1: [1, 2] segment i=2: [3, 4] segment i=3: [5, 6] segment i=4: [7, 8] segment i=5: [9, 10] segment i=6: [11, 12] then we select a random record from each segment and dive below it */ const ib_uint64_t n_diff = n_diff_data->n_diff_on_level; const ib_uint64_t n_pick = n_diff_data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze; const ib_uint64_t left = n_diff * i / n_pick; const ib_uint64_t right = n_diff * (i + 1) / n_pick - 1; ut_a(left <= right); ut_a(right <= last_idx_on_level); /* we do not pass (left, right) because we do not want to ask ut_rnd_interval() to work with too big numbers since ib_uint64_t could be bigger than ulint */ const ulint rnd = ut_rnd_interval( 0, static_cast<ulint>(right - left)); const ib_uint64_t dive_below_idx = boundaries->at(static_cast<unsigned>(left + rnd)); #if 0 DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): dive below record with index=" UINT64PF "\n", __func__, dive_below_idx); #endif /* seek to the record with index dive_below_idx */ while (rec_idx < dive_below_idx && btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur)) { btr_pcur_move_to_next_user_rec(&pcur, mtr); rec_idx++; } /* if the level has finished before the record we are searching for, this means that the B-tree has changed in the meantime, quit our sampling and use whatever stats we have collected so far */ if (rec_idx < dive_below_idx) { ut_ad(!btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur)); break; } /* it could be that the tree has changed in such a way that the record under dive_below_idx is the supremum record, in this case rec_idx == dive_below_idx and pcur is positioned on the supremum, we do not want to dive below it */ if (!btr_pcur_is_on_user_rec(&pcur)) { break; } ut_a(rec_idx == dive_below_idx); ib_uint64_t n_diff_on_leaf_page; ib_uint64_t n_external_pages; dict_stats_analyze_index_below_cur(btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(&pcur), n_prefix, &n_diff_on_leaf_page, &n_external_pages, mtr); /* We adjust n_diff_on_leaf_page here to avoid counting one record twice - once as the last on some page and once as the first on another page. Consider the following example: Leaf level: page: (2,2,2,2,3,3) ... many pages like (3,3,3,3,3,3) ... page: (3,3,3,3,5,5) ... many pages like (5,5,5,5,5,5) ... page: (5,5,5,5,8,8) page: (8,8,8,8,9,9) our algo would (correctly) get an estimate that there are 2 distinct records per page (average). Having 4 pages below non-boring records, it would (wrongly) estimate the number of distinct records to 8. */ if (n_diff_on_leaf_page > 0) { n_diff_on_leaf_page--; } n_diff_data->n_diff_all_analyzed_pages += n_diff_on_leaf_page; n_diff_data->n_external_pages_sum += n_external_pages; } btr_pcur_close(&pcur); } /** Set dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[] and stat_n_sample_sizes[]. @param[in] n_diff_data input data to use to derive the results @param[in,out] index index whose stat_n_diff_key_vals[] to set */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_stats_index_set_n_diff( const n_diff_data_t* n_diff_data, dict_index_t* index) { for (ulint n_prefix = dict_index_get_n_unique(index); n_prefix >= 1; n_prefix--) { /* n_diff_all_analyzed_pages can be 0 here if all the leaf pages sampled contained only delete-marked records. In this case we should assign 0 to index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[n_prefix - 1], which the formula below does. */ const n_diff_data_t* data = &n_diff_data[n_prefix - 1]; ut_ad(data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze > 0); ut_ad(data->n_recs_on_level > 0); ulint n_ordinary_leaf_pages; if (data->level == 1) { /* If we know the number of records on level 1, then this number is the same as the number of pages on level 0 (leaf). */ n_ordinary_leaf_pages = data->n_recs_on_level; } else { /* If we analyzed D ordinary leaf pages and found E external pages in total linked from those D ordinary leaf pages, then this means that the ratio ordinary/external is D/E. Then the ratio ordinary/total is D / (D + E). Knowing that the total number of pages is T (including ordinary and external) then we estimate that the total number of ordinary leaf pages is T * D / (D + E). */ n_ordinary_leaf_pages = index->stat_n_leaf_pages * data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze / (data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze + data->n_external_pages_sum); } /* See REF01 for an explanation of the algorithm */ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[n_prefix - 1] = n_ordinary_leaf_pages * data->n_diff_on_level / data->n_recs_on_level * data->n_diff_all_analyzed_pages / data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze; index->stat_n_sample_sizes[n_prefix - 1] = data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze; DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): n_diff=" UINT64PF " for n_prefix=%lu" " (%lu" " * " UINT64PF " / " UINT64PF " * " UINT64PF " / " UINT64PF ")\n", __func__, index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[n_prefix - 1], n_prefix, index->stat_n_leaf_pages, data->n_diff_on_level, data->n_recs_on_level, data->n_diff_all_analyzed_pages, data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze); } } /*********************************************************************//** Calculates new statistics for a given index and saves them to the index members stat_n_diff_key_vals[], stat_n_sample_sizes[], stat_index_size and stat_n_leaf_pages. This function could be slow. */ static void dict_stats_analyze_index( /*=====================*/ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in/out: index to analyze */ { ulint root_level; ulint level; bool level_is_analyzed; ulint n_uniq; ulint n_prefix; ib_uint64_t total_recs; ib_uint64_t total_pages; mtr_t mtr; ulint size; DBUG_ENTER("dict_stats_analyze_index"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("index: %s, online status: %d", index->name, dict_index_get_online_status(index))); DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(index=%s)\n", __func__, index->name); dict_stats_empty_index(index); mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr); size = btr_get_size(index, BTR_TOTAL_SIZE, &mtr); if (size != ULINT_UNDEFINED) { index->stat_index_size = size; size = btr_get_size(index, BTR_N_LEAF_PAGES, &mtr); } /* Release the X locks on the root page taken by btr_get_size() */ mtr_commit(&mtr); switch (size) { case ULINT_UNDEFINED: dict_stats_assert_initialized_index(index); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; case 0: /* The root node of the tree is a leaf */ size = 1; } index->stat_n_leaf_pages = size; mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr); root_level = btr_height_get(index, &mtr); n_uniq = dict_index_get_n_unique(index); /* If the tree has just one level (and one page) or if the user has requested to sample too many pages then do full scan. For each n-column prefix (for n=1..n_uniq) N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) will be sampled, so in total N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) * n_uniq leaf pages will be sampled. If that number is bigger than the total number of leaf pages then do full scan of the leaf level instead since it will be faster and will give better results. */ if (root_level == 0 || N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) * n_uniq > index->stat_n_leaf_pages) { if (root_level == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): just one page, " "doing full scan\n", __func__); } else { DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): too many pages requested for " "sampling, doing full scan\n", __func__); } /* do full scan of level 0; save results directly into the index */ dict_stats_analyze_index_level(index, 0 /* leaf level */, index->stat_n_diff_key_vals, &total_recs, &total_pages, NULL /* boundaries not needed */, &mtr); for (ulint i = 0; i < n_uniq; i++) { index->stat_n_sample_sizes[i] = total_pages; } mtr_commit(&mtr); dict_stats_assert_initialized_index(index); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* For each level that is being scanned in the btree, this contains the number of different key values for all possible n-column prefixes. */ ib_uint64_t* n_diff_on_level = new ib_uint64_t[n_uniq]; /* For each level that is being scanned in the btree, this contains the index of the last record from each group of equal records (when comparing only the first n columns, n=1..n_uniq). */ boundaries_t* n_diff_boundaries = new boundaries_t[n_uniq]; /* For each n-column prefix this array contains the input data that is used to calculate dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[]. */ n_diff_data_t* n_diff_data = new n_diff_data_t[n_uniq]; /* total_recs is also used to estimate the number of pages on one level below, so at the start we have 1 page (the root) */ total_recs = 1; /* Here we use the following optimization: If we find that level L is the first one (searching from the root) that contains at least D distinct keys when looking at the first n_prefix columns, then: if we look at the first n_prefix-1 columns then the first level that contains D distinct keys will be either L or a lower one. So if we find that the first level containing D distinct keys (on n_prefix columns) is L, we continue from L when searching for D distinct keys on n_prefix-1 columns. */ level = root_level; level_is_analyzed = false; for (n_prefix = n_uniq; n_prefix >= 1; n_prefix--) { DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): searching level with >=%llu " "distinct records, n_prefix=%lu\n", __func__, N_DIFF_REQUIRED(index), n_prefix); /* Commit the mtr to release the tree S lock to allow other threads to do some work too. */ mtr_commit(&mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), &mtr); if (root_level != btr_height_get(index, &mtr)) { /* Just quit if the tree has changed beyond recognition here. The old stats from previous runs will remain in the values that we have not calculated yet. Initially when the index object is created the stats members are given some sensible values so leaving them untouched here even the first time will not cause us to read uninitialized memory later. */ break; } /* check whether we should pick the current level; we pick level 1 even if it does not have enough distinct records because we do not want to scan the leaf level because it may contain too many records */ if (level_is_analyzed && (n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1] >= N_DIFF_REQUIRED(index) || level == 1)) { goto found_level; } /* search for a level that contains enough distinct records */ if (level_is_analyzed && level > 1) { /* if this does not hold we should be on "found_level" instead of here */ ut_ad(n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1] < N_DIFF_REQUIRED(index)); level--; level_is_analyzed = false; } /* descend into the tree, searching for "good enough" level */ for (;;) { /* make sure we do not scan the leaf level accidentally, it may contain too many pages */ ut_ad(level > 0); /* scanning the same level twice is an optimization bug */ ut_ad(!level_is_analyzed); /* Do not scan if this would read too many pages. Here we use the following fact: the number of pages on level L equals the number of records on level L+1, thus we deduce that the following call would scan total_recs pages, because total_recs is left from the previous iteration when we scanned one level upper or we have not scanned any levels yet in which case total_recs is 1. */ if (total_recs > N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index)) { /* if the above cond is true then we are not at the root level since on the root level total_recs == 1 (set before we enter the n-prefix loop) and cannot be > N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) */ ut_a(level != root_level); /* step one level back and be satisfied with whatever it contains */ level++; level_is_analyzed = true; break; } dict_stats_analyze_index_level(index, level, n_diff_on_level, &total_recs, &total_pages, n_diff_boundaries, &mtr); level_is_analyzed = true; if (level == 1 || n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1] >= N_DIFF_REQUIRED(index)) { /* we have reached the last level we could scan or we found a good level with many distinct records */ break; } level--; level_is_analyzed = false; } found_level: DEBUG_PRINTF(" %s(): found level %lu that has " UINT64PF " distinct records for n_prefix=%lu\n", __func__, level, n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1], n_prefix); /* here we are either on level 1 or the level that we are on contains >= N_DIFF_REQUIRED distinct keys or we did not scan deeper levels because they would contain too many pages */ ut_ad(level > 0); ut_ad(level_is_analyzed); /* if any of these is 0 then there is exactly one page in the B-tree and it is empty and we should have done full scan and should not be here */ ut_ad(total_recs > 0); ut_ad(n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1] > 0); ut_ad(N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index) > 0); n_diff_data_t* data = &n_diff_data[n_prefix - 1]; data->level = level; data->n_recs_on_level = total_recs; data->n_diff_on_level = n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1]; data->n_leaf_pages_to_analyze = std::min( N_SAMPLE_PAGES(index), n_diff_on_level[n_prefix - 1]); /* pick some records from this level and dive below them for the given n_prefix */ dict_stats_analyze_index_for_n_prefix( index, n_prefix, &n_diff_boundaries[n_prefix - 1], data, &mtr); } mtr_commit(&mtr); delete[] n_diff_boundaries; delete[] n_diff_on_level; /* n_prefix == 0 means that the above loop did not end up prematurely due to tree being changed and so n_diff_data[] is set up. */ if (n_prefix == 0) { dict_stats_index_set_n_diff(n_diff_data, index); } delete[] n_diff_data; dict_stats_assert_initialized_index(index); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /*********************************************************************//** Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. This function is relatively slow and is used to calculate persistent statistics that will be saved on disk. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ static dberr_t dict_stats_update_persistent( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table) /*!< in/out: table */ { dict_index_t* index; DEBUG_PRINTF("%s(table=%s)\n", __func__, table->name); dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_X_LATCH); /* analyze the clustered index first */ index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); if (index == NULL || dict_index_is_corrupted(index) || (index->type | DICT_UNIQUE) != (DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE)) { /* Table definition is corrupt */ dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_empty_table(table); return(DB_CORRUPTION); } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); dict_stats_analyze_index(index); ulint n_unique = dict_index_get_n_unique(index); table->stat_n_rows = index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[n_unique - 1]; table->stat_clustered_index_size = index->stat_index_size; /* analyze other indexes from the table, if any */ table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = 0; for (index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); if (index->type & DICT_FTS) { continue; } dict_stats_empty_index(index); if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { continue; } if (!(table->stats_bg_flag & BG_STAT_SHOULD_QUIT)) { dict_stats_analyze_index(index); } table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes += index->stat_index_size; } table->stats_last_recalc = ut_time(); table->stat_modified_counter = 0; table->stat_initialized = TRUE; dict_stats_assert_initialized(table); dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_X_LATCH); return(DB_SUCCESS); } #include "mysql_com.h" /** Save an individual index's statistic into the persistent statistics storage. @param[in] index index to be updated @param[in] last_update timestamp of the stat @param[in] stat_name name of the stat @param[in] stat_value value of the stat @param[in] sample_size n pages sampled or NULL @param[in] stat_description description of the stat @param[in,out] trx in case of NULL the function will allocate and free the trx object. If it is not NULL then it will be rolled back only in the case of error, but not freed. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ static dberr_t dict_stats_save_index_stat( dict_index_t* index, lint last_update, const char* stat_name, ib_uint64_t stat_value, ib_uint64_t* sample_size, const char* stat_description, trx_t* trx) { pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); dict_fs2utf8(index->table->name, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", db_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_utf8); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(index->name, strlen(index->name)); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "index_name", index->name); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&last_update, 4); pars_info_add_int4_literal(pinfo, "last_update", last_update); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(stat_name, strlen(stat_name)); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "stat_name", stat_name); UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(&stat_value, 8); pars_info_add_ull_literal(pinfo, "stat_value", stat_value); if (sample_size != NULL) { UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(sample_size, 8); pars_info_add_ull_literal(pinfo, "sample_size", *sample_size); } else { pars_info_add_literal(pinfo, "sample_size", NULL, UNIV_SQL_NULL, DATA_FIXBINARY, 0); } UNIV_MEM_ASSERT_RW_ABORT(stat_description, strlen(stat_description)); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "stat_description", stat_description); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE INDEX_STATS_SAVE () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "DELETE FROM \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\"\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = :database_name AND\n" "table_name = :table_name AND\n" "index_name = :index_name AND\n" "stat_name = :stat_name;\n" "INSERT INTO \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\"\n" "VALUES\n" "(\n" ":database_name,\n" ":table_name,\n" ":index_name,\n" ":last_update,\n" ":stat_name,\n" ":stat_value,\n" ":sample_size,\n" ":stat_description\n" ");\n" "END;", trx); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { char buf_table[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; char buf_index[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Cannot save index statistics for table " "%s, index %s, stat name \"%s\": %s\n", ut_format_name(index->table->name, TRUE, buf_table, sizeof(buf_table)), ut_format_name(index->name, FALSE, buf_index, sizeof(buf_index)), stat_name, ut_strerr(ret)); } return(ret); } /** Save the table's statistics into the persistent statistics storage. @param[in] table_orig table whose stats to save @param[in] only_for_index if this is non-NULL, then stats for indexes that are not equal to it will not be saved, if NULL, then all indexes' stats are saved @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ static dberr_t dict_stats_save( /*============*/ dict_table_t* table_orig, const index_id_t* only_for_index) { pars_info_t* pinfo; lint now; dberr_t ret; dict_table_t* table; char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; table = dict_stats_snapshot_create(table_orig); dict_fs2utf8(table->name, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); rw_lock_x_lock(&dict_operation_lock); mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); /* MySQL's timestamp is 4 byte, so we use pars_info_add_int4_literal() which takes a lint arg, so "now" is lint */ now = (lint) ut_time(); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", db_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_utf8); pars_info_add_int4_literal(pinfo, "last_update", now); pars_info_add_ull_literal(pinfo, "n_rows", table->stat_n_rows); pars_info_add_ull_literal(pinfo, "clustered_index_size", table->stat_clustered_index_size); pars_info_add_ull_literal(pinfo, "sum_of_other_index_sizes", table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE TABLE_STATS_SAVE () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "DELETE FROM \"" TABLE_STATS_NAME "\"\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = :database_name AND\n" "table_name = :table_name;\n" "INSERT INTO \"" TABLE_STATS_NAME "\"\n" "VALUES\n" "(\n" ":database_name,\n" ":table_name,\n" ":last_update,\n" ":n_rows,\n" ":clustered_index_size,\n" ":sum_of_other_index_sizes\n" ");\n" "END;", NULL); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { char buf[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Cannot save table statistics for table " "%s: %s\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf)), ut_strerr(ret)); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); dict_stats_snapshot_free(table); return(ret); } trx_t* trx = trx_allocate_for_background(); trx_start_if_not_started(trx); dict_index_t* index; index_map_t indexes; /* Below we do all the modifications in innodb_index_stats in a single transaction for performance reasons. Modifying more than one row in a single transaction may deadlock with other transactions if they lock the rows in different order. Other transaction could be for example when we DROP a table and do DELETE FROM innodb_index_stats WHERE database_name = '...' AND table_name = '...'; which will affect more than one row. To prevent deadlocks we always lock the rows in the same order - the order of the PK, which is (database_name, table_name, index_name, stat_name). This is why below we sort the indexes by name and then for each index, do the mods ordered by stat_name. */ for (index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { indexes[index->name] = index; } index_map_t::const_iterator it; for (it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); ++it) { index = it->second; if (only_for_index != NULL && index->id != *only_for_index) { continue; } if (dict_stats_should_ignore_index(index)) { continue; } ut_ad(!dict_index_is_univ(index)); for (ulint i = 0; i < index->n_uniq; i++) { char stat_name[16]; char stat_description[1024]; ulint j; ut_snprintf(stat_name, sizeof(stat_name), "n_diff_pfx%02lu", i + 1); /* craft a string that contains the columns names */ ut_snprintf(stat_description, sizeof(stat_description), "%s", index->fields[0].name); for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) { size_t len; len = strlen(stat_description); ut_snprintf(stat_description + len, sizeof(stat_description) - len, ",%s", index->fields[j].name); } ret = dict_stats_save_index_stat( index, now, stat_name, index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[i], &index->stat_n_sample_sizes[i], stat_description, trx); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { goto end; } } ret = dict_stats_save_index_stat(index, now, "n_leaf_pages", index->stat_n_leaf_pages, NULL, "Number of leaf pages " "in the index", trx); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { goto end; } ret = dict_stats_save_index_stat(index, now, "size", index->stat_index_size, NULL, "Number of pages " "in the index", trx); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { goto end; } } trx_commit_for_mysql(trx); end: trx_free_for_background(trx); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); dict_stats_snapshot_free(table); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Called for the row that is selected by SELECT ... FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats WHERE table='...' The second argument is a pointer to the table and the fetched stats are written to it. @return non-NULL dummy */ static ibool dict_stats_fetch_table_stats_step( /*==============================*/ void* node_void, /*!< in: select node */ void* table_void) /*!< out: table */ { sel_node_t* node = (sel_node_t*) node_void; dict_table_t* table = (dict_table_t*) table_void; que_common_t* cnode; int i; /* this should loop exactly 3 times - for n_rows,clustered_index_size,sum_of_other_index_sizes */ for (cnode = static_cast<que_common_t*>(node->select_list), i = 0; cnode != NULL; cnode = static_cast<que_common_t*>(que_node_get_next(cnode)), i++) { const byte* data; dfield_t* dfield = que_node_get_val(cnode); dtype_t* type = dfield_get_type(dfield); ulint len = dfield_get_len(dfield); data = static_cast<const byte*>(dfield_get_data(dfield)); switch (i) { case 0: /* mysql.innodb_table_stats.n_rows */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_INT); ut_a(len == 8); table->stat_n_rows = mach_read_from_8(data); break; case 1: /* mysql.innodb_table_stats.clustered_index_size */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_INT); ut_a(len == 8); table->stat_clustered_index_size = (ulint) mach_read_from_8(data); break; case 2: /* mysql.innodb_table_stats.sum_of_other_index_sizes */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_INT); ut_a(len == 8); table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = (ulint) mach_read_from_8(data); break; default: /* someone changed SELECT n_rows,clustered_index_size,sum_of_other_index_sizes to select more columns from innodb_table_stats without adjusting here */ ut_error; } } /* if i < 3 this means someone changed the SELECT n_rows,clustered_index_size,sum_of_other_index_sizes to select less columns from innodb_table_stats without adjusting here; if i > 3 we would have ut_error'ed earlier */ ut_a(i == 3 /*n_rows,clustered_index_size,sum_of_other_index_sizes*/); /* XXX this is not used but returning non-NULL is necessary */ return(TRUE); } /** Aux struct used to pass a table and a boolean to dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step(). */ struct index_fetch_t { dict_table_t* table; /*!< table whose indexes are to be modified */ bool stats_were_modified; /*!< will be set to true if at least one index stats were modified */ }; /*********************************************************************//** Called for the rows that are selected by SELECT ... FROM mysql.innodb_index_stats WHERE table='...' The second argument is a pointer to the table and the fetched stats are written to its indexes. Let a table has N indexes and each index has Ui unique columns for i=1..N, then mysql.innodb_index_stats will have SUM(Ui) i=1..N rows for that table. So this function will be called SUM(Ui) times where SUM(Ui) is of magnitude N*AVG(Ui). In each call it searches for the currently fetched index into table->indexes linearly, assuming this list is not sorted. Thus, overall, fetching all indexes' stats from mysql.innodb_index_stats is O(N^2) where N is the number of indexes. This can be improved if we sort table->indexes in a temporary area just once and then search in that sorted list. Then the complexity will be O(N*log(N)). We assume a table will not have more than 100 indexes, so we go with the simpler N^2 algorithm. @return non-NULL dummy */ static ibool dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step( /*==============================*/ void* node_void, /*!< in: select node */ void* arg_void) /*!< out: table + a flag that tells if we modified anything */ { sel_node_t* node = (sel_node_t*) node_void; index_fetch_t* arg = (index_fetch_t*) arg_void; dict_table_t* table = arg->table; dict_index_t* index = NULL; que_common_t* cnode; const char* stat_name = NULL; ulint stat_name_len = ULINT_UNDEFINED; ib_uint64_t stat_value = UINT64_UNDEFINED; ib_uint64_t sample_size = UINT64_UNDEFINED; int i; /* this should loop exactly 4 times - for the columns that were selected: index_name,stat_name,stat_value,sample_size */ for (cnode = static_cast<que_common_t*>(node->select_list), i = 0; cnode != NULL; cnode = static_cast<que_common_t*>(que_node_get_next(cnode)), i++) { const byte* data; dfield_t* dfield = que_node_get_val(cnode); dtype_t* type = dfield_get_type(dfield); ulint len = dfield_get_len(dfield); data = static_cast<const byte*>(dfield_get_data(dfield)); switch (i) { case 0: /* mysql.innodb_index_stats.index_name */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_VARMYSQL); /* search for index in table's indexes whose name matches data; the fetched index name is in data, has no terminating '\0' and has length len */ for (index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); index != NULL; index = dict_table_get_next_index(index)) { if (strlen(index->name) == len && memcmp(index->name, data, len) == 0) { /* the corresponding index was found */ break; } } /* if index is NULL here this means that mysql.innodb_index_stats contains more rows than the number of indexes in the table; this is ok, we just return ignoring those extra rows; in other words dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step() has been called for a row from index_stats with unknown index_name column */ if (index == NULL) { return(TRUE); } break; case 1: /* mysql.innodb_index_stats.stat_name */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_VARMYSQL); ut_a(index != NULL); stat_name = (const char*) data; stat_name_len = len; break; case 2: /* mysql.innodb_index_stats.stat_value */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_INT); ut_a(len == 8); ut_a(index != NULL); ut_a(stat_name != NULL); ut_a(stat_name_len != ULINT_UNDEFINED); stat_value = mach_read_from_8(data); break; case 3: /* mysql.innodb_index_stats.sample_size */ ut_a(dtype_get_mtype(type) == DATA_INT); ut_a(len == 8 || len == UNIV_SQL_NULL); ut_a(index != NULL); ut_a(stat_name != NULL); ut_a(stat_name_len != ULINT_UNDEFINED); ut_a(stat_value != UINT64_UNDEFINED); if (len == UNIV_SQL_NULL) { break; } /* else */ sample_size = mach_read_from_8(data); break; default: /* someone changed SELECT index_name,stat_name,stat_value,sample_size to select more columns from innodb_index_stats without adjusting here */ ut_error; } } /* if i < 4 this means someone changed the SELECT index_name,stat_name,stat_value,sample_size to select less columns from innodb_index_stats without adjusting here; if i > 4 we would have ut_error'ed earlier */ ut_a(i == 4 /* index_name,stat_name,stat_value,sample_size */); ut_a(index != NULL); ut_a(stat_name != NULL); ut_a(stat_name_len != ULINT_UNDEFINED); ut_a(stat_value != UINT64_UNDEFINED); /* sample_size could be UINT64_UNDEFINED here, if it is NULL */ #define PFX "n_diff_pfx" #define PFX_LEN 10 if (stat_name_len == 4 /* strlen("size") */ && strncasecmp("size", stat_name, stat_name_len) == 0) { index->stat_index_size = (ulint) stat_value; arg->stats_were_modified = true; } else if (stat_name_len == 12 /* strlen("n_leaf_pages") */ && strncasecmp("n_leaf_pages", stat_name, stat_name_len) == 0) { index->stat_n_leaf_pages = (ulint) stat_value; arg->stats_were_modified = true; } else if (stat_name_len > PFX_LEN /* e.g. stat_name=="n_diff_pfx01" */ && strncasecmp(PFX, stat_name, PFX_LEN) == 0) { const char* num_ptr; unsigned long n_pfx; /* point num_ptr into "1" from "n_diff_pfx12..." */ num_ptr = stat_name + PFX_LEN; /* stat_name should have exactly 2 chars appended to PFX and they should be digits */ if (stat_name_len != PFX_LEN + 2 || num_ptr[0] < '0' || num_ptr[0] > '9' || num_ptr[1] < '0' || num_ptr[1] > '9') { char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; dict_fs2utf8(table->name, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Ignoring strange row from " "%s WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s' AND " "index_name = '%s' AND " "stat_name = '%.*s'; because stat_name " "is malformed\n", INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, db_utf8, table_utf8, index->name, (int) stat_name_len, stat_name); return(TRUE); } /* else */ /* extract 12 from "n_diff_pfx12..." into n_pfx note that stat_name does not have a terminating '\0' */ n_pfx = (num_ptr[0] - '0') * 10 + (num_ptr[1] - '0'); ulint n_uniq = index->n_uniq; if (n_pfx == 0 || n_pfx > n_uniq) { char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; dict_fs2utf8(table->name, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Ignoring strange row from " "%s WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s' AND " "index_name = '%s' AND " "stat_name = '%.*s'; because stat_name is " "out of range, the index has %lu unique " "columns\n", INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, db_utf8, table_utf8, index->name, (int) stat_name_len, stat_name, n_uniq); return(TRUE); } /* else */ index->stat_n_diff_key_vals[n_pfx - 1] = stat_value; if (sample_size != UINT64_UNDEFINED) { index->stat_n_sample_sizes[n_pfx - 1] = sample_size; } else { /* hmm, strange... the user must have UPDATEd the table manually and SET sample_size = NULL */ index->stat_n_sample_sizes[n_pfx - 1] = 0; } index->stat_n_non_null_key_vals[n_pfx - 1] = 0; arg->stats_were_modified = true; } else { /* silently ignore rows with unknown stat_name, the user may have developed her own stats */ } /* XXX this is not used but returning non-NULL is necessary */ return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************//** Read table's statistics from the persistent statistics storage. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ static dberr_t dict_stats_fetch_from_ps( /*=====================*/ dict_table_t* table) /*!< in/out: table */ { index_fetch_t index_fetch_arg; trx_t* trx; pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* Initialize all stats to dummy values before fetching because if the persistent storage contains incomplete stats (e.g. missing stats for some index) then we would end up with (partially) uninitialized stats. */ dict_stats_empty_table(table); trx = trx_allocate_for_background(); /* Use 'read-uncommitted' so that the SELECTs we execute do not get blocked in case some user has locked the rows we are SELECTing */ trx->isolation_level = TRX_ISO_READ_UNCOMMITTED; trx_start_if_not_started(trx); dict_fs2utf8(table->name, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", db_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_utf8); pars_info_bind_function(pinfo, "fetch_table_stats_step", dict_stats_fetch_table_stats_step, table); index_fetch_arg.table = table; index_fetch_arg.stats_were_modified = false; pars_info_bind_function(pinfo, "fetch_index_stats_step", dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step, &index_fetch_arg); ret = que_eval_sql(pinfo, "PROCEDURE FETCH_STATS () IS\n" "found INT;\n" "DECLARE FUNCTION fetch_table_stats_step;\n" "DECLARE FUNCTION fetch_index_stats_step;\n" "DECLARE CURSOR table_stats_cur IS\n" " SELECT\n" /* if you change the selected fields, be sure to adjust dict_stats_fetch_table_stats_step() */ " n_rows,\n" " clustered_index_size,\n" " sum_of_other_index_sizes\n" " FROM \"" TABLE_STATS_NAME "\"\n" " WHERE\n" " database_name = :database_name AND\n" " table_name = :table_name;\n" "DECLARE CURSOR index_stats_cur IS\n" " SELECT\n" /* if you change the selected fields, be sure to adjust dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step() */ " index_name,\n" " stat_name,\n" " stat_value,\n" " sample_size\n" " FROM \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\"\n" " WHERE\n" " database_name = :database_name AND\n" " table_name = :table_name;\n" "BEGIN\n" "OPEN table_stats_cur;\n" "FETCH table_stats_cur INTO\n" " fetch_table_stats_step();\n" "IF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n" " CLOSE table_stats_cur;\n" " RETURN;\n" "END IF;\n" "CLOSE table_stats_cur;\n" "OPEN index_stats_cur;\n" "found := 1;\n" "WHILE found = 1 LOOP\n" " FETCH index_stats_cur INTO\n" " fetch_index_stats_step();\n" " IF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n" " found := 0;\n" " END IF;\n" "END LOOP;\n" "CLOSE index_stats_cur;\n" "END;", TRUE, trx); /* pinfo is freed by que_eval_sql() */ trx_commit_for_mysql(trx); trx_free_for_background(trx); if (!index_fetch_arg.stats_were_modified) { return(DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST); } return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Fetches or calculates new estimates for index statistics. */ UNIV_INTERN void dict_stats_update_for_index( /*========================*/ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in/out: index */ { DBUG_ENTER("dict_stats_update_for_index"); ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); if (dict_stats_is_persistent_enabled(index->table)) { if (dict_stats_persistent_storage_check(false)) { dict_table_stats_lock(index->table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_analyze_index(index); dict_table_stats_unlock(index->table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_save(index->table, &index->id); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* else */ /* Fall back to transient stats since the persistent storage is not present or is corrupted */ char buf_table[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; char buf_index[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Recalculation of persistent statistics " "requested for table %s index %s but the required " "persistent statistics storage is not present or is " "corrupted. Using transient stats instead.\n", ut_format_name(index->table->name, TRUE, buf_table, sizeof(buf_table)), ut_format_name(index->name, FALSE, buf_index, sizeof(buf_index))); } dict_table_stats_lock(index->table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_update_transient_for_index(index); dict_table_stats_unlock(index->table, RW_X_LATCH); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /*********************************************************************//** Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. The statistics are used in query optimization. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INTERN dberr_t dict_stats_update( /*==============*/ dict_table_t* table, /*!< in/out: table */ dict_stats_upd_option_t stats_upd_option) /*!< in: whether to (re) calc the stats or to fetch them from the persistent statistics storage */ { char buf[MAX_FULL_NAME_LEN]; ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); if (table->ibd_file_missing) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: cannot calculate statistics for table %s " "because the .ibd file is missing. For help, please " "refer to " REFMAN "innodb-troubleshooting.html\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf))); dict_stats_empty_table(table); return(DB_TABLESPACE_DELETED); } else if (srv_force_recovery >= SRV_FORCE_NO_IBUF_MERGE) { /* If we have set a high innodb_force_recovery level, do not calculate statistics, as a badly corrupted index can cause a crash in it. */ dict_stats_empty_table(table); return(DB_SUCCESS); } switch (stats_upd_option) { case DICT_STATS_RECALC_PERSISTENT: if (srv_read_only_mode) { goto transient; } /* Persistent recalculation requested, called from 1) ANALYZE TABLE, or 2) the auto recalculation background thread, or 3) open table if stats do not exist on disk and auto recalc is enabled */ /* InnoDB internal tables (e.g. SYS_TABLES) cannot have persistent stats enabled */ ut_a(strchr(table->name, '/') != NULL); /* check if the persistent statistics storage exists before calling the potentially slow function dict_stats_update_persistent(); that is a prerequisite for dict_stats_save() succeeding */ if (dict_stats_persistent_storage_check(false)) { dberr_t err; err = dict_stats_update_persistent(table); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(err); } err = dict_stats_save(table, NULL); return(err); } /* Fall back to transient stats since the persistent storage is not present or is corrupted */ ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Recalculation of persistent statistics " "requested for table %s but the required persistent " "statistics storage is not present or is corrupted. " "Using transient stats instead.\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf))); goto transient; case DICT_STATS_RECALC_TRANSIENT: goto transient; case DICT_STATS_EMPTY_TABLE: dict_stats_empty_table(table); /* If table is using persistent stats, then save the stats on disk */ if (dict_stats_is_persistent_enabled(table)) { if (dict_stats_persistent_storage_check(false)) { return(dict_stats_save(table, NULL)); } return(DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST); } return(DB_SUCCESS); case DICT_STATS_FETCH_ONLY_IF_NOT_IN_MEMORY: /* fetch requested, either fetch from persistent statistics storage or use the old method */ if (table->stat_initialized) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } /* InnoDB internal tables (e.g. SYS_TABLES) cannot have persistent stats enabled */ ut_a(strchr(table->name, '/') != NULL); if (!dict_stats_persistent_storage_check(false)) { /* persistent statistics storage does not exist or is corrupted, calculate the transient stats */ ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Error: Fetch of persistent " "statistics requested for table %s but the " "required system tables %s and %s are not " "present or have unexpected structure. " "Using transient stats instead.\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf)), TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT); goto transient; } dict_table_t* t; /* Create a dummy table object with the same name and indexes, suitable for fetching the stats into it. */ t = dict_stats_table_clone_create(table); dberr_t err = dict_stats_fetch_from_ps(t); t->stats_last_recalc = table->stats_last_recalc; t->stat_modified_counter = 0; switch (err) { case DB_SUCCESS: dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_X_LATCH); /* Initialize all stats to dummy values before copying because dict_stats_table_clone_create() does skip corrupted indexes so our dummy object 't' may have less indexes than the real object 'table'. */ dict_stats_empty_table(table); dict_stats_copy(table, t); dict_stats_assert_initialized(table); dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_table_clone_free(t); return(DB_SUCCESS); case DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST: dict_stats_table_clone_free(t); if (srv_read_only_mode) { goto transient; } if (dict_stats_auto_recalc_is_enabled(table)) { return(dict_stats_update( table, DICT_STATS_RECALC_PERSISTENT)); } ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf)); ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Trying to use table %s which has " "persistent statistics enabled, but auto " "recalculation turned off and the statistics " "do not exist in %s and %s. Please either run " "\"ANALYZE TABLE %s;\" manually or enable the " "auto recalculation with " "\"ALTER TABLE %s STATS_AUTO_RECALC=1;\". " "InnoDB will now use transient statistics for " "%s.\n", buf, TABLE_STATS_NAME, INDEX_STATS_NAME, buf, buf, buf); goto transient; default: dict_stats_table_clone_free(t); ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Error fetching persistent statistics " "for table %s from %s and %s: %s. " "Using transient stats method instead.\n", ut_format_name(table->name, TRUE, buf, sizeof(buf)), TABLE_STATS_NAME, INDEX_STATS_NAME, ut_strerr(err)); goto transient; } /* no "default:" in order to produce a compilation warning about unhandled enumeration value */ } transient: dict_table_stats_lock(table, RW_X_LATCH); dict_stats_update_transient(table); dict_table_stats_unlock(table, RW_X_LATCH); return(DB_SUCCESS); } /*********************************************************************//** Removes the information for a particular index's stats from the persistent storage if it exists and if there is data stored for this index. This function creates its own trx and commits it. A note from Marko why we cannot edit user and sys_* tables in one trx: marko: The problem is that ibuf merges should be disabled while we are rolling back dict transactions. marko: If ibuf merges are not disabled, we need to scan the *.ibd files. But we shouldn't open *.ibd files before we have rolled back dict transactions and opened the SYS_* records for the *.ibd files. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INTERN dberr_t dict_stats_drop_index( /*==================*/ const char* db_and_table,/*!< in: db and table, e.g. 'db/table' */ const char* iname, /*!< in: index name */ char* errstr, /*!< out: error message if != DB_SUCCESS is returned */ ulint errstr_sz)/*!< in: size of the errstr buffer */ { char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* skip indexes whose table names do not contain a database name e.g. if we are dropping an index from SYS_TABLES */ if (strchr(db_and_table, '/') == NULL) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } dict_fs2utf8(db_and_table, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", db_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "index_name", iname); rw_lock_x_lock(&dict_operation_lock); mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE DROP_INDEX_STATS () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "DELETE FROM \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\" WHERE\n" "database_name = :database_name AND\n" "table_name = :table_name AND\n" "index_name = :index_name;\n" "END;\n", NULL); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); if (ret == DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST) { ret = DB_SUCCESS; } if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { ut_snprintf(errstr, errstr_sz, "Unable to delete statistics for index %s " "from %s%s: %s. They can be deleted later using " "DELETE FROM %s WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s' AND " "index_name = '%s';", iname, INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, (ret == DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT ? " because the rows are locked" : ""), ut_strerr(ret), INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, db_utf8, table_utf8, iname); ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: %s\n", errstr); } return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Executes DELETE FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats WHERE database_name = '...' AND table_name = '...'; Creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INLINE dberr_t dict_stats_delete_from_table_stats( /*===============================*/ const char* database_name, /*!< in: database name, e.g. 'db' */ const char* table_name) /*!< in: table name, e.g. 'table' */ { pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", database_name); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_name); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE DELETE_FROM_TABLE_STATS () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "DELETE FROM \"" TABLE_STATS_NAME "\" WHERE\n" "database_name = :database_name AND\n" "table_name = :table_name;\n" "END;\n", NULL); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Executes DELETE FROM mysql.innodb_index_stats WHERE database_name = '...' AND table_name = '...'; Creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INLINE dberr_t dict_stats_delete_from_index_stats( /*===============================*/ const char* database_name, /*!< in: database name, e.g. 'db' */ const char* table_name) /*!< in: table name, e.g. 'table' */ { pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "database_name", database_name); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "table_name", table_name); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE DELETE_FROM_INDEX_STATS () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "DELETE FROM \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\" WHERE\n" "database_name = :database_name AND\n" "table_name = :table_name;\n" "END;\n", NULL); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Removes the statistics for a table and all of its indexes from the persistent statistics storage if it exists and if there is data stored for the table. This function creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INTERN dberr_t dict_stats_drop_table( /*==================*/ const char* db_and_table, /*!< in: db and table, e.g. 'db/table' */ char* errstr, /*!< out: error message if != DB_SUCCESS is returned */ ulint errstr_sz) /*!< in: size of errstr buffer */ { char db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* skip tables that do not contain a database name e.g. if we are dropping SYS_TABLES */ if (strchr(db_and_table, '/') == NULL) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } /* skip innodb_table_stats and innodb_index_stats themselves */ if (strcmp(db_and_table, TABLE_STATS_NAME) == 0 || strcmp(db_and_table, INDEX_STATS_NAME) == 0) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } dict_fs2utf8(db_and_table, db_utf8, sizeof(db_utf8), table_utf8, sizeof(table_utf8)); ret = dict_stats_delete_from_table_stats(db_utf8, table_utf8); if (ret == DB_SUCCESS) { ret = dict_stats_delete_from_index_stats(db_utf8, table_utf8); } if (ret == DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST) { ret = DB_SUCCESS; } if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { ut_snprintf(errstr, errstr_sz, "Unable to delete statistics for table %s.%s: %s. " "They can be deleted later using " "DELETE FROM %s WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s'; " "DELETE FROM %s WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s';", db_utf8, table_utf8, ut_strerr(ret), INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, db_utf8, table_utf8, TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, db_utf8, table_utf8); } return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Executes UPDATE mysql.innodb_table_stats SET database_name = '...', table_name = '...' WHERE database_name = '...' AND table_name = '...'; Creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INLINE dberr_t dict_stats_rename_in_table_stats( /*=============================*/ const char* old_dbname_utf8,/*!< in: database name, e.g. 'olddb' */ const char* old_tablename_utf8,/*!< in: table name, e.g. 'oldtable' */ const char* new_dbname_utf8,/*!< in: database name, e.g. 'newdb' */ const char* new_tablename_utf8)/*!< in: table name, e.g. 'newtable' */ { pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "old_dbname_utf8", old_dbname_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "old_tablename_utf8", old_tablename_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "new_dbname_utf8", new_dbname_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "new_tablename_utf8", new_tablename_utf8); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE RENAME_IN_TABLE_STATS () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "UPDATE \"" TABLE_STATS_NAME "\" SET\n" "database_name = :new_dbname_utf8,\n" "table_name = :new_tablename_utf8\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = :old_dbname_utf8 AND\n" "table_name = :old_tablename_utf8;\n" "END;\n", NULL); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Executes UPDATE mysql.innodb_index_stats SET database_name = '...', table_name = '...' WHERE database_name = '...' AND table_name = '...'; Creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INLINE dberr_t dict_stats_rename_in_index_stats( /*=============================*/ const char* old_dbname_utf8,/*!< in: database name, e.g. 'olddb' */ const char* old_tablename_utf8,/*!< in: table name, e.g. 'oldtable' */ const char* new_dbname_utf8,/*!< in: database name, e.g. 'newdb' */ const char* new_tablename_utf8)/*!< in: table name, e.g. 'newtable' */ { pars_info_t* pinfo; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); pinfo = pars_info_create(); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "old_dbname_utf8", old_dbname_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "old_tablename_utf8", old_tablename_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "new_dbname_utf8", new_dbname_utf8); pars_info_add_str_literal(pinfo, "new_tablename_utf8", new_tablename_utf8); ret = dict_stats_exec_sql( pinfo, "PROCEDURE RENAME_IN_INDEX_STATS () IS\n" "BEGIN\n" "UPDATE \"" INDEX_STATS_NAME "\" SET\n" "database_name = :new_dbname_utf8,\n" "table_name = :new_tablename_utf8\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = :old_dbname_utf8 AND\n" "table_name = :old_tablename_utf8;\n" "END;\n", NULL); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************//** Renames a table in InnoDB persistent stats storage. This function creates its own transaction and commits it. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ UNIV_INTERN dberr_t dict_stats_rename_table( /*====================*/ const char* old_name, /*!< in: old name, e.g. 'db/table' */ const char* new_name, /*!< in: new name, e.g. 'db/table' */ char* errstr, /*!< out: error string if != DB_SUCCESS is returned */ size_t errstr_sz) /*!< in: errstr size */ { char old_db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char new_db_utf8[MAX_DB_UTF8_LEN]; char old_table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; char new_table_utf8[MAX_TABLE_UTF8_LEN]; dberr_t ret; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(&dict_operation_lock, RW_LOCK_EX)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(!mutex_own(&dict_sys->mutex)); /* skip innodb_table_stats and innodb_index_stats themselves */ if (strcmp(old_name, TABLE_STATS_NAME) == 0 || strcmp(old_name, INDEX_STATS_NAME) == 0 || strcmp(new_name, TABLE_STATS_NAME) == 0 || strcmp(new_name, INDEX_STATS_NAME) == 0) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } dict_fs2utf8(old_name, old_db_utf8, sizeof(old_db_utf8), old_table_utf8, sizeof(old_table_utf8)); dict_fs2utf8(new_name, new_db_utf8, sizeof(new_db_utf8), new_table_utf8, sizeof(new_table_utf8)); rw_lock_x_lock(&dict_operation_lock); mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); ulint n_attempts = 0; do { n_attempts++; ret = dict_stats_rename_in_table_stats( old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8); if (ret == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY) { dict_stats_delete_from_table_stats( new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8); } if (ret == DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST) { ret = DB_SUCCESS; } if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); os_thread_sleep(200000 /* 0.2 sec */); rw_lock_x_lock(&dict_operation_lock); mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); } } while ((ret == DB_DEADLOCK || ret == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY || ret == DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT) && n_attempts < 5); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { ut_snprintf(errstr, errstr_sz, "Unable to rename statistics from " "%s.%s to %s.%s in %s: %s. " "They can be renamed later using " "UPDATE %s SET " "database_name = '%s', " "table_name = '%s' " "WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s';", old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8, TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, ut_strerr(ret), TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8, old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); return(ret); } /* else */ n_attempts = 0; do { n_attempts++; ret = dict_stats_rename_in_index_stats( old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8); if (ret == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY) { dict_stats_delete_from_index_stats( new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8); } if (ret == DB_STATS_DO_NOT_EXIST) { ret = DB_SUCCESS; } if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); os_thread_sleep(200000 /* 0.2 sec */); rw_lock_x_lock(&dict_operation_lock); mutex_enter(&dict_sys->mutex); } } while ((ret == DB_DEADLOCK || ret == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY || ret == DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT) && n_attempts < 5); mutex_exit(&dict_sys->mutex); rw_lock_x_unlock(&dict_operation_lock); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { ut_snprintf(errstr, errstr_sz, "Unable to rename statistics from " "%s.%s to %s.%s in %s: %s. " "They can be renamed later using " "UPDATE %s SET " "database_name = '%s', " "table_name = '%s' " "WHERE " "database_name = '%s' AND " "table_name = '%s';", old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8, INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, ut_strerr(ret), INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, new_db_utf8, new_table_utf8, old_db_utf8, old_table_utf8); } return(ret); } /* tests @{ */ #ifdef UNIV_COMPILE_TEST_FUNCS /* The following unit tests test some of the functions in this file individually, such testing cannot be performed by the mysql-test framework via SQL. */ /* test_dict_table_schema_check() @{ */ void test_dict_table_schema_check() { /* CREATE TABLE tcheck ( c01 VARCHAR(123), c02 INT, c03 INT NOT NULL, c04 INT UNSIGNED, c05 BIGINT, c06 BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, c07 TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE=INNODB; */ /* definition for the table 'test/tcheck' */ dict_col_meta_t columns[] = { {"c01", DATA_VARCHAR, 0, 123}, {"c02", DATA_INT, 0, 4}, {"c03", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL, 4}, {"c04", DATA_INT, DATA_UNSIGNED, 4}, {"c05", DATA_INT, 0, 8}, {"c06", DATA_INT, DATA_NOT_NULL | DATA_UNSIGNED, 8}, {"c07", DATA_INT, 0, 4}, {"c_extra", DATA_INT, 0, 4} }; dict_table_schema_t schema = { "test/tcheck", 0 /* will be set individually for each test below */, columns }; char errstr[512]; ut_snprintf(errstr, sizeof(errstr), "Table not found"); /* prevent any data dictionary modifications while we are checking the tables' structure */ mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); /* check that a valid table is reported as valid */ schema.n_cols = 7; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) == DB_SUCCESS) { printf("OK: test.tcheck ok\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: %s\n", errstr); printf("ERROR: test.tcheck not present or corrupted\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } /* check columns with wrong length */ schema.columns[1].len = 8; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) != DB_SUCCESS) { printf("OK: test.tcheck.c02 has different length and is " "reported as corrupted\n"); } else { printf("OK: test.tcheck.c02 has different length but is " "reported as ok\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } schema.columns[1].len = 4; /* request that c02 is NOT NULL while actually it does not have this flag set */ schema.columns[1].prtype_mask |= DATA_NOT_NULL; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) != DB_SUCCESS) { printf("OK: test.tcheck.c02 does not have NOT NULL while " "it should and is reported as corrupted\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: test.tcheck.c02 does not have NOT NULL while " "it should and is not reported as corrupted\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } schema.columns[1].prtype_mask &= ~DATA_NOT_NULL; /* check a table that contains some extra columns */ schema.n_cols = 6; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) == DB_SUCCESS) { printf("ERROR: test.tcheck has more columns but is not " "reported as corrupted\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } else { printf("OK: test.tcheck has more columns and is " "reported as corrupted\n"); } /* check a table that has some columns missing */ schema.n_cols = 8; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) != DB_SUCCESS) { printf("OK: test.tcheck has missing columns and is " "reported as corrupted\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: test.tcheck has missing columns but is " "reported as ok\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } /* check non-existent table */ schema.table_name = "test/tcheck_nonexistent"; if (dict_table_schema_check(&schema, errstr, sizeof(errstr)) != DB_SUCCESS) { printf("OK: test.tcheck_nonexistent is not present\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: test.tcheck_nonexistent is present!?\n"); goto test_dict_table_schema_check_end; } test_dict_table_schema_check_end: mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /* @} */ /* save/fetch aux macros @{ */ #define TEST_DATABASE_NAME "foobardb" #define TEST_TABLE_NAME "test_dict_stats" #define TEST_N_ROWS 111 #define TEST_CLUSTERED_INDEX_SIZE 222 #define TEST_SUM_OF_OTHER_INDEX_SIZES 333 #define TEST_IDX1_NAME "tidx1" #define TEST_IDX1_COL1_NAME "tidx1_col1" #define TEST_IDX1_INDEX_SIZE 123 #define TEST_IDX1_N_LEAF_PAGES 234 #define TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1 50 #define TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE 500 #define TEST_IDX2_NAME "tidx2" #define TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME "tidx2_col1" #define TEST_IDX2_COL2_NAME "tidx2_col2" #define TEST_IDX2_COL3_NAME "tidx2_col3" #define TEST_IDX2_COL4_NAME "tidx2_col4" #define TEST_IDX2_INDEX_SIZE 321 #define TEST_IDX2_N_LEAF_PAGES 432 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1 60 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE 600 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2 61 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2_SAMPLE_SIZE 610 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3 62 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3_SAMPLE_SIZE 620 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4 63 #define TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4_SAMPLE_SIZE 630 /* @} */ /* test_dict_stats_save() @{ */ void test_dict_stats_save() { dict_table_t table; dict_index_t index1; dict_field_t index1_fields[1]; ib_uint64_t index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals[1]; ib_uint64_t index1_stat_n_sample_sizes[1]; dict_index_t index2; dict_field_t index2_fields[4]; ib_uint64_t index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[4]; ib_uint64_t index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[4]; dberr_t ret; /* craft a dummy dict_table_t */ table.name = (char*) (TEST_DATABASE_NAME "/" TEST_TABLE_NAME); table.stat_n_rows = TEST_N_ROWS; table.stat_clustered_index_size = TEST_CLUSTERED_INDEX_SIZE; table.stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = TEST_SUM_OF_OTHER_INDEX_SIZES; UT_LIST_INIT(table.indexes); UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, table.indexes, &index1); UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, table.indexes, &index2); ut_d(table.magic_n = DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); ut_d(index1.magic_n = DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); index1.name = TEST_IDX1_NAME; index1.table = &table; index1.cached = 1; index1.n_uniq = 1; index1.fields = index1_fields; index1.stat_n_diff_key_vals = index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals; index1.stat_n_sample_sizes = index1_stat_n_sample_sizes; index1.stat_index_size = TEST_IDX1_INDEX_SIZE; index1.stat_n_leaf_pages = TEST_IDX1_N_LEAF_PAGES; index1_fields[0].name = TEST_IDX1_COL1_NAME; index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals[0] = TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1; index1_stat_n_sample_sizes[0] = TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE; ut_d(index2.magic_n = DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); index2.name = TEST_IDX2_NAME; index2.table = &table; index2.cached = 1; index2.n_uniq = 4; index2.fields = index2_fields; index2.stat_n_diff_key_vals = index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals; index2.stat_n_sample_sizes = index2_stat_n_sample_sizes; index2.stat_index_size = TEST_IDX2_INDEX_SIZE; index2.stat_n_leaf_pages = TEST_IDX2_N_LEAF_PAGES; index2_fields[0].name = TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME; index2_fields[1].name = TEST_IDX2_COL2_NAME; index2_fields[2].name = TEST_IDX2_COL3_NAME; index2_fields[3].name = TEST_IDX2_COL4_NAME; index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[0] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1; index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[1] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2; index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[2] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3; index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[3] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4; index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[0] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE; index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[1] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2_SAMPLE_SIZE; index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[2] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3_SAMPLE_SIZE; index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[3] = TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4_SAMPLE_SIZE; ret = dict_stats_save(&table, NULL); ut_a(ret == DB_SUCCESS); printf("\nOK: stats saved successfully, now go ahead and read " "what's inside %s and %s:\n\n", TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT); printf("SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 AS table_stats_saved_successfully\n" "FROM %s\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = '%s' AND\n" "table_name = '%s' AND\n" "n_rows = %d AND\n" "clustered_index_size = %d AND\n" "sum_of_other_index_sizes = %d;\n" "\n", TABLE_STATS_NAME_PRINT, TEST_DATABASE_NAME, TEST_TABLE_NAME, TEST_N_ROWS, TEST_CLUSTERED_INDEX_SIZE, TEST_SUM_OF_OTHER_INDEX_SIZES); printf("SELECT COUNT(*) = 3 AS tidx1_stats_saved_successfully\n" "FROM %s\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = '%s' AND\n" "table_name = '%s' AND\n" "index_name = '%s' AND\n" "(\n" " (stat_name = 'size' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size IS NULL) OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_leaf_pages' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size IS NULL) OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_diff_pfx01' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size = '%d' AND stat_description = '%s')\n" ");\n" "\n", INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, TEST_DATABASE_NAME, TEST_TABLE_NAME, TEST_IDX1_NAME, TEST_IDX1_INDEX_SIZE, TEST_IDX1_N_LEAF_PAGES, TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1, TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE, TEST_IDX1_COL1_NAME); printf("SELECT COUNT(*) = 6 AS tidx2_stats_saved_successfully\n" "FROM %s\n" "WHERE\n" "database_name = '%s' AND\n" "table_name = '%s' AND\n" "index_name = '%s' AND\n" "(\n" " (stat_name = 'size' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size IS NULL) OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_leaf_pages' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size IS NULL) OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_diff_pfx01' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size = '%d' AND stat_description = '%s') OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_diff_pfx02' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size = '%d' AND stat_description = '%s,%s') OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_diff_pfx03' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size = '%d' AND stat_description = '%s,%s,%s') OR\n" " (stat_name = 'n_diff_pfx04' AND stat_value = %d AND" " sample_size = '%d' AND stat_description = '%s,%s,%s,%s')\n" ");\n" "\n", INDEX_STATS_NAME_PRINT, TEST_DATABASE_NAME, TEST_TABLE_NAME, TEST_IDX2_NAME, TEST_IDX2_INDEX_SIZE, TEST_IDX2_N_LEAF_PAGES, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE, TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2_SAMPLE_SIZE, TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL2_NAME, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3_SAMPLE_SIZE, TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL2_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL3_NAME, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4, TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4_SAMPLE_SIZE, TEST_IDX2_COL1_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL2_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL3_NAME, TEST_IDX2_COL4_NAME); } /* @} */ /* test_dict_stats_fetch_from_ps() @{ */ void test_dict_stats_fetch_from_ps() { dict_table_t table; dict_index_t index1; ib_uint64_t index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals[1]; ib_uint64_t index1_stat_n_sample_sizes[1]; dict_index_t index2; ib_uint64_t index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[4]; ib_uint64_t index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[4]; dberr_t ret; /* craft a dummy dict_table_t */ table.name = (char*) (TEST_DATABASE_NAME "/" TEST_TABLE_NAME); UT_LIST_INIT(table.indexes); UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, table.indexes, &index1); UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, table.indexes, &index2); ut_d(table.magic_n = DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); index1.name = TEST_IDX1_NAME; ut_d(index1.magic_n = DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); index1.cached = 1; index1.n_uniq = 1; index1.stat_n_diff_key_vals = index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals; index1.stat_n_sample_sizes = index1_stat_n_sample_sizes; index2.name = TEST_IDX2_NAME; ut_d(index2.magic_n = DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); index2.cached = 1; index2.n_uniq = 4; index2.stat_n_diff_key_vals = index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals; index2.stat_n_sample_sizes = index2_stat_n_sample_sizes; ret = dict_stats_fetch_from_ps(&table); ut_a(ret == DB_SUCCESS); ut_a(table.stat_n_rows == TEST_N_ROWS); ut_a(table.stat_clustered_index_size == TEST_CLUSTERED_INDEX_SIZE); ut_a(table.stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes == TEST_SUM_OF_OTHER_INDEX_SIZES); ut_a(index1.stat_index_size == TEST_IDX1_INDEX_SIZE); ut_a(index1.stat_n_leaf_pages == TEST_IDX1_N_LEAF_PAGES); ut_a(index1_stat_n_diff_key_vals[0] == TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1); ut_a(index1_stat_n_sample_sizes[0] == TEST_IDX1_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE); ut_a(index2.stat_index_size == TEST_IDX2_INDEX_SIZE); ut_a(index2.stat_n_leaf_pages == TEST_IDX2_N_LEAF_PAGES); ut_a(index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[0] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1); ut_a(index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[0] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF1_SAMPLE_SIZE); ut_a(index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[1] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2); ut_a(index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[1] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF2_SAMPLE_SIZE); ut_a(index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[2] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3); ut_a(index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[2] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF3_SAMPLE_SIZE); ut_a(index2_stat_n_diff_key_vals[3] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4); ut_a(index2_stat_n_sample_sizes[3] == TEST_IDX2_N_DIFF4_SAMPLE_SIZE); printf("OK: fetch successful\n"); } /* @} */ /* test_dict_stats_all() @{ */ void test_dict_stats_all() { test_dict_table_schema_check(); test_dict_stats_save(); test_dict_stats_fetch_from_ps(); } /* @} */ #endif /* UNIV_COMPILE_TEST_FUNCS */ /* @} */ #endif /* UNIV_HOTBACKUP */