#ifndef TOKU_ASSERT_H #define TOKU_ASSERT_H /* The problem with assert.h: If NDEBUG is set then it doesn't execute the function, if NDEBUG isn't set then we get a branch that isn't taken. */ /* This version will complain if NDEBUG is set. */ /* It evaluates the argument and then calls a function toku_do_assert() which takes all the hits for the branches not taken. */ #ifdef NDEBUG #error NDEBUG should not be set #endif void toku_do_assert(int,const char*/*expr_as_string*/,const char */*fun*/,const char*/*file*/,int/*line*/); // Define GCOV if you want to get test-coverage information that ignores the assert statements. // #define GCOV #ifdef GCOV #define WHEN_GCOV(x) x #define WHEN_NOT_GCOV(x) #define assert(expr) toku_do_assert((expr) != 0, #expr, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #else #define WHEN_GCOV(x) #define WHEN_NOT_GCOV(x) x #include <assert.h> #endif #endif