# Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle/Innobase Oy # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # This is the CMakeLists for InnoDB Plugin SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -DSAFEMALLOC -DSAFE_MUTEX") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -DSAFEMALLOC -DSAFE_MUTEX") # Starting at 5.1.38, MySQL CMake files are simplified. But the plugin # CMakeLists.txt still needs to work with previous versions of MySQL. IF (MYSQL_VERSION_ID GREATER "50137") INCLUDE("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/storage/mysql_storage_engine.cmake") ENDIF (MYSQL_VERSION_ID GREATER "50137") IF (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES 8) SET(WIN64 TRUE) ENDIF (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES 8) # Include directories under innodb_plugin INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/storage/innodb_plugin/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/storage/innodb_plugin/handler) # Include directories under mysql INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sql ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/regex ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/zlib ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extra/yassl/include) IF(MSVC) # Removing compiler optimizations for innodb/mem/* files on 64-bit Windows # due to 64-bit compiler error, See MySQL Bug #19424, #36366, #34297 IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES 8) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(mem/mem0mem.c mem/mem0pool.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -Od) ENDIF() # Avoid "unreferenced label" warning in generated file SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(pars/pars0grm.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/wd4102") SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(pars/lexyy.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/wd4003") ENDIF() SET(INNODB_PLUGIN_SOURCES btr/btr0btr.c btr/btr0cur.c btr/btr0pcur.c btr/btr0sea.c buf/buf0buddy.c buf/buf0buf.c buf/buf0flu.c buf/buf0lru.c buf/buf0rea.c data/data0data.c data/data0type.c dict/dict0boot.c dict/dict0crea.c dict/dict0dict.c dict/dict0load.c dict/dict0mem.c dyn/dyn0dyn.c eval/eval0eval.c eval/eval0proc.c fil/fil0fil.c fsp/fsp0fsp.c fut/fut0fut.c fut/fut0lst.c ha/ha0ha.c ha/hash0hash.c ha/ha0storage.c ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c pars/lexyy.c pars/pars0grm.c pars/pars0opt.c pars/pars0pars.c pars/pars0sym.c lock/lock0lock.c lock/lock0iter.c log/log0log.c log/log0recv.c mach/mach0data.c mem/mem0mem.c mem/mem0pool.c mtr/mtr0log.c mtr/mtr0mtr.c os/os0file.c os/os0proc.c os/os0sync.c os/os0thread.c page/page0cur.c page/page0page.c page/page0zip.c que/que0que.c handler/ha_innodb.cc handler/handler0alter.cc handler/i_s.cc handler/mysql_addons.cc read/read0read.c rem/rem0cmp.c rem/rem0rec.c row/row0ext.c row/row0ins.c row/row0merge.c row/row0mysql.c row/row0purge.c row/row0row.c row/row0sel.c row/row0uins.c row/row0umod.c row/row0undo.c row/row0upd.c row/row0vers.c srv/srv0que.c srv/srv0srv.c srv/srv0start.c sync/sync0arr.c sync/sync0rw.c sync/sync0sync.c thr/thr0loc.c trx/trx0i_s.c trx/trx0purge.c trx/trx0rec.c trx/trx0roll.c trx/trx0rseg.c trx/trx0sys.c trx/trx0trx.c trx/trx0undo.c usr/usr0sess.c ut/ut0byte.c ut/ut0dbg.c ut/ut0mem.c ut/ut0rbt.c ut/ut0rnd.c ut/ut0ut.c ut/ut0vec.c ut/ut0list.c ut/ut0wqueue.c) # Windows atomics do not perform well. Disable Windows atomics by default. # See bug#52102 for details. #ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_WINDOWS_ATOMICS -DINNODB_RW_LOCKS_USE_ATOMICS -DHAVE_IB_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_IB_PAUSE_INSTRUCTION) MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE(INNODB_PLUGIN)