/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef NdbDictionary_H #define NdbDictionary_H #include <ndb_types.h> class Ndb; struct charset_info_st; typedef struct charset_info_st CHARSET_INFO; /** * @class NdbDictionary * @brief Data dictionary class * * The preferred and supported way to create and drop tables and indexes * in ndb is through the * MySQL Server (see MySQL reference Manual, section MySQL Cluster). * * Tables and indexes that are created directly through the * NdbDictionary class * can not be viewed from the MySQL Server. * Dropping indexes directly via the NdbApi will cause inconsistencies * if they were originally created from a MySQL Cluster. * * This class supports schema data enquiries such as: * -# Enquiries about tables * (Dictionary::getTable, Table::getNoOfColumns, * Table::getPrimaryKey, and Table::getNoOfPrimaryKeys) * -# Enquiries about indexes * (Dictionary::getIndex, Index::getNoOfColumns, * and Index::getColumn) * * This class supports schema data definition such as: * -# Creating tables (Dictionary::createTable) and table columns * -# Dropping tables (Dictionary::dropTable) * -# Creating secondary indexes (Dictionary::createIndex) * -# Dropping secondary indexes (Dictionary::dropIndex) * * NdbDictionary has several help (inner) classes to support this: * -# NdbDictionary::Dictionary the dictionary handling dictionary objects * -# NdbDictionary::Table for creating tables * -# NdbDictionary::Column for creating table columns * -# NdbDictionary::Index for creating secondary indexes * * See @ref ndbapi_simple_index.cpp for details of usage. */ class NdbDictionary { public: /** * @class Object * @brief Meta information about a database object (a table, index, etc) */ class Object { public: /** * Status of object */ enum Status { New, ///< The object only exist in memory and ///< has not been created in the NDB Kernel Changed, ///< The object has been modified in memory ///< and has to be commited in NDB Kernel for ///< changes to take effect Retrieved, ///< The object exist and has been read ///< into main memory from NDB Kernel Invalid, ///< The object has been invalidated ///< and should not be used Altered ///< Table has been altered in NDB kernel ///< but is still valid for usage }; /** * Get status of object */ virtual Status getObjectStatus() const = 0; /** * Get version of object */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const = 0; virtual int getObjectId() const = 0; /** * Object type */ enum Type { TypeUndefined = 0, ///< Undefined SystemTable = 1, ///< System table UserTable = 2, ///< User table (may be temporary) UniqueHashIndex = 3, ///< Unique un-ordered hash index OrderedIndex = 6, ///< Non-unique ordered index HashIndexTrigger = 7, ///< Index maintenance, internal IndexTrigger = 8, ///< Index maintenance, internal SubscriptionTrigger = 9,///< Backup or replication, internal ReadOnlyConstraint = 10,///< Trigger, internal Tablespace = 20, ///< Tablespace LogfileGroup = 21, ///< Logfile group Datafile = 22, ///< Datafile Undofile = 23 ///< Undofile }; /** * Object state */ enum State { StateUndefined = 0, ///< Undefined StateOffline = 1, ///< Offline, not usable StateBuilding = 2, ///< Building, not yet usable StateDropping = 3, ///< Offlining or dropping, not usable StateOnline = 4, ///< Online, usable StateBackup = 5, ///< Online, being backuped, usable StateBroken = 9 ///< Broken, should be dropped and re-created }; /** * Object store */ enum Store { StoreUndefined = 0, ///< Undefined StoreTemporary = 1, ///< Object or data deleted on system restart StorePermanent = 2 ///< Permanent. logged to disk }; /** * Type of fragmentation. * * This parameter specifies how data in the table or index will * be distributed among the db nodes in the cluster.<br> * The bigger the table the more number of fragments should be used. * Note that all replicas count as same "fragment".<br> * For a table, default is FragAllMedium. For a unique hash index, * default is taken from underlying table and cannot currently * be changed. */ enum FragmentType { FragUndefined = 0, ///< Fragmentation type undefined or default FragSingle = 1, ///< Only one fragment FragAllSmall = 2, ///< One fragment per node, default FragAllMedium = 3, ///< two fragments per node FragAllLarge = 4, ///< Four fragments per node. DistrKeyHash = 5, DistrKeyLin = 6, UserDefined = 7 }; }; class Table; // forward declaration class Tablespace; // forward declaration /** * @class Column * @brief Represents a column in an NDB Cluster table * * Each column has a type. The type of a column is determined by a number * of type specifiers. * The type specifiers are: * - Builtin type * - Array length or max length * - Precision and scale (not used yet) * - Character set for string types * - Inline and part sizes for blobs * * Types in general correspond to MySQL types and their variants. * Data formats are same as in MySQL. NDB API provides no support for * constructing such formats. NDB kernel checks them however. */ class Column { public: /** * The builtin column types */ enum Type { Undefined = NDB_TYPE_UNDEFINED, ///< Undefined Tinyint = NDB_TYPE_TINYINT, ///< 8 bit. 1 byte signed integer, can be used in array Tinyunsigned = NDB_TYPE_TINYUNSIGNED, ///< 8 bit. 1 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array Smallint = NDB_TYPE_SMALLINT, ///< 16 bit. 2 byte signed integer, can be used in array Smallunsigned = NDB_TYPE_SMALLUNSIGNED, ///< 16 bit. 2 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array Mediumint = NDB_TYPE_MEDIUMINT, ///< 24 bit. 3 byte signed integer, can be used in array Mediumunsigned = NDB_TYPE_MEDIUMUNSIGNED,///< 24 bit. 3 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array Int = NDB_TYPE_INT, ///< 32 bit. 4 byte signed integer, can be used in array Unsigned = NDB_TYPE_UNSIGNED, ///< 32 bit. 4 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array Bigint = NDB_TYPE_BIGINT, ///< 64 bit. 8 byte signed integer, can be used in array Bigunsigned = NDB_TYPE_BIGUNSIGNED, ///< 64 Bit. 8 byte signed integer, can be used in array Float = NDB_TYPE_FLOAT, ///< 32-bit float. 4 bytes float, can be used in array Double = NDB_TYPE_DOUBLE, ///< 64-bit float. 8 byte float, can be used in array Olddecimal = NDB_TYPE_OLDDECIMAL, ///< MySQL < 5.0 signed decimal, Precision, Scale Olddecimalunsigned = NDB_TYPE_OLDDECIMALUNSIGNED, Decimal = NDB_TYPE_DECIMAL, ///< MySQL >= 5.0 signed decimal, Precision, Scale Decimalunsigned = NDB_TYPE_DECIMALUNSIGNED, Char = NDB_TYPE_CHAR, ///< Len. A fixed array of 1-byte chars Varchar = NDB_TYPE_VARCHAR, ///< Length bytes: 1, Max: 255 Binary = NDB_TYPE_BINARY, ///< Len Varbinary = NDB_TYPE_VARBINARY, ///< Length bytes: 1, Max: 255 Datetime = NDB_TYPE_DATETIME, ///< Precision down to 1 sec (sizeof(Datetime) == 8 bytes ) Date = NDB_TYPE_DATE, ///< Precision down to 1 day(sizeof(Date) == 4 bytes ) Blob = NDB_TYPE_BLOB, ///< Binary large object (see NdbBlob) Text = NDB_TYPE_TEXT, ///< Text blob Bit = NDB_TYPE_BIT, ///< Bit, length specifies no of bits Longvarchar = NDB_TYPE_LONGVARCHAR, ///< Length bytes: 2, little-endian Longvarbinary = NDB_TYPE_LONGVARBINARY, ///< Length bytes: 2, little-endian Time = NDB_TYPE_TIME, ///< Time without date Year = NDB_TYPE_YEAR, ///< Year 1901-2155 (1 byte) Timestamp = NDB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP ///< Unix time }; /* * Array type specifies internal attribute format. * * - ArrayTypeFixed is stored as fixed number of bytes. This type * is fastest to access but can waste space. * * - ArrayTypeVar is stored as variable number of bytes with a fixed * overhead of 2 bytes. * * Default is ArrayTypeVar for Var* types and ArrayTypeFixed for * others. The default is normally ok. */ enum ArrayType { ArrayTypeFixed = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED, // 0 length bytes ArrayTypeShortVar = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_SHORT_VAR, // 1 length bytes ArrayTypeMediumVar = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_MEDIUM_VAR // 2 length bytes }; /* * Storage type specifies whether attribute is stored in memory or * on disk. Default is memory. Disk attributes are potentially * much slower to access and cannot be indexed in version 5.1. */ enum StorageType { StorageTypeMemory = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY, StorageTypeDisk = NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK }; /** * @name General * @{ */ /** * Get name of column * @return Name of the column */ const char* getName() const; /** * Get if the column is nullable or not */ bool getNullable() const; /** * Check if column is part of primary key */ bool getPrimaryKey() const; /** * Get number of column (horizontal position within table) */ int getColumnNo() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL int getAttrId() const; #endif /** * Check if column is equal to some other column * @param column Column to compare with * @return true if column is equal to some other column otherwise false. */ bool equal(const Column& column) const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Get Type Specifiers * @{ */ /** * Get type of column */ Type getType() const; /** * Get precision of column. * @note Only applicable for decimal types */ int getPrecision() const; /** * Get scale of column. * @note Only applicable for decimal types */ int getScale() const; /** * Get length for column * Array length for column or max length for variable length arrays. */ int getLength() const; /** * For Char or Varchar or Text, get MySQL CHARSET_INFO. This * specifies both character set and collation. See get_charset() * etc in MySQL. (The cs is not "const" in MySQL). */ CHARSET_INFO* getCharset() const; /** * For blob, get "inline size" i.e. number of initial bytes * to store in table's blob attribute. This part is normally in * main memory and can be indexed and interpreted. */ int getInlineSize() const; /** * For blob, get "part size" i.e. number of bytes to store in * each tuple of the "blob table". Can be set to zero to omit parts * and to allow only inline bytes ("tinyblob"). */ int getPartSize() const; /** * For blob, set or get "stripe size" i.e. number of consecutive * <em>parts</em> to store in each node group. */ int getStripeSize() const; /** * Get size of element */ int getSize() const; /** * Check if column is part of partition key * * A <em>partition key</em> is a set of attributes which are used * to distribute the tuples onto the NDB nodes. * The partition key uses the NDB Cluster hashing function. * * An example where this is useful is TPC-C where it might be * good to use the warehouse id and district id as the partition key. * This would place all data for a specific district and warehouse * in the same database node. * * Locally in the fragments the full primary key * will still be used with the hashing algorithm. * * @return true then the column is part of * the partition key. */ bool getPartitionKey() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED inline bool getDistributionKey() const { return getPartitionKey(); }; #endif ArrayType getArrayType() const; StorageType getStorageType() const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Column creation * @{ * * These operations should normally not be performed in an NbdApi program * as results will not be visable in the MySQL Server * */ /** * Constructor * @param name Name of column */ Column(const char * name = ""); /** * Copy constructor * @param column Column to be copied */ Column(const Column& column); ~Column(); /** * Set name of column * @param name Name of the column */ void setName(const char * name); /** * Set whether column is nullable or not */ void setNullable(bool); /** * Set that column is part of primary key */ void setPrimaryKey(bool); /** * Set type of column * @param type Type of column * * @note setType resets <em>all</em> column attributes * to (type dependent) defaults and should be the first * method to call. Default type is Unsigned. */ void setType(Type type); /** * Set precision of column. * @note Only applicable for decimal types */ void setPrecision(int); /** * Set scale of column. * @note Only applicable for decimal types */ void setScale(int); /** * Set length for column * Array length for column or max length for variable length arrays. */ void setLength(int length); /** * For Char or Varchar or Text, get MySQL CHARSET_INFO. This * specifies both character set and collation. See get_charset() * etc in MySQL. (The cs is not "const" in MySQL). */ void setCharset(CHARSET_INFO* cs); /** * For blob, get "inline size" i.e. number of initial bytes * to store in table's blob attribute. This part is normally in * main memory and can be indexed and interpreted. */ void setInlineSize(int size); /** * For blob, get "part size" i.e. number of bytes to store in * each tuple of the "blob table". Can be set to zero to omit parts * and to allow only inline bytes ("tinyblob"). */ void setPartSize(int size); /** * For blob, get "stripe size" i.e. number of consecutive * <em>parts</em> to store in each node group. */ void setStripeSize(int size); /** * Set partition key * @see getPartitionKey * * @param enable If set to true, then the column will be part of * the partition key. */ void setPartitionKey(bool enable); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED inline void setDistributionKey(bool enable) { setPartitionKey(enable); }; #endif void setArrayType(ArrayType type); void setStorageType(StorageType type); /** @} *******************************************************************/ #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL const Table * getBlobTable() const; void setAutoIncrement(bool); bool getAutoIncrement() const; void setAutoIncrementInitialValue(Uint64 val); void setDefaultValue(const char*); const char* getDefaultValue() const; static const Column * FRAGMENT; static const Column * FRAGMENT_MEMORY; static const Column * ROW_COUNT; static const Column * COMMIT_COUNT; static const Column * ROW_SIZE; static const Column * RANGE_NO; static const Column * DISK_REF; static const Column * RECORDS_IN_RANGE; static const Column * ROWID; static const Column * ROW_GCI; int getSizeInBytes() const; #endif private: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL friend class NdbRecAttr; friend class NdbColumnImpl; #endif class NdbColumnImpl & m_impl; Column(NdbColumnImpl&); Column& operator=(const Column&); }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL /** * ??? */ typedef Column Attribute; #endif /** * @brief Represents a table in NDB Cluster * * <em>TableSize</em><br> * When calculating the data storage one should add the size of all * attributes (each attributeconsumes at least 4 bytes) and also an overhead * of 12 byte. Variable size attributes (not supported yet) will have a * size of 12 bytes plus the actual data storage parts where there is an * additional overhead based on the size of the variable part.<br> * An example table with 5 attributes: * one 64 bit attribute, one 32 bit attribute, * two 16 bit attributes and one array of 64 8 bits. * This table will consume * 12 (overhead) + 8 + 4 + 2*4 (4 is minimum) + 64 = 96 bytes per record. * Additionally an overhead of about 2 % as page headers and waste should * be allocated. Thus, 1 million records should consume 96 MBytes * plus the overhead 2 MByte and rounded up to 100 000 kBytes.<br> * */ class Table : public Object { public: /** * @name General * @{ */ /** * Get table name */ const char * getName() const; /** * Get table id */ int getTableId() const; /** * Get column definition via name. * @return null if none existing name */ const Column* getColumn(const char * name) const; /** * Get column definition via index in table. * @return null if none existing name */ Column* getColumn(const int attributeId); /** * Get column definition via name. * @return null if none existing name */ Column* getColumn(const char * name); /** * Get column definition via index in table. * @return null if none existing name */ const Column* getColumn(const int attributeId) const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Storage * @{ */ /** * If set to false, then the table is a temporary * table and is not logged to disk. * * In case of a system restart the table will still * be defined and exist but will be empty. * Thus no checkpointing and no logging is performed on the table. * * The default value is true and indicates a normal table * with full checkpointing and logging activated. */ bool getLogging() const; /** * Get fragmentation type */ FragmentType getFragmentType() const; /** * Get KValue (Hash parameter.) * Only allowed value is 6. * Later implementations might add flexibility in this parameter. */ int getKValue() const; /** * Get MinLoadFactor (Hash parameter.) * This value specifies the load factor when starting to shrink * the hash table. * It must be smaller than MaxLoadFactor. * Both these factors are given in percentage. */ int getMinLoadFactor() const; /** * Get MaxLoadFactor (Hash parameter.) * This value specifies the load factor when starting to split * the containers in the local hash tables. * 100 is the maximum which will optimize memory usage. * A lower figure will store less information in each container and thus * find the key faster but consume more memory. */ int getMaxLoadFactor() const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Other * @{ */ /** * Get number of columns in the table */ int getNoOfColumns() const; /** * Get number of primary keys in the table */ int getNoOfPrimaryKeys() const; /** * Get name of primary key */ const char* getPrimaryKey(int no) const; /** * Check if table is equal to some other table */ bool equal(const Table&) const; /** * Get frm file stored with this table */ const void* getFrmData() const; Uint32 getFrmLength() const; /** * Get Node Group and Tablespace id's for fragments in table */ const void *getNodeGroupIds() const; Uint32 getNodeGroupIdsLength() const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Table creation * @{ * * These methods should normally not be used in an application as * the result is not accessible from the MySQL Server * */ /** * Constructor * @param name Name of table */ Table(const char * name = ""); /** * Copy constructor * @param table Table to be copied */ Table(const Table& table); virtual ~Table(); /** * Assignment operator, deep copy * @param table Table to be copied */ Table& operator=(const Table& table); /** * Name of table * @param name Name of table */ void setName(const char * name); /** * Add a column definition to a table * @note creates a copy */ void addColumn(const Column &); /** * @see NdbDictionary::Table::getLogging. */ void setLogging(bool); /** * Set fragmentation type */ void setFragmentType(FragmentType); /** * Set KValue (Hash parameter.) * Only allowed value is 6. * Later implementations might add flexibility in this parameter. */ void setKValue(int kValue); /** * Set MinLoadFactor (Hash parameter.) * This value specifies the load factor when starting to shrink * the hash table. * It must be smaller than MaxLoadFactor. * Both these factors are given in percentage. */ void setMinLoadFactor(int); /** * Set MaxLoadFactor (Hash parameter.) * This value specifies the load factor when starting to split * the containers in the local hash tables. * 100 is the maximum which will optimize memory usage. * A lower figure will store less information in each container and thus * find the key faster but consume more memory. */ void setMaxLoadFactor(int); void setTablespace(const char * name); void setTablespace(const class Tablespace &); const char * getTablespace() const; Uint32 getTablespaceId() const; /** * Get table object type */ Object::Type getObjectType() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; /** * Set frm file to store with this table */ void setFrm(const void* data, Uint32 len); /** * Set node group for fragments */ void setNodeGroupIds(const void *data, Uint32 len); /** * Set table object type */ void setObjectType(Object::Type type); /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * */ void setRowGCIIndicator(bool value); bool getRowGCIIndicator() const; void setRowChecksumIndicator(bool value); bool getRowChecksumIndicator() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL const char *getMysqlName() const; void setStoredTable(bool x) { setLogging(x); } bool getStoredTable() const { return getLogging(); } int getRowSizeInBytes() const ; int createTableInDb(Ndb*, bool existingEqualIsOk = true) const ; int getReplicaCount() const ; #endif private: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL friend class NdbTableImpl; #endif class NdbTableImpl & m_impl; Table(NdbTableImpl&); }; /** * @class Index * @brief Represents an index in an NDB Cluster */ class Index : public Object { public: /** * @name Getting Index properties * @{ */ /** * Get the name of an index */ const char * getName() const; /** * Get the name of the table being indexed */ const char * getTable() const; /** * Get the number of columns in the index */ unsigned getNoOfColumns() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED /** * Get the number of columns in the index * Depricated, use getNoOfColumns instead. */ int getNoOfIndexColumns() const; #endif /** * Get a specific column in the index */ const Column * getColumn(unsigned no) const ; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED /** * Get a specific column name in the index * Depricated, use getColumn instead. */ const char * getIndexColumn(int no) const ; #endif /** * Represents type of index */ enum Type { Undefined = 0, ///< Undefined object type (initial value) UniqueHashIndex = 3, ///< Unique un-ordered hash index ///< (only one currently supported) OrderedIndex = 6 ///< Non-unique ordered index }; /** * Get index type of the index */ Type getType() const; /** * Check if index is set to be stored on disk * * @return if true then logging id enabled * * @note Non-logged indexes are rebuilt at system restart. * @note Ordered index does not currently support logging. */ bool getLogging() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Index creation * @{ * * These methods should normally not be used in an application as * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server * */ /** * Constructor * @param name Name of index */ Index(const char * name = ""); virtual ~Index(); /** * Set the name of an index */ void setName(const char * name); /** * Define the name of the table to be indexed */ void setTable(const char * name); /** * Add a column to the index definition * Note that the order of columns will be in * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes). */ void addColumn(const Column & c); /** * Add a column name to the index definition * Note that the order of indexes will be in * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes). */ void addColumnName(const char * name); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED /** * Add a column name to the index definition * Note that the order of indexes will be in * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes). * Depricated, use addColumnName instead. */ void addIndexColumn(const char * name); #endif /** * Add several column names to the index definition * Note that the order of indexes will be in * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes). */ void addColumnNames(unsigned noOfNames, const char ** names); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED /** * Add several column names to the index definition * Note that the order of indexes will be in * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes). * Depricated, use addColumnNames instead. */ void addIndexColumns(int noOfNames, const char ** names); #endif /** * Set index type of the index */ void setType(Type type); /** * Enable/Disable index storage on disk * * @param enable If enable is set to true, then logging becomes enabled * * @see NdbDictionary::Index::getLogging */ void setLogging(bool enable); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_DEPRECATED void setStoredIndex(bool x) { setLogging(x); } bool getStoredIndex() const { return getLogging(); } #endif /** @} *******************************************************************/ private: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL friend class NdbIndexImpl; friend class NdbIndexStat; #endif class NdbIndexImpl & m_impl; Index(NdbIndexImpl&); }; /** * @brief Represents an Event in NDB Cluster * */ class Event : public Object { public: /** * Specifies the type of database operations an Event listens to */ #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL /** TableEvent must match 1 << TriggerEvent */ #endif enum TableEvent { TE_INSERT =1<<0, ///< Insert event on table TE_DELETE =1<<1, ///< Delete event on table TE_UPDATE =1<<2, ///< Update event on table #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL TE_SCAN =1<<3, ///< Scan event on table TE_FIRST_NON_DATA_EVENT =1<<4, #endif TE_DROP =1<<4, ///< Drop of table TE_ALTER =1<<5, ///< Alter of table TE_CREATE =1<<6, ///< Create of table TE_GCP_COMPLETE=1<<7, ///< GCP is complete TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE=1<<8, ///< Cluster is unavailable TE_STOP =1<<9, ///< Stop of event operation TE_ALL=0xFFFF ///< Any/all event on table (not relevant when ///< events are received) }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL enum _TableEvent { _TE_INSERT=0, _TE_DELETE=1, _TE_UPDATE=2, _TE_SCAN=3, _TE_FIRST_NON_DATA_EVENT=4, _TE_DROP=4, _TE_ALTER=5, _TE_CREATE=6, _TE_GCP_COMPLETE=7, _TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE=8, _TE_STOP=9, _TE_NUL=10 // internal (INS o DEL within same GCI) }; #endif /** * Specifies the durability of an event * (future version may supply other types) */ enum EventDurability { ED_UNDEFINED #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL = 0 #endif #if 0 // not supported ,ED_SESSION = 1, // Only this API can use it // and it's deleted after api has disconnected or ndb has restarted ED_TEMPORARY = 2 // All API's can use it, // But's its removed when ndb is restarted #endif ,ED_PERMANENT ///< All API's can use it. ///< It's still defined after a cluster system restart #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL = 3 #endif }; /** * Constructor * @param name Name of event */ Event(const char *name); /** * Constructor * @param name Name of event * @param table Reference retrieved from NdbDictionary */ Event(const char *name, const NdbDictionary::Table& table); virtual ~Event(); /** * Set unique identifier for the event */ void setName(const char *name); /** * Get unique identifier for the event */ const char *getName() const; /** * Define table on which events should be detected * * @note calling this method will default to detection * of events on all columns. Calling subsequent * addEventColumn calls will override this. * * @param table reference retrieved from NdbDictionary */ void setTable(const NdbDictionary::Table& table); /** * Set table for which events should be detected * * @note preferred way is using setTable(const NdbDictionary::Table&) * or constructor with table object parameter */ void setTable(const char *tableName); /** * Get table name for events * * @return table name */ const char* getTableName() const; /** * Add type of event that should be detected */ void addTableEvent(const TableEvent te); /** * Set durability of the event */ void setDurability(EventDurability); /** * Get durability of the event */ EventDurability getDurability() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL void addColumn(const Column &c); #endif /** * Add a column on which events should be detected * * @param attrId Column id * * @note errors will mot be detected until createEvent() is called */ void addEventColumn(unsigned attrId); /** * Add a column on which events should be detected * * @param columnName Column name * * @note errors will not be detected until createEvent() is called */ void addEventColumn(const char * columnName); /** * Add several columns on which events should be detected * * @param n Number of columns * @param columnNames Column names * * @note errors will mot be detected until * NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createEvent() is called */ void addEventColumns(int n, const char ** columnNames); /** * Get no of columns defined in an Event * * @return Number of columns, -1 on error */ int getNoOfEventColumns() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL void print(); #endif private: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL friend class NdbEventImpl; friend class NdbEventOperationImpl; #endif class NdbEventImpl & m_impl; Event(NdbEventImpl&); }; struct AutoGrowSpecification { Uint32 min_free; Uint64 max_size; Uint64 file_size; const char * filename_pattern; }; /** * @class LogfileGroup */ class LogfileGroup : public Object { public: LogfileGroup(); LogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup&); virtual ~LogfileGroup(); void setName(const char * name); const char* getName() const; void setUndoBufferSize(Uint32 sz); Uint32 getUndoBufferSize() const; void setAutoGrowSpecification(const AutoGrowSpecification&); const AutoGrowSpecification& getAutoGrowSpecification() const; Uint64 getUndoFreeWords() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; private: friend class NdbDictionaryImpl; friend class NdbLogfileGroupImpl; class NdbLogfileGroupImpl & m_impl; LogfileGroup(NdbLogfileGroupImpl&); }; /** * @class Tablespace */ class Tablespace : public Object { public: Tablespace(); Tablespace(const Tablespace&); virtual ~Tablespace(); void setName(const char * name); const char* getName() const; void setExtentSize(Uint32 sz); Uint32 getExtentSize() const; void setAutoGrowSpecification(const AutoGrowSpecification&); const AutoGrowSpecification& getAutoGrowSpecification() const; void setDefaultLogfileGroup(const char * name); void setDefaultLogfileGroup(const class LogfileGroup&); const char * getDefaultLogfileGroup() const; Uint32 getDefaultLogfileGroupId() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; private: friend class NdbTablespaceImpl; class NdbTablespaceImpl & m_impl; Tablespace(NdbTablespaceImpl&); }; class Datafile : public Object { public: Datafile(); Datafile(const Datafile&); virtual ~Datafile(); void setPath(const char * name); const char* getPath() const; void setSize(Uint64); Uint64 getSize() const; Uint64 getFree() const; void setTablespace(const char * name); void setTablespace(const class Tablespace &); const char * getTablespace() const; Uint32 getTablespaceId() const; void setNode(Uint32 nodeId); Uint32 getNode() const; Uint32 getFileNo() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; private: friend class NdbDatafileImpl; class NdbDatafileImpl & m_impl; Datafile(NdbDatafileImpl&); }; class Undofile : public Object { public: Undofile(); Undofile(const Undofile&); virtual ~Undofile(); void setPath(const char * path); const char* getPath() const; void setSize(Uint64); Uint64 getSize() const; void setLogfileGroup(const char * name); void setLogfileGroup(const class LogfileGroup &); const char * getLogfileGroup() const; Uint32 getLogfileGroupId() const; void setNode(Uint32 nodeId); Uint32 getNode() const; Uint32 getFileNo() const; /** * Get object status */ virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const; /** * Get object version */ virtual int getObjectVersion() const; /** * Get object id */ virtual int getObjectId() const; private: friend class NdbUndofileImpl; class NdbUndofileImpl & m_impl; Undofile(NdbUndofileImpl&); }; /** * @class Dictionary * @brief Dictionary for defining and retreiving meta data */ class Dictionary { public: /** * @class List * @brief Structure for retrieving lists of object names */ struct List { /** * @struct Element * @brief Object to be stored in an NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List */ struct Element { unsigned id; ///< Id of object Object::Type type; ///< Type of object Object::State state; ///< State of object Object::Store store; ///< How object is stored char * database; ///< In what database the object resides char * schema; ///< What schema the object is defined in char * name; ///< Name of object Element() : id(0), type(Object::TypeUndefined), state(Object::StateUndefined), store(Object::StoreUndefined), database(0), schema(0), name(0) { } }; unsigned count; ///< Number of elements in list Element * elements; ///< Pointer to array of elements List() : count(0), elements(0) {} ~List() { if (elements != 0) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { delete[] elements[i].database; delete[] elements[i].schema; delete[] elements[i].name; elements[i].name = 0; } delete[] elements; count = 0; elements = 0; } } }; /** * @name General * @{ */ /** * Fetch list of all objects, optionally restricted to given type. * * @param list List of objects returned in the dictionary * @param type Restrict returned list to only contain objects of * this type * * @return -1 if error. * */ int listObjects(List & list, Object::Type type = Object::TypeUndefined); int listObjects(List & list, Object::Type type = Object::TypeUndefined) const; /** * Get the latest error * * @return Error object. */ const struct NdbError & getNdbError() const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Retrieving references to Tables and Indexes * @{ */ /** * Get table with given name, NULL if undefined * @param name Name of table to get * @return table if successful otherwise NULL. */ const Table * getTable(const char * name) const; /** * Get index with given name, NULL if undefined * @param indexName Name of index to get. * @param tableName Name of table that index belongs to. * @return index if successful, otherwise 0. */ const Index * getIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName) const; /** * Fetch list of indexes of given table. * @param list Reference to list where to store the listed indexes * @param tableName Name of table that index belongs to. * @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1 */ int listIndexes(List & list, const char * tableName); int listIndexes(List & list, const char * tableName) const; /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Events * @{ */ /** * Create event given defined Event instance * @param event Event to create * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int createEvent(const Event &event); /** * Drop event with given name * @param eventName Name of event to drop. * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int dropEvent(const char * eventName); /** * Get event with given name. * @param eventName Name of event to get. * @return an Event if successful, otherwise NULL. */ const Event * getEvent(const char * eventName); /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Table creation * @{ * * These methods should normally not be used in an application as * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server */ /** * Create defined table given defined Table instance * @param table Table to create * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int createTable(const Table &table); /** * Drop table given retrieved Table instance * @param table Table to drop * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int dropTable(Table & table); /** * Drop table given table name * @param name Name of table to drop * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int dropTable(const char * name); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL /** * Alter defined table given defined Table instance * @param table Table to alter * @return -2 (incompatible version) <br> * -1 general error <br> * 0 success */ int alterTable(const Table &table); /** * Invalidate cached table object * @param name Name of table to invalidate */ void invalidateTable(const char * name); #endif /** * Remove table from local cache */ void removeCachedTable(const char * table); /** * Remove index from local cache */ void removeCachedIndex(const char * index, const char * table); /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Index creation * @{ * * These methods should normally not be used in an application as * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server * */ /** * Create index given defined Index instance * @param index Index to create * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int createIndex(const Index &index); /** * Drop index with given name * @param indexName Name of index to drop. * @param tableName Name of table that index belongs to. * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1. */ int dropIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName); #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL /** * Invalidate cached index object */ void invalidateIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName); /** * Force gcp and wait for gcp complete */ int forceGCPWait(); #endif /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** @} *******************************************************************/ /** * @name Disk data objects * @{ */ int createLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup &); int dropLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup&); LogfileGroup getLogfileGroup(const char * name); int createTablespace(const Tablespace &); int dropTablespace(const Tablespace&); Tablespace getTablespace(const char * name); int createDatafile(const Datafile &, bool overwrite_existing = false); int dropDatafile(const Datafile&); Datafile getDatafile(Uint32 node, const char * path); int createUndofile(const Undofile &, bool overwrite_existing = false); int dropUndofile(const Undofile&); Undofile getUndofile(Uint32 node, const char * path); /** @} *******************************************************************/ protected: Dictionary(Ndb & ndb); ~Dictionary(); private: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL friend class NdbDictionaryImpl; friend class UtilTransactions; friend class NdbBlob; #endif class NdbDictionaryImpl & m_impl; Dictionary(NdbDictionaryImpl&); const Table * getIndexTable(const char * indexName, const char * tableName) const; public: #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL const Table * getTable(const char * name, void **data) const; void set_local_table_data_size(unsigned sz); #endif }; }; class NdbOut& operator <<(class NdbOut& out, const NdbDictionary::Column& col); #endif