#include "sql_select.h" #include "item_windowfunc.h" #include "filesort.h" #include "sql_base.h" #include "sql_window.h" bool Window_spec::check_window_names(List_iterator_fast<Window_spec> &it) { char *name= this->name(); char *ref_name= window_reference(); it.rewind(); Window_spec *win_spec; while((win_spec= it++) && win_spec != this) { char *win_spec_name= win_spec->name(); if (!win_spec_name) break; if (name && my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, name, win_spec_name) == 0) { my_error(ER_DUP_WINDOW_NAME, MYF(0), name); return true; } if (ref_name && my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, ref_name, win_spec_name) == 0) { if (partition_list->elements) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_LIST_IN_REFERENCING_WINDOW_SPEC, MYF(0), ref_name); return true; } if (win_spec->order_list->elements && order_list->elements) { my_error(ER_ORDER_LIST_IN_REFERENCING_WINDOW_SPEC, MYF(0), ref_name); return true; } if (win_spec->window_frame) { my_error(ER_WINDOW_FRAME_IN_REFERENCED_WINDOW_SPEC, MYF(0), ref_name); return true; } referenced_win_spec= win_spec; if (partition_list->elements == 0) partition_list= win_spec->partition_list; if (order_list->elements == 0) order_list= win_spec->order_list; } } if (ref_name && !referenced_win_spec) { my_error(ER_WRONG_WINDOW_SPEC_NAME, MYF(0), ref_name); return true; } return false; } bool Window_frame::check_frame_bounds() { if ((top_bound->is_unbounded() && top_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::FOLLOWING) || (bottom_bound->is_unbounded() && bottom_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING) || (top_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::CURRENT && bottom_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING) || (bottom_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::CURRENT && top_bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::FOLLOWING)) { my_error(ER_BAD_COMBINATION_OF_WINDOW_FRAME_BOUND_SPECS, MYF(0)); return true; } return false; } /* Setup window functions in a select */ int setup_windows(THD *thd, Ref_ptr_array ref_pointer_array, TABLE_LIST *tables, List<Item> &fields, List<Item> &all_fields, List<Window_spec> &win_specs, List<Item_window_func> &win_funcs) { Window_spec *win_spec; DBUG_ENTER("setup_windows"); List_iterator<Window_spec> it(win_specs); /* Move all unnamed specifications after the named ones. We could have avoided it if we had built two separate lists for named and unnamed specifications. */ Query_arena *arena, backup; arena= thd->activate_stmt_arena_if_needed(&backup); uint i = 0; uint elems= win_specs.elements; while ((win_spec= it++) && i++ < elems) { if (win_spec->name() == NULL) { it.remove(); win_specs.push_back(win_spec); } } if (arena) thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup); it.rewind(); List_iterator_fast<Window_spec> itp(win_specs); while ((win_spec= it++)) { bool hidden_group_fields; if (win_spec->check_window_names(itp) || setup_group(thd, ref_pointer_array, tables, fields, all_fields, win_spec->partition_list->first, &hidden_group_fields) || setup_order(thd, ref_pointer_array, tables, fields, all_fields, win_spec->order_list->first) || (win_spec->window_frame && win_spec->window_frame->check_frame_bounds())) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (win_spec->window_frame && win_spec->window_frame->exclusion != Window_frame::EXCL_NONE) { my_error(ER_FRAME_EXCLUSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* For "win_func() OVER (ORDER BY order_list RANGE BETWEEN ...)", - ORDER BY order_list must not be ommitted - the list must have a single element. */ if (win_spec->window_frame && win_spec->window_frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_RANGE) { if (win_spec->order_list->elements != 1) { my_error(ER_RANGE_FRAME_NEEDS_SIMPLE_ORDERBY, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* "The declared type of SK shall be numeric, datetime, or interval" we don't support datetime or interval, yet. */ Item_result rtype= win_spec->order_list->first->item[0]->result_type(); if (rtype != REAL_RESULT && rtype != INT_RESULT && rtype != DECIMAL_RESULT) { my_error(ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_RANGE_FRAME, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* "The declared type of UVS shall be numeric if the declared type of SK is numeric; otherwise, it shall be an interval type that may be added to or subtracted from the declared type of SK" */ Window_frame_bound *bounds[]= {win_spec->window_frame->top_bound, win_spec->window_frame->bottom_bound, NULL}; for (Window_frame_bound **pbound= &bounds[0]; *pbound; pbound++) { if (!(*pbound)->is_unbounded() && ((*pbound)->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::FOLLOWING || (*pbound)->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING)) { Item_result rtype= (*pbound)->offset->result_type(); if (rtype != REAL_RESULT && rtype != INT_RESULT && rtype != DECIMAL_RESULT) { my_error(ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_RANGE_FRAME, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } } /* "ROWS PRECEDING|FOLLOWING $n" must have a numeric $n */ if (win_spec->window_frame && win_spec->window_frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_ROWS) { Window_frame_bound *bounds[]= {win_spec->window_frame->top_bound, win_spec->window_frame->bottom_bound, NULL}; for (Window_frame_bound **pbound= &bounds[0]; *pbound; pbound++) { if (!(*pbound)->is_unbounded() && ((*pbound)->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::FOLLOWING || (*pbound)->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING)) { Item *offset= (*pbound)->offset; if (offset->result_type() != INT_RESULT) { my_error(ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_ROWS_FRAME, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } } } List_iterator_fast<Item_window_func> li(win_funcs); Item_window_func *win_func_item; while ((win_func_item= li++)) { win_func_item->update_used_tables(); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Do a pass over sorted table and compute window function values. This function is for handling window functions that can be computed on the fly. Examples are RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). */ bool compute_window_func_values(Item_window_func *item_win, TABLE *tbl, READ_RECORD *info) { int err; while (!(err=info->read_record(info))) { store_record(tbl,record[1]); /* This will cause window function to compute its value for the current row : */ item_win->advance_window(); /* Put the new value into temptable's field TODO: Should this use item_win->update_field() call? Regular aggegate function implementations seem to implement it. */ item_win->save_in_field(item_win->result_field, true); err= tbl->file->ha_update_row(tbl->record[1], tbl->record[0]); if (err && err != HA_ERR_RECORD_IS_THE_SAME) return true; } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Window Frames support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // note: make rr_from_pointers static again when not need it here anymore int rr_from_pointers(READ_RECORD *info); /* A temporary way to clone READ_RECORD structures until Monty provides the real one. */ bool clone_read_record(const READ_RECORD *src, READ_RECORD *dst) { //DBUG_ASSERT(src->table->sort.record_pointers); DBUG_ASSERT(src->read_record == rr_from_pointers); memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(READ_RECORD)); return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* A cursor over a sequence of rowids. One can - Move to next rowid - jump to given number in the sequence - Know the number of the current rowid (i.e. how many rowids have been read) */ class Rowid_seq_cursor { uchar *cache_start; uchar *cache_pos; uchar *cache_end; uint ref_length; public: void init(READ_RECORD *info) { cache_start= info->cache_pos; cache_pos= info->cache_pos; cache_end= info->cache_end; ref_length= info->ref_length; } virtual int get_next() { /* Allow multiple get_next() calls in EOF state*/ if (cache_pos == cache_end) return -1; cache_pos+= ref_length; return 0; } ha_rows get_rownum() { return (cache_pos - cache_start) / ref_length; } // will be called by ROWS n FOLLOWING to catch up. void move_to(ha_rows row_number) { cache_pos= cache_start + row_number * ref_length; } protected: bool at_eof() { return (cache_pos == cache_end); } uchar *get_last_rowid() { if (cache_pos == cache_start) return NULL; else return cache_pos - ref_length; } uchar *get_curr_rowid() { return cache_pos; } }; /* Cursor which reads from rowid sequence and also retrieves table rows. */ class Table_read_cursor : public Rowid_seq_cursor { /* Note: we don't own *read_record, somebody else is using it. We only look at the constant part of it, e.g. table, record buffer, etc. */ READ_RECORD *read_record; public: void init(READ_RECORD *info) { Rowid_seq_cursor::init(info); read_record= info; } virtual int get_next() { if (at_eof()) return -1; uchar* curr_rowid= get_curr_rowid(); int res= Rowid_seq_cursor::get_next(); if (!res) { res= read_record->table->file->ha_rnd_pos(read_record->record, curr_rowid); } return res; } bool restore_last_row() { uchar *p; if ((p= get_last_rowid())) { int rc= read_record->table->file->ha_rnd_pos(read_record->record, p); if (!rc) return true; // restored ok } return false; // didn't restore } // todo: should move_to() also read row here? }; /* TODO: We should also have a cursor that reads table rows and stays within the current partition. */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Window frame bound cursor. Abstract interface. @detail The cursor moves within the partition that the current row is in. It may be ahead or behind the current row. The cursor also assumes that the current row moves forward through the partition and will move to the next adjacent partition after this one. @todo - if we want to allocate this on the MEM_ROOT we should make sure it is not re-allocated for every subquery execution. */ class Frame_cursor : public Sql_alloc { public: virtual void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) {} /* Current row has moved to the next partition and is positioned on the first row there. Position the frame bound accordingly. @param first - TRUE means this is the first partition @param item - Put or remove rows from there. @detail - if first==false, the caller guarantees that tbl->record[0] points at the first row in the new partition. - if first==true, we are just starting in the first partition and no such guarantee is provided. - The callee may move tbl->file and tbl->record[0] to point to some other row. */ virtual void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item){}; virtual void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item)=0; /* The current row has moved one row forward. Move this frame bound accordingly, and update the value of aggregate function as necessary. */ virtual void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item){}; virtual void next_row(Item_sum* item)=0; virtual ~Frame_cursor(){} }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RANGE-type frames ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Frame_range_n_top handles the top end of RANGE-type frame. That is, it handles: RANGE BETWEEN n PRECEDING AND ... RANGE BETWEEN n FOLLOWING AND ... Top of the frame doesn't need to check for partition end, since bottom will reach it before. */ class Frame_range_n_top : public Frame_cursor { Table_read_cursor cursor; Cached_item_item *range_expr; Item *n_val; Item *item_add; const bool is_preceding; /* 1 when order_list uses ASC ordering -1 when order_list uses DESC ordering */ int order_direction; public: Frame_range_n_top(bool is_preceding_arg, Item *n_val_arg) : n_val(n_val_arg), item_add(NULL), is_preceding(is_preceding_arg) {} void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); DBUG_ASSERT(order_list->elements == 1); Item *src_expr= order_list->first->item[0]; if (order_list->first->direction == ORDER::ORDER_ASC) order_direction= 1; else order_direction= -1; range_expr= (Cached_item_item*) new_Cached_item(thd, src_expr, FALSE); bool use_minus= is_preceding; if (order_direction == -1) use_minus= !use_minus; if (use_minus) item_add= new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_minus(thd, src_expr, n_val); else item_add= new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_plus(thd, src_expr, n_val); item_add->fix_fields(thd, &item_add); } void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { // Save the value of FUNC(current_row) range_expr->fetch_value_from(item_add); } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { cursor.move_to(rownum); walk_till_non_peer(item); } void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item) { range_expr->fetch_value_from(item_add); } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { /* Ok, our cursor is at the first row R where (prev_row + n) >= R We need to check about the current row. */ if (cursor.restore_last_row()) { if (order_direction * range_expr->cmp_read_only() <= 0) return; item->remove(); } walk_till_non_peer(item); } private: void walk_till_non_peer(Item_sum* item) { while (!cursor.get_next()) { if (order_direction * range_expr->cmp_read_only() <= 0) break; item->remove(); } } }; /* Frame_range_n_bottom handles bottom end of RANGE-type frame. That is, it handles frame bounds in form: RANGE BETWEEN ... AND n PRECEDING RANGE BETWEEN ... AND n FOLLOWING Bottom end moves first so it needs to check for partition end (todo: unless it's PRECEDING and in that case it doesnt) (todo: factor out common parts with Frame_range_n_top into a common ancestor) */ class Frame_range_n_bottom: public Frame_cursor { Table_read_cursor cursor; Cached_item_item *range_expr; Item *n_val; Item *item_add; const bool is_preceding; Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker; bool end_of_partition; /* 1 when order_list uses ASC ordering -1 when order_list uses DESC ordering */ int order_direction; public: Frame_range_n_bottom(bool is_preceding_arg, Item *n_val_arg) : n_val(n_val_arg), item_add(NULL), is_preceding(is_preceding_arg) {} void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); DBUG_ASSERT(order_list->elements == 1); Item *src_expr= order_list->first->item[0]; if (order_list->first->direction == ORDER::ORDER_ASC) order_direction= 1; else order_direction= -1; range_expr= (Cached_item_item*) new_Cached_item(thd, src_expr, FALSE); bool use_minus= is_preceding; if (order_direction == -1) use_minus= !use_minus; if (use_minus) item_add= new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_minus(thd, src_expr, n_val); else item_add= new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_plus(thd, src_expr, n_val); item_add->fix_fields(thd, &item_add); bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list); } void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { // Save the value of FUNC(current_row) range_expr->fetch_value_from(item_add); bound_tracker.check_if_next_group(); end_of_partition= false; } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { cursor.move_to(rownum); walk_till_non_peer(item); } void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item) { if (end_of_partition) return; range_expr->fetch_value_from(item_add); } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { if (end_of_partition) return; /* Ok, our cursor is at the first row R where (prev_row + n) >= R We need to check about the current row. */ if (cursor.restore_last_row()) { if (order_direction * range_expr->cmp_read_only() < 0) return; item->add(); } walk_till_non_peer(item); } private: void walk_till_non_peer(Item_sum* item) { int res; while (!(res= cursor.get_next())) { if (bound_tracker.check_if_next_group()) { end_of_partition= true; break; } if (order_direction * range_expr->cmp_read_only() < 0) break; item->add(); } if (res) end_of_partition= true; } }; /* RANGE BETWEEN ... AND CURRENT ROW, bottom frame bound for CURRENT ROW ... | peer1 | peer2 <----- current_row | peer3 +-peer4 <----- the cursor points here. peer4 itself is included. nonpeer1 nonpeer2 This bound moves in front of the current_row. It should be a the first row that is still a peer of the current row. */ class Frame_range_current_row_bottom: public Frame_cursor { Table_read_cursor cursor; Group_bound_tracker peer_tracker; bool dont_move; public: void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); peer_tracker.init(thd, order_list); } void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { // Save the value of the current_row peer_tracker.check_if_next_group(); if (rownum != 0) { // Add the current row now because our cursor has already seen it item->add(); } } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { walk_till_non_peer(item); } void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item) { dont_move= !peer_tracker.check_if_next_group(); if (!dont_move) item->add(); } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { // Check if our cursor is pointing at a peer of the current row. // If not, move forward until that becomes true if (dont_move) { /* Our current is not a peer of the current row. No need to move the bound. */ return; } walk_till_non_peer(item); } private: void walk_till_non_peer(Item_sum* item) { /* Walk forward until we've met first row that's not a peer of the current row */ while (!cursor.get_next()) { if (peer_tracker.compare_with_cache()) break; item->add(); } } }; /* RANGE BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND .... Top CURRENT ROW, RANGE-type frame bound nonpeer1 nonpeer2 +-peer1 <----- the cursor points here. peer1 itself is included. | peer2 | peer3 <----- current_row | peer4 ... It moves behind the current_row. It is located right after the first peer of the current_row. */ class Frame_range_current_row_top : public Frame_cursor { Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker; Table_read_cursor cursor; Group_bound_tracker peer_tracker; bool move; public: void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list); cursor.init(info); peer_tracker.init(thd, order_list); } void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { // Fetch the value from the first row peer_tracker.check_if_next_group(); cursor.move_to(rownum+1); } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) {} void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item) { // Check if the new current_row is a peer of the row that our cursor is // pointing to. move= peer_tracker.check_if_next_group(); } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { if (move) { /* Our cursor is pointing at the first row that was a peer of the previous current row. Or, it was the first row in the partition. */ if (cursor.restore_last_row()) { // todo: need the following check ? if (!peer_tracker.compare_with_cache()) return; item->remove(); } do { if (cursor.get_next()) return; if (!peer_tracker.compare_with_cache()) return; item->remove(); } while (1); } } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNBOUNDED frame bounds (shared between RANGE and ROWS) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* UNBOUNDED PRECEDING frame bound */ class Frame_unbounded_preceding : public Frame_cursor { public: void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { /* UNBOUNDED PRECEDING frame end just stays on the first row. We are top of the frame, so we don't need to update the sum function. */ } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { /* Do nothing, UNBOUNDED PRECEDING frame end doesn't move. */ } }; /* UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING frame bound */ class Frame_unbounded_following : public Frame_cursor { Table_read_cursor cursor; Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker; public: void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list); } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { if (!rownum) { /* Read the first row */ if (cursor.get_next()) return; } /* Remember which partition we are in */ bound_tracker.check_if_next_group(); item->add(); /* Walk to the end of the partition, updating the SUM function */ while (!cursor.get_next()) { if (bound_tracker.check_if_next_group()) break; item->add(); } } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { /* Do nothing, UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING frame end doesn't move */ } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROWS-type frame bounds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ROWS $n PRECEDING frame bound */ class Frame_n_rows_preceding : public Frame_cursor { /* Whether this is top of the frame or bottom */ const bool is_top_bound; const ha_rows n_rows; /* Number of rows that we need to skip before our cursor starts moving */ ha_rows n_rows_to_skip; Table_read_cursor cursor; public: Frame_n_rows_preceding(bool is_top_bound_arg, ha_rows n_rows_arg) : is_top_bound(is_top_bound_arg), n_rows(n_rows_arg) {} void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { /* Position our cursor to point at the first row in the new partition (for rownum=0, it is already there, otherwise, it lags behind) */ if (rownum != 0) cursor.move_to(rownum); /* Suppose the bound is ROWS 2 PRECEDING, and current row is row#n: ... n-3 n-2 --- bound row n-1 n --- current_row ... The bound should point at row #(n-2). Bounds are inclusive, so - bottom bound should add row #(n-2) into the window function - top bound should remove row (#n-3) from the window function. */ n_rows_to_skip= n_rows + (is_top_bound? 1:0) - 1; } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { if (n_rows_to_skip) { n_rows_to_skip--; return; } if (cursor.get_next()) return; // this is not expected to happen. if (is_top_bound) // this is frame start endpoint item->remove(); else item->add(); } }; /* ROWS ... CURRENT ROW, Bottom bound. This case is moved to separate class because here we don't need to maintain our own cursor, or check for partition bound. */ class Frame_rows_current_row_bottom : public Frame_cursor { public: void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { item->add(); } void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) {} void pre_next_row(Item_sum* item) { /* Temp table's current row is current_row. Add it to the window func */ item->add(); } void next_row(Item_sum* item) {}; }; /* ROWS-type CURRENT ROW, top bound. This serves for processing "ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND ..." frames. n-1 n --+ --- current_row, and top frame bound n+1 | ... | when the current_row moves to row #n, this frame bound should remove the row #(n-1) from the window function. In other words, we need what "ROWS PRECEDING 0" provides. */ class Frame_rows_current_row_top: public Frame_n_rows_preceding { public: Frame_rows_current_row_top() : Frame_n_rows_preceding(true /*top*/, 0 /* n_rows */) {} }; /* ROWS $n FOLLOWING frame bound. */ class Frame_n_rows_following : public Frame_cursor { /* Whether this is top of the frame or bottom */ const bool is_top_bound; const ha_rows n_rows; Table_read_cursor cursor; bool at_partition_end; /* This cursor reaches partition end before the main cursor has reached it. bound_tracker is used to detect partition end. */ Group_bound_tracker bound_tracker; public: Frame_n_rows_following(bool is_top_bound_arg, ha_rows n_rows_arg) : is_top_bound(is_top_bound_arg), n_rows(n_rows_arg) { DBUG_ASSERT(n_rows > 0); } void init(THD *thd, READ_RECORD *info, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *partition_list, SQL_I_List<ORDER> *order_list) { cursor.init(info); at_partition_end= false; bound_tracker.init(thd, partition_list); } void pre_next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { at_partition_end= false; // Fetch current partition value bound_tracker.check_if_next_group(); if (rownum != 0) { // This is only needed for "FOLLOWING 1". It is one row behind cursor.move_to(rownum+1); // Current row points at the first row in the partition if (is_top_bound) // this is frame top endpoint item->remove(); else item->add(); } } /* Move our cursor to be n_rows ahead. */ void next_partition(longlong rownum, Item_sum* item) { longlong i_end= n_rows + ((rownum==0)?1:0)- is_top_bound; for (longlong i= 0; i < i_end; i++) { if (next_row_intern(item)) break; } } void next_row(Item_sum* item) { if (at_partition_end) return; next_row_intern(item); } private: bool next_row_intern(Item_sum *item) { if (!cursor.get_next()) { if (bound_tracker.check_if_next_group()) at_partition_end= true; else { if (is_top_bound) // this is frame start endpoint item->remove(); else item->add(); } } else at_partition_end= true; return at_partition_end; } }; /* Get a Frame_cursor for a frame bound. This is a "factory function". */ Frame_cursor *get_frame_cursor(Window_frame *frame, bool is_top_bound) { if (!frame) { /* The docs say this about the lack of frame clause: Let WD be a window structure descriptor. ... If WD has no window framing clause, then Case: i) If the window ordering clause of WD is not present, then WF is the window partition of R. ii) Otherwise, WF consists of all rows of the partition of R that precede R or are peers of R in the window ordering of the window partition defined by the window ordering clause. For case #ii, the frame bounds essentially are "RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW". For the case #i, without ordering clause all rows are considered peers, so again the same frame bounds can be used. */ if (is_top_bound) return new Frame_unbounded_preceding; else return new Frame_range_current_row_bottom; } Window_frame_bound *bound= is_top_bound? frame->top_bound : frame->bottom_bound; if (bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING || bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::FOLLOWING) { bool is_preceding= (bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::PRECEDING); if (bound->offset == NULL) /* this is UNBOUNDED */ { /* The following serve both RANGE and ROWS: */ if (is_preceding) return new Frame_unbounded_preceding; else return new Frame_unbounded_following; } if (frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_ROWS) { longlong n_rows= bound->offset->val_int(); /* These should be handled in the parser */ DBUG_ASSERT(!bound->offset->null_value); DBUG_ASSERT(n_rows > 0); if (is_preceding) return new Frame_n_rows_preceding(is_top_bound, n_rows); else return new Frame_n_rows_following(is_top_bound, n_rows); } else { if (is_top_bound) return new Frame_range_n_top(is_preceding, bound->offset); else return new Frame_range_n_bottom(is_preceding, bound->offset); } } if (bound->precedence_type == Window_frame_bound::CURRENT) { if (frame->units == Window_frame::UNITS_ROWS) { if (is_top_bound) return new Frame_rows_current_row_top; else return new Frame_rows_current_row_bottom; } else { if (is_top_bound) return new Frame_range_current_row_top; else return new Frame_range_current_row_bottom; } } return NULL; } /* Streamed window function computation with window frames. We make a single pass over the ordered temp.table, but we're using three cursors: - current row - the row that we're computing window func value for) - start_bound - the start of the frame - bottom_bound - the end of the frame All three cursors move together. @todo Provided bounds have their 'cursors'... is it better to re-clone their cursors or re-position them onto the current row? @detail ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING -- frame start AND 3 FOLLOWING -- frame end /------ frame end (aka BOTTOM) Dataset start | --------====*=======[*]========*========-------->> dataset end | \ | +-------- current row | \-------- frame start ("TOP") - frame_end moves forward and adds rows into the aggregate function. - frame_start follows behind and removes rows from the aggregate function. - current_row is the row where the value of aggregate function is stored. @TODO: Only the first cursor needs to check for run-out-of-partition condition (Others can catch up by counting rows?) */ bool compute_window_func_with_frames(Item_window_func *item_win, TABLE *tbl, READ_RECORD *info) { THD *thd= current_thd; int err= 0; Frame_cursor *top_bound; Frame_cursor *bottom_bound; Item_sum *sum_func= item_win->window_func(); /* This algorithm doesn't support DISTINCT aggregator */ sum_func->set_aggregator(Aggregator::SIMPLE_AGGREGATOR); Window_frame *window_frame= item_win->window_spec->window_frame; top_bound= get_frame_cursor(window_frame, true); bottom_bound= get_frame_cursor(window_frame, false); top_bound->init(thd, info, item_win->window_spec->partition_list, item_win->window_spec->order_list); bottom_bound->init(thd, info, item_win->window_spec->partition_list, item_win->window_spec->order_list); bool is_error= false; longlong rownum= 0; uchar *rowid_buf= (uchar*) my_malloc(tbl->file->ref_length, MYF(0)); while (true) { /* Move the current_row */ if ((err=info->read_record(info))) { break; /* End of file */ } bool partition_changed= item_win->check_if_partition_changed(); tbl->file->position(tbl->record[0]); memcpy(rowid_buf, tbl->file->ref, tbl->file->ref_length); if (partition_changed || (rownum == 0)) { sum_func->clear(); /* pre_XXX functions assume that tbl->record[0] contains current_row, and they may not change it. */ bottom_bound->pre_next_partition(rownum, sum_func); top_bound->pre_next_partition(rownum, sum_func); /* We move bottom_bound first, because we want rows to be added into the aggregate before top_bound attempts to remove them. */ bottom_bound->next_partition(rownum, sum_func); top_bound->next_partition(rownum, sum_func); } else { /* Again, both pre_XXX function can find current_row in tbl->record[0] */ bottom_bound->pre_next_row(sum_func); top_bound->pre_next_row(sum_func); /* These make no assumptions about tbl->record[0] and may change it */ bottom_bound->next_row(sum_func); top_bound->next_row(sum_func); } rownum++; /* Frame cursors may have made tbl->record[0] to point to some record other than current_row. This applies to tbl->file's internal state, too. Fix this by reading the current row again. */ tbl->file->ha_rnd_pos(tbl->record[0], rowid_buf); store_record(tbl,record[1]); item_win->save_in_field(item_win->result_field, true); err= tbl->file->ha_update_row(tbl->record[1], tbl->record[0]); if (err && err != HA_ERR_RECORD_IS_THE_SAME) { is_error= true; break; } } my_free(rowid_buf); delete top_bound; delete bottom_bound; return is_error? true: false; } bool compute_two_pass_window_functions(Item_window_func *item_win, TABLE *table, READ_RECORD *info) { /* Perform first pass. */ // TODO-cvicentiu why not initialize the record for when we need, _in_ // this function. READ_RECORD *info2= new READ_RECORD(); int err; bool is_error = false; bool first_row= true; clone_read_record(info, info2); Item_sum_window_with_context *window_func= static_cast<Item_sum_window_with_context *>(item_win->window_func()); uchar *rowid_buf= (uchar*) my_malloc(table->file->ref_length, MYF(0)); is_error= window_func->create_window_context(); /* Unable to allocate a new context. */ if (is_error) return true; Window_context *context = window_func->get_window_context(); /* The two pass algorithm is as follows: We have a sorted table according to the partition and order by clauses. 1. Scan through the table till we reach a partition boundary. 2. For each row that we scan, add it to the context. 3. Once the partition boundary is met, do a second scan through the current partition and use the context information to compute the value for the window function for that partition. 4. Reset the context. 5. Repeat from 1 till end of table. */ bool done = false; longlong rows_in_current_partition = 0; // TODO handle end of table updating. while (!done) { if ((err= info->read_record(info))) { done = true; } bool partition_changed= done || item_win->check_if_partition_changed(); // The first time we always have a partition changed. Ignore it. if (first_row) { partition_changed= false; first_row= false; } if (partition_changed) { /* We are now looking at the first row for the next partition, or at the end of the table. Either way, we must remember this position for when we finish doing the second pass. */ table->file->position(table->record[0]); memcpy(rowid_buf, table->file->ref, table->file->ref_length); for (longlong row_number = 0; row_number < rows_in_current_partition; row_number++) { if ((err= info2->read_record(info2))) { is_error= true; break; } window_func->add(); // Save the window function into the table. item_win->save_in_field(item_win->result_field, true); err= table->file->ha_update_row(table->record[1], table->record[0]); if (err && err != HA_ERR_RECORD_IS_THE_SAME) { is_error= true; break; } } if (is_error) break; rows_in_current_partition= 0; window_func->clear(); context->reset(); // Return to the beginning of the new partition. table->file->ha_rnd_pos(table->record[0], rowid_buf); } rows_in_current_partition++; context->add_field_to_context(item_win->result_field); } window_func->delete_window_context(); delete info2; my_free(rowid_buf); return is_error; } /* Make a list that is a concation of two lists of ORDER elements */ static ORDER* concat_order_lists(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ORDER *list1, ORDER *list2) { if (!list1) { list1= list2; list2= NULL; } ORDER *res= NULL; // first element in the new list ORDER *prev= NULL; // last element in the new list ORDER *cur_list= list1; // this goes through list1, list2 while (cur_list) { for (ORDER *cur= cur_list; cur; cur= cur->next) { ORDER *copy= (ORDER*)alloc_root(mem_root, sizeof(ORDER)); memcpy(copy, cur, sizeof(ORDER)); if (prev) prev->next= copy; prev= copy; if (!res) res= copy; } cur_list= (cur_list == list1)? list2: NULL; } if (prev) prev->next= NULL; return res; } bool Window_func_runner::setup(THD *thd) { Window_spec *spec = win_func->window_spec; ORDER* sort_order= concat_order_lists(thd->mem_root, spec->partition_list->first, spec->order_list->first); filesort= new (thd->mem_root) Filesort(sort_order, HA_POS_ERROR, NULL); filesort->tracker= new Filesort_tracker(thd->lex->analyze_stmt); win_func->setup_partition_border_check(thd); Item_sum::Sumfunctype type= win_func->window_func()->sum_func(); switch (type) { case Item_sum::ROW_NUMBER_FUNC: case Item_sum::RANK_FUNC: case Item_sum::DENSE_RANK_FUNC: { /* One-pass window function computation, walk through the rows and assign values. */ compute_func= compute_window_func_values; break; } case Item_sum::PERCENT_RANK_FUNC: case Item_sum::CUME_DIST_FUNC: { compute_func= compute_two_pass_window_functions; break; } case Item_sum::COUNT_FUNC: case Item_sum::SUM_BIT_FUNC: case Item_sum::SUM_FUNC: case Item_sum::AVG_FUNC: { /* Frame-aware window function computation. It does one pass, but uses three cursors -frame_start, current_row, and frame_end. */ compute_func= compute_window_func_with_frames; break; } default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } return false; } /* Compute the value of window function for all rows. */ bool Window_func_runner::exec(JOIN *join) { THD *thd= join->thd; JOIN_TAB *join_tab= &join->join_tab[join->top_join_tab_count]; if (create_sort_index(thd, join, join_tab, filesort)) return true; win_func->set_phase_to_computation(); /* Go through the sorted array and compute the window function */ READ_RECORD info; TABLE *tbl= join_tab->table; if (init_read_record(&info, thd, tbl, NULL/*select*/, join_tab->filesort_result, 0, 1, FALSE)) return true; bool is_error= compute_func(win_func, tbl, &info); /* This calls filesort_free_buffers(): */ end_read_record(&info); delete join_tab->filesort_result; join_tab->filesort_result= NULL; win_func->set_phase_to_retrieval(); return is_error; } bool Window_funcs_computation::setup(THD *thd, List<Item_window_func> *window_funcs, JOIN_TAB *tab) { List_iterator_fast<Item_window_func> it(*window_funcs); Item_window_func *item_win; Window_func_runner *runner; SQL_SELECT *sel= NULL; if (tab->filesort && tab->filesort->select) { sel= tab->filesort->select; DBUG_ASSERT(!sel->quick); } // for each window function while ((item_win= it++)) { // Create a runner and call setup for it if (!(runner= new Window_func_runner(item_win)) || runner->setup(thd)) { return true; } /* Apply the same condition that the subsequent sort will */ runner->filesort->select= sel; win_func_runners.push_back(runner, thd->mem_root); } return false; } bool Window_funcs_computation::exec(JOIN *join) { List_iterator<Window_func_runner> it(win_func_runners); Window_func_runner *runner; /* Execute each runner */ while ((runner = it++)) { if (runner->exec(join)) return true; } return false; } void Window_funcs_computation::cleanup() { List_iterator<Window_func_runner> it(win_func_runners); Window_func_runner *runner; while ((runner = it++)) { runner->cleanup(); delete runner; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Unneeded comments (will be removed when we develop a replacement for // the feature that was attempted here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* TODO Get this code to set can_compute_window_function during preparation, not during execution. The reason for this is the following: Our single scan optimization for window functions without tmp table, is valid, if and only if, we only need to perform one sorting operation, via filesort. The cases where we need to perform one sorting operation only: * A select with only one window function. * A select with multiple window functions, but they must have their partition and order by clauses compatible. This means that one ordering is acceptable for both window functions. For example: partition by a, b, c; order by d, e results in sorting by a b c d e. partition by a; order by d results in sorting by a d. This kind of sorting is compatible. The less specific partition does not care for the order of b and c columns so it is valid if we sort by those in case of equality over a. partition by a, b; order by d, e results in sorting by a b d e partition by a; order by e results in sorting by a e This sorting is incompatible due to the order by clause. The partition by clause is compatible, (partition by a) is a prefix for (partition by a, b) However, order by e is not a prefix for order by d, e, thus it is not compatible. The rule for having compatible sorting is thus: Each partition order must contain the other window functions partitions prefixes, or be a prefix itself. This must hold true for all partitions. Analog for the order by clause. */ #if 0 List<Item_window_func> window_functions; SQL_I_List<ORDER> largest_partition; SQL_I_List<ORDER> largest_order_by; bool can_compute_window_live = !need_tmp; // Construct the window_functions item list and check if they can be // computed using only one sorting. // // TODO: Perhaps group functions into compatible sorting bins // to minimize the number of sorting passes required to compute all of them. while ((item= it++)) { if (item->type() == Item::WINDOW_FUNC_ITEM) { Item_window_func *item_win = (Item_window_func *) item; window_functions.push_back(item_win); if (!can_compute_window_live) continue; // No point checking since we have to perform multiple sorts. Window_spec *spec = item_win->window_spec; // Having an empty partition list on one window function and a // not empty list on a separate window function causes the sorting // to be incompatible. // // Example: // over (partition by a, order by x) && over (order by x). // // The first function requires an ordering by a first and then by x, // while the seond function requires an ordering by x first. // The same restriction is not required for the order by clause. if (largest_partition.elements && !spec->partition_list.elements) { can_compute_window_live= FALSE; continue; } can_compute_window_live= test_if_order_compatible(largest_partition, spec->partition_list); if (!can_compute_window_live) continue; can_compute_window_live= test_if_order_compatible(largest_order_by, spec->order_list); if (!can_compute_window_live) continue; if (largest_partition.elements < spec->partition_list.elements) largest_partition = spec->partition_list; if (largest_order_by.elements < spec->order_list.elements) largest_order_by = spec->order_list; } } if (can_compute_window_live && window_functions.elements && table_count == 1) { ha_rows examined_rows = 0; ha_rows found_rows = 0; ha_rows filesort_retval; SORT_FIELD *s_order= (SORT_FIELD *) my_malloc(sizeof(SORT_FIELD) * (largest_partition.elements + largest_order_by.elements) + 1, MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL | MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC)); size_t pos= 0; for (ORDER* curr = largest_partition.first; curr; curr=curr->next, pos++) s_order[pos].item = *curr->item; for (ORDER* curr = largest_order_by.first; curr; curr=curr->next, pos++) s_order[pos].item = *curr->item; table[0]->sort.io_cache=(IO_CACHE*) my_malloc(sizeof(IO_CACHE), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL| MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC)); filesort_retval= filesort(thd, table[0], s_order, (largest_partition.elements + largest_order_by.elements), this->select, HA_POS_ERROR, FALSE, &examined_rows, &found_rows, this->explain->ops_tracker.report_sorting(thd)); table[0]->sort.found_records= filesort_retval; join_tab->read_first_record = join_init_read_record; join_tab->records= found_rows; my_free(s_order); } else #endif