/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "NdbDictionaryImpl.hpp" #include "API.hpp" #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include "NdbApiSignal.hpp" #include "TransporterFacade.hpp" #include <signaldata/GetTabInfo.hpp> #include <signaldata/DictTabInfo.hpp> #include <signaldata/CreateTable.hpp> #include <signaldata/CreateIndx.hpp> #include <signaldata/CreateEvnt.hpp> #include <signaldata/SumaImpl.hpp> #include <signaldata/DropTable.hpp> #include <signaldata/AlterTable.hpp> #include <signaldata/DropIndx.hpp> #include <signaldata/ListTables.hpp> #include <signaldata/DropFilegroup.hpp> #include <signaldata/CreateFilegroup.hpp> #include <signaldata/WaitGCP.hpp> #include <SimpleProperties.hpp> #include <Bitmask.hpp> #include <AttributeList.hpp> #include <NdbEventOperation.hpp> #include "NdbEventOperationImpl.hpp" #include <NdbBlob.hpp> #include "NdbBlobImpl.hpp" #include <AttributeHeader.hpp> #include <my_sys.h> #include <NdbEnv.h> #include <NdbMem.h> #include <util/version.h> #include <NdbSleep.h> #define DEBUG_PRINT 0 #define INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION -2 #define DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT (7*24*60*60*1000) #define ERR_RETURN(a,b) \ {\ DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("error %d return %d", (a).code, b));\ DBUG_RETURN(b);\ } int ndb_dictionary_is_mysqld = 0; bool is_ndb_blob_table(const char* name, Uint32* ptab_id, Uint32* pcol_no) { return DictTabInfo::isBlobTableName(name, ptab_id, pcol_no); } bool is_ndb_blob_table(const NdbTableImpl* t) { return is_ndb_blob_table(t->m_internalName.c_str()); } //#define EVENT_DEBUG /** * Column */ NdbColumnImpl::NdbColumnImpl() : NdbDictionary::Column(* this), m_attrId(-1), m_facade(this) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::NdbColumnImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } NdbColumnImpl::NdbColumnImpl(NdbDictionary::Column & f) : NdbDictionary::Column(* this), m_attrId(-1), m_facade(&f) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::NdbColumnImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } NdbColumnImpl& NdbColumnImpl::operator=(const NdbColumnImpl& col) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::operator="); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p &col: %p", this, &col)); m_attrId = col.m_attrId; m_name = col.m_name; m_type = col.m_type; m_precision = col.m_precision; m_cs = col.m_cs; m_scale = col.m_scale; m_length = col.m_length; m_pk = col.m_pk; m_distributionKey = col.m_distributionKey; m_nullable = col.m_nullable; m_autoIncrement = col.m_autoIncrement; m_autoIncrementInitialValue = col.m_autoIncrementInitialValue; m_defaultValue = col.m_defaultValue; m_attrSize = col.m_attrSize; m_arraySize = col.m_arraySize; m_arrayType = col.m_arrayType; m_storageType = col.m_storageType; m_keyInfoPos = col.m_keyInfoPos; if (col.m_blobTable == NULL) m_blobTable = NULL; else { if (m_blobTable == NULL) m_blobTable = new NdbTableImpl(); m_blobTable->assign(*col.m_blobTable); } m_column_no = col.m_column_no; // Do not copy m_facade !! DBUG_RETURN(*this); } void NdbColumnImpl::init(Type t) { // do not use default_charset_info as it may not be initialized yet // use binary collation until NDB tests can handle charsets CHARSET_INFO* default_cs = &my_charset_bin; m_type = t; switch (m_type) { case Tinyint: case Tinyunsigned: case Smallint: case Smallunsigned: case Mediumint: case Mediumunsigned: case Int: case Unsigned: case Bigint: case Bigunsigned: case Float: case Double: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Olddecimal: case Olddecimalunsigned: case Decimal: case Decimalunsigned: m_precision = 10; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Char: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = default_cs; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Varchar: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = default_cs; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_SHORT_VAR; break; case Binary: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Varbinary: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_SHORT_VAR; break; case Datetime: case Date: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Blob: m_precision = 256; m_scale = 8000; m_length = 4; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Text: m_precision = 256; m_scale = 8000; m_length = 4; m_cs = default_cs; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Time: case Year: case Timestamp: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Bit: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; break; case Longvarchar: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; // legal m_cs = default_cs; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_MEDIUM_VAR; break; case Longvarbinary: m_precision = 0; m_scale = 0; m_length = 1; // legal m_cs = NULL; m_arrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_MEDIUM_VAR; break; default: case Undefined: assert(false); break; } m_pk = false; m_nullable = false; m_distributionKey = false; m_keyInfoPos = 0; // next 2 are set at run time m_attrSize = 0; m_arraySize = 0; m_autoIncrement = false; m_autoIncrementInitialValue = 1; m_blobTable = NULL; m_storageType = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY; #ifdef VM_TRACE if(NdbEnv_GetEnv("NDB_DEFAULT_DISK", (char *)0, 0)) m_storageType = NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK; #endif } NdbColumnImpl::~NdbColumnImpl() { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::~NdbColumnImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); if (m_blobTable != NULL) delete m_blobTable; m_blobTable = NULL; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool NdbColumnImpl::equal(const NdbColumnImpl& col) const { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::equal"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p &col: %p", this, &col)); if(strcmp(m_name.c_str(), col.m_name.c_str()) != 0){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_type != col.m_type){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_pk != col.m_pk){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_nullable != col.m_nullable){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_pk) { if (m_distributionKey != col.m_distributionKey) { DBUG_RETURN(false); } } if (m_precision != col.m_precision || m_scale != col.m_scale || m_length != col.m_length || m_cs != col.m_cs) { DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_autoIncrement != col.m_autoIncrement){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(strcmp(m_defaultValue.c_str(), col.m_defaultValue.c_str()) != 0){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_arrayType != col.m_arrayType || m_storageType != col.m_storageType){ DBUG_RETURN(false); } DBUG_RETURN(true); } NdbDictionary::Column * NdbColumnImpl::create_pseudo(const char * name){ NdbDictionary::Column * col = new NdbDictionary::Column(); col->setName(name); if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$FRAGMENT")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::FRAGMENT; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$FRAGMENT_FIXED_MEMORY")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::FRAGMENT_FIXED_MEMORY; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$FRAGMENT_VARSIZED_MEMORY")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::FRAGMENT_VARSIZED_MEMORY; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$ROW_COUNT")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::ROW_COUNT; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$COMMIT_COUNT")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::COMMIT_COUNT; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$ROW_SIZE")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::ROW_SIZE; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$RANGE_NO")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::RANGE_NO; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$DISK_REF")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::DISK_REF; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$RECORDS_IN_RANGE")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::RECORDS_IN_RANGE; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 4; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$ROWID")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::ROWID; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 2; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$ROW_GCI")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::ROW_GCI; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 8; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; col->m_impl.m_nullable = true; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$ANY_VALUE")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::ANY_VALUE; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 1; } else if(!strcmp(name, "NDB$COPY_ROWID")){ col->setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); col->m_impl.m_attrId = AttributeHeader::COPY_ROWID; col->m_impl.m_attrSize = 4; col->m_impl.m_arraySize = 2; } else { abort(); } col->m_impl.m_storageType = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY; return col; } /** * NdbTableImpl */ NdbTableImpl::NdbTableImpl() : NdbDictionary::Table(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::UserTable), m_facade(this) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbTableImpl::NdbTableImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } NdbTableImpl::NdbTableImpl(NdbDictionary::Table & f) : NdbDictionary::Table(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::UserTable), m_facade(&f) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbTableImpl::NdbTableImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } NdbTableImpl::~NdbTableImpl() { DBUG_ENTER("NdbTableImpl::~NdbTableImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); if (m_index != 0) { delete m_index; m_index = 0; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); i++) delete m_columns[i]; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbTableImpl::init(){ m_changeMask= 0; m_id= RNIL; m_version = ~0; m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Invalid; m_type = NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined; m_primaryTableId= RNIL; m_internalName.clear(); m_externalName.clear(); m_newExternalName.clear(); m_mysqlName.clear(); m_frm.clear(); m_newFrm.clear(); m_ts_name.clear(); m_new_ts_name.clear(); m_ts.clear(); m_new_ts.clear(); m_fd.clear(); m_new_fd.clear(); m_range.clear(); m_new_range.clear(); m_fragmentType= NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllSmall; m_hashValueMask= 0; m_hashpointerValue= 0; m_linear_flag= true; m_primaryTable.clear(); m_default_no_part_flag = 1; m_logging= true; m_temporary = false; m_row_gci = true; m_row_checksum = true; m_force_var_part = false; m_kvalue= 6; m_minLoadFactor= 78; m_maxLoadFactor= 80; m_keyLenInWords= 0; m_fragmentCount= 0; m_index= NULL; m_indexType= NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined; m_noOfKeys= 0; m_noOfDistributionKeys= 0; m_noOfBlobs= 0; m_replicaCount= 0; m_min_rows = 0; m_max_rows = 0; m_tablespace_name.clear(); m_tablespace_id = ~0; m_tablespace_version = ~0; m_single_user_mode = 0; } bool NdbTableImpl::equal(const NdbTableImpl& obj) const { DBUG_ENTER("NdbTableImpl::equal"); if ((m_internalName.c_str() == NULL) || (strcmp(m_internalName.c_str(), "") == 0) || (obj.m_internalName.c_str() == NULL) || (strcmp(obj.m_internalName.c_str(), "") == 0)) { // Shallow equal if(strcmp(getName(), obj.getName()) != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("name %s != %s",getName(),obj.getName())); DBUG_RETURN(false); } } else { // Deep equal if(strcmp(m_internalName.c_str(), obj.m_internalName.c_str()) != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_internalName %s != %s", m_internalName.c_str(),obj.m_internalName.c_str())); DBUG_RETURN(false); } } if (m_frm.length() != obj.m_frm.length() || (memcmp(m_frm.get_data(), obj.m_frm.get_data(), m_frm.length()))) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_frm not equal")); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_fd.length() != obj.m_fd.length() || (memcmp(m_fd.get_data(), obj.m_fd.get_data(), m_fd.length()))) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_fd not equal")); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_ts.length() != obj.m_ts.length() || (memcmp(m_ts.get_data(), obj.m_ts.get_data(), m_ts.length()))) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_ts not equal")); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_range.length() != obj.m_range.length() || (memcmp(m_range.get_data(), obj.m_range.get_data(), m_range.length()))) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_range not equal")); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_fragmentType != obj.m_fragmentType) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_fragmentType %d != %d",m_fragmentType, obj.m_fragmentType)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_columns.size() != obj.m_columns.size()) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_columns.size %d != %d",m_columns.size(), obj.m_columns.size())); DBUG_RETURN(false); } for(unsigned i = 0; i<obj.m_columns.size(); i++) { if(!m_columns[i]->equal(* obj.m_columns[i])) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_columns [%d] != [%d]",i,i)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } } if(m_linear_flag != obj.m_linear_flag) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_linear_flag %d != %d",m_linear_flag, obj.m_linear_flag)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_max_rows != obj.m_max_rows) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_max_rows %d != %d",(int32)m_max_rows, (int32)obj.m_max_rows)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_default_no_part_flag != obj.m_default_no_part_flag) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_default_no_part_flag %d != %d",m_default_no_part_flag, obj.m_default_no_part_flag)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_logging != obj.m_logging) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_logging %d != %d",m_logging,obj.m_logging)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_temporary != obj.m_temporary) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_temporary %d != %d",m_temporary,obj.m_temporary)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_row_gci != obj.m_row_gci) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_row_gci %d != %d",m_row_gci,obj.m_row_gci)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_row_checksum != obj.m_row_checksum) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_row_checksum %d != %d",m_row_checksum, obj.m_row_checksum)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_kvalue != obj.m_kvalue) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_kvalue %d != %d",m_kvalue,obj.m_kvalue)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_minLoadFactor != obj.m_minLoadFactor) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_minLoadFactor %d != %d",m_minLoadFactor, obj.m_minLoadFactor)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_maxLoadFactor != obj.m_maxLoadFactor) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_maxLoadFactor %d != %d",m_maxLoadFactor, obj.m_maxLoadFactor)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_tablespace_id != obj.m_tablespace_id) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_tablespace_id %d != %d",m_tablespace_id, obj.m_tablespace_id)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_tablespace_version != obj.m_tablespace_version) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_tablespace_version %d != %d",m_tablespace_version, obj.m_tablespace_version)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_id != obj.m_id) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_id %d != %d",m_id,obj.m_id)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_version != obj.m_version) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_version %d != %d",m_version,obj.m_version)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(m_type != obj.m_type) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_type %d != %d",m_type,obj.m_type)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_type == NdbDictionary::Object::UniqueHashIndex || m_type == NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex) { if(m_primaryTableId != obj.m_primaryTableId) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_primaryTableId %d != %d",m_primaryTableId, obj.m_primaryTableId)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if (m_indexType != obj.m_indexType) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_indexType %d != %d",m_indexType,obj.m_indexType)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(strcmp(m_primaryTable.c_str(), obj.m_primaryTable.c_str()) != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_primaryTable %s != %s", m_primaryTable.c_str(),obj.m_primaryTable.c_str())); DBUG_RETURN(false); } } if(m_single_user_mode != obj.m_single_user_mode) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_single_user_mode %d != %d", (int32)m_single_user_mode, (int32)obj.m_single_user_mode)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } DBUG_RETURN(true); } int NdbTableImpl::assign(const NdbTableImpl& org) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbColumnImpl::assign"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p &org: %p", this, &org)); /* m_changeMask intentionally not copied */ m_primaryTableId = org.m_primaryTableId; if (!m_internalName.assign(org.m_internalName) || updateMysqlName()) { return -1; } // If the name has been explicitly set, use that name // otherwise use the fetched name if (!org.m_newExternalName.empty()) m_externalName.assign(org.m_newExternalName); else m_externalName.assign(org.m_externalName); m_frm.assign(org.m_frm.get_data(), org.m_frm.length()); m_ts_name.assign(org.m_ts_name.get_data(), org.m_ts_name.length()); m_new_ts_name.assign(org.m_new_ts_name.get_data(), org.m_new_ts_name.length()); m_ts.assign(org.m_ts.get_data(), org.m_ts.length()); m_new_ts.assign(org.m_new_ts.get_data(), org.m_new_ts.length()); m_fd.assign(org.m_fd.get_data(), org.m_fd.length()); m_new_fd.assign(org.m_new_fd.get_data(), org.m_new_fd.length()); m_range.assign(org.m_range.get_data(), org.m_range.length()); m_new_range.assign(org.m_new_range.get_data(), org.m_new_range.length()); m_fragmentType = org.m_fragmentType; /* m_columnHashMask, m_columnHash, m_hashValueMask, m_hashpointerValue is state calculated by computeAggregates and buildColumnHash */ unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); i++) { delete m_columns[i]; } m_columns.clear(); for(i = 0; i < org.m_columns.size(); i++) { NdbColumnImpl * col = new NdbColumnImpl(); if (col == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } const NdbColumnImpl * iorg = org.m_columns[i]; (* col) = (* iorg); if (m_columns.push_back(col)) { delete col; return -1; } } m_fragments = org.m_fragments; m_linear_flag = org.m_linear_flag; m_max_rows = org.m_max_rows; m_default_no_part_flag = org.m_default_no_part_flag; m_logging = org.m_logging; m_temporary = org.m_temporary; m_row_gci = org.m_row_gci; m_row_checksum = org.m_row_checksum; m_force_var_part = org.m_force_var_part; m_kvalue = org.m_kvalue; m_minLoadFactor = org.m_minLoadFactor; m_maxLoadFactor = org.m_maxLoadFactor; m_keyLenInWords = org.m_keyLenInWords; m_fragmentCount = org.m_fragmentCount; m_single_user_mode = org.m_single_user_mode; if (m_index != 0) delete m_index; m_index = org.m_index; m_primaryTable = org.m_primaryTable; m_indexType = org.m_indexType; m_noOfKeys = org.m_noOfKeys; m_noOfDistributionKeys = org.m_noOfDistributionKeys; m_noOfBlobs = org.m_noOfBlobs; m_replicaCount = org.m_replicaCount; m_id = org.m_id; m_version = org.m_version; m_status = org.m_status; m_max_rows = org.m_max_rows; m_min_rows = org.m_min_rows; m_tablespace_name = org.m_tablespace_name; m_tablespace_id= org.m_tablespace_id; m_tablespace_version = org.m_tablespace_version; DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbTableImpl::setName(const char * name) { return !m_newExternalName.assign(name); } const char * NdbTableImpl::getName() const { if (m_newExternalName.empty()) return m_externalName.c_str(); else return m_newExternalName.c_str(); } void NdbTableImpl::computeAggregates() { m_noOfKeys = 0; m_keyLenInWords = 0; m_noOfDistributionKeys = 0; m_noOfBlobs = 0; m_noOfDiskColumns = 0; Uint32 i, n; for (i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); i++) { NdbColumnImpl* col = m_columns[i]; if (col->m_pk) { m_noOfKeys++; m_keyLenInWords += (col->m_attrSize * col->m_arraySize + 3) / 4; } if (col->m_distributionKey) m_noOfDistributionKeys++; // XXX check PK if (col->getBlobType()) m_noOfBlobs++; if (col->getStorageType() == NdbDictionary::Column::StorageTypeDisk) m_noOfDiskColumns++; col->m_keyInfoPos = ~0; } if (m_noOfDistributionKeys == m_noOfKeys) { // all is none! m_noOfDistributionKeys = 0; } if (m_noOfDistributionKeys == 0) { // none is all! for (i = 0, n = m_noOfKeys; n != 0; i++) { NdbColumnImpl* col = m_columns[i]; if (col->m_pk) { col->m_distributionKey = true; n--; } } } Uint32 keyInfoPos = 0; for (i = 0, n = m_noOfKeys; n != 0; i++) { NdbColumnImpl* col = m_columns[i]; if (col->m_pk) { col->m_keyInfoPos = keyInfoPos++; n--; } } } // TODO add error checks // TODO use these internally at create and retrieve int NdbTableImpl::aggregate(NdbError& error) { computeAggregates(); return 0; } int NdbTableImpl::validate(NdbError& error) { if (aggregate(error) == -1) return -1; return 0; } const void* NdbTableImpl::getTablespaceNames() const { if (m_new_ts_name.empty()) return m_ts_name.get_data(); else return m_new_ts_name.get_data(); } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getTablespaceNamesLen() const { if (m_new_ts_name.empty()) return m_ts_name.length(); else return m_new_ts_name.length(); } int NdbTableImpl::setTablespaceNames(const void *data, Uint32 len) { return !m_new_ts_name.assign(data, len); } void NdbTableImpl::setFragmentCount(Uint32 count) { m_fragmentCount= count; } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getFragmentCount() const { return m_fragmentCount; } int NdbTableImpl::setFrm(const void* data, Uint32 len) { return m_newFrm.assign(data, len); } const void * NdbTableImpl::getFrmData() const { if (m_newFrm.empty()) return m_frm.get_data(); else return m_newFrm.get_data(); } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getFrmLength() const { if (m_newFrm.empty()) return m_frm.length(); else return m_newFrm.length(); } int NdbTableImpl::setFragmentData(const void* data, Uint32 len) { return m_new_fd.assign(data, len); } const void * NdbTableImpl::getFragmentData() const { if (m_new_fd.empty()) return m_fd.get_data(); else return m_new_fd.get_data(); } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getFragmentDataLen() const { if (m_new_fd.empty()) return m_fd.length(); else return m_new_fd.length(); } int NdbTableImpl::setTablespaceData(const void* data, Uint32 len) { return !m_new_ts.assign(data, len); } const void * NdbTableImpl::getTablespaceData() const { if (m_new_ts.empty()) return m_ts.get_data(); else return m_new_ts.get_data(); } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getTablespaceDataLen() const { if (m_new_ts.empty()) return m_ts.length(); else return m_new_ts.length(); } int NdbTableImpl::setRangeListData(const void* data, Uint32 len) { return m_new_range.assign(data, len); } const void * NdbTableImpl::getRangeListData() const { if (m_new_range.empty()) return m_range.get_data(); else return m_new_range.get_data(); } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::getRangeListDataLen() const { if (m_new_range.empty()) return m_range.length(); else return m_new_range.length(); } int NdbTableImpl::updateMysqlName() { Vector<BaseString> v; if (m_internalName.split(v,"/") == 3) { return !m_mysqlName.assfmt("%s/%s",v[0].c_str(),v[2].c_str()); } return !m_mysqlName.assign(""); } int NdbTableImpl::buildColumnHash(){ const Uint32 size = m_columns.size(); int i; for(i = 31; i >= 0; i--){ if(((1 << i) & size) != 0){ m_columnHashMask = (1 << (i + 1)) - 1; break; } } Vector<Uint32> hashValues; Vector<Vector<Uint32> > chains; if (chains.fill(size, hashValues)) { return -1; } for(i = 0; i< (int) size; i++){ Uint32 hv = Hash(m_columns[i]->getName()) & 0xFFFE; Uint32 bucket = hv & m_columnHashMask; bucket = (bucket < size ? bucket : bucket - size); assert(bucket < size); if (hashValues.push_back(hv) || chains[bucket].push_back(i)) { return -1; } } m_columnHash.clear(); Uint32 tmp = 1; if (m_columnHash.fill((unsigned)size-1, tmp)) // Default no chaining { return -1; } Uint32 pos = 0; // In overflow vector for(i = 0; i< (int) size; i++){ Uint32 sz = chains[i].size(); if(sz == 1){ Uint32 col = chains[i][0]; Uint32 hv = hashValues[col]; Uint32 bucket = hv & m_columnHashMask; bucket = (bucket < size ? bucket : bucket - size); m_columnHash[bucket] = (col << 16) | hv | 1; } else if(sz > 1){ Uint32 col = chains[i][0]; Uint32 hv = hashValues[col]; Uint32 bucket = hv & m_columnHashMask; bucket = (bucket < size ? bucket : bucket - size); m_columnHash[bucket] = (sz << 16) | (((size - bucket) + pos) << 1); for(size_t j = 0; j<sz; j++, pos++){ Uint32 col = chains[i][j]; Uint32 hv = hashValues[col]; if (m_columnHash.push_back((col << 16) | hv)) { return -1; } } } } if (m_columnHash.push_back(0)) // Overflow when looping in end of array { return -1; } #if 0 for(size_t i = 0; i<m_columnHash.size(); i++){ Uint32 tmp = m_columnHash[i]; int col = -1; if(i < size && (tmp & 1) == 1){ col = (tmp >> 16); } else if(i >= size){ col = (tmp >> 16); } ndbout_c("m_columnHash[%d] %s = %x", i, col > 0 ? m_columns[col]->getName() : "" , m_columnHash[i]); } #endif return 0; } Uint32 NdbTableImpl::get_nodes(Uint32 hashValue, const Uint16 ** nodes) const { Uint32 fragmentId; if(m_replicaCount == 0) return 0; switch (m_fragmentType) { case NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllSmall: case NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllMedium: case NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllLarge: case NdbDictionary::Object::FragSingle: case NdbDictionary::Object::DistrKeyLin: { fragmentId = hashValue & m_hashValueMask; if(fragmentId < m_hashpointerValue) fragmentId = hashValue & ((m_hashValueMask << 1) + 1); break; } case NdbDictionary::Object::DistrKeyHash: { fragmentId = hashValue % m_fragmentCount; break; } default: return 0; } Uint32 pos = fragmentId * m_replicaCount; if (pos + m_replicaCount <= m_fragments.size()) { *nodes = m_fragments.getBase()+pos; return m_replicaCount; } return 0; } int NdbDictionary::Table::checkColumns(const Uint32* map, Uint32 len) const { int ret = 0; Uint32 colCnt = m_impl.m_columns.size(); if (map == 0) { ret |= 1; ret |= (m_impl.m_noOfDiskColumns) ? 2 : 0; ret |= (colCnt > m_impl.m_noOfDiskColumns) ? 4 : 0; return ret; } NdbColumnImpl** cols = m_impl.m_columns.getBase(); const char * ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(map); const char * end = ptr + len; Uint32 no = 0; while (ptr < end) { Uint32 val = (Uint32)* ptr; Uint32 idx = 1; for (Uint32 i = 0; i<8; i++) { if (val & idx) { if (cols[no]->getPrimaryKey()) ret |= 1; else { if (cols[no]->getStorageType() == NdbDictionary::Column::StorageTypeDisk) ret |= 2; else ret |= 4; } } no ++; idx *= 2; if (no == colCnt) return ret; } ptr++; } return ret; } /** * NdbIndexImpl */ NdbIndexImpl::NdbIndexImpl() : NdbDictionary::Index(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex), m_facade(this) { init(); } NdbIndexImpl::NdbIndexImpl(NdbDictionary::Index & f) : NdbDictionary::Index(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex), m_facade(&f) { init(); } void NdbIndexImpl::init() { m_id= RNIL; m_type= NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined; m_logging= true; m_temporary= false; m_table= NULL; } NdbIndexImpl::~NdbIndexImpl(){ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); i++) delete m_columns[i]; } int NdbIndexImpl::setName(const char * name) { return !m_externalName.assign(name); } const char * NdbIndexImpl::getName() const { return m_externalName.c_str(); } int NdbIndexImpl::setTable(const char * table) { return !m_tableName.assign(table); } const char * NdbIndexImpl::getTable() const { return m_tableName.c_str(); } const NdbTableImpl * NdbIndexImpl::getIndexTable() const { return m_table; } /** * NdbEventImpl */ NdbEventImpl::NdbEventImpl() : NdbDictionary::Event(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined), m_facade(this) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbEventImpl::NdbEventImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } NdbEventImpl::NdbEventImpl(NdbDictionary::Event & f) : NdbDictionary::Event(* this), NdbDictObjectImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined), m_facade(&f) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbEventImpl::NdbEventImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); init(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbEventImpl::init() { m_eventId= RNIL; m_eventKey= RNIL; mi_type= 0; m_dur= NdbDictionary::Event::ED_UNDEFINED; m_mergeEvents = false; m_tableImpl= NULL; m_rep= NdbDictionary::Event::ER_UPDATED; } NdbEventImpl::~NdbEventImpl() { DBUG_ENTER("NdbEventImpl::~NdbEventImpl"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p", this)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); i++) delete m_columns[i]; if (m_tableImpl) delete m_tableImpl; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int NdbEventImpl::setName(const char * name) { return !m_name.assign(name); } const char *NdbEventImpl::getName() const { return m_name.c_str(); } int NdbEventImpl::setTable(const NdbDictionary::Table& table) { setTable(&NdbTableImpl::getImpl(table)); return !m_tableName.assign(m_tableImpl->getName()); } void NdbEventImpl::setTable(NdbTableImpl *tableImpl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbEventImpl::setTable"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("this: %p tableImpl: %p", this, tableImpl)); DBUG_ASSERT(tableImpl->m_status != NdbDictionary::Object::Invalid); if (!m_tableImpl) m_tableImpl = new NdbTableImpl(); // Copy table, since event might be accessed from different threads m_tableImpl->assign(*tableImpl); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } const NdbDictionary::Table * NdbEventImpl::getTable() const { if (m_tableImpl) return m_tableImpl->m_facade; else return NULL; } int NdbEventImpl::setTable(const char * table) { return !m_tableName.assign(table); } const char * NdbEventImpl::getTableName() const { return m_tableName.c_str(); } void NdbEventImpl::addTableEvent(const NdbDictionary::Event::TableEvent t = NdbDictionary::Event::TE_ALL) { mi_type |= (unsigned)t; } bool NdbEventImpl::getTableEvent(const NdbDictionary::Event::TableEvent t) const { return (mi_type & (unsigned)t) == (unsigned)t; } void NdbEventImpl::setDurability(NdbDictionary::Event::EventDurability d) { m_dur = d; } NdbDictionary::Event::EventDurability NdbEventImpl::getDurability() const { return m_dur; } void NdbEventImpl::setReport(NdbDictionary::Event::EventReport r) { m_rep = r; } NdbDictionary::Event::EventReport NdbEventImpl::getReport() const { return m_rep; } int NdbEventImpl::getNoOfEventColumns() const { return m_attrIds.size() + m_columns.size(); } const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbEventImpl::getEventColumn(unsigned no) const { if (m_columns.size()) { if (no < m_columns.size()) { return m_columns[no]; } } else if (m_attrIds.size()) { if (no < m_attrIds.size()) { NdbTableImpl* tab= m_tableImpl; if (tab == 0) return 0; return tab->getColumn(m_attrIds[no]); } } return 0; } /** * NdbDictionaryImpl */ NdbDictionaryImpl::NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb) : NdbDictionary::Dictionary(* this), m_facade(this), m_receiver(m_error), m_ndb(ndb) { m_globalHash = 0; m_local_table_data_size= 0; } NdbDictionaryImpl::NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb, NdbDictionary::Dictionary & f) : NdbDictionary::Dictionary(* this), m_facade(&f), m_receiver(m_error), m_ndb(ndb) { m_globalHash = 0; m_local_table_data_size= 0; } NdbDictionaryImpl::~NdbDictionaryImpl() { NdbElement_t<Ndb_local_table_info> * curr = m_localHash.m_tableHash.getNext(0); if(m_globalHash){ while(curr != 0){ m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(curr->theData->m_table_impl); Ndb_local_table_info::destroy(curr->theData); m_globalHash->unlock(); curr = m_localHash.m_tableHash.getNext(curr); } } else { assert(curr == 0); } } NdbTableImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::fetchGlobalTableImplRef(const GlobalCacheInitObject &obj) { DBUG_ENTER("fetchGlobalTableImplRef"); NdbTableImpl *impl; int error= 0; m_globalHash->lock(); impl = m_globalHash->get(obj.m_name.c_str(), &error); m_globalHash->unlock(); if (impl == 0){ if (error == 0) impl = m_receiver.getTable(obj.m_name.c_str(), m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); else m_error.code = 4000; if (impl != 0 && obj.init(*impl)) { delete impl; impl = 0; } m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->put(obj.m_name.c_str(), impl); m_globalHash->unlock(); } DBUG_RETURN(impl); } void NdbDictionaryImpl::putTable(NdbTableImpl *impl) { NdbTableImpl *old; int ret = getBlobTables(*impl); int error = 0; assert(ret == 0); m_globalHash->lock(); if ((old= m_globalHash->get(impl->m_internalName.c_str(), &error))) { m_globalHash->alter_table_rep(old->m_internalName.c_str(), impl->m_id, impl->m_version, FALSE); } m_globalHash->put(impl->m_internalName.c_str(), impl); m_globalHash->unlock(); Ndb_local_table_info *info= Ndb_local_table_info::create(impl, m_local_table_data_size); m_localHash.put(impl->m_internalName.c_str(), info); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &t) { unsigned n= t.m_noOfBlobs; DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::addBlobTables"); // optimized for blob column being the last one // and not looking for more than one if not neccessary for (unsigned i = t.m_columns.size(); i > 0 && n > 0;) { i--; NdbColumnImpl & c = *t.m_columns[i]; if (! c.getBlobType() || c.getPartSize() == 0) continue; n--; // retrieve blob table def from DICT - by-pass cache char btname[NdbBlobImpl::BlobTableNameSize]; NdbBlob::getBlobTableName(btname, &t, &c); BaseString btname_internal = m_ndb.internalize_table_name(btname); NdbTableImpl* bt = m_receiver.getTable(btname_internal, m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); if (bt == NULL) DBUG_RETURN(-1); // TODO check primary id/version when returned by DICT // the blob column owns the blob table assert(c.m_blobTable == NULL); c.m_blobTable = bt; } DBUG_RETURN(0); } NdbTableImpl* NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobTable(const NdbTableImpl& tab, uint col_no) { if (col_no < tab.m_columns.size()) { NdbColumnImpl* col = tab.m_columns[col_no]; if (col != NULL) { NdbTableImpl* bt = col->m_blobTable; if (bt != NULL) return bt; else m_error.code = 4273; // No blob table.. } else m_error.code = 4249; // Invalid table.. } else m_error.code = 4318; // Invalid attribute.. return NULL; } NdbTableImpl* NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobTable(uint tab_id, uint col_no) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobTable"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("tab_id: %u col_no %u", tab_id, col_no)); NdbTableImpl* tab = m_receiver.getTable(tab_id, m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); if (tab == NULL) DBUG_RETURN(NULL); Ndb_local_table_info* info = get_local_table_info(tab->m_internalName); delete tab; if (info == NULL) DBUG_RETURN(NULL); NdbTableImpl* bt = getBlobTable(*info->m_table_impl, col_no); DBUG_RETURN(bt); } #if 0 bool NdbDictionaryImpl::setTransporter(class TransporterFacade * tf) { if(tf != 0){ m_globalHash = &tf->m_globalDictCache; return m_receiver.setTransporter(tf); } return false; } #endif bool NdbDictionaryImpl::setTransporter(class Ndb* ndb, class TransporterFacade * tf) { m_globalHash = &tf->m_globalDictCache; if(m_receiver.setTransporter(ndb, tf)){ return true; } return false; } NdbTableImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getIndexTable(NdbIndexImpl * index, NdbTableImpl * table) { const char *current_db= m_ndb.getDatabaseName(); NdbTableImpl *index_table; const BaseString internalName( m_ndb.internalize_index_name(table, index->getName())); // Get index table in system database m_ndb.setDatabaseName(NDB_SYSTEM_DATABASE); index_table= getTable(m_ndb.externalizeTableName(internalName.c_str())); m_ndb.setDatabaseName(current_db); if (!index_table) { // Index table not found // Try geting index table in current database (old format) index_table= getTable(m_ndb.externalizeTableName(internalName.c_str())); } return index_table; } #if 0 bool NdbDictInterface::setTransporter(class TransporterFacade * tf) { if(tf == 0) return false; Guard g(tf->theMutexPtr); m_blockNumber = tf->open(this, execSignal, execNodeStatus); if ( m_blockNumber == -1 ) { m_error.code= 4105; return false; // no more free blocknumbers }//if Uint32 theNode = tf->ownId(); m_reference = numberToRef(m_blockNumber, theNode); m_transporter = tf; m_waiter.m_mutex = tf->theMutexPtr; return true; } #endif bool NdbDictInterface::setTransporter(class Ndb* ndb, class TransporterFacade * tf) { m_reference = ndb->getReference(); m_transporter = tf; m_waiter.m_mutex = tf->theMutexPtr; return true; } NdbDictInterface::~NdbDictInterface() { } void NdbDictInterface::execSignal(void* dictImpl, class NdbApiSignal* signal, class LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { NdbDictInterface * tmp = (NdbDictInterface*)dictImpl; const Uint32 gsn = signal->readSignalNumber(); switch(gsn){ case GSN_GET_TABINFOREF: tmp->execGET_TABINFO_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_GET_TABINFO_CONF: tmp->execGET_TABINFO_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_TABLE_REF: tmp->execCREATE_TABLE_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_TABLE_CONF: tmp->execCREATE_TABLE_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_TABLE_REF: tmp->execDROP_TABLE_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_TABLE_CONF: tmp->execDROP_TABLE_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_ALTER_TABLE_REF: tmp->execALTER_TABLE_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_ALTER_TABLE_CONF: tmp->execALTER_TABLE_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_INDX_REF: tmp->execCREATE_INDX_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_INDX_CONF: tmp->execCREATE_INDX_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_INDX_REF: tmp->execDROP_INDX_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_INDX_CONF: tmp->execDROP_INDX_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_EVNT_REF: tmp->execCREATE_EVNT_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_EVNT_CONF: tmp->execCREATE_EVNT_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_SUB_START_CONF: tmp->execSUB_START_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_SUB_START_REF: tmp->execSUB_START_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_SUB_STOP_CONF: tmp->execSUB_STOP_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_SUB_STOP_REF: tmp->execSUB_STOP_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_EVNT_REF: tmp->execDROP_EVNT_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_EVNT_CONF: tmp->execDROP_EVNT_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_LIST_TABLES_CONF: tmp->execLIST_TABLES_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_FILEGROUP_REF: tmp->execCREATE_FILEGROUP_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_FILEGROUP_CONF: tmp->execCREATE_FILEGROUP_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_FILE_REF: tmp->execCREATE_FILE_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_CREATE_FILE_CONF: tmp->execCREATE_FILE_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_FILEGROUP_REF: tmp->execDROP_FILEGROUP_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_FILEGROUP_CONF: tmp->execDROP_FILEGROUP_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_FILE_REF: tmp->execDROP_FILE_REF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_DROP_FILE_CONF: tmp->execDROP_FILE_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_WAIT_GCP_CONF: tmp->execWAIT_GCP_CONF(signal, ptr); break; case GSN_WAIT_GCP_REF: tmp->execWAIT_GCP_REF(signal, ptr); break; default: abort(); } } void NdbDictInterface::execNodeStatus(void* dictImpl, Uint32 aNode, bool alive, bool nfCompleted) { NdbDictInterface * tmp = (NdbDictInterface*)dictImpl; if(!alive && !nfCompleted){ return; } if (!alive && nfCompleted){ tmp->m_waiter.nodeFail(aNode); } } int NdbDictInterface::dictSignal(NdbApiSignal* sig, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], int secs, int node_specification, WaitSignalType wst, int timeout, Uint32 RETRIES, const int *errcodes, int temporaryMask) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::dictSignal"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("useMasterNodeId: %d", node_specification)); int sleep = 50; int mod = 5; for(Uint32 i = 0; i<RETRIES; i++) { if (i > 0) NdbSleep_MilliSleep(sleep + 10 * (rand() % mod)); if (i == RETRIES / 2) { mod = 10; } if (i == 3*RETRIES/4) { sleep = 100; } m_buffer.clear(); // Protected area /* The PollGuard has an implicit call of unlock_and_signal through the ~PollGuard method. This method is called implicitly by the compiler in all places where the object is out of context due to a return, break, continue or simply end of statement block */ PollGuard poll_guard(m_transporter, &m_waiter, refToBlock(m_reference)); Uint32 node; switch(node_specification){ case 0: node = (m_transporter->get_node_alive(m_masterNodeId) ? m_masterNodeId : (m_masterNodeId = m_transporter->get_an_alive_node())); break; case -1: node = m_transporter->get_an_alive_node(); break; default: node = node_specification; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("node %d", node)); if(node == 0){ m_error.code= 4009; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } int res = (ptr ? m_transporter->sendFragmentedSignal(sig, node, ptr, secs): m_transporter->sendSignal(sig, node)); if(res != 0){ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("dictSignal failed to send signal")); m_error.code = 4007; continue; } m_error.code= 0; int ret_val= poll_guard.wait_n_unlock(timeout, node, wst); // End of Protected area if(ret_val == 0 && m_error.code == 0){ // Normal return DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** * Handle error codes */ if(ret_val == -2) //WAIT_NODE_FAILURE { m_error.code = 4013; continue; } if(m_waiter.m_state == WST_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("dictSignal caught time-out")); m_error.code = 4008; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if ( temporaryMask == -1) { const NdbError &error= getNdbError(); if (error.status == NdbError::TemporaryError) continue; } else if ( (temporaryMask & m_error.code) != 0 ) { continue; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("dictSignal caught error= %d", m_error.code)); if(m_error.code && errcodes) { int j; for(j = 0; errcodes[j] ; j++){ if(m_error.code == errcodes[j]){ break; } } if(errcodes[j]) // Accepted error code continue; } break; } DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* Get dictionary information for a table using table id as reference DESCRIPTION Sends a GET_TABINFOREQ signal containing the table id */ NdbTableImpl * NdbDictInterface::getTable(int tableId, bool fullyQualifiedNames) { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); GetTabInfoReq * req = CAST_PTR(GetTabInfoReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestType = GetTabInfoReq::RequestById | GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf; req->tableId = tableId; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ; tSignal.theLength = GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength; return getTable(&tSignal, 0, 0, fullyQualifiedNames); } /* Get dictionary information for a table using table name as the reference DESCRIPTION Send GET_TABINFOREQ signal with the table name in the first long section part */ NdbTableImpl * NdbDictInterface::getTable(const BaseString& name, bool fullyQualifiedNames) { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); GetTabInfoReq* const req = CAST_PTR(GetTabInfoReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); const Uint32 namelen= name.length() + 1; // NULL terminated const Uint32 namelen_words= (namelen + 3) >> 2; // Size in words req->senderRef= m_reference; req->senderData= 0; req->requestType= GetTabInfoReq::RequestByName | GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf; req->tableNameLen= namelen; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber= DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber= GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ; tSignal.theLength= GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength; // Copy name to m_buffer to get a word sized buffer m_buffer.clear(); if (m_buffer.grow(namelen_words*4+4) || m_buffer.append(name.c_str(), namelen)) { m_error.code= 4000; return NULL; } #ifndef IGNORE_VALGRIND_WARNINGS Uint32 pad = 0; if (m_buffer.append(&pad, 4)) { m_error.code= 4000; return NULL; } #endif LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p= (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz= namelen_words; return getTable(&tSignal, ptr, 1, fullyQualifiedNames); } NdbTableImpl * NdbDictInterface::getTable(class NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, bool fullyQualifiedNames) { int errCodes[] = {GetTabInfoRef::Busy, 0 }; int r = dictSignal(signal, ptr, noOfSections, -1, // any node WAIT_GET_TAB_INFO_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); if (r) return 0; NdbTableImpl * rt = 0; m_error.code = parseTableInfo(&rt, (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(), m_buffer.length() / 4, fullyQualifiedNames); if(rt) { if (rt->buildColumnHash()) { m_error.code = 4000; delete rt; return NULL; } } return rt; } void NdbDictInterface::execGET_TABINFO_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const GetTabInfoConf* conf = CAST_CONSTPTR(GetTabInfoConf, signal->getDataPtr()); const Uint32 i = GetTabInfoConf::DICT_TAB_INFO; if(signal->isFirstFragment()){ m_fragmentId = signal->getFragmentId(); if (m_buffer.grow(4 * conf->totalLen)) { m_error.code= 4000; goto end; } } else { if(m_fragmentId != signal->getFragmentId()){ abort(); } } if (m_buffer.append(ptr[i].p, 4 * ptr[i].sz)) { m_error.code= 4000; } end: if(!signal->isLastFragment()){ return; } m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execGET_TABINFO_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const GetTabInfoRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(GetTabInfoRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->errorCode; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } /***************************************************************** * Pack/Unpack tables */ struct ApiKernelMapping { Int32 kernelConstant; Int32 apiConstant; }; Uint32 getApiConstant(Int32 kernelConstant, const ApiKernelMapping map[], Uint32 def) { int i = 0; while(map[i].kernelConstant != kernelConstant){ if(map[i].kernelConstant == -1 && map[i].apiConstant == -1){ return def; } i++; } return map[i].apiConstant; } Uint32 getKernelConstant(Int32 apiConstant, const ApiKernelMapping map[], Uint32 def) { int i = 0; while(map[i].apiConstant != apiConstant){ if(map[i].kernelConstant == -1 && map[i].apiConstant == -1){ return def; } i++; } return map[i].kernelConstant; } static const ApiKernelMapping fragmentTypeMapping[] = { { DictTabInfo::AllNodesSmallTable, NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllSmall }, { DictTabInfo::AllNodesMediumTable, NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllMedium }, { DictTabInfo::AllNodesLargeTable, NdbDictionary::Object::FragAllLarge }, { DictTabInfo::SingleFragment, NdbDictionary::Object::FragSingle }, { DictTabInfo::DistrKeyHash, NdbDictionary::Object::DistrKeyHash }, { DictTabInfo::DistrKeyLin, NdbDictionary::Object::DistrKeyLin }, { DictTabInfo::UserDefined, NdbDictionary::Object::UserDefined }, { -1, -1 } }; static const ApiKernelMapping objectTypeMapping[] = { { DictTabInfo::SystemTable, NdbDictionary::Object::SystemTable }, { DictTabInfo::UserTable, NdbDictionary::Object::UserTable }, { DictTabInfo::UniqueHashIndex, NdbDictionary::Object::UniqueHashIndex }, { DictTabInfo::OrderedIndex, NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex }, { DictTabInfo::HashIndexTrigger, NdbDictionary::Object::HashIndexTrigger }, { DictTabInfo::IndexTrigger, NdbDictionary::Object::IndexTrigger }, { DictTabInfo::SubscriptionTrigger,NdbDictionary::Object::SubscriptionTrigger }, { DictTabInfo::ReadOnlyConstraint ,NdbDictionary::Object::ReadOnlyConstraint }, { DictTabInfo::Tablespace, NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace }, { DictTabInfo::LogfileGroup, NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup }, { DictTabInfo::Datafile, NdbDictionary::Object::Datafile }, { DictTabInfo::Undofile, NdbDictionary::Object::Undofile }, { -1, -1 } }; static const ApiKernelMapping objectStateMapping[] = { { DictTabInfo::StateOffline, NdbDictionary::Object::StateOffline }, { DictTabInfo::StateBuilding, NdbDictionary::Object::StateBuilding }, { DictTabInfo::StateDropping, NdbDictionary::Object::StateDropping }, { DictTabInfo::StateOnline, NdbDictionary::Object::StateOnline }, { DictTabInfo::StateBackup, NdbDictionary::Object::StateBackup }, { DictTabInfo::StateBroken, NdbDictionary::Object::StateBroken }, { -1, -1 } }; static const ApiKernelMapping objectStoreMapping[] = { { DictTabInfo::StoreNotLogged, NdbDictionary::Object::StoreNotLogged }, { DictTabInfo::StorePermanent, NdbDictionary::Object::StorePermanent }, { -1, -1 } }; static const ApiKernelMapping indexTypeMapping[] = { { DictTabInfo::UniqueHashIndex, NdbDictionary::Index::UniqueHashIndex }, { DictTabInfo::OrderedIndex, NdbDictionary::Index::OrderedIndex }, { -1, -1 } }; int NdbDictInterface::parseTableInfo(NdbTableImpl ** ret, const Uint32 * data, Uint32 len, bool fullyQualifiedNames, Uint32 version) { SimplePropertiesLinearReader it(data, len); DictTabInfo::Table *tableDesc; SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus s; DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::parseTableInfo"); tableDesc = (DictTabInfo::Table*)NdbMem_Allocate(sizeof(DictTabInfo::Table)); if (!tableDesc) { DBUG_RETURN(4000); } tableDesc->init(); s = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, tableDesc, DictTabInfo::TableMapping, DictTabInfo::TableMappingSize, true, true); if(s != SimpleProperties::Break){ NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); DBUG_RETURN(703); } const char * internalName = tableDesc->TableName; const char * externalName = Ndb::externalizeTableName(internalName, fullyQualifiedNames); NdbTableImpl * impl = new NdbTableImpl(); impl->m_id = tableDesc->TableId; impl->m_version = tableDesc->TableVersion; impl->m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Retrieved; if (!impl->m_internalName.assign(internalName) || impl->updateMysqlName() || !impl->m_externalName.assign(externalName) || impl->m_frm.assign(tableDesc->FrmData, tableDesc->FrmLen) || impl->m_fd.assign(tableDesc->FragmentData, tableDesc->FragmentDataLen) || impl->m_range.assign(tableDesc->RangeListData, tableDesc->RangeListDataLen)) { DBUG_RETURN(4000); } impl->m_fragmentCount = tableDesc->FragmentCount; /* We specifically don't get tablespace data and range/list arrays here since those are known by the MySQL Server through analysing the frm file. Fragment Data contains the real node group mapping and the fragment identities used for each fragment. At the moment we have no need for this. Frm file is needed for autodiscovery. */ impl->m_fragmentType = (NdbDictionary::Object::FragmentType) getApiConstant(tableDesc->FragmentType, fragmentTypeMapping, (Uint32)NdbDictionary::Object::FragUndefined); Uint64 max_rows = ((Uint64)tableDesc->MaxRowsHigh) << 32; max_rows += tableDesc->MaxRowsLow; impl->m_max_rows = max_rows; Uint64 min_rows = ((Uint64)tableDesc->MinRowsHigh) << 32; min_rows += tableDesc->MinRowsLow; impl->m_min_rows = min_rows; impl->m_default_no_part_flag = tableDesc->DefaultNoPartFlag; impl->m_linear_flag = tableDesc->LinearHashFlag; impl->m_logging = tableDesc->TableLoggedFlag; impl->m_temporary = tableDesc->TableTemporaryFlag; impl->m_row_gci = tableDesc->RowGCIFlag; impl->m_row_checksum = tableDesc->RowChecksumFlag; impl->m_force_var_part = tableDesc->ForceVarPartFlag; impl->m_kvalue = tableDesc->TableKValue; impl->m_minLoadFactor = tableDesc->MinLoadFactor; impl->m_maxLoadFactor = tableDesc->MaxLoadFactor; impl->m_single_user_mode = tableDesc->SingleUserMode; impl->m_indexType = (NdbDictionary::Object::Type) getApiConstant(tableDesc->TableType, indexTypeMapping, NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined); if(impl->m_indexType == NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined){ } else { const char * externalPrimary = Ndb::externalizeTableName(tableDesc->PrimaryTable, fullyQualifiedNames); if (!impl->m_primaryTable.assign(externalPrimary)) { DBUG_RETURN(4000); } } Uint32 i; for(i = 0; i < tableDesc->NoOfAttributes; i++) { DictTabInfo::Attribute attrDesc; attrDesc.init(); s = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, &attrDesc, DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping, DictTabInfo::AttributeMappingSize, true, true); if(s != SimpleProperties::Break){ delete impl; NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); DBUG_RETURN(703); } NdbColumnImpl * col = new NdbColumnImpl(); col->m_attrId = attrDesc.AttributeId; col->setName(attrDesc.AttributeName); // check type and compute attribute size and array size if (! attrDesc.translateExtType()) { delete col; delete impl; NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); DBUG_RETURN(703); } col->m_type = (NdbDictionary::Column::Type)attrDesc.AttributeExtType; col->m_precision = (attrDesc.AttributeExtPrecision & 0xFFFF); col->m_scale = attrDesc.AttributeExtScale; col->m_length = attrDesc.AttributeExtLength; // charset in upper half of precision unsigned cs_number = (attrDesc.AttributeExtPrecision >> 16); // charset is defined exactly for char types if (col->getCharType() != (cs_number != 0)) { delete col; delete impl; NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); DBUG_RETURN(703); } if (col->getCharType()) { col->m_cs = get_charset(cs_number, MYF(0)); if (col->m_cs == NULL) { delete col; delete impl; NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); DBUG_RETURN(743); } } col->m_attrSize = (1 << attrDesc.AttributeSize) / 8; col->m_arraySize = attrDesc.AttributeArraySize; col->m_arrayType = attrDesc.AttributeArrayType; if(attrDesc.AttributeSize == 0) { col->m_attrSize = 4; col->m_arraySize = (attrDesc.AttributeArraySize + 31) >> 5; } col->m_storageType = attrDesc.AttributeStorageType; col->m_pk = attrDesc.AttributeKeyFlag; col->m_distributionKey = (attrDesc.AttributeDKey != 0); col->m_nullable = attrDesc.AttributeNullableFlag; col->m_autoIncrement = (attrDesc.AttributeAutoIncrement != 0); col->m_autoIncrementInitialValue = ~0; if (!col->m_defaultValue.assign(attrDesc.AttributeDefaultValue)) { delete col; delete impl; DBUG_RETURN(4000); } col->m_column_no = impl->m_columns.size(); impl->m_columns.push_back(col); it.next(); } impl->computeAggregates(); if(tableDesc->ReplicaDataLen > 0) { Uint16 replicaCount = ntohs(tableDesc->ReplicaData[0]); Uint16 fragCount = ntohs(tableDesc->ReplicaData[1]); impl->m_replicaCount = replicaCount; impl->m_fragmentCount = fragCount; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("replicaCount=%x , fragCount=%x",replicaCount,fragCount)); Uint32 pos = 2; for(i = 0; i < (Uint32) fragCount;i++) { pos++; // skip logpart for (Uint32 j = 0; j<(Uint32)replicaCount; j++) { if (impl->m_fragments.push_back(ntohs(tableDesc->ReplicaData[pos++]))) { delete impl; DBUG_RETURN(4000); } } } Uint32 topBit = (1 << 31); for(; topBit && !(fragCount & topBit); ){ topBit >>= 1; } impl->m_hashValueMask = topBit - 1; impl->m_hashpointerValue = fragCount - (impl->m_hashValueMask + 1); } else { impl->m_fragmentCount = tableDesc->FragmentCount; impl->m_replicaCount = 0; impl->m_hashValueMask = 0; impl->m_hashpointerValue = 0; } impl->m_tablespace_id = tableDesc->TablespaceId; impl->m_tablespace_version = tableDesc->TablespaceVersion; * ret = impl; NdbMem_Free((void*)tableDesc); if (version < MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3)) { ; } else { DBUG_ASSERT(impl->m_fragmentCount > 0); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************** * Create table and alter table */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::createTable(NdbTableImpl &t) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createTable"); bool autoIncrement = false; Uint64 initialValue = 0; for (Uint32 i = 0; i < t.m_columns.size(); i++) { const NdbColumnImpl* c = t.m_columns[i]; assert(c != NULL); if (c->m_autoIncrement) { if (autoIncrement) { m_error.code = 4335; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } autoIncrement = true; initialValue = c->m_autoIncrementInitialValue; } } // if the new name has not been set, use the copied name if (t.m_newExternalName.empty()) { if (!t.m_newExternalName.assign(t.m_externalName)) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } // create table if (m_receiver.createTable(m_ndb, t) != 0) DBUG_RETURN(-1); Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_receiver.m_buffer.get_data(); t.m_id = data[0]; t.m_version = data[1]; // update table def from DICT - by-pass cache NdbTableImpl* t2 = m_receiver.getTable(t.m_internalName, m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); // check if we got back same table if (t2 == NULL) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table %s dropped by another thread", t.m_internalName.c_str())); m_error.code = 283; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (t.m_id != t2->m_id || t.m_version != t2->m_version) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table %s re-created by another thread", t.m_internalName.c_str())); m_error.code = 283; delete t2; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // auto-increment - use "t" because initial value is not in DICT { if (autoIncrement) { // XXX unlikely race condition - t.m_id may no longer be same table // the tuple id range is not used on input Ndb::TupleIdRange range; if (m_ndb.setTupleIdInNdb(&t, range, initialValue, false) == -1) { assert(m_ndb.theError.code != 0); m_error.code = m_ndb.theError.code; delete t2; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } } // blob tables - use "t2" to get values set by kernel if (t2->m_noOfBlobs != 0 && createBlobTables(t, *t2) != 0) { int save_code = m_error.code; (void)dropTableGlobal(*t2); m_error.code = save_code; delete t2; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // not entered in cache delete t2; DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createBlobTables(NdbTableImpl& orig, NdbTableImpl &t) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createBlobTables"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < t.m_columns.size(); i++) { NdbColumnImpl & c = *t.m_columns[i]; if (! c.getBlobType() || c.getPartSize() == 0) continue; NdbTableImpl bt; NdbBlob::getBlobTable(bt, &t, &c); NdbDictionary::Column::StorageType d = NdbDictionary::Column::StorageTypeDisk; if (orig.m_columns[i]->getStorageType() == d) bt.getColumn("DATA")->setStorageType(d); if (createTable(bt) != 0) { DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictInterface::createTable(Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl & impl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::createTable"); DBUG_RETURN(createOrAlterTable(ndb, impl, false)); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::alterTable(NdbTableImpl &impl) { BaseString internalName(impl.m_internalName); const char * originalInternalName = internalName.c_str(); DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::alterTable"); Ndb_local_table_info * local = 0; if((local= get_local_table_info(originalInternalName)) == 0) { m_error.code = 709; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // Alter the table int ret = alterTableGlobal(*local->m_table_impl, impl); if(ret == 0) { m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(local->m_table_impl, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); m_localHash.drop(originalInternalName); } DBUG_RETURN(ret); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::alterTableGlobal(NdbTableImpl &old_impl, NdbTableImpl &impl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::alterTableGlobal"); // Alter the table int ret = m_receiver.alterTable(m_ndb, impl); old_impl.m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Invalid; if(ret == 0){ DBUG_RETURN(ret); } ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), ret); } int NdbDictInterface::alterTable(Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl & impl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::alterTable"); DBUG_RETURN(createOrAlterTable(ndb, impl, true)); } int NdbDictInterface::createOrAlterTable(Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl & impl, bool alter) { unsigned i, err; char *ts_names[MAX_NDB_PARTITIONS]; DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::createOrAlterTable"); impl.computeAggregates(); if((unsigned)impl.getNoOfPrimaryKeys() > NDB_MAX_NO_OF_ATTRIBUTES_IN_KEY){ m_error.code= 4317; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } unsigned sz = impl.m_columns.size(); if (sz > NDB_MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE){ m_error.code= 4318; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // Check if any changes for alter table // Name change if (!impl.m_newExternalName.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setNameFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (!impl.m_externalName.assign(impl.m_newExternalName)) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_newExternalName.clear(); } // Definition change (frm) if (!impl.m_newFrm.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setFrmFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (impl.m_frm.assign(impl.m_newFrm.get_data(), impl.m_newFrm.length())) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_newFrm.clear(); } // Change FragmentData (fragment identity, state, tablespace id) if (!impl.m_new_fd.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setFragDataFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (impl.m_fd.assign(impl.m_new_fd.get_data(), impl.m_new_fd.length())) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_new_fd.clear(); } // Change Tablespace Name Data if (!impl.m_new_ts_name.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setTsNameFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (impl.m_ts_name.assign(impl.m_new_ts_name.get_data(), impl.m_new_ts_name.length())) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_new_ts_name.clear(); } // Change Range/List Data if (!impl.m_new_range.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setRangeListFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (impl.m_range.assign(impl.m_new_range.get_data(), impl.m_new_range.length())) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_new_range.clear(); } // Change Tablespace Data if (!impl.m_new_ts.empty()) { if (alter) { AlterTableReq::setTsFlag(impl.m_changeMask, true); } if (impl.m_ts.assign(impl.m_new_ts.get_data(), impl.m_new_ts.length())) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.m_new_ts.clear(); } /* TODO RONM: Here I need to insert checks for fragment array and range or list array */ //validate(); //aggregate(); const BaseString internalName( ndb.internalize_table_name(impl.m_externalName.c_str())); if (!impl.m_internalName.assign(internalName)) { m_error.code= 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } impl.updateMysqlName(); DictTabInfo::Table *tmpTab; tmpTab = (DictTabInfo::Table*)NdbMem_Allocate(sizeof(DictTabInfo::Table)); if (!tmpTab) { m_error.code = 4000; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } tmpTab->init(); BaseString::snprintf(tmpTab->TableName, sizeof(tmpTab->TableName), internalName.c_str()); Uint32 distKeys= 0; for(i = 0; i<sz; i++) { const NdbColumnImpl * col = impl.m_columns[i]; if (col == NULL) { m_error.code = 4272; NdbMem_Free((void*)tmpTab); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (col->m_distributionKey) { distKeys++; } } if (distKeys == impl.m_noOfKeys) distKeys= 0; impl.m_noOfDistributionKeys= distKeys; // Check max length of frm data if (impl.m_frm.length() > MAX_FRM_DATA_SIZE){ m_error.code= 1229; NdbMem_Free((void*)tmpTab); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* TODO RONM: This needs to change to dynamic arrays instead Frm Data, FragmentData, TablespaceData, RangeListData, TsNameData */ tmpTab->FrmLen = impl.m_frm.length(); memcpy(tmpTab->FrmData, impl.m_frm.get_data(), impl.m_frm.length()); tmpTab->FragmentDataLen = impl.m_fd.length(); memcpy(tmpTab->FragmentData, impl.m_fd.get_data(), impl.m_fd.length()); tmpTab->TablespaceDataLen = impl.m_ts.length(); memcpy(tmpTab->TablespaceData, impl.m_ts.get_data(), impl.m_ts.length()); tmpTab->RangeListDataLen = impl.m_range.length(); memcpy(tmpTab->RangeListData, impl.m_range.get_data(), impl.m_range.length()); memcpy(ts_names, impl.m_ts_name.get_data(), impl.m_ts_name.length()); tmpTab->FragmentCount= impl.m_fragmentCount; tmpTab->TableLoggedFlag = impl.m_logging; tmpTab->TableTemporaryFlag = impl.m_temporary; tmpTab->RowGCIFlag = impl.m_row_gci; tmpTab->RowChecksumFlag = impl.m_row_checksum; tmpTab->TableKValue = impl.m_kvalue; tmpTab->MinLoadFactor = impl.m_minLoadFactor; tmpTab->MaxLoadFactor = impl.m_maxLoadFactor; tmpTab->TableType = DictTabInfo::UserTable; tmpTab->PrimaryTableId = impl.m_primaryTableId; tmpTab->NoOfAttributes = sz; tmpTab->MaxRowsHigh = (Uint32)(impl.m_max_rows >> 32); tmpTab->MaxRowsLow = (Uint32)(impl.m_max_rows & 0xFFFFFFFF); tmpTab->MinRowsHigh = (Uint32)(impl.m_min_rows >> 32); tmpTab->MinRowsLow = (Uint32)(impl.m_min_rows & 0xFFFFFFFF); tmpTab->DefaultNoPartFlag = impl.m_default_no_part_flag; tmpTab->LinearHashFlag = impl.m_linear_flag; tmpTab->SingleUserMode = impl.m_single_user_mode; tmpTab->ForceVarPartFlag = impl.m_force_var_part; if (impl.m_ts_name.length()) { char **ts_name_ptr= (char**)ts_names; i= 0; do { NdbTablespaceImpl tmp; if (*ts_name_ptr) { if(get_filegroup(tmp, NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace, (const char*)*ts_name_ptr) == 0) { tmpTab->TablespaceData[2*i] = tmp.m_id; tmpTab->TablespaceData[2*i + 1] = tmp.m_version; } else { NdbMem_Free((void*)tmpTab); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } else { /* No tablespace used, set tablespace id to NULL */ tmpTab->TablespaceData[2*i] = RNIL; tmpTab->TablespaceData[2*i + 1] = 0; } ts_name_ptr++; } while (++i < tmpTab->FragmentCount); tmpTab->TablespaceDataLen= 4*i; } tmpTab->FragmentType = getKernelConstant(impl.m_fragmentType, fragmentTypeMapping, DictTabInfo::AllNodesSmallTable); tmpTab->TableVersion = rand(); const char *tablespace_name= impl.m_tablespace_name.c_str(); loop: if(impl.m_tablespace_id != ~(Uint32)0) { tmpTab->TablespaceId = impl.m_tablespace_id; tmpTab->TablespaceVersion = impl.m_tablespace_version; } else if(strlen(tablespace_name)) { NdbTablespaceImpl tmp; if(get_filegroup(tmp, NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace, tablespace_name) == 0) { tmpTab->TablespaceId = tmp.m_id; tmpTab->TablespaceVersion = tmp.m_version; } else { // error set by get filegroup if (m_error.code == 723) m_error.code = 755; NdbMem_Free((void*)tmpTab); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } else { for(i = 0; i<sz; i++) { if(impl.m_columns[i]->m_storageType == NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK) { tablespace_name = "DEFAULT-TS"; goto loop; } } } UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus s; s = SimpleProperties::pack(w, tmpTab, DictTabInfo::TableMapping, DictTabInfo::TableMappingSize, true); if(s != SimpleProperties::Eof){ abort(); } NdbMem_Free((void*)tmpTab); DBUG_PRINT("info",("impl.m_noOfDistributionKeys: %d impl.m_noOfKeys: %d distKeys: %d", impl.m_noOfDistributionKeys, impl.m_noOfKeys, distKeys)); if (distKeys == impl.m_noOfKeys) distKeys= 0; impl.m_noOfDistributionKeys= distKeys; for(i = 0; i<sz; i++){ const NdbColumnImpl * col = impl.m_columns[i]; if(col == 0) continue; DBUG_PRINT("info",("column: %s(%d) col->m_distributionKey: %d", col->m_name.c_str(), i, col->m_distributionKey)); DictTabInfo::Attribute tmpAttr; tmpAttr.init(); BaseString::snprintf(tmpAttr.AttributeName, sizeof(tmpAttr.AttributeName), col->m_name.c_str()); tmpAttr.AttributeId = col->m_attrId; tmpAttr.AttributeKeyFlag = col->m_pk; tmpAttr.AttributeNullableFlag = col->m_nullable; tmpAttr.AttributeDKey = distKeys ? col->m_distributionKey : 0; tmpAttr.AttributeExtType = (Uint32)col->m_type; tmpAttr.AttributeExtPrecision = ((unsigned)col->m_precision & 0xFFFF); tmpAttr.AttributeExtScale = col->m_scale; tmpAttr.AttributeExtLength = col->m_length; if(col->m_storageType == NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK) tmpAttr.AttributeArrayType = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED; else tmpAttr.AttributeArrayType = col->m_arrayType; if(col->m_pk) tmpAttr.AttributeStorageType = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY; else tmpAttr.AttributeStorageType = col->m_storageType; if(col->getBlobType()) tmpAttr.AttributeStorageType = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY; // check type and compute attribute size and array size if (! tmpAttr.translateExtType()) { m_error.code= 703; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // charset is defined exactly for char types if (col->getCharType() != (col->m_cs != NULL)) { m_error.code= 703; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // primary key type check if (col->m_pk && (err = NdbSqlUtil::check_column_for_pk(col->m_type, col->m_cs))) { m_error.code= err; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } // distribution key not supported for Char attribute if (distKeys && col->m_distributionKey && col->m_cs != NULL) { // we can allow this for non-var char where strxfrm does nothing if (col->m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Char && (col->m_cs->state & MY_CS_BINSORT)) ; else { m_error.code= 745; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } // charset in upper half of precision if (col->getCharType()) { tmpAttr.AttributeExtPrecision |= (col->m_cs->number << 16); } tmpAttr.AttributeAutoIncrement = col->m_autoIncrement; BaseString::snprintf(tmpAttr.AttributeDefaultValue, sizeof(tmpAttr.AttributeDefaultValue), col->m_defaultValue.c_str()); s = SimpleProperties::pack(w, &tmpAttr, DictTabInfo::AttributeMapping, DictTabInfo::AttributeMappingSize, true); w.add(DictTabInfo::AttributeEnd, 1); } int ret; LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz = m_buffer.length() / 4; NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; if (alter) { tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_ALTER_TABLE_REQ; tSignal.theLength = AlterTableReq::SignalLength; AlterTableReq * req = CAST_PTR(AlterTableReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->changeMask = impl.m_changeMask; req->tableId = impl.m_id; req->tableVersion = impl.m_version;; int errCodes[] = { AlterTableRef::NotMaster, AlterTableRef::Busy, 0 }; ret = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, 0, // master WAIT_ALTER_TAB_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); if(m_error.code == AlterTableRef::InvalidTableVersion) { // Clear caches and try again DBUG_RETURN(INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION); } } else { tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_CREATE_TABLE_REQ; tSignal.theLength = CreateTableReq::SignalLength; CreateTableReq * req = CAST_PTR(CreateTableReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; int errCodes[] = { CreateTableRef::Busy, CreateTableRef::NotMaster, 0 }; ret = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, 0, // master node WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); } DBUG_RETURN(ret); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateTableConf* const conf= CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateTableConf, signal->getDataPtr()); m_buffer.grow(4 * 2); // 2 words Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); data[0] = conf->tableId; data[1] = conf->tableVersion; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal * sig, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateTableRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateTableRef, sig->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execALTER_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execALTER_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal * sig, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const AlterTableRef * ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(AlterTableRef, sig->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } /***************************************************************** * Drop table */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTable(const char * name) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTable"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("name: %s", name)); ASSERT_NOT_MYSQLD; NdbTableImpl * tab = getTable(name); if(tab == 0){ DBUG_RETURN(-1); } int ret = dropTable(* tab); // If table stored in cache is incompatible with the one in the kernel // we must clear the cache and try again if (ret == INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION) { const BaseString internalTableName(m_ndb.internalize_table_name(name)); DBUG_PRINT("info",("INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION internal_name: %s", internalTableName.c_str())); m_localHash.drop(internalTableName.c_str()); m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(tab, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); DBUG_RETURN(dropTable(name)); } DBUG_RETURN(ret); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTable(NdbTableImpl & impl) { int res; const char * name = impl.getName(); if(impl.m_status == NdbDictionary::Object::New){ return dropTable(name); } if (impl.m_indexType != NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined) { m_receiver.m_error.code= 1228; return -1; } List list; if ((res = listIndexes(list, impl.m_id)) == -1){ return -1; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.count; i++) { const List::Element& element = list.elements[i]; if ((res = dropIndex(element.name, name)) == -1) { return -1; } } if (impl.m_noOfBlobs != 0) { if (dropBlobTables(impl) != 0){ return -1; } } int ret = m_receiver.dropTable(impl); if(ret == 0 || m_error.code == 709 || m_error.code == 723){ const char * internalTableName = impl.m_internalName.c_str(); m_localHash.drop(internalTableName); m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(&impl, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); return 0; } return ret; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTableGlobal(NdbTableImpl & impl) { int res; DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTableGlobal"); DBUG_ASSERT(impl.m_status != NdbDictionary::Object::New); DBUG_ASSERT(impl.m_indexType == NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined); List list; if ((res = listIndexes(list, impl.m_id)) == -1){ ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.count; i++) { const List::Element& element = list.elements[i]; NdbIndexImpl *idx= getIndexGlobal(element.name, impl); if (idx == NULL) { ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } if ((res = dropIndexGlobal(*idx)) == -1) { releaseIndexGlobal(*idx, 1); ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } releaseIndexGlobal(*idx, 1); } if (impl.m_noOfBlobs != 0) { if (dropBlobTables(impl) != 0){ ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } } int ret = m_receiver.dropTable(impl); impl.m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Invalid; if(ret == 0 || m_error.code == 709 || m_error.code == 723) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), ret); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropBlobTables(NdbTableImpl & t) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropBlobTables"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < t.m_columns.size(); i++) { NdbColumnImpl & c = *t.m_columns[i]; if (! c.getBlobType() || c.getPartSize() == 0) continue; NdbTableImpl* bt = c.m_blobTable; if (bt == NULL) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("col %s: blob table pointer is NULL", c.m_name.c_str())); continue; // "force" mode on } // drop directly - by-pass cache int ret = m_receiver.dropTable(*c.m_blobTable); if (ret != 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("col %s: blob table %s: error %d", c.m_name.c_str(), bt->m_internalName.c_str(), m_error.code)); if (! (ret == 709 || ret == 723)) // "force" mode on ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } // leave c.m_blobTable defined } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictInterface::dropTable(const NdbTableImpl & impl) { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_DROP_TABLE_REQ; tSignal.theLength = DropTableReq::SignalLength; DropTableReq * req = CAST_PTR(DropTableReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->tableId = impl.m_id; req->tableVersion = impl.m_version; int errCodes[] = { DropTableRef::NoDropTableRecordAvailable, DropTableRef::NotMaster, DropTableRef::Busy, 0 }; int r = dictSignal(&tSignal, 0, 0, 0, // master WAIT_DROP_TAB_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); if(m_error.code == DropTableRef::InvalidTableVersion) { // Clear caches and try again return INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION; } return r; } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execDROP_TABLE_CONF"); //DropTableConf* const conf = CAST_CONSTPTR(DropTableConf, signal->getDataPtr()); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execDROP_TABLE_REF"); const DropTableRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(DropTableRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::invalidateObject(NdbTableImpl & impl) { const char * internalTableName = impl.m_internalName.c_str(); DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::invalidateObject"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("internal_name: %s", internalTableName)); m_localHash.drop(internalTableName); m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(&impl, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::removeCachedObject(NdbTableImpl & impl) { const char * internalTableName = impl.m_internalName.c_str(); DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::removeCachedObject"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("internal_name: %s", internalTableName)); m_localHash.drop(internalTableName); m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(&impl); m_globalHash->unlock(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictInterface::create_index_obj_from_table(NdbIndexImpl** dst, NdbTableImpl* tab, const NdbTableImpl* prim) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::create_index_obj_from_table"); NdbIndexImpl *idx = new NdbIndexImpl(); if (idx == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } idx->m_version = tab->m_version; idx->m_status = tab->m_status; idx->m_id = tab->m_id; if (!idx->m_externalName.assign(tab->getName()) || !idx->m_tableName.assign(prim->m_externalName)) { delete idx; errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } NdbDictionary::Object::Type type = idx->m_type = tab->m_indexType; idx->m_logging = tab->m_logging; idx->m_temporary = tab->m_temporary; // skip last attribute (NDB$PK or NDB$TNODE) const Uint32 distKeys = prim->m_noOfDistributionKeys; Uint32 keyCount = (distKeys ? distKeys : prim->m_noOfKeys); unsigned i; for(i = 0; i+1<tab->m_columns.size(); i++){ NdbColumnImpl* org = tab->m_columns[i]; NdbColumnImpl* col = new NdbColumnImpl; if (col == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; delete idx; return -1; } // Copy column definition *col = * org; if (idx->m_columns.push_back(col)) { delete col; delete idx; return -1; } /** * reverse map */ const NdbColumnImpl* primCol = prim->getColumn(col->getName()); int key_id = primCol->getColumnNo(); int fill = -1; idx->m_key_ids.fill(key_id, fill); idx->m_key_ids[key_id] = i; col->m_keyInfoPos = key_id; if(type == NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex && (primCol->m_distributionKey || (distKeys == 0 && primCol->getPrimaryKey()))) { keyCount--; org->m_distributionKey = 1; } } if(keyCount == 0) { tab->m_noOfDistributionKeys = (distKeys ? distKeys : prim->m_noOfKeys); } else { for(i = 0; i+1<tab->m_columns.size(); i++) tab->m_columns[i]->m_distributionKey = 0; } idx->m_table_id = prim->getObjectId(); idx->m_table_version = prim->getObjectVersion(); * dst = idx; DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("m_id: %d m_version: %d", idx->m_id, idx->m_version)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************** * Create index */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::createIndex(NdbIndexImpl &ix) { ASSERT_NOT_MYSQLD; NdbTableImpl* tab = getTable(ix.getTable()); if(tab == 0){ m_error.code = 4249; return -1; } return m_receiver.createIndex(m_ndb, ix, * tab); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createIndex(NdbIndexImpl &ix, NdbTableImpl &tab) { return m_receiver.createIndex(m_ndb, ix, tab); } int NdbDictInterface::createIndex(Ndb & ndb, const NdbIndexImpl & impl, const NdbTableImpl & table) { //validate(); //aggregate(); unsigned i, err; UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); const size_t len = strlen(impl.m_externalName.c_str()) + 1; if(len > MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE) { m_error.code = 4241; return -1; } const BaseString internalName( ndb.internalize_index_name(&table, impl.getName())); w.add(DictTabInfo::TableName, internalName.c_str()); w.add(DictTabInfo::TableLoggedFlag, impl.m_logging); w.add(DictTabInfo::TableTemporaryFlag, impl.m_temporary); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_CREATE_INDX_REQ; tSignal.theLength = CreateIndxReq::SignalLength; CreateIndxReq * const req = CAST_PTR(CreateIndxReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->setUserRef(m_reference); req->setConnectionPtr(0); req->setRequestType(CreateIndxReq::RT_USER); Uint32 it = getKernelConstant(impl.m_type, indexTypeMapping, DictTabInfo::UndefTableType); if(it == DictTabInfo::UndefTableType){ m_error.code = 4250; return -1; } req->setIndexType((DictTabInfo::TableType) it); req->setTableId(table.m_id); req->setOnline(true); AttributeList attributeList; attributeList.sz = impl.m_columns.size(); for(i = 0; i<attributeList.sz; i++){ const NdbColumnImpl* col = table.getColumn(impl.m_columns[i]->m_name.c_str()); if(col == 0){ m_error.code = 4247; return -1; } // Copy column definition XXX must be wrong, overwrites *impl.m_columns[i] = *col; // index key type check if (it == DictTabInfo::UniqueHashIndex && (err = NdbSqlUtil::check_column_for_hash_index(col->m_type, col->m_cs)) || it == DictTabInfo::OrderedIndex && (err = NdbSqlUtil::check_column_for_ordered_index(col->m_type, col->m_cs))) { m_error.code = err; return -1; } // API uses external column number to talk to DICT attributeList.id[i] = col->m_column_no; } LinearSectionPtr ptr[2]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)&attributeList; ptr[0].sz = 1 + attributeList.sz; ptr[1].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[1].sz = m_buffer.length() >> 2; //BUG? int errCodes[] = { CreateIndxRef::Busy, CreateIndxRef::NotMaster, 0 }; return dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 2, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_INDX_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_INDX_REF(NdbApiSignal * sig, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateIndxRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateIndxRef, sig->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->getErrorCode(); if(m_error.code == ref->NotMaster) m_masterNodeId= ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } /***************************************************************** * Drop index */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName) { ASSERT_NOT_MYSQLD; NdbIndexImpl * idx = getIndex(indexName, tableName); if (idx == 0) { m_error.code = 4243; return -1; } int ret = dropIndex(*idx, tableName); // If index stored in cache is incompatible with the one in the kernel // we must clear the cache and try again if (ret == INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION) { const BaseString internalIndexName((tableName) ? m_ndb.internalize_index_name(getTable(tableName), indexName) : m_ndb.internalize_table_name(indexName)); // Index is also a table m_localHash.drop(internalIndexName.c_str()); m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(idx->m_table, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); return dropIndex(indexName, tableName); } return ret; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropIndex(NdbIndexImpl & impl, const char * tableName) { const char * indexName = impl.getName(); if (tableName || m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()) { NdbTableImpl * timpl = impl.m_table; if (timpl == 0) { m_error.code = 709; return -1; } const BaseString internalIndexName((tableName) ? m_ndb.internalize_index_name(getTable(tableName), indexName) : m_ndb.internalize_table_name(indexName)); // Index is also a table if(impl.m_status == NdbDictionary::Object::New){ return dropIndex(indexName, tableName); } int ret= dropIndexGlobal(impl); if (ret == 0) { m_globalHash->lock(); m_globalHash->release(impl.m_table, 1); m_globalHash->unlock(); m_localHash.drop(internalIndexName.c_str()); } return ret; } m_error.code = 4243; return -1; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropIndexGlobal(NdbIndexImpl & impl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropIndexGlobal"); int ret = m_receiver.dropIndex(impl, *impl.m_table); impl.m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Invalid; if(ret == 0) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), ret); } int NdbDictInterface::dropIndex(const NdbIndexImpl & impl, const NdbTableImpl & timpl) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::dropIndex"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("indexId: %d indexVersion: %d", timpl.m_id, timpl.m_version)); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_DROP_INDX_REQ; tSignal.theLength = DropIndxReq::SignalLength; DropIndxReq * const req = CAST_PTR(DropIndxReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->setUserRef(m_reference); req->setConnectionPtr(0); req->setRequestType(DropIndxReq::RT_USER); req->setTableId(~0); // DICT overwrites req->setIndexId(timpl.m_id); req->setIndexVersion(timpl.m_version); int errCodes[] = { DropIndxRef::Busy, DropIndxRef::NotMaster, 0 }; int r = dictSignal(&tSignal, 0, 0, 0, // master WAIT_DROP_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, errCodes); if(m_error.code == DropIndxRef::InvalidIndexVersion) { // Clear caches and try again ERR_RETURN(m_error, INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION); } ERR_RETURN(m_error, r); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_INDX_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_INDX_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const DropIndxRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(DropIndxRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->getErrorCode(); if(m_error.code == ref->NotMaster) m_masterNodeId= ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } /***************************************************************** * Create event */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::createEvent(NdbEventImpl & evnt) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createEvent"); int i; NdbTableImpl* tab= evnt.m_tableImpl; if (tab == 0) { tab= getTable(evnt.getTableName()); if(tab == 0){ DBUG_PRINT("info",("NdbDictionaryImpl::createEvent: table not found: %s", evnt.getTableName())); ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } evnt.setTable(tab); } DBUG_PRINT("info",("Table: id: %d version: %d", tab->m_id, tab->m_version)); NdbTableImpl &table = *evnt.m_tableImpl; int attributeList_sz = evnt.m_attrIds.size(); for (i = 0; i < attributeList_sz; i++) { NdbColumnImpl *col_impl = table.getColumn(evnt.m_attrIds[i]); if (col_impl) { evnt.m_facade->addColumn(*(col_impl->m_facade)); } else { ndbout_c("Attr id %u in table %s not found", evnt.m_attrIds[i], evnt.getTableName()); m_error.code= 4713; ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } } evnt.m_attrIds.clear(); attributeList_sz = evnt.m_columns.size(); DBUG_PRINT("info",("Event on tableId=%d, tableVersion=%d, event name %s, no of columns %d", table.m_id, table.m_version, evnt.m_name.c_str(), evnt.m_columns.size())); int pk_count = 0; evnt.m_attrListBitmask.clear(); for(i = 0; i<attributeList_sz; i++){ const NdbColumnImpl* col = table.getColumn(evnt.m_columns[i]->m_name.c_str()); if(col == 0){ m_error.code= 4247; ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } // Copy column definition *evnt.m_columns[i] = *col; if(col->m_pk){ pk_count++; } evnt.m_attrListBitmask.set(col->m_attrId); } // Sort index attributes according to primary table (using insertion sort) for(i = 1; i < attributeList_sz; i++) { NdbColumnImpl* temp = evnt.m_columns[i]; unsigned int j = i; while((j > 0) && (evnt.m_columns[j - 1]->m_attrId > temp->m_attrId)) { evnt.m_columns[j] = evnt.m_columns[j - 1]; j--; } evnt.m_columns[j] = temp; } // Check for illegal duplicate attributes for(i = 1; i<attributeList_sz; i++) { if (evnt.m_columns[i-1]->m_attrId == evnt.m_columns[i]->m_attrId) { m_error.code= 4258; ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } } #ifdef EVENT_DEBUG char buf[128] = {0}; evnt.m_attrListBitmask.getText(buf); ndbout_c("createEvent: mask = %s", buf); #endif // NdbDictInterface m_receiver; if (m_receiver.createEvent(m_ndb, evnt, 0 /* getFlag unset */) != 0) ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); // Create blob events if (evnt.m_mergeEvents && createBlobEvents(evnt) != 0) { int save_code = m_error.code; (void)dropEvent(evnt.m_name.c_str()); m_error.code = save_code; ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createBlobEvents(NdbEventImpl& evnt) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createBlobEvents"); NdbTableImpl& t = *evnt.m_tableImpl; Uint32 n = t.m_noOfBlobs; Uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < evnt.m_columns.size() && n > 0; i++) { NdbColumnImpl & c = *evnt.m_columns[i]; if (! c.getBlobType() || c.getPartSize() == 0) continue; n--; NdbEventImpl blob_evnt; NdbBlob::getBlobEvent(blob_evnt, &evnt, &c); if (createEvent(blob_evnt) != 0) ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictInterface::createEvent(class Ndb & ndb, NdbEventImpl & evnt, int getFlag) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::createEvent"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("getFlag=%d",getFlag)); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_CREATE_EVNT_REQ; if (getFlag) tSignal.theLength = CreateEvntReq::SignalLengthGet; else tSignal.theLength = CreateEvntReq::SignalLengthCreate; CreateEvntReq * const req = CAST_PTR(CreateEvntReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->setUserRef(m_reference); req->setUserData(0); if (getFlag) { // getting event from Dictionary req->setRequestType(CreateEvntReq::RT_USER_GET); } else { DBUG_PRINT("info",("tableId: %u tableVersion: %u", evnt.m_tableImpl->m_id, evnt.m_tableImpl->m_version)); // creating event in Dictionary req->setRequestType(CreateEvntReq::RT_USER_CREATE); req->setTableId(evnt.m_tableImpl->m_id); req->setTableVersion(evnt.m_tableImpl->m_version); req->setAttrListBitmask(evnt.m_attrListBitmask); req->setEventType(evnt.mi_type); req->clearFlags(); if (evnt.m_rep & NdbDictionary::Event::ER_ALL) req->setReportAll(); if (evnt.m_rep & NdbDictionary::Event::ER_SUBSCRIBE) req->setReportSubscribe(); } UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); const size_t len = strlen(evnt.m_name.c_str()) + 1; if(len > MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE) { m_error.code= 4241; ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), -1); } w.add(SimpleProperties::StringValue, evnt.m_name.c_str()); if (getFlag == 0) { const BaseString internal_tabname( ndb.internalize_table_name(evnt.m_tableName.c_str())); w.add(SimpleProperties::StringValue, internal_tabname.c_str()); } LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz = (m_buffer.length()+3) >> 2; int ret = dictSignal(&tSignal,ptr, 1, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, 0, -1); if (ret) { ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), ret); } char *dataPtr = (char *)m_buffer.get_data(); unsigned int lenCreateEvntConf = *((unsigned int *)dataPtr); dataPtr += sizeof(lenCreateEvntConf); CreateEvntConf const * evntConf = (CreateEvntConf *)dataPtr; dataPtr += lenCreateEvntConf; // NdbEventImpl *evntImpl = (NdbEventImpl *)evntConf->getUserData(); evnt.m_eventId = evntConf->getEventId(); evnt.m_eventKey = evntConf->getEventKey(); evnt.m_table_id = evntConf->getTableId(); evnt.m_table_version = evntConf->getTableVersion(); if (getFlag) { evnt.m_attrListBitmask = evntConf->getAttrListBitmask(); evnt.mi_type = evntConf->getEventType(); evnt.setTable(dataPtr); } else { if ((Uint32) evnt.m_tableImpl->m_id != evntConf->getTableId() || evnt.m_tableImpl->m_version != evntConf->getTableVersion() || //evnt.m_attrListBitmask != evntConf->getAttrListBitmask() || evnt.mi_type != evntConf->getEventType()) { ndbout_c("ERROR*************"); ERR_RETURN(getNdbError(), 1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::executeSubscribeEvent(NdbEventOperationImpl & ev_op) { // NdbDictInterface m_receiver; return m_receiver.executeSubscribeEvent(m_ndb, ev_op); } int NdbDictInterface::executeSubscribeEvent(class Ndb & ndb, NdbEventOperationImpl & ev_op) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::executeSubscribeEvent"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_SUB_START_REQ; tSignal.theLength = SubStartReq::SignalLength2; SubStartReq * req = CAST_PTR(SubStartReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->subscriptionId = ev_op.m_eventImpl->m_eventId; req->subscriptionKey = ev_op.m_eventImpl->m_eventKey; req->part = SubscriptionData::TableData; req->subscriberData = ev_op.m_oid; req->subscriberRef = m_reference; DBUG_PRINT("info",("GSN_SUB_START_REQ subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d," "subscriberData=%d",req->subscriptionId, req->subscriptionKey,req->subscriberData)); DBUG_RETURN(dictSignal(&tSignal,NULL,0, 0 /*use masternode id*/, WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ /*WAIT_CREATE_EVNT_REQ*/, -1, 100, 0, -1)); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::stopSubscribeEvent(NdbEventOperationImpl & ev_op) { // NdbDictInterface m_receiver; return m_receiver.stopSubscribeEvent(m_ndb, ev_op); } int NdbDictInterface::stopSubscribeEvent(class Ndb & ndb, NdbEventOperationImpl & ev_op) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::stopSubscribeEvent"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); // tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = SUMA; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_SUB_STOP_REQ; tSignal.theLength = SubStopReq::SignalLength; SubStopReq * req = CAST_PTR(SubStopReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->subscriptionId = ev_op.m_eventImpl->m_eventId; req->subscriptionKey = ev_op.m_eventImpl->m_eventKey; req->subscriberData = ev_op.m_oid; req->part = (Uint32) SubscriptionData::TableData; req->subscriberRef = m_reference; DBUG_PRINT("info",("GSN_SUB_STOP_REQ subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d," "subscriberData=%d",req->subscriptionId, req->subscriptionKey,req->subscriberData)); DBUG_RETURN(dictSignal(&tSignal,NULL,0, 0 /*use masternode id*/, WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ /*WAIT_SUB_STOP__REQ*/, -1, 100, 0, -1)); } NdbEventImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getEvent(const char * eventName, NdbTableImpl* tab) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::getEvent"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("eventName= %s", eventName)); NdbEventImpl *ev = new NdbEventImpl(); if (ev == NULL) { DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } ev->setName(eventName); int ret = m_receiver.createEvent(m_ndb, *ev, 1 /* getFlag set */); if (ret) { delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } // We only have the table name with internal name DBUG_PRINT("info",("table %s", ev->getTableName())); if (tab == NULL) { tab= fetchGlobalTableImplRef(InitTable(this, ev->getTableName())); if (tab == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("unable to find table %s", ev->getTableName())); delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } if ((tab->m_status != NdbDictionary::Object::Retrieved) || ((Uint32) tab->m_id != ev->m_table_id) || (table_version_major(tab->m_version) != table_version_major(ev->m_table_version))) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("mismatch on verison in cache")); releaseTableGlobal(*tab, 1); tab= fetchGlobalTableImplRef(InitTable(this, ev->getTableName())); if (tab == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("unable to find table %s", ev->getTableName())); delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } } ev->setTable(tab); releaseTableGlobal(*tab, 0); } else ev->setTable(tab); tab = 0; ev->setTable(m_ndb.externalizeTableName(ev->getTableName())); // get the columns from the attrListBitmask NdbTableImpl &table = *ev->m_tableImpl; AttributeMask & mask = ev->m_attrListBitmask; unsigned attributeList_sz = mask.count(); DBUG_PRINT("info",("Table: id: %d version: %d", table.m_id, table.m_version)); if ((Uint32) table.m_id != ev->m_table_id || table_version_major(table.m_version) != table_version_major(ev->m_table_version)) { m_error.code = 241; delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF char buf[128] = {0}; mask.getText(buf); DBUG_PRINT("info",("attributeList_sz= %d, mask= %s", attributeList_sz, buf)); #endif if ( attributeList_sz > (uint) table.getNoOfColumns() ) { m_error.code = 241; DBUG_PRINT("error",("Invalid version, too many columns")); delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } assert( (int)attributeList_sz <= table.getNoOfColumns() ); for(unsigned id= 0; ev->m_columns.size() < attributeList_sz; id++) { if ( id >= (uint) table.getNoOfColumns()) { m_error.code = 241; DBUG_PRINT("error",("Invalid version, column %d out of range", id)); delete ev; DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } if (!mask.get(id)) continue; const NdbColumnImpl* col = table.getColumn(id); DBUG_PRINT("info",("column %d %s", id, col->getName())); NdbColumnImpl* new_col = new NdbColumnImpl; // Copy column definition *new_col = *col; ev->m_columns.push_back(new_col); } DBUG_RETURN(ev); } // ev is main event and has been retrieved previously NdbEventImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobEvent(const NdbEventImpl& ev, uint col_no) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::getBlobEvent"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("ev=%s col=%u", ev.m_name.c_str(), col_no)); NdbTableImpl* tab = ev.m_tableImpl; assert(tab != NULL && col_no < tab->m_columns.size()); NdbColumnImpl* col = tab->m_columns[col_no]; assert(col != NULL && col->getBlobType() && col->getPartSize() != 0); NdbTableImpl* blob_tab = col->m_blobTable; assert(blob_tab != NULL); char bename[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; NdbBlob::getBlobEventName(bename, &ev, col); NdbEventImpl* blob_ev = getEvent(bename, blob_tab); DBUG_RETURN(blob_ev); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_EVNT_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_EVNT_CONF"); m_buffer.clear(); unsigned int len = signal->getLength() << 2; m_buffer.append((char *)&len, sizeof(len)); m_buffer.append(signal->getDataPtr(), len); if (signal->m_noOfSections > 0) { m_buffer.append((char *)ptr[0].p, strlen((char *)ptr[0].p)+1); } const CreateEvntConf * const createEvntConf= CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateEvntConf, signal->getDataPtr()); Uint32 subscriptionId = createEvntConf->getEventId(); Uint32 subscriptionKey = createEvntConf->getEventKey(); DBUG_PRINT("info",("nodeid=%d,subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d", refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef), subscriptionId,subscriptionKey)); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_EVNT_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_EVNT_REF"); const CreateEvntRef* const ref= CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateEvntRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->getErrorCode(); DBUG_PRINT("error",("error=%d,line=%d,node=%d",ref->getErrorCode(), ref->getErrorLine(),ref->getErrorNode())); if (m_error.code == CreateEvntRef::NotMaster) m_masterNodeId = ref->getMasterNode(); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execSUB_STOP_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execSUB_STOP_CONF"); const SubStopConf * const subStopConf= CAST_CONSTPTR(SubStopConf, signal->getDataPtr()); Uint32 subscriptionId = subStopConf->subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey = subStopConf->subscriptionKey; Uint32 subscriberData = subStopConf->subscriberData; DBUG_PRINT("info",("subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d,subscriberData=%d", subscriptionId,subscriptionKey,subscriberData)); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execSUB_STOP_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execSUB_STOP_REF"); const SubStopRef * const subStopRef= CAST_CONSTPTR(SubStopRef, signal->getDataPtr()); Uint32 subscriptionId = subStopRef->subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey = subStopRef->subscriptionKey; Uint32 subscriberData = subStopRef->subscriberData; m_error.code= subStopRef->errorCode; DBUG_PRINT("error",("subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d,subscriberData=%d,error=%d", subscriptionId,subscriptionKey,subscriberData,m_error.code)); if (m_error.code == SubStopRef::NotMaster) m_masterNodeId = subStopRef->m_masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execSUB_START_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execSUB_START_CONF"); const SubStartConf * const subStartConf= CAST_CONSTPTR(SubStartConf, signal->getDataPtr()); Uint32 subscriptionId = subStartConf->subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey = subStartConf->subscriptionKey; SubscriptionData::Part part = (SubscriptionData::Part)subStartConf->part; Uint32 subscriberData = subStartConf->subscriberData; switch(part) { case SubscriptionData::MetaData: { DBUG_PRINT("error",("SubscriptionData::MetaData")); m_error.code= 1; break; } case SubscriptionData::TableData: { DBUG_PRINT("info",("SubscriptionData::TableData")); break; } default: { DBUG_PRINT("error",("wrong data")); m_error.code= 2; break; } } DBUG_PRINT("info",("subscriptionId=%d,subscriptionKey=%d,subscriberData=%d", subscriptionId,subscriptionKey,subscriberData)); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execSUB_START_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execSUB_START_REF"); const SubStartRef * const subStartRef= CAST_CONSTPTR(SubStartRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= subStartRef->errorCode; if (m_error.code == SubStartRef::NotMaster) m_masterNodeId = subStartRef->m_masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************** * Drop event */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropEvent(const char * eventName) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropEvent"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("name=%s", eventName)); NdbEventImpl *evnt = getEvent(eventName); // allocated if (evnt == NULL) { if (m_error.code != 723 && // no such table m_error.code != 241) // invalid table DBUG_RETURN(-1); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("no table err=%d, drop by name alone", m_error.code)); evnt = new NdbEventImpl(); evnt->setName(eventName); } int ret = dropEvent(*evnt); delete evnt; DBUG_RETURN(ret); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropEvent(const NdbEventImpl& evnt) { if (dropBlobEvents(evnt) != 0) return -1; if (m_receiver.dropEvent(evnt) != 0) return -1; return 0; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropBlobEvents(const NdbEventImpl& evnt) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::dropBlobEvents"); if (evnt.m_tableImpl != 0) { const NdbTableImpl& t = *evnt.m_tableImpl; Uint32 n = t.m_noOfBlobs; Uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < evnt.m_columns.size() && n > 0; i++) { const NdbColumnImpl& c = *evnt.m_columns[i]; if (! c.getBlobType() || c.getPartSize() == 0) continue; n--; NdbEventImpl* blob_evnt = getBlobEvent(evnt, i); if (blob_evnt == NULL) continue; (void)dropEvent(*blob_evnt); delete blob_evnt; } } else { // loop over MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE ... Uint32 i; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("missing table definition, looping over " "MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE(%d)", MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_TABLE; i++) { char bename[MAX_TAB_NAME_SIZE]; // XXX should get name from NdbBlob sprintf(bename, "NDB$BLOBEVENT_%s_%u", evnt.getName(), i); NdbEventImpl* bevnt = new NdbEventImpl(); bevnt->setName(bename); (void)m_receiver.dropEvent(*bevnt); delete bevnt; } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int NdbDictInterface::dropEvent(const NdbEventImpl &evnt) { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_DROP_EVNT_REQ; tSignal.theLength = DropEvntReq::SignalLength; DropEvntReq * const req = CAST_PTR(DropEvntReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->setUserRef(m_reference); req->setUserData(0); UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); w.add(SimpleProperties::StringValue, evnt.m_name.c_str()); LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz = (m_buffer.length()+3) >> 2; return dictSignal(&tSignal,ptr, 1, 0 /*use masternode id*/, WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, -1, 100, 0, -1); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_EVNT_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execDROP_EVNT_CONF"); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_EVNT_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::execDROP_EVNT_REF"); const DropEvntRef* const ref= CAST_CONSTPTR(DropEvntRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code= ref->getErrorCode(); DBUG_PRINT("info",("ErrorCode=%u Errorline=%u ErrorNode=%u", ref->getErrorCode(), ref->getErrorLine(), ref->getErrorNode())); if (m_error.code == DropEvntRef::NotMaster) m_masterNodeId = ref->getMasterNode(); m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************** * List objects or indexes */ int NdbDictionaryImpl::listObjects(List& list, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type) { ListTablesReq req; req.requestData = 0; req.setTableType(getKernelConstant(type, objectTypeMapping, 0)); req.setListNames(true); return m_receiver.listObjects(list, req.requestData, m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::listIndexes(List& list, Uint32 indexId) { ListTablesReq req; req.requestData = 0; req.setTableId(indexId); req.setListNames(true); req.setListIndexes(true); return m_receiver.listObjects(list, req.requestData, m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()); } int NdbDictInterface::listObjects(NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List& list, Uint32 requestData, bool fullyQualifiedNames) { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); ListTablesReq* const req = CAST_PTR(ListTablesReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestData = requestData; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_LIST_TABLES_REQ; tSignal.theLength = ListTablesReq::SignalLength; if (listObjects(&tSignal) != 0) return -1; // count const Uint32* data = (const Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); const unsigned length = m_buffer.length() / 4; list.count = 0; bool ok = true; unsigned pos, count; pos = count = 0; while (pos < length) { // table id - name length - name pos++; if (pos >= length) { ok = false; break; } Uint32 n = (data[pos++] + 3) >> 2; pos += n; if (pos > length) { ok = false; break; } count++; } if (! ok) { // bad signal data m_error.code= 4213; return -1; } list.count = count; list.elements = new NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List::Element[count]; pos = count = 0; while (pos < length) { NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List::Element& element = list.elements[count]; Uint32 d = data[pos++]; element.id = ListTablesConf::getTableId(d); element.type = (NdbDictionary::Object::Type) getApiConstant(ListTablesConf::getTableType(d), objectTypeMapping, 0); element.state = (NdbDictionary::Object::State) getApiConstant(ListTablesConf::getTableState(d), objectStateMapping, 0); element.store = (NdbDictionary::Object::Store) getApiConstant(ListTablesConf::getTableStore(d), objectStoreMapping, 0); element.temp = ListTablesConf::getTableTemp(d); // table or index name Uint32 n = (data[pos++] + 3) >> 2; BaseString databaseName; BaseString schemaName; BaseString objectName; if (!databaseName || !schemaName || !objectName) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } if ((element.type == NdbDictionary::Object::UniqueHashIndex) || (element.type == NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex)) { char * indexName = new char[n << 2]; if (indexName == NULL) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } memcpy(indexName, &data[pos], n << 2); if (!(databaseName = Ndb::getDatabaseFromInternalName(indexName)) || !(schemaName = Ndb::getSchemaFromInternalName(indexName))) { delete [] indexName; m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } objectName = BaseString(Ndb::externalizeIndexName(indexName, fullyQualifiedNames)); delete [] indexName; } else if ((element.type == NdbDictionary::Object::SystemTable) || (element.type == NdbDictionary::Object::UserTable)) { char * tableName = new char[n << 2]; if (tableName == NULL) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } memcpy(tableName, &data[pos], n << 2); if (!(databaseName = Ndb::getDatabaseFromInternalName(tableName)) || !(schemaName = Ndb::getSchemaFromInternalName(tableName))) { delete [] tableName; m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } objectName = BaseString(Ndb::externalizeTableName(tableName, fullyQualifiedNames)); delete [] tableName; } else { char * otherName = new char[n << 2]; if (otherName == NULL) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } memcpy(otherName, &data[pos], n << 2); if (!(objectName = BaseString(otherName))) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } delete [] otherName; } if (!(element.database = new char[databaseName.length() + 1]) || !(element.schema = new char[schemaName.length() + 1]) || !(element.name = new char[objectName.length() + 1])) { m_error.code= 4000; return -1; } strcpy(element.database, databaseName.c_str()); strcpy(element.schema, schemaName.c_str()); strcpy(element.name, objectName.c_str()); pos += n; count++; } return 0; } int NdbDictInterface::listObjects(NdbApiSignal* signal) { const Uint32 RETRIES = 100; for (Uint32 i = 0; i < RETRIES; i++) { m_buffer.clear(); // begin protected /* The PollGuard has an implicit call of unlock_and_signal through the ~PollGuard method. This method is called implicitly by the compiler in all places where the object is out of context due to a return, break, continue or simply end of statement block */ PollGuard poll_guard(m_transporter, &m_waiter, refToBlock(m_reference)); Uint16 aNodeId = m_transporter->get_an_alive_node(); if (aNodeId == 0) { m_error.code= 4009; return -1; } if (m_transporter->sendSignal(signal, aNodeId) != 0) { continue; } m_error.code= 0; int ret_val= poll_guard.wait_n_unlock(DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, aNodeId, WAIT_LIST_TABLES_CONF); // end protected if (ret_val == 0 && m_error.code == 0) return 0; if (ret_val == -2) //WAIT_NODE_FAILURE continue; return -1; } return -1; } void NdbDictInterface::execLIST_TABLES_CONF(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const unsigned off = ListTablesConf::HeaderLength; const unsigned len = (signal->getLength() - off); if (m_buffer.append(signal->getDataPtr() + off, len << 2)) { m_error.code= 4000; } if (signal->getLength() < ListTablesConf::SignalLength) { // last signal has less than full length m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } } int NdbDictionaryImpl::forceGCPWait() { return m_receiver.forceGCPWait(); } int NdbDictInterface::forceGCPWait() { NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); WaitGCPReq* const req = CAST_PTR(WaitGCPReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestType = WaitGCPReq::CompleteForceStart; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDIH; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_WAIT_GCP_REQ; tSignal.theLength = WaitGCPReq::SignalLength; const Uint32 RETRIES = 100; for (Uint32 i = 0; i < RETRIES; i++) { m_transporter->lock_mutex(); Uint16 aNodeId = m_transporter->get_an_alive_node(); if (aNodeId == 0) { m_error.code= 4009; m_transporter->unlock_mutex(); return -1; } if (m_transporter->sendSignal(&tSignal, aNodeId) != 0) { m_transporter->unlock_mutex(); continue; } m_error.code= 0; m_waiter.m_node = aNodeId; m_waiter.m_state = WAIT_LIST_TABLES_CONF; m_waiter.wait(DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT); m_transporter->unlock_mutex(); return 0; } return -1; } void NdbDictInterface::execWAIT_GCP_CONF(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execWAIT_GCP_REF(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } NdbFilegroupImpl::NdbFilegroupImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Type t) : NdbDictObjectImpl(t) { m_extent_size = 0; m_undo_buffer_size = 0; m_logfile_group_id = ~0; m_logfile_group_version = ~0; } NdbTablespaceImpl::NdbTablespaceImpl() : NdbDictionary::Tablespace(* this), NdbFilegroupImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace), m_facade(this) { } NdbTablespaceImpl::NdbTablespaceImpl(NdbDictionary::Tablespace & f) : NdbDictionary::Tablespace(* this), NdbFilegroupImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace), m_facade(&f) { } NdbTablespaceImpl::~NdbTablespaceImpl(){ } int NdbTablespaceImpl::assign(const NdbTablespaceImpl& org) { m_id = org.m_id; m_version = org.m_version; m_status = org.m_status; m_type = org.m_type; if (!m_name.assign(org.m_name)) return -1; m_grow_spec = org.m_grow_spec; m_extent_size = org.m_extent_size; m_undo_free_words = org.m_undo_free_words; m_logfile_group_id = org.m_logfile_group_id; m_logfile_group_version = org.m_logfile_group_version; if (!m_logfile_group_name.assign(org.m_logfile_group_name)) return -1; m_undo_free_words = org.m_undo_free_words; return 0; } NdbLogfileGroupImpl::NdbLogfileGroupImpl() : NdbDictionary::LogfileGroup(* this), NdbFilegroupImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup), m_facade(this) { } NdbLogfileGroupImpl::NdbLogfileGroupImpl(NdbDictionary::LogfileGroup & f) : NdbDictionary::LogfileGroup(* this), NdbFilegroupImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup), m_facade(&f) { } NdbLogfileGroupImpl::~NdbLogfileGroupImpl(){ } int NdbLogfileGroupImpl::assign(const NdbLogfileGroupImpl& org) { m_id = org.m_id; m_version = org.m_version; m_status = org.m_status; m_type = org.m_type; if (!m_name.assign(org.m_name)) return -1; m_grow_spec = org.m_grow_spec; m_extent_size = org.m_extent_size; m_undo_free_words = org.m_undo_free_words; m_logfile_group_id = org.m_logfile_group_id; m_logfile_group_version = org.m_logfile_group_version; if (!m_logfile_group_name.assign(org.m_logfile_group_name)) return -1; m_undo_free_words = org.m_undo_free_words; return 0; } NdbFileImpl::NdbFileImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Type t) : NdbDictObjectImpl(t) { m_size = 0; m_free = 0; m_filegroup_id = ~0; m_filegroup_version = ~0; } NdbDatafileImpl::NdbDatafileImpl() : NdbDictionary::Datafile(* this), NdbFileImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Datafile), m_facade(this) { } NdbDatafileImpl::NdbDatafileImpl(NdbDictionary::Datafile & f) : NdbDictionary::Datafile(* this), NdbFileImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Datafile), m_facade(&f) { } NdbDatafileImpl::~NdbDatafileImpl(){ } int NdbDatafileImpl::assign(const NdbDatafileImpl& org) { m_id = org.m_id; m_version = org.m_version; m_status = org.m_status; m_type = org.m_type; m_size = org.m_size; m_free = org.m_free; m_filegroup_id = org.m_filegroup_id; m_filegroup_version = org.m_filegroup_version; if (!m_path.assign(org.m_path) || !m_filegroup_name.assign(org.m_filegroup_name)) return -1; return 0; } NdbUndofileImpl::NdbUndofileImpl() : NdbDictionary::Undofile(* this), NdbFileImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Undofile), m_facade(this) { } NdbUndofileImpl::NdbUndofileImpl(NdbDictionary::Undofile & f) : NdbDictionary::Undofile(* this), NdbFileImpl(NdbDictionary::Object::Undofile), m_facade(&f) { } NdbUndofileImpl::~NdbUndofileImpl(){ } int NdbUndofileImpl::assign(const NdbUndofileImpl& org) { m_id = org.m_id; m_version = org.m_version; m_status = org.m_status; m_type = org.m_type; m_size = org.m_size; m_free = org.m_free; m_filegroup_id = org.m_filegroup_id; m_filegroup_version = org.m_filegroup_version; if (!m_path.assign(org.m_path) || !m_filegroup_name.assign(org.m_filegroup_name)) return 4000; return 0; } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createDatafile(const NdbDatafileImpl & file, bool force, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createDatafile"); NdbFilegroupImpl tmp(NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace); if(file.m_filegroup_version != ~(Uint32)0){ tmp.m_id = file.m_filegroup_id; tmp.m_version = file.m_filegroup_version; DBUG_RETURN(m_receiver.create_file(file, tmp, force, obj)); } if(m_receiver.get_filegroup(tmp, NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace, file.m_filegroup_name.c_str()) == 0){ DBUG_RETURN(m_receiver.create_file(file, tmp, force, obj)); } DBUG_RETURN(-1); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropDatafile(const NdbDatafileImpl & file){ return m_receiver.drop_file(file); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createUndofile(const NdbUndofileImpl & file, bool force, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictionaryImpl::createUndofile"); NdbFilegroupImpl tmp(NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup); if(file.m_filegroup_version != ~(Uint32)0){ tmp.m_id = file.m_filegroup_id; tmp.m_version = file.m_filegroup_version; DBUG_RETURN(m_receiver.create_file(file, tmp, force, obj)); } if(m_receiver.get_filegroup(tmp, NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup, file.m_filegroup_name.c_str()) == 0){ DBUG_RETURN(m_receiver.create_file(file, tmp, force, obj)); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Failed to find filegroup")); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropUndofile(const NdbUndofileImpl & file) { return m_receiver.drop_file(file); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createTablespace(const NdbTablespaceImpl & fg, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { return m_receiver.create_filegroup(fg, obj); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropTablespace(const NdbTablespaceImpl & fg) { return m_receiver.drop_filegroup(fg); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::createLogfileGroup(const NdbLogfileGroupImpl & fg, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { return m_receiver.create_filegroup(fg, obj); } int NdbDictionaryImpl::dropLogfileGroup(const NdbLogfileGroupImpl & fg) { return m_receiver.drop_filegroup(fg); } int NdbDictInterface::create_file(const NdbFileImpl & file, const NdbFilegroupImpl & group, bool overwrite, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::create_file"); UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); DictFilegroupInfo::File f; f.init(); snprintf(f.FileName, sizeof(f.FileName), file.m_path.c_str()); f.FileType = file.m_type; f.FilegroupId = group.m_id; f.FilegroupVersion = group.m_version; f.FileSizeHi = (file.m_size >> 32); f.FileSizeLo = (file.m_size & 0xFFFFFFFF); SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus s; s = SimpleProperties::pack(w, &f, DictFilegroupInfo::FileMapping, DictFilegroupInfo::FileMappingSize, true); if(s != SimpleProperties::Eof){ abort(); } NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_CREATE_FILE_REQ; tSignal.theLength = CreateFileReq::SignalLength; CreateFileReq* req = CAST_PTR(CreateFileReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->objType = file.m_type; req->requestInfo = 0; if (overwrite) req->requestInfo |= CreateFileReq::ForceCreateFile; LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz = m_buffer.length() / 4; int err[] = { CreateFileRef::Busy, CreateFileRef::NotMaster, 0}; /* Send signal without time-out since creating files can take a very long time if the file is very big. */ int ret = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, -1, 100, err); if (ret == 0 && obj) { Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); obj->m_id = data[0]; obj->m_version = data[1]; } DBUG_RETURN(ret); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_FILE_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateFileConf* conf= CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateFileConf, signal->getDataPtr()); m_buffer.grow(4 * 2); // 2 words Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); data[0] = conf->fileId; data[1] = conf->fileVersion; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_FILE_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateFileRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateFileRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } int NdbDictInterface::drop_file(const NdbFileImpl & file) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::drop_file"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_DROP_FILE_REQ; tSignal.theLength = DropFileReq::SignalLength; DropFileReq* req = CAST_PTR(DropFileReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->file_id = file.m_id; req->file_version = file.m_version; int err[] = { DropFileRef::Busy, DropFileRef::NotMaster, 0}; DBUG_RETURN(dictSignal(&tSignal, 0, 0, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, err)); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_FILE_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_FILE_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const DropFileRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(DropFileRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } int NdbDictInterface::create_filegroup(const NdbFilegroupImpl & group, NdbDictObjectImpl* obj) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::create_filegroup"); UtilBufferWriter w(m_buffer); DictFilegroupInfo::Filegroup fg; fg.init(); snprintf(fg.FilegroupName, sizeof(fg.FilegroupName), group.m_name.c_str()); switch(group.m_type){ case NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace: { fg.FilegroupType = DictTabInfo::Tablespace; //fg.TS_DataGrow = group.m_grow_spec; fg.TS_ExtentSize = group.m_extent_size; if(group.m_logfile_group_version != ~(Uint32)0) { fg.TS_LogfileGroupId = group.m_logfile_group_id; fg.TS_LogfileGroupVersion = group.m_logfile_group_version; } else { NdbLogfileGroupImpl tmp; if(get_filegroup(tmp, NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup, group.m_logfile_group_name.c_str()) == 0) { fg.TS_LogfileGroupId = tmp.m_id; fg.TS_LogfileGroupVersion = tmp.m_version; } else // error set by get filegroup { DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } } break; case NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup: fg.LF_UndoBufferSize = group.m_undo_buffer_size; fg.FilegroupType = DictTabInfo::LogfileGroup; //fg.LF_UndoGrow = group.m_grow_spec; break; default: abort(); DBUG_RETURN(-1); }; SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus s; s = SimpleProperties::pack(w, &fg, DictFilegroupInfo::Mapping, DictFilegroupInfo::MappingSize, true); if(s != SimpleProperties::Eof){ abort(); } NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_CREATE_FILEGROUP_REQ; tSignal.theLength = CreateFilegroupReq::SignalLength; CreateFilegroupReq* req = CAST_PTR(CreateFilegroupReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->objType = fg.FilegroupType; LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); ptr[0].sz = m_buffer.length() / 4; int err[] = { CreateFilegroupRef::Busy, CreateFilegroupRef::NotMaster, 0}; int ret = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, err); if (ret == 0 && obj) { Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); obj->m_id = data[0]; obj->m_version = data[1]; } DBUG_RETURN(ret); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_FILEGROUP_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateFilegroupConf* conf= CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateFilegroupConf, signal->getDataPtr()); m_buffer.grow(4 * 2); // 2 words Uint32* data = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); data[0] = conf->filegroupId; data[1] = conf->filegroupVersion; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execCREATE_FILEGROUP_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const CreateFilegroupRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(CreateFilegroupRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } int NdbDictInterface::drop_filegroup(const NdbFilegroupImpl & group) { DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::drop_filegroup"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_DROP_FILEGROUP_REQ; tSignal.theLength = DropFilegroupReq::SignalLength; DropFilegroupReq* req = CAST_PTR(DropFilegroupReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->filegroup_id = group.m_id; req->filegroup_version = group.m_version; int err[] = { DropFilegroupRef::Busy, DropFilegroupRef::NotMaster, 0}; DBUG_RETURN(dictSignal(&tSignal, 0, 0, 0, // master WAIT_CREATE_INDX_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100, err)); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_FILEGROUP_CONF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } void NdbDictInterface::execDROP_FILEGROUP_REF(NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { const DropFilegroupRef* ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(DropFilegroupRef, signal->getDataPtr()); m_error.code = ref->errorCode; m_masterNodeId = ref->masterNodeId; m_waiter.signal(NO_WAIT); } int NdbDictInterface::get_filegroup(NdbFilegroupImpl & dst, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type, const char * name){ DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::get_filegroup"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); GetTabInfoReq * req = CAST_PTR(GetTabInfoReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); size_t strLen = strlen(name) + 1; req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestType = GetTabInfoReq::RequestByName | GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf; req->tableNameLen = strLen; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ; tSignal.theLength = GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength; LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)name; ptr[0].sz = (strLen + 3)/4; #ifndef IGNORE_VALGRIND_WARNINGS if (strLen & 3) { Uint32 pad = 0; m_buffer.clear(); m_buffer.append(name, strLen); m_buffer.append(&pad, 4); ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); } #endif int r = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, -1, // any node WAIT_GET_TAB_INFO_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100); if (r) { dst.m_id = -1; dst.m_version = ~0; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed dictSignal")); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } m_error.code = parseFilegroupInfo(dst, (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(), m_buffer.length() / 4); if(m_error.code) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed parseFilegroupInfo %d", m_error.code)); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code); } if(dst.m_type == NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace) { NdbDictionary::LogfileGroup tmp; get_filegroup(NdbLogfileGroupImpl::getImpl(tmp), NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup, dst.m_logfile_group_id); if (!dst.m_logfile_group_name.assign(tmp.getName())) DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = 4000); } if(dst.m_type == type) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed no such filegroup")); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = GetTabInfoRef::TableNotDefined); } int NdbDictInterface::parseFilegroupInfo(NdbFilegroupImpl &dst, const Uint32 * data, Uint32 len) { SimplePropertiesLinearReader it(data, len); SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus status; DictFilegroupInfo::Filegroup fg; fg.init(); status = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, &fg, DictFilegroupInfo::Mapping, DictFilegroupInfo::MappingSize, true, true); if(status != SimpleProperties::Eof){ return CreateFilegroupRef::InvalidFormat; } dst.m_id = fg.FilegroupId; dst.m_version = fg.FilegroupVersion; dst.m_type = (NdbDictionary::Object::Type)fg.FilegroupType; dst.m_status = NdbDictionary::Object::Retrieved; if (!dst.m_name.assign(fg.FilegroupName)) return 4000; dst.m_extent_size = fg.TS_ExtentSize; dst.m_undo_buffer_size = fg.LF_UndoBufferSize; dst.m_logfile_group_id = fg.TS_LogfileGroupId; dst.m_logfile_group_version = fg.TS_LogfileGroupVersion; dst.m_undo_free_words= ((Uint64)fg.LF_UndoFreeWordsHi << 32) | (fg.LF_UndoFreeWordsLo); return 0; } int NdbDictInterface::get_filegroup(NdbFilegroupImpl & dst, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type, Uint32 id){ DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::get_filegroup"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); GetTabInfoReq * req = CAST_PTR(GetTabInfoReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestType = GetTabInfoReq::RequestById | GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf; req->tableId = id; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ; tSignal.theLength = GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength; int r = dictSignal(&tSignal, NULL, 1, -1, // any node WAIT_GET_TAB_INFO_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100); if (r) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed dictSignal")); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } m_error.code = parseFilegroupInfo(dst, (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(), m_buffer.length() / 4); if(m_error.code) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed parseFilegroupInfo %d", m_error.code)); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code); } if(dst.m_type == type) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_filegroup failed no such filegroup")); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = GetTabInfoRef::TableNotDefined); } int NdbDictInterface::get_file(NdbFileImpl & dst, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type, int node, const char * name){ DBUG_ENTER("NdbDictInterface::get_file"); NdbApiSignal tSignal(m_reference); GetTabInfoReq * req = CAST_PTR(GetTabInfoReq, tSignal.getDataPtrSend()); size_t strLen = strlen(name) + 1; req->senderRef = m_reference; req->senderData = 0; req->requestType = GetTabInfoReq::RequestByName | GetTabInfoReq::LongSignalConf; req->tableNameLen = strLen; tSignal.theReceiversBlockNumber = DBDICT; tSignal.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_GET_TABINFOREQ; tSignal.theLength = GetTabInfoReq::SignalLength; LinearSectionPtr ptr[1]; ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)name; ptr[0].sz = (strLen + 3)/4; #ifndef IGNORE_VALGRIND_WARNINGS if (strLen & 3) { Uint32 pad = 0; m_buffer.clear(); m_buffer.append(name, strLen); m_buffer.append(&pad, 4); ptr[0].p = (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(); } #endif int r = dictSignal(&tSignal, ptr, 1, node, WAIT_GET_TAB_INFO_REQ, DICT_WAITFOR_TIMEOUT, 100); if (r) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_file failed dictSignal")); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } m_error.code = parseFileInfo(dst, (Uint32*)m_buffer.get_data(), m_buffer.length() / 4); if(m_error.code) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_file failed parseFileInfo %d", m_error.code)); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code); } if(dst.m_type == NdbDictionary::Object::Undofile) { NdbDictionary::LogfileGroup tmp; get_filegroup(NdbLogfileGroupImpl::getImpl(tmp), NdbDictionary::Object::LogfileGroup, dst.m_filegroup_id); if (!dst.m_filegroup_name.assign(tmp.getName())) DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = 4000); } else if(dst.m_type == NdbDictionary::Object::Datafile) { NdbDictionary::Tablespace tmp; get_filegroup(NdbTablespaceImpl::getImpl(tmp), NdbDictionary::Object::Tablespace, dst.m_filegroup_id); if (!dst.m_filegroup_name.assign(tmp.getName())) DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = 4000); dst.m_free *= tmp.getExtentSize(); } else dst.m_filegroup_name.assign("Not Yet Implemented"); if(dst.m_type == type) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("get_file failed no such file")); DBUG_RETURN(m_error.code = GetTabInfoRef::TableNotDefined); } int NdbDictInterface::parseFileInfo(NdbFileImpl &dst, const Uint32 * data, Uint32 len) { SimplePropertiesLinearReader it(data, len); SimpleProperties::UnpackStatus status; DictFilegroupInfo::File f; f.init(); status = SimpleProperties::unpack(it, &f, DictFilegroupInfo::FileMapping, DictFilegroupInfo::FileMappingSize, true, true); if(status != SimpleProperties::Eof){ return CreateFilegroupRef::InvalidFormat; } dst.m_type= (NdbDictionary::Object::Type)f.FileType; dst.m_id= f.FileId; dst.m_version = f.FileVersion; dst.m_size= ((Uint64)f.FileSizeHi << 32) | (f.FileSizeLo); if (!dst.m_path.assign(f.FileName)) return 4000; dst.m_filegroup_id= f.FilegroupId; dst.m_filegroup_version= f.FilegroupVersion; dst.m_free= f.FileFreeExtents; return 0; } template class Vector<int>; template class Vector<Uint16>; template class Vector<Uint32>; template class Vector<Vector<Uint32> >; template class Vector<NdbTableImpl*>; template class Vector<NdbColumnImpl*>; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::FRAGMENT = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::FRAGMENT_FIXED_MEMORY = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::FRAGMENT_VARSIZED_MEMORY = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::ROW_COUNT = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::COMMIT_COUNT = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::ROW_SIZE = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::RANGE_NO = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::DISK_REF = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::RECORDS_IN_RANGE = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::ROWID = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::ROW_GCI = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::ANY_VALUE = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column * NdbDictionary::Column::COPY_ROWID = 0;