connection node_4; connection node_3; connection node_2; connection node_1; connection node_1; connection node_2; connection node_3; connection node_4; connection node_1; CREATE TABLE t1(pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); CREATE PROCEDURE p1(IN max INT) BEGIN DECLARE i INT; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN END; SET i = 0; WHILE i < max DO INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 VALUES (DEFAULT); SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; END| CALL p1(130); connection node_4; Shutting down server 4... connection node_1; SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 15; SET GLOBAL debug = "+d,sync.wsrep_donor_state"; connection node_4; Restarting server 4... connection node_1; SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now WAIT_FOR sync.wsrep_donor_state_reached"; Tables on server 1 flushed and locked for SST to server 4 SET SESSION DEBUG_SYNC = "now SIGNAL signal.wsrep_donor_state"; SET GLOBAL debug = ""; SET DEBUG_SYNC='RESET'; Wait for the state snapshot to be copied to server 4 SST script unlocked server 1 connection node_1; CALL p1(130); connection node_1; SET SESSION wsrep_on = OFF; CREATE TABLE t2(pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; connection node_2; SET SESSION wsrep_on = OFF; CREATE TABLE t2(pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; connection node_3; SET SESSION wsrep_on = OFF; CREATE TABLE t2(pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (DEFAULT); CALL p1(130); Waiting for server 4 to leave the cluster SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 15; connection node_2; SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 15; connection node_1; SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 15; connection node_4; Server 4 left the cluster, killing it... Killed server 4... Restarting server 4... DROP TABLE t2; connection node_1; SET SESSION wsrep_on = ON; SET SESSION wsrep_sync_wait = 15; connection node_1; SELECT count(*) AS expect1_390 FROM t1; expect1_390 390 connection node_2; SELECT count(*) AS expect2_390 FROM t1; expect2_390 390 connection node_3; SELECT count(*) AS expect3_390 FROM t1; expect3_390 390 connection node_4; SELECT count(*) AS expect4_390 FROM t1; expect4_390 390 DROP TABLE t1; DROP PROCEDURE p1; connection node_4; CALL mtr.add_suppression("BF applier failed to open_and_lock_tables: 1146"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Event 3 Write_rows_v1 apply failed: 1146"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Inconsistency detected: Inconsistent by consensus"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Failed to apply write set: gtid:");