/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <ndb_global.h> #include <ndb_opts.h> #include "MgmtSrvr.hpp" #include "EventLogger.hpp" #include <Config.hpp> #include "InitConfigFileParser.hpp" #include <SocketServer.hpp> #include "Services.hpp" #include <version.h> #include <kernel_types.h> #include <Properties.hpp> #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include <NdbMain.h> #include <NdbDaemon.h> #include <NdbConfig.h> #include <NdbHost.h> #include <ndb_version.h> #include <ConfigRetriever.hpp> #include <mgmapi_config_parameters.h> #include <NdbAutoPtr.hpp> #if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE #include <efs.h> #else #include <ndb_mgmclient.hpp> #endif #undef DEBUG #define DEBUG(x) ndbout << x << endl; const char progname[] = "mgmtsrvr"; // copied from mysql.cc to get readline extern "C" { #if defined( __WIN__) || defined(OS2) #include <conio.h> #elif !defined(__NETWARE__) #include <readline/readline.h> extern "C" int add_history(const char *command); /* From readline directory */ #define HAVE_READLINE #endif } static int read_and_execute(Ndb_mgmclient* com, const char * prompt, int _try_reconnect) { static char *line_read = (char *)NULL; /* If the buffer has already been allocated, return the memory to the free pool. */ if (line_read) { free (line_read); line_read = (char *)NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_READLINE /* Get a line from the user. */ line_read = readline (prompt); /* If the line has any text in it, save it on the history. */ if (line_read && *line_read) add_history (line_read); #else static char linebuffer[254]; fputs(prompt, stdout); linebuffer[sizeof(linebuffer)-1]=0; line_read = fgets(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer)-1, stdin); if (line_read == linebuffer) { char *q=linebuffer; while (*q > 31) q++; *q=0; line_read= strdup(linebuffer); } #endif return com->execute(line_read,_try_reconnect); } /** * @struct MgmGlobals * @brief Global Variables used in the management server *****************************************************************************/ struct MgmGlobals { MgmGlobals(); ~MgmGlobals(); /** Command line arguments */ int daemon; // NOT bool, bool need not be int int non_interactive; int interactive; const char * config_filename; /** Stuff found in environment or in local config */ NodeId localNodeId; bool use_specific_ip; char * interface_name; int port; /** The Mgmt Server */ MgmtSrvr * mgmObject; /** The Socket Server */ SocketServer * socketServer; }; int g_no_nodeid_checks= 0; static MgmGlobals glob; /****************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /** * Global variables */ bool g_StopServer; extern EventLogger g_eventLogger; extern int global_mgmt_server_check; enum ndb_mgmd_options { OPT_INTERACTIVE = NDB_STD_OPTIONS_LAST, OPT_NO_NODEID_CHECKS, OPT_NO_DAEMON }; NDB_STD_OPTS_VARS; static struct my_option my_long_options[] = { NDB_STD_OPTS("ndb_mgmd"), { "config-file", 'f', "Specify cluster configuration file", (gptr*) &glob.config_filename, (gptr*) &glob.config_filename, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "daemon", 'd', "Run ndb_mgmd in daemon mode (default)", (gptr*) &glob.daemon, (gptr*) &glob.daemon, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "interactive", OPT_INTERACTIVE, "Run interactive. Not supported but provided for testing purposes", (gptr*) &glob.interactive, (gptr*) &glob.interactive, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "no-nodeid-checks", OPT_NO_NODEID_CHECKS, "Do not provide any node id checks", (gptr*) &g_no_nodeid_checks, (gptr*) &g_no_nodeid_checks, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "nodaemon", OPT_NO_DAEMON, "Don't run as daemon, but don't read from stdin", (gptr*) &glob.non_interactive, (gptr*) &glob.non_interactive, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static void short_usage_sub(void) { printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", my_progname); } static void usage() { short_usage_sub(); ndb_std_print_version(); my_print_help(my_long_options); my_print_variables(my_long_options); } static my_bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)), char *argument) { ndb_std_get_one_option(optid, opt, argument ? argument : "d:t:O,/tmp/ndb_mgmd.trace"); return 0; } /* * MAIN */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { NDB_INIT(argv[0]); /** * OSE specific. Enable shared ownership of file system resources. * This is needed in order to use the cluster log since the events * from the cluster is written from the 'ndb_receive'(NDBAPI) thread/process. */ #if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE efs_segment_share(); #endif global_mgmt_server_check = 1; const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysql_cluster","ndb_mgmd",0 }; load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,&argc,&argv); int ho_error; if ((ho_error=handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); if (glob.interactive || glob.non_interactive) { glob.daemon= 0; } glob.socketServer = new SocketServer(); MgmApiService * mapi = new MgmApiService(); glob.mgmObject = new MgmtSrvr(glob.socketServer, glob.config_filename, opt_connect_str); if (glob.mgmObject->init()) goto error_end; my_setwd(NdbConfig_get_path(0), MYF(0)); glob.localNodeId= glob.mgmObject->getOwnNodeId(); if (glob.localNodeId == 0) { goto error_end; } glob.port= glob.mgmObject->getPort(); if (glob.port == 0) goto error_end; glob.interface_name = 0; glob.use_specific_ip = false; if(!glob.use_specific_ip){ int count= 5; // no of retries for tryBind while(!glob.socketServer->tryBind(glob.port, glob.interface_name)){ if (--count > 0) { NdbSleep_MilliSleep(1000); continue; } ndbout_c("Unable to setup port: %s:%d!\n" "Please check if the port is already used,\n" "(perhaps a ndb_mgmd is already running),\n" "and if you are executing on the correct computer", (glob.interface_name ? glob.interface_name : "*"), glob.port); goto error_end; } free(glob.interface_name); glob.interface_name = 0; } if(!glob.socketServer->setup(mapi, glob.port, glob.interface_name)){ ndbout_c("Unable to setup management port: %d!\n" "Please check if the port is already used,\n" "(perhaps a ndb_mgmd is already running),\n" "and if you are executing on the correct computer", glob.port); delete mapi; goto error_end; } if(!glob.mgmObject->check_start()){ ndbout_c("Unable to check start management server."); ndbout_c("Probably caused by illegal initial configuration file."); goto error_end; } if (glob.daemon) { // Become a daemon char *lockfile= NdbConfig_PidFileName(glob.localNodeId); char *logfile= NdbConfig_StdoutFileName(glob.localNodeId); NdbAutoPtr<char> tmp_aptr1(lockfile), tmp_aptr2(logfile); if (NdbDaemon_Make(lockfile, logfile, 0) == -1) { ndbout << "Cannot become daemon: " << NdbDaemon_ErrorText << endl; return 1; } } #ifndef NDB_WIN32 signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif { BaseString error_string; if(!glob.mgmObject->start(error_string)){ ndbout_c("Unable to start management server."); ndbout_c("Probably caused by illegal initial configuration file."); ndbout_c(error_string.c_str()); goto error_end; } } //glob.mgmObject->saveConfig(); mapi->setMgm(glob.mgmObject); char msg[256]; BaseString::snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "NDB Cluster Management Server. %s", NDB_VERSION_STRING); ndbout_c(msg); g_eventLogger.info(msg); BaseString::snprintf(msg, 256, "Id: %d, Command port: %d", glob.localNodeId, glob.port); ndbout_c(msg); g_eventLogger.info(msg); g_StopServer = false; glob.socketServer->startServer(); #if ! defined NDB_OSE && ! defined NDB_SOFTOSE if(glob.interactive) { BaseString con_str; if(glob.interface_name) con_str.appfmt("host=%s:%d", glob.interface_name, glob.port); else con_str.appfmt("localhost:%d", glob.port); Ndb_mgmclient com(con_str.c_str(), 1); while(g_StopServer != true && read_and_execute(&com, "ndb_mgm> ", 1)); } else #endif { while(g_StopServer != true) NdbSleep_MilliSleep(500); } g_eventLogger.info("Shutting down server..."); glob.socketServer->stopServer(); glob.socketServer->stopSessions(); g_eventLogger.info("Shutdown complete"); return 0; error_end: return 1; } MgmGlobals::MgmGlobals(){ // Default values port = 0; config_filename = NULL; interface_name = 0; daemon = 1; non_interactive = 0; interactive = 0; socketServer = 0; mgmObject = 0; } MgmGlobals::~MgmGlobals(){ if (socketServer) delete socketServer; if (mgmObject) delete mgmObject; if (interface_name) free(interface_name); }