/* Copyright (C) 2005 MySQL AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#ifndef LOG_H
#define LOG_H

class Relay_log_info;

class Format_description_log_event;

bool ending_trans(const THD* thd, const bool all);
bool trans_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd);
bool trans_has_no_stmt_committed(const THD* thd, const bool all);
bool stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd);

  Transaction Coordinator log - a base abstract class
  for two different implementations
class TC_LOG
  int using_heuristic_recover();
  TC_LOG() {}
  virtual ~TC_LOG() {}

  virtual int open(const char *opt_name)=0;
  virtual void close()=0;
  virtual int log_and_order(THD *thd, my_xid xid, bool all,
                            bool need_prepare_ordered,
                            bool need_commit_ordered) = 0;
  virtual int unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid)=0;

    These methods are meant to be invoked from log_and_order() implementations
    to run any prepare_ordered() respectively commit_ordered() methods in
    participating handlers.

    They must be called using suitable thread syncronisation to ensure that
    they are each called in the correct commit order among all
    transactions. However, it is only necessary to call them if the
    corresponding flag passed to log_and_order is set (it is safe, but not
    required, to call them when the flag is false).

    The caller must be holding LOCK_prepare_ordered respectively
    LOCK_commit_ordered when calling these methods.
  void run_prepare_ordered(THD *thd, bool all);
  void run_commit_ordered(THD *thd, bool all);

  Locks used to ensure serialised execution of TC_LOG::run_prepare_ordered()
  and TC_LOG::run_commit_ordered(), or any other code that calls handler
  prepare_ordered() or commit_ordered() methods.
extern pthread_mutex_t LOCK_prepare_ordered;
extern pthread_mutex_t LOCK_commit_ordered;

extern void TC_init();
extern void TC_destroy();

class TC_LOG_DUMMY: public TC_LOG // use it to disable the logging
  int open(const char *opt_name)        { return 0; }
  void close()                          { }
    TC_LOG_DUMMY is only used when there are <= 1 XA-capable engines, and we
    only use internal XA during commit when >= 2 XA-capable engines
  int log_and_order(THD *thd, my_xid xid, bool all,
                    bool need_prepare_ordered, bool need_commit_ordered)
    DBUG_ASSERT(0 /* Internal error - TC_LOG_DUMMY::log_and_order() called */);
    return 1;
  int unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid)  { return 0; }

#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
class TC_LOG_MMAP: public TC_LOG
  public:                // only to keep Sun Forte on sol9x86 happy
  typedef enum {
    POOL,                 // page is in pool
    ERROR,                // last sync failed
    DIRTY                 // new xids added since last sync

  typedef struct st_page {
    struct st_page *next; // page a linked in a fifo queue
    my_xid *start, *end;  // usable area of a page
    my_xid *ptr;          // next xid will be written here
    int size, free;       // max and current number of free xid slots on the page
    int waiters;          // number of waiters on condition
    PAGE_STATE state;     // see above
    pthread_mutex_t lock; // to access page data or control structure
    pthread_cond_t  cond; // to wait for a sync
  } PAGE;

  /* List of THDs for which to invoke commit_ordered(), in order. */
  struct commit_entry
    struct commit_entry *next;
    THD *thd;

  char logname[FN_REFLEN];
  File fd;
  my_off_t file_length;
  uint npages, inited;
  uchar *data;
  struct st_page *pages, *syncing, *active, *pool, *pool_last;
    note that, e.g. LOCK_active is only used to protect
    'active' pointer, to protect the content of the active page
    one has to use active->lock.
    Same for LOCK_pool and LOCK_sync
  pthread_mutex_t LOCK_active, LOCK_pool, LOCK_sync;
  pthread_cond_t COND_pool, COND_active;
    Queue of threads that need to call commit_ordered().
    Access to this queue must be protected by LOCK_prepare_ordered.
  commit_entry *commit_ordered_queue;
    This flag and condition is used to reserve the queue while threads in it
    each run the commit_ordered() methods one after the other. Only once the
    last commit_ordered() in the queue is done can we start on a new queue

    Since we start this process in the first thread in the queue and finish in
    the last (and possibly different) thread, we need a condition variable for
    this (we cannot unlock a mutex in a different thread than the one who
    locked it).

    The condition is used together with the LOCK_prepare_ordered mutex.
  my_bool commit_ordered_queue_busy;
  pthread_cond_t COND_queue_busy;

  TC_LOG_MMAP(): inited(0) {}
  int open(const char *opt_name);
  void close();
  int log_and_order(THD *thd, my_xid xid, bool all,
                    bool need_prepare_ordered, bool need_commit_ordered);
  int unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid);
  int recover();

  int log_one_transaction(my_xid xid);
  void get_active_from_pool();
  int sync();
  int overflow();

extern TC_LOG *tc_log;
extern TC_LOG_MMAP tc_log_mmap;
extern TC_LOG_DUMMY tc_log_dummy;

/* log info errors */
#define LOG_INFO_EOF -1
#define LOG_INFO_IO  -2
#define LOG_INFO_SEEK -4
#define LOG_INFO_MEM -6
#define LOG_INFO_FATAL -7
#define LOG_INFO_IN_USE -8
#define LOG_INFO_EMFILE -9

/* bitmap to SQL_LOG::close() */
#define LOG_CLOSE_INDEX		1

class Relay_log_info;

typedef struct st_log_info
  char log_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
  my_off_t index_file_offset, index_file_start_offset;
  my_off_t pos;
  bool fatal; // if the purge happens to give us a negative offset
  pthread_mutex_t lock;
    : index_file_offset(0), index_file_start_offset(0),
      pos(0), fatal(0)
      log_file_name[0] = '\0';
      pthread_mutex_init(&lock, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
  ~st_log_info() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock);}

  Currently we have only 3 kinds of logging functions: old-fashioned
  logs, stdout and csv logging routines.

/* log event handler flags */
#define LOG_NONE       1
#define LOG_FILE       2
#define LOG_TABLE      4

class Log_event;
class Rows_log_event;

enum enum_log_type { LOG_UNKNOWN, LOG_NORMAL, LOG_BIN };
enum enum_log_state { LOG_OPENED, LOG_CLOSED, LOG_TO_BE_OPENED };

  TODO use mmap instead of IO_CACHE for binlog
  (mmap+fsync is two times faster than write+fsync)

  void init_pthread_objects();
  void cleanup();
  bool open(const char *log_name,
            enum_log_type log_type,
            const char *new_name,
            enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg);
  bool init_and_set_log_file_name(const char *log_name,
                                  const char *new_name,
                                  enum_log_type log_type_arg,
                                  enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg);
  void init(enum_log_type log_type_arg,
            enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg);
  void close(uint exiting);
  inline bool is_open() { return log_state != LOG_CLOSED; }
  const char *generate_name(const char *log_name, const char *suffix,
                            bool strip_ext, char *buff);
  int generate_new_name(char *new_name, const char *log_name);
  /* LOCK_log is inited by init_pthread_objects() */
  pthread_mutex_t LOCK_log;
  char *name;
  char log_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
  char time_buff[20], db[NAME_LEN + 1];
  bool write_error, inited;
  IO_CACHE log_file;
  enum_log_type log_type;
  volatile enum_log_state log_state;
  enum cache_type io_cache_type;
  friend class Log_event;

  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG() : last_time(0) {}
  void reopen_file();
  bool write(time_t event_time, const char *user_host,
             uint user_host_len, int thread_id,
             const char *command_type, uint command_type_len,
             const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len);
  bool write(THD *thd, time_t current_time, time_t query_start_arg,
             const char *user_host, uint user_host_len,
             ulonglong query_utime, ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
             const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len);
  bool open_slow_log(const char *log_name)
    char buf[FN_REFLEN];
    return open(generate_name(log_name, "-slow.log", 0, buf), LOG_NORMAL, 0,
  bool open_query_log(const char *log_name)
    char buf[FN_REFLEN];
    return open(generate_name(log_name, ".log", 0, buf), LOG_NORMAL, 0,

  time_t last_time;

class binlog_trx_data;
class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG, private MYSQL_LOG
  struct group_commit_entry
    struct group_commit_entry *next;
    THD *thd;
    binlog_trx_data *trx_data;
      Extra events (BEGIN, COMMIT/ROLLBACK/XID, and possibly INCIDENT) to be
      written during group commit. The incident_event is only valid if
      trx_data->has_incident() is true.
    Log_event *begin_event;
    Log_event *end_event;
    Log_event *incident_event;
    /* Set during group commit to record any per-thread error. */
    int error;
    int commit_errno;
    /* This is the `all' parameter for ha_commit_ordered(). */
    bool all;
    /* True if we come in through XA log_and_order(), false otherwise. */

  /* LOCK_log and LOCK_index are inited by init_pthread_objects() */
  pthread_mutex_t LOCK_index;
  pthread_mutex_t LOCK_prep_xids;
  pthread_cond_t  COND_prep_xids;
  pthread_cond_t update_cond;
  ulonglong bytes_written;
  IO_CACHE index_file;
  char index_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
    purge_file is a temp file used in purge_logs so that the index file
    can be updated before deleting files from disk, yielding better crash
    recovery. It is created on demand the first time purge_logs is called
    and then reused for subsequent calls. It is cleaned up in cleanup().
  IO_CACHE purge_index_file;
  char purge_index_file_name[FN_REFLEN];
     The max size before rotation (usable only if log_type == LOG_BIN: binary
     logs and relay logs).
     For a binlog, max_size should be max_binlog_size.
     For a relay log, it should be max_relay_log_size if this is non-zero,
     max_binlog_size otherwise.
     max_size is set in init(), and dynamically changed (when one does SET
     GLOBAL MAX_BINLOG_SIZE|MAX_RELAY_LOG_SIZE) by fix_max_binlog_size and
  ulong max_size;
  long prepared_xids; /* for tc log - number of xids to remember */
  // current file sequence number for load data infile binary logging
  uint file_id;
  uint open_count;				// For replication
  int readers_count;
  bool need_start_event;
    no_auto_events means we don't want any of these automatic events :
    Start/Rotate/Stop. That is, in 4.x when we rotate a relay log, we don't
    want a Rotate_log event to be written to the relay log. When we start a
    relay log etc. So in 4.x this is 1 for relay logs, 0 for binlogs.
    In 5.0 it's 0 for relay logs too!
  bool no_auto_events;
  /* Queue of transactions queued up to participate in group commit. */
  group_commit_entry *group_commit_queue;
    Condition variable to mark that the group commit queue is busy.
    Used when each thread does it's own commit_ordered() (when
    Used with the LOCK_commit_ordered mutex.
  my_bool group_commit_queue_busy;
  pthread_cond_t COND_queue_busy;
  /* Total number of committed transactions. */
  ulonglong num_commits;
  /* Number of group commits done. */
  ulonglong num_group_commits;

  int write_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache);
    This is used to start writing to a new log file. The difference from
    new_file() is locking. new_file_without_locking() does not acquire
  int new_file_without_locking();
  int new_file_impl(bool need_lock);
  int write_transaction(group_commit_entry *entry);
  bool write_transaction_to_binlog_events(group_commit_entry *entry);
  void trx_group_commit_leader(group_commit_entry *leader);
  void mark_xid_done();
  void mark_xids_active(uint xid_count);


  /* This is relay log */
  bool is_relay_log;
  uint8 checksum_alg_reset; // to contain a new value when binlog is rotated
    Holds the last seen in Relay-Log FD's checksum alg value.
    The initial value comes from the slave's local FD that heads
    the very first Relay-Log file. In the following the value may change
    with each received master's FD_m.
    Besides to be used in verification events that IO thread receives
    (except the 1st fake Rotate, see @c Master_info:: checksum_alg_before_fd), 
    the value specifies if/how to compute checksum for slave's local events
    and the first fake Rotate (R_f^1) coming from the master.
    R_f^1 needs logging checksum-compatibly with the RL's heading FD_s.

    Legends for the checksum related comments:

    FD     - Format-Description event,
    R      - Rotate event
    R_f    - the fake Rotate event
    E      - an arbirary event

    The underscore indexes for any event
    `_s'   indicates the event is generated by Slave
    `_m'   - by Master

    Two special underscore indexes of FD:
    FD_q   - Format Description event for queuing   (relay-logging)
    FD_e   - Format Description event for executing (relay-logging)

    Upper indexes:
    E^n    - n:th event is a sequence

    RL     - Relay Log
    (A)    - checksum algorithm descriptor value
    FD.(A) - the value of (A) in FD
  uint8 relay_log_checksum_alg;
    These describe the log's format. This is used only for relay logs.
    _for_exec is used by the SQL thread, _for_queue by the I/O thread. It's
    necessary to have 2 distinct objects, because the I/O thread may be reading
    events in a different format from what the SQL thread is reading (consider
    the case of a master which has been upgraded from 5.0 to 5.1 without doing
    RESET MASTER, or from 4.x to 5.0).
  Format_description_log_event *description_event_for_exec,
    Binlog position of last commit (or non-transactional write) to the binlog.
    Access to this is protected by LOCK_commit_ordered.
  char last_commit_pos_file[FN_REFLEN];
  my_off_t last_commit_pos_offset;

    note that there's no destructor ~MYSQL_BIN_LOG() !
    The reason is that we don't want it to be automatically called
    on exit() - but only during the correct shutdown process

  int open(const char *opt_name);
  void close();
  int log_and_order(THD *thd, my_xid xid, bool all,
                    bool need_prepare_ordered, bool need_commit_ordered);
  int unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid);
  int recover(IO_CACHE *log, Format_description_log_event *fdle);
#if !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT)
  int flush_and_set_pending_rows_event(THD *thd, Rows_log_event* event);
  int remove_pending_rows_event(THD *thd);

#endif /* !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */
  void reset_bytes_written()
    bytes_written = 0;
  void harvest_bytes_written(ulonglong* counter)
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
    char buf1[22],buf2[22];
    DBUG_PRINT("info",("counter: %s  bytes_written: %s", llstr(*counter,buf1),
  void set_max_size(ulong max_size_arg);
  void signal_update();
  void wait_for_update(THD* thd, bool master_or_slave);
  void set_need_start_event() { need_start_event = 1; }
  void init(bool no_auto_events_arg, ulong max_size);
  void init_pthread_objects();
  void cleanup();
  bool open(const char *log_name,
            enum_log_type log_type,
            const char *new_name,
	    enum cache_type io_cache_type_arg,
	    bool no_auto_events_arg, ulong max_size,
            bool null_created,
            bool need_mutex);
  bool open_index_file(const char *index_file_name_arg,
                       const char *log_name, bool need_mutex);
  /* Use this to start writing a new log file */
  int new_file();

  void reset_gathered_updates(THD *thd);
  bool write(Log_event* event_info,
             my_bool *with_annotate= 0); // binary log write
  bool write_transaction_to_binlog(THD *thd, binlog_trx_data *trx_data,
                                   Log_event *end_ev, bool all);

  bool write_incident_already_locked(THD *thd);
  bool write_incident(THD *thd);
  int  write_cache(THD *thd, IO_CACHE *cache);
  void set_write_error(THD *thd);
  bool check_write_error(THD *thd);

  void start_union_events(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param);
  void stop_union_events(THD *thd);
  bool is_query_in_union(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param);

    v stands for vector
    invoked as appendv(buf1,len1,buf2,len2,...,bufn,lenn,0)
  bool appendv(const char* buf,uint len,...);
  bool append(Log_event* ev);

  void make_log_name(char* buf, const char* log_ident);
  bool is_active(const char* log_file_name);
  int update_log_index(LOG_INFO* linfo, bool need_update_threads);
  int rotate_and_purge(uint flags);
  bool flush_and_sync();
  int purge_logs(const char *to_log, bool included,
                 bool need_mutex, bool need_update_threads,
                 ulonglong *decrease_log_space);
  int purge_logs_before_date(time_t purge_time);
  int purge_first_log(Relay_log_info* rli, bool included);
  int set_purge_index_file_name(const char *base_file_name);
  int open_purge_index_file(bool destroy);
  bool is_inited_purge_index_file();
  int close_purge_index_file();
  int clean_purge_index_file();
  int sync_purge_index_file();
  int register_purge_index_entry(const char* entry);
  int register_create_index_entry(const char* entry);
  int purge_index_entry(THD *thd, ulonglong *decrease_log_space,
                        bool need_mutex);
  bool reset_logs(THD* thd);
  void close(uint exiting);

  // iterating through the log index file
  int find_log_pos(LOG_INFO* linfo, const char* log_name,
		   bool need_mutex);
  int find_next_log(LOG_INFO* linfo, bool need_mutex);
  int get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo);
  int raw_get_current_log(LOG_INFO* linfo);
  uint next_file_id();
  inline char* get_index_fname() { return index_file_name;}
  inline char* get_log_fname() { return log_file_name; }
  inline char* get_name() { return name; }
  inline pthread_mutex_t* get_log_lock() { return &LOCK_log; }
  inline IO_CACHE* get_log_file() { return &log_file; }

  inline void lock_index() { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index);}
  inline void unlock_index() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index);}
  inline IO_CACHE *get_index_file() { return &index_file;}
  inline uint32 get_open_count() { return open_count; }
  void set_status_variables(THD *thd);

class Log_event_handler
  Log_event_handler() {}
  virtual bool init()= 0;
  virtual void cleanup()= 0;

  virtual bool log_slow(THD *thd, time_t current_time,
                        time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host,
                        uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime,
                        ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
                        const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len)= 0;
  virtual bool log_error(enum loglevel level, const char *format,
                         va_list args)= 0;
  virtual bool log_general(THD *thd, time_t event_time, const char *user_host,
                           uint user_host_len, int thread_id,
                           const char *command_type, uint command_type_len,
                           const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len,
                           CHARSET_INFO *client_cs)= 0;
  virtual ~Log_event_handler() {}

int check_if_log_table(uint db_len, const char *db, uint table_name_len,
                       const char *table_name, uint check_if_opened);

class Log_to_csv_event_handler: public Log_event_handler
  friend class LOGGER;

  virtual bool init();
  virtual void cleanup();

  virtual bool log_slow(THD *thd, time_t current_time,
                        time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host,
                        uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime,
                        ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
                        const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len);
  virtual bool log_error(enum loglevel level, const char *format,
                         va_list args);
  virtual bool log_general(THD *thd, time_t event_time, const char *user_host,
                           uint user_host_len, int thread_id,
                           const char *command_type, uint command_type_len,
                           const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len,
                           CHARSET_INFO *client_cs);

  int activate_log(THD *thd, uint log_type);

/* type of the log table */
#define QUERY_LOG_SLOW 1

class Log_to_file_event_handler: public Log_event_handler
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG mysql_log;
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG mysql_slow_log;
  bool is_initialized;
  Log_to_file_event_handler(): is_initialized(FALSE)
  virtual bool init();
  virtual void cleanup();

  virtual bool log_slow(THD *thd, time_t current_time,
                        time_t query_start_arg, const char *user_host,
                        uint user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime,
                        ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
                        const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len);
  virtual bool log_error(enum loglevel level, const char *format,
                         va_list args);
  virtual bool log_general(THD *thd, time_t event_time, const char *user_host,
                           uint user_host_len, int thread_id,
                           const char *command_type, uint command_type_len,
                           const char *sql_text, uint sql_text_len,
                           CHARSET_INFO *client_cs);
  void flush();
  void flush_slow_log();
  void init_pthread_objects();
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG *get_mysql_slow_log() { return &mysql_slow_log; }
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG *get_mysql_log() { return &mysql_log; }

/* Class which manages slow, general and error log event handlers */
class LOGGER
  rw_lock_t LOCK_logger;
  /* flag to check whether logger mutex is initialized */
  uint inited;

  /* available log handlers */
  Log_to_csv_event_handler *table_log_handler;
  Log_to_file_event_handler *file_log_handler;

  /* NULL-terminated arrays of log handlers */
  Log_event_handler *error_log_handler_list[MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM + 1];
  Log_event_handler *slow_log_handler_list[MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM + 1];
  Log_event_handler *general_log_handler_list[MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM + 1];


  bool is_log_tables_initialized;

  LOGGER() : inited(0), table_log_handler(NULL),
             file_log_handler(NULL), is_log_tables_initialized(FALSE)
  void lock_shared() { rw_rdlock(&LOCK_logger); }
  void lock_exclusive() { rw_wrlock(&LOCK_logger); }
  void unlock() { rw_unlock(&LOCK_logger); }
  bool is_log_table_enabled(uint log_table_type);
  bool log_command(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command);

    We want to initialize all log mutexes as soon as possible,
    but we cannot do it in constructor, as safe_mutex relies on
    initialization, performed by MY_INIT(). This why this is done in
    this function.
  void init_base();
  void init_log_tables();
  bool flush_logs(THD *thd);
  bool flush_slow_log(THD *thd);
  /* Perform basic logger cleanup. this will leave e.g. error log open. */
  void cleanup_base();
  /* Free memory. Nothing could be logged after this function is called */
  void cleanup_end();
  bool error_log_print(enum loglevel level, const char *format,
                      va_list args);
  bool slow_log_print(THD *thd, const char *query, uint query_length,
                      ulonglong current_utime);
  bool general_log_print(THD *thd,enum enum_server_command command,
                         const char *format, va_list args);
  bool general_log_write(THD *thd, enum enum_server_command command,
                         const char *query, uint query_length);

  /* we use this function to setup all enabled log event handlers */
  int set_handlers(uint error_log_printer,
                   uint slow_log_printer,
                   uint general_log_printer);
  void init_error_log(uint error_log_printer);
  void init_slow_log(uint slow_log_printer);
  void init_general_log(uint general_log_printer);
  void deactivate_log_handler(THD* thd, uint log_type);
  bool activate_log_handler(THD* thd, uint log_type);
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG *get_slow_log_file_handler()
    if (file_log_handler)
      return file_log_handler->get_mysql_slow_log();
    return NULL;
  MYSQL_QUERY_LOG *get_log_file_handler()
    if (file_log_handler)
      return file_log_handler->get_mysql_log();
    return NULL;

enum enum_binlog_format {
    statement-based except for cases where only row-based can work (UUID()
  BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT= 1, // statement-based
  BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW= 2, // row_based
  This value is last, after the end of binlog_format_typelib: it has no
  corresponding cell in this typelib. We use this value to be able to know if
  the user has explicitely specified a binlog format at startup or not.
extern TYPELIB binlog_format_typelib;

int query_error_code(THD *thd, bool not_killed);

#endif /* LOG_H */