# Let's see if FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK can be killed when waiting
# for running commits to finish (in the past it could not)
# This will not be a meaningful test on non-debug servers so will be
# skipped.
# If running mysql-test-run --debug, the --debug added by
# mysql-test-run to the mysqld command line will override the one of
# -master.opt. But this test is designed to still pass then (though it
# won't test anything interesting).

# This also won't work with the embedded server test
-- source include/not_embedded.inc

-- source include/have_debug.inc

# Disable concurrent inserts to avoid test failures when reading the
# connection id which was inserted into a table by another thread.
set @old_concurrent_insert= @@global.concurrent_insert;
set @@global.concurrent_insert= 0;

connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
connect (con2,localhost,root,,);
connection con1;

drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (kill_id int);
insert into t1 values(connection_id());

# Thanks to the parameter we passed to --debug, this FLUSH will
# block on a debug build running with our --debug=make_global... It
# will block until killed. In other cases (non-debug build or other
# --debug) it will succeed immediately

connection con1;
send flush tables with read lock;

# kill con1
connection con2;
select ((@id := kill_id) - kill_id) from t1; 

# Wait for the debug sync point, test won't run on non-debug
# builds anyway.
let $wait_condition=
  select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist
  where state = "Waiting for all running commits to finish"
  and info = "flush tables with read lock";
--source include/wait_condition.inc

kill connection @id;

connection con1;
# On debug builds it will be error 1053 (killed); on non-debug, or
# debug build running without our --debug=make_global..., will be
# error 0 (no error). The only important thing to test is that on
# debug builds with our --debug=make_global... we don't hang forever.
--error 0,1053,2013

connection con2;
drop table t1;
connection default;

# Restore global concurrent_insert value
set @@global.concurrent_insert= @old_concurrent_insert;