# # Some simple test of load data # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (a date, b date, c date not null, d date); load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ','; load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ',' IGNORE 2 LINES; SELECT * from t1; truncate table t1; load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata1.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ',' LINES STARTING BY ',' (b,c,d); SELECT * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a text, b text); load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata2.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by ''''; select concat('|',a,'|'), concat('|',b,'|') from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b char(10)); load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata3.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by '' enclosed by '' ignore 1 lines; select * from t1; truncate table t1; load data infile '../../std_data/loaddata4.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by '' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '' ignore 1 lines; # The empty line last comes from the end line field in the file select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #12053 LOAD DATA INFILE ignores NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO setting # SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE=NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO; create table t1(id integer not null auto_increment primary key); insert into t1 values(0); disable_query_log; eval SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1' from t1; delete from t1; eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1' into table t1; enable_query_log; select * from t1; --exec rm $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1 disable_query_log; eval SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' FROM t1; delete from t1; eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1' into table t1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'; enable_query_log; select * from t1; --exec rm $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/t1 SET @@SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE; # End of 4.1 tests