diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/Configure perl5.004_04/Configure
*** perl5.004_04.orig/Configure	Fri Oct  3 18:57:39 1997
--- perl5.004_04/Configure	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 188,193 ****
--- 188,194 ----
+ perllibs=''
*** 9910,9915 ****
--- 9911,9924 ----
+ : Remove libraries needed only for extensions
+ : The appropriate ext/Foo/Makefile.PL will add them back in, if
+ : necessary.
+ set X `echo " $libs " | 
+   sed -e 's@ -lndbm @ @' -e 's@ -lgdbm @ @' -e 's@ -ldbm @ @' -e 's@ -ldb @ @'` 
+ shift
+ perllibs="$*"
  : Remove build directory name from cppstdin so it can be used from
  : either the present location or the final installed location.
  echo " "
*** 10378,10383 ****
--- 10387,10393 ----
+ perllibs='$perllibs'
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/Makefile.SH perl5.004_04/Makefile.SH
*** perl5.004_04.orig/Makefile.SH	Wed Oct 15 10:33:16 1997
--- perl5.004_04/Makefile.SH	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 129,135 ****
  ext = \$(dynamic_ext) \$(static_ext)
  DYNALOADER = lib/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader\$(LIB_EXT)
! libs = $libs $cryptlib
  public = perl $suidperl utilities translators
--- 129,135 ----
  ext = \$(dynamic_ext) \$(static_ext)
  DYNALOADER = lib/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader\$(LIB_EXT)
! libs = $perllibs $cryptlib
  public = perl $suidperl utilities translators
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm
*** perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm	Fri Aug  1 15:08:44 1997
--- perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 178,184 ****
      @path = $path ? split(/:/, $path) : @INC;
      push(@potential_libs, @link_args)    if scalar @link_args;
!     push(@potential_libs, $Config{libs}) if defined $std;
      push(@mods, static_ext()) if $std;
--- 178,184 ----
      @path = $path ? split(/:/, $path) : @INC;
      push(@potential_libs, @link_args)    if scalar @link_args;
!     push(@potential_libs, $Config{perllibs}) if defined $std;
      push(@mods, static_ext()) if $std;
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm
*** perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm	Tue Sep  9 17:41:32 1997
--- perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/Liblist.pm	Sun Nov 12 21:51:33 2000
*** 16,33 ****
  sub _unix_os2_ext {
      my($self,$potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
!     if ($^O =~ 'os2' and $Config{libs}) { 
  	# Dynamic libraries are not transitive, so we may need including
  	# the libraries linked against perl.dll again.
  	$potential_libs .= " " if $potential_libs;
! 	$potential_libs .= $Config{libs};
      return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
      warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs':\n" if $verbose;
      my($so)   = $Config{'so'};
!     my($libs) = $Config{'libs'};
      my $Config_libext = $Config{lib_ext} || ".a";
--- 16,33 ----
  sub _unix_os2_ext {
      my($self,$potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
!     if ($^O =~ 'os2' and $Config{perllibs}) { 
  	# Dynamic libraries are not transitive, so we may need including
  	# the libraries linked against perl.dll again.
  	$potential_libs .= " " if $potential_libs;
! 	$potential_libs .= $Config{perllibs};
      return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
      warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs':\n" if $verbose;
      my($so)   = $Config{'so'};
!     my($libs) = $Config{'perllibs'};
      my $Config_libext = $Config{lib_ext} || ".a";
*** 189,195 ****
      return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
      my($so)   = $Config{'so'};
!     my($libs) = $Config{'libs'};
      my($libpth) = $Config{'libpth'};
      my($libext) = $Config{'lib_ext'} || ".lib";
--- 189,195 ----
      return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
      my($so)   = $Config{'so'};
!     my($libs) = $Config{'perllibs'};
      my($libpth) = $Config{'libpth'};
      my($libext) = $Config{'lib_ext'} || ".lib";
*** 539,545 ****
  =item *
  If C<$potential_libs> is empty, the return value will be empty.
! Otherwise, the libraries specified by C<$Config{libs}> (see Config.pm)
  will be appended to the list of C<$potential_libs>.  The libraries
  will be searched for in the directories specified in C<$potential_libs>
  as well as in C<$Config{libpth}>. For each library that is found,  a
--- 539,545 ----
  =item *
  If C<$potential_libs> is empty, the return value will be empty.
! Otherwise, the libraries specified by C<$Config{perllibs}> (see Config.pm)
  will be appended to the list of C<$potential_libs>.  The libraries
  will be searched for in the directories specified in C<$potential_libs>
  as well as in C<$Config{libpth}>. For each library that is found,  a
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm
*** perl5.004_04.orig/lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm	Wed Oct  8 14:13:51 1997
--- perl5.004_04/lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 2229,2235 ****
  MAP_STATIC    = ",
  join(" \\\n\t", reverse sort keys %static), "
! MAP_PRELIBS   = $Config::Config{libs} $Config::Config{cryptlib}
      if (defined $libperl) {
--- 2229,2235 ----
  MAP_STATIC    = ",
  join(" \\\n\t", reverse sort keys %static), "
! MAP_PRELIBS   = $Config::Config{perllibs} $Config::Config{cryptlib}
      if (defined $libperl) {
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/myconfig perl5.004_04/myconfig
*** perl5.004_04.orig/myconfig	Mon Oct  6 18:26:49 1997
--- perl5.004_04/myconfig	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 35,41 ****
    Linker and Libraries:
      ld='$ld', ldflags ='$ldflags'
!     libs=$libs
      libc=$libc, so=$so
      useshrplib=$useshrplib, libperl=$libperl
    Dynamic Linking:
--- 35,41 ----
    Linker and Libraries:
      ld='$ld', ldflags ='$ldflags'
!     libs=$perllibs
      libc=$libc, so=$so
      useshrplib=$useshrplib, libperl=$libperl
    Dynamic Linking:
diff -rc perl5.004_04.orig/patchlevel.h perl5.004_04/patchlevel.h
*** perl5.004_04.orig/patchlevel.h	Wed Oct 15 10:55:19 1997
--- perl5.004_04/patchlevel.h	Sun Nov 12 21:50:51 2000
*** 39,44 ****
--- 39,45 ----
  /* The following line and terminating '};' are read by perlbug.PL. Don't alter. */ 
  static	char	*local_patches[] = {
+ 	,"NODB-1.0 - remove -ldb from core perl binary."