/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. * * $Id: RpcDbEnv.java,v 1.6 2002/08/23 08:45:59 mjc Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.db.rpcserver; import com.sleepycat.db.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * RPC wrapper around a dbenv for the Java RPC server. */ public class RpcDbEnv extends Timer { DbEnv dbenv; String home; long idletime, timeout; int openflags, onflags, offflags; int refcount = 1; void dispose() { if (dbenv != null) { try { dbenv.close(0); } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); } dbenv = null; } } public void close(DbDispatcher server, __env_close_msg args, __env_close_reply reply) { if (--refcount != 0) { reply.status = 0; return; } try { dbenv.close(args.flags); dbenv = null; reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } finally { server.delEnv(this); } } public void create(DbDispatcher server, __env_create_msg args, __env_create_reply reply) { this.idletime = (args.timeout != 0) ? args.timeout : DbServer.idleto; this.timeout = DbServer.defto; try { dbenv = new DbEnv(0); reply.envcl_id = server.addEnv(this); reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } public void dbremove(DbDispatcher server, __env_dbremove_msg args, __env_dbremove_reply reply) { try { args.name = (args.name.length() > 0) ? args.name : null; args.subdb = (args.subdb.length() > 0) ? args.subdb : null; RpcDbTxn rtxn = server.getTxn(args.txnpcl_id); DbTxn txn = (rtxn != null) ? rtxn.txn : null; dbenv.dbremove(txn, args.name, args.subdb, args.flags); reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } public void dbrename(DbDispatcher server, __env_dbrename_msg args, __env_dbrename_reply reply) { try { args.name = (args.name.length() > 0) ? args.name : null; args.subdb = (args.subdb.length() > 0) ? args.subdb : null; args.newname = (args.newname.length() > 0) ? args.newname : null; RpcDbTxn rtxn = server.getTxn(args.txnpcl_id); DbTxn txn = (rtxn != null) ? rtxn.txn : null; dbenv.dbrename(txn, args.name, args.subdb, args.newname, args.flags); reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } private boolean findSharedDbEnv(DbDispatcher server, __env_open_reply reply) throws DbException { RpcDbEnv rdbenv = null; boolean matchFound = false; LocalIterator i = ((DbServer)server).env_list.iterator(); while (!matchFound && i.hasNext()) { rdbenv = (RpcDbEnv)i.next(); if (rdbenv != null && rdbenv != this && (home == rdbenv.home || (home != null && home.equals(rdbenv.home))) && openflags == rdbenv.openflags && onflags == rdbenv.onflags && offflags == rdbenv.offflags) matchFound = true; } if (matchFound) { /* * The only thing left to check is the timeout. * Since the server timeout set by the client is a hint, for sharing * we'll give them the benefit of the doubt and grant them the * longer timeout. */ if (rdbenv.timeout < timeout) rdbenv.timeout = timeout; ++rdbenv.refcount; reply.envcl_id = ((FreeList.FreeListIterator)i).current; reply.status = 0; DbServer.err.println("Sharing DbEnv: " + reply.envcl_id); } return matchFound; } public void open(DbDispatcher server, __env_open_msg args, __env_open_reply reply) { try { home = (args.home.length() > 0) ? args.home : null; /* * If they are using locking do deadlock detection for them, * internally. */ if ((args.flags & Db.DB_INIT_LOCK) != 0) dbenv.set_lk_detect(Db.DB_LOCK_DEFAULT); // adjust flags for RPC int newflags = (args.flags & ~DbServer.DB_SERVER_FLAGMASK); openflags = (newflags & DbServer.DB_SERVER_ENVFLAGS); if (findSharedDbEnv(server, reply)) { dbenv.close(0); dbenv = null; server.delEnv(this); } else { // TODO: check home? dbenv.open(home, newflags, args.mode); reply.status = 0; reply.envcl_id = args.dbenvcl_id; } } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { reply.status = Db.DB_NOTFOUND; } // System.err.println("DbEnv.open: reply.status = " + reply.status + ", reply.envcl_id = " + reply.envcl_id); } public void remove(DbDispatcher server, __env_remove_msg args, __env_remove_reply reply) { try { args.home = (args.home.length() > 0) ? args.home : null; // TODO: check home? dbenv.remove(args.home, args.flags); dbenv = null; reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { reply.status = Db.DB_NOTFOUND; } finally { server.delEnv(this); } } public void set_cachesize(DbDispatcher server, __env_cachesize_msg args, __env_cachesize_reply reply) { try { dbenv.set_cachesize(args.gbytes, args.bytes, args.ncache); reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } public void set_encrypt(DbDispatcher server, __env_encrypt_msg args, __env_encrypt_reply reply) { try { dbenv.set_encrypt(args.passwd, args.flags); reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } public void set_flags(DbDispatcher server, __env_flags_msg args, __env_flags_reply reply) { try { dbenv.set_flags(args.flags, args.onoff != 0); if (args.onoff != 0) onflags |= args.flags; else offflags |= args.flags; reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } // txn_recover implementation public void txn_recover(DbDispatcher server, __txn_recover_msg args, __txn_recover_reply reply) { try { DbPreplist[] prep_list = dbenv.txn_recover(args.count, args.flags); if (prep_list != null && prep_list.length > 0) { int count = prep_list.length; reply.retcount = count; reply.txn = new int[count]; reply.gid = new byte[count * Db.DB_XIDDATASIZE]; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { reply.txn[i] = server.addTxn(new RpcDbTxn(this, prep_list[i].txn)); System.arraycopy(prep_list[i].gid, 0, reply.gid, i * Db.DB_XIDDATASIZE, Db.DB_XIDDATASIZE); } } reply.status = 0; } catch(DbException e) { e.printStackTrace(DbServer.err); reply.status = e.get_errno(); } } }