# Tests of Maria's recovery of the bitmap pages --source include/not_embedded.inc # Don't test this under valgrind, memory leaks will occur as we crash --source include/not_valgrind.inc # Binary must be compiled with debug for crash to occur --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_maria.inc --disable_warnings drop database if exists mysqltest; --enable_warnings create database mysqltest; let $mms_tname=t; # Include scripts can perform SQL. For it to not influence the main test # they use a separate connection. This way if they use a DDL it would # not autocommit in the main test. connect (admin, localhost, root,,mysqltest,,); --enable_reconnect connection default; use mysqltest; --enable_reconnect -- source include/maria_empty_logs.inc let $mms_tables=1; create table t1 (a varchar(10000)) engine=maria; # we want recovery to use the tables as they were at time of crash let $mvr_restore_old_snapshot=0; # UNDO phase prevents physical comparison, normally, # so we'll only use checksums to compare. let $mms_compare_physically=0; let $mvr_crash_statement= set global maria_checkpoint_interval=1; --echo * TEST of over-allocated bitmap not flushed by checkpoint let $mvr_debug_option="+d,maria_crash"; insert into t1 values ("bbbbbbb"); -- source include/maria_make_snapshot_for_comparison.inc # make_snapshot_for_comparison closed the table, which lost its id. # So we make a null operation just to give a short id to the table so # that checkpoint includes table in checkpoint (otherwise nothing to # test). insert into t1 values ("bbbbbbb"); delete from t1 limit 1; set session debug="+d,info,enter,exit,maria_over_alloc_bitmap"; send insert into t1 values ("aaaaaaaaa"); connection admin; # Leave time for INSERT to block after modifying bitmap; # in the future we should not use sleep but something like # debug_sync_point(). sleep 5; # force a checkpoint, which could, if buggy, flush over-allocated # bitmap page; as REDO-UNDO was not written, bitmap and data page # would be inconsistent. Correct checkpoint will wait until UNDO is # written. set global maria_checkpoint_interval=1; -- source include/maria_verify_recovery.inc --echo * TEST of bitmap flushed without REDO-UNDO in the log (WAL violation) # before crashing we'll flush the bitmap page let $mvr_debug_option="+d,maria_flush_bitmap,maria_crash"; -- source include/maria_make_snapshot_for_comparison.inc lock tables t1 write; insert into t1 values (REPEAT('a', 6000)); # bitmap of after-INSERT will be on disk, but data pages will not; if # log is not flushed the bitmap is inconsistent with the data. -- source include/maria_verify_recovery.inc drop table t1; # clean up everything let $mms_purpose=comparison; eval drop database mysqltest_for_$mms_purpose; drop database mysqltest;