#!/bin/sh -
# $Id: chk.offt,v 1.9 2001/10/26 13:40:15 bostic Exp $
# Make sure that no off_t's have snuck into the release.


[ -f $d/LICENSE ] || {
	echo 'FAIL: cannot find source distribution directory.'
	exit 1


egrep -w off_t $d/*/*.[ch] $d/*/*.in |
sed -e "/#undef off_t/d" \
    -e "/mp_fopen.c:.*can't use off_t's here/d" \
    -e "/mp_fopen.c:.*size or type off_t's or/d" \
    -e "/mp_fopen.c:.*where an off_t is 32-bits/d" \
    -e "/mutex\/tm.c:/d" \
    -e "/os_map.c:.*(off_t)0))/d" \
    -e "/os_rw.c:.*(off_t)db_iop->pgno/d" \
    -e "/os_seek.c:.*off_t offset;/d" \
    -e "/os_seek.c:.*offset = /d" \
    -e "/test_perf\/perf_misc.c:/d" \
    -e "/test_server\/dbs.c:/d" \
    -e "/test_vxworks\/vx_mutex.c:/d" > $t

test -s $t && {
	cat $t
	echo "FAIL: found questionable off_t usage"
	exit 1

exit 0