/*********************************************************************** This file contains functions that implement the delay loader on Windows. This is a customized version of delay loader with limited functionalities. It does not support: * (manual) unloading * multiple delay loaded DLLs * multiple loading of the same DLL This delay loader is used only by the InnoDB plugin. Other components (DLLs) can still use the default delay loader, provided by MSVC. Several acronyms used by Microsoft: * IAT: import address table * INT: import name table * RVA: Relative Virtual Address See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/bb985992.aspx for details of PE format. (c) 2008 Innobase Oy ***********************************************************************/ #if defined (__WIN__) && defined (MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN) # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include <windows.h> # include <delayimp.h> # include <mysql_priv.h> extern "C" { # include "univ.i" # include "hash0hash.h" } /*********************************************************************** This following contains a list of externals that can not be resolved by delay loading. They have to be resolved indirectly via their addresses in the .map file. All of them are external variables. */ CHARSET_INFO* wdl_my_charset_bin; CHARSET_INFO* wdl_my_charset_latin1; CHARSET_INFO* wdl_my_charset_filename; CHARSET_INFO** wdl_system_charset_info; CHARSET_INFO** wdl_default_charset_info; CHARSET_INFO** wdl_all_charsets; system_variables* wdl_global_system_variables; char* wdl_mysql_real_data_home; char** wdl_mysql_data_home; char** wdl_tx_isolation_names; char** wdl_binlog_format_names; char* wdl_reg_ext; pthread_mutex_t* wdl_LOCK_thread_count; key_map* wdl_key_map_full; MY_TMPDIR* wdl_mysql_tmpdir_list; bool* wdl_mysqld_embedded; uint* wdl_lower_case_table_names; ulong* wdl_specialflag; int* wdl_my_umask; /*********************************************************************** The following is defined in ha_innodb.cc. It is used for copying the system variables from the builtin innodb plugin to the dynamic plugin. */ extern struct st_mysql_plugin* builtin_innobase_plugin_ptr; /*********************************************************************** The preffered load-address defined in PE (portable executable format).*/ #if defined(_M_IA64) #pragma section(".base", long, read) extern "C" __declspec(allocate(".base")) const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; #else extern "C" const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; #endif /*********************************************************************** A template function for converting a relative address (RVA) to an absolute address (VA). This is due to the pointers in the delay descriptor (ImgDelayDescr in delayimp.h) have been changed from VAs to RVAs to work on both 32- and 64-bit platforms. */ template <class X> X PFromRva(RVA rva) { return X(PBYTE(&__ImageBase) + rva); } /*********************************************************************** Convert to the old format for convenience. The structure as well as its element names follow the definition of ImgDelayDescr in delayimp.h. */ struct InternalImgDelayDescr { DWORD grAttrs; /* attributes */ LPCSTR szName; /* pointer to dll name */ HMODULE* phmod; /* address of module handle */ PImgThunkData pIAT; /* address of the IAT */ PCImgThunkData pINT; /* address of the INT */ PCImgThunkData pBoundIAT; /* address of the optional bound IAT */ PCImgThunkData pUnloadIAT; /* address of optional copy of original IAT */ DWORD dwTimeStamp; /* 0 if not bound, otherwise date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND) */ }; typedef struct map_hash_chain_struct map_hash_chain_t; struct map_hash_chain_struct { char* symbol; /* pointer to a symbol */ ulint value; /* address of the symbol */ map_hash_chain_t* next; /* pointer to the next cell in the same folder. */ map_hash_chain_t* chain; /* a linear chain used for cleanup. */ }; static HMODULE my_hmod = 0; static struct hash_table_struct* m_htbl = NULL ; static map_hash_chain_t* chain_header = NULL; static ibool wdl_init = FALSE; const ulint MAP_HASH_CELLS_NUM = 10000; #ifndef DBUG_OFF /*********************************************************************** In the dynamic plugin, it is required to call the following dbug functions in the server: _db_pargs_ _db_doprnt_ _db_enter_ _db_return_ _db_dump_ The plugin will get those function pointers during the initialization. */ typedef void (__cdecl* pfn_db_enter_)( const char* _func_, const char* _file_, uint _line_, const char** _sfunc_, const char** _sfile_, uint* _slevel_, char***); typedef void (__cdecl* pfn_db_return_)( uint _line_, const char** _sfunc_, const char** _sfile_, uint* _slevel_); typedef void (__cdecl* pfn_db_pargs_)( uint _line_, const char* keyword); typedef void (__cdecl* pfn_db_doprnt_)( const char* format, ...); typedef void (__cdecl* pfn_db_dump_)( uint _line_, const char* keyword, const unsigned char* memory, size_t length); static pfn_db_enter_ wdl_db_enter_; static pfn_db_return_ wdl_db_return_; static pfn_db_pargs_ wdl_db_pargs_; static pfn_db_doprnt_ wdl_db_doprnt_; static pfn_db_dump_ wdl_db_dump_; #endif /* !DBUG_OFF */ /***************************************************************** Creates a hash table with >= n array cells. The actual number of cells is chosen to be a prime number slightly bigger than n. This is the same function as hash_create in hash0hash.c, except the memory allocation. This function is invoked before the engine is initialized, and buffer pools are not ready yet. */ static hash_table_t* wdl_hash_create( /*============*/ /* out, own: created hash table */ ulint n) /* in: number of array cells */ { hash_cell_t* array; ulint prime; hash_table_t* table; prime = ut_find_prime(n); table = (hash_table_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_table_t)); if (table == NULL) { return(NULL); } array = (hash_cell_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_cell_t) * prime); if (array == NULL) { free(table); return(NULL); } table->array = array; table->n_cells = prime; table->n_mutexes = 0; table->mutexes = NULL; table->heaps = NULL; table->heap = NULL; table->magic_n = HASH_TABLE_MAGIC_N; /* Initialize the cell array */ hash_table_clear(table); return(table); } /***************************************************************** Frees a hash table. */ static void wdl_hash_table_free( /*================*/ hash_table_t* table) /* in, own: hash table */ { ut_a(table != NULL); ut_a(table->mutexes == NULL); free(table->array); free(table); } /*********************************************************************** Function for calculating the count of imports given the base of the IAT. */ static ulint wdl_import_count( /*=============*/ /* out: number of imports */ PCImgThunkData pitd_base) /* in: base of the IAT */ { ulint ret = 0; PCImgThunkData pitd = pitd_base; while (pitd->u1.Function) { pitd++; ret++; } return(ret); } /*********************************************************************** Read Mapfile to a hashtable for faster access */ static ibool wdl_load_mapfile( /*=============*/ /* out: TRUE if the mapfile is loaded successfully. */ const char* filename) /* in: name of the mapfile. */ { FILE* fp; const size_t nSize = 256; char tmp_buf[nSize]; char* func_name; char* func_addr; ulint load_addr = 0; ibool valid_load_addr = FALSE; #ifdef _WIN64 const char* tmp_string = " Preferred load address is %16llx"; #else const char* tmp_string = " Preferred load address is %08x"; #endif fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return(FALSE); } /* Check whether to create the hashtable */ if (m_htbl == NULL) { m_htbl = wdl_hash_create(MAP_HASH_CELLS_NUM); if (m_htbl == NULL) { fclose(fp); return(FALSE); } } /* Search start of symbol list and get the preferred load address */ while (fgets(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), fp)) { if (sscanf(tmp_buf, tmp_string, &load_addr) == 1) { valid_load_addr = TRUE; } if (strstr(tmp_buf, "Rva+Base") != NULL) { break; } } if (valid_load_addr == FALSE) { /* No "Preferred load address", the map file is wrong. */ fclose(fp); return(FALSE); } /* Read symbol list */ while (fgets(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), fp)) { map_hash_chain_t* map_cell; ulint map_fold; if (*tmp_buf == 0) { continue; } func_name = strtok(tmp_buf, " "); func_name = strtok(NULL, " "); func_addr = strtok(NULL, " "); if (func_name && func_addr) { ut_snprintf(tmp_buf, nSize, "0x%s", func_addr); if (*func_name == '_') { func_name++; } map_cell = (map_hash_chain_t*) malloc(sizeof(map_hash_chain_t)); if (map_cell == NULL) { return(FALSE); } /* Chain all cells together */ map_cell->chain = chain_header; chain_header = map_cell; map_cell->symbol = strdup(func_name); map_cell->value = (ulint) strtoull(tmp_buf, NULL, 0) - load_addr; map_fold = ut_fold_string(map_cell->symbol); HASH_INSERT(map_hash_chain_t, next, m_htbl, map_fold, map_cell); } } fclose(fp); return(TRUE); } /***************************************************************** Cleanup.during DLL unload */ static void wdl_cleanup(void) /*=============*/ { while (chain_header != NULL) { map_hash_chain_t* tmp; tmp = chain_header->chain; free(chain_header->symbol); free(chain_header); chain_header = tmp; } if (m_htbl != NULL) { wdl_hash_table_free(m_htbl); } } /*********************************************************************** Load the mapfile mysqld.map. */ static HMODULE wdl_get_mysqld_mapfile(void) /*========================*/ /* out: the module handle */ { char file_name[MAX_PATH]; char* ext; ulint err; if (my_hmod == 0) { size_t nSize = MAX_PATH - strlen(".map") -1; /* First find out the name of current executable */ my_hmod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); if (my_hmod == 0) { return(my_hmod); } err = GetModuleFileName(my_hmod, file_name, nSize); if (err == 0) { my_hmod = 0; return(my_hmod); } ext = strrchr(file_name, '.'); if (ext != NULL) { *ext = 0; strcat(file_name, ".map"); err = wdl_load_mapfile(file_name); if (err == 0) { my_hmod = 0; } } else { my_hmod = 0; } } return(my_hmod); } /*********************************************************************** Retrieves the address of an exported function. It follows the convention of GetProcAddress(). */ static FARPROC wdl_get_procaddr_from_map( /*======================*/ /* out: address of exported function. */ HANDLE m_handle, /* in: module handle */ const char* import_proc) /* in: procedure name */ { map_hash_chain_t* hash_chain; ulint map_fold; map_fold = ut_fold_string(import_proc); HASH_SEARCH( next, m_htbl, map_fold, map_hash_chain_t*, hash_chain, , (ut_strcmp(hash_chain->symbol, import_proc) == 0)); if (hash_chain == NULL) { #ifdef _WIN64 /* On Win64, the leading '_' may not be taken out. In this case, search again without the leading '_'. */ if (*import_proc == '_') { import_proc++; } map_fold = ut_fold_string(import_proc); HASH_SEARCH( next, m_htbl, map_fold, map_hash_chain_t*, hash_chain, , (ut_strcmp(hash_chain->symbol, import_proc) == 0)); if (hash_chain == NULL) { #endif if (wdl_init == TRUE) { sql_print_error( "InnoDB: the procedure pointer of %s" " is not found.", import_proc); } return(0); #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif } return((FARPROC) ((ulint) m_handle + hash_chain->value)); } /*********************************************************************** Retrieves the address of an exported variable. Note: It does not follow the Windows call convention FARPROC. */ static void* wdl_get_varaddr_from_map( /*=====================*/ /* out: address of exported variable. */ HANDLE m_handle, /* in: module handle */ const char* import_variable) /* in: variable name */ { map_hash_chain_t* hash_chain; ulint map_fold; map_fold = ut_fold_string(import_variable); HASH_SEARCH( next, m_htbl, map_fold, map_hash_chain_t*, hash_chain, , (ut_strcmp(hash_chain->symbol, import_variable) == 0)); if (hash_chain == NULL) { #ifdef _WIN64 /* On Win64, the leading '_' may not be taken out. In this case, search again without the leading '_'. */ if (*import_variable == '_') { import_variable++; } map_fold = ut_fold_string(import_variable); HASH_SEARCH( next, m_htbl, map_fold, map_hash_chain_t*, hash_chain, , (ut_strcmp(hash_chain->symbol, import_variable) == 0)); if (hash_chain == NULL) { #endif if (wdl_init == TRUE) { sql_print_error( "InnoDB: the variable address of %s" " is not found.", import_variable); } return(0); #ifdef _WIN64 } #endif } return((void*) ((ulint) m_handle + hash_chain->value)); } /*********************************************************************** Bind all unresolved external variables from the MySQL executable. */ static bool wdl_get_external_variables(void) /*============================*/ /* out: TRUE if successful */ { HMODULE hmod = wdl_get_mysqld_mapfile(); if (hmod == 0) { return(FALSE); } #define GET_SYM(sym, var, type) \ var = (type*) wdl_get_varaddr_from_map(hmod, sym); \ if (var == NULL) return(FALSE) #ifdef _WIN64 #define GET_SYM2(sym1, sym2, var, type) \ var = (type*) wdl_get_varaddr_from_map(hmod, sym1); \ if (var == NULL) return(FALSE) #else #define GET_SYM2(sym1, sym2, var, type) \ var = (type*) wdl_get_varaddr_from_map(hmod, sym2); \ if (var == NULL) return(FALSE) #endif // (_WIN64) #define GET_C_SYM(sym, type) GET_SYM(#sym, wdl_##sym, type) #define GET_PROC_ADDR(sym) \ wdl##sym = (pfn##sym) wdl_get_procaddr_from_map(hmod, #sym) GET_C_SYM(my_charset_bin, CHARSET_INFO); GET_C_SYM(my_charset_latin1, CHARSET_INFO); GET_C_SYM(my_charset_filename, CHARSET_INFO); GET_C_SYM(default_charset_info, CHARSET_INFO*); GET_C_SYM(all_charsets, CHARSET_INFO*); GET_C_SYM(my_umask, int); GET_SYM("?global_system_variables@@3Usystem_variables@@A", wdl_global_system_variables, struct system_variables); GET_SYM("?mysql_real_data_home@@3PADA", wdl_mysql_real_data_home, char); GET_SYM("?reg_ext@@3PADA", wdl_reg_ext, char); GET_SYM("?LOCK_thread_count@@3U_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION@@A", wdl_LOCK_thread_count, pthread_mutex_t); GET_SYM("?key_map_full@@3V?$Bitmap@$0EA@@@A", wdl_key_map_full, key_map); GET_SYM("?mysql_tmpdir_list@@3Ust_my_tmpdir@@A", wdl_mysql_tmpdir_list, MY_TMPDIR); GET_SYM("?mysqld_embedded@@3_NA", wdl_mysqld_embedded, bool); GET_SYM("?lower_case_table_names@@3IA", wdl_lower_case_table_names, uint); GET_SYM("?specialflag@@3KA", wdl_specialflag, ulong); GET_SYM2("?system_charset_info@@3PEAUcharset_info_st@@EA", "?system_charset_info@@3PAUcharset_info_st@@A", wdl_system_charset_info, CHARSET_INFO*); GET_SYM2("?mysql_data_home@@3PEADEA", "?mysql_data_home@@3PADA", wdl_mysql_data_home, char*); GET_SYM2("?tx_isolation_names@@3PAPEBDA", "?tx_isolation_names@@3PAPBDA", wdl_tx_isolation_names, char*); GET_SYM2("?binlog_format_names@@3PAPEBDA", "?binlog_format_names@@3PAPBDA", wdl_binlog_format_names, char*); /* It is fine if builtin_innobase_plugin is not available. */ builtin_innobase_plugin_ptr = (struct st_mysql_plugin*) wdl_get_varaddr_from_map( hmod, "?builtin_innobase_plugin@@3PAUst_mysql_plugin@@A"); #ifndef DBUG_OFF GET_PROC_ADDR(_db_enter_); GET_PROC_ADDR(_db_return_); GET_PROC_ADDR(_db_pargs_); GET_PROC_ADDR(_db_doprnt_); GET_PROC_ADDR(_db_dump_); /* If any of the dbug functions is not available, just make them all invalid. This is the case when working with a non-debug version of the server. */ if (wdl_db_enter_ == NULL || wdl_db_return_ == NULL || wdl_db_pargs_ == NULL || wdl_db_doprnt_ == NULL || wdl_db_dump_ == NULL) { wdl_db_enter_ = NULL; wdl_db_return_ = NULL; wdl_db_pargs_ = NULL; wdl_db_doprnt_ = NULL; wdl_db_dump_ = NULL; } #endif /* !DBUG_OFF */ wdl_init = TRUE; return(TRUE); #undef GET_SYM #undef GET_SYM2 #undef GET_C_SYM #undef GET_PROC_ADDR } /*********************************************************************** The DLL Delayed Loading Helper Function for resolving externals. The function may fail due to one of the three reasons: * Invalid parameter, which happens if the attributes in pidd aren't specified correctly. * Failed to load the map file mysqld.map. * Failed to find an external name in the map file mysqld.map. Note: this function is called by run-time as well as __HrLoadAllImportsForDll. So, it has to follow Windows call convention. */ extern "C" FARPROC WINAPI __delayLoadHelper2( /*===============*/ /* out: the address of the imported function*/ PCImgDelayDescr pidd, /* in: a const pointer to a ImgDelayDescr, see delayimp.h. */ FARPROC* iat_entry) /* in/out: A pointer to the slot in the delay load import address table to be updated with the address of the imported function. */ { ulint iIAT, iINT; HMODULE hmod; PCImgThunkData pitd; FARPROC fun = NULL; /* Set up data used for the hook procs */ InternalImgDelayDescr idd = { pidd->grAttrs, PFromRva<LPCSTR>(pidd->rvaDLLName), PFromRva<HMODULE*>(pidd->rvaHmod), PFromRva<PImgThunkData>(pidd->rvaIAT), PFromRva<PCImgThunkData>(pidd->rvaINT), PFromRva<PCImgThunkData>(pidd->rvaBoundIAT), PFromRva<PCImgThunkData>(pidd->rvaUnloadIAT), pidd->dwTimeStamp }; DelayLoadInfo dli = { sizeof(DelayLoadInfo), pidd, iat_entry, idd.szName, {0}, 0, 0, 0 }; /* Check the Delay Load Attributes, log an error of invalid parameter, which happens if the attributes in pidd are not specified correctly. */ if ((idd.grAttrs & dlattrRva) == 0) { sql_print_error("InnoDB: invalid parameter for delay loader."); return(0); } hmod = *idd.phmod; /* Calculate the index for the IAT entry in the import address table. The INT entries are ordered the same as the IAT entries so the calculation can be done on the IAT side. */ iIAT = (PCImgThunkData) iat_entry - idd.pIAT; iINT = iIAT; pitd = &(idd.pINT[iINT]); dli.dlp.fImportByName = !IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(pitd->u1.Ordinal); if (dli.dlp.fImportByName) { dli.dlp.szProcName = (LPCSTR) (PFromRva<PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME> ((RVA) ((UINT_PTR) pitd->u1.AddressOfData))->Name); } else { dli.dlp.dwOrdinal = (ulint) IMAGE_ORDINAL(pitd->u1.Ordinal); } /* Now, load the mapfile, if it has not been done yet */ if (hmod == 0) { hmod = wdl_get_mysqld_mapfile(); } if (hmod == 0) { /* LoadLibrary failed. */ PDelayLoadInfo rgpdli[1] = {&dli}; dli.dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); sql_print_error( "InnoDB: failed to load mysqld.map with error %d.", dli.dwLastError); return(0); } /* Store the library handle. */ idd.phmod = &hmod; /* Go for the procedure now. */ dli.hmodCur = hmod; if (pidd->rvaBoundIAT && pidd->dwTimeStamp) { /* Bound imports exist, check the timestamp from the target image */ PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pinh; pinh = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) ((byte*) hmod + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) hmod)->e_lfanew); if (pinh->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE && pinh->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp == idd.dwTimeStamp && (DWORD) hmod == pinh->OptionalHeader.ImageBase) { /* We have a decent address in the bound IAT. */ fun = (FARPROC) (UINT_PTR) idd.pBoundIAT[iIAT].u1.Function; if (fun) { *iat_entry = fun; return(fun); } } } fun = wdl_get_procaddr_from_map(hmod, dli.dlp.szProcName); if (fun == 0) { return(0); } *iat_entry = fun; return(fun); } /*********************************************************************** Unload a DLL that was delay loaded. This function is called by run-time. */ extern "C" BOOL WINAPI __FUnloadDelayLoadedDLL2( /*=====================*/ /* out: TRUE is returned if the DLL is found and the IAT matches the original one. */ LPCSTR module_name) /* in: DLL name */ { return(TRUE); } /****************************************************************** Load all imports from a DLL that was specified with the /delayload linker option. Note: this function is called by run-time. So, it has to follow Windows call convention. */ extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI __HrLoadAllImportsForDll( /*=====================*/ /* out: S_OK if the DLL matches, otherwise ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND is returned. */ LPCSTR module_name) /* in: DLL name */ { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS img; PCImgDelayDescr pidd; IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY* image_data; LPCSTR current_module; HRESULT ret = ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND; HMODULE hmod = (HMODULE) &__ImageBase; img = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) ((byte*) hmod + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) hmod)->e_lfanew); image_data = &img->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT]; /* Scan the delay load IAT/INT for the DLL */ if (image_data->Size) { pidd = PFromRva<PCImgDelayDescr>(image_data->VirtualAddress); /* Check all of the listed DLLs we want to load. */ while (pidd->rvaDLLName) { current_module = PFromRva<LPCSTR>(pidd->rvaDLLName); if (stricmp(module_name, current_module) == 0) { /* Found it, break out with pidd and current_module set appropriately */ break; } /* To the next delay import descriptor */ pidd++; } if (pidd->rvaDLLName) { /* Found a matching DLL, now process it. */ FARPROC* iat_entry; size_t count; iat_entry = PFromRva<FARPROC*>(pidd->rvaIAT); count = wdl_import_count((PCImgThunkData) iat_entry); /* now load all the imports from the DLL */ while (count > 0) { /* No need to check the return value */ __delayLoadHelper2(pidd, iat_entry); iat_entry++; count--; } ret = S_OK; } } return ret; } /****************************************************************** The main function of a DLL */ BOOL WINAPI DllMain( /*====*/ /* out: TRUE if the call succeeds */ HINSTANCE hinstDLL, /* in: handle to the DLL module */ DWORD fdwReason, /* Reason code that indicates why the DLL entry-point function is being called.*/ LPVOID lpvReserved) /* in: additional parameter based on fdwReason */ { BOOL success = TRUE; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: success = wdl_get_external_variables(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: wdl_cleanup(); break; } return(success); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF /****************************************************************** Process entry point to user function. It makes the call to _db_enter_ in mysqld.exe. The DBUG functions are defined in my_dbug.h. */ extern "C" UNIV_INTERN void _db_enter_( const char* _func_, /* in: current function name */ const char* _file_, /* in: current file name */ uint _line_, /* in: current source line number */ const char** _sfunc_, /* out: previous _func_ */ const char** _sfile_, /* out: previous _file_ */ uint* _slevel_, /* out: previous nesting level */ char*** _sframep_) /* out: previous frame pointer */ { if (wdl_db_enter_ != NULL) { wdl_db_enter_(_func_, _file_, _line_, _sfunc_, _sfile_, _slevel_, _sframep_); } } /****************************************************************** Process exit from user function. It makes the call to _db_return_() in the server. */ extern "C" UNIV_INTERN void _db_return_( uint _line_, /* in: current source line number */ const char** _sfunc_, /* out: previous _func_ */ const char** _sfile_, /* out: previous _file_ */ uint* _slevel_) /* out: previous level */ { if (wdl_db_return_ != NULL) { wdl_db_return_(_line_, _sfunc_, _sfile_, _slevel_); } } /****************************************************************** Log arguments for subsequent use. It makes the call to _db_pargs_() in the server. */ extern "C" UNIV_INTERN void _db_pargs_( uint _line_, /* in: current source line number */ const char* keyword) /* in: keyword for current macro */ { if (wdl_db_pargs_ != NULL) { wdl_db_pargs_(_line_, keyword); } } /****************************************************************** Handle print of debug lines. It saves the text into a buffer first, then makes the call to _db_doprnt_() in the server. The text is truncated to the size of buffer. */ extern "C" UNIV_INTERN void _db_doprnt_( const char* format, /* in: the format string */ ...) /* in: list of arguments */ { va_list argp; char buffer[512]; if (wdl_db_doprnt_ != NULL) { va_start(argp, format); /* it is ok to ignore the trunction. */ _vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, argp); wdl_db_doprnt_(buffer); va_end(argp); } } /****************************************************************** Dump a string in hex. It makes the call to _db_dump_() in the server. */ extern "C" UNIV_INTERN void _db_dump_( uint _line_, /* in: current source line number */ const char* keyword, /* in: keyword list */ const unsigned char* memory, /* in: memory to dump */ size_t length) /* in: bytes to dump */ { if (wdl_db_dump_ != NULL) { wdl_db_dump_(_line_, keyword, memory, length); } } #endif /* !DBUG_OFF */ #endif /* defined (__WIN__) && defined (MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN) */