#  List the test cases which, unlike tests from disabled.def files,
#  can still be run on the current tree meaningfully, but are known
#  or suspected to fail sporadically on different reasons.
#  Most common reasons are either test failures observed in buildbot,
#  or recent modifications to the tests which make their stability
#  unknown.
#  Tests included due to recent modifications are later removed from the
#  list, if during a certain period they do not fail (and are not
#  modified again). Tests included due to intermittent failures are
#  removed when corresponding bug reports are closed.
#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
#    <suitename>.<testcasename> : MDEV-xxxxx - <comment>
#  '*' wildcard in testcase names is supported.
#  To use the list, run MTR with --skip-test-list=unstable-tests option.

# Based on 10.0 48636f09720af45454e5db1183b62a1991db8faf

main.count_distinct2               : MDEV-11768 - timeout
main.create_delayed                : MDEV-10605 - failed with timeout
main.ctype_ucs                     : Modified in 10.0.35
main.ctype_utf8mb4                 : Modified in 10.0.35
main.debug_sync                    : MDEV-10607 - internal error
main.derived_opt                   : MDEV-11768 - timeout
main.dyncol                        : Modified in 10.0.35
main.events_slowlog                : MDEV-12821 - wrong result
main.func_concat                   : Modified in 10.0.35
main.func_misc                     : Modified in 10.0.35
main.func_str                      : Modified in 10.0.35
main.func_time                     : Modified in 10.0.35
main.having                        : Modified in 10.0.35
main.gis                           : MDEV-13411 - wrong result on P8
main.host_cache_size_functionality : MDEV-10606 - sporadic failure on shutdown
main.index_intersect_innodb        : MDEV-10643 - failed with timeout
main.index_merge_innodb            : MDEV-7142 - wrong result
main.innodb_mysql_lock             : MDEV-7861 - sporadic lock detection failure
main.join_outer                    : Modified in 10.0.35
main.kill_processlist-6619         : MDEV-10793 - wrong result
main.log_tables-big                : MDEV-13408 - wrong result
main.mdev-504                      : MDEV-10607 - sporadic "can't connect"
main.mdev375                       : MDEV-10607 - sporadic "can't connect"
main.merge                         : MDEV-10607 - sporadic "can't connect"
main.mysqlhotcopy_myisam           : MDEV-10995 - test hangs on debug build
main.mysqltest                     : MDEV-9269 - fails on Alpha
main.mysql_client_test_nonblock    : MDEV-15096 - exec failed
main.parser                        : Modified in 10.0.35
main.partition                     : Modified in 10.0.35
main.ps                            : MDEV-11017 - sporadic wrong Prepared_stmt_count
main.ps_qc_innodb                  : Added in 10.0.35
main.query_cache_debug             : MDEV-15281 - resize or similar command in progress
main.read_only_innodb              : Modified in 10.0.35
main.show_explain                  : MDEV-10674 - wrong result
main.sp-destruct                   : Modified in 10.0.35
main.sp_notembedded                : MDEV-10607 - internal error
main.sp-security                   : MDEV-10607 - sporadic "can't connect"
main.stat_tables_par_innodb        : MDEV-14155 - wrong rounding
main.statistics                    : Modified in 10.0.35
main.subselect_innodb              : MDEV-10614 - sporadic wrong results
main.subselect_mat                 : Modified in 10.0.35
main.subselect4                    : Modified in 10.0.35
main.symlink-aria-11902            : MDEV-15098 - error 40 from storage engine
main.symlink-myisam-11902          : MDEV-15098 - error 40 from storage engine
main.tc_heuristic_recover          : MDEV-15200 - wrong error on mysqld_stub_cmd
main.type_datetime                 : MDEV-14322 - wrong result
main.type_time_6065                : Modified in 10.0.35
main.update_innodb                 : Modified in 10.0.35
main.view                          : Modified in 10.0.35
main.xa                            : MDEV-11769 - lock wait timeout
main.xml                           : Modified in 10.0.35


archive.archive_bitfield     : MDEV-11771 - table is marked as crashed
archive.archive_symlink      : MDEV-12170 - unexpected error on rmdir
archive.discover             : MDEV-10510 - table is marked as crashed
archive.mysqlhotcopy_archive : MDEV-10995 - test hangs on debug build, MDEV-14726 - table is marked as crashed


binlog.binlog_commit_wait          : MDEV-10150 - Error: too much time elapsed
binlog.binlog_xa_recover           : MDEV-8517 - Extra checkpoint


connect.jdbc             : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.jdbc_new         : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.jdbc_oracle      : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.jdbc_postgresql  : Modified in 10.0.35
connect.json_java_2      : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.json_java_3      : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.json_mongo_c     : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.json_udf         : Modified in 10.0.35
connect.mongo_c          : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.mongo_java_2     : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.mongo_java_3     : Included file modified in 10.0.35
connect.mongo_test       : Modified in 10.0.35
connect.tbl_thread       : Modified in 10.0.35
connect.vcol             : Added in 10.0.35
connect.zip              : MDEV-13884 - wrong result


engines/rr_trx.* : MDEV-10998 - tests not maintained


federated.federatedx             : MDEV-10617 - Wrong checksum, timeouts
federated.federated_bug_35333    : MDEV-13410 - Wrong result
federated.federated_innodb       : MDEV-10617, MDEV-10417 - Wrong checksum, timeouts, fails on Mips
federated.federated_partition    : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
federated.federated_transactions : MDEV-10617, MDEV-10417 - Wrong checksum, timeouts, fails on Mips


funcs_1.memory_views       : MDEV-11773 - timeout
funcs_1.processlist_val_ps : MDEV-12175 - Wrong result
funcs_1.processlist_val_no_prot : MDEV-11223 - Wrong result

funcs_2/charset.*          : MDEV-10999 - test not maintained


innodb.binlog_consistent                     : MDEV-10618 - Server fails to start
innodb.group_commit_crash                    : MDEV-11770 - checksum mismatch
innodb.group_commit_crash_no_optimize_thread : MDEV-11770 - checksum mismatch
innodb.innodb-alter-nullable                 : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb.innodb-alter-table                    : MDEV-10619 - Testcase timeout
innodb.innodb_bug11754376                    : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb.innodb_bug27216817                    : Added in 10.0.35
innodb.innodb_bug30423                       : MDEV-7311 - Wrong number of rows in the plan
innodb.innodb_bug48024                       : MDEV-14352 - Assertion failure
innodb.innodb_bug56947                       : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb.innodb_corrupt_bit                    : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb.innodb_monitor                        : MDEV-10939 - Testcase timeout
innodb.innodb-replace-debug                  : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb.log_file_size                         : MDEV-15668 - Not found pattern; modified in 10.0.35
innodb.mvcc                                  : Added in 10.0.35
innodb.read_only_recover_committed           : Added in 10.0.35
innodb.recovery_shutdown                     : MDEV-15671 - Warning: database page corruption; modified in 10.0.35
innodb.xa_recovery                           : MDEV-15279 - mysqld got exception

innodb_fts.innobase_drop_fts_index_table     : Modified in 10.0.35
innodb_fts.innodb-fts-fic                    : MDEV-14154 - Assertion failure
innodb_fts.innodb_fts_misc_debug             : MDEV-14156 - Unexpected warning; modified in 10.0.35
innodb_fts.innodb_fts_result_cache_limit     : Modified in 10.0.35


maria.dynamic                                : Added in 10.0.35
maria.maria                                  : MDEV-14430 - Wrong result


mroonga/storage.column_datetime_32bit_2038                         : Wrong result on Alpha
mroonga/storage.column_datetime_32bit_before_unix_epoch            : Wrong result on Alpha
mroonga/storage.column_datetime_32bit_max                          : Wrong result on Alpha
mroonga/storage.column_datetime_32bit_out_of_range                 : Wrong result on Alpha
mroonga/storage.index_multiple_column_unique_date_32bit_equal      : Wrong result on Alpha
mroonga/storage.index_multiple_column_unique_date_order_32bit_desc : Wrong result on Alpha


multi_source.gtid        : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
multi_source.info_logs   : MDEV-10042 - Wrong result
multi_source.multisource : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
multi_source.reset_slave : MDEV-10690 - Wrong result
multi_source.simple      : MDEV-4633 - Wrong slave status output
multi_source.status_vars : MDEV-4632 - failed while waiting for Slave_received_heartbeats


parts.partition_alter_innodb         : Include file modified in 10.0.35
parts.partition_alter_maria          : Modified in 10.0.35
parts.partition_alter_myisam         : Include file modified in 10.0.35
parts.partition_auto_increment_maria : MDEV-14430 - wrong result
parts.partition_debug_innodb     : MDEV-15095 - table does not exist
parts.partition_exch_qa_10       : MDEV-11765 - wrong result


perfschema.func_file_io                      : MDEV-5708 - fails for s390x
perfschema.func_mutex                        : MDEV-5708 - fails for s390x
perfschema.hostcache_ipv6_ssl                : MDEV-10696 - crash on shutdown
perfschema.socket_summary_by_event_name_func : MDEV-10622 - Socket summary tables do not match
perfschema.stage_mdl_procedure               : MDEV-11545 - Wrong result

perfschema_stress.* : MDEV-10996 - tests not maintained


plugins.feedback_plugin_send     : MDEV-7932 - ssl failed for url, MDEV-11118 - wrong result
plugins.server_audit             : MDEV-9562 - crashes on sol10-sparc; modified in 10.0.35
plugins.thread_pool_server_audit : MDEV-9562 - crashes on sol10-sparc, MDEV-14295 - wrong result


roles.create_and_grant_role           : MDEV-11772 - wrong result


rpl.last_insert_id                    : MDEV-10625 - warnings in error log
rpl.rpl_auto_increment                : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_auto_increment_bug45679       : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_auto_increment_update_failure : MDEV-10625 - warnings in error log
rpl.rpl_binlog_index                  : MDEV-9501 - Warning: failed registering on master
rpl.rpl_ddl                           : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_gtid_crash                    : MDEV-9501 - Warning: failed registering on master
rpl.rpl_gtid_stop_start               : MDEV-10629 - Crash on shutdown
rpl.rpl_gtid_until                    : MDEV-10625 - warnings in error log
rpl.rpl_innodb_bug30888               : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_insert                        : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x
rpl.rpl_insert_delayed                : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x
rpl.rpl_invoked_features              : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_mdev6020                      : MDEV-10630, MDEV-10417 - Timeouts, fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_parallel                      : MDEV-10653 - Timeouts
rpl.rpl_parallel_mdev6589             : MDEV-12979 - Assertion failure
rpl.rpl_parallel_multilevel2          : MDEV-14723 - Timeout
rpl.rpl_parallel_temptable            : MDEV-10356 - Crash in close_thread_tables
rpl.rpl_partition_innodb              : MDEV-10417 - Fails on Mips
rpl.rpl_row_basic_11bugs              : MDEV-12171 - Server failed to start
rpl.rpl_row_index_choice              : MDEV-13409 - Server crash
rpl.rpl_row_sp001                     : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x
rpl.rpl_semi_sync                     : MDEV-11220 - Wrong result
rpl.rpl_semi_sync_uninstall_plugin    : MDEV-7140 - Wrong plugin status
rpl.rpl_show_slave_hosts              : MDEV-12171 - Server failed to start
rpl.rpl_skip_replication              : MDEV-9268 - Fails with timeout in sync_slave_with_master on Alpha
rpl.rpl_slave_grp_exec                : MDEV-10514 - Unexpected deadlock
rpl.rpl_sync                          : MDEV-10633 - Database page corruption
rpl.rpl_temporary_error2              : MDEV-10634 - Wrong number of retries

rpl/extra/rpl_tests.*                 : MDEV-10994 - tests not maintained


spider.* : MDEV-9329 - tests are too memory-consuming

spider/bg.direct_aggregate      : MDEV-7098 - Trying to unlock mutex that wasn't locked
spider/bg.direct_aggregate_part : MDEV-7098 - Trying to unlock mutex that wasn't locked
spider/bg.spider3_fixes         : MDEV-7098 - Trying to unlock mutex that wasn't locked
spider/bg.spider_fixes_part     : MDEV-7098 - Trying to unlock mutex that wasn't locked
spider/bg.ha                    : MDEV-7914 (fixed in 10.3), MDEV-9329 - Crash, failures on s390x
spider/bg.ha_part               : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x
spider/bg.spider_fixes          : MDEV-7098, MDEV-9329 - Mutex problem, failures on s390x
spider/bg.vp_fixes              : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x


sphinx.* : MDEV-10986 - sphinx tests fail in buildbot and outside


storage_engine* : Tests are not always timely maintained


stress.ddl_innodb : MDEV-10635 - Testcase timeout


sys_vars.autocommit_func2                  : MDEV-9329 - Fails on Ubuntu/s390x
sys_vars.max_prepared_stmt_count_basic     : Modified in 10.0.35
sys_vars.thread_cache_size_func            : MDEV-11775 - wrong result


tokudb.change_column_all_1000_10     : MDEV-12640 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.change_column_bin             : MDEV-12640 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.change_column_char            : MDEV-12822 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.cluster_filter_unpack_varchar : MDEV-10636 - Wrong execution plan
tokudb.dir_per_db                    : MDEV-11537 - wrong result
tokudb.dir_per_db_rename_to_nonexisting_schema : MDEV-12823 - Valgrind
tokudb.hotindex-insert-bigchar       : MDEV-13870 - ASAN failures
tokudb.hotindex-update-0             : MDEV-15198 - Timeout
tokudb.hotindex-update-1             : MDEV-12640 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.locks-select-update-1         : MDEV-13406 - Lock wait timeout
tokudb.rows-32m-rand-insert          : MDEV-12640 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.rows-32m-seq-insert           : MDEV-12640 - Lost connection during query
tokudb.savepoint-5                   : MDEV-15280 - wrong result

tokudb_backup.*                      : MDEV-11001 - tests don't work

tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock          : MDEV-10637 - Wrong processlist output
tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock_3        : MDEV-10637 - Wrong processlist output
tokudb_bugs.frm_store                : MDEV-12823 - Valgrind
tokudb_bugs.frm_store2               : MDEV-12823 - Valgrind
tokudb_bugs.frm_store3               : MDEV-12823 - Valgrind
tokudb_bugs.xa                       : MDEV-11804 - Lock wait timeout

tokudb_rpl.*                         : MDEV-11001 - tests don't work
tokudb_sys_vars.*                    : MDEV-11001 - tests don't work

rpl-tokudb.*                         : MDEV-14354 - Tests fail with tcmalloc


unit.lf                 : MDEV-12897 - Unexpected return code
unit.ma_test_loghandler : MDEV-10638 - record read not ok
unit.my_atomic          : MDEV-15670 - Signal 11 thrown


vcol.not_supported    : MDEV-10639 - Testcase timeout
vcol.vcol_keys_innodb : MDEV-10639 - Testcase timeout
