/* Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Codership Oy <info@codership.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA. */ #include "mariadb.h" #include "mysql/service_wsrep.h" #include "wsrep_applier.h" #include "wsrep_priv.h" #include "wsrep_binlog.h" // wsrep_dump_rbr_buf() #include "wsrep_xid.h" #include "wsrep_thd.h" #include "wsrep_trans_observer.h" #include "slave.h" // opt_log_slave_updates #include "debug_sync.h" /* read the first event from (*buf). The size of the (*buf) is (*buf_len). At the end (*buf) is shitfed to point to the following event or NULL and (*buf_len) will be changed to account just being read bytes of the 1st event. */ static Log_event* wsrep_read_log_event( char **arg_buf, size_t *arg_buf_len, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) { DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_read_log_event"); char *head= (*arg_buf); uint data_len= uint4korr(head + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); uchar *buf= (uchar*) (*arg_buf); const char *error= 0; Log_event *res= 0; res= Log_event::read_log_event(buf, data_len, &error, description_event, true); if (!res) { DBUG_ASSERT(error != 0); sql_print_error("Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): " "'%s', data_len: %d, event_type: %d", error,data_len,head[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET]); } (*arg_buf)+= data_len; (*arg_buf_len)-= data_len; DBUG_RETURN(res); } #include "transaction.h" // trans_commit(), trans_rollback() void wsrep_set_apply_format(THD* thd, Format_description_log_event* ev) { if (thd->wsrep_apply_format) { delete (Format_description_log_event*)thd->wsrep_apply_format; } thd->wsrep_apply_format= ev; } Format_description_log_event* wsrep_get_apply_format(THD* thd) { if (thd->wsrep_apply_format) { return (Format_description_log_event*) thd->wsrep_apply_format; } DBUG_ASSERT(thd->wsrep_rgi); return thd->wsrep_rgi->rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec; } void wsrep_store_error(const THD* const thd, wsrep::mutable_buffer& dst, bool const include_msg) { Diagnostics_area::Sql_condition_iterator it= thd->get_stmt_da()->sql_conditions(); const Sql_condition* cond; static size_t const max_len= 2*MAX_SLAVE_ERRMSG; // 2x so that we have enough dst.resize(max_len); char* slider= dst.data(); const char* const buf_end= slider + max_len - 1; // -1: leave space for \0 for (cond= it++; cond && slider < buf_end; cond= it++) { uint const err_code= cond->get_sql_errno(); const char* const err_str= cond->get_message_text(); if (include_msg) { slider+= snprintf(slider, buf_end - slider, " %s, Error_code: %d;", err_str, err_code); } else { slider+= snprintf(slider, buf_end - slider, " Error_code: %d;", err_code); } } if (slider != dst.data()) { *slider= '\0'; slider++; } dst.resize(slider - dst.data()); WSREP_DEBUG("Error buffer for thd %llu seqno %lld, %zu bytes: '%s'", thd->thread_id, (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd), dst.size(), dst.size() ? dst.data() : "(null)"); } int wsrep_apply_events(THD* thd, Relay_log_info* rli, const void* events_buf, size_t buf_len) { char *buf= (char *)events_buf; int rcode= 0; int event= 1; Log_event_type typ; DBUG_ENTER("wsrep_apply_events"); if (!buf_len) WSREP_DEBUG("empty rbr buffer to apply: %lld", (long long) wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd)); thd->variables.gtid_seq_no= 0; if (wsrep_gtid_mode) thd->variables.gtid_domain_id= wsrep_gtid_server.domain_id; else thd->variables.gtid_domain_id= global_system_variables.gtid_domain_id; while (buf_len) { int exec_res; Log_event* ev= wsrep_read_log_event(&buf, &buf_len, wsrep_get_apply_format(thd)); if (!ev) { WSREP_ERROR("applier could not read binlog event, seqno: %lld, len: %zu", (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd), buf_len); rcode= WSREP_ERR_BAD_EVENT; goto error; } typ= ev->get_type_code(); switch (typ) { case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: wsrep_set_apply_format(thd, (Format_description_log_event*)ev); continue; case GTID_EVENT: { Gtid_log_event *gtid_ev= (Gtid_log_event*)ev; thd->variables.server_id= gtid_ev->server_id; thd->variables.gtid_domain_id= gtid_ev->domain_id; if ((gtid_ev->server_id == wsrep_gtid_server.server_id) && (gtid_ev->domain_id == wsrep_gtid_server.domain_id)) { thd->variables.wsrep_gtid_seq_no= gtid_ev->seq_no; } else { thd->variables.gtid_seq_no= gtid_ev->seq_no; } delete ev; } continue; default: break; } if (!thd->variables.gtid_seq_no && wsrep_thd_is_toi(thd) && (ev->get_type_code() == QUERY_EVENT)) { uint64 seqno= wsrep_gtid_server.seqno_inc(); thd->wsrep_current_gtid_seqno= seqno; if (mysql_bin_log.is_open() && wsrep_gtid_mode) { thd->variables.gtid_seq_no= seqno; } } if (LOG_EVENT_IS_WRITE_ROW(typ) || LOG_EVENT_IS_UPDATE_ROW(typ) || LOG_EVENT_IS_DELETE_ROW(typ)) { Rows_log_event* rle = static_cast<Rows_log_event*>(ev); if (thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS)) { rle->set_flags(Rows_log_event::RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS_F); } if (thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_NO_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS)) { rle->set_flags(Rows_log_event::NO_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS_F); } } /* Use the original server id for logging. */ thd->set_server_id(ev->server_id); thd->lex->current_select= 0; thd->variables.option_bits= (thd->variables.option_bits & ~OPTION_SKIP_REPLICATION) | (ev->flags & LOG_EVENT_SKIP_REPLICATION_F ? OPTION_SKIP_REPLICATION : 0); if (ev->get_type_code() == GTID_EVENT) { thd->variables.option_bits &= ~OPTION_GTID_BEGIN; } ev->thd= thd; exec_res= ev->apply_event(thd->wsrep_rgi); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("exec_event result: %d", exec_res)); if (exec_res) { WSREP_WARN("Event %d %s apply failed: %d, seqno %lld", event, ev->get_type_str(), exec_res, (long long) wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd)); rcode= exec_res; /* stop processing for the first error */ delete ev; goto error; } event++; delete_or_keep_event_post_apply(thd->wsrep_rgi, typ, ev); } error: if (thd->killed == KILL_CONNECTION) WSREP_INFO("applier aborted: %lld", (long long)wsrep_thd_trx_seqno(thd)); wsrep_set_apply_format(thd, NULL); DBUG_RETURN(rcode); }