#Authors:    TU and Jeb
#Date:       2007/04
#Purpose:    Generic replication to cluster
#            and ensuring that the ndb_apply_status
#            table is updated.
# Notes:
# include/select_ndb_apply_status.inc
# Selects out the log name, start & end pos
# from the ndb_apply_status table
# include/show_binlog_using_logname.inc
# To select out 1 row from offset 1
# from the start position in the binlog whose
# name is = log_name
# include/tpcb.inc
# Creates DATABASE tpcb, the tables and
# stored procedures for loading the DB
# and for running transactions against DB.

## Includes ##

--source include/have_ndb.inc
--source include/have_innodb.inc
--source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc
--source include/ndb_master-slave.inc
let $off_set = 9;
let $rpl_format = 'MIX';
--source extra/rpl_tests/rpl_ndb_apply_status.test