/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Some general useful functions */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include <errno.h> #include <m_ctype.h> #include "md5.h" #include "sql_acl.h" /* Functions defined in this file */ static void frm_error(int error,TABLE *form,const char *name,int errortype); static void fix_type_pointers(const char ***array, TYPELIB *point_to_type, uint types, char **names); static uint find_field(TABLE *form,uint start,uint length); static byte* get_field_name(Field **buff,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length= (uint) strlen((*buff)->field_name); return (byte*) (*buff)->field_name; } /* Open a .frm file SYNOPSIS openfrm() name path to table-file "db/name" alias alias for table db_stat open flags (for example HA_OPEN_KEYFILE|HA_OPEN_RNDFILE..) can be 0 (example in ha_example_table) prgflag READ_ALL etc.. ha_open_flags HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED etc.. outparam result table RETURN VALUES 0 ok 1 Error (see frm_error) 2 Error (see frm_error) 3 Wrong data in .frm file 4 Error (see frm_error) 5 It is new format of .frm file */ int openfrm(THD *thd, const char *name, const char *alias, uint db_stat, uint prgflag, uint ha_open_flags, TABLE *outparam) { reg1 uint i; reg2 uchar *strpos; int j,error; uint rec_buff_length,n_length,int_length,records,key_parts,keys, interval_count,interval_parts,read_length,db_create_options; uint key_info_length, com_length; ulong pos; char index_file[FN_REFLEN], *names, *keynames, *comment_pos; uchar head[288],*disk_buff,new_field_pack_flag; my_string record; const char **int_array; bool use_hash, null_field_first; File file; Field **field_ptr,*reg_field; KEY *keyinfo; KEY_PART_INFO *key_part; uchar *null_pos; uint null_bit, new_frm_ver, field_pack_length; SQL_CRYPT *crypted=0; MEM_ROOT **root_ptr, *old_root; DBUG_ENTER("openfrm"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("name: '%s' form: 0x%lx",name,outparam)); error=1; disk_buff=NULL; root_ptr= my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT**, THR_MALLOC); old_root= *root_ptr; if ((file=my_open(fn_format(index_file, name, "", reg_ext, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME), O_RDONLY | O_SHARE, MYF(0))) < 0) { goto err_w_init; } if (my_read(file,(byte*) head,64,MYF(MY_NABP))) { goto err_w_init; } if (memcmp(head, "TYPE=", 5) == 0) { // new .frm my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME)); if (db_stat & NO_ERR_ON_NEW_FRM) DBUG_RETURN(5); // caller can't process new .frm error= 4; goto err_w_init; } bzero((char*) outparam,sizeof(*outparam)); outparam->in_use= thd; outparam->blob_ptr_size=sizeof(char*); outparam->db_stat = db_stat; init_sql_alloc(&outparam->mem_root, TABLE_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE, 0); *root_ptr= &outparam->mem_root; outparam->real_name=strdup_root(&outparam->mem_root, name+dirname_length(name)); *fn_ext(outparam->real_name)='\0'; // Remove extension outparam->table_name=my_strdup(alias,MYF(MY_WME)); if (!outparam->real_name || !outparam->table_name) goto err_end; error=4; if (!(outparam->path= strdup_root(&outparam->mem_root,name))) goto err_not_open; *fn_ext(outparam->path)='\0'; // Remove extension if (head[0] != (uchar) 254 || head[1] != 1 || (head[2] != FRM_VER && head[2] != FRM_VER+1 && head[2] != FRM_VER+3)) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ new_field_pack_flag=head[27]; new_frm_ver= (head[2] - FRM_VER); field_pack_length= new_frm_ver < 2 ? 11 : 17; error=3; if (!(pos=get_form_pos(file,head,(TYPELIB*) 0))) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ *fn_ext(index_file)='\0'; // Remove .frm extension outparam->frm_version= head[2]; outparam->db_type=ha_checktype((enum db_type) (uint) *(head+3)); outparam->db_create_options=db_create_options=uint2korr(head+30); outparam->db_options_in_use=outparam->db_create_options; null_field_first=0; if (!head[32]) // New frm file in 3.23 { outparam->avg_row_length=uint4korr(head+34); outparam->row_type=(row_type) head[40]; outparam->raid_type= head[41]; outparam->raid_chunks= head[42]; outparam->raid_chunksize= uint4korr(head+43); outparam->table_charset=get_charset((uint) head[38],MYF(0)); null_field_first=1; } if (!outparam->table_charset) /* unknown charset in head[38] or pre-3.23 frm */ outparam->table_charset=default_charset_info; outparam->db_record_offset=1; if (db_create_options & HA_OPTION_LONG_BLOB_PTR) outparam->blob_ptr_size=portable_sizeof_char_ptr; /* Set temporarily a good value for db_low_byte_first */ outparam->db_low_byte_first=test(outparam->db_type != DB_TYPE_ISAM); error=4; outparam->max_rows=uint4korr(head+18); outparam->min_rows=uint4korr(head+22); /* Read keyinformation */ key_info_length= (uint) uint2korr(head+28); VOID(my_seek(file,(ulong) uint2korr(head+6),MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (read_string(file,(gptr*) &disk_buff,key_info_length)) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ if (disk_buff[0] & 0x80) { outparam->keys= keys= (disk_buff[1] << 7) | (disk_buff[0] & 0x7f); outparam->key_parts= key_parts= uint2korr(disk_buff+2); } else { outparam->keys= keys= disk_buff[0]; outparam->key_parts= key_parts= disk_buff[1]; } outparam->keys_for_keyread.init(0); outparam->keys_in_use.init(keys); outparam->read_only_keys.init(keys); outparam->quick_keys.init(); outparam->used_keys.init(); outparam->keys_in_use_for_query.init(); n_length=keys*sizeof(KEY)+key_parts*sizeof(KEY_PART_INFO); if (!(keyinfo = (KEY*) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, n_length+uint2korr(disk_buff+4)))) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ bzero((char*) keyinfo,n_length); outparam->key_info=keyinfo; outparam->max_key_length= outparam->total_key_length= 0; key_part= my_reinterpret_cast(KEY_PART_INFO*) (keyinfo+keys); strpos=disk_buff+6; ulong *rec_per_key; if (!(rec_per_key= (ulong*) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, sizeof(ulong*)*key_parts))) goto err_not_open; for (i=0 ; i < keys ; i++, keyinfo++) { if (new_frm_ver == 3) { keyinfo->flags= (uint) uint2korr(strpos) ^ HA_NOSAME; keyinfo->key_length= (uint) uint2korr(strpos+2); keyinfo->key_parts= (uint) strpos[4]; keyinfo->algorithm= (enum ha_key_alg) strpos[5]; strpos+=8; } else { keyinfo->flags= ((uint) strpos[0]) ^ HA_NOSAME; keyinfo->key_length= (uint) uint2korr(strpos+1); keyinfo->key_parts= (uint) strpos[3]; keyinfo->algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF; strpos+=4; } keyinfo->key_part= key_part; keyinfo->rec_per_key= rec_per_key; for (j=keyinfo->key_parts ; j-- ; key_part++) { *rec_per_key++=0; key_part->fieldnr= (uint16) (uint2korr(strpos) & FIELD_NR_MASK); key_part->offset= (uint) uint2korr(strpos+2)-1; key_part->key_type= (uint) uint2korr(strpos+5); // key_part->field= (Field*) 0; // Will be fixed later if (new_frm_ver >= 1) { key_part->key_part_flag= *(strpos+4); key_part->length= (uint) uint2korr(strpos+7); strpos+=9; } else { key_part->length= *(strpos+4); key_part->key_part_flag=0; if (key_part->length > 128) { key_part->length&=127; /* purecov: inspected */ key_part->key_part_flag=HA_REVERSE_SORT; /* purecov: inspected */ } strpos+=7; } key_part->store_length=key_part->length; } set_if_bigger(outparam->max_key_length,keyinfo->key_length+ keyinfo->key_parts); outparam->total_key_length+= keyinfo->key_length; if (keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME) set_if_bigger(outparam->max_unique_length,keyinfo->key_length); } keynames=(char*) key_part; strpos+= (strmov(keynames, (char *) strpos) - keynames)+1; outparam->reclength = uint2korr((head+16)); if (*(head+26) == 1) outparam->system=1; /* one-record-database */ #ifdef HAVE_CRYPTED_FRM else if (*(head+26) == 2) { *root_ptr= old_root crypted=get_crypt_for_frm(); *root_ptr= &outparam->mem_root; outparam->crypted=1; } #endif /* Allocate handler */ if (!(outparam->file= get_new_handler(outparam,outparam->db_type))) goto err_not_open; error=4; outparam->reginfo.lock_type= TL_UNLOCK; outparam->current_lock=F_UNLCK; if ((db_stat & HA_OPEN_KEYFILE) || (prgflag & DELAYED_OPEN)) records=2; else records=1; if (prgflag & (READ_ALL+EXTRA_RECORD)) records++; /* QQ: TODO, remove the +1 from below */ rec_buff_length=ALIGN_SIZE(outparam->reclength+1+ outparam->file->extra_rec_buf_length()); if (!(outparam->record[0]= (byte*) (record = (char *) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, rec_buff_length * records)))) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ record[outparam->reclength]=0; // For purify and ->c_ptr() outparam->rec_buff_length=rec_buff_length; if (my_pread(file,(byte*) record,(uint) outparam->reclength, (ulong) (uint2korr(head+6)+ ((uint2korr(head+14) == 0xffff ? uint4korr(head+47) : uint2korr(head+14)))), MYF(MY_NABP))) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ /* HACK: table->record[2] is used instead of table->default_values here */ for (i=0 ; i < records ; i++, record+=rec_buff_length) { outparam->record[i]=(byte*) record; if (i) memcpy(record,record-rec_buff_length,(uint) outparam->reclength); } if (records == 2) { /* fix for select */ outparam->default_values=outparam->record[1]; if (db_stat & HA_READ_ONLY) outparam->record[1]=outparam->record[0]; /* purecov: inspected */ } outparam->insert_values=0; /* for INSERT ... UPDATE */ VOID(my_seek(file,pos,MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (my_read(file,(byte*) head,288,MYF(MY_NABP))) goto err_not_open; if (crypted) { crypted->decode((char*) head+256,288-256); if (sint2korr(head+284) != 0) // Should be 0 goto err_not_open; // Wrong password } outparam->fields= uint2korr(head+258); pos=uint2korr(head+260); /* Length of all screens */ n_length=uint2korr(head+268); interval_count=uint2korr(head+270); interval_parts=uint2korr(head+272); int_length=uint2korr(head+274); outparam->null_fields=uint2korr(head+282); com_length=uint2korr(head+284); outparam->comment=strdup_root(&outparam->mem_root, (char*) head+47); DBUG_PRINT("info",("i_count: %d i_parts: %d index: %d n_length: %d int_length: %d com_length: %d", interval_count,interval_parts, outparam->keys,n_length,int_length, com_length)); if (!(field_ptr = (Field **) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, (uint) ((outparam->fields+1)*sizeof(Field*)+ interval_count*sizeof(TYPELIB)+ (outparam->fields+interval_parts+ keys+3)*sizeof(my_string)+ (n_length+int_length+com_length))))) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ outparam->field=field_ptr; read_length=(uint) (outparam->fields * field_pack_length + pos+ (uint) (n_length+int_length+com_length)); if (read_string(file,(gptr*) &disk_buff,read_length)) goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ if (crypted) { crypted->decode((char*) disk_buff,read_length); delete crypted; crypted=0; } strpos= disk_buff+pos; outparam->intervals= (TYPELIB*) (field_ptr+outparam->fields+1); int_array= (const char **) (outparam->intervals+interval_count); names= (char*) (int_array+outparam->fields+interval_parts+keys+3); if (!interval_count) outparam->intervals=0; // For better debugging memcpy((char*) names, strpos+(outparam->fields*field_pack_length), (uint) (n_length+int_length)); comment_pos=names+(n_length+int_length); memcpy(comment_pos, disk_buff+read_length-com_length, com_length); fix_type_pointers(&int_array,&outparam->fieldnames,1,&names); fix_type_pointers(&int_array,outparam->intervals,interval_count, &names); { /* Set ENUM and SET lengths */ TYPELIB *interval; for (interval= outparam->intervals; interval < outparam->intervals + interval_count; interval++) { uint count= (uint) (interval->count + 1) * sizeof(uint); if (!(interval->type_lengths= (uint *) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, count))) goto err_not_open; for (count= 0; count < interval->count; count++) interval->type_lengths[count]= strlen(interval->type_names[count]); interval->type_lengths[count]= 0; } } if (keynames) fix_type_pointers(&int_array,&outparam->keynames,1,&keynames); VOID(my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME))); file= -1; record=(char*) outparam->record[0]-1; /* Fieldstart = 1 */ if (null_field_first) { outparam->null_flags=null_pos=(uchar*) record+1; null_bit= (db_create_options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD) ? 1 : 2; outparam->null_bytes=(outparam->null_fields+null_bit+6)/8; } else { outparam->null_bytes=(outparam->null_fields+7)/8; outparam->null_flags=null_pos= (uchar*) (record+1+outparam->reclength-outparam->null_bytes); null_bit=1; } use_hash= outparam->fields >= MAX_FIELDS_BEFORE_HASH; if (use_hash) use_hash= !hash_init(&outparam->name_hash, system_charset_info, outparam->fields,0,0, (hash_get_key) get_field_name,0,0); for (i=0 ; i < outparam->fields; i++, strpos+=field_pack_length, field_ptr++) { uint pack_flag, interval_nr, unireg_type, recpos, field_length; enum_field_types field_type; CHARSET_INFO *charset=NULL; Field::geometry_type geom_type= Field::GEOM_GEOMETRY; LEX_STRING comment; if (new_frm_ver == 3) { /* new frm file in 4.1 */ field_length= uint2korr(strpos+3); recpos= uint3korr(strpos+5); pack_flag= uint2korr(strpos+8); unireg_type= (uint) strpos[10]; interval_nr= (uint) strpos[12]; uint comment_length=uint2korr(strpos+15); field_type=(enum_field_types) (uint) strpos[13]; // charset and geometry_type share the same byte in frm if (field_type == FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY) { #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL geom_type= (Field::geometry_type) strpos[14]; charset= &my_charset_bin; #else error= 4; // unsupported field type goto err_not_open; #endif } else { if (!strpos[14]) charset= &my_charset_bin; else if (!(charset=get_charset((uint) strpos[14], MYF(0)))) charset= outparam->table_charset; } if (!comment_length) { comment.str= (char*) ""; comment.length=0; } else { comment.str= (char*) comment_pos; comment.length= comment_length; comment_pos+= comment_length; } } else { field_length= (uint) strpos[3]; recpos= uint2korr(strpos+4), pack_flag= uint2korr(strpos+6); pack_flag&= ~FIELDFLAG_NO_DEFAULT; // Safety for old files unireg_type= (uint) strpos[8]; interval_nr= (uint) strpos[10]; /* old frm file */ field_type= (enum_field_types) f_packtype(pack_flag); charset=f_is_binary(pack_flag) ? &my_charset_bin : outparam->table_charset; bzero((char*) &comment, sizeof(comment)); } *field_ptr=reg_field= make_field(record+recpos, (uint32) field_length, null_pos,null_bit, pack_flag, field_type, charset, geom_type, (Field::utype) MTYP_TYPENR(unireg_type), (interval_nr ? outparam->intervals+interval_nr-1 : (TYPELIB*) 0), outparam->fieldnames.type_names[i], outparam); if (!reg_field) // Not supported field type { error= 4; goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ } reg_field->comment=comment; if (!(reg_field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG)) { if ((null_bit<<=1) == 256) { null_pos++; null_bit=1; } } if (f_no_default(pack_flag)) reg_field->flags|= NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG; if (reg_field->unireg_check == Field::NEXT_NUMBER) outparam->found_next_number_field= reg_field; if (outparam->timestamp_field == reg_field) outparam->timestamp_field_offset=i; if (use_hash) (void) my_hash_insert(&outparam->name_hash,(byte*) field_ptr); // Will never fail } *field_ptr=0; // End marker /* Fix key->name and key_part->field */ if (key_parts) { uint primary_key=(uint) (find_type((char*) primary_key_name, &outparam->keynames, 3) - 1); uint ha_option=outparam->file->table_flags(); keyinfo=outparam->key_info; key_part=keyinfo->key_part; for (uint key=0 ; key < outparam->keys ; key++,keyinfo++) { uint usable_parts=0; keyinfo->name=(char*) outparam->keynames.type_names[key]; /* Fix fulltext keys for old .frm files */ if (outparam->key_info[key].flags & HA_FULLTEXT) outparam->key_info[key].algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_FULLTEXT; if (primary_key >= MAX_KEY && (keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME)) { /* If the UNIQUE key doesn't have NULL columns and is not a part key declare this as a primary key. */ primary_key=key; for (i=0 ; i < keyinfo->key_parts ;i++) { uint fieldnr= key_part[i].fieldnr; if (!fieldnr || outparam->field[fieldnr-1]->null_ptr || outparam->field[fieldnr-1]->key_length() != key_part[i].length) { primary_key=MAX_KEY; // Can't be used break; } } } for (i=0 ; i < keyinfo->key_parts ; key_part++,i++) { if (new_field_pack_flag <= 1) key_part->fieldnr=(uint16) find_field(outparam, (uint) key_part->offset, (uint) key_part->length); #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG if (key_part->fieldnr > outparam->fields) goto err_not_open; // sanity check #endif if (key_part->fieldnr) { // Should always be true ! Field *field=key_part->field=outparam->field[key_part->fieldnr-1]; if (field->null_ptr) { key_part->null_offset=(uint) ((byte*) field->null_ptr - outparam->record[0]); key_part->null_bit= field->null_bit; key_part->store_length+=HA_KEY_NULL_LENGTH; keyinfo->flags|=HA_NULL_PART_KEY; keyinfo->extra_length+= HA_KEY_NULL_LENGTH; keyinfo->key_length+= HA_KEY_NULL_LENGTH; } if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB || field->real_type() == FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING) { if (field->type() == FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) key_part->key_part_flag|= HA_BLOB_PART; keyinfo->extra_length+=HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH; key_part->store_length+=HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH; keyinfo->key_length+= HA_KEY_BLOB_LENGTH; /* Mark that there may be many matching values for one key combination ('a', 'a ', 'a '...) */ if (!(field->flags & BINARY_FLAG)) keyinfo->flags|= HA_END_SPACE_KEY; } if (i == 0 && key != primary_key) field->flags |= ((keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME) && field->key_length() == keyinfo->key_length ? UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG : MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG); if (i == 0) field->key_start.set_bit(key); if (field->key_length() == key_part->length && !(field->flags & BLOB_FLAG)) { if (outparam->file->index_flags(key, i, 0) & HA_KEYREAD_ONLY) { outparam->read_only_keys.clear_bit(key); outparam->keys_for_keyread.set_bit(key); field->part_of_key.set_bit(key); } if (outparam->file->index_flags(key, i, 1) & HA_READ_ORDER) field->part_of_sortkey.set_bit(key); } if (!(key_part->key_part_flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT) && usable_parts == i) usable_parts++; // For FILESORT field->flags|= PART_KEY_FLAG; if (key == primary_key) { field->flags|= PRI_KEY_FLAG; /* If this field is part of the primary key and all keys contains the primary key, then we can use any key to find this column */ if (ha_option & HA_PRIMARY_KEY_IN_READ_INDEX) field->part_of_key= outparam->keys_in_use; } if (field->key_length() != key_part->length) { key_part->key_part_flag|= HA_PART_KEY_SEG; if (!(field->flags & BLOB_FLAG)) { // Create a new field field=key_part->field=field->new_field(&outparam->mem_root, outparam); field->field_length=key_part->length; } } /* If the field can be NULL, don't optimize away the test key_part_column = expression from the WHERE clause as we need to test for NULL = NULL. */ if (field->real_maybe_null()) key_part->key_part_flag|= HA_PART_KEY_SEG; } else { // Error: shorten key keyinfo->key_parts=usable_parts; keyinfo->flags=0; } } keyinfo->usable_key_parts=usable_parts; // Filesort } if (primary_key < MAX_KEY && (outparam->keys_in_use.is_set(primary_key))) { outparam->primary_key=primary_key; /* If we are using an integer as the primary key then allow the user to refer to it as '_rowid' */ if (outparam->key_info[primary_key].key_parts == 1) { Field *field= outparam->key_info[primary_key].key_part[0].field; if (field && field->result_type() == INT_RESULT) outparam->rowid_field=field; } } else outparam->primary_key = MAX_KEY; // we do not have a primary key } else outparam->primary_key= MAX_KEY; x_free((gptr) disk_buff); disk_buff=0; if (new_field_pack_flag <= 1) { /* Old file format with default null */ uint null_length=(outparam->null_fields+7)/8; bfill(outparam->null_flags,null_length,255); bfill(outparam->null_flags+outparam->rec_buff_length,null_length,255); if (records > 2) bfill(outparam->null_flags+outparam->rec_buff_length*2,null_length,255); } if ((reg_field=outparam->found_next_number_field)) { if ((int) (outparam->next_number_index= (uint) find_ref_key(outparam,reg_field, &outparam->next_number_key_offset)) < 0) { reg_field->unireg_check=Field::NONE; /* purecov: inspected */ outparam->found_next_number_field=0; } else reg_field->flags|=AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG; } if (outparam->blob_fields) { Field **ptr; Field_blob **save; if (!(outparam->blob_field=save= (Field_blob**) alloc_root(&outparam->mem_root, (uint) (outparam->blob_fields+1)* sizeof(Field_blob*)))) goto err_not_open; for (ptr=outparam->field ; *ptr ; ptr++) { if ((*ptr)->flags & BLOB_FLAG) (*save++)= (Field_blob*) *ptr; } *save=0; // End marker } else outparam->blob_field= (Field_blob**) (outparam->field+outparam->fields); // Point at null ptr /* The table struct is now initialized; Open the table */ error=2; if (db_stat) { int err; unpack_filename(index_file,index_file); if ((err=(outparam->file-> ha_open(index_file, (db_stat & HA_READ_ONLY ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR), (db_stat & HA_OPEN_TEMPORARY ? HA_OPEN_TMP_TABLE : ((db_stat & HA_WAIT_IF_LOCKED) || (specialflag & SPECIAL_WAIT_IF_LOCKED)) ? HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED : (db_stat & (HA_ABORT_IF_LOCKED | HA_GET_INFO)) ? HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED : HA_OPEN_IGNORE_IF_LOCKED) | ha_open_flags)))) { /* Set a flag if the table is crashed and it can be auto. repaired */ outparam->crashed=((err == HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_USAGE) && outparam->file->auto_repair() && !(ha_open_flags & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR)); if (err==HA_ERR_NO_SUCH_TABLE) { /* The table did not exists in storage engine, use same error message as if the .frm file didn't exist */ error= 1; my_errno= ENOENT; } goto err_not_open; /* purecov: inspected */ } } outparam->db_low_byte_first=outparam->file->low_byte_first(); *root_ptr= old_root; thd->status_var.opened_tables++; #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (use_hash) (void) hash_check(&outparam->name_hash); #endif DBUG_RETURN (0); err_w_init: /* Avoid problem with uninitialized data */ bzero((char*) outparam,sizeof(*outparam)); outparam->real_name= (char*)name+dirname_length(name); err_not_open: x_free((gptr) disk_buff); if (file > 0) VOID(my_close(file,MYF(MY_WME))); err_end: /* Here when no file */ delete crypted; *root_ptr= old_root; frm_error(error,outparam,name,ME_ERROR+ME_WAITTANG); delete outparam->file; outparam->file=0; // For easier errorchecking outparam->db_stat=0; hash_free(&outparam->name_hash); free_root(&outparam->mem_root,MYF(0)); my_free(outparam->table_name,MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); DBUG_RETURN (error); } /* openfrm */ /* close a .frm file and it's tables */ int closefrm(register TABLE *table) { int error=0; DBUG_ENTER("closefrm"); if (table->db_stat) error=table->file->close(); if (table->table_name) { my_free(table->table_name,MYF(0)); table->table_name=0; } if (table->fields) { for (Field **ptr=table->field ; *ptr ; ptr++) delete *ptr; table->fields=0; } delete table->file; table->file=0; /* For easier errorchecking */ hash_free(&table->name_hash); free_root(&table->mem_root,MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(error); } /* Deallocate temporary blob storage */ void free_blobs(register TABLE *table) { for (Field_blob **ptr=table->blob_field ; *ptr ; ptr++) (*ptr)->free(); } /* Find where a form starts */ /* if formname is NullS then only formnames is read */ ulong get_form_pos(File file, uchar *head, TYPELIB *save_names) { uint a_length,names,length; uchar *pos,*buf; ulong ret_value=0; DBUG_ENTER("get_form_pos"); names=uint2korr(head+8); a_length=(names+2)*sizeof(my_string); /* Room for two extra */ if (!save_names) a_length=0; else save_names->type_names=0; /* Clear if error */ if (names) { length=uint2korr(head+4); VOID(my_seek(file,64L,MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (!(buf= (uchar*) my_malloc((uint) length+a_length+names*4, MYF(MY_WME))) || my_read(file,(byte*) buf+a_length,(uint) (length+names*4), MYF(MY_NABP))) { /* purecov: inspected */ x_free((gptr) buf); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(0L); /* purecov: inspected */ } pos= buf+a_length+length; ret_value=uint4korr(pos); } if (! save_names) my_free((gptr) buf,MYF(0)); else if (!names) bzero((char*) save_names,sizeof(save_names)); else { char *str; str=(char *) (buf+a_length); fix_type_pointers((const char ***) &buf,save_names,1,&str); } DBUG_RETURN(ret_value); } /* Read string from a file with malloc */ int read_string(File file, gptr *to, uint length) { DBUG_ENTER("read_string"); x_free((gptr) *to); if (!(*to= (gptr) my_malloc(length+1,MYF(MY_WME))) || my_read(file,(byte*) *to,length,MYF(MY_NABP))) { x_free((gptr) *to); /* purecov: inspected */ *to= 0; /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } *((char*) *to+length)= '\0'; DBUG_RETURN (0); } /* read_string */ /* Add a new form to a form file */ ulong make_new_entry(File file, uchar *fileinfo, TYPELIB *formnames, const char *newname) { uint i,bufflength,maxlength,n_length,length,names; ulong endpos,newpos; char buff[IO_SIZE]; uchar *pos; DBUG_ENTER("make_new_entry"); length=(uint) strlen(newname)+1; n_length=uint2korr(fileinfo+4); maxlength=uint2korr(fileinfo+6); names=uint2korr(fileinfo+8); newpos=uint4korr(fileinfo+10); if (64+length+n_length+(names+1)*4 > maxlength) { /* Expand file */ newpos+=IO_SIZE; int4store(fileinfo+10,newpos); endpos=(ulong) my_seek(file,0L,MY_SEEK_END,MYF(0));/* Copy from file-end */ bufflength= (uint) (endpos & (IO_SIZE-1)); /* IO_SIZE is a power of 2 */ while (endpos > maxlength) { VOID(my_seek(file,(ulong) (endpos-bufflength),MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (my_read(file,(byte*) buff,bufflength,MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME))) DBUG_RETURN(0L); VOID(my_seek(file,(ulong) (endpos-bufflength+IO_SIZE),MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0))); if ((my_write(file,(byte*) buff,bufflength,MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME)))) DBUG_RETURN(0); endpos-=bufflength; bufflength=IO_SIZE; } bzero(buff,IO_SIZE); /* Null new block */ VOID(my_seek(file,(ulong) maxlength,MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (my_write(file,(byte*) buff,bufflength,MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME))) DBUG_RETURN(0L); maxlength+=IO_SIZE; /* Fix old ref */ int2store(fileinfo+6,maxlength); for (i=names, pos= (uchar*) *formnames->type_names+n_length-1; i-- ; pos+=4) { endpos=uint4korr(pos)+IO_SIZE; int4store(pos,endpos); } } if (n_length == 1 ) { /* First name */ length++; VOID(strxmov(buff,"/",newname,"/",NullS)); } else VOID(strxmov(buff,newname,"/",NullS)); /* purecov: inspected */ VOID(my_seek(file,63L+(ulong) n_length,MY_SEEK_SET,MYF(0))); if (my_write(file,(byte*) buff,(uint) length+1,MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME)) || (names && my_write(file,(byte*) (*formnames->type_names+n_length-1), names*4, MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME))) || my_write(file,(byte*) fileinfo+10,(uint) 4,MYF(MY_NABP+MY_WME))) DBUG_RETURN(0L); /* purecov: inspected */ int2store(fileinfo+8,names+1); int2store(fileinfo+4,n_length+length); VOID(my_chsize(file, newpos, 0, MYF(MY_WME)));/* Append file with '\0' */ DBUG_RETURN(newpos); } /* make_new_entry */ /* error message when opening a form file */ static void frm_error(int error, TABLE *form, const char *name, myf errortype) { int err_no; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; const char *form_dev="",*datext; DBUG_ENTER("frm_error"); switch (error) { case 1: if (my_errno == ENOENT) { char *db; uint length=dirname_part(buff,name); buff[length-1]=0; db=buff+dirname_length(buff); my_error(ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE,MYF(0),db,form->real_name); } else my_error(ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND,errortype, fn_format(buff,name,form_dev,reg_ext,0),my_errno); break; case 2: { datext= form->file ? *form->file->bas_ext() : ""; datext= datext==NullS ? "" : datext; err_no= (my_errno == ENOENT) ? ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND : (my_errno == EAGAIN) ? ER_FILE_USED : ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE; my_error(err_no,errortype, fn_format(buff,form->real_name,form_dev,datext,2),my_errno); break; } default: /* Better wrong error than none */ case 4: my_error(ER_NOT_FORM_FILE,errortype, fn_format(buff,name,form_dev,reg_ext,0)); break; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* frm_error */ /* ** fix a str_type to a array type ** typeparts separated with some char. differents types are separated ** with a '\0' */ static void fix_type_pointers(const char ***array, TYPELIB *point_to_type, uint types, char **names) { char *type_name, *ptr; char chr; ptr= *names; while (types--) { point_to_type->name=0; point_to_type->type_names= *array; if ((chr= *ptr)) /* Test if empty type */ { while ((type_name=strchr(ptr+1,chr)) != NullS) { *((*array)++) = ptr+1; *type_name= '\0'; /* End string */ ptr=type_name; } ptr+=2; /* Skip end mark and last 0 */ } else ptr++; point_to_type->count= (uint) (*array - point_to_type->type_names); point_to_type++; *((*array)++)= NullS; /* End of type */ } *names=ptr; /* Update end */ return; } /* fix_type_pointers */ TYPELIB *typelib(List<String> &strings) { TYPELIB *result=(TYPELIB*) sql_alloc(sizeof(TYPELIB)); if (!result) return 0; result->count=strings.elements; result->name=""; uint nbytes= (sizeof(char*) + sizeof(uint)) * (result->count + 1); if (!(result->type_names= (const char**) sql_alloc(nbytes))) return 0; result->type_lengths= (uint*) (result->type_names + result->count + 1); List_iterator<String> it(strings); String *tmp; for (uint i=0; (tmp=it++) ; i++) { result->type_names[i]= tmp->ptr(); result->type_lengths[i]= tmp->length(); } result->type_names[result->count]= 0; // End marker result->type_lengths[result->count]= 0; return result; } /* ** Search after a field with given start & length ** If an exact field isn't found, return longest field with starts ** at right position. ** Return 0 on error, else field number+1 ** This is needed because in some .frm fields 'fieldnr' was saved wrong */ static uint find_field(TABLE *form,uint start,uint length) { Field **field; uint i,pos; pos=0; for (field=form->field, i=1 ; i<= form->fields ; i++,field++) { if ((*field)->offset() == start) { if ((*field)->key_length() == length) return (i); if (!pos || form->field[pos-1]->pack_length() < (*field)->pack_length()) pos=i; } } return (pos); } /* Check that the integer is in the internal */ int set_zone(register int nr, int min_zone, int max_zone) { if (nr<=min_zone) return (min_zone); if (nr>=max_zone) return (max_zone); return (nr); } /* set_zone */ /* Adjust number to next larger disk buffer */ ulong next_io_size(register ulong pos) { reg2 ulong offset; if ((offset= pos & (IO_SIZE-1))) return pos-offset+IO_SIZE; return pos; } /* next_io_size */ /* Store an SQL quoted string. SYNOPSIS append_unescaped() res result String pos string to be quoted length it's length NOTE This function works correctly with utf8 or single-byte charset strings. May fail with some multibyte charsets though. */ void append_unescaped(String *res, const char *pos, uint length) { const char *end= pos+length; res->append('\''); for (; pos != end ; pos++) { #if defined(USE_MB) && MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 40100 uint mblen; if (use_mb(default_charset_info) && (mblen= my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, pos, end))) { res->append(pos, mblen); pos+= mblen; continue; } #endif switch (*pos) { case 0: /* Must be escaped for 'mysql' */ res->append('\\'); res->append('0'); break; case '\n': /* Must be escaped for logs */ res->append('\\'); res->append('n'); break; case '\r': res->append('\\'); /* This gives better readability */ res->append('r'); break; case '\\': res->append('\\'); /* Because of the sql syntax */ res->append('\\'); break; case '\'': res->append('\''); /* Because of the sql syntax */ res->append('\''); break; default: res->append(*pos); break; } } res->append('\''); } /* Create a .frm file */ File create_frm(register my_string name, uint reclength, uchar *fileinfo, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, uint keys) { register File file; uint key_length; ulong length; char fill[IO_SIZE]; #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 /* Fix this when we have new .frm files; Current limit is 4G rows (QQ) */ if (create_info->max_rows > ~(ulong) 0) create_info->max_rows= ~(ulong) 0; if (create_info->min_rows > ~(ulong) 0) create_info->min_rows= ~(ulong) 0; #endif /* Ensure that raid_chunks can't be larger than 255, as this would cause problems with drop database */ set_if_smaller(create_info->raid_chunks, 255); if ((file=my_create(name,CREATE_MODE,O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,MYF(MY_WME))) >= 0) { bzero((char*) fileinfo,64); fileinfo[0]=(uchar) 254; fileinfo[1]= 1; fileinfo[2]= FRM_VER+3; // Header fileinfo[3]= (uchar) ha_checktype(create_info->db_type); fileinfo[4]=1; int2store(fileinfo+6,IO_SIZE); /* Next block starts here */ key_length=keys*(7+NAME_LEN+MAX_REF_PARTS*9)+16; length=(ulong) next_io_size((ulong) (IO_SIZE+key_length+reclength)); int4store(fileinfo+10,length); if (key_length > 0xffff) key_length=0xffff; int2store(fileinfo+14,key_length); int2store(fileinfo+16,reclength); int4store(fileinfo+18,create_info->max_rows); int4store(fileinfo+22,create_info->min_rows); fileinfo[27]=2; // Use long pack-fields create_info->table_options|=HA_OPTION_LONG_BLOB_PTR; // Use portable blob pointers int2store(fileinfo+30,create_info->table_options); fileinfo[32]=0; // No filename anymore int4store(fileinfo+34,create_info->avg_row_length); fileinfo[38]= (create_info->default_table_charset ? create_info->default_table_charset->number : 0); fileinfo[40]= (uchar) create_info->row_type; fileinfo[41]= (uchar) create_info->raid_type; fileinfo[42]= (uchar) create_info->raid_chunks; int4store(fileinfo+43,create_info->raid_chunksize); bzero(fill,IO_SIZE); for (; length > IO_SIZE ; length-= IO_SIZE) { if (my_write(file,(byte*) fill,IO_SIZE,MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) { VOID(my_close(file,MYF(0))); VOID(my_delete(name,MYF(0))); return(-1); } } } return (file); } /* create_frm */ void update_create_info_from_table(HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, TABLE *table) { DBUG_ENTER("update_create_info_from_table"); create_info->max_rows=table->max_rows; create_info->min_rows=table->min_rows; create_info->table_options=table->db_create_options; create_info->avg_row_length=table->avg_row_length; create_info->row_type=table->row_type; create_info->raid_type=table->raid_type; create_info->raid_chunks=table->raid_chunks; create_info->raid_chunksize=table->raid_chunksize; create_info->default_table_charset=table->table_charset; create_info->table_charset= 0; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int rename_file_ext(const char * from,const char * to,const char * ext) { char from_b[FN_REFLEN],to_b[FN_REFLEN]; VOID(strxmov(from_b,from,ext,NullS)); VOID(strxmov(to_b,to,ext,NullS)); return (my_rename(from_b,to_b,MYF(MY_WME))); } /* Allocate string field in MEM_ROOT and return it as String SYNOPSIS get_field() mem MEM_ROOT for allocating field Field for retrieving of string res result String RETURN VALUES 1 string is empty 0 all ok */ bool get_field(MEM_ROOT *mem, Field *field, String *res) { char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], *to; String str(buff,sizeof(buff),&my_charset_bin); uint length; field->val_str(&str); if (!(length= str.length())) return 1; to= strmake_root(mem, str.ptr(), length); res->set(to, length, ((Field_str*)field)->charset()); return 0; } /* Allocate string field in MEM_ROOT and return it as NULL-terminated string SYNOPSIS get_field() mem MEM_ROOT for allocating field Field for retrieving of string RETURN VALUES NullS string is empty # pointer to NULL-terminated string value of field */ char *get_field(MEM_ROOT *mem, Field *field) { char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], *to; String str(buff,sizeof(buff),&my_charset_bin); uint length; field->val_str(&str); length= str.length(); if (!length || !(to= (char*) alloc_root(mem,length+1))) return NullS; memcpy(to,str.ptr(),(uint) length); to[length]=0; return to; } /* Check if database name is valid SYNPOSIS check_db_name() name Name of database NOTES If lower_case_table_names is set then database is converted to lower case RETURN 0 ok 1 error */ bool check_db_name(char *name) { char *start=name; /* Used to catch empty names and names with end space */ bool last_char_is_space= TRUE; if (lower_case_table_names && name != any_db) my_casedn_str(files_charset_info, name); while (*name) { #if defined(USE_MB) && defined(USE_MB_IDENT) last_char_is_space= my_isspace(default_charset_info, *name); if (use_mb(system_charset_info)) { int len=my_ismbchar(system_charset_info, name, name+system_charset_info->mbmaxlen); if (len) { name += len; continue; } } #else last_char_is_space= *name==' '; #endif if (*name == '/' || *name == '\\' || *name == FN_LIBCHAR || *name == FN_EXTCHAR) return 1; name++; } return last_char_is_space || (uint) (name - start) > NAME_LEN; } /* Allow anything as a table name, as long as it doesn't contain an a '/', or a '.' character or ' ' at the end returns 1 on error */ bool check_table_name(const char *name, uint length) { const char *end= name+length; if (!length || length > NAME_LEN) return 1; #if defined(USE_MB) && defined(USE_MB_IDENT) bool last_char_is_space= FALSE; #else if (name[length-1]==' ') return 1; #endif while (name != end) { #if defined(USE_MB) && defined(USE_MB_IDENT) last_char_is_space= my_isspace(default_charset_info, *name); if (use_mb(system_charset_info)) { int len=my_ismbchar(system_charset_info, name, end); if (len) { name += len; continue; } } #endif if (*name == '/' || *name == '\\' || *name == FN_EXTCHAR) return 1; name++; } #if defined(USE_MB) && defined(USE_MB_IDENT) return last_char_is_space; #else return 0; #endif } bool check_column_name(const char *name) { const char *start= name; bool last_char_is_space= TRUE; while (*name) { #if defined(USE_MB) && defined(USE_MB_IDENT) last_char_is_space= my_isspace(default_charset_info, *name); if (use_mb(system_charset_info)) { int len=my_ismbchar(system_charset_info, name, name+system_charset_info->mbmaxlen); if (len) { name += len; continue; } } #else last_char_is_space= *name==' '; #endif if (*name == NAMES_SEP_CHAR) return 1; name++; } /* Error if empty or too long column name */ return last_char_is_space || (uint) (name - start) > NAME_LEN; } /* ** Get type of table from .frm file */ db_type get_table_type(const char *name) { File file; uchar head[4]; int error; DBUG_ENTER("get_table_type"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("name: '%s'",name)); if ((file=my_open(name,O_RDONLY, MYF(0))) < 0) DBUG_RETURN(DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN); error=my_read(file,(byte*) head,4,MYF(MY_NABP)); my_close(file,MYF(0)); if (error || head[0] != (uchar) 254 || head[1] != 1 || (head[2] != FRM_VER && head[2] != FRM_VER+1 && head[2] != FRM_VER+3)) DBUG_RETURN(DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN); DBUG_RETURN(ha_checktype((enum db_type) (uint) *(head+3))); } /* calculate md5 of query SYNOPSIS st_table_list::calc_md5() buffer buffer for md5 writing */ void st_table_list::calc_md5(char *buffer) { my_MD5_CTX context; uchar digest[16]; my_MD5Init(&context); my_MD5Update(&context,(uchar *) query.str, query.length); my_MD5Final(digest, &context); sprintf((char *) buffer, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", digest[0], digest[1], digest[2], digest[3], digest[4], digest[5], digest[6], digest[7], digest[8], digest[9], digest[10], digest[11], digest[12], digest[13], digest[14], digest[15]); } /* set ancestor TABLE for table place holder of VIEW SYNOPSIS st_table_list::set_ancestor() */ void st_table_list::set_ancestor() { if (ancestor->ancestor) ancestor->set_ancestor(); table= ancestor->table; ancestor->table->grant= grant; } /* setup fields of placeholder of merged VIEW SYNOPSIS st_table_list::setup_ancestor() thd - thread handler conds - condition of this JOIN check_opt_type - WHITH CHECK OPTION type (VIEW_CHECK_NONE, VIEW_CHECK_LOCAL, VIEW_CHECK_CASCADED) DESCRIPTION It is: - preparing translation table for view columns (fix_fields() for every call and creation for first call) - preparing WHERE, ON and CHECK OPTION condition (fix_fields() for every call and merging for first call). If there are underlying view(s) procedure first will be called for them. RETURN 0 - OK 1 - error */ bool st_table_list::setup_ancestor(THD *thd, Item **conds, uint8 check_opt_type) { Item **transl; SELECT_LEX *select= &view->select_lex; SELECT_LEX *current_select_save= thd->lex->current_select; Item *item; List_iterator_fast<Item> it(select->item_list); uint i= 0; bool save_set_query_id= thd->set_query_id; bool save_wrapper= thd->lex->select_lex.no_wrap_view_item; bool save_allow_sum_func= thd->allow_sum_func; DBUG_ENTER("st_table_list::setup_ancestor"); if (ancestor->ancestor && ancestor->setup_ancestor(thd, conds, (check_opt_type == VIEW_CHECK_CASCADED ? VIEW_CHECK_CASCADED : VIEW_CHECK_NONE))) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (field_translation) { /* prevent look up in SELECTs tree */ thd->lex->current_select= &thd->lex->select_lex; thd->set_query_id= 1; /* this view was prepared already on previous PS/SP execution */ Item **end= field_translation + select->item_list.elements; for (Item **item= field_translation; item < end; item++) { /* TODO: fix for several tables in VIEW */ uint want_privilege= ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege; /* real rights will be checked in VIEW field */ ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege= 0; /* aggregate function are allowed */ thd->allow_sum_func= 1; if (!(*item)->fixed && (*item)->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, item)) goto err; ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege= want_privilege; } goto ok; } /* view fields translation table */ if (!(transl= (Item**)(thd->current_arena->alloc(select->item_list.elements * sizeof(Item*))))) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* prevent look up in SELECTs tree */ thd->lex->current_select= &thd->lex->select_lex; thd->lex->select_lex.no_wrap_view_item= 1; /* Resolve all view items against ancestor table. TODO: do it only for real used fields "on demand" to mark really used fields correctly. */ thd->set_query_id= 1; while ((item= it++)) { /* TODO: fix for several tables in VIEW */ uint want_privilege= ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege; /* real rights will be checked in VIEW field */ ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege= 0; /* aggregate function are allowed */ thd->allow_sum_func= 1; if (!item->fixed && item->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &item)) goto err; ancestor->table->grant.want_privilege= want_privilege; transl[i++]= item; } field_translation= transl; /* TODO: sort this list? Use hash for big number of fields */ if (where || (check_opt_type == VIEW_CHECK_CASCADED && ancestor->check_option)) { Item_arena *arena= thd->current_arena, backup; TABLE_LIST *tbl= this; if (arena->is_conventional()) arena= 0; // For easier test if (where && !where->fixed && where->fix_fields(thd, ancestor, &where)) goto err; if (arena) thd->set_n_backup_item_arena(arena, &backup); if (check_opt_type) { if (where) check_option= where->copy_andor_structure(thd); if (check_opt_type == VIEW_CHECK_CASCADED) { check_option= and_conds(check_option, ancestor->check_option); } } /* check that it is not VIEW in which we insert with INSERT SELECT (in this case we can't add view WHERE condition to main SELECT_LEX) */ if (where && !no_where_clause) { /* Go up to join tree and try to find left join */ for (; tbl; tbl= tbl->embedding) { if (tbl->outer_join) { /* Store WHERE condition to ON expression for outer join, because we can't use WHERE to correctly execute left joins on VIEWs and this expression will not be moved to WHERE condition (i.e. will be clean correctly for PS/SP) */ tbl->on_expr= and_conds(tbl->on_expr, where); break; } } if (tbl == 0) { if (outer_join) { /* Store WHERE condition to ON expression for outer join, because we can't use WHERE to correctly execute left joins on VIEWs and this expression will not be moved to WHERE condition (i.e. will be clean correctly for PS/SP) */ on_expr= and_conds(on_expr, where); } else { /* It is conds of JOIN, but it will be stored in st_select_lex::prep_where for next reexecution */ *conds= and_conds(*conds, where); } } } if (arena) thd->restore_backup_item_arena(arena, &backup); } /* fix_fields do not need tables, because new are only AND operation and we just need recollect statistics */ if (check_option && !check_option->fixed && check_option->fix_fields(thd, 0, &check_option)) goto err; /* full text function moving to current select */ if (view->select_lex.ftfunc_list->elements) { Item_func_match *ifm; List_iterator_fast<Item_func_match> li(*(view->select_lex.ftfunc_list)); while ((ifm= li++)) current_select_save->ftfunc_list->push_front(ifm); } ok: thd->lex->select_lex.no_wrap_view_item= save_wrapper; thd->lex->current_select= current_select_save; thd->set_query_id= save_set_query_id; thd->allow_sum_func= save_allow_sum_func; DBUG_RETURN(0); err: /* Hide "Unknown column" error */ if (thd->net.last_errno == ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR) { thd->clear_error(); my_error(ER_VIEW_INVALID, MYF(0), view_db.str, view_name.str); } thd->lex->select_lex.no_wrap_view_item= save_wrapper; thd->lex->current_select= current_select_save; thd->set_query_id= save_set_query_id; thd->allow_sum_func= save_allow_sum_func; DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* check CHECK OPTION condition SYNOPSIS check_option() ignore_failure ignore check option fail RETURN VIEW_CHECK_OK OK VIEW_CHECK_ERROR FAILED VIEW_CHECK_SKIP FAILED, but continue */ int st_table_list::view_check_option(THD *thd, bool ignore_failure) { if (check_option && check_option->val_int() == 0) { if (ignore_failure) { push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED, ER(ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED), view_db.str, view_name.str); return(VIEW_CHECK_SKIP); } else { my_error(ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED, MYF(0), view_db.str, view_name.str); return(VIEW_CHECK_ERROR); } } return(VIEW_CHECK_OK); } void Field_iterator_view::set(TABLE_LIST *table) { ptr= table->field_translation; array_end= ptr + table->view->select_lex.item_list.elements; } const char *Field_iterator_table::name() { return (*ptr)->field_name; } Item *Field_iterator_table::item(THD *thd) { return new Item_field(thd, *ptr); } const char *Field_iterator_view::name() { return (*ptr)->name; } /***************************************************************************** ** Instansiate templates *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUC__ template class List<String>; template class List_iterator<String>; #endif