/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <ndb_global.h> #include "Error.hpp" #include "ErrorReporter.hpp" #include "ErrorMessages.hpp" #include <FastScheduler.hpp> #include <DebuggerNames.hpp> #include <NdbHost.h> #include <NdbConfig.h> #include <Configuration.hpp> #include <NdbAutoPtr.hpp> #define MESSAGE_LENGTH 400 const char* errorType[] = { "warning", "error", "fatal", "assert" }; static int WriteMessage(ErrorCategory thrdType, int thrdMessageID, const char* thrdProblemData, const char* thrdObjRef, Uint32 thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex, Uint8 thrdTheEmulatedJam[]); static void dumpJam(FILE* jamStream, Uint32 thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex, Uint8 thrdTheEmulatedJam[]); const char* ErrorReporter::formatTimeStampString(){ TimeModule DateTime; /* To create "theDateTimeString" */ static char theDateTimeString[39]; /* Used to store the generated timestamp */ /* ex: "Wednesday 18 September 2000 - 18:54:37" */ DateTime.setTimeStamp(); BaseString::snprintf(theDateTimeString, 39, "%s %d %s %d - %s:%s:%s", DateTime.getDayName(), DateTime.getDayOfMonth(), DateTime.getMonthName(), DateTime.getYear(), DateTime.getHour(), DateTime.getMinute(), DateTime.getSecond()); return (const char *)&theDateTimeString; } int ErrorReporter::get_trace_no(){ FILE *stream; unsigned int traceFileNo; char *file_name= NdbConfig_NextTraceFileName(globalData.ownId); NdbAutoPtr<char> tmp_aptr(file_name); /* * Read last number from tracefile */ stream = fopen(file_name, "r+"); if (stream == NULL){ traceFileNo = 1; } else { char buf[255]; fgets(buf, 255, stream); const int scan = sscanf(buf, "%u", &traceFileNo); if(scan != 1){ traceFileNo = 1; } fclose(stream); traceFileNo++; } /** * Wrap tracefile no */ Uint32 tmp = globalEmulatorData.theConfiguration->maxNoOfErrorLogs(); if (traceFileNo > tmp ) { traceFileNo = 1; } /** * Save new number to the file */ stream = fopen(file_name, "w"); if(stream != NULL){ fprintf(stream, "%u", traceFileNo); fclose(stream); } return traceFileNo; } void ErrorReporter::formatMessage(ErrorCategory type, int faultID, const char* problemData, const char* objRef, const char* theNameOfTheTraceFile, char* messptr){ int processId; processId = NdbHost_GetProcessId(); BaseString::snprintf(messptr, MESSAGE_LENGTH, "Date/Time: %s\nType of error: %s\n" "Message: %s\nFault ID: %d\nProblem data: %s" "\nObject of reference: %s\nProgramName: %s\n" "ProcessID: %d\nTraceFile: %s\n%s\n***EOM***\n", formatTimeStampString() , errorType[type], lookupErrorMessage(faultID), faultID, (problemData == NULL) ? "" : problemData, objRef, my_progname, processId, theNameOfTheTraceFile ? theNameOfTheTraceFile : "<no tracefile>", NDB_VERSION_STRING); // Add trailing blanks to get a fixed lenght of the message while (strlen(messptr) <= MESSAGE_LENGTH-3){ strcat(messptr, " "); } strcat(messptr, "\n"); return; } NdbShutdownType ErrorReporter::s_errorHandlerShutdownType = NST_ErrorHandler; void ErrorReporter::setErrorHandlerShutdownType(NdbShutdownType nst) { s_errorHandlerShutdownType = nst; } void ErrorReporter::handleAssert(const char* message, const char* file, int line) { char refMessage[100]; #ifdef NO_EMULATED_JAM BaseString::snprintf(refMessage, 100, "file: %s lineNo: %d", file, line); #else const Uint32 blockNumber = theEmulatedJamBlockNumber; const char *blockName = getBlockName(blockNumber); BaseString::snprintf(refMessage, 100, "%s line: %d (block: %s)", file, line, blockName); #endif WriteMessage(assert, ERR_ERROR_PRGERR, message, refMessage, theEmulatedJamIndex, theEmulatedJam); NdbShutdown(s_errorHandlerShutdownType); } void ErrorReporter::handleThreadAssert(const char* message, const char* file, int line) { char refMessage[100]; BaseString::snprintf(refMessage, 100, "file: %s lineNo: %d - %s", file, line, message); NdbShutdown(s_errorHandlerShutdownType); }//ErrorReporter::handleThreadAssert() void ErrorReporter::handleError(ErrorCategory type, int messageID, const char* problemData, const char* objRef, NdbShutdownType nst) { type = ecError; // The value for type is not always set correctly in the calling function. // So, to correct this, we set it set it to the value corresponding to // the function that is called. WriteMessage(type, messageID, problemData, objRef, theEmulatedJamIndex, theEmulatedJam); if(messageID == ERR_ERROR_INSERT){ NdbShutdown(NST_ErrorInsert); } else { if (nst == NST_ErrorHandler) nst = s_errorHandlerShutdownType; NdbShutdown(nst); } } int WriteMessage(ErrorCategory thrdType, int thrdMessageID, const char* thrdProblemData, const char* thrdObjRef, Uint32 thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex, Uint8 thrdTheEmulatedJam[]){ FILE *stream; unsigned offset; unsigned long maxOffset; // Maximum size of file. char theMessage[MESSAGE_LENGTH]; /** * Format trace file name */ char *theTraceFileName= 0; if (globalData.ownId > 0) theTraceFileName= NdbConfig_TraceFileName(globalData.ownId, ErrorReporter::get_trace_no()); NdbAutoPtr<char> tmp_aptr1(theTraceFileName); // The first 69 bytes is info about the current offset Uint32 noMsg = globalEmulatorData.theConfiguration->maxNoOfErrorLogs(); maxOffset = (69 + (noMsg * MESSAGE_LENGTH)); char *theErrorFileName= (char *)NdbConfig_ErrorFileName(globalData.ownId); NdbAutoPtr<char> tmp_aptr2(theErrorFileName); stream = fopen(theErrorFileName, "r+"); if (stream == NULL) { /* If the file could not be opened. */ // Create a new file, and skip the first 69 bytes, // which are info about the current offset stream = fopen(theErrorFileName, "w"); if(stream == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open error log file: %s\n", theErrorFileName); return -1; } fprintf(stream, "%s%u%s", "Current byte-offset of file-pointer is: ", 69, " \n\n\n"); // ...and write the error-message... ErrorReporter::formatMessage(thrdType, thrdMessageID, thrdProblemData, thrdObjRef, theTraceFileName, theMessage); fprintf(stream, "%s", theMessage); fflush(stream); /* ...and finally, at the beginning of the file, store the position where to start writing the next message. */ offset = ftell(stream); // If we have not reached the maximum number of messages... if (offset <= (maxOffset - MESSAGE_LENGTH)){ fseek(stream, 40, SEEK_SET); // ...set the current offset... fprintf(stream,"%d", offset); } else { fseek(stream, 40, SEEK_SET); // ...otherwise, start over from the beginning. fprintf(stream, "%u%s", 69, " "); } } else { // Go to the latest position in the file... fseek(stream, 40, SEEK_SET); fscanf(stream, "%u", &offset); fseek(stream, offset, SEEK_SET); // ...and write the error-message there... ErrorReporter::formatMessage(thrdType, thrdMessageID, thrdProblemData, thrdObjRef, theTraceFileName, theMessage); fprintf(stream, "%s", theMessage); fflush(stream); /* ...and finally, at the beginning of the file, store the position where to start writing the next message. */ offset = ftell(stream); // If we have not reached the maximum number of messages... if (offset <= (maxOffset - MESSAGE_LENGTH)){ fseek(stream, 40, SEEK_SET); // ...set the current offset... fprintf(stream,"%d", offset); } else { fseek(stream, 40, SEEK_SET); // ...otherwise, start over from the beginning. fprintf(stream, "%u%s", 69, " "); } } fflush(stream); fclose(stream); if (theTraceFileName) { // Open the tracefile... FILE *jamStream = fopen(theTraceFileName, "w"); // ...and "dump the jam" there. // ErrorReporter::dumpJam(jamStream); if(thrdTheEmulatedJam != 0){ dumpJam(jamStream, thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex, thrdTheEmulatedJam); } /* Dont print the jobBuffers until a way to copy them, like the other variables, is implemented. Otherwise when NDB keeps running, with this function running in the background, the jobBuffers will change during runtime. And when they're printed here, they will not be correct anymore. */ globalScheduler.dumpSignalMemory(jamStream); fclose(jamStream); } return 0; } void dumpJam(FILE *jamStream, Uint32 thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex, Uint8 thrdTheEmulatedJam[]) { #ifndef NO_EMULATED_JAM // print header const int maxaddr = 8; fprintf(jamStream, "JAM CONTENTS up->down left->right ?=not block entry\n"); fprintf(jamStream, "%-7s ", "BLOCK"); for (int i = 0; i < maxaddr; i++) fprintf(jamStream, "%-6s ", "ADDR"); fprintf(jamStream, "\n"); // treat as array of Uint32 const Uint32 *base = (Uint32 *)thrdTheEmulatedJam; const int first = thrdTheEmulatedJamIndex / sizeof(Uint32); // oldest int cnt, idx; // look for first block entry for (cnt = 0, idx = first; cnt < EMULATED_JAM_SIZE; cnt++, idx++) { if (idx >= EMULATED_JAM_SIZE) idx = 0; const Uint32 aJamEntry = base[idx]; if (aJamEntry > (1 << 20)) break; } // 1. if first entry is a block entry, it is printed in the main loop // 2. else if any block entry exists, the jam starts in an unknown block // 3. else if no block entry exists, the block is theEmulatedJamBlockNumber // a "?" indicates first addr is not a block entry if (cnt == 0) ; else if (cnt < EMULATED_JAM_SIZE) fprintf(jamStream, "%-7s?", ""); else { const Uint32 aBlockNumber = theEmulatedJamBlockNumber; const char *aBlockName = getBlockName(aBlockNumber); if (aBlockName != 0) fprintf(jamStream, "%-7s?", aBlockName); else fprintf(jamStream, "0x%-5X?", aBlockNumber); } // loop over all entries int cntaddr = 0; for (cnt = 0, idx = first; cnt < EMULATED_JAM_SIZE; cnt++, idx++) { globalData.incrementWatchDogCounter(4); // watchdog not to kill us ? if (idx >= EMULATED_JAM_SIZE) idx = 0; const Uint32 aJamEntry = base[idx]; if (aJamEntry > (1 << 20)) { const Uint32 aBlockNumber = aJamEntry >> 20; const char *aBlockName = getBlockName(aBlockNumber); if (cnt > 0) fprintf(jamStream, "\n"); if (aBlockName != 0) fprintf(jamStream, "%-7s ", aBlockName); else fprintf(jamStream, "0x%-5X ", aBlockNumber); cntaddr = 0; } if (cntaddr == maxaddr) { fprintf(jamStream, "\n%-7s ", ""); cntaddr = 0; } fprintf(jamStream, "%06u ", aJamEntry & 0xFFFFF); cntaddr++; } fprintf(jamStream, "\n"); fflush(jamStream); #endif // ifndef NO_EMULATED_JAM }