# Copyright (C) 1979-1998 TcX AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
# This software is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.  No author or
# distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or
# for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or
# she says so in writing.  Refer to the Free Public License (the "License")
# for full details.
# Every copy of this file must include a copy of the License, normally in a
# plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC.	The License grants you the right to
# copy, modify and redistribute this file, but only under certain conditions
# described in the License.  Among other things, the License requires that
# the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all copies. */

# This scripts is started by safe_mysqld. It checks that MySQL is alive and
# working ( = answering to ping).  If not, force mysqld down, check all
# tables and let safe_mysqld restart the server.
# For this to work, you should have procmail installed as the commands
# 'lockfile' and is used to sync with safe_mysqld
# NOTE:  You should only use this script as a last resort if mysqld locks
# up unexpectedly in a critical application and you have to get it to
# work temporarily while waiting for a solution from mysql@tcx.se or
# mysql-support@tcx.se

use POSIX "waitpid";

# Arguments from safe_mysqld

if ($#ARGV != 4)
  print "$0:  Wrong number of arguments. Aborting\n";
  exit 1;

$lock_file=shift;		# File to lock to sync with safe_mysqld
$pid_file=shift;		# Pid file used by mysqld
$bin_dir=shift;			# Directory where mysqladmin is
$test_timeout=shift;		# Time between testing if mysqld is alive
$wait_timeout=shift;		# How long time to wait for ping

$|=1;				# autoflush

# Check that mysqld has started properly

for ($i=1 ; $i < 10 ; $i ++)
  last if (-e $pid_file);
sleep(1);			# If server has just created the file
if (($mysqld_pid=`cat $pid_file`) <= 0)
  print "$0: Error: Invalid pidfile (contains '$mysqld_pid'). Aborting\n";
# Start pinging mysqld

for (;;)
  sleep($test_timeout);		# Time between tests
  `lockfile $lock_file > /dev/null 2>&1`;	# Sync with safe_mysqld
  if (($pid=fork()) == 0)
    exit(int(system("$bin_dir/mysqladmin -w status > /dev/null")/256));
  for ($i=0; ($res=waitpid(-1,&POSIX::WNOHANG)) == 0 && $i < $wait_timeout ; $i++)
  if ($res == 0)
    print "$0: Warning: mysqld hanged;  Killing it so that safe_mysqld can restart it!\n";
    $mysqld_pid= `cat $pid_file`;
    if ($mysqld_pid <= 0)
      print "$0: Error: Invalid pidfile (contains '$mysqld_pid'). Aborting\n";
      system("rm -f $lock_file");
      exit 1;
    print "$0: Sending signal 15 to $mysqld_pid\n";
    kill(-15, $pid,$mysqld_pid); # Give it a last change to die nicely
    for ($i=0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) { sleep(1); } # Wait 5 seconds (signal safe)
    if (kill(0,$pid,$mysqld_pid) != 0)
      print "$0: Sending signal 9 to $mysqld_pid\n";
      kill(-9,$pid,$mysqld_pid);	# No time to be nice anymore
      sleep(2);				# Give system time to clean up
      if (kill(0,$mysqld_pid) != 0)
	print "$0: Warning: mysqld don't want to die. Aborting\n";
	system("rm -f $lock_file");
	exit 1;
    # safe_mysqld will not restart mysqld if the pid file doesn't exists
    system("rm $pid_file");
    system("touch $pid_file");
  elsif ($res == -1)
    print "$0: Error: waitpid returned $res when wating for pid $pid\nPlease verify that $0 is correct for your system\n";
    system("rm -f $lock_file");
    exit 1;
    if ($exit_code != 0)
      print "$0: Warning: mysqladmin returned exit code $exit_code\n";
      #print "mysqld is alive and feeling well\n";
  system("rm -f $lock_file");		# safemysqld will now take over