stop slave; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; reset master; reset slave; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9; start slave; reset master; create table t1(n char(30)); set @i1:=12345678901234, @i2:=-12345678901234, @i3:=0, @i4:=-1; set @s1:='This is a test', @r1:=12.5, @r2:=-12.5; set @n1:=null; set @s2:='', @s3:='abc\'def', @s4:= 'abc\\def', @s5:= 'abc''def'; insert into t1 values (@i1), (@i2), (@i3), (@i4); insert into t1 values (@r1), (@r2); insert into t1 values (@s1), (@s2), (@s3), (@s4), (@s5); insert into t1 values (@n1); insert into t1 values (@n2); insert into t1 values (@a:=0), (@a:=@a+1), (@a:=@a+1); insert into t1 values (@a+(@b:=@a+1)); set @q:='abc'; insert t1 values (@q), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n1')), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n2')); set @a:=5; insert into t1 values (@a),(@a); select * from t1 where n = '<nonexistant>'; n insert into t1 values (@a),(@a),(@a*5); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; n NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -1 -12.5 -12345678901234 0 0 1 12.5 12345678901234 2 5 5 5 abc abc'def abc'def abcn1 abcn1n2 abc\def This is a test SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY n; n NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL -1 -12.5 -12345678901234 0 0 1 12.5 12345678901234 2 5 5 5 abc abc'def abc'def abcn1 abcn1n2 abc\def This is a test insert into t1 select * FROM (select @var1 union select @var2) AS t2; drop table t1; End of 4.1 tests. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t20; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t21; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.insert; CREATE TABLE t20 (a VARCHAR(20)); CREATE TABLE t21 (a VARCHAR(20)); CREATE PROCEDURE test.insert() BEGIN IF (@VAR) THEN INSERT INTO test.t20 VALUES ('SP_TRUE'); ELSE INSERT INTO test.t20 VALUES ('SP_FALSE'); END IF; END| CREATE TRIGGER test.insert_bi BEFORE INSERT ON test.t20 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (@VAR) THEN INSERT INTO test.t21 VALUES ('TRIG_TRUE'); ELSE INSERT INTO test.t21 VALUES ('TRIG_FALSE'); END IF; END| SET @VAR=0; CALL test.insert(); SET @VAR=1; CALL test.insert(); On master: Check the tables for correct data SELECT * FROM t20; a SP_FALSE SP_TRUE SELECT * FROM t21; a TRIG_FALSE TRIG_TRUE On slave: Check the tables for correct data and it matches master SELECT * FROM t20; a SP_FALSE SP_TRUE SELECT * FROM t21; a TRIG_FALSE TRIG_TRUE DROP TABLE t20; DROP TABLE t21; DROP PROCEDURE test.insert; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS test.square; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE FUNCTION test.square() RETURNS INTEGER DETERMINISTIC RETURN (@var * @var); SET @var = 1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (square()); SET @var = 2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (square()); SET @var = 3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (square()); SET @var = 4; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (square()); SET @var = 5; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (square()); On master: Retrieve the values from the table SELECT * FROM t1; i 1 4 9 16 25 On slave: Retrieve the values from the table and verify they are the same as on master SELECT * FROM t1; i 1 4 9 16 25 DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION test.square; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f2; CREATE TABLE t1(a int); CREATE FUNCTION f1() returns int deterministic BEGIN return @a; END | CREATE FUNCTION f2() returns int deterministic BEGIN IF (@b > 0) then SET @c = (@a + @b); else SET @c = (@a - 1); END if; return @c; END | SET @a=500; INSERT INTO t1 values(f1()); SET @b = 125; SET @c = 1; INSERT INTO t1 values(f2()); On master: Retrieve the values from the table SELECT * from t1; a 500 625 On slave: Check the tables for correct data and it matches master SELECT * from t1; a 500 625 DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP FUNCTION f2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (i int); CREATE TABLE t2 (k int); CREATE trigger t1_bi before INSERT on t1 for each row BEGIN INSERT INTO t2 values (@a); SET @a:=42; INSERT INTO t2 values (@a); END | SET @a:=100; INSERT INTO t1 values (5); On master: Check to see that data was inserted correctly in both tables SELECT * from t1; i 5 SELECT * from t2; k 100 42 On slave: Check the tables for correct data and it matches master SELECT * from t1; i 5 SELECT * from t2; k 100 42 drop table t1, t2; create table t1(a int, b int); prepare s1 from 'insert into t1 values (@x:=@x+1, ?)'; set @x=1; execute s1 using @x; select * from t1; a b 2 1 select * from t1; a b 2 1 drop table t1; End of 5.0 tests. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f2; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INT RETURN @a; CREATE FUNCTION f2() RETURNS INT BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10 + @a); RETURN 0; END| SET @a:=123; SELECT f1(), f2(); f1() f2() 123 0 On master: Check to see that data was inserted correctly INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(f1()); SELECT * FROM t1; i 133 123 On slave: Check the table for correct data and it matches master SELECT * FROM t1; i 133 123 DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP FUNCTION f2; DROP TABLE t1; stop slave;