#  List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarily.
#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
#    <testcasename> : BUG#<xxxx> <date disabled> <disabler> <comment>
#  Do not use any TAB characters for whitespace.

rpl_ndb_2innodb          : BUG#19227 2006-04-20 pekka pk delete apparently not replicated
rpl_ndb_2myisam          : BUG#19227 Seems to pass currently
rpl_ndb_2other           : BUG#21842 2007-08-30 tsmith test has never worked on bigendian (sol10-sparc-a, powermacg5
rpl_ndb_dd_partitions    : BUG#19259 2006-04-21 rpl_ndb_dd_partitions fails on s/AMD
rpl_ndb_ddl              : BUG#28798 2007-05-31  lars  Valgrind failure in NDB
rpl_ndb_mix_innodb       : BUG#28123 rpl_ndb_mix_innodb.test casue slave to core on sol10-sparc-a
rpl_ndb_ctype_ucs2_def   : BUG#27404 util thd mysql_parse sig11 when mysqld default multibyte charset

# the below testcase have been reworked to avoid the bug, test contains comment, keep bug open

#rpl_ndb_dd_advance	 : Bug#25913 rpl_ndb_dd_advance fails randomly