/* asn.hpp                                
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.
 * This file is part of yaSSL.
 * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

/* asn.hpp provides ASN1 BER, PublicKey, and x509v3 decoding 


#include "misc.hpp"
#include "block.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"

namespace TaoCrypt {

// these tags and flags are not complete
enum ASNTag
    BOOLEAN             = 0x01,
    INTEGER             = 0x02,
    BIT_STRING          = 0x03,
    OCTET_STRING        = 0x04,
    TAG_NULL            = 0x05,
    EXTERNAL            = 0x08,
    REAL                = 0x09,
    ENUMERATED          = 0x0a,
    UTF8_STRING         = 0x0c,
    SEQUENCE            = 0x10,
    SET                 = 0x11,
    NUMERIC_STRING      = 0x12,
    PRINTABLE_STRING    = 0x13,
    T61_STRING          = 0x14,
    VIDEOTEXT_STRING    = 0x15,
    IA5_STRING          = 0x16,
    UTC_TIME            = 0x17,
    GENERALIZED_TIME    = 0x18,
    GRAPHIC_STRING      = 0x19,
    VISIBLE_STRING      = 0x1a,
    GENERAL_STRING      = 0x1b,
    LONG_LENGTH         = 0x80

enum ASNIdFlag
    UNIVERSAL           = 0x00,
    DATA                = 0x01,
    HEADER              = 0x02,
    CONSTRUCTED         = 0x20,
    APPLICATION         = 0x40,
    CONTEXT_SPECIFIC    = 0x80,
    PRIVATE             = 0xc0

enum DNTags
    COMMON_NAME         = 0x03,  // CN
    SUR_NAME            = 0x04,  // SN
    COUNTRY_NAME        = 0x06,  // C
    LOCALITY_NAME       = 0x07,  // L
    STATE_NAME          = 0x08,  // ST
    ORG_NAME            = 0x0a,  // O
    ORGUNIT_NAME        = 0x0b   // OU

enum Constants
    MIN_DATE_SZ   = 13,
    MAX_DATE_SZ   = 16,
    MAX_ALGO_SZ   = 16,
    MAX_LENGTH_SZ =  5,    
    MAX_SEQ_SZ    =  5,    // enum(seq|con) + length(4)
    MAX_ALGO_SIZE =  9,
    MAX_DIGEST_SZ = 25,    // SHA + enum(Bit or Octet) + length(4)
    DSA_SIG_SZ    = 40,
    NAME_MAX      = 512    // max total of all included names

class Source;
class RSA_PublicKey;
class RSA_PrivateKey;
class DSA_PublicKey;
class DSA_PrivateKey;
class Integer;
class DH;

// General BER decoding
class BER_Decoder : public virtual_base {
    Source& source_;
    explicit BER_Decoder(Source& s) : source_(s) {}
    virtual ~BER_Decoder() {}

    Integer& GetInteger(Integer&);
    word32   GetSequence();
    word32   GetSet();
    word32   GetVersion();
    word32   GetExplicitVersion();

    Error GetError();
    virtual void ReadHeader() = 0;

    BER_Decoder(const BER_Decoder&);            // hide copy
    BER_Decoder& operator=(const BER_Decoder&); // and assign

// RSA Private Key BER Decoder
class RSA_Private_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
    explicit RSA_Private_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
    void Decode(RSA_PrivateKey&);
    void ReadHeader();

// RSA Public Key BER Decoder
class RSA_Public_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
    explicit RSA_Public_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
    void Decode(RSA_PublicKey&);
    void ReadHeader();

// DSA Private Key BER Decoder
class DSA_Private_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
    explicit DSA_Private_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
    void Decode(DSA_PrivateKey&);
    void ReadHeader();

// DSA Public Key BER Decoder
class DSA_Public_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
    explicit DSA_Public_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
    void Decode(DSA_PublicKey&);
    void ReadHeader();

// DH Key BER Decoder
class DH_Decoder : public BER_Decoder {
    explicit DH_Decoder(Source& s) : BER_Decoder(s) {}
    void Decode(DH&);
    void ReadHeader();

// General PublicKey
class PublicKey {
    byte*  key_;
    word32 sz_;
    explicit PublicKey(const byte* k = 0, word32 s = 0);
    ~PublicKey() { tcArrayDelete(key_); }

    const byte* GetKey() const { return key_; }
    word32      size()   const { return sz_; }

    void SetKey(const byte*);
    void SetSize(word32 s);

    void AddToEnd(const byte*, word32);
    PublicKey(const PublicKey&);            // hide copy
    PublicKey& operator=(const PublicKey&); // and assign

enum { SHA_SIZE = 20 };

// A Signing Authority
class Signer {
    PublicKey key_;
    char      name_[NAME_MAX];
    byte      hash_[SHA_SIZE];
    Signer(const byte* k, word32 kSz, const char* n, const byte* h);

    const PublicKey& GetPublicKey()  const { return key_; }
    const char*      GetName()       const { return name_; }
    const byte*      GetHash()       const { return hash_; }

    Signer(const Signer&);              // hide copy
    Signer& operator=(const Signer&);   // and assign

typedef mySTL::list<Signer*> SignerList;

enum SigType  { SHAwDSA = 517, MD2wRSA = 646, MD5wRSA = 648, SHAwRSA =649};
enum HashType { MD2h = 646, MD5h = 649, SHAh = 88 };
enum KeyType  { DSAk = 515, RSAk = 645 };     // sums of algo OID

// an x509v Certificate BER Decoder
class CertDecoder : public BER_Decoder {
    enum DateType { BEFORE, AFTER };   
    enum NameType { ISSUER, SUBJECT };
    enum CertType { CA, USER };

    explicit CertDecoder(Source&, bool decode = true, SignerList* sl = 0,
                         bool noVerify = false, CertType ct = USER);

    const PublicKey& GetPublicKey()  const { return key_; }
    KeyType          GetKeyType()    const { return KeyType(keyOID_); }
    const char*      GetIssuer()     const { return issuer_; }
    const char*      GetCommonName() const { return subject_; }
    const byte*      GetHash()       const { return subjectHash_; }
    const char*      GetBeforeDate() const { return beforeDate_; }
    const char*      GetAfterDate()  const { return afterDate_; }

    void DecodeToKey();
    PublicKey key_;
    word32    certBegin_;               // offset to start of cert
    word32    sigIndex_;                // offset to start of signature
    word32    sigLength_;               // length of signature
    word32    signatureOID_;            // sum of algorithm object id
    word32    keyOID_;                  // sum of key algo  object id
    byte      subjectHash_[SHA_SIZE];   // hash of all Names
    byte      issuerHash_[SHA_SIZE];    // hash of all Names
    byte*     signature_;
    char      issuer_[NAME_MAX];        // Names
    char      subject_[NAME_MAX];       // Names
    char      beforeDate_[MAX_DATE_SZ]; // valid before date
    char      afterDate_[MAX_DATE_SZ];  // valid after date
    bool      verify_;                  // Default to yes, but could be off

    void   ReadHeader();
    void   Decode(SignerList*, CertType);
    void   StoreKey();
    void   AddDSA();
    bool   ValidateSelfSignature();
    bool   ValidateSignature(SignerList*);
    bool   ConfirmSignature(Source&);
    void   GetKey();
    void   GetName(NameType);
    void   GetValidity();
    void   GetDate(DateType);
    void   GetCompareHash(const byte*, word32, byte*, word32);
    word32 GetAlgoId();
    word32 GetSignature();
    word32 GetDigest();

word32 GetLength(Source&);

word32 SetLength(word32, byte*);
word32 SetSequence(word32, byte*);

word32 EncodeDSA_Signature(const byte* signature, byte* output);
word32 EncodeDSA_Signature(const Integer& r, const Integer& s, byte* output);
word32 DecodeDSA_Signature(byte* decoded, const byte* encoded, word32 sz);

// General DER encoding
class DER_Encoder : public virtual_base {
    DER_Encoder() {}
    virtual ~DER_Encoder() {}

    word32 SetAlgoID(HashType, byte*);

    Error  GetError() const { return error_; }
    //virtual void WriteHeader() = 0;
    Error error_;

    DER_Encoder(const DER_Encoder&);            // hide copy
    DER_Encoder& operator=(const DER_Encoder&); // and assign

class Signature_Encoder : public DER_Encoder {
    const byte* digest_;
    word32      digestSz_;
    SigType     digestOID_;
    explicit Signature_Encoder(const byte*, word32, HashType, Source&);

    void   WriteHeader();
    word32 SetDigest(const byte*, word32, byte*);

    Signature_Encoder(const Signature_Encoder&);            // hide copy
    Signature_Encoder& operator=(const Signature_Encoder&); // and assign

} // namespace