/************************************************************************ Test for the B-tree (c) 1994-1997 Innobase Oy Created 2/16/1996 Heikki Tuuri *************************************************************************/ #include "os0proc.h" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "ut0mem.h" #include "mem0mem.h" #include "mem0pool.h" #include "data0data.h" #include "data0type.h" #include "dict0dict.h" #include "buf0buf.h" #include "os0file.h" #include "os0thread.h" #include "fil0fil.h" #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "rem0rec.h" #include "rem0cmp.h" #include "mtr0mtr.h" #include "log0log.h" #include "log0recv.h" #include "page0page.h" #include "page0cur.h" #include "trx0trx.h" #include "dict0boot.h" #include "trx0sys.h" #include "dict0crea.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "btr0pcur.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "rem0rec.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "que0que.h" #include "com0com.h" #include "usr0sess.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "trx0roll.h" #include "trx0purge.h" #include "row0ins.h" #include "row0upd.h" #include "row0row.h" #include "row0del.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" os_file_t files[1000]; mutex_t ios_mutex; ulint ios; ulint n[10]; mutex_t incs_mutex; ulint incs; byte bigbuf[1000000]; #define N_SPACES 3 /* must be >= 2 */ #define N_FILES 1 #define FILE_SIZE 512 /* must be > 512 */ #define POOL_SIZE 1000 #define IBUF_SIZE 200 #define COUNTER_OFFSET 1500 #define N_LOG_GROUPS 2 #define N_LOG_FILES 3 #define LOG_FILE_SIZE 500 #define LOOP_SIZE 150 #define N_THREADS 5 #define COUNT 1 ulint zero = 0; buf_block_t* bl_arr[POOL_SIZE]; ulint dummy = 0; /************************************************************************ Io-handler thread function. */ ulint handler_thread( /*===========*/ void* arg) { ulint segment; ulint i; segment = *((ulint*)arg); printf("Io handler thread %lu starts\n", segment); for (i = 0;; i++) { fil_aio_wait(segment); mutex_enter(&ios_mutex); ios++; mutex_exit(&ios_mutex); } return(0); } /************************************************************************* Creates or opens the log files. */ void create_log_files(void) /*==================*/ { bool ret; ulint i, k; char name[20]; printf("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Create or open log files\n"); strcpy(name, "logfile00"); for (k = 0; k < N_LOG_GROUPS; k++) { for (i = 0; i < N_LOG_FILES; i++) { name[6] = (char)((ulint)'0' + k); name[7] = (char)((ulint)'0' + i); files[i] = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_AIO, &ret); if (ret == FALSE) { ut_a(os_file_get_last_error() == OS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS); files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_AIO, &ret); ut_a(ret); } else { ut_a(os_file_set_size(files[i], 8192 * LOG_FILE_SIZE, 0)); } ret = os_file_close(files[i]); ut_a(ret); if (i == 0) { fil_space_create(name, k + 100, FIL_LOG); } ut_a(fil_validate()); fil_node_create(name, LOG_FILE_SIZE, k + 100); } fil_space_create(name, k + 200, FIL_LOG); log_group_init(k, N_LOG_FILES, LOG_FILE_SIZE * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, k + 100, k + 200); } } /************************************************************************* Creates the files for the file system test and inserts them to the file system. */ void create_files(void) /*==============*/ { bool ret; ulint i, k; char name[20]; os_thread_t thr[10]; os_thread_id_t id[10]; printf("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Create or open database files\n"); strcpy(name, "tsfile00"); for (k = 0; k < 2 * N_SPACES; k += 2) { for (i = 0; i < N_FILES; i++) { name[6] = (char)((ulint)'0' + k); name[7] = (char)((ulint)'0' + i); files[i] = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_AIO, &ret); if (ret == FALSE) { ut_a(os_file_get_last_error() == OS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS); files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_AIO, &ret); ut_a(ret); } else { if (k == 1) { ut_a(os_file_set_size(files[i], 8192 * IBUF_SIZE, 0)); } else { ut_a(os_file_set_size(files[i], 8192 * FILE_SIZE, 0)); } } ret = os_file_close(files[i]); ut_a(ret); if (i == 0) { fil_space_create(name, k, FIL_TABLESPACE); } ut_a(fil_validate()); fil_node_create(name, FILE_SIZE, k); } } ios = 0; mutex_create(&ios_mutex); mutex_set_level(&ios_mutex, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { n[i] = i; thr[i] = os_thread_create(handler_thread, n + i, id + i); } } /********************************************************************* Test for table creation. */ ulint test1( /*==*/ void* arg) { sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 1. CREATE TABLE WITH 3 COLUMNS AND WITH 3 INDEXES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); table = dict_mem_table_create("TS_TABLE1", 0, 3); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL1", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL2", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL3", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); /*------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE TABLE */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = tab_create_graph_create(fork, thr, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_TABLES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_COLUMNS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE1", "IND1", 0, DICT_UNIQUE | DICT_CLUSTERED, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL1", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE SECONDARY INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE1", "IND2", 0, 0, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL2", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE ANOTHER SECONDARY INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE1", "IND3", 0, 0, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL2", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); #ifdef notdefined /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE YET ANOTHER SECONDARY INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE1", "IND4", 0, 0, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL2", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); #endif /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Another test for table creation. */ ulint test1_5( /*====*/ void* arg) { sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 1.5. CREATE TABLE WITH 3 COLUMNS AND WITH 1 INDEX\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); table = dict_mem_table_create("TS_TABLE2", 0, 3); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL1", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL2", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL3", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); /*------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE TABLE */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = tab_create_graph_create(fork, thr, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_TABLES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_COLUMNS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE2", "IND1", 0, DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL1", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Another test for table creation. */ ulint test1_6( /*====*/ void* arg) { sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 1.6. CREATE TABLE WITH 3 COLUMNS AND WITH 1 INDEX\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); table = dict_mem_table_create("TS_TABLE3", 0, 3); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL1", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL2", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL3", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); /*------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE TABLE */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = tab_create_graph_create(fork, thr, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_TABLES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_COLUMNS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE3", "IND1", 0, DICT_CLUSTERED, 2); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL1", 0); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL2", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Another test for table creation. */ ulint test1_7( /*====*/ void* arg) { sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 1.7. CREATE TABLE WITH 12 COLUMNS AND WITH 1 INDEX\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); table = dict_mem_table_create("TS_TABLE4", 0, 12); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL1", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL2", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 10, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL3", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL4", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL5", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL6", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL7", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL8", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL9", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL10", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL11", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "COL12", DATA_VARCHAR, DATA_ENGLISH, 100, 0); /*------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE TABLE */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = tab_create_graph_create(fork, thr, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_TABLES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_COLUMNS"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX */ index = dict_mem_index_create("TS_TABLE4", "IND1", 0, DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, "COL1", 0); ut_a(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = ind_create_graph_create(fork, thr, index, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_FIELDS"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for inserts. */ ulint test2( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; dict_index_t* index; /* ulint size; */ dtuple_t* entry; btr_pcur_t pcur; mtr_t mtr; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2. MASSIVE INSERT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); btr_search_print_info(); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE RANDOM INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { rnd = (rnd + 7857641) % 200000; dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_RND30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); if (i % 1000 == 0) { printf( "********************************Inserted %lu rows\n", i); ibuf_print(); } } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { size = ibuf_contract(TRUE); printf("%lu bytes will be contracted\n", size); os_thread_sleep(1000000); } */ index = dict_table_get_next_index(dict_table_get_first_index(table)); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_validate_tree(tree); index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_validate_tree(tree); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ btr_search_print_info(); /* Check inserted entries */ rnd = 0; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { rnd = (rnd + 7857641) % 200000; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, rnd, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); } btr_validate_tree(tree); /* btr_print_tree(tree, 5); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(1000000); btr_validate_tree(tree); /* btr_search_print_info(); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ #ifdef notdefined /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } mem_heap_free(heap); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Another test for inserts. */ ulint test2_1( /*====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; byte buf[100]; ins_node_t* node; ulint count = 0; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; /* dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; dtuple_t* entry; btr_pcur_t pcur; mtr_t mtr; */ printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2.1. MASSIVE ASCENDING INSERT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; rnd = 0; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_RND3500, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); if (i % 5000 == 0) { /* ibuf_print(); */ /* buf_print(); */ /* buf_print_io(); */ tm = ut_clock(); /* printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); */ } rnd = rnd + 1; } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); #ifdef notdefined /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ ibuf_print(); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); btr_search_index_print_info(index); btr_validate_tree(dict_index_get_tree(index)); index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); btr_search_index_print_info(index); btr_validate_tree(dict_index_get_tree(index)); index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); btr_search_index_print_info(index); btr_validate_tree(dict_index_get_tree(index)); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ /* Check inserted entries */ btr_search_print_info(); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { ut_a(btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, i, buf); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); } ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); #endif #ifdef notdefined /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ /* btr_validate_tree(tree); */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(1000000); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); btr_search_print_info(); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; /* btr_validate_tree(tree); */ if (count < 5) { goto loop; } mem_heap_free(heap); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Another test for inserts. */ ulint test2_2( /*====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; btr_pcur_t pcur; mtr_t mtr; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2.2. MASSIVE DESCENDING INSERT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = *((ulint*)arg) + 1; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { rnd = (rnd - 1) % 200000; dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); if (i % 1000 == 0) { /* printf( "********************************Inserted %lu rows\n", i); ibuf_print(); */ } } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* Check inserted entries */ entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { ut_a(btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, i + 1, buf); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); } ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); btr_validate_tree(tree); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(1000000); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); /*-------------------------------------*/ #ifdef notdefined /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } btr_validate_tree(tree); mem_heap_free(heap); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Multithreaded test for random inserts. */ ulint test2mt( /*====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2MT. MULTITHREADED RANDOM INSERT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 78675; loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { if (i % 100 == 0) { /* buf_print(); */ /* ibuf_print(); */ } rnd = (rnd + 7857641) % 500; dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(3000000); /*-------------------------------------*/ #ifdef notdefined /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < COUNT) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for multithreaded sequential inserts. */ ulint test2_1mt( /*======*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2.1MT. MULTITHREADED ASCENDING INSERT\n"); rnd = 8757677; heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); rnd += 98667501; for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { rnd = (rnd + 1) % 500; dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(3000000); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /*-------------------------------------*/ #ifdef notdefined /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < COUNT) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for multithreaded sequential inserts. */ ulint test2_2mt( /*======*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 2.2MT. MULTITHREADED DESCENDING INSERT\n"); rnd = 87677; heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* MASSIVE INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); rnd += 78667; for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { rnd = (rnd - 1) % 500; dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, rnd, DTUPLE_TEST_RND30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(3000000); /*-------------------------------------*/ #ifdef notdefined /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); #endif /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; mem_print_info(); if (count < COUNT) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for updates. */ ulint test3( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; byte* ptr; ulint len; ulint err; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 3. UPDATES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); thr->child = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, i, DTUPLE_TEST_RND30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* UPDATE ROWS */ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); update = upd_create(1, heap); node = upd_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = 0; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, 1, DTUPLE_TEST_RND30, buf); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 2); dfield_copy(dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0), dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 0)); dfield_copy(dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 1), dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 1)); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 2, table); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "updated field", 14); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); mtr_start(&mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_restore_position(BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr)); ptr = rec_get_nth_field(btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), 5, &len); ut_a(ut_memcmp(ptr, "updated field", 14) == 0); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 0, table); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "31415926", 9); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ #ifdef notdefined fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ #endif dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Init for update test. */ ulint test4_1(void) /*=========*/ { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 4.1. UPDATE INIT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); thr->child = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, i, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); return(0); } /************************************************************************* Checks that the multithreaded update test has rolled back its updates. */ void test4_2(void) /*=========*/ { dtuple_t* entry; mem_heap_t* heap; mem_heap_t* heap2; mtr_t mtr; byte buf[32]; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; dtuple_t* row; btr_pcur_t pcur; rec_t* rec; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 4.2. CHECK UPDATE RESULT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*------------------------------------------*/ table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_before_first_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { ut_a(btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, i, buf); rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, rec)); heap2 = mem_heap_create(200); row = row_build(ROW_COPY_DATA, index, rec, heap2); ut_a(30 == dfield_get_len(dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 2))); ut_a(0 == ut_memcmp( dfield_get_data(dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 2)), "12345678901234567890123456789", 30)); mem_heap_free(heap2); } ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /********************************************************************* Test for massive updates. */ ulint test4mt( /*====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; byte buf2[4000]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 4. MULTITHREADED UPDATES\n"); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: /*-------------------------------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); update = upd_create(1, heap); node = upd_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = 0; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 87607651; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 300; i++) { rnd += 874681; tuple_no = (rnd % 40) * 5 + thr_no; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); /* printf("Thread %lu to update row %lu\n", thr_no, tuple_no); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 2, table); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), buf2, rnd % 3000); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /* for (i = ... */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); lock_validate(); /* lock_print_info(); */ /* mem_print_info(); */ mem_pool_print_info(mem_comm_pool); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(2000000); btr_validate_tree(tree); ut_a(trx->conc_state != TRX_ACTIVE); ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->trx_locks) == 0); count++; if (count < 2) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for join. */ ulint test6( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; dtuple_t* entry; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; btr_pcur_t pcur; btr_pcur_t pcur2; mtr_t mtr; mtr_t mtr2; ulint rnd; ulint latch_mode; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 6. MASSIVE EQUIJOIN\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: /*--------------*/ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); /*--------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /* Check inserted entries */ entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, 0, buf); mtr_start(&mtr); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); oldtm = ut_clock(); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_L, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IS, thr)); rnd = 98651; for (i = 0; i < *((ulint*)arg); i++) { ut_a(btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_clust_rec_cons_read_check( btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index)); btr_pcur_commit_specify_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); if (i % 1211 == 0) { dummy++; } rnd = 55321; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, rnd % *((ulint*)arg), buf); /* if (i == 0) { */ latch_mode = BTR_SEARCH_LEAF; /* } else { latch_mode = BTR_SEARCH_LEAF | BTR_GUESS_LATCH; } */ mtr_start(&mtr2); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, latch_mode, &pcur2, &mtr2); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_clust_rec_cons_read_check( btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur2), index)); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur2))); mtr_commit(&mtr2); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_restore_position(BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); } ut_a(!btr_pcur_move_to_next(&pcur, &mtr)); ut_a(btr_pcur_is_after_last_in_tree(&pcur, &mtr)); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for join of %lu rows %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); btr_search_index_print_info(index); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); /* printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; /* btr_validate_tree(tree); */ if (count < 3) { goto loop; } mem_heap_free(heap); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for lock wait. Requires Test 4.1 first. */ ulint test7( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; trx_t* trx2; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; byte buf2[4000]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 7. LOCK WAIT\n"); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx2 = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* UPDATE by trx */ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); ut_a(trx_start(trx2, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); update = upd_create(1, heap); node = upd_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = 0; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 87607651; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 2); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); rnd += 874681; tuple_no = 3; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 2, table); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), buf2, rnd % 1500); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); lock_validate(); lock_print_info(); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT by trx2 */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx2; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx2); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); thr->child = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx2->sess); trx2->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, 2, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); /* Insert should be left to wait until trx releases the row lock */ que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); lock_validate(); lock_print_info(); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT of trx */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); /*-------------------------------------*/ os_thread_sleep(1000000); printf( "trx2 can now continue to do the insert, after trx committed.\n"); printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); lock_validate(); lock_print_info(); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Inserts for TPC-A. */ ulint test8A( /*===*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; btr_pcur_t pcur; mtr_t mtr; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 8A. 1000 INSERTS FOR TPC-A\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); btr_search_print_info(); /*-------------------------------------*/ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE2", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple_TPC_A(row, rnd, buf); rnd = rnd + 1; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_validate_tree(tree); /* Check inserted entries */ rnd = 0; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { dtuple_gen_search_tuple_TPC_A(entry, rnd, buf); rnd = rnd + 1; index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); } btr_validate_tree(tree); /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE2"); */ mem_heap_free(heap); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for TPC-A transaction. */ ulint test8( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork1; que_fork_t* fork2; que_fork_t* cfork; dict_table_t* table; dict_table_t* table2; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; dtuple_t* row; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ins_node_t* inode; ulint rnd = 0; arg = arg; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 8. TPC-A %lu \n", *((ulint*)arg)); oldtm = ut_clock(); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-----------------------------------*/ fork1 = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork1->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork1, fork1, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE3", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); inode = ins_node_create(fork1, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = inode; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(inode->row, inode->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(inode->row, inode->table, trx); inode->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork1, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork1; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); fork2 = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork2->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork2, fork2, heap); table2 = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE2", trx); update = upd_create(1, heap); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table2); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dfield_copy(dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0), dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 0)); node = upd_node_create(fork2, thr, table2, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = UPD_NODE_NO_ORD_CHANGE | UPD_NODE_NO_SIZE_CHANGE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork2, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork2; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); cfork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); cfork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(cfork, cfork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(cfork, thr, heap); oldtm = ut_clock(); loop: /* printf("Round %lu\n", count); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT */ /* printf("Trx %lu %lu starts, thr %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), (ulint)trx, *((ulint*)arg)); */ dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, count, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); ins_node_reset(inode); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(fork1, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* 3 UPDATES */ ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table2, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rnd += 876751; if (count % 1231 == 0) { dummy++; } dtuple_gen_search_tuple_TPC_A(entry, rnd % 1000, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table2); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_MODIFY_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); /* ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); */ /* btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "1234", 5); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(fork2, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /* for (i = ... */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(cfork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); count++; if (count < *((ulint*)arg)) { ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); goto loop; } /* printf("Trx %lu %lu committed\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), (ulint)trx); */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for TPC-A %lu trxs %lu milliseconds\n", count, tm - oldtm); btr_search_index_print_info(index); btr_search_index_print_info(dict_table_get_first_index(table)); /* mem_print_info(); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE2"); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE3"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Inserts for TPC-C. */ ulint test9A( /*===*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; ins_node_t* node; /* dtuple_t* entry; btr_pcur_t pcur; mtr_t mtr; dict_index_t* index; dict_tree_t* tree; */ UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 9A. INSERTS FOR TPC-C\n"); #define TPC_C_TABLE_SIZE 15000 heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); btr_search_print_info(); /*-------------------------------------*/ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE4", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 12 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); node = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = node; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(node->row, node->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(node->row, node->table, trx); node->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < TPC_C_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple_TPC_C(row, rnd, buf); rnd = rnd + 1; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); #ifdef notdefined index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_validate_tree(tree); /* Check inserted entries */ rnd = 0; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); for (i = 0; i < TPC_C_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { dtuple_gen_search_tuple_TPC_C(entry, rnd, buf); rnd = rnd + 1; index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); mtr_commit(&mtr); } btr_validate_tree(tree); #endif /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE4"); */ /* mem_heap_free(heap); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for TPC-C transaction. Test 9A must be run first to populate table. */ ulint test9( /*==*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork1; que_fork_t* fork2; que_fork_t* cfork; dict_table_t* table; dict_table_t* table2; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint j; ulint i; byte* ptr; ulint len; dtuple_t* row; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ins_node_t* inode; ulint rnd = 0; byte buf2[240]; rec_t* rec; arg = arg; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 9. TPC-C %lu \n", *((ulint*)arg)); oldtm = ut_clock(); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-----------------------------------*/ fork1 = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork1->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork1, fork1, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE3", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); inode = ins_node_create(fork1, thr, row, table, heap); thr->child = inode; row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_compile(inode->row, inode->table, heap); row_ins_init_sys_fields_at_sql_prepare(inode->row, inode->table, trx); inode->init_all_sys_fields = FALSE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork1, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork1; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); fork2 = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork2->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork2, fork2, heap); table2 = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE4", trx); update = upd_create(3, heap); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table2); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 1); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table2); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 2); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table2); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); dfield_copy(dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0), dtuple_get_nth_field(row, 0)); node = upd_node_create(fork2, thr, table2, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = UPD_NODE_NO_ORD_CHANGE | UPD_NODE_NO_SIZE_CHANGE; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork2, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork2; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); cfork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); cfork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(cfork, cfork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(cfork, thr, heap); oldtm = ut_clock(); loop: ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table2, LOCK_IS, thr)); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table2, LOCK_IX, thr)); /* printf("Round %lu\n", count); */ for (j = 0; j < 13; j++) { /*-------------------------------------*/ /* SELECT FROM 'ITEM' */ rnd += 876751; dtuple_gen_search_tuple_TPC_C(entry, rnd % TPC_C_TABLE_SIZE, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table2); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_S, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ptr = rec_get_nth_field(rec, i + 2, &len); ut_memcpy(buf2 + i * 24, ptr, len); } mtr_commit(&mtr); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* UPDATE 'STOCK' */ rnd += 876751; if (count % 1231 == 0) { dummy++; } dtuple_gen_search_tuple_TPC_C(entry, rnd % TPC_C_TABLE_SIZE, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table2); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_MODIFY_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); ut_a(0 == cmp_dtuple_rec(entry, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur))); /* btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); */ rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ptr = rec_get_nth_field(rec, i + 2, &len); ut_memcpy(buf2 + i * 24, ptr, len); } /* btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); */ /* err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); */ ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_clust_rec_cons_read_check( btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index)); /* ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); */ ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "1234", 5); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 1); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "1234", 5); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 2); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), "1234", 5); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(fork2, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); btr_pcur_close(&pcur); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT INTO 'ORDERLINE' */ /* printf("Trx %lu %lu starts, thr %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), (ulint)trx, *((ulint*)arg)); */ dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, count * 13 + j, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); ins_node_reset(inode); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(fork1, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); thr = que_fork_start_command(cfork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); /* printf("Trx %lu %lu committed\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), (ulint)trx); */ count++; if (count < *((ulint*)arg)) { ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); goto loop; } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for TPC-C %lu trxs %lu milliseconds\n", count, tm - oldtm); btr_search_index_print_info(index); btr_search_index_print_info(dict_table_get_first_index(table)); /* mem_print_info(); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE2"); dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE3"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Init for purge test. */ ulint test10_1( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* row; byte buf[100]; ulint thr_no; thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.1. PURGE INIT\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* INSERT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_INSERT, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); row = dtuple_create(heap, 3 + DATA_N_SYS_COLS); dict_table_copy_types(row, table); thr->child = ins_node_create(fork, thr, row, table, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 0; oldtm = ut_clock(); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { dtuple_gen_test_tuple3(row, i * 100 + thr_no, DTUPLE_TEST_FIXED30, buf); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu inserts %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for purge. */ ulint test10_2( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; byte buf2[1000]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.2. PURGE TEST UPDATES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: /*-------------------------------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); update = upd_create(2, heap); node = upd_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = 0; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 87607651; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { tuple_no = i; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + thr_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); /* printf("Thread %lu to update row %lu\n", thr_no, tuple_no); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 0, table); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + 10 + thr_no, buf); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), dfield_get_data( dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0)), dfield_get_len( dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0))); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 1); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table); rnd += 98326761; dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), buf2, rnd % 200); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); fsp_validate(0); } /* for (i = ... */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /* lock_print_info(); */ /* mem_print_info(); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for purge. */ ulint test10_2_r( /*=======*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; byte buf2[1000]; ulint count = 0; btr_pcur_t pcur; upd_t* update; upd_field_t* ufield; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; upd_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.2. PURGE TEST UPDATES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); loop: /*-------------------------------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); update = upd_create(2, heap); node = upd_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, update, heap); thr->child = node; node->cmpl_info = 0; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); rnd = 87607651; entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { tuple_no = i; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + thr_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); /* printf("Thread %lu to update row %lu\n", thr_no, tuple_no); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 0); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 0, table); dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + 10 + thr_no, buf); dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), dfield_get_data( dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0)), dfield_get_len( dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, 0))); ufield = upd_get_nth_field(update, 1); upd_field_set_col_no(ufield, 1, table); rnd += 98326761; dfield_set_data(&(ufield->new_val), buf2, rnd % 2000); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); fsp_validate(0); } /* for (i = ... */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /* lock_print_info(); */ mem_pool_print_info(mem_comm_pool); /*-------------------------------------*/ /* ROLLBACK */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = roll_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for rollback of %lu updates %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); os_thread_sleep(2000000); count++; if (count < 1) { goto loop; } return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for purge. */ ulint test10_3( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; btr_pcur_t pcur; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; del_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.3. PURGE TEST DELETES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); /*-------------------------------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); node = del_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, heap); thr->child = node; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { rnd = i; tuple_no = rnd; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + 10 + thr_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); /* printf("Thread %lu to update row %lu\n", thr_no, tuple_no); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /* for (i = ... */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu delete markings %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /* lock_print_info(); */ /* mem_print_info(); */ /*-------------------------------------*/ /* COMMIT */ fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_EXECUTE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); thr->child = commit_node_create(fork, thr, heap); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); oldtm = ut_clock(); que_run_threads(thr); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for commit %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Test for purge. */ ulint test10_5( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint tm, oldtm; sess_t* sess; com_endpoint_t* com_endpoint; mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; dict_table_t* table; que_thr_t* thr; trx_t* trx; ulint i; ulint rnd; dtuple_t* entry; byte buf[100]; btr_pcur_t pcur; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_index_t* index; mtr_t mtr; del_node_t* node; ulint err; ulint thr_no; ulint tuple_no; printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.5. PURGE TEST UNCOMMITTED DELETES\n"); heap = mem_heap_create(512); com_endpoint = (com_endpoint_t*)heap; /* This is a dummy non-NULL value */ mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); sess = sess_open(ut_dulint_zero, com_endpoint, (byte*)"user1", 6); trx = sess->trx; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); /*-------------------------------------*/ ut_a(trx_start(trx, ULINT_UNDEFINED)); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_UPDATE, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, fork, heap); table = dict_table_get("TS_TABLE1", trx); node = del_node_create(fork, thr, table, &pcur, heap); thr->child = node; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); que_graph_publish(fork, trx->sess); trx->graph = fork; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); entry = dtuple_create(heap, 1); oldtm = ut_clock(); thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == lock_table(0, table, LOCK_IX, thr)); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { rnd = i; tuple_no = rnd % 100; dtuple_gen_search_tuple3(entry, tuple_no * 100 + 10 + thr_no, buf); index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); tree = dict_index_get_tree(index); btr_pcur_set_mtr(&pcur, &mtr); mtr_start(&mtr); btr_pcur_open(index, entry, PAGE_CUR_LE, BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, &pcur, &mtr); btr_pcur_store_position(&pcur, &mtr); /* printf("Thread %lu to update row %lu\n", thr_no, tuple_no); */ err = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(0, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur), index, LOCK_X, thr); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); btr_pcur_commit(&pcur); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); ut_a( thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); que_run_threads(thr); } /* for (i = ... */ tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for %lu delete markings %lu milliseconds\n", i, tm - oldtm); /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ printf("Validating tree\n"); btr_validate_tree(tree); printf("Validated\n"); /* lock_print_info(); */ /* mem_print_info(); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* Multithreaded test for purge. */ ulint test10mt( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint i; ulint thr_no; thr_no = *((ulint*)arg); printf("Thread %lu starts purge test\n", thr_no); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { test10_1(arg); sync_print(); fsp_validate(0); test10_2_r(arg); sync_print(); test10_2(arg); sync_print(); lock_validate(); test10_3(arg); sync_print(); } printf("Thread %lu ends purge test\n", thr_no); return(0); } /********************************************************************* Purge test. */ ulint test10_4( /*=====*/ void* arg) { ulint i; UT_NOT_USED(arg); printf("-------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST 10.4. PURGE TEST\n"); for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { trx_purge(); printf("%lu pages purged\n", purge_sys->n_pages_handled); os_thread_sleep(5000000); } /* dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); */ return(0); } /********************************************************************* This thread is used to test insert buffer merge. */ ulint test_ibuf_merge( /*============*/ void* arg) { ulint sum_sizes; ulint volume; ut_ad(arg); printf("Starting ibuf merge\n"); sum_sizes = 0; volume = 1; while (volume) { volume = ibuf_contract(FALSE); sum_sizes += volume; } printf("Ibuf merged %lu bytes\n", sum_sizes); os_thread_sleep(5000000); return(0); } /********************************************************************* This thread is used to measure contention of latches. */ ulint test_measure_cont( /*==============*/ void* arg) { ulint i, j; ulint count; ut_ad(arg); printf("Starting contention measurement\n"); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { count = 0; for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { os_thread_sleep(10000); if ((&(buf_pool->mutex))->lock_word) { count++; } } printf("Mutex reserved %lu of %lu peeks\n", count, j); } return(0); } /******************************************************************** Main test function. */ void main(void) /*======*/ { ulint tm, oldtm; ulint n5000 = 500; ulint err; oldtm = ut_clock(); /* buf_debug_prints = TRUE; */ log_do_write = TRUE; log_debug_writes = FALSE; /* btr_search_use_hash = FALSE; */ srv_boot("initfile"); os_aio_init(576, 9, 100); fil_init(25); buf_pool_init(POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE); fsp_init(); log_init(); lock_sys_create(1024); create_files(); create_log_files(); sess_sys_init_at_db_start(); mem_validate(); /* Tests crash recovery: */ /* err = recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start(LOG_CHECKPOINT, ut_dulint_max); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); recv_compare_spaces_low(0, 4, 100); trx_sys_init_at_db_start(); dict_boot(); recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish(); */ /* Tests archive recovery: */ err = recv_recovery_from_archive_start(ut_dulint_max, "ib_arch_log_0_0000000000"); ut_a(err == DB_SUCCESS); recv_compare_spaces_low(0, 4, 500); trx_sys_init_at_db_start(); dict_boot(); recv_recovery_from_archive_finish(); /* test4_2(); */ log_make_checkpoint_at(ut_dulint_max); /* dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_TABLES"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_COLUMNS"); dict_table_print_by_name("SYS_INDEXES"); */ dict_table_print_by_name("TS_TABLE1"); tm = ut_clock(); printf("Wall time for test %lu milliseconds\n", tm - oldtm); printf("TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!\n"); }