Baker_ lets you easily add a command line interface to your Python
functions using a simple decorator, to create scripts with "sub-commands",
similar to Django's ````, ``svn``, ``hg``, etc.
.. _Baker:
also supports recursion! but the recursively executed instance has no special knowledge of its identity in a tree structure, and little support for functions running in the master to directly invoke functions in a recursive context.. effectively each recursion produces a new master, from which function calls must be made.
Chopsticks_ also supports recursion! but the recursively executed instance has no special knowledge of its identity in a tree structure, and little support for functions running in the master to directly invoke functions in a recursive context.. effectively each recursion produces a new master, from which function calls must be made.
executing functions from __main__ entails picking just that function and deps
executing functions from __main__ entails picking just that function and deps
out of the main module, not transferring the module intact. that approach works
out of the main module, not transferring the module intact. that approach works
@@ -56,10 +63,14 @@ too harshly!)
@@ -56,10 +63,14 @@ too harshly!)
You should use Chopsticks if you need Python 3 support.
You should use Chopsticks if you need Python 3 support.