Commit 47dac15d authored by Martín Ferrari's avatar Martín Ferrari

Massive changes to interface module. Link class

parent fd099ed9
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ link0.connect(if1)
# Add and connect a tap device (as if a external router were plugged into a
# switch)
if2 = netns.ExternalInterface('tap0')
if2 = netns.ForeignInterface('tap0')
link0.up = True
......@@ -46,8 +46,4 @@ config = __Config()
def set_cleanup_hooks(on_exit = False, on_signals = []):
class Link(object):
def connect(self, iface):
......@@ -3,41 +3,51 @@
import os, re, socket, weakref
import netns.iproute
__all__ = ['NodeInterface', 'P2PInterface', 'ExternalInterface']
__all__ = ['NodeInterface', 'P2PInterface', 'ForeignInterface',
'ForeignNodeInterface', 'Link']
class _Interface(object):
class Interface(object):
"""Just a base class for the *Interface classes: assign names and handle
_nextid = 0
def _gen_next_id():
n = _Interface._nextid
_Interface._nextid += 1
n = Interface._nextid
Interface._nextid += 1
return n
def _gen_if_name():
n = _Interface._gen_next_id()
n = Interface._gen_next_id()
# Max 15 chars
return "NETNSif-%.4x%.3x" % (os.getpid(), n)
class _NSInterface(_Interface):
"""Add user-facing methods for interfaces that go into a netns."""
def destroy(self):
# no need to check _ns_if, exceptions are ignored anyways
# Maybe it already went away, or the slave died. Anyway, better
# ignore the error
def __init__(self, index):
self._idx = index
def __del__(self):
def destroy(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def index(self):
return self._ns_if
"""Interface index as seen by the kernel."""
return self._idx
def control(self):
"""Associated interface in the main name space (if it exists). Only
control interfaces can be put into a Link, for example."""
return None
class NSInterface(Interface):
"""Add user-facing methods for interfaces that go into a netns."""
def __init__(self, node, index):
super(NSInterface, self).__init__(index)
self._slave = node._slave
# some black magic to automatically get/set interface attributes
def __getattr__(self, name):
......@@ -46,7 +56,7 @@ class _NSInterface(_Interface):
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
# I can use attributes now, as long as they are not in
# changeable_attributes
iface = self._slave.get_if_data(self._ns_if)
iface = self._slave.get_if_data(self.index)
return getattr(iface, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
......@@ -54,30 +64,30 @@ class _NSInterface(_Interface):
if name[0] != '_': # forbid anything that doesn't start with a _
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
super(_Interface, self).__setattr__(name, value)
super(Interface, self).__setattr__(name, value)
iface = interface(index = self._ns_if)
iface = interface(index = self.index)
setattr(iface, name, value)
return self._slave.set_if(iface)
def add_v4_address(self, address, prefix_len, broadcast = None):
addr = ipv4address(address, prefix_len, broadcast)
self._slave.add_addr(self._ns_if, addr)
self._slave.add_addr(self.index, addr)
def add_v6_address(self, address, prefix_len):
addr = ipv6address(address, prefix_len)
self._slave.add_addr(self._ns_if, addr)
self._slave.add_addr(self.index, addr)
def del_v4_address(self, address, prefix_len, broadcast = None):
addr = ipv4address(address, prefix_len, broadcast)
self._slave.del_addr(self._ns_if, addr)
self._slave.del_addr(self.index, addr)
def del_v6_address(self, address, prefix_len):
addr = ipv6address(address, prefix_len)
self._slave.del_addr(self._ns_if, addr)
self._slave.del_addr(self.index, addr)
def get_addresses(self):
addresses = self._slave.get_addr_data(self._ns_if)
addresses = self._slave.get_addr_data(self.index)
ret = []
for a in addresses:
if hasattr(a, 'broadcast'):
......@@ -93,7 +103,7 @@ class _NSInterface(_Interface):
family = 'inet6'))
return ret
class NodeInterface(_NSInterface):
class NodeInterface(NSInterface):
"""Class to create and handle a virtual interface inside a name space, it
can be connected to a Link object with emulation of link
......@@ -109,16 +119,22 @@ class NodeInterface(_NSInterface):
# the other interface should go away automatically
self._ctl_if = ctl.index
self._ns_if = ns.index
self._slave = node._slave
self._control = SlaveInterface(ctl.index)
super(NodeInterface, self).__init__(node, ns.index)
def control_index(self):
return self._ctl_if
def control(self):
return self._control
def destroy(self):
# Maybe it already went away, or the slave died. Anyway, better
# ignore the error
class P2PInterface(_NSInterface):
class P2PInterface(NSInterface):
"""Class to create and handle point-to-point interfaces between name
spaces, without using Link objects. Those do not allow any kind of traffic
......@@ -140,14 +156,10 @@ class P2PInterface(_NSInterface):
o1 = P2PInterface.__new__(P2PInterface)
o1._slave = node1._slave
o1._ns_if = pair[0].index
super(P2PInterface, o1).__init__(node1, pair[0].index)
o2 = P2PInterface.__new__(P2PInterface)
o2._slave = node2._slave
o2._ns_if = pair[1].index
super(P2PInterface, o2).__init__(node2, pair[1].index)
return o1, o2
......@@ -155,28 +167,13 @@ class P2PInterface(_NSInterface):
"Not to be called directly. Use P2PInterface.create_pair()"
raise RuntimeError(P2PInterface.__init__.__doc__)
class ExternalInterface(_Interface):
"""Class to handle already existing interfaces. This kind of interfaces can
only be connected to Link objects and not assigned to a name space.
On destruction, the code will try to restore the interface to the state it
was in before being imported into netns."""
def __init__(self, iface):
iface = netns.iproute.get_if(iface)
self._ctl_if = iface.index
self._original_state = iface
# FIXME: register somewhere for destruction!
def destroy(self): # override: restore as much as possible
def destroy(self):
def control_index(self):
return self._ctl_if
class ExternalNodeInterface(_NSInterface):
class ForeignNodeInterface(NSInterface):
"""Class to handle already existing interfaces inside a name space, usually
just the loopback device, but it can be other user-created interfaces. On
destruction, the code will try to restore the interface to the state it was
......@@ -184,10 +181,7 @@ class ExternalNodeInterface(_NSInterface):
def __init__(self, node, iface):
iface = node._slave.get_if_data(iface)
self._original_state = iface
self._ns_if = iface.index
self._slave = node._slave
super(ForeignNodeInterface, self).__init__(node, iface.index)
# FIXME: register somewhere for destruction!
def destroy(self): # override: restore as much as possible
......@@ -196,6 +190,144 @@ class ExternalNodeInterface(_NSInterface):
class ExternalInterface(Interface):
"""Add user-facing methods for interfaces that run in the main namespace."""
def control(self):
# This is *the* control interface
return self
# some black magic to automatically get/set interface attributes
def __getattr__(self, name):
if (name not in interface.changeable_attributes):
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
# I can use attributes now, as long as they are not in
# changeable_attributes
iface = netns.iproute.get_if(self.index)
return getattr(iface, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if (name not in interface.changeable_attributes):
if name[0] != '_': # forbid anything that doesn't start with a _
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
super(Interface, self).__setattr__(name, value)
iface = interface(index = self.index)
setattr(iface, name, value)
return netns.iproute.set_if(iface)
def add_v4_address(self, address, prefix_len, broadcast = None):
addr = ipv4address(address, prefix_len, broadcast)
netns.iproute.add_addr(self.index, addr)
def add_v6_address(self, address, prefix_len):
addr = ipv6address(address, prefix_len)
netns.iproute.add_addr(self.index, addr)
def del_v4_address(self, address, prefix_len, broadcast = None):
addr = ipv4address(address, prefix_len, broadcast)
netns.iproute.del_addr(self.index, addr)
def del_v6_address(self, address, prefix_len):
addr = ipv6address(address, prefix_len)
netns.iproute.del_addr(self.index, addr)
def get_addresses(self):
addresses = netns.iproute.get_addr_data(self.index)
ret = []
for a in addresses:
if hasattr(a, 'broadcast'):
address = a.address,
prefix_len = a.prefix_len,
broadcast = a.broadcast,
family = 'inet'))
address = a.address,
prefix_len = a.prefix_len,
family = 'inet6'))
return ret
class SlaveInterface(ExternalInterface):
"""Class to handle the main-name-space-facing couples of Nodeinterface.
Does nothing, just avoids any destroy code."""
def destroy(self):
class ForeignInterface(ExternalInterface):
"""Class to handle already existing interfaces. This kind of interfaces can
only be connected to Link objects and not assigned to a name space.
On destruction, the code will try to restore the interface to the state it
was in before being imported into netns."""
def __init__(self, iface):
iface = netns.iproute.get_if(iface)
self._original_state = iface
super(ForeignInterface, self).__init__(iface.index)
# FIXME: register somewhere for destruction!
def destroy(self): # override: restore as much as possible
# Link is just another interface type
class Link(ExternalInterface):
def _gen_br_name():
n = Link._gen_next_id()
# Max 15 chars
return "NETNSbr-%.4x%.3x" % (os.getpid(), n)
def __init__(self, bandwidth = None, delay = None, delay_jitter = None,
delay_correlation = None, delay_distribution = None, loss = None,
loss_correlation = None, dup = None, dup_correlation = None,
corrupt = None, corrupt_correlation = None):
self._bandwidth = bandwidth
self._delay = delay
self._delay_jitter = delay_jitter
self._delay_correlation = delay_correlation
self._delay_distribution = delay_distribution
self._loss = loss
self._loss_correlation = loss_correlation
self._dup = dup
self._dup_correlation = dup_correlation
self._corrupt = corrupt
self._corrupt_correlation = corrupt_correlation
iface = netns.iproute.create_bridge(self._gen_br_name())
super(Link, self).__init__(iface.index)
self._ports = set()
# register somewhere
def __del__(self):
def destroy(self):
for p in self._ports:
def connect(self, iface):
assert iface.control.index not in self._ports
netns.iproute.add_bridge_port(self.index, iface.control.index)
def disconnect(self, iface):
assert iface.control.index in self._ports
netns.iproute.del_bridge_port(self.index, iface.control.index)
# don't look after this :-)
# helpers
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Node(object):
ret = []
for i in ifaces:
if i not in self._interfaces:
ret.append(netns.interface.ExternalNodeInterface(self, i))
ret.append(netns.interface.ForeignNodeInterface(self, i))
# by the way, clean up _interfaces
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class TestInterfaces(unittest.TestCase):
devs = get_devs()
for i in range(5):
peer_name = netns.iproute.get_if(ifaces[i].control_index).name
peer_name = netns.iproute.get_if(ifaces[i].control.index).name
self.assertTrue(peer_name in devs)
@test_util.skipUnless(os.getuid() == 0, "Test requires root privileges")
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