Commit 0f4c3fcb authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

No commit message

No commit message
parent 7323a895
#!/usr/bin/env python2 #!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, print_function
import subprocess import subprocess
from cgi import escape from cgi import escape
from msgpack import ExtType
from urllib import FancyURLopener from urllib import FancyURLopener
fancy_open = FancyURLopener().open fancy_open = FancyURLopener().open
def pipe_exec(cmd, stdin):
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, _ = process.communicate(stdin)
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd[0])
return stdout
activity = """\
sequence = """\
hide footbox
skinparam SequenceMessageAlign first
# Use rectangle due to limited formatting of states :(
state = """\
hide stereotype
skinparam rectangle {
RoundCorner 25
RoundCorner<<init>> 0
BorderStyle<<dashed>> dashed
plantuml_dict = dict(
cluster = state + r"""
rectangle RECOVERING <<init>>
rectangle STOPPING
rectangle " " as operational {
rectangle VERIFYING
rectangle RUNNING
rectangle BACKINGUP
operational -[norank]> RECOVERING
operational -> STOPPING
cell = state + r"""
rectangle " " as persistent {
rectangle OUT_OF_DATE <<init>>
rectangle UP_TO_DATE <<init>>
rectangle FEEDING
rectangle CORRUPTED
rectangle DISCARDED <<dashed>>
OUT_OF_DATE --> UP_TO_DATE: replicated
UP_TO_DATE <--> FEEDING: tweak
UP_TO_DATE --> OUT_OF_DATE: node lost
persistent --> DISCARDED
cluster_overview = r"""
node A [
node C [
node M [
database S [
rectangle neoctl
actor " " as H
H ~ C
C <-> S
S <..> M
C <..> M
A <.> M
H ~~ neoctl
neoctl .> A
M <.> M
S <-> S
&#8674; control
&#8594; data
commit = sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 20
participant M
participant C
participant "S (writable cell)" as S1
participant "S (writable cell)" as S2
note left of M: tpc_begin
&C -> M: BeginTransaction
M -> C: AnswerBeginTransaction
C -->x]
&[x<-- C
note left of M: commit
&C -> S1: StoreObject | CheckCurrentSerial
C -> S2
S1 -> C: AnswerStoreObject |\nAnswerCheckCurrentSerial
S2 -> C
C -->x]
&[x<-- C
note left of M: tpc_vote
&C -> S1: StoreTransaction | VoteTransaction
C -> S2
S1 -> C: AnswerStoreTransaction |\nAnswerVoteTransaction
S2 -> C
C --> M: FailedVote
C -->x]
&[x<-- C
note left of M: tpc_finish
&C -> M: FinishTransaction
M -> S1: LockInformation
&M -> S2
S1 -> M: AnswerInformationLocked
&S2 -> M
M -> C: AnswerFinishTransaction
M -> S1: UnlockInformation
&M -> S2
conflict_resolution = sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 80
participant "C₁" as C1
participant M
participant S
participant "C₂" as C2
C1 -> S: StoreObject (A₀→A₁)
S -> C1: AnswerStoreObject (stored)
note right: write-locked
C2 -> S: StoreObject (A₀→A₂)
note right of S: delayed (ttid₁ < ttid₂)
C1 -> M: FinishTransaction
M -> S: LockInformation
S -> M: AnswerLockInformation
M o-> C1: FinishTransaction
&M o-> C2: InvalidateObjects
M -> S: UnlockInformation
note right of S: unlocked
S -> C2: AnswerStoreObject (conflict)
group conflict resolution
C2 -> S: GetObject (A₁)
S -> C2: AnswerGetObject
C2 -> S: StoreObject (A₁→A₂')
end group
deadlock = (
sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
participant "T₁" as T1
participant S
participant "T₂" as T2
T1 -> S: oid1
S <- T2: oid2
S <- T2: oid1
note left: wait
T1 -> S: oid2
note right: deadlock
sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
participant "T₁" as T1
participant "S₁" as S1
participant "S₂" as S2
participant "T₂" as T2
T1 -> S1: oid1
&S2 <- T2: oid1
S1 <- T2: oid1
note left: wait
T1 -> S2: oid1
note right: deadlock
new_deadlock = sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
participant "T₁" as T1
participant S
participant "T₂" as T2
T1 -> S: oid1
T2 -> S: oid2
T2 -> S: oid1
note left: wait
T1 -> S: oid2
note right: deadlock
S -> T2: NotifyDeadlock
T2 -> S: AskRelockObject
note over S: oid2: T₂ → T₁
link_establishment = sequence + r"""
participant "dialing node" as C
participant "server node" as S
note across
underlying (e.g. TCP)
connection established
end note
C <-> S: handshake
C --> S: RequestIdentification
S --> C: AcceptIdentification
read = sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 20
participant M
participant C
participant "S (readable cell)" as S1
participant "S (readable cell)" as S2
M -->x C: NotifyPartitionChanges\n| NotifyNodeInformation
&C -> S1: GetObject
note right of S1: node retrieves data
S1 -> C: AnswerGetObject
note left of M
possible error handling
on race condition
end note
C --> M: Ping
M x--> C
M --> C: Pong
C --> S2: GetObject
S2 --> C: AnswerGetObject
recovering = (
activity + r"""
partition "Network IO" {
fork again
end fork
partition "Node Table changes" {
:all storage nodes that will immediately\nserve cells must be set RUNNING;
:all unidentified master nodes must be, if necessary:
* disconnected
* set DOWN;
partition "Partition Table changes" {
if (Existing PT?) then (yes)
:use it, outdate cells if necessary;
else (no)
:create new;
note left: switch to VERIFYING
sequence + r"""
title Recovery
participant M
participant S
S -> M: //identified//
note over S: PENDING
M -> S: AskRecovery
S -> M: AnswerRecovery
M --> S: AskPartitionTable
S --> M: AnswerPartitionTable
note across
startup allowed; break
unless truncation is required
end note
M -> S: Truncate
replication = sequence + r"""
participant "destination\nstorage" as dst
participant "source\nstorage" as src
dst -> src: AskFetchTransactions
loop for any missing transaction
src -> dst: AddTransaction
end loop
src -> dst: AnswerFetchTransactions
end loop
dst -> src: AskFetchObjects
loop for any missing object
src -> dst: AddObject
end loop
src -> dst: AnswerFetchObjects
end loop
synchronous_replication = sequence + r"""
skinparam ParticipantPadding 50
participant "S₁" as S1
participant "S₂" as S2
participant M
M -> S2: StartOperation |\nNotifyPartitionChanges
activate S2 #lightgrey
S2 --> M: NotifyReady (if StartOperation)
S2 -> M: AskUnfinishedTransactions
rnote left of S2 #lightgrey: lockless writes
M -> S2: AnswerUnfinishedTransactions
S1 <--> S2: //replication//
M -> S2: NotifyTransactionFinished\n| AbortTransaction
end loop
S1 <-> S2: //replication//
deactivate S2
note over S2: shared locking
S2 -> M: NotifyReplicationDone
note over S2: normal locking
note left of M: NotifyPartitionChanges
verifying = sequence + r"""
participant M
participant S
group replay tpc_finish (if not in backup mode)
M -> S: AskLockedTransactions
M <- S: AnswerLockedTransactions
note across: all nodes have replied
M --> S: AskFinalTID
M <-- S: AnswerFinalTID
note across: all needed TIDs are known
M --> S: ValidateTransaction
end group
M -> S: AskLastIDs
note right: truncate here if\npreviously requested\n(with //Truncate//)
M <- S: AnswerLastIDs
note across: VERIFYING ends when all nodes have replied
del plantuml_dict['cluster'], plantuml_dict['cell']
def renderPlantUML(plantuml_dict):
keys = []
values = []
for k, v in plantuml_dict.items():
for v in v if type(v) is tuple else (v,):
!pragma teoz true
scale 1.2
skinparam Shadowing false
""" % v)
values = pipe_exec(('plantuml', '-tsvg', '-p'), ''.join(values))
result = {}
for k, v in zip(keys, values.split(values[:values.index('>')+1])[1:]):
result[k] = result.get(k, '') + v
return result
class Protocol(object): class Protocol(object):
def __init__(self, ref='master'): def __init__(self, ref='master'):
...@@ -20,33 +440,51 @@ class Protocol(object): ...@@ -20,33 +440,51 @@ class Protocol(object):
response.close() response.close()
exec(source, self.__dict__) exec(source, self.__dict__)
def _digraph(self, gv):
return pipe_exec(("dot", "-Tsvg",
"-Nfontname=inherit", "-Efontname=inherit"), """digraph {
edge [color="#a80036" arrowhead=vee arrowtail=vee];
node [fillcolor="#fefece" style=filled]
}""" % gv)
def _dot(self, gv): def renderPlantUML(self):
cmd = "dot", "-Tsvg", "-Nfontname=inherit", "-Efontname=inherit" return renderPlantUML(plantuml_dict)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
svg, _ = process.communicate(gv) def renderSplitBrain(self):
retcode = process.poll() return self._digraph("""
if retcode: subgraph cluster1 {
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd[0]) M1 -> S1 [dir=back]
return svg }
subgraph cluster2 {
M2 -> S2 [dir=back]
{ rank=same; M1 [label=master]; M2 [label=master]; }
{ rank=same; S1 [label=storage]; S2 [label=storage]; }
{ rank=same; C1 [label=client]; C2 [label=client]; }
M1 -> M2 [dir=none minlen=4 color=black style=dashed ltail=cluster1 lhead=cluster2 label="network cut"]
S1 -> S2 [dir=none penwidth=0 label="NR = 1"]
S1 -> C1 [dir=back ltail=cluster1]
S2 -> C2 [dir=back ltail=cluster2]
def renderClusterStates(self): def renderClusterStates(self):
return self._dot("""digraph { return self._digraph("""
RECOVERING [peripheries=2] RECOVERING [peripheries=2]
subgraph cluster { subgraph cluster {
} }
RUNNING -> { rank=min; RECOVERING STOPPING } [ltail=cluster] RUNNING -> { rank=min; RECOVERING STOPPING } [ltail=cluster]
""") """)
def renderCellStates(self): def renderCellStates(self):
return self._dot("""digraph { return self._digraph("""
DISCARDED [style=dashed] DISCARDED [style=dashed]
subgraph cluster { subgraph cluster {
OUT_OF_DATE [peripheries=2] OUT_OF_DATE [peripheries=2]
...@@ -57,37 +495,56 @@ class Protocol(object): ...@@ -57,37 +495,56 @@ class Protocol(object):
{ UP_TO_DATE FEEDING } -> CORRUPTED [label=check] { UP_TO_DATE FEEDING } -> CORRUPTED [label=check]
} }
UP_TO_DATE -> DISCARDED [ltail=cluster] UP_TO_DATE -> DISCARDED [ltail=cluster]
} """)
def renderIdentificationToMaster(self):
return self._digraph(r"""
node [shape=hexagon]
set [shape=invhouse, label="`node`: known node by `nid`\n`by_addr`: known node by `address`"]
set -> by_addr
by_addr [label="`by_addr`"]
by_addr -> by_addr_is_identified [label=yes]
by_addr_is_identified [label="is `by_addr` identified"]
by_addr_is_identified [shape=hexagon]
by_addr_is_identified -> by_addr_is_node [label=no]
by_addr_is_node [label="`by_addr` = `node`"]
by_addr_is_node -> use_node [label=yes]
by_addr_is_node -> address_conflict [label=no]
address_conflict [label="`node` and `nid`>0"]
address_conflict -> already_connected [label=yes]
address_conflict -> use_by_addr [label=no]
by_addr_is_identified -> already_connected [label=yes]
by_addr -> by_nid [label=no]
by_nid [label="`node`"]
by_nid -> by_nid_is_identified [label=yes]
by_nid_is_identified [label="is `node` identified"]
by_nid_is_identified -> by_nid_temp_id [label=yes]
by_nid_temp_id [label="`nid`<0"]
by_nid_temp_id -> new_nid [label=yes]
new_nid [shape=box, label="ignore `nid`"]
new_nid -> new_node
by_nid_temp_id -> id_conflict [label=no]
id_conflict [shape=ellipse, label="id conflict for a storage node"]
id_conflict -> already_connected
by_nid_is_identified -> by_nid_is_self [label=no]
by_nid_is_self [label="`node` is self"]
by_nid_is_self -> new_node [label=yes]
by_nid_is_self -> update_address [label=no]
update_address [shape=box, label="update `node`'s address"]
update_address -> use_node
by_nid -> new_node [label=no]
already_connected [shape=house, label="already connected", fontcolor=red]
use_by_addr [shape=house, label="use `by_addr`"]
use_node [shape=house, label="use `node`"]
new_node [shape=house, label="create new node"]
""") """)
def renderMessageTable(self): def renderMessageTable(self):
types = set()
def arg(item):
if isinstance(item, self.PStruct):
x = '(%s)' % ', '.join(map(arg, item._items))
return x + '?' if isinstance(item, self.POption) else x
if isinstance(item, self.PList):
return '[%s]' % arg(item._item)
if isinstance(item, self.PDict):
return '{%s: %s}' % (arg(item._key), arg(item._value))
return '%s&nbsp;<em>%s</em>' % (item.__class__.__name__, item._name)
def args(req):
x = p if req else answer
if x:
if i and x is self.Error:
return x.__name__,
x = x._fmt
return () if x is None else map(arg, x._items)
return '-'
def fmt(t):
return '<em>%s</em>' % t._fmt
Packets = self.Packets Packets = self.Packets
total_count = sum(x < self.RESPONSE_MASK for x in Packets) total_count = 1 + sum(x < self.RESPONSE_MASK for x in Packets)
messages = [] messages = []
response_count = 0 response_count = 0
br_join = '<br>'.join br_join = '<br>'.join
cbr_join = ',<br>'.join
for i in xrange(total_count): for i in xrange(total_count):
p = Packets[i or self.RESPONSE_MASK] p = Packets[i or self.RESPONSE_MASK]
answer = p._answer answer = p._answer
...@@ -99,6 +556,7 @@ class Protocol(object): ...@@ -99,6 +556,7 @@ class Protocol(object):
doc = p.__doc__.strip().splitlines() doc = p.__doc__.strip().splitlines()
description = [] description = []
scope = nodes = '' scope = nodes = ''
if not doc[0].startswith((':scope: ', ':nodes: ')): # XXX
doc = iter(doc) doc = iter(doc)
for x in doc: for x in doc:
x = x.strip() x = x.strip()
...@@ -119,44 +577,25 @@ class Protocol(object): ...@@ -119,44 +577,25 @@ class Protocol(object):
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td>
</tr> </tr>
""" % (i, p.__name__, escape(' '.join(description)), scope, nodes, """ % (i, p.__name__, escape(' '.join(description)), scope, nodes,
cbr_join(args(i)), cbr_join(args(not i)))) '' if i else '-', '' if (answer if i else p) else '-'))
t = sorted(types, key=lambda t: t.__name__) enums = []
types = [] u = self.Unpacker()
for t in t: while True:
none = None u.feed('\xd4%c\0' % len(enums))
if t is self.PChecksum: try:
encoding = 'SHA1 (20 bytes)' enum =
elif t is self.PTID: except IndexError:
encoding = '8 bytes (TID or OID)' break
none = self.INVALID_TID enum = enum._enum
elif issubclass(t, self.PString): enums.append('\n<li>%s<ol start="0">%s</ol></li>' % (enum._name,
if t is self.PString: ''.join("<li>%s</li>" % e for e in enum)))
encoding = 'size(%s), bytes' % fmt(t)
assert t is self.PAddress, t
encoding = 'PString, port(<em>!H</em>)'
assert issubclass(t, self.PStructItem), t
encoding = fmt(t)
if t is self.PEnum:
none = -1
elif issubclass(t, self.PStructItemOrNone):
none = t._None
""" % (t.__name__, encoding, repr(none) if none else '-'))
enums = ['\n<li>%s<ol start="0">%s</ol></li>' % (name,
''.join("<li>%s</li>" % e for e in e))
for name, e in sorted((k, e) for k, e in vars(self).iteritems()
if isinstance(e, self.Enum))]
other = [] other = []
for k in ( for k in (
...@@ -177,15 +616,19 @@ class Protocol(object): ...@@ -177,15 +616,19 @@ class Protocol(object):
return """ return """
<details open=""> <details open="">
<p>The following table lists the %s different types of messages that can be exchanged. <p>The <em>message code</em> encodes the type of the message.
The following table lists the %s different types that can be exchanged.
%s are them are requests with response packets. %s are them are requests with response packets.
1 is a generic response packet for error handling. 1 is a generic response packet for error handling.
The remaining %s are notification packets.</p> The remaining %s are notification packets.</p>
<p>The <em>code (#)</em> of a response packet is the same as the corresponding request one, with the highest order bit set. Using Python language, it translates as follows:</p> <p>The <em>code (#)</em> of a response packet is the same as the corresponding request one, with the highest order bit set. Using Python language, it translates as follows:</p>
<pre>response_code = request_code | 0x%x</pre> <pre>response_code = request_code | 0x%x</pre>
<p>The <em>format</em> columns refer to item types, <p><em>Message IDs</em> are used to identify response packets: each node sends a request with a unique value and the peer replies using the same id as the request. Notification packets normally follow the same rule as request packets, for debugging purpose. In some complex cases where replying is done with several notification packets followed by a response one (e.g. replication), the notification packets must have the same id as the response.</p>
which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular <p style="margin-left: 2em;"><strong>Notice to implementers</strong>:</p>
<a href="">its struct format</a>.</p> <ul>
<li>A 32-bit counter can be used for <em>Message IDs</em>, 0 being the value of the first sent message, and the value is reset to 0 after 0xffffffff.</li>
<li>On error, the implementer is free to answer with a <em>Error</em> packet before aborting the connection, so that the requesting node logs debugging information. We will only document other uses of <em>Error</em>.</li>
</details> </details>
<details open=""> <details open="">
...@@ -198,52 +641,23 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular ...@@ -198,52 +641,23 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular
<th>Description</th> <th>Description</th>
<th>Workflow</th> <th>Workflow</th>
<th>Nodes</th> <th>Nodes</th>
<th>Format</th> <th>Format</th>
<th>Answer Format</th> <th>Answer Format</th>
</tr> </tr>
%s</table> %s</table>
</div> </div>
</details> </details>
<details open="">
<summary>Item Types</summary>
<th>Null (e.g. Python's None)</th>
<td>each item is encoded one after the other</td>
<td>count(%s), (...)</td>
<td>{keys: values}</td>
<td>[(key, value)]</td>
<td><span>'\\1'</span>, (...)</td>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> There's no UUID anymore in NEO and PUUID must renamed into PNID.</p>
<details open=""> <details open="">
<summary>Enum Types</summary> <summary>Enum Types</summary>
<div style="overflow: auto; height: 40ex"> <div style="overflow: auto; height: 32ex">
<ul style="font-size: smaller; margin-top: 0">%s <ol start="0" style="font-size: smaller; margin-top: 0">%s
</ul> </ul>
</div> </div>
<p style="margin-left: 2em;"><strong>Naming choice</strong>: For cell states, node states and node types, names are chosen to have unambiguous initials, which is useful to produce shorter logs or have a more compact user interface. This explains for example why <em>RUNNING</em> was preferred over <em>UP</em>.</p> <p>Enum values are serialized using <em>Extension</em> mechanism: <em>type</em> is the number of the Enum type (as listed above), <em>data</em> is MessagePack serialization of the Enum value (i.e. a positive integer). For exemple, <em>NodeStates.RUNNING</em> is encoded as <tt>\\xd4\\x03\\x02</tt>.</p>
<p><strong>Naming choice</strong>: For cell states, node states and node types, names are chosen to have unambiguous initials, which is useful to produce shorter logs or have a more compact user interface. This explains for example why <em>RUNNING</em> was preferred over <em>UP</em>.</p>
</details> </details>
<details open=""> <details open="">
...@@ -251,7 +665,7 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular ...@@ -251,7 +665,7 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular
<table> <table>
%s</table> %s</table>
<p>MAX_TID could be bigger but in the Python implementation, TIDs are stored as integers and some storage backend may have no support for values above 2⁶³-1 (e.g. SQLite).</p> <p>MAX_TID could be bigger but in the Python implementation, TIDs are stored as integers and some storage backend may have no support for values above 2⁶³-1 (e.g. SQLite).</p>
<p>Node ID namespaces are required to prevent conflicts when the master generates new ids before it knows those of existing storage nodes. The high-order byte of node ids is one the following values:</p> <p>Node IDs are 32-bit integers. NID namespaces are required to prevent conflicts when the master generates new ids before it knows those of existing storage nodes. The high-order byte of node ids is one the following values:</p>
<table> <table>
<tr><td>Storage</td><td>0x00</td></tr> <tr><td>Storage</td><td>0x00</td></tr>
<tr><td>Master</td><td>-0x10</td></tr> <tr><td>Master</td><td>-0x10</td></tr>
...@@ -262,10 +676,12 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular ...@@ -262,10 +676,12 @@ which are described in the next table with Python literals, and in particular
</details> </details>
""" % (total_count, response_count, total_count - response_count - 1, """ % (total_count, response_count, total_count - response_count - 1,
self.RESPONSE_MASK, ''.join(messages), self.RESPONSE_MASK, ''.join(messages),
fmt(self.PDict), ''.join(types), ''.join(enums), ''.join(other)) ''.join(enums), ''.join(other))
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
import httplib, SimpleHTTPServer, SocketServer, sys, traceback import ast, httplib, os, SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer, sys, threading, traceback
from inotify_simple import INotify, flags
class Handler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): class Handler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
...@@ -278,9 +694,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -278,9 +694,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if path == '/': if path == '/':
try: try:
protocol = Protocol(query) protocol = Protocol(query)
plantuml_dict = protocol.renderPlantUML()
split_brain = protocol.renderSplitBrain()
messages = protocol.renderMessageTable() messages = protocol.renderMessageTable()
cluster = protocol.renderClusterStates() cluster = protocol.renderClusterStates()
cell = protocol.renderCellStates() cell = protocol.renderCellStates()
identification_to_master = protocol.renderIdentificationToMaster()
except Exception: except Exception:
traceback.print_exc() traceback.print_exc()
self.send_error(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) self.send_error(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
...@@ -292,12 +711,43 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -292,12 +711,43 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
table { border-collapse: collapse } table { border-collapse: collapse }
table, th, td { border: thin solid black } table, th, td { border: thin solid black }
div { height: inherit !important } div { height: inherit !important }
svg { vertical-align: middle }
svg:not(:first-child) { padding-left: 5em }
</style></head><body> </style></head><body>
<h1>Cluster Overview</h1>%s
<h1>Split Brain</h1>%s
<h1>Messages</h1>%s <h1>Messages</h1>%s
<h1>Link Establishment</h1>%s
<h1>Cluster States</h1>%s <h1>Cluster States</h1>%s
<h1>Cell States</h1>%s <h1>Cell States</h1>%s
</body></html>""" % <h1>Recovering</h1><div>%s</div>
(messages, cluster, cell)) <h1>Verifying</h1><div>%s</div>
<h1>Conflict Resolution</h1>%s
<h1>Deadlock Avoidance</h1>%s
<h1>Synchronous Replication</h1>%s
#<h1>Identification to Primary Master</h1>%s
</body></html>""" % (
split_brain, messages,
cluster, cell,
else: else:
self.send_error(httplib.NOT_FOUND) self.send_error(httplib.NOT_FOUND)
...@@ -312,4 +762,22 @@ div { height: inherit !important } ...@@ -312,4 +762,22 @@ div { height: inherit !important }
host_port = "localhost", int(host_port[0]) host_port = "localhost", int(host_port[0])
else: else:
host_port = "localhost", 80 host_port = "localhost", 80
HTTPD(host_port, Handler).serve_forever() server = HTTPD(host_port, Handler)
print('Listening on %s:%s' % host_port)
with INotify() as inotify:
inotify.add_watch(__file__, flags.CLOSE_WRITE)
t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
t.daemon = True
while True:
with open(__file__) as f:
except Exception, e:
os.execvp(sys.argv[0], sys.argv)
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