diff --git a/neo/admin/app.py b/neo/admin/app.py
index d6e347a3f3631e8541b1936f6536d8c0adf81502..257383668c6735da2faa5e82a1946aa100aeed2d 100644
--- a/neo/admin/app.py
+++ b/neo/admin/app.py
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ from neo.node import NodeManager, MasterNode
 from neo.event import EventManager
 from neo.connection import ListeningConnection
 from neo.exception import PrimaryFailure
-from neo.admin.handler import MasterMonitoringEventHandler, AdminEventHandler, \
-     MasterEventHandler, MasterRequestEventHandler
+from neo.admin.handler import AdminEventHandler, MasterEventHandler, \
+    MasterRequestEventHandler
 from neo.connector import getConnectorHandler
 from neo.bootstrap import BootstrapManager
 from neo.pt import PartitionTable
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class Application(object):
         self.uuid = uuid
         self.primary_master_node = None
         self.ptid = None
-        self.monitoring_handler = MasterMonitoringEventHandler(self)
         self.request_handler = MasterRequestEventHandler(self)
         self.master_event_handler = MasterEventHandler(self)
         self.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
diff --git a/neo/admin/handler.py b/neo/admin/handler.py
index 1d9dcdb3720367f1e139791e54ba22c12bf7ec50..9edd9e804d7fed2468e087905b1255b3b2a5e883 100644
--- a/neo/admin/handler.py
+++ b/neo/admin/handler.py
@@ -152,31 +152,50 @@ class MasterEventHandler(EventHandler):
     def dispatch(self, conn, packet):
-        if not packet.isResponse():
-            # not an answer
-            self.app.monitoring_handler.dispatch(conn, packet)
-        elif self.app.dispatcher.registered(packet.getId()):
+        if packet.isResponse() and \
+           self.app.dispatcher.registered(packet.getId()):
             # expected answer
             self.app.request_handler.dispatch(conn, packet)
-            # unexpectexd answer, this should be answerNodeInformation or
-            # answerPartitionTable from the master node during initialization.
-            # This will no more exists when the initialization module will be
-            # implemented for factorize code (as done for bootstrap)
-            EventHandler.dispatch(self, conn, packet)
+            # unexpectexd answers and notifications
+            super(MasterEventHandler, self).dispatch(conn, packet)
     def handleAnswerNodeInformation(self, conn, packet, node_list):
+        # XXX: This will no more exists when the initialization module will be
+        # implemented for factorize code (as done for bootstrap)
     def handleAnswerPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        # XXX: This will no more exists when the initialization module will be
+        # implemented for factorize code (as done for bootstrap)
-    def handleNotifyClusterInformation(self, conn, packet, cluster_state):
-        logging.debug("handleNotifyClusterInformation")
+    def handleNotifyPartitionChanges(self, conn, packet, ptid, cell_list):
+        app = self.app
+        if ptid < app.ptid:
+            # Ignore this packet.
+            return
+        app.ptid = ptid
+        app.pt.update(ptid, cell_list, app.nm)
-class MasterBaseEventHandler(EventHandler):
-    """ This is the base class for connection to primary master node"""
+    def handleSendPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        uuid = conn.getUUID()
+        app = self.app
+        nm = app.nm
+        pt = app.pt
+        node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
+        if app.ptid != ptid:
+            app.ptid = ptid
+            pt.clear()
+        for offset, row in row_list:
+            for uuid, state in row:
+                node = nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
+                if node is None:
+                    node = StorageNode(uuid = uuid)
+                    node.setState(protocol.TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE)
+                    nm.add(node)
+                pt.setCell(offset, node, state)
+        pt.log()
     def handleNotifyClusterInformation(self, conn, packet, cluster_state):
         self.app.cluster_state = cluster_state
@@ -190,8 +209,7 @@ class MasterBaseEventHandler(EventHandler):
             # possible (ignore TEMPORARILY_DOWN for example)
-class MasterRequestEventHandler(MasterBaseEventHandler):
+class MasterRequestEventHandler(EventHandler):
     """ This class handle all answer from primary master node"""
     def __answerNeoCTL(self, msg_id, packet):
@@ -225,34 +243,3 @@ class MasterRequestEventHandler(MasterBaseEventHandler):
     def handleProtocolError(self, conn, packet, msg):
         self.__answerNeoCTL(packet.getId(), protocol.protocolError(msg))
-class MasterMonitoringEventHandler(MasterBaseEventHandler):
-    """This class deals with events for monitoring cluster."""
-    def handleNotifyPartitionChanges(self, conn, packet, ptid, cell_list):
-        app = self.app
-        if ptid < app.ptid:
-            # Ignore this packet.
-            return
-        app.ptid = ptid
-        app.pt.update(ptid, cell_list, app.nm)
-    def handleSendPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
-        uuid = conn.getUUID()
-        app = self.app
-        nm = app.nm
-        pt = app.pt
-        node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
-        if app.ptid != ptid:
-            app.ptid = ptid
-            pt.clear()
-        for offset, row in row_list:
-            for uuid, state in row:
-                node = nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
-                if node is None:
-                    node = StorageNode(uuid = uuid)
-                    node.setState(protocol.TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE)
-                    nm.add(node)
-                pt.setCell(offset, node, state)
-        pt.log()