Commit 795082b4 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Implement true binary search in replication.

If current chunk size is lesser than maximum, it means latest check for the
whole chunk found a problem. If current smaller check succeeded, move to
the other half and divide size by two.
Also, factorise replication "check...Range" handlers.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent a31e45bb
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ from neo import util
Replication algorythm
......@@ -179,66 +183,99 @@ class ReplicationHandler(EventHandler):
return Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length, partition_id)
def answerCheckTIDRange(self, conn, min_tid, length, count, tid_checksum,
replicator =
our = replicator.getTIDCheckResult(min_tid, length)
his = (count, tid_checksum, max_tid)
p = None
if our != his:
# Something is different...
def _checkRange(self, match, current_boundary, next_boundary, length,
if match:
# Same data on both sides
if length < RANGE_LENGTH and length == count:
# ...and previous check detected a difference - and we still
# haven't reached the end. This means that we just check the
# first half of a chunk which, as a whole, is different. So
# next test must happen on the next chunk.
recheck_min_boundary = next_boundary
# ...and we just checked a whole chunk, move on to the next
# one.
recheck_min_boundary = None
# Something is different in current chunk
recheck_min_boundary = current_boundary
if recheck_min_boundary is None:
if count == length:
# Go on with next chunk
action = CHECK_CHUNK
params = (next_boundary, RANGE_LENGTH)
# No more chunks.
action = CHECK_DONE
params = None
# We must recheck current chunk.
if length <= MIN_RANGE_LENGTH:
# We are already at minimum chunk length, replicate.
conn.ask(self._doAskTIDsFrom(min_tid, count))
params = (recheck_min_boundary, )
# Check a smaller chunk.
# Note: this could be made into a real binary search, but is
# it really worth the work ?
# Note: +1, so we can detect we reached the end when answer
# comes back.
p = self._doAskCheckTIDRange(min_tid, min(length / 2,
count + 1))
if p is None:
if count == length and \
max_tid < replicator.getCurrentCriticalTID():
# Go on with next chunk
p = self._doAskCheckTIDRange(add64(max_tid, 1))
action = CHECK_CHUNK
params = (recheck_min_boundary, min(length / 2, count + 1))
return action, params
def answerCheckTIDRange(self, conn, min_tid, length, count, tid_checksum,
ask = conn.ask
replicator =
next_tid = add64(max_tid, 1)
action, params = self._checkRange(
replicator.getTIDCheckResult(min_tid, length) == (
count, tid_checksum, max_tid), min_tid, next_tid, length,
if action == CHECK_REPLICATE:
(min_tid, ) = params
ask(self._doAskTIDsFrom(min_tid, count))
if length == count:
action = CHECK_CHUNK
params = (next_tid, RANGE_LENGTH)
action = CHECK_DONE
if action == CHECK_CHUNK:
(min_tid, count) = params
if min_tid >= replicator.getCurrentCriticalTID():
# Stop if past critical TID
action = CHECK_DONE
ask(self._doAskCheckTIDRange(min_tid, count))
if action == CHECK_DONE:
# If no more TID, a replication of transactions is finished.
# So start to replicate objects now.
p = self._doAskCheckSerialRange(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID)
ask(self._doAskCheckSerialRange(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID))
def answerCheckSerialRange(self, conn, min_oid, min_serial, length, count,
oid_checksum, max_oid, serial_checksum, max_serial):
ask = conn.ask
replicator =
our = replicator.getSerialCheckResult(min_oid, min_serial, length)
his = (count, oid_checksum, max_oid, serial_checksum, max_serial)
p = None
if our != his:
# Something is different...
if length <= MIN_RANGE_LENGTH:
# We are already at minimum chunk length, replicate.
conn.ask(self._doAskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial,
# Check a smaller chunk.
# Note: this could be made into a real binary search, but is
# it really worth the work ?
# Note: +1, so we can detect we reached the end when answer
# comes back.
p = self._doAskCheckSerialRange(min_oid, min_serial,
min(length / 2, count + 1))
if p is None:
if count == length:
# Go on with next chunk
p = self._doAskCheckSerialRange(max_oid, add64(max_serial, 1))
next_params = (max_oid, add64(max_serial, 1))
action, params = self._checkRange(
replicator.getSerialCheckResult(min_oid, min_serial, length) == (
count, oid_checksum, max_oid, serial_checksum, max_serial),
(min_oid, min_serial), next_params, length, count)
if action == CHECK_REPLICATE:
((min_oid, min_serial), ) = params
ask(self._doAskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, count))
if length == count:
action = CHECK_CHUNK
params = (next_params, RANGE_LENGTH)
action = CHECK_DONE
if action == CHECK_CHUNK:
((min_oid, min_serial), count) = params
ask(self._doAskCheckSerialRange(min_oid, min_serial, count))
if action == CHECK_DONE:
# Nothing remains, so the replication for this partition is
# finished.
if p is not None:
......@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
data_serial)], None, False)
# CheckTIDRange
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
def test_answerCheckTIDFullRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
assert max_tid < critical_tid
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
......@@ -261,6 +261,30 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckTIDSmallRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
assert max_tid < critical_tid
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has the same data as we have: length, checksum and max_tid
# match.
handler.answerCheckTIDRange(conn, min_tid, length, length, 0, max_tid)
# Result: go on with next chunk
pmin_tid, plength, ppartition = self.checkAskPacket(conn,
Packets.AskCheckTIDRange, decode=True)
self.assertEqual(pmin_tid, add64(max_tid, 1))
self.assertEqual(plength, length / 2)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('checkTIDRange')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeIdenticalChunkAboveCriticalTID(self):
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
......@@ -409,12 +433,12 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
# CheckSerialRange
def test_answerCheckSerialRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
def test_answerCheckSerialFullRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
min_oid = self.getOID(1)
max_oid = self.getOID(10)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(serial_check_result=(length, 0, max_oid, 1,
......@@ -434,6 +458,31 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckSerialSmallRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
min_oid = self.getOID(1)
max_oid = self.getOID(10)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(serial_check_result=(length, 0, max_oid, 1,
max_serial), rid=rid, conn=conn)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has the same data as we have
handler.answerCheckSerialRange(conn, min_oid, min_serial, length,
length, 0, max_oid, 1, max_serial)
# Result: go on with next chunk
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = self.checkAskPacket(conn,
Packets.AskCheckSerialRange, decode=True)
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, max_oid)
self.assertEqual(pmin_serial, add64(max_serial, 1))
self.assertEqual(plength, length / 2)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('checkSerialRange')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckSerialRangeIdenticalChunkWithoutNext(self):
min_oid = self.getOID(1)
max_oid = self.getOID(10)
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