Commit bf240897 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/neo/*: Sync with NEO/py on changes to make the number of replicas modifiable at runtime

This corresponds to NEO/py commit ef5fc508 (Make the number of replicas
modifiable when the cluster is running).

One important change in the protocol is that Client no longer queries
Master for partition table - instead M pushed partTab to C right after
identification (after pushing nodeTab).

See also:
parent f609d6df
......@@ -258,6 +258,37 @@ func (c *Client) talkMaster1(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
c.node.MyInfo.UUID = accept.YourUUID
wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) // XXX -> xsync.WorkGroup
defer xio.CloseWhenDone(ctx, mlink)()
// master pushes nodeTab and partTab to us right after identification
// XXX merge into -> node.DialMaster?
// nodeTab
mnt := proto.NotifyNodeInformation{}
_, err = mlink.Expect1(&mnt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("after identification: %w", err)
// partTab
mpt := proto.SendPartitionTable{}
_, err = mlink.Expect1(&mpt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("after identification: %w", err)
pt := PartTabFromDump(mpt.PTid, mpt.RowList) // TODO handle mpt.NumReplicas
log.Infof(ctx, "master initialized us with next parttab:\n%s", pt)
c.node.UpdateNodeTab(ctx, &mnt)
c.node.PartTab = pt
opready := c.updateOperational()
// set c.mlink and notify waiters
c.mlink = mlink
......@@ -266,10 +297,6 @@ func (c *Client) talkMaster1(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) // XXX -> xsync.WorkGroup
defer xio.CloseWhenDone(ctx, mlink)()
// when we are done - reset .mlink
defer func() {
......@@ -298,21 +325,6 @@ func (c *Client) talkMaster1(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
func (c *Client) initFromMaster(ctx context.Context, mlink *neonet.NodeLink) (err error) {
defer task.Running(&ctx, "init")(&err)
// query partTab
rpt := proto.AnswerPartitionTable{}
err = mlink.Ask1(&proto.AskPartitionTable{}, &rpt)
if err != nil {
return err
pt := PartTabFromDump(rpt.PTid, rpt.RowList)
log.Infof(ctx, "master initialized us with next parttab:\n%s", pt)
c.node.PartTab = pt
opready := c.updateOperational()
// query last_tid
lastTxn := proto.AnswerLastTransaction{}
err = mlink.Ask1(&proto.LastTransaction{}, &lastTxn)
// Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ func storCtlRecovery(ctx context.Context, stor *Node, res chan storRecovery) {
// reconstruct partition table from response
pt := PartTabFromDump(resp.PTid, resp.RowList)
pt := PartTabFromDump(resp.PTid, resp.RowList) // TODO handle resp.NumReplicas
res <- storRecovery{stor: stor, partTab: pt}
......@@ -696,6 +696,7 @@ func storCtlVerify(ctx context.Context, stor *Node, pt *PartitionTable, res chan
// send just recovered parttab so storage saves it
err = slink.Send1(&proto.SendPartitionTable{
PTid: pt.PTid,
NumReplicas: 0, // FIXME hardcoded
RowList: pt.Dump(),
if err != nil {
......@@ -898,6 +899,9 @@ func (m *Master) serveClient(ctx context.Context, cli *Node) (err error) {
wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
defer xio.CloseWhenDone(ctx, clink)() // XXX -> cli.CloseLink?
// FIXME send initial nodeTab and partTab before starting serveClient1
// (move those initial sends from keepPeerUpdated to here)
// M -> C notifications about cluster state
wg.Go(func() error {
return m.keepPeerUpdated(ctx, clink)
......@@ -926,15 +930,6 @@ func (m *Master) serveClient(ctx context.Context, cli *Node) (err error) {
// serveClient1 prepares response for 1 request from client
func (m *Master) serveClient1(ctx context.Context, req proto.Msg) (resp proto.Msg) {
switch req := req.(type) {
case *proto.AskPartitionTable:
rpt := &proto.AnswerPartitionTable{
PTid: m.node.PartTab.PTid,
RowList: m.node.PartTab.Dump(),
return rpt
case *proto.LastTransaction:
// XXX lock
return &proto.AnswerLastTransaction{m.lastTid}
......@@ -965,6 +960,10 @@ func (m *Master) keepPeerUpdated(ctx context.Context, link *neonet.NodeLink) (er
nodeiv[i] = node.NodeInfo
ptid := m.node.PartTab.PTid
ptnr := uint32(0) // FIXME hardcoded NumReplicas; NEO/py keeps this as n(replica)-1
ptv := m.node.PartTab.Dump()
// XXX RLock is not enough for subscribe - right?
nodech, nodeUnsubscribe := m.node.NodeTab.SubscribeBuffered()
......@@ -990,6 +989,16 @@ func (m *Master) keepPeerUpdated(ctx context.Context, link *neonet.NodeLink) (er
return err
err = link.Send1(&proto.SendPartitionTable{
PTid: ptid,
NumReplicas: ptnr,
RowList: ptv,
if err != nil {
return err
// now proxy the updates until we are done
for {
var msg proto.Msg
......@@ -1081,8 +1090,6 @@ func (m *Master) identify(ctx context.Context, n nodeCome) (node *Node, resp pro
accept := &proto.AcceptIdentification{
NodeType: proto.MASTER,
MyUUID: m.node.MyInfo.UUID,
NumPartitions: 1, // FIXME hardcoded
NumReplicas: 0, // FIXME hardcoded (neo/py meaning for n(replica) is `n(real-replica) - 1`)
YourUUID: uuid,
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ func (app *NodeApp) UpdateNodeTab(ctx context.Context, msg *proto.NotifyNodeInfo
// UpdatePartTab applies updates to .PartTab from message and logs changes appropriately.
func (app *NodeApp) UpdatePartTab(ctx context.Context, msg *proto.SendPartitionTable) {
pt := PartTabFromDump(msg.PTid, msg.RowList)
pt := PartTabFromDump(msg.PTid, msg.RowList) // FIXME handle msg.NumReplicas
// XXX logging under lock
log.Infof(ctx, "parttab update: %v", pt)
app.PartTab = pt
......@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tSM.Expect(conntx("m:2", "s:2", 1, &proto.AcceptIdentification{
NodeType: proto.MASTER,
MyUUID: proto.UUID(proto.MASTER, 1),
NumPartitions: 1,
NumReplicas: 0,
YourUUID: proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1),
......@@ -137,6 +135,7 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tMS.Expect(conntx("m:2", "s:2", 2, &proto.AskPartitionTable{}))
tMS.Expect(conntx("s:2", "m:2", 2, &proto.AnswerPartitionTable{
PTid: 0,
NumReplicas: 0,
RowList: []proto.RowInfo{},
......@@ -163,8 +162,9 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tMS.Expect(conntx("m:2", "s:2", 4, &proto.SendPartitionTable{
PTid: 1,
NumReplicas: 0,
RowList: []proto.RowInfo{
{0, []proto.CellInfo{{proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1), proto.UP_TO_DATE}}},
{[]proto.CellInfo{{proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1), proto.UP_TO_DATE}}},
......@@ -220,25 +220,10 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 1, &proto.AcceptIdentification{
NodeType: proto.MASTER,
MyUUID: proto.UUID(proto.MASTER, 1),
NumPartitions: 1,
NumReplicas: 0,
YourUUID: proto.UUID(proto.CLIENT, 1),
// C asks M about PT and last_tid
// NOTE this might come in parallel with vvv "C <- M NotifyNodeInformation C1,M1,S1"
tCM.Expect(conntx("c:1", "m:3", 3, &proto.AskPartitionTable{}))
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 3, &proto.AnswerPartitionTable{
PTid: 1,
RowList: []proto.RowInfo{
{0, []proto.CellInfo{{proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1), proto.UP_TO_DATE}}},
tCM.Expect(conntx("c:1", "m:3", 5, &proto.LastTransaction{}))
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 5, &proto.AnswerLastTransaction{lastTid}))
// C <- M NotifyNodeInformation C1,M1,S1
// NOTE this might come in parallel with ^^^ "C asks M about PT"
tMC.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 0, &proto.NotifyNodeInformation{
IdTime: proto.IdTimeNone, // XXX ?
NodeList: []proto.NodeInfo{
......@@ -248,10 +233,22 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tMC.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 2, &proto.SendPartitionTable{
PTid: 1,
NumReplicas: 0,
RowList: []proto.RowInfo{
{[]proto.CellInfo{{proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1), proto.UP_TO_DATE}}},
tC.Expect(δnode("c", "m:1", proto.MASTER, 1, proto.RUNNING, proto.IdTimeNone))
tC.Expect(δnode("c", "s:1", proto.STORAGE, 1, proto.RUNNING, 0.01))
tC.Expect(δnode("c", "", proto.CLIENT, 1, proto.RUNNING, 0.02))
// C asks M last_tid
tCM.Expect(conntx("c:1", "m:3", 3, &proto.LastTransaction{}))
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 3, &proto.AnswerLastTransaction{lastTid}))
// ----------------------------------------
// C asks M about last tid XXX better master sends it itself on new client connected
......@@ -264,8 +261,8 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tCM.Expect(conntx("c:1", "m:3", 7, &proto.LastTransaction{}))
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 7, &proto.AnswerLastTransaction{
tCM.Expect(conntx("c:1", "m:3", 5, &proto.LastTransaction{}))
tCM.Expect(conntx("m:3", "c:1", 5, &proto.AnswerLastTransaction{
Tid: lastTid,
......@@ -305,8 +302,6 @@ func TestMasterStorage(t0 *testing.T) {
tCS.Expect(conntx("s:3", "c:2", 1, &proto.AcceptIdentification{
NodeType: proto.STORAGE,
MyUUID: proto.UUID(proto.STORAGE, 1),
NumPartitions: 1,
NumReplicas: 0,
YourUUID: proto.UUID(proto.CLIENT, 1),
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
// object. The Request contains the message received and internally the
// connection. A response can be sent back via Request.Reply. Then once
// Request.Close is called the connection object that was accepted is
// immediately put back into pool for later reuse.
// immediately put back into pool for later reuse. XXX Expect1
package neonet
// XXX neonet compatibility with NEO/py depends on the following small NEO/py patch:
......@@ -1552,6 +1552,24 @@ func (link *NodeLink) Send1(msg proto.Msg) error {
return err
// Expect1 receives notification in 1-1 model.
// See Conn.Expect for semantic details.
// See "Lightweight mode" in top-level package doc for overview.
func (link *NodeLink) Expect1(msgv ...proto.Msg) (which int, err error) {
// XXX a bit dup wrt Recv1
conn, err := link.Accept()
if err != nil {
return -1, err
// NOTE serveRecv guaranty that when a conn is accepted, there is 1 message in conn.rxq
which, err = conn.Expect(msgv...)
return which, err
// Ask1 sends request and receives response in 1-1 model.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func (pt *PartitionTable) Dump() []proto.RowInfo { // XXX also include .ptid? ->
cellv[j] = cell.CellInfo
rowv[i] = proto.RowInfo{Offset: uint32(i), CellList: cellv} // XXX cast?
rowv[i] = proto.RowInfo{CellList: cellv}
return rowv
......@@ -264,9 +264,8 @@ func PartTabFromDump(ptid proto.PTid, rowv []proto.RowInfo) *PartitionTable {
pt := &PartitionTable{}
pt.PTid = ptid
for _, row := range rowv {
i := row.Offset
for i >= uint32(len( {
for i, row := range rowv {
for i >= len( { = append(, []Cell{})
......@@ -346,7 +346,6 @@ type CellInfo struct {
//neo:proto typeonly
type RowInfo struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber XXX -> Pid
CellList []CellInfo
......@@ -382,8 +381,6 @@ type RequestIdentification struct {
type AcceptIdentification struct {
NodeType NodeType // XXX name
NumPartitions uint32 // PNumber
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
......@@ -457,22 +454,23 @@ type AnswerLastIDs struct {
// Ask storage node the remaining data needed by master to recover.
// This is also how the clients get the full partition table on connection.
//neo:nodes M -> S; C -> M
//neo:nodes M -> S
type AskPartitionTable struct {
type AnswerPartitionTable struct {
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
RowList []RowInfo
// Send the full partition table to admin/storage nodes on connection.
// Send the full partition table to admin/client/storage nodes on connection.
//neo:nodes M -> A, S
//neo:nodes M -> A, C, S
type SendPartitionTable struct {
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
RowList []RowInfo
......@@ -481,6 +479,7 @@ type SendPartitionTable struct {
//neo:nodes M -> *
type NotifyPartitionChanges struct {
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
CellList []struct {
Offset uint32 // PNumber XXX -> Pid
CellInfo CellInfo
......@@ -850,6 +849,13 @@ type TweakPartitionTable struct {
// answer = Error
// Set the number of replicas.
//neo:nodes ctl -> A -> M
type SetNumReplicas struct {
NumReplicas uint32 // PNumber
// Set the cluster state.
//neo:nodes ctl -> A -> M
......@@ -190,18 +190,20 @@ func TestMsgMarshal(t *testing.T) {
// PTid, [] (of [] of {UUID, CellState})
PTid: 0x0102030405060708,
NumReplicas: 34,
RowList: []RowInfo{
{1, []CellInfo{{11, UP_TO_DATE}, {17, OUT_OF_DATE}}},
{2, []CellInfo{{11, FEEDING}}},
{7, []CellInfo{{11, CORRUPTED}, {15, DISCARDED}, {23, UP_TO_DATE}}},
{[]CellInfo{{11, UP_TO_DATE}, {17, OUT_OF_DATE}}},
{[]CellInfo{{11, FEEDING}}},
{[]CellInfo{{11, CORRUPTED}, {15, DISCARDED}, {23, UP_TO_DATE}}},
hex("0102030405060708") +
hex("00000022") +
hex("00000003") +
hex("00000001000000020000000b010000001100") +
hex("00000002000000010000000b02") +
hex("000000020000000b010000001100") +
hex("000000010000000b02") +
// map[Oid]struct {Tid,Tid,bool}
......@@ -211,27 +211,23 @@ func (*AcceptIdentification) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
func (p *AcceptIdentification) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
return 17
return 9
func (p *AcceptIdentification) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
(data[0:])[0] = uint8(int8(p.NodeType))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[1:], uint32(int32(p.MyUUID)))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[5:], p.NumPartitions)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[9:], p.NumReplicas)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[13:], uint32(int32(p.YourUUID)))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[5:], uint32(int32(p.YourUUID)))
func (p *AcceptIdentification) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
if len(data) < 17 {
if len(data) < 9 {
goto overflow
p.NodeType = NodeType(int8((data[0 : 0+1])[0]))
p.MyUUID = NodeUUID(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[1 : 1+4])))
p.NumPartitions = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[5 : 5+4])
p.NumReplicas = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[9 : 9+4])
p.YourUUID = NodeUUID(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[13 : 13+4])))
return 17, nil
p.YourUUID = NodeUUID(int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[5 : 5+4])))
return 9, nil
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
......@@ -606,22 +602,22 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
a := &p.RowList[i]
size += len((*a).CellList) * 5
return 12 + len(p.RowList)*8 + size
return 16 + len(p.RowList)*4 + size
func (p *AnswerPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[0:], uint64(p.PTid))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], p.NumReplicas)
l := uint32(len(p.RowList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], l)
data = data[12:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[12:], l)
data = data[16:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], (*a).Offset)
l := uint32(len((*a).CellList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[4:], l)
data = data[8:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], l)
data = data[4:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &(*a).CellList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], uint32(int32((*a).UUID)))
......@@ -636,23 +632,23 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
func (p *AnswerPartitionTable) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
var nread uint64
if len(data) < 12 {
if len(data) < 16 {
goto overflow
p.PTid = PTid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0 : 0+8]))
p.NumReplicas = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
data = data[12:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[12 : 12+4])
data = data[16:]
p.RowList = make([]RowInfo, l)
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
if len(data) < 8 {
if len(data) < 4 {
goto overflow
(*a).Offset = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[4 : 4+4])
data = data[8:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
data = data[4:]
if uint64(len(data)) < uint64(l)*5 {
goto overflow
......@@ -666,9 +662,9 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionTable) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
nread += uint64(l) * 8
nread += uint64(l) * 4
return 12 + int(nread), nil
return 16 + int(nread), nil
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
......@@ -686,22 +682,22 @@ func (p *SendPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
a := &p.RowList[i]
size += len((*a).CellList) * 5
return 12 + len(p.RowList)*8 + size
return 16 + len(p.RowList)*4 + size
func (p *SendPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[0:], uint64(p.PTid))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], p.NumReplicas)
l := uint32(len(p.RowList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], l)
data = data[12:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[12:], l)
data = data[16:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], (*a).Offset)
l := uint32(len((*a).CellList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[4:], l)
data = data[8:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], l)
data = data[4:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &(*a).CellList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], uint32(int32((*a).UUID)))
......@@ -716,23 +712,23 @@ func (p *SendPartitionTable) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
func (p *SendPartitionTable) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
var nread uint64
if len(data) < 12 {
if len(data) < 16 {
goto overflow
p.PTid = PTid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0 : 0+8]))
p.NumReplicas = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
data = data[12:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[12 : 12+4])
data = data[16:]
p.RowList = make([]RowInfo, l)
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
if len(data) < 8 {
if len(data) < 4 {
goto overflow
(*a).Offset = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[4 : 4+4])
data = data[8:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
data = data[4:]
if uint64(len(data)) < uint64(l)*5 {
goto overflow
......@@ -746,9 +742,9 @@ func (p *SendPartitionTable) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
nread += uint64(l) * 8
nread += uint64(l) * 4
return 12 + int(nread), nil
return 16 + int(nread), nil
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
......@@ -761,15 +757,16 @@ func (*NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
func (p *NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
return 12 + len(p.CellList)*9
return 16 + len(p.CellList)*9
func (p *NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[0:], uint64(p.PTid))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], p.NumReplicas)
l := uint32(len(p.CellList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[8:], l)
data = data[12:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[12:], l)
data = data[16:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.CellList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], (*a).Offset)
......@@ -782,13 +779,14 @@ func (p *NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
func (p *NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
var nread uint64
if len(data) < 12 {
if len(data) < 16 {
goto overflow
p.PTid = PTid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0 : 0+8]))
p.NumReplicas = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[8 : 8+4])
data = data[12:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[12 : 12+4])
data = data[16:]
if uint64(len(data)) < uint64(l)*9 {
goto overflow
......@@ -805,7 +803,7 @@ func (p *NotifyPartitionChanges) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
data = data[9:]
return 12 + int(nread), nil
return 16 + int(nread), nil
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
......@@ -2381,7 +2379,7 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionList) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
a := &p.RowList[i]
size += len((*a).CellList) * 5
return 12 + len(p.RowList)*8 + size
return 12 + len(p.RowList)*4 + size
func (p *AnswerPartitionList) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
......@@ -2392,11 +2390,10 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionList) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
data = data[12:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], (*a).Offset)
l := uint32(len((*a).CellList))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[4:], l)
data = data[8:]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], l)
data = data[4:]
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &(*a).CellList[i]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], uint32(int32((*a).UUID)))
......@@ -2421,13 +2418,12 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionList) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
p.RowList = make([]RowInfo, l)
for i := 0; uint32(i) < l; i++ {
a := &p.RowList[i]
if len(data) < 8 {
if len(data) < 4 {
goto overflow
(*a).Offset = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[4 : 4+4])
data = data[8:]
l := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
data = data[4:]
if uint64(len(data)) < uint64(l)*5 {
goto overflow
......@@ -2441,7 +2437,7 @@ func (p *AnswerPartitionList) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
nread += uint64(l) * 8
nread += uint64(l) * 4
return 12 + int(nread), nil
......@@ -2682,12 +2678,37 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 41. SetClusterState
// 41. SetNumReplicas
func (*SetClusterState) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
func (*SetNumReplicas) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 41
func (p *SetNumReplicas) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
return 4
func (p *SetNumReplicas) NEOMsgEncode(data []byte) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[0:], p.NumReplicas)
func (p *SetNumReplicas) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
if len(data) < 4 {
goto overflow
p.NumReplicas = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[0 : 0+4])
return 4, nil
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 42. SetClusterState
func (*SetClusterState) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 42
func (p *SetClusterState) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
return 1
......@@ -2707,10 +2728,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 42. Repair
// 43. Repair
func (*Repair) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 42
return 43
func (p *Repair) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2757,10 +2778,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 43. RepairOne
// 44. RepairOne
func (*RepairOne) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 43
return 44
func (p *RepairOne) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2782,10 +2803,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 44. NotifyClusterState
// 45. NotifyClusterState
func (*NotifyClusterState) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 44
return 45
func (p *NotifyClusterState) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2807,10 +2828,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 45. AskClusterState
// 46. AskClusterState
func (*AskClusterState) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 45
return 46
func (p *AskClusterState) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2824,10 +2845,10 @@ func (p *AskClusterState) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
// 45 | answerBit. AnswerClusterState
// 46 | answerBit. AnswerClusterState
func (*AnswerClusterState) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 45 | answerBit
return 46 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerClusterState) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2849,10 +2870,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 46. ObjectUndoSerial
// 47. ObjectUndoSerial
func (*ObjectUndoSerial) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 46
return 47
func (p *ObjectUndoSerial) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2903,10 +2924,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 46 | answerBit. AnswerObjectUndoSerial
// 47 | answerBit. AnswerObjectUndoSerial
func (*AnswerObjectUndoSerial) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 46 | answerBit
return 47 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerObjectUndoSerial) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -2971,10 +2992,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 47. AskTIDsFrom
// 48. AskTIDsFrom
func (*AskTIDsFrom) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 47
return 48
func (p *AskTIDsFrom) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3002,10 +3023,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 47 | answerBit. AnswerTIDsFrom
// 48 | answerBit. AnswerTIDsFrom
func (*AnswerTIDsFrom) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 47 | answerBit
return 48 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerTIDsFrom) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3050,10 +3071,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 48. Pack
// 49. Pack
func (*Pack) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 48
return 49
func (p *Pack) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3075,10 +3096,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 48 | answerBit. AnswerPack
// 49 | answerBit. AnswerPack
func (*AnswerPack) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 48 | answerBit
return 49 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerPack) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3100,10 +3121,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 49. CheckReplicas
// 50. CheckReplicas
func (*CheckReplicas) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 49
return 50
func (p *CheckReplicas) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3158,10 +3179,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 50. CheckPartition
// 51. CheckPartition
func (*CheckPartition) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 50
return 51
func (p *CheckPartition) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3220,10 +3241,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 51. CheckTIDRange
// 52. CheckTIDRange
func (*CheckTIDRange) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 51
return 52
func (p *CheckTIDRange) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3251,10 +3272,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 51 | answerBit. AnswerCheckTIDRange
// 52 | answerBit. AnswerCheckTIDRange
func (*AnswerCheckTIDRange) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 51 | answerBit
return 52 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerCheckTIDRange) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3280,10 +3301,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 52. CheckSerialRange
// 53. CheckSerialRange
func (*CheckSerialRange) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 52
return 53
func (p *CheckSerialRange) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3313,10 +3334,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 52 | answerBit. AnswerCheckSerialRange
// 53 | answerBit. AnswerCheckSerialRange
func (*AnswerCheckSerialRange) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 52 | answerBit
return 53 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerCheckSerialRange) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3346,10 +3367,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 53. PartitionCorrupted
// 54. PartitionCorrupted
func (*PartitionCorrupted) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 53
return 54
func (p *PartitionCorrupted) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3396,10 +3417,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 54. NotifyReady
// 55. NotifyReady
func (*NotifyReady) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 54
return 55
func (p *NotifyReady) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3413,10 +3434,10 @@ func (p *NotifyReady) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
// 55. LastTransaction
// 56. LastTransaction
func (*LastTransaction) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 55
return 56
func (p *LastTransaction) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3430,10 +3451,10 @@ func (p *LastTransaction) NEOMsgDecode(data []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
// 55 | answerBit. AnswerLastTransaction
// 56 | answerBit. AnswerLastTransaction
func (*AnswerLastTransaction) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 55 | answerBit
return 56 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerLastTransaction) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3455,10 +3476,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 56. CheckCurrentSerial
// 57. CheckCurrentSerial
func (*CheckCurrentSerial) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 56
return 57
func (p *CheckCurrentSerial) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3484,10 +3505,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 56 | answerBit. AnswerCheckCurrentSerial
// 57 | answerBit. AnswerCheckCurrentSerial
func (*AnswerCheckCurrentSerial) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 56 | answerBit
return 57 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerCheckCurrentSerial) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3509,10 +3530,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 57. NotifyTransactionFinished
// 58. NotifyTransactionFinished
func (*NotifyTransactionFinished) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 57
return 58
func (p *NotifyTransactionFinished) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3536,10 +3557,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 58. Replicate
// 59. Replicate
func (*Replicate) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 58
return 59
func (p *Replicate) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3627,10 +3648,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 59. ReplicationDone
// 60. ReplicationDone
func (*ReplicationDone) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 59
return 60
func (p *ReplicationDone) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3654,10 +3675,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 60. FetchTransactions
// 61. FetchTransactions
func (*FetchTransactions) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 60
return 61
func (p *FetchTransactions) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3710,10 +3731,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 60 | answerBit. AnswerFetchTransactions
// 61 | answerBit. AnswerFetchTransactions
func (*AnswerFetchTransactions) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 60 | answerBit
return 61 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerFetchTransactions) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3762,10 +3783,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 61. FetchObjects
// 62. FetchObjects
func (*FetchObjects) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 61
return 62
func (p *FetchObjects) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3853,10 +3874,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 61 | answerBit. AnswerFetchObjects
// 62 | answerBit. AnswerFetchObjects
func (*AnswerFetchObjects) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 61 | answerBit
return 62 | answerBit
func (p *AnswerFetchObjects) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -3940,10 +3961,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 62. AddTransaction
// 63. AddTransaction
func (*AddTransaction) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 62
return 63
func (p *AddTransaction) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -4045,10 +4066,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 63. AddObject
// 64. AddObject
func (*AddObject) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 63
return 64
func (p *AddObject) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -4097,10 +4118,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 64. Truncate
// 65. Truncate
func (*Truncate) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 64
return 65
func (p *Truncate) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -4122,10 +4143,10 @@ overflow:
return 0, ErrDecodeOverflow
// 65. FlushLog
// 66. FlushLog
func (*FlushLog) NEOMsgCode() uint16 {
return 65
return 66
func (p *FlushLog) NEOMsgEncodedLen() int {
......@@ -4206,39 +4227,40 @@ var msgTypeRegistry = map[uint16]reflect.Type{
38: reflect.TypeOf(SetNodeState{}),
39: reflect.TypeOf(AddPendingNodes{}),
40: reflect.TypeOf(TweakPartitionTable{}),
41: reflect.TypeOf(SetClusterState{}),
42: reflect.TypeOf(Repair{}),
43: reflect.TypeOf(RepairOne{}),
44: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyClusterState{}),
45: reflect.TypeOf(AskClusterState{}),
45 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerClusterState{}),
46: reflect.TypeOf(ObjectUndoSerial{}),
46 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerObjectUndoSerial{}),
47: reflect.TypeOf(AskTIDsFrom{}),
47 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerTIDsFrom{}),
48: reflect.TypeOf(Pack{}),
48 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerPack{}),
49: reflect.TypeOf(CheckReplicas{}),
50: reflect.TypeOf(CheckPartition{}),
51: reflect.TypeOf(CheckTIDRange{}),
51 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckTIDRange{}),
52: reflect.TypeOf(CheckSerialRange{}),
52 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckSerialRange{}),
53: reflect.TypeOf(PartitionCorrupted{}),
54: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyReady{}),
55: reflect.TypeOf(LastTransaction{}),
55 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerLastTransaction{}),
56: reflect.TypeOf(CheckCurrentSerial{}),
56 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckCurrentSerial{}),
57: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyTransactionFinished{}),
58: reflect.TypeOf(Replicate{}),
59: reflect.TypeOf(ReplicationDone{}),
60: reflect.TypeOf(FetchTransactions{}),
60 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerFetchTransactions{}),
61: reflect.TypeOf(FetchObjects{}),
61 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerFetchObjects{}),
62: reflect.TypeOf(AddTransaction{}),
63: reflect.TypeOf(AddObject{}),
64: reflect.TypeOf(Truncate{}),
65: reflect.TypeOf(FlushLog{}),
41: reflect.TypeOf(SetNumReplicas{}),
42: reflect.TypeOf(SetClusterState{}),
43: reflect.TypeOf(Repair{}),
44: reflect.TypeOf(RepairOne{}),
45: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyClusterState{}),
46: reflect.TypeOf(AskClusterState{}),
46 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerClusterState{}),
47: reflect.TypeOf(ObjectUndoSerial{}),
47 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerObjectUndoSerial{}),
48: reflect.TypeOf(AskTIDsFrom{}),
48 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerTIDsFrom{}),
49: reflect.TypeOf(Pack{}),
49 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerPack{}),
50: reflect.TypeOf(CheckReplicas{}),
51: reflect.TypeOf(CheckPartition{}),
52: reflect.TypeOf(CheckTIDRange{}),
52 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckTIDRange{}),
53: reflect.TypeOf(CheckSerialRange{}),
53 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckSerialRange{}),
54: reflect.TypeOf(PartitionCorrupted{}),
55: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyReady{}),
56: reflect.TypeOf(LastTransaction{}),
56 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerLastTransaction{}),
57: reflect.TypeOf(CheckCurrentSerial{}),
57 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerCheckCurrentSerial{}),
58: reflect.TypeOf(NotifyTransactionFinished{}),
59: reflect.TypeOf(Replicate{}),
60: reflect.TypeOf(ReplicationDone{}),
61: reflect.TypeOf(FetchTransactions{}),
61 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerFetchTransactions{}),
62: reflect.TypeOf(FetchObjects{}),
62 | answerBit: reflect.TypeOf(AnswerFetchObjects{}),
63: reflect.TypeOf(AddTransaction{}),
64: reflect.TypeOf(AddObject{}),
65: reflect.TypeOf(Truncate{}),
66: reflect.TypeOf(FlushLog{}),
......@@ -42,31 +42,32 @@ var pyMsgRegistry = map[uint16]string{
38: "SetNodeState",
39: "AddPendingNodes",
40: "TweakPartitionTable",
41: "SetClusterState",
42: "Repair",
43: "RepairOne",
44: "NotifyClusterState",
45: "AskClusterState",
46: "ObjectUndoSerial",
47: "AskTIDsFrom",
48: "Pack",
49: "CheckReplicas",
50: "CheckPartition",
51: "CheckTIDRange",
52: "CheckSerialRange",
53: "PartitionCorrupted",
54: "NotifyReady",
55: "LastTransaction",
56: "CheckCurrentSerial",
57: "NotifyTransactionFinished",
58: "Replicate",
59: "ReplicationDone",
60: "FetchTransactions",
61: "FetchObjects",
62: "AddTransaction",
63: "AddObject",
64: "Truncate",
65: "FlushLog",
41: "SetNumReplicas",
42: "SetClusterState",
43: "Repair",
44: "RepairOne",
45: "NotifyClusterState",
46: "AskClusterState",
47: "ObjectUndoSerial",
48: "AskTIDsFrom",
49: "Pack",
50: "CheckReplicas",
51: "CheckPartition",
52: "CheckTIDRange",
53: "CheckSerialRange",
54: "PartitionCorrupted",
55: "NotifyReady",
56: "LastTransaction",
57: "CheckCurrentSerial",
58: "NotifyTransactionFinished",
59: "Replicate",
60: "ReplicationDone",
61: "FetchTransactions",
62: "FetchObjects",
63: "AddTransaction",
64: "AddObject",
65: "Truncate",
66: "FlushLog",
32768: "Error",
32769: "AcceptIdentification",
32770: "Pong",
......@@ -92,14 +93,14 @@ var pyMsgRegistry = map[uint16]string{
32803: "AnswerObjectHistory",
32804: "AnswerPartitionList",
32805: "AnswerNodeList",
32813: "AnswerClusterState",
32814: "AnswerObjectUndoSerial",
32815: "AnswerTIDsFrom",
32816: "AnswerPack",
32819: "AnswerCheckTIDRange",
32820: "AnswerCheckSerialRange",
32823: "AnswerLastTransaction",
32824: "AnswerCheckCurrentSerial",
32828: "AnswerFetchTransactions",
32829: "AnswerFetchObjects",
32814: "AnswerClusterState",
32815: "AnswerObjectUndoSerial",
32816: "AnswerTIDsFrom",
32817: "AnswerPack",
32820: "AnswerCheckTIDRange",
32821: "AnswerCheckSerialRange",
32824: "AnswerLastTransaction",
32825: "AnswerCheckCurrentSerial",
32829: "AnswerFetchTransactions",
32830: "AnswerFetchObjects",
......@@ -203,10 +203,13 @@ func (stor *Storage) talkMaster1(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
// XXX add master UUID -> nodeTab ? or master will notify us with it himself ?
// XXX move -> SetNumReplicas handler
// NumReplicas: neo/py meaning for n(replica) = `n(real-replica) - 1`
if !(accept.NumPartitions == 1 && accept.NumReplicas == 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO for 1-storage POC: Npt: %v Nreplica: %v", accept.NumPartitions, accept.NumReplicas)
// XXX -> node.Dial ?
if accept.YourUUID != stor.node.MyInfo.UUID {
......@@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ func (stor *Storage) m1initialize1(ctx context.Context, req neonet.Request) erro
// TODO initially read PT from disk
err = req.Reply(&proto.AnswerPartitionTable{
PTid: stor.node.PartTab.PTid,
NumReplicas: 0, // FIXME hardcoded; NEO/py uses this as n(replica)-1
RowList: stor.node.PartTab.Dump()})
case *proto.LockedTransactions:
......@@ -304,7 +308,7 @@ func (stor *Storage) m1initialize1(ctx context.Context, req neonet.Request) erro
case *proto.SendPartitionTable:
// TODO M sends us whole PT -> save locally
stor.node.UpdatePartTab(ctx, msg) // XXX lock?
stor.node.UpdatePartTab(ctx, msg) // XXX lock? XXX handle msg.NumReplicas
case *proto.NotifyPartitionChanges:
// TODO M sends us δPT -> save locally?
......@@ -412,8 +416,6 @@ func (stor *Storage) identify(idReq *proto.RequestIdentification) (proto.Msg, bo
return &proto.AcceptIdentification{
NodeType: stor.node.MyInfo.Type,
MyUUID: stor.node.MyInfo.UUID, // XXX lock wrt update
NumPartitions: 1, // XXX
NumReplicas: 0, // XXX
YourUUID: idReq.UUID,
}, true
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