# # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Nexedi SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import math from functools import wraps import neo from . import protocol from .protocol import CellStates from .util import dump, u64 from .locking import RLock class PartitionTableException(Exception): """ Base class for partition table exceptions """ class Cell(object): """This class represents a cell in a partition table.""" def __init__(self, node, state = CellStates.UP_TO_DATE): self.node = node self.state = state def __repr__(self): return "<Cell(uuid=%s, address=%s, state=%s)>" % ( dump(self.getUUID()), self.getAddress(), self.getState(), ) def getState(self): return self.state def setState(self, state): assert state != CellStates.DISCARDED self.state = state def isUpToDate(self): return self.state == CellStates.UP_TO_DATE def isOutOfDate(self): return self.state == CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE def isFeeding(self): return self.state == CellStates.FEEDING def isCorrupted(self): return self.state == CellStates.CORRUPTED def isReadable(self): return self.state == CellStates.UP_TO_DATE or \ self.state == CellStates.FEEDING def getNode(self): return self.node def getNodeState(self): """This is a short hand.""" return self.node.getState() def getUUID(self): return self.node.getUUID() def getAddress(self): return self.node.getAddress() class PartitionTable(object): """This class manages a partition table.""" def __init__(self, num_partitions, num_replicas): self._id = None self.np = num_partitions self.nr = num_replicas self.num_filled_rows = 0 # Note: don't use [[]] * num_partition construct, as it duplicates # instance *references*, so the outer list contains really just one # inner list instance. self.partition_list = [[] for _ in xrange(num_partitions)] self.count_dict = {} def getID(self): return self._id def getPartitions(self): return self.np def getReplicas(self): return self.nr def clear(self): """Forget an existing partition table.""" self._id = None self.num_filled_rows = 0 # Note: don't use [[]] * self.np construct, as it duplicates # instance *references*, so the outer list contains really just one # inner list instance. self.partition_list = [[] for _ in xrange(self.np)] self.count_dict.clear() def getAssignedPartitionList(self, uuid): """ Return the partition assigned to the specified UUID """ assigned_partitions = [] for offset in xrange(self.np): for cell in self.getCellList(offset, readable=True): if cell.getUUID() == uuid: assigned_partitions.append(offset) break return assigned_partitions def hasOffset(self, offset): try: return len(self.partition_list[offset]) > 0 except IndexError: return False def getNodeSet(self): return set(x.getNode() for row in self.partition_list for x in row) def getConnectedNodeList(self): return [node for node in self.getNodeSet() if node.isConnected()] def getNodeList(self): """Return all used nodes.""" return [node for node, count in self.count_dict.iteritems() \ if count > 0] def getCellList(self, offset, readable=False): if readable: return filter(Cell.isReadable, self.partition_list[offset]) return list(self.partition_list[offset]) def getPartition(self, oid_or_tid): return u64(oid_or_tid) % self.getPartitions() def getOutdatedOffsetListFor(self, uuid): return [ offset for offset in xrange(self.np) for c in self.partition_list[offset] if c.getUUID() == uuid and c.getState() == CellStates.OUT_OF_DATE ] def isAssigned(self, oid, uuid): """ Check if the oid is assigned to the given node """ for cell in self.partition_list[u64(oid) % self.np]: if cell.getUUID() == uuid: return True return False def getCell(self, offset, uuid): for cell in self.partition_list[offset]: if cell.getUUID() == uuid: return cell def setCell(self, offset, node, state): if state == CellStates.DISCARDED: return self.removeCell(offset, node) if node.isBroken() or node.isDown(): raise PartitionTableException('Invalid node state') self.count_dict.setdefault(node, 0) for cell in self.partition_list[offset]: if cell.getNode() is node: if not cell.isFeeding(): self.count_dict[node] -= 1 cell.setState(state) break else: row = self.partition_list[offset] self.num_filled_rows += not row row.append(Cell(node, state)) if state != CellStates.FEEDING: self.count_dict[node] += 1 return offset, node.getUUID(), state def removeCell(self, offset, node): row = self.partition_list[offset] for cell in row: if cell.getNode() == node: row.remove(cell) if not cell.isFeeding(): self.count_dict[node] -= 1 break return (offset, node.getUUID(), CellStates.DISCARDED) def load(self, ptid, row_list, nm): """ Load the partition table with the specified PTID, discard all previous content. """ self.clear() self._id = ptid for offset, row in row_list: if offset >= self.getPartitions(): raise IndexError for uuid, state in row: node = nm.getByUUID(uuid) # the node must be known by the node manager assert node is not None self.setCell(offset, node, state) neo.lib.logging.debug('partition table loaded (ptid=%s)', ptid) self.log() def update(self, ptid, cell_list, nm): """ Update the partition with the cell list supplied. Ignore those changes if the partition table ID is not greater than the current one. If a node is not known, it is created in the node manager and set as unavailable """ if ptid <= self._id: neo.lib.logging.warning('ignoring older partition changes') return self._id = ptid for offset, uuid, state in cell_list: node = nm.getByUUID(uuid) assert node is not None, 'No node found for uuid %r' % (dump(uuid), ) self.setCell(offset, node, state) neo.lib.logging.debug('partition table updated (ptid=%s)', ptid) self.log() def filled(self): return self.num_filled_rows == self.np def log(self): for line in self._format(): neo.lib.logging.debug(line) def format(self): return '\n'.join(self._format()) def _format(self): """Help debugging partition table management. Output sample: pt: node 0: 67ae354b4ed240a0594d042cf5c01b28, R pt: node 1: a68a01e8bf93e287bd505201c1405bc2, R pt: node 2: ad7ffe8ceef4468a0c776f3035c7a543, R pt: node 3: df57d7298678996705cd0092d84580f4, R pt: 00: .UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU. pt: 11: U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U|.UU.|U..U Here, there are 4 nodes in RUNNING state. The first partition has 2 replicas in UP_TO_DATE state, on nodes 1 and 2 (nodes 0 and 3 are displayed as unused for that partition by displaying a dot). The first number on the left represents the number of the first partition on the line (here, line length is 11 to keep the docstring width under 80 column). """ node_list = sorted(self.count_dict) result = ['pt: node %u: %s, %s' % (i, dump(node.getUUID()), protocol.node_state_prefix_dict[node.getState()]) for i, node in enumerate(node_list)] append = result.append line = [] max_line_len = 20 # XXX: hardcoded number of partitions per line cell_state_dict = protocol.cell_state_prefix_dict prefix = 0 prefix_len = int(math.ceil(math.log10(self.np))) for offset, row in enumerate(self.partition_list): if len(line) == max_line_len: append('pt: %0*u: %s' % (prefix_len, prefix, '|'.join(line))) line = [] prefix = offset if row is None: line.append('X' * len(node_list)) else: cell_dict = dict((x.getNode(), cell_state_dict[x.getState()]) for x in row) line.append(''.join(cell_dict.get(x, '.') for x in node_list)) if line: append('pt: %0*u: %s' % (prefix_len, prefix, '|'.join(line))) return result def operational(self): if not self.filled(): return False for row in self.partition_list: for cell in row: if cell.isReadable() and cell.getNode().isRunning(): break else: return False return True def getRow(self, offset): row = self.partition_list[offset] if row is None: return [] return [(cell.getUUID(), cell.getState()) for cell in row] def getRowList(self): getRow = self.getRow return [(x, getRow(x)) for x in xrange(self.np)] def thread_safe(method): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.lock() try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.unlock() return wraps(method)(wrapper) class MTPartitionTable(PartitionTable): """ Thread-safe aware version of the partition table, override only methods used in the client """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lock = RLock() PartitionTable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def lock(self): self._lock.acquire() def unlock(self): self._lock.release() @thread_safe def setCell(self, *args, **kwargs): return PartitionTable.setCell(self, *args, **kwargs) @thread_safe def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): return PartitionTable.clear(self, *args, **kwargs) @thread_safe def operational(self, *args, **kwargs): return PartitionTable.operational(self, *args, **kwargs) @thread_safe def getNodeList(self, *args, **kwargs): return PartitionTable.getNodeList(self, *args, **kwargs)