# # Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Nexedi SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from cPickle import dumps, loads from zlib import compress, decompress from random import shuffle import heapq import time from functools import partial from ZODB.POSException import UndoError, StorageTransactionError, ConflictError from ZODB.POSException import ReadConflictError from . import OLD_ZODB if OLD_ZODB: from ZODB.ConflictResolution import ResolvedSerial from persistent.TimeStamp import TimeStamp from neo.lib import logging from neo.lib.protocol import NodeTypes, Packets, \ INVALID_PARTITION, MAX_TID, ZERO_HASH, ZERO_TID from neo.lib.util import makeChecksum, dump from neo.lib.locking import Empty, Lock, SimpleQueue from neo.lib.connection import MTClientConnection, ConnectionClosed from .exception import NEOStorageError, NEOStorageCreationUndoneError from .exception import NEOStorageNotFoundError from .handlers import storage, master from neo.lib.dispatcher import ForgottenPacket from neo.lib.threaded_app import ThreadedApplication from .cache import ClientCache from .pool import ConnectionPool from neo.lib.util import p64, u64, parseMasterList CHECKED_SERIAL = object() try: from Signals.Signals import SignalHandler except ImportError: SignalHandler = None if SignalHandler: import signal SignalHandler.registerHandler(signal.SIGUSR2, logging.reopen) class TransactionContainer(dict): def pop(self, txn): return dict.pop(self, id(txn), None) def get(self, txn): try: return self[id(txn)] except KeyError: raise StorageTransactionError("unknown transaction %r" % txn) def new(self, txn): key = id(txn) if key in self: raise StorageTransactionError("commit of transaction %r" " already started" % txn) context = self[key] = { 'queue': SimpleQueue(), 'txn': txn, 'ttid': None, 'data_dict': {}, 'data_size': 0, 'cache_dict': {}, 'cache_size': 0, 'object_base_serial_dict': {}, 'object_serial_dict': {}, 'object_stored_counter_dict': {}, 'conflict_serial_dict': {}, 'resolved_conflict_serial_dict': {}, 'involved_nodes': set(), 'checked_nodes': set(), } return context class Application(ThreadedApplication): """The client node application.""" def __init__(self, master_nodes, name, compress=True, **kw): super(Application, self).__init__(parseMasterList(master_nodes), name, **kw) # Internal Attributes common to all thread self._db = None self.cp = ConnectionPool(self) self.primary_master_node = None self.trying_master_node = None # no self-assigned UUID, primary master will supply us one self._cache = ClientCache() self._loading_oid = None self.new_oid_list = () self.last_oid = '\0' * 8 self.storage_event_handler = storage.StorageEventHandler(self) self.storage_bootstrap_handler = storage.StorageBootstrapHandler(self) self.storage_handler = storage.StorageAnswersHandler(self) self.primary_handler = master.PrimaryAnswersHandler(self) self.primary_bootstrap_handler = master.PrimaryBootstrapHandler(self) self.notifications_handler = master.PrimaryNotificationsHandler( self) self._txn_container = TransactionContainer() # Lock definition : # _load_lock is used to make loading and storing atomic lock = Lock() self._load_lock_acquire = lock.acquire self._load_lock_release = lock.release # _oid_lock is used in order to not call multiple oid # generation at the same time lock = Lock() self._oid_lock_acquire = lock.acquire self._oid_lock_release = lock.release lock = Lock() # _cache_lock is used for the client cache self._cache_lock_acquire = lock.acquire self._cache_lock_release = lock.release # _connecting_to_master_node is used to prevent simultaneous master # node connection attempts self._connecting_to_master_node = Lock() self.compress = compress def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in ('last_tid', 'pt'): self._getMasterConnection() # XXX: There's still a risk that we get disconnected from the # master at this precise moment and for 'pt', we'd raise # AttributeError. Should we catch it and loop until it # succeeds? return self.__getattribute__(attr) def log(self): super(Application, self).log() logging.info("%r", self._cache) @property def txn_contexts(self): # do not iter lazily to avoid race condition return self._txn_container.values def _waitAnyMessage(self, queue, block=True): """ Handle all pending packets. block If True (default), will block until at least one packet was received. """ pending = self.dispatcher.pending get = queue.get _handlePacket = self._handlePacket while pending(queue): try: conn, packet, kw = get(block) except Empty: break if packet is None or isinstance(packet, ForgottenPacket): # connection was closed or some packet was forgotten continue block = False try: _handlePacket(conn, packet, kw) except ConnectionClosed: pass def _waitAnyTransactionMessage(self, txn_context, block=True): """ Just like _waitAnyMessage, but for per-transaction exchanges, rather than per-thread. """ queue = txn_context['queue'] self.setHandlerData(txn_context) try: self._waitAnyMessage(queue, block=block) finally: # Don't leave access to thread context, even if a raise happens. self.setHandlerData(None) def _askStorage(self, conn, packet, **kw): """ Send a request to a storage node and process its answer """ return self._ask(conn, packet, handler=self.storage_handler, **kw) def _askPrimary(self, packet, **kw): """ Send a request to the primary master and process its answer """ return self._ask(self._getMasterConnection(), packet, handler=self.primary_handler, **kw) def _getMasterConnection(self): """ Connect to the primary master node on demand """ # For performance reasons, get 'master_conn' without locking. result = self.master_conn if result is None: # If not connected, 'master_conn' must be tested again while we have # the lock, to avoid concurrent threads reconnecting. with self._connecting_to_master_node: result = self.master_conn if result is None: self.new_oid_list = () result = self.master_conn = self._connectToPrimaryNode() return result def _connectToPrimaryNode(self): """ Lookup for the current primary master node """ logging.debug('connecting to primary master...') self.start() index = -1 ask = self._ask handler = self.primary_bootstrap_handler while 1: # Get network connection to primary master while 1: if self.primary_master_node is not None: # If I know a primary master node, pinpoint it. self.trying_master_node = self.primary_master_node self.primary_master_node = None else: # Otherwise, check one by one. master_list = self.nm.getMasterList() index = (index + 1) % len(master_list) self.trying_master_node = master_list[index] # Connect to master conn = MTClientConnection(self, self.notifications_handler, node=self.trying_master_node, dispatcher=self.dispatcher) p = Packets.RequestIdentification( NodeTypes.CLIENT, self.uuid, None, self.name, None) try: ask(conn, p, handler=handler) except ConnectionClosed: continue # If we reached the primary master node, mark as connected if self.primary_master_node is not None and \ self.primary_master_node is self.trying_master_node: break logging.info('Connected to %s', self.primary_master_node) try: # Request identification and required informations to be # operational. Might raise ConnectionClosed so that the new # primary can be looked-up again. logging.info('Initializing from master') ask(conn, Packets.AskPartitionTable(), handler=handler) ask(conn, Packets.AskLastTransaction(), handler=handler) if self.pt.operational(): break except ConnectionClosed: logging.error('Connection to %s lost', self.trying_master_node) self.primary_master_node = None logging.info("Connected and ready") return conn def registerDB(self, db, limit): self._db = db def getDB(self): return self._db def new_oid(self): """Get a new OID.""" self._oid_lock_acquire() try: if not self.new_oid_list: # Get new oid list from master node # we manage a list of oid here to prevent # from asking too many time new oid one by one # from master node self._askPrimary(Packets.AskNewOIDs(100)) if not self.new_oid_list: raise NEOStorageError('new_oid failed') self.last_oid = oid = self.new_oid_list.pop() return oid finally: self._oid_lock_release() def getObjectCount(self): # return the last OID used, this is inaccurate return int(u64(self.last_oid)) def load(self, oid, tid=None, before_tid=None): """ Internal method which manage load, loadSerial and loadBefore. OID and TID (serial) parameters are expected packed. oid OID of object to get. tid If given, the exact serial at which OID is desired. before_tid should be None. before_tid If given, the excluded upper bound serial at which OID is desired. serial should be None. Return value: (3-tuple) - Object data (None if object creation was undone). - Serial of given data. - Next serial at which object exists, or None. Only set when tid parameter is not None. Exceptions: NEOStorageError technical problem NEOStorageNotFoundError object exists but no data satisfies given parameters NEOStorageDoesNotExistError object doesn't exist NEOStorageCreationUndoneError object existed, but its creation was undone Note that loadSerial is used during conflict resolution to load object's current version, which is not visible to us normally (it was committed after our snapshot was taken). """ # TODO: # - rename parameters (here? and in handlers & packet definitions) acquire = self._cache_lock_acquire release = self._cache_lock_release # XXX: Consider using a more fine-grained lock. self._load_lock_acquire() try: acquire() try: result = self._loadFromCache(oid, tid, before_tid) if result: return result self._loading_oid = oid finally: release() # When not bound to a ZODB Connection, load() may be the # first method called and last_tid may still be None. # This happens, for example, when opening the DB. if not (tid or before_tid) and self.last_tid: # Do not get something more recent than the last invalidation # we got from master. before_tid = p64(u64(self.last_tid) + 1) data, tid, next_tid, _ = self._loadFromStorage(oid, tid, before_tid) acquire() try: if self._loading_oid: # Common case (no race condition). self._cache.store(oid, data, tid, next_tid) elif self._loading_invalidated: # oid has just been invalidated. if not next_tid: next_tid = self._loading_invalidated self._cache.store(oid, data, tid, next_tid) # Else, we just reconnected to the master. finally: release() finally: self._load_lock_release() return data, tid, next_tid def _loadFromStorage(self, oid, at_tid, before_tid): packet = Packets.AskObject(oid, at_tid, before_tid) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(oid, readable=True): try: tid, next_tid, compression, checksum, data, data_tid \ = self._askStorage(conn, packet) except ConnectionClosed: continue if data or checksum != ZERO_HASH: if checksum != makeChecksum(data): logging.error('wrong checksum from %s for oid %s', conn, dump(oid)) continue return (decompress(data) if compression else data, tid, next_tid, data_tid) raise NEOStorageCreationUndoneError(dump(oid)) raise NEOStorageError("storage down or corrupted data") def _loadFromCache(self, oid, at_tid=None, before_tid=None): """ Load from local cache, return None if not found. """ if at_tid: result = self._cache.load(oid, at_tid + '*') assert not result or result[1] == at_tid return result return self._cache.load(oid, before_tid) def tpc_begin(self, transaction, tid=None, status=' '): """Begin a new transaction.""" # First get a transaction, only one is allowed at a time txn_context = self._txn_container.new(transaction) # use the given TID or request a new one to the master answer_ttid = self._askPrimary(Packets.AskBeginTransaction(tid)) if answer_ttid is None: raise NEOStorageError('tpc_begin failed') assert tid in (None, answer_ttid), (tid, answer_ttid) txn_context['ttid'] = answer_ttid def store(self, oid, serial, data, version, transaction): """Store object.""" logging.debug('storing oid %s serial %s', dump(oid), dump(serial)) self._store(self._txn_container.get(transaction), oid, serial, data) def _store(self, txn_context, oid, serial, data, data_serial=None, unlock=False): ttid = txn_context['ttid'] if data is None: # This is some undo: either a no-data object (undoing object # creation) or a back-pointer to an earlier revision (going back to # an older object revision). compressed_data = '' compression = 0 checksum = ZERO_HASH else: assert data_serial is None size = len(data) if self.compress: compressed_data = compress(data) if size < len(compressed_data): compressed_data = data compression = 0 else: compression = 1 else: compression = 0 compressed_data = data checksum = makeChecksum(compressed_data) txn_context['data_size'] += size on_timeout = partial( self.onStoreTimeout, txn_context=txn_context, oid=oid, ) # Store object in tmp cache txn_context['data_dict'][oid] = data # Store data on each node txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid] = {} txn_context['object_base_serial_dict'].setdefault(oid, serial) txn_context['object_serial_dict'][oid] = serial queue = txn_context['queue'] involved_nodes = txn_context['involved_nodes'] add_involved_nodes = involved_nodes.add packet = Packets.AskStoreObject(oid, serial, compression, checksum, compressed_data, data_serial, ttid, unlock) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(oid): try: conn.ask(packet, on_timeout=on_timeout, queue=queue) add_involved_nodes(node) except ConnectionClosed: continue if not involved_nodes: raise NEOStorageError("Store failed") while txn_context['data_size'] >= self._cache._max_size: self._waitAnyTransactionMessage(txn_context) self._waitAnyTransactionMessage(txn_context, False) def onStoreTimeout(self, conn, msg_id, txn_context, oid): # NOTE: this method is called from poll thread, don't use # thread-specific value ! txn_context.setdefault('timeout_dict', {})[oid] = msg_id # Ask the storage if someone locks the object. # By sending a message with a smaller timeout, # the connection will be kept open. conn.ask(Packets.AskHasLock(txn_context['ttid'], oid), timeout=5, queue=txn_context['queue']) def _handleConflicts(self, txn_context, tryToResolveConflict): result = [] append = result.append # Check for conflicts data_dict = txn_context['data_dict'] object_base_serial_dict = txn_context['object_base_serial_dict'] object_serial_dict = txn_context['object_serial_dict'] conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'].copy() txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'].clear() resolved_conflict_serial_dict = txn_context[ 'resolved_conflict_serial_dict'] for oid, conflict_serial_set in conflict_serial_dict.iteritems(): conflict_serial = max(conflict_serial_set) serial = object_serial_dict[oid] if ZERO_TID in conflict_serial_set: if 1: # XXX: disable deadlock avoidance code until it is fixed logging.info('Deadlock avoidance on %r:%r', dump(oid), dump(serial)) # 'data' parameter of ConflictError is only used to report the # class of the object. It doesn't matter if 'data' is None # because the transaction is too big. try: data = data_dict[oid] except KeyError: data = txn_context['cache_dict'][oid] else: # Storage refused us from taking object lock, to avoid a # possible deadlock. TID is actually used for some kind of # "locking priority": when a higher value has the lock, # this means we stored objects "too late", and we would # otherwise cause a deadlock. # To recover, we must ask storages to release locks we # hold (to let possibly-competing transactions acquire # them), and requeue our already-sent store requests. # XXX: currently, brute-force is implemented: we send # object data again. # WARNING: not maintained code logging.info('Deadlock avoidance triggered on %r:%r', dump(oid), dump(serial)) for store_oid, store_data in data_dict.iteritems(): store_serial = object_serial_dict[store_oid] if store_data is CHECKED_SERIAL: self._checkCurrentSerialInTransaction(txn_context, store_oid, store_serial) else: if store_data is None: # Some undo logging.warning('Deadlock avoidance cannot reliably' ' work with undo, this must be implemented.') conflict_serial = ZERO_TID break self._store(txn_context, store_oid, store_serial, store_data, unlock=True) else: continue else: data = data_dict.pop(oid) if data is CHECKED_SERIAL: raise ReadConflictError(oid=oid, serials=(conflict_serial, serial)) # TODO: data can be None if a conflict happens during undo if data: txn_context['data_size'] -= len(data) resolved_serial_set = resolved_conflict_serial_dict.setdefault( oid, set()) if resolved_serial_set and conflict_serial <= max( resolved_serial_set): # A later serial has already been resolved, skip. resolved_serial_set.update(conflict_serial_set) continue try: new_data = tryToResolveConflict(oid, conflict_serial, serial, data) except ConflictError: logging.info('Conflict resolution failed for ' '%r:%r with %r', dump(oid), dump(serial), dump(conflict_serial)) else: logging.info('Conflict resolution succeeded for ' '%r:%r with %r', dump(oid), dump(serial), dump(conflict_serial)) # Mark this conflict as resolved resolved_serial_set.update(conflict_serial_set) # Base serial changes too, as we resolved a conflict object_base_serial_dict[oid] = conflict_serial # Try to store again self._store(txn_context, oid, conflict_serial, new_data) append(oid) continue # With recent ZODB, get_pickle_metadata (from ZODB.utils) does # not support empty values, so do not pass 'data' in this case. raise ConflictError(oid=oid, serials=(conflict_serial, serial), data=data or None) return result def waitResponses(self, queue): """Wait for all requests to be answered (or their connection to be detected as closed)""" pending = self.dispatcher.pending _waitAnyMessage = self._waitAnyMessage while pending(queue): _waitAnyMessage(queue) def waitStoreResponses(self, txn_context, tryToResolveConflict): result = [] append = result.append resolved_oid_set = set() update = resolved_oid_set.update _handleConflicts = self._handleConflicts queue = txn_context['queue'] conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'] pending = self.dispatcher.pending _waitAnyTransactionMessage = self._waitAnyTransactionMessage while pending(queue) or conflict_serial_dict: # Note: handler data can be overwritten by _handleConflicts # so we must set it for each iteration. _waitAnyTransactionMessage(txn_context) if conflict_serial_dict: conflicts = _handleConflicts(txn_context, tryToResolveConflict) if conflicts: update(conflicts) # Check for never-stored objects, and update result for all others for oid, store_dict in \ txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'].iteritems(): if not store_dict: logging.error('tpc_store failed') raise NEOStorageError('tpc_store failed') elif oid in resolved_oid_set: append((oid, ResolvedSerial) if OLD_ZODB else oid) return result def tpc_vote(self, transaction, tryToResolveConflict): """Store current transaction.""" txn_context = self._txn_container.get(transaction) result = self.waitStoreResponses(txn_context, tryToResolveConflict) ttid = txn_context['ttid'] # Store data on each node assert not txn_context['data_dict'], txn_context packet = Packets.AskStoreTransaction(ttid, str(transaction.user), str(transaction.description), dumps(transaction._extension), txn_context['cache_dict']) queue = txn_context['queue'] trans_nodes = [] for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(ttid): logging.debug("voting transaction %s on %s", dump(ttid), dump(conn.getUUID())) try: conn.ask(packet, queue=queue) except ConnectionClosed: continue trans_nodes.append(node) # check at least one storage node accepted if trans_nodes: involved_nodes = txn_context['involved_nodes'] packet = Packets.AskVoteTransaction(ttid) for node in involved_nodes.difference(trans_nodes): conn = self.cp.getConnForNode(node) if conn is not None: try: conn.ask(packet, queue=queue) except ConnectionClosed: pass involved_nodes.update(trans_nodes) self.waitResponses(queue) txn_context['voted'] = None # We must not go further if connection to master was lost since # tpc_begin, to lower the probability of failing during tpc_finish. # IDEA: We can improve in 2 opposite directions: # - In the case of big transactions, it would be useful to # also detect failures earlier. # - If possible, recover from master failure. if 'error' in txn_context: raise NEOStorageError(txn_context['error']) return result logging.error('tpc_vote failed') raise NEOStorageError('tpc_vote failed') def tpc_abort(self, transaction): """Abort current transaction.""" txn_context = self._txn_container.pop(transaction) if txn_context is None: return p = Packets.AbortTransaction(txn_context['ttid']) # cancel transaction on all those nodes nodes = map(self.cp.getConnForNode, txn_context['involved_nodes'] | txn_context['checked_nodes']) nodes.append(self.master_conn) for conn in nodes: if conn is not None: try: conn.notify(p) except ConnectionClosed: pass # We don't need to flush queue, as it won't be reused by future # transactions (deleted on next line & indexed by transaction object # instance). self.dispatcher.forget_queue(txn_context['queue'], flush_queue=False) def tpc_finish(self, transaction, tryToResolveConflict, f=None): """Finish current transaction To avoid inconsistencies between several databases involved in the same transaction, an IStorage implementation must do its best not to fail in tpc_finish. In particular, making a transaction permanent should ideally be as simple as switching a bit permanently. In NEO, all the data (with the exception of the tid, simply because it is not known yet) is already flushed on disk at the end on the vote. During tpc_finish, all nodes storing the transaction metadata are asked to commit by saving the new tid and flushing again: for SQL backends, it's just an UPDATE of 1 cell. At last, the metadata is moved to a final place so that the new transaction is readable, but this is something that can always be replayed (during the verification phase) if any failure happens. """ txn_container = self._txn_container if 'voted' not in txn_container.get(transaction): self.tpc_vote(transaction, tryToResolveConflict) checked_list = [] self._load_lock_acquire() try: # Call finish on master txn_context = txn_container.pop(transaction) cache_dict = txn_context['cache_dict'] checked_list = [oid for oid, data in cache_dict.iteritems() if data is CHECKED_SERIAL] for oid in checked_list: del cache_dict[oid] ttid = txn_context['ttid'] p = Packets.AskFinishTransaction(ttid, cache_dict, checked_list) try: tid = self._askPrimary(p, cache_dict=cache_dict, callback=f) assert tid except ConnectionClosed: tid = self._getFinalTID(ttid) if not tid: raise return tid finally: self._load_lock_release() def _getFinalTID(self, ttid): try: p = Packets.AskFinalTID(ttid) while 1: try: tid = self._askPrimary(p) break except ConnectionClosed: pass if tid == MAX_TID: while 1: for _, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject( ttid, readable=True): try: return self._askStorage(conn, p) except ConnectionClosed: pass self._getMasterConnection() elif tid: return tid except Exception: logging.exception("Failed to get final tid for TXN %s", dump(ttid)) def undo(self, undone_tid, txn, tryToResolveConflict): txn_context = self._txn_container.get(txn) txn_info, txn_ext = self._getTransactionInformation(undone_tid) txn_oid_list = txn_info['oids'] # Regroup objects per partition, to ask a minimum set of storage. partition_oid_dict = {} for oid in txn_oid_list: partition = self.pt.getPartition(oid) try: oid_list = partition_oid_dict[partition] except KeyError: oid_list = partition_oid_dict[partition] = [] oid_list.append(oid) # Ask storage the undo serial (serial at which object's previous data # is) getCellList = self.pt.getCellList getCellSortKey = self.cp.getCellSortKey getConnForCell = self.cp.getConnForCell queue = self._thread_container.queue ttid = txn_context['ttid'] undo_object_tid_dict = {} snapshot_tid = p64(u64(self.last_tid) + 1) for partition, oid_list in partition_oid_dict.iteritems(): cell_list = getCellList(partition, readable=True) # We do want to shuffle before getting one with the smallest # key, so that all cells with the same (smallest) key has # identical chance to be chosen. shuffle(cell_list) storage_conn = getConnForCell(min(cell_list, key=getCellSortKey)) storage_conn.ask(Packets.AskObjectUndoSerial(ttid, snapshot_tid, undone_tid, oid_list), queue=queue, undo_object_tid_dict=undo_object_tid_dict) # Wait for all AnswerObjectUndoSerial. We might get OidNotFoundError, # meaning that objects in transaction's oid_list do not exist any # longer. This is the symptom of a pack, so forbid undoing transaction # when it happens. try: self.waitResponses(queue) except NEOStorageNotFoundError: self.dispatcher.forget_queue(queue) raise UndoError('non-undoable transaction') # Send undo data to all storage nodes. for oid in txn_oid_list: current_serial, undo_serial, is_current = undo_object_tid_dict[oid] if is_current: data = None else: # Serial being undone is not the latest version for this # object. This is an undo conflict, try to resolve it. try: # Load the latest version we are supposed to see data = self.load(oid, current_serial)[0] # Load the version we were undoing to undo_data = self.load(oid, undo_serial)[0] except NEOStorageNotFoundError: raise UndoError('Object not found while resolving undo ' 'conflict') # Resolve conflict try: data = tryToResolveConflict(oid, current_serial, undone_tid, undo_data, data) except ConflictError: raise UndoError('Some data were modified by a later ' \ 'transaction', oid) undo_serial = None self._store(txn_context, oid, current_serial, data, undo_serial) return None, txn_oid_list def _insertMetadata(self, txn_info, extension): for k, v in loads(extension).items(): txn_info[k] = v def _getTransactionInformation(self, tid): packet = Packets.AskTransactionInformation(tid) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(tid, readable=True): try: txn_info, txn_ext = self._askStorage(conn, packet) except ConnectionClosed: continue except NEOStorageNotFoundError: # TID not found continue break else: raise NEOStorageError('Transaction %r not found' % (tid, )) return (txn_info, txn_ext) def undoLog(self, first, last, filter=None, block=0): # XXX: undoLog is broken if last < 0: # See FileStorage.py for explanation last = first - last # First get a list of transactions from all storage nodes. # Each storage node will return TIDs only for UP_TO_DATE state and # FEEDING state cells queue = self._thread_container.queue packet = Packets.AskTIDs(first, last, INVALID_PARTITION) tid_set = set() for storage_node in self.pt.getNodeSet(True): conn = self.cp.getConnForNode(storage_node) if conn is None: continue conn.ask(packet, queue=queue, tid_set=tid_set) # Wait for answers from all storages. self.waitResponses(queue) # Reorder tids ordered_tids = sorted(tid_set, reverse=True) logging.debug("UndoLog tids %s", map(dump, ordered_tids)) # For each transaction, get info undo_info = [] append = undo_info.append for tid in ordered_tids: (txn_info, txn_ext) = self._getTransactionInformation(tid) if filter is None or filter(txn_info): txn_info.pop('packed') txn_info.pop("oids") self._insertMetadata(txn_info, txn_ext) append(txn_info) if len(undo_info) >= last - first: break # Check we return at least one element, otherwise call # again but extend offset if len(undo_info) == 0 and not block: undo_info = self.undoLog(first=first, last=last*5, filter=filter, block=1) return undo_info def transactionLog(self, start, stop, limit): tid_list = [] # request a tid list for each partition for offset in xrange(self.pt.getPartitions()): p = Packets.AskTIDsFrom(start, stop, limit, offset) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(offset, readable=True): try: r = self._askStorage(conn, p) break except ConnectionClosed: pass else: raise NEOStorageError('transactionLog failed') if r: tid_list = list(heapq.merge(tid_list, r)) if len(tid_list) >= limit: del tid_list[limit:] stop = tid_list[-1] # request transactions informations txn_list = [] append = txn_list.append tid = None for tid in tid_list: (txn_info, txn_ext) = self._getTransactionInformation(tid) txn_info['ext'] = loads(txn_ext) append(txn_info) return (tid, txn_list) def history(self, oid, size=1, filter=None): # Get history informations for object first packet = Packets.AskObjectHistory(oid, 0, size) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(oid, readable=True): try: history_list = self._askStorage(conn, packet) except ConnectionClosed: continue # Now that we have object informations, get txn informations result = [] # history_list is already sorted descending (by the storage) for serial, size in history_list: txn_info, txn_ext = self._getTransactionInformation(serial) # create history dict txn_info.pop('id') txn_info.pop('oids') txn_info.pop('packed') txn_info['tid'] = serial txn_info['version'] = '' txn_info['size'] = size if filter is None or filter(txn_info): result.append(txn_info) self._insertMetadata(txn_info, txn_ext) return result def importFrom(self, source, start, stop, tryToResolveConflict, preindex=None): # TODO: The main difference with BaseStorage implementation is that # preindex can't be filled with the result 'store' (tid only # known after 'tpc_finish'. This method could be dropped if we # implemented IStorageRestoreable (a wrapper around source would # still be required for partial import). if preindex is None: preindex = {} for transaction in source.iterator(start, stop): tid = transaction.tid self.tpc_begin(transaction, tid, transaction.status) for r in transaction: oid = r.oid pre = preindex.get(oid) self.store(oid, pre, r.data, r.version, transaction) preindex[oid] = tid conflicted = self.tpc_vote(transaction, tryToResolveConflict) assert not conflicted, conflicted real_tid = self.tpc_finish(transaction, tryToResolveConflict) assert real_tid == tid, (real_tid, tid) from .iterator import iterator def sync(self): self._askPrimary(Packets.Ping()) def pack(self, t): tid = TimeStamp(*time.gmtime(t)[:5] + (t % 60, )).raw() if tid == ZERO_TID: raise NEOStorageError('Invalid pack time') self._askPrimary(Packets.AskPack(tid)) # XXX: this is only needed to make ZODB unit tests pass. # It should not be otherwise required (clients should be free to load # old data as long as it is available in cache, event if it was pruned # by a pack), so don't bother invalidating on other clients. self._cache_lock_acquire() try: self._cache.clear() finally: self._cache_lock_release() def getLastTID(self, oid): return self.load(oid)[1] def checkCurrentSerialInTransaction(self, oid, serial, transaction): self._checkCurrentSerialInTransaction( self._txn_container.get(transaction), oid, serial) def _checkCurrentSerialInTransaction(self, txn_context, oid, serial): ttid = txn_context['ttid'] txn_context['object_serial_dict'][oid] = serial # Placeholders queue = txn_context['queue'] txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid] = {} # ZODB.Connection performs calls 'checkCurrentSerialInTransaction' # after stores, and skips oids that have been successfully stored. assert oid not in txn_context['cache_dict'], (oid, txn_context) txn_context['data_dict'].setdefault(oid, CHECKED_SERIAL) checked_nodes = txn_context['checked_nodes'] packet = Packets.AskCheckCurrentSerial(ttid, serial, oid) for node, conn in self.cp.iterateForObject(oid): try: conn.ask(packet, queue=queue) except ConnectionClosed: continue checked_nodes.add(node) if not checked_nodes: raise NEOStorageError("checkCurrent failed") self._waitAnyTransactionMessage(txn_context, False)