Commit 1221939a authored by indexzero's avatar indexzero

[api] Completely refactored node-http-proxy with help from Mikeal

parent c887a757
......@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ see the [demo](
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// create a proxy server with custom application logic
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxyRequest) {
// Put your custom server logic here
proxy.proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost', req, res);
proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost');
http.createServer(function (req, res){
......@@ -65,25 +65,16 @@ see the [demo](
### How to proxy requests with a regular http server
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
// create a regular http server and proxy its handler
http.createServer(function (req, res){
var proxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy;, res);
// Put your custom server logic here
proxy.proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost', req, res);
### How to proxy requests with latent operations (IO, etc.)
http.createServer(function (req, res){
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.write('request successfully proxied: ' + req.url +'\n' + JSON.stringify(req.headers, true, 2));
node-http-proxy supports event buffering, that means if an event (like 'data', or 'end') is raised by the incoming request before you have a chance to perform your custom server logic, those events will be captured and re-raised when you later proxy the request. Here's a simple example:
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxyRequest) {
setTimeout(function () {
proxyRequest(port, server);
}, latency);
### Why doesn't node-http-proxy have more advanced features like x, y, or z?
......@@ -96,7 +87,7 @@ If you have a suggestion for a feature currently not supported, feel free to ope
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2010 Charlie Robbins & Marak Squires
Copyright (c) 2010 Mikeal Rogers, Charlie Robbins & Marak Squires
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
var sys = require('sys'),
colors = require('colors')
http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
httpProxy = require('./lib/node-http-proxy');
// ascii art from
var welcome = '\
......@@ -45,24 +45,13 @@ httpProxy.createServer(9000, 'localhost').listen(8000);
sys.puts('http proxy server'.blue + ' started '.green.bold + 'on port '.blue + '8000'.yellow);
/****** http proxy server with latency******/
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy){
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxyRequest){
proxy.proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost', req, res);
}, 200)
proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost', req, res);
}, 2000)
sys.puts('http proxy server '.blue + 'started '.green.bold + 'on port '.blue + '8001 '.yellow + 'with latency'.magenta.underline );
/****** http server with proxyRequest handler and latency******/
http.createServer(function (req, res){
var proxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy;, res);
proxy.proxyRequest(9000, 'localhost', req, res);
}, 200);
sys.puts('http server '.blue + 'started '.green.bold + 'on port '.blue + '8002 '.yellow + 'with proxyRequest handler'.cyan.underline + ' and latency'.magenta);
/****** regular http server ******/
http.createServer(function (req, res){
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
node-http-proxy.js: http proxy for node.js
node-http-proxy.js: http proxy for node.js with pooling and event buffering
Copyright (c) 2010 Charlie Robbins & Marak Squires
Copyright (c) 2010 Mikeal Rogers, Charlie Robbins
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
......@@ -26,129 +26,65 @@
var sys = require('sys'),
http = require('http'),
events = require('events');
pool = require('pool'),
url = require('url'),
events = require('events'),
min = 0,
max = 100;
exports.HttpProxy = function () {
this.emitter = new(events.EventEmitter); = {};
this.listeners = {};
this.collisions = {};
// Setup the PoolManager
var manager = pool.createPoolManager();
exports.createServer = function () {
// Initialize the nodeProxy to start proxying requests
var proxy = new (exports.HttpProxy);
return proxy.createServer.apply(proxy, arguments);
exports.HttpProxy.prototype = {
toArray: function (obj){
var len = obj.length,
arr = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
arr[i] = obj[i];
return arr;
createServer: function () {
var self = this,
if (typeof(arguments[0]) === "function") {
callback = arguments[0];
var args, action, port, host;
args =;
action = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' && args.pop();
if (args[0]) port = args[0];
if (args[1]) host = args[1];
var proxy = createProxy();
proxy.on('route', function (req, res, callback) {
var uri = url.parse(req.url);
if (action) {
action(req, res, callback);
else {
port = arguments[0];
server = arguments[1];
var proxyServer = http.createServer(function (req, res){, res);
// If we were passed a callback to process the request
// or response in some way, then call it.
if(callback) {
callback(req, res, self);
else {
self.proxyRequest(port, server, req, res);
port = port ? port : uri.port ? uri.port : 80;
host = host ? host : uri.hostname;
callback(port, host);
return proxy;
return proxyServer;
watch: function (req, res) {
var self = this;
// Create a unique id for this request so
// we can reference it later.
var id = new Date().getTime().toString();
// If we get a request in the same tick, we need to
// append to the id so it stays unique.
if(typeof this.collisions[id] === 'undefined') {
this.collisions[id] = 0;
else {
id += this.collisions[id];
} = id;[] = [];
this.listeners[] = {
onData: function () {[].push(['data'].concat(self.toArray(arguments)));
onEnd: function () {[].push(['end'].concat(self.toArray(arguments)));
req.addListener('data', this.listeners[].onData);
req.addListener('end', this.listeners[].onEnd);
unwatch: function (req, res) {
req.removeListener('data', this.listeners[].onData);
req.removeListener('end', this.listeners[].onEnd);
// Rebroadcast any events that have been buffered
while([].length > 0) {
var args =[].shift();
req.emit.apply(req, args);
// Remove the data from the event and listeners hashes
delete this.listeners[];
exports.setMin = function (value) {
min = value;
// If this request id is a base time, delete it
if (typeof this.collisions[] !== 'undefined') {
delete this.collisions[];
exports.setMax = function (value) {
max = value;
proxyRequest: function (port, server, req, res) {
// Remark: nodeProxy.body exists solely for testability
this.body = '';
var self = this;
var createProxy = function () {
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var buffers = [],
b = function (chunk) { buffers.push(chunk) },
e = function () { e = false };
// Open new HTTP request to internal resource with will act as a reverse proxy pass
var c = http.createClient(port, server);
req.on('data', b);
req.on('end', e);
// Make request to internal server, passing along the method and headers
var reverse_proxy = c.request(req.method, req.url, req.headers);
server.emit('route', req, res, function (port, hostname) {
var p = manager.getPool(port, hostname);
// Add a listener for the connection timeout event
reverse_proxy.connection.addListener('error', function (err) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
p.request(req.method, req.url, req.headers, function (reverse_proxy) {
var data = '';
reverse_proxy.on('error', function (err) {
res.writeHead(500, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
if(req.method !== 'HEAD') {
res.write('An error has occurred: ' + sys.puts(JSON.stringify(err)));
......@@ -157,39 +93,41 @@ exports.HttpProxy.prototype = {
buffers.forEach(function (c) {
data += c;
buffers = null;
req.removeListener('data', b);
sys.pump(req, reverse_proxy);
if (e) {
req.removeListener('end', e);
req.addListener('end', function () { reverse_proxy.end() });
else {
// Add a listener for the reverse_proxy response event
reverse_proxy.addListener('response', function (response) {
// Set the response headers of the client response
res.writeHead(response.statusCode, response.headers);
// Add event handler for the proxied response in chunks
// These two listeners are for testability and observation
// of what's passed back from the target server
response.addListener('data', function (chunk) {
if(req.method !== 'HEAD') {
res.write(chunk, 'binary');
self.body += chunk;
data += chunk;
// Add event listener for end of proxied response
response.addListener('end', function () {
// Remark: Emit the end event for testability
self.emitter.emit('end', null, self.body);
response.addListener('end', function() {
server.emit('proxy', null, data);
// Set the response headers of the client response
res.writeHead(response.statusCode, response.headers);
sys.pump(response, res);
// Chunk the client request body as chunks from the proxied request come in
req.addListener('data', function (chunk) {
reverse_proxy.write(chunk, 'binary');
// At the end of the client request, we are going to stop the proxied request
req.addListener('end', function () {
this.unwatch(req, res);
return server;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ var vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var httpProxy = require('./../lib/node-http-proxy');
var testServers = {};
// Creates the reverse proxy server
var startProxyServer = function (port, server, proxy) {
var proxyServer = proxy.createServer(port, server);
var startProxyServer = function (port, server) {
var proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer(port, server);
return proxyServer;
......@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ var startProxyServer = function (port, server, proxy) {
// Creates the reverse proxy server with a specified latency
var startLatentProxyServer = function (port, server, proxy, latency) {
var startLatentProxyServer = function (port, server, latency) {
// Initialize the nodeProxy and start proxying the request
var proxyServer = proxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
var proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
setTimeout(function () {
proxy.proxyRequest(port, server, req, res);
proxy(port, server);
}, latency);
......@@ -73,57 +73,72 @@ var startTargetServer = function (port) {
// The default test bootstrapper with no latency
var startTest = function (proxy, port) {
var startTest = function (port) {
var proxyServer = startProxyServer(port, 'localhost'),
targetServer = startTargetServer(port);
testServers.noLatency = [];
testServers.noLatency.push(startProxyServer(port, 'localhost', proxy));
return proxyServer;
// The test bootstrapper with some latency
var startTestWithLatency = function (proxy, port) {
var startTestWithLatency = function (port) {
var proxyServer = startLatentProxyServer(port, 'localhost', 2000),
targetServer = startTargetServer(port);
testServers.latency = [];
testServers.latency.push(startLatentProxyServer(port, 'localhost', proxy, 2000));
return proxyServer;
//var proxy = startTest(8082);
//var latent = startTestWithLatency(8083);
"A node-http-proxy": {
"when instantiated directly": {
"and an incoming request is proxied to the helloNode server" : {
"with no latency" : {
topic: function () {
var proxy = new (httpProxy.HttpProxy);
startTest(proxy, 8082);
proxy.emitter.addListener('end', this.callback);
var proxyServer = startTest(8082);
proxyServer.on('proxy', this.callback);
var client = http.createClient(8080, 'localhost');
var request = client.request('GET', '/');
teardown: function () {
"it should received 'hello world'": function (err, body) {
assert.equal(body, 'hello world');
testServers.noLatency.forEach(function (server) {
"with latency": {
topic: function () {
var proxy = new (httpProxy.HttpProxy);
startTestWithLatency(proxy, 8083);
proxy.emitter.addListener('end', this.callback);
var proxyServer = startTestWithLatency(8083);
proxyServer.on('proxy', this.callback);
var client = http.createClient(8081, 'localhost');
var request = client.request('GET', '/');
teardown: function () {
"it should receive 'hello world'": function (err, body) {
assert.equal(body, 'hello world');
testServers.latency.forEach(function (server) {
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