Commit cd417d61 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Add sample setup of 3 virtual couplers where:

coupler1 and coupler2 are subscribed over keep-alive network implementation
over Pub/Sub to coupler3.
Coupler3 is sending heart_beats every 10ms and if not heart_beat is received
by coupler1,2 within 50ms they both go to "safe" mode.
parent 10a953a7
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/open62541/lib:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/mbedtls/lib'
./server -m 1 -i 1 -l 3 -t 10 -o 300 -n opc.udp://
./server -m 1 -i 1 -l 3 -t 10 -o 50 -n opc.udp://
......@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/open62541/lib:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/mbedtls/lib'
./server -p 4841 -m 1 -i 2 -l 3 -t 10 -o 300 -n opc.udp://
./server -p 4841 -m 1 -i 2 -l 3 -t 10 -o 50 -n opc.udp://
......@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/open62541/lib:/opt/slapgrid/6c567f8750e604c805e3a25adbbd0e44/parts/mbedtls/lib'
./server -p 4842 -m 1 -b 1 -i 3 -t 5 -o 1200 -n opc.udp://
./server -p 4842 -m 1 -b 1 -i 3 -t 10 -o 50 -n opc.udp://
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