Commit bbe7c2c2 authored by ben's avatar ben

Minor bugfix(?) in robust, added more flexible time specifications in

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 553977d8
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class SaveState:
def touch_last_file(cls):
"""Touch last file marker, indicating backup has begun"""
if not cls._last_file_sym.lstat(): cls._last_file_sym.touch()
def touch_last_file_definitive(cls):
"""Create last-file-definitive marker
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class SaveState:
def touch_last_file(cls):
"""Touch last file marker, indicating backup has begun"""
if not cls._last_file_sym.lstat(): cls._last_file_sym.touch()
def touch_last_file_definitive(cls):
"""Create last-file-definitive marker
import time, types
import time, types, re
......@@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ class TimeException(Exception): pass
class Time:
"""Functions which act on the time"""
_interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600,
"D": 86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400}
_interval_conv_dict = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "D": 86400,
"W": 7*86400, "M": 30*86400, "Y": 365*86400}
_interval_regexp = re.compile("^([0-9]+)([smhDWMY])")
_genstr_date_regexp1 = re.compile("^(?P<year>[0-9]{4})[-/]"
_genstr_date_regexp2 = re.compile("^(?P<month>[0-9]{1,2})[-/]"
def setcurtime(cls, curtime = None):
"""Sets the current time in curtime and curtimestr on all systems"""
......@@ -77,14 +82,25 @@ class Time:
return cls.timetopretty(cls.stringtotime(timestring))
def intstringtoseconds(cls, interval_string):
"""Convert a string expressing an interval to seconds"""
"""Convert a string expressing an interval (e.g. "4D2s") to seconds"""
def error():
raise TimeException('Bad interval string "%s"' % interval_string)
raise TimeException("""Bad interval string "%s"
Intervals are specified like 2Y (2 years) or 2h30m (2.5 hours). The
allowed special characters are s, m, h, D, W, M, and Y. See the man
page for more information.
""" % interval_string)
if len(interval_string) < 2: error()
try: num, ext = int(interval_string[:-1]), interval_string[-1]
except ValueError: error()
total = 0
while interval_string:
match = cls._interval_regexp.match(interval_string)
if not match: error()
num, ext = int(,
if not ext in cls._interval_conv_dict or num < 0: error()
return num*cls._interval_conv_dict[ext]
total += num*cls._interval_conv_dict[ext]
interval_string = interval_string[match.end(0):]
return total
def gettzd(cls):
"""Return w3's timezone identification string.
......@@ -126,4 +142,39 @@ class Time:
elif time1 == time2: return 0
else: return 1
def genstrtotime(cls, timestr, curtime = None):
"""Convert a generic time string to a time in seconds"""
if curtime is None: curtime = cls.curtime
if timestr == "now": return curtime
def error():
raise TimeException("""Bad time string "%s"
The acceptible time strings are intervals (like "3D64s"), w3-datetime
strings, like "2002-04-26T04:22:01-07:00" (strings like
"2002-04-26T04:22:01" are also acceptable - rdiff-backup will use the
current time zone), or ordinary dates like 2/4/1997 or 2001-04-23
(various combinations are acceptable, but the month always precedes
the day).
""" % timestr)
# Test for w3-datetime format, possibly missing tzd
t = cls.stringtotime(timestr) or cls.stringtotime(timestr+cls.gettzd())
if t: return t
try: # test for an interval, like "2 days ago"
return curtime - cls.intstringtoseconds(timestr)
except TimeException: pass
# Now check for dates like 2001/3/23
match = or \
if not match: error()
timestr = "%s-%02d-%02dT00:00:00%s" % \
('year'), int('month')),
int('day')), cls.gettzd())
t = cls.stringtotime(timestr)
if t: return t
else: error()
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